Применение чек-листов в рамках аналитического подхода к обучению в вузах МВД России для освоения речевых моделей и номинаций-профессионализмов в профессиональной речи

Проблема внедрения такого проверочного вида работы как чек-листы в рамках применения аналитического подхода к обучению в вузах МВД России. Этапы наиболее эффективного усвоения в учебно-профессиональной речи будущих сотрудников правоохранительных органов.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык русский
Дата добавления 24.03.2022
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Применение чек-листов в рамках аналитического подхода к обучению в вузах МВД России для освоения речевых моделей и номинаций-профессионализмов в профессиональной речи

Лаврова О.В., кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков Уральского юридического института МВД России, Россия, Екатеринбург,


Статья посвящена проблеме внедрения такого проверочного вида работы как чек-листы в рамках применения аналитического подхода к обучению в вузах МВД России. Исследование нацелено на установление этапов работы с речевыми моделями для их наиболее эффективного усвоения в учебно-профессиональной речи будующих сотрудников правоохранительных органов. Определение роли чек-листов для усвоения речевых моделей и номинаций-профессионализмов позволит обучающимся овладеть речевыми моделями, применяя аналитический подход к языку.

Ключевые слова: Чек-листы, речевые модели, аналитический подход, вузы МВД России, номинация.



Lavrova O.V., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, Ural Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Russia, Yekaterinburg

The article is devoted to the problem of introducing such a type of verification work as checklists within the framework of applying an analytical approach to the training in universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The research is aimed at establishing the stages of working with speech patterns for their most effective assimilation in the educational and professional speech of the future law enforcement officers. Defining the role of checklists for mastering speech patterns and nominations-professionalisms is to allow cadets to master the speech patterns as such by applying an analytical approach to the language studied.

Keywords: Checklists, speech models, analytical approach, universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, nomination.

The requirements for the training of specialists of the institutes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the moment are as follows: it is necessary to be able to work with a large amount of information, including in a foreign language, perform analytical activity, be able to highlight the most essential matters, draw parallels, implement the information found in professional activities, clearly formulate thoughts, competently work with texts of a professional nature.

Therefore, self-examination is required as a type of control over the work of students, which could then be evaluated by a teacher in the discipline “foreign language”. One of the types of such can be checklists that allow, within the framework of an analytical approach to more effective language studying at the institutes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, to establish the degree of proficiency in a particular language/speech phenomenon. It should be noted that checklists in the same discipline in civilian universities sometimes find their application, but, basically, working with them covers knowledge of lexemes. In the educational institutions of law enforcement agencies, checklists are almost not used. However, in this aspect, they could be helpful for mastering speech patterns of utterance containing nominations-professionalisms, i.e. the most significant lexical and grammatical structures.

The problem of the analytical approach was dealt with in the aspect of the use of lexical nominations (Richard, Rogers, S. V. Bogolepova [Richards, Rogers 2012, 132], M. Lewis [Lewis 1993; Lewis 1997]), of speech patterns (R. Bolito et al. [Bolitho, Carter 2003, 251], T. Wright and R. Bolito [Wright, Bolitho 1993], Rob Ellis [Ellis 2000], L.V. Shcherba, P.Ya. Galperin, A.N. Leontiev, V.V. Davydov, D.B. Elkonin), of textual and grammatical features of “micro- and macro-context” (Jane and Dave Willis [Willis, Willis 2007, 4], G. Langenscheidt, S. Toussaint, M. Berlitz, M. Walter, P. Passy, G. Sweet, O. Jespersen, V. Humboldt, G. Ollendorf), of personality and activities (L.S. Vygotsky).

Despite the large number of theoretical developments, according to L. S. Vygotsky, the analytical approach itself is not yet clearly formulated in the methodology of language teaching, although it is required to monitor the work of students in the format of independent training at institutes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, since it allows you to memorize and reproduce the basic principles of text generation in a foreign language for a future law enforcement officer.

According to S. V. Bogolepova, R. Bolaito, D.B. Elkonin, J. and D. Willis, etc., we consider the process of working with text-based speech patterns and their nominative components to be an analytical approach when checking the results of work with text-based speech patterns and their nominative components, aimed at its detailed study, from the position of speech samples in their structural function, containing key professional concepts, represented nominatively.

It's necessary to define the concept of checklists, which were most often considered from the point of view of the level approach following N.D. Galskova [1], E.I. Passov [2], E.N. Solovova [3], A.L. Diment [4]. The checklist can be considered as a methodological development aimed at a detailed check of the learned topics within the framework of a generalizing text work aimed at mastering certain speech structures typed for some thematic contexts containing professionally determined vocabulary on the subject of “foreign language” for students of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Speech patterns, which should be checked at the end of each topic on the subject of foreign language for the future law enforcement officers, were studied in the aspect of speech and text creation by M.V. Chekanova [5, pp. 77-82], L.S. Vygotsky, I. Zhinkin, A.A. Leontyev, L.A. Chistovich, I. Shlizenger. In the aspect of the grammatical component, the works of U.S. Kalandarov, R.A. Egamov, N.D. Arutyunova can be named as some of the significant ones [6, pp. 651-653]. Z.Ya. Yartseva, I.R. Galperin, I.V. Tubalova, V.G. Gak, T.G. Vinokur, M.V. Kitaygorodskaya worked with professional lexical and nominative features of speech patterns.

Following U.S. Kalandarov, R.A. Egamov [7, pp. 651-653], V.G. Gak, Z.Ya. Yartseva, N.D. Arutyunova [8], M.V. Chekanova [9, pp. 77-82], E.N. Basovskaya [10, pp.196-203], I.D. Zaitseva [11, pp. 36-40], V. Gladrov, E.G. Kotorova [12, pp. 27-40], we believe that speech patterns can be defined as stable coherent linguistic reference-nominative structures that are a static or relatively static way of presenting certain professional information, included in certain structural elements of the utterance. I.D. Zaitseva [13, p. 36-40] notes that speech patterns have a communicative-prescriptive and/or regulatory task and are often cliched and structural-and-logical elements of utterance. Speech patterns in the educational legal/police text are unambiguous, create conceptual and semantic blocks, i.e. concepts.

Let's define the text levels at which speech patterns can be observed. Speech models can be observed at the lexical level (relatively stable expressions and phrases connected with the specialty, allowing to reflect the meaning of a concept or to characterize it), at the grammatical level (grammatical constructions that contribute to the presentation of objects of speech on professional topics), at the reference level (communicative clichйs and stable expressions that create the necessary structure of the utterance) at the logical-and-semantic level (communicative clichйs and stable expressions that give coherence and logic to the utterance), communicative level (communicative clichйs as the basis of a statement).

Based on the research of I. Zhinkin, M. Halle, A.A. Leontiev, G.Yu. Kozlovskaya, L.S. Tsvetkova, we distinguish logical speech patterns, i.e. speech patterns that are conditioned by the thinking of a specialist in a certain field and the corresponding construction of a phrase. Grammatical-and-lexical speech patterns were considered by U.S. Kalandarov, R.A. Egamov as well-established grammatical constructions which characterize a certain type of contexts containing contextually conditioned nominations of the professional sphere. Clichй speech patterns should be considered according to I.V. Tubalova, T.G. Vinokur, M.V. Kitaygorodskaya as speech patterns that have a proper communicative nature and are aimed at expressing one's own opinion in a certain area of human knowledge [14].

Pursuant pursuance to the opinion of E.S. Kubryakova, Z.Ya. Turaeva, M.N. Kozhina, the nomination-professionalism is believed to be a system of names of non-textual referents of legal/police reality, projected on a textual basis and connected within the framework of a thematically determined text/discourse by reference links, correlated both with each other and with the referent itself [15, pp. 180-188].

Based on the research of O. Jespersen, L.V. Shcherba, P.Ya. Galperin, A.N. Leontyev, V.V. Davydov, D.B. Elkonin, J. and D. Willis, we highlight the stages of working with checklists within the analytical approach in order to effectively assimilate nominatively given speech models of a professional nature: 1) setting tasks and initial work with the structure of the topic under study / primary text / topic work; 2) introduction of a training system before performing independent work; 3) structuring the work plan/system with an indication of its components and composing one's own secondary text of the statement based on the primary text learned. Now let's pass over to the description of the above-mentioned stages in the practical aspect of their manifestation.

Table “Stages of analytical work with checklists for mastering speech patterns containing nominations-professionalisms”

Stage of analytical


Speech pattern




Comments in the


Setting tasks and

initial work with

the structure of the

topic under study /

primary text /

topic work


Typed thematic

vocabulary of a

professional nature

and its perception

within the context

of working with

the primary text

Identification and

assimilation the

logical structure of

a legal text from

the perspective of


mentality, speech

and language

levels required

Introduction of a

training system

before performing

independent work



Typed relatively

stable grammatical

constructions with



Learning typed

constructions, to

work them out, to

for understanding

different ways to

structure the text,

for working with

its content should

be made

Structuring the


Stable expressions

Learning to build

work plan/system

for forming a

of one's secondary

with an indication

conclusion with

utterance based on

of its components

the representation

structuring the text

and composing

of one's own

as a primary

one's own

secondary text of

the statement

based on the

primary text



utterance is


чек лист обучение речевой

Clarifying the role of checklists within the educational process, let's note that they allow to create a system of comprehensive level verification of knowledge on the studied specialty text in the institutes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia based on the use of established or relatively static typed speech samples corresponding to the main levels of the language and containing nominations- professionalisms, which allows cadets to assimilate the most quickly and effectively professional vocabulary in a foreign language without taking it away from the context, compare, and also type similar contexts by means of using speech patterns, to memorize according to the sample and be able to transform the learned samples depending on the speech situation, to be able to control, within the framework of independent work, depending on the language level of complexity in the application of speech patterns and find the causes of errors by understanding the type of speech patterns and (semantic-and-morphological) features of the of the nomination constructions included in them.

To sum up, working with checklists in the framework of educational activities on the subject “foreign language” in the institutes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is necessary because it ensures effective assimilation of language material by the cadets.


1. Galskova, N.D. Modem methods of teaching foreign languages / N.D. Galskova. - M. : Arkti-Glossa, 2000. - 165 p.

2. Passov, E.I. Foreign language lesson in secondary school / E.I. Passov. - M. : Prosvescheniye, 1988. - 223 p.

3. Dement, A. L. Creative exercises when working on oral speech / A.L. Dement, M.V. Stolpnikova // Foreign language at school. - 2013. - No. 8. - PP. 91-92.

4. Solovova, E.N. Methodology of teaching foreign languages: basic course of lectures. / E.N. Solovova. - M. : Prosvescheniye, 2002. - PP. 164-186.

5. Chekanova, M.V. Models of speech utterance. // Problems of modern education. No. 6. Yekaterinburg: UGPU, 2017 - PP. 77-82.

6. Kalandarov, U.S. Egamov, R.A. Work with speech models at the lessons of Russian as a foreign language // Young scientist: international scientific journal, No. 3 (137). Part VII. 2017. P. 651-653.

7. Kalandarov, U.S. Egamov, R.A. Work with speech models at the lessons of Russian as a foreign language // Young scientist: international scientific journal, No. 3 (137). Part VII. 2017. P. 651-653.

8. Arutyunova, N.D. Discourse. - Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary. M., 1990.

9. Chekanova, M.V. Models of speech utterance. // Problems of modern education. No. 6. Yekaterinburg: UGPU, 2017 - PP. 77-82.

10. Basovskaya, E.N. The factor of the addressee of the media text and the speech tactics of creating the image of the reader. // Speech patterns and strategies of media discourse: Sign: a problematic field of media education. - 2020. - № 4 (38). - Moscow. - PP. 196-203.

11. Zaitseva, I.D. Discursive features of texts of legal documents (general characteristics) // Jurislinguistics, 2010. - PP. 36-40.

12. Gladrov, V., Kotorova, E.G. Contrastive study of speech behavior models // Genres of speech: International scientific journal. No. 2 (12). Saratov State University. 2015. PP. 27-40.

13. Zaitseva, I.D. Discursive features of texts of legal documents (general characteristics) // Jurislinguistics, 2010. - PP. 36-40.

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15. Lavrova, O.V. Reference-nominative representation of the image of a representative of law enforcement agencies within a literary text in a discursive aspect. // Bulletin of the Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. No. 2 (92). Ufa, 2021. - PP. 180-188.

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