The Sabellic accusative plural endingsand the outcome of the Indo-European sibilants in Italic

Phonetics and phonology of sibilant clusters in Italian languages. Structure and meaning of a number of Sabellic words and sentences, with emphasis on Oscan and Marrucin. Appendix with the interpretation of the inscription "Opic" by Niumsis Tanunis.

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As regards the outcome of Sabellic *-nVs# and *-rVs# after final vowel syncope, the first sequence yields Oscan and Umbrian -ns, also in the secondary 3rd pl. ending (in all likelihood remodeled after the1stpl. ending*-mes >-ms),and the second-Vr(nom. pl.-erin O.*neer,

U. frater). Venetic -rVs undergoes syncope at least in trisyllabic forms, as in *teuteros>te.u.te.r.s. (Padua, cf. Prosper 2018c) Interestingly, the Etruscan divine name Fufluns, in all likelihood an inherited adjective in *-ono- of Sabellic origin (cf. Meiser 1986: 215) is occasionally attested as Fuflunz, reflecting a pronunciation [nts]..

f) This change a fortiori never affected IE *-Vn.s-, nor *-Vr.s-. The often repeated assumption that IE *-Vn.sV- becomes Proto-Sabellic *-VntsV- has no basis, and for all we know it may have passed to -VsV- early on. As we have just seen, *-Vr.s- is preserved in Umbrian (possibly with voicing of the sibilant, which at any rate never underwent rhotacism), but yielded -Vr- in Oscan and -Vrr- in Latin. Again, this places our major dialects at three different stages of the evolution *-VrsV- (Umbrian) >*-VrzV->*-VrhV-> *-VrrV- (Latin) > *-VrV- (Oscan), which may have started independently or may have spread as an areal feature.

Observations on the Pre-Samnite vase of Niumsis Tanunis

The recently uncovered «Opic» or «Pre-Samnite» vase of Niumsis Tanunis dates from the end of the 5th or beginnings of the 4th C. BC, hails from somewhere in Campania and is conducted in the Oscan national alphabet (see Agostiniani et al. 2012). Face A reads: Niumsies Tanunies est (`(it) belongs to Niumsis Tanunis'). Face B reads: ?paplamtensatriiam fufuhud niumsis tanunis eises ulsu dunum dedum (conducted in scriptio continua).

Martzloff (2017) has recently offered several alternative analyses of <paplamtensatriiam>at the beginning of face B (in fact the only sequence of controversial segmentation). He pays heed to the possibility, suggested by the editors, that the right division is <paplam tens atriiam>, meaning `close to papla atria' or `for papla atria'. In turn, `papla atria' is to be explained either as the recipient of the vase `for Papla Atria' (in which tens goes back to a preposition *tenos, cf. L. tenus) or as the vase itself (papla) that is a present for a woman called Atria Triantafillis (2014) has contributed a new interpretation of paplam as `teat-shaped vase', which is retained as correct in the following lines. Her own translation `has poured a substance (atria) into the papla', however, has no parallels and her analysis of fufuhud as a perfect form of the root *gheu- (with f- for h-) is unwarranted, as observed by Martzloff..

Martzloff alternatively reckons with a more convincing segmentation <paplam tensatriiam>. This provides a DO for the following Vfufuhud SNiumsis Tanunis `Niumsis Tanunis has made', which has been topicalised and attracted to the beginning of the sentence. Martzloff offers no compelling account of the word formation. In my view, however, it paves the way for a connection with U. tenzitim/TESEDI (acc. sg., Um 1 Ib 6; VIb 46), a hitherto uninterpreted form designating something one has to bring out at some moment of the ritual, and, in view of the voiced segment <D>, perhaps going back to *tenes-nt-iio- or *tenes-e-nt-iio-. If these forms are related at all and designate something in the sphere of pots or vessels, they must contain a stem *ten-Vs-.

The first cognate that comes to mind is L. tenor `course', tenus `snare' and compounds like Gk. Siaxevqg `stretching itself', which ultimately continue an -es-stem derivative of the root *ten- `stretch'. If we start from a denominative stem *tenesa-, the «Opic» form can reflect an adjective *tenesa-tr-iio-, derived from an instrument noun in -a-tro- (cf. the similar derivational history oforaculum). The meaning is not clear, but `preserver' or simply `container, tray' (L. tenere, con-tinere, U. tenitu `let him hold' belong to the same root) are conceivable. It could also mean `portable' in view of the description given by the editors, who explain the holes in the grips as designed so that the skyphos could be held and carried by a temporarily fitted handle. Its formation is thus roughly comparable to that of L. tenaculum `holder' > `tongs'.

Neither tensatriiam nor Niumsis (in all likelihood an Oscan name) show post-syncope epenthesis, at least not in writing. From a slightly different angle, the denominative verb could be derived from the past participle of L. tendo `stretch', U. ustetu/OSTENDV (3rd p. sg. fut. impv.,

Um 1 passim) `prepare, show, exhibit?', like L. *tensare, not directly attested but preserved in most Romance dialects. L. tensa is a kind of chariot for the exhibition of the exuviae deorum, a still unclear ritual performance. Apparently, instrument nouns built to different enlarged variants of the root *ten- gained considerable productivity in Italic. While this must remain merely speculative, if we accept that paplam refers to the vase itself, it could be argued that it literally means "instrument/container of nurture”, and that it goes back to a collective form *peh.2-dhleh.2, which would have regularly given *pafla and then *papla by sporadic assimilation of labials or a scribal perseverative error. In turn, this error could be favoured by the fact that several words in this text contain the same consonant in consecutive syllables and still more understandable if the scribe was actually copying from a written model. This form could then be ultimately identical to L. pabulum`sustenance'.

The interpretation of the verb form and the various syntactic possibilities compatible with it are problematic, too. In view of their superficial resemblance, fufuhud has been taken to be identical to fufuFoS (Tortora), with <h> marking the hiatus, a device attested in Oscan, and to mean `has/have been' (Agostiniani et al. 2012: 138). This idea looks formally attractive but is at odds with a number of facts. Firstly, it is not certain that /h/ was no longer realised at that time, and that the letter used for the aspiration could now be put to service in this way or to mark vowel length, as in the rest of Sabellic. Secondly, this is not exactly like other hiatuses: it must have contained a transitional [u] that would probably be represented in a different manner, as in Tortora If Willi (2010) is right and Italic inherited a perfect *bhu-bhu-e(-i)>*fufiuei, which somewhere down the line became opaque and was dialectally recharacterised by a new reduplication, the underlying approximant would hardly be expected to be spelt <h>. On the other hand, SP. suhuh<*souod (TE 1, S. Omero) does not qualify as a counterexample. According to Weiss (2002: 356-357), [u] was lost in this context and <h> notes the subsequent rais-ing of the first /o/.. Thirdly, the preceding accusative paplam tensatriiam requires a transitive verb. Finally, if we interpreted tens as a preposition, as Agostiniani et al. (2012) have done, we would hardly expect it to govern an accusative of direction with the verb `to be'. Martzloff (2017: 140) tentatively reconstructs *dhe-dhoigh- `has fashioned, modeled'. A sound change /oi/ > /u:/ would be underpinned by South-Picene persukant, if from *soik- (as per Meiser 1986: 88). Note, however, that this attractive etymology is exclusively based on Umbrian forms of the same root: the 3rd pers. pl. fut. perf. prusikurent `confirm, declare', traced back to *seik-, and, crucially, the fut. impv. sukatu, which Meiser traces back to a denominative verb *soika (in turn the only instance of the alleged sound change /oi/ > /u:/ in Umbrian). All these forms, however, are generally traced back to *seku- `say' (LIV:526). Cf. WOU: 712, Weiss (2010: 187, fn. 164). The change /oi/ > /u:/ is borne out by a single form but is proposed for two languages, whose testimonies underpin each other. Consequently, the hypothesis, however seductive at first sight, incurs circularity and remains unproven. There is, in addition, a minor problem of pragmatic redundancy: it is somewhat outlandish that Face A states that the object belongs to Niumsis Tanunis (Niumsies Tanunies est) and Face B that he is the artisan who has actually created it.

The possible objections against the assumed shift and the reconstruction of two different Sabellic preterites may be bypassed by the alternative postulation of a perfect *dhe-dhugh- `has produced, made ready' (LIV: 148-149 *dheugh- `treffen'), directly comparable to Gk. xexeux« `have produced', and possibly Mycenaean n. pl. te-tu-ko-wo-a `prepared, set up', xexeux^g `wrought', which can be taken to mean that this perfect was originally stative. Crucially, this verb would have merged in Italic in a number of forms with the outcome of *bheug-, as in L. fungor, which may have favoured its eventual disappearance. Under these premises, the reduplication vowel /u/ is straightforwardly accounted for, as in Vedic dudoha `has milked'. In addition, this sets the stage for an alternative syntactic analysis: tensatriiam could be not the de- terminans of paplam, but a predicative complement. A very tentative translation would then run: `Niumsis Tanunis has made the papla as / to serve as, play the role of [--]'90.

Additionally, we have an interesting sequence eises ulsu in the same text, immediately following fufuhud Niumsis Tanunis. In line with former interpretations, I translate `eius iussu', `by his will', vel sim. The first form is in all likelihood the gen. sg. masc. of an anaphoric pronoun, and the second is an ablative or instrumental singular and has been given a number of etymological interpretations without foothold in Italic itself (see Martzloff 2017, with references). As observed by Agostiniani et al. (2012: 136), the actual form may actually have been ulsud, with the habitual omission of the final consonant when the next word begins by the same one.

I trace ulsu(d) to a thematic derivative 90 Under a still more daring assumption, which is little more than a guess, one could ascribe to the rootdheugh- an ancient meaning `to milk' which is hitherto only known from Indo-Arian. Since paplam has been associ-ated to L. papilla and taken to mean `breast vase', which must be a metaphorical designation in view of the shape

of the vase (see Triantafillis 2014; Martzloff 2017) this could be a cheerful way of celebrating Niumsis' main hobby:

`has milked the breast ...' would simply be a humorous allusion to drinking wine.

91 This form has been traced back to *ulti- by Lejeune himself (cf. LV: 341).

92 Cf. the Italic personal names VOLSO, VOLSONI attested in Dalmatia and Venetia et Histria; VOLSA in Samnium and Picenum, VOLSARIA in Venetia et Histria, and, for the latter coalescence, BANSAE for +BANTIAE (Lu 1, 100 BC). Bear in mind that LECIONIBVS MARTSES (CIL I: 5, Luco dei Marsi, from *martiio-) is already attested in the 4th C. BC.

93 The root-final laryngeal was in my view lost in this position early in Italic, as shown by all the extant cog-nates of this root (cf. Prosper 2017).

94 Needless to say, this sets the stage for the possibility of tracing tensatriiam to *ten-ti-a-tro-, with palatalisa-tion of the cluster *-ti-. Cf. Skr. tanti-, tantu- `thread', Gk. xacig `lengthening', OIr. tet, and, of course, the base of Latin compounds like con-tentio.u}Hti-d(d) of the action noun *u}Hti- `power; will'. Its base is thus equatable to OIr. flaith `sovereignty' and the first member of the Venetic personal names vo.l.tigno.s., voltigenei (LV: 63, 56, Este). Interestingly, Euganean Venetic is characterised by a similar formula closing a number of inscription: o.p. vo.l.tiio leno `by free/sovereign will/power' (LV: 12A, Este, translated in 12B as [d]o[nom] dedit libens merito). Thus, ulsu(d) and vo.l.tiio91 are identical forms that occurred exactly in the same context: ulsu(d) is immediately followed by the formula dunum dedum `I gave as a gift', which closes the text. Palatalisation, subsequent affrication and perhaps eventual fricativisation of -ti- were probably only possible at such an early date for a Proto-Italic sequence *-tiV-, not *-tiiV-, and the actual phonetic realisation may have been closer to [ts]92. We would consequently expect +uolsu. The spelling ul- can be due to assimilation *uu- > *uu- and ensuing reduction or simply graphic omission of /u/93. Either ulsu(d) was substantivised or the expression was reproduced in abbreviated form, but at any rate eises ulsu(d) looks like a very old formula94. The destinatary of the vase might have been a person, a divinity or a group of them, which would have been left unmentioned; face B could mean something like `the vase ?... made Niumsis Tanunis; in fulfilment of his will, I gave it as a gift'. The subject of the enunciation and of the sentence `I gave' is the person who, ex hypothesi, fulfilled the vow of the deceased Niumsis Tanunis or placed it in his tomb to ensure him a safe journey to the underworld.


phonetics phonology italian oscan marrucin

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