Predicate and objective syntaxeme in the semantic and syntactic structure of a sentence in modern Greek

Exploring the relationship between morphological and syntactic categories of verbs. Disclosure of the functional characteristics of the predicate and objective syntax in the semantic-syntactic structure of the sentence, which determines the structure.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 17.02.2022
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- active doer - subject of the transitive verb and object of the verbal action of the intransitive verb, thematic groups: change of location (yupvaa, Kukaa, aipifia, avefiaiva, Kaieftaiva'), change of state (akkaZa, avoiya, aSeiaZa, ftoukiaZa, fipapiZa, ykuKaiva, dpoaiZa, Kkeiva, kuyfZa, paom, kimva, naymva, payiZa, levimva), change of color (aanpiZa, paupiZa, KiipiviZa);

- active doer - subject of the transitive verb and object of state of the intransitive verb, thematic group: mental state (aypeieva, apoiaZa, ayavaKiat, OiaaKeOaZa, dup&va, pau/aZa, ipopaZa, aKuOponiaZo);

- causative verbs with object-non-being of the intransitive verb (OpeiaZa, fiuZaiva, e<)aKm).

2) verbs with dual functioning (pppara ps Srnlp Isnonpyia). These verbs are used both in transitive and intransitive meaning: О riavvpp qovaKaae io pnakovi. О riavvpp yovcKaae Kai ZavaqovaKaae (AraippparKo, 1998: 37, 40-41). Verbs of this group are used in a metaphorical sense in one of two cases.

There is an opinion that the change of valence and diathesis is a stylistic means, i.e. a pun.

A functional analysis of 493 verbs with the variable valence, selected by continuous sampling from the dictionaries of the Modern Greek language allows dividing them into the following groups: VVV in the active voice: VVV in the active voice with mainly transitive functioning, VVV in the active voice with mainly intransitive or implicitly transitive functioning; VVV in the passive voice; VVV in the active and passive voice: VVV in the active and passive voices with the variable valence in the active voice with mainly transitive functioning, VVV in the active and passive voices with the variable valence in the active voice with mainly intransitive functioning.

Word-formation transformative of VVVs is represented by the adjective-based and noun-derived verbs. Adjective-based verbs allow for varying substitution of the right-sided position with an actant expressed by a being or an actant expressed by a non-being: Tn navpios о їріос. Mabpioav tov tot/o тру поТикатоікіа^ ypayovraq ovvdppaTa / Каті pavpi&i пера ото дроро (Kpiapag, 1995: 844). In the Modern Greek language, there is a morphologized and semantic stage of transformations: the adjective becomes a verb, which in certain context selectively acquires either the semantics of state, or the semantics of action. Changing the correlation of semantic and syntactic actants is accompanied by a “systemic shift” [Apresjan, 2006: 17] in the meaning of the lexeme and is fixed lexicographically.


The research materials have shown that during the generation of speech as one of the types of cognitive activity, the specific data of the speaker's experience (notions of things, objects, people, etc.) affect the pre-speech stages of division of the initial plan, categorization, propositioning and construction of a superficial structure with stable valence models (Bergelson, 1981). The verb encodes “procedural knowledge about the world and ways of being, and interactions of objects in time and space” (Kubrjakova, 1997: 249), correlates a certain form of the speech sign with the existing structure of consciousness at the stages of “internal cognitive and psychological planning” (Selivanova, 2000: 42).

Valence of the verb plays an important role in the formal semantic organization of phrases and sentences. Nature of the verb determines the structure of a sentence, semantic and syntactic specifics of nouns that will accompany the verb and their relationship (Chejf, 1975: 115), so the verbal nomination is a complex ratio of one, who calls, to a subject, object of an action, process, and state. Interrelations of primary and secondary functions of case forms, modifications of subject-object framework of the sentence are connected with specialization of the verb as predicate and pertain to the proposition-oriented predicateverbal categories.

The objective syntaxeme implements the valence predetermined by the semantics of the predicate at the semantic and syntactic and formal grammatical levels of the sentence. Modification of subject-object relations determined through the change of valence of the verb causes significant changes of the structure of the sentence and is manifested through the verb's ability to form transitive/intransitive reflexive forms, etc., which present the appropriate type of a syntactic model of the verb and act as components of the semantic structure of the verb.


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