Typology of denotative and connotative synonyms of Spanish and Russian verbs

Characteristics of the grammatical synonymy of verb-temporal forms in Spanish and Russian. Revealing the typology of convergence and divergence of denotative and connotative semantics of Spanish and Russian verbs in intramodal and intermodal meanings.

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Типология денотативных и коннотативных синонимов испанского и русского глаголов

B.В. Райтаровский


В статье исследуется грамматическая синонимия глагольно-временных форм в испанском и русском языках. На основе сравнительно-сопоставительного анализа их функционирования в синтагматике устанавливается степень синонимических отношений между ними на денотативном и коннотативном уровнях. Автор выявляет типологию сближения и расхождения денотативных и коннотативных семантик испанского и русского глаголов в интрамодальных и интермодальных значениях в зависимости от лексико-грамматического контекста.

Ключевые слова: денотативный глагольный синоним, коннотативный глагольный синоним, лексический глагольный синоним, грамматический глагольный синоним, глагольные интрамодальные и интермодальные синонимы



V. V. Raytarovskiy

Moscow International University

The present article examines the grammatical synonymy of verb-time forms in Spanish and Russian based on the сomparative analysis of their functioning in syntagmatics, and determines the degree of their synonymic relations in denotative and connotative level. The author reveals the typology of convergence of denotative and connotative semantics of temporal verbal structures in intramodal and intermodal meanings depending on the lexical-grammatical context.

Key words: denotative verb synonym, connotative verb synonym, lexical verb synonym, grammatical verb synonym, verbal intramodal and intermodal synonyms



V.V. Raytarovskiy

Universidad Internacional de Moscu

En el articulo se estudia la sinonimia gramatical de las formas temporales del verbo en espanol y ruso. Sobre la base del analisis comparativo-contrastivo de su funcionamiento en la sintagmatica se determina el grado de su relacion sinonimica a nivel denotativo y connotativo. El autor establece la tipologia de la convergencia y divergencia de las semanticas denotativas y connotativas de los verbos espanol y ruso en los significados intramodal e intermodal en dependencia del contexto lexico- gramatical.

Palabras clave: sinonimo verbal denotativo, sinonimo verbal connotativo, sinonimo verbal lexico, sinonimo verbal gramatical, sinonimos verbales intramodales e intermodales


The exhaustive study is based on the author of the article of the synonyms of the grammatical forms of Spanish verbose and Russian verbose, which demonstrates its existence and function in Spanish and Russian languages. Spanish as well as in Russian, verbal semantics, denotative (in proper sense), connotative (in secondary sense), intramodal (between forms of grammatical fashion) and intermodal (between forms of different grammatical modes), destaca for a notable riqueza. The relations of verbal synonyms in ambassadors are symmetrically and asymmetrically typed, which is explicit, by part, by the historical approximation of structural flexibility of Spanish verbal and verbal russian y, by other, by semantic divergence configured in the process of evolution of the Russian synthetic language and the Spanish analytical language.

1. Verbal polyfunctionality

We have compared the category of "verbal time", in Spanish and in Russian, we have reached the conclusion that this is characterized by the polyfunctionality of semantic objective and anthropomorphic (psychological). Ademas de ser una forma de existencia de la materia, el tiempo verbal, independientemente de la lingua, rusa o espanola, es inseparable del espacio y esta en un un continuo movimiento, es parte inalienable del pensamiento, interviene como una de sus formas, y, lato sensu, como una forma de la creacion historico-cultural, la cual se refleja de manera inminente en la formation de los campos semanticos verbales. At the same time, the chronological uniformity of the subject, such as the subjective, the informal irregularidad [Пиотровский, 2004].

The results of cognitive, epistemological and axiological analysis, of the grammatical meanings of verbal time in Spanish and Russian, evidenced by the polyfunctionality of which is the cause of the distinct linguistic modes (strict verbal sense) of expressing time in nature in society, in culture, in the perception of the subject of the individual, as a reflection of concience, artistic transformation, scientific conception, etc. There are disintegrations in denotative and connotative meanings, and these are the precedents of the realization of objective reality and their posterior copy through concience. Acto seguido, el cerebro humano refleja objetivamente el tiempo, esto es, lo denota, o subjetivamente dicho, lo connota, tanto en ruso como en espanol.

Intellectual philosophy of the values of the word

In the mark of connotation, in the language of ambassadors, in the form of the verbal temporal verb, respaldada por medios adicionales linguisticos o extralinguisticos, puede ekspresar la velocidad, rapida o lenta, de la action vivida por el individuo. In the Spanish language modern function is a considerable variety of the temporal forms of verbose that are in relation to the distinct metropolitan properties and topologies of space. Al igual que el continuum espacial, el temporal, desde el punto de vista linguistico, implica una logaritmicidad, matematicamente precisa, la cual depende de las coordenadas espaciales o temporales, siendo, a nivel ontologico, un rasgo princip rasklinu eksquivasmente del functioning say, cognitive function. In the language of the language, there are also semantic properties of verbal works such as convertibility, transposibility, exponentiality, isomorphism and synergy that generate the peculiarities of verbal synonymous relations. The temporal forms of Spanish verb and Russian verb are characterized by a semantic mark, a denotative and connotative. Independently of the denomination of the semantic meaning of verb (aesthetic, pragmatic), of the point of view of the function of the temporal forms, its denotative functions function synergetically in the chronological planes of intramodal level, correlated with information. A su vez, los significados connotativos del verbo y sus relaciones synonymicas (como “Presente pro Futuro”: Manana te espero en el parque, “Presente pro Pasado Simple: Colon descubre el Nuevo Mundo en 1492” “Pasado Simple pro Pluscuamperfecto”: Cuando vine a casa mis padres se fueron ya, “Futuro pro Imperativo”: jVas a casa enseguida !, etc. en espanol y “Presente pro pasado imperfectivo”: Иду я вчера по улице и вижу .., “Pasado perfectivo pro futuro perfectivo” : So, tomorrow I bought a new car, and then what ?, etc. in Russian) between the number of linguistic media that constitute the sum of the emotional function of the language. All of these values are found in the space of the estilistica or pragmatic, they are also in the grammatical forms of verbo.

Potential synonyms of verbo in Russian and Spanish

The potential verbal synonyms in the Spanish and Russian languages constitute the result of the semantic evolution of morphosyntactic forms. The 12 isomorphic scales (logical aspect), structurally expressed in Spanish language by verbal-temporal forms (grammatical aspect) implied by the presence of potential of enharmonism (i.e. parenchymal function) the only, definitive, as a powerful mechanism. denotative or connotative in the brand of intramodal, intermodal and interlingual relations in the chronological planes. Let's find out what the interlingual level is, the structural semantics of Spanish verbal, denotative and connotative, constructed by us as a matrix can serve as a metallic language for the explanation and systematization of verbal synonyms.

The chronological planes of verbose, so analytic as synthetic, to su, are structured in Spanish and Russian languages, of the fashion that the second plano always has the reflection of the first, as in a song. By consulting, you can find succession in the llnea discretion of time that you know as a fragment of the past of the past works of the future, in the chronological example, distribute synergistically, conform to the rules of self-distribution of material ”[Piotrovsky, 2004, p. 37] en el sentido de las agujas del reloj, y desde el futuro hasta el pasado contra el sentido de las agujas del reloj; en el segundo plano chronologico todo esta al reves, como en el espejo. This reflection facilitates the understanding of the possibility of the impossibility of the formation of verbal synonymy in Russian and Spanish.

The concordance of the temporal forms of Spanish and Russian verbs is a universal, panlinguistic law, which depends on the total dependence of the logical categories (supralinguistic plan). The llamada “violation” of the norms of grammatical concordance through the native Spanish or Russian language is not a fallacy of grammatical knowledge, it is not linguistic ignorance; the treatment of other levels of relations: the metalinguistic, the anthropomorphic measure that can "infringe" the rules of grammar. Dicho de otro modo, al desviarnos de las reglas del uso normativo de las normasa de las temporales del verbo sobrepasamos la denotacion y entramos en el mundo libre de las connotaciones gracias a las cuales el lenguaje del individuo se hace tan rico en matices estilisticos, mutuamente convertibles grammatical synonyms.

El analisis integral de las potencias semanticas y estilisticas de las estructuras verbales en espanol y en ruso, a nivel intramodal e intermodal, nos ha convencido de que la sinonimia verbal, al igual que los demas fenomenos de la lengua, esta condicionada por la funcion. Hasta podemos afirmar, siguiendo al academico de la RAE, Salvador Gutierrez Ordonez (1997), que esta formada por la funcion. Sin recurrir al aspecto funcional de las categorias de la lengua, es imposible comprender su significado o su uso. Practicamente, cada una de las funciones puede tener su propio estrato, sus propias connotaciones estilisticas. Las connotaciones pueden ser tratadas a traves del prisma de las funciones de la lengua con las cuales estas se correlacionan. Se registra una simetria proporcional entre la connotacion y la funcion.

Toda funcion de la lengua puede tener caracter social; por consiguiente, puede tener su propia connotacion estilistica. Las formas estilisticas del verbo espanol estudiadas por nosotros poseen gran potencial connotativo. En la lengua rusa, la mayor parte de las connotaciones del verbo depende, en mayor grado que en la lengua espanola, del entorno contextual y de la situacion que lo crea.

Clasificacion de los tipos de la sinonimia verbal

A nuestro modo de ver, las formas morfologicas del verbo se clasifican, en el entorno contextual, no solo en sinonimos denotativos sino tambien en connotativos basados en las formulas: 1) “tiempo pro tiempo” 2) “modo pro modo”). Independientemente del tipo de connotacion, las formas aspectual-temporales, tanto del verbo espanol como del ruso, representan una asimetria semantica y estructural, la cual puede producir la llamada “violacion” de la consecutio temporum.

El repertorio de las connotaciones sinonlmicas que poseen los verbos espanol y ruso, a nivel sintagmatico, es mas amplio que el enfrentado en las gramaticas clasicas en ambas lenguas, como, por ejemplo, “Futuro Perfecto pro Preterito Perfecto”, “Presente pro Futuro”, etc., en espanol, e “Infinitivo pro presente”, ”Interjeccion pro pasado perfectivo”, etc., en ruso. El analisis cuantitativo ha permitido establecer que los tiempos perfectos en espanol y perfectivos en ruso entran en relaciones sinonlmicas a nivel interlinguistico. Se usan muy frecuentemente en las oraciones independientes, no subordinadas, a diferencia de los modos Subjuntivo y Potencial (en ruso сослагательное наклонение) que se caracterizan en su uso por una marcada dependencia sintactica.

En una serie de estilos como coloquial, informatico, cientifico, etc. se perfila una tendencia clara en ambas lenguas: correlacionar las acciones expresadas por la forma verbal con el momento absoluto del habla. Debido a ello, se da una prioridad frecuente al uso de las formas sinteticas del verbo, ampliandose de esta manera su base sinonlmica cada vez con mas frecuencia. Con ello, se observa una marcada sintetizacion del sistema verbal, en las diferentes variantes de la lengua espanola, de los paises latinoamericanos en primer lugar, gracias a la ampliacion del conjunto de semas de los tiempos gramaticales con valor absoluto (independiente).

Semejante proceso de sintetizacion habla experimentado el verbo ruso en el transcurso de su evolucion historica cuando la antigua lengua rusa analitica fue convirtiendose en la sintetica, que es su estructura actual [Соболевский, 1907, с. 53].

La transicion sinonlmica intermodal de las formas morfologicas con valor virtual expresadas por el Subjuntivo y el Potencial (en ruso подчинительное и условное наклонение) al Modo Indicativo se realiza conforme a la ley dialectica de Hegel, “negacion de la negacion”. En 104 otras palabras, la sinonimia de los significados de las formas temporales, tanto del verbo espanol como el verbo ruso, funciona en el marco de una misma matriz semantica metalogica, denotativo-connotativa intramodal e intermodal [Raytarovskiy, 2011, p. 195].

The integral analysis of the semantic potentials and stylistics of the verbal structures in Spanish and Russian, the intramodal and intermodal level, we have conventions of verbal synonymy, the same as the most phenomenal phenomena of language, this condition by function. Hava podemos afirmar, siguiendo al academico de la RAE, Salvador Gutierrez Ordonez (1997), que esta formada por la funcion. Without repeating the functional aspect of the language categories, it is impossible to understand their meaning. Practically, each of the functions can be extracted, its properties are stylistic. The connotations can be traced to the trams of the prism of the functions of the tongue with the cules that are correlated. Register a symmetry proportional between connotation and function.

But the language function can have a social character; for advice, you can have your own aesthetic connotation. Hispanic forms of Spanish verbose studies by nosotros have great connotative potential. In the Russian language, the mayor parte de las connotaciones del verbo depende, en mayor grado que en la langua espanola, del entorno contextual y de la situacion que lo crea.

Classification of the types of verbal synonyms

In our mode of verb, the morphological forms of verb are classified, in the contextual context, but only in synonymous denotatives, also in conjunctive connotations based on the following formulas: 1) “time for time” 2) “time for time”). Independently of the type of connotation, the aspectual-temporal forms, so much of the Spanish verb as the Russian, representing a semantic and structural asymmetry, the best can produce the llamada “violation” of the temporal consecration.

The repertoire of the synonymous connotations that are found in Spanish and Russian verbs, and syntagmatic level, is the most important, which is found in the classics of classics and ambassadors, as, for example, "Futuro Perfecto pro Preterito Perfecto", "Presente" , etc., in Spanish, and “Infinitive for the present”, “Interjection for the perfect past”, etc., in Russian. The quantitative analysis has allowed to establish that the perfect times in Spanish and perfect in Russian between synonymous relations and interlinguistic level. It is often used in independent languages, not subordinates, and the difference between the modes of Subjunctive and Potential (in Russian consonantal inflection), which is characterized by its use of a syntactic dependency mark.

In a series of styles such as computer, computer, science, etc. take a clear tendency in ambassadorial language: correlate the expressions expressed by the verbal form with the absolute moment of speech. Debido a ello, se da una prioridad frecuente al uso de las format sinteticas del verbo, ampliandose de esta manera su base sinonlmica cada vez con mas frecuencia. With it, there is a margin of synthesis of the verbal system, in the variants of the Spanish language, of the Latin American countries and the example of the place, thanks to the impact of the sum of grammatical terms with absolute value (independent).

Semejante process de sintetizacion habla experimentado el verbo ruso en el transcurso de su evolucion historica cuando la antigua lengua rusa analitica fue convirtiendose en la sintetica, ques es su estruktura actual [Sobolevskii, 1907, s. 53].

The intermodal intermodal transition of morphological forms with the value of virtual expressions by the Subjunctive and the Potential (in Russian subordinate and conditional inclination) to the Modo Indicative is realized in accordance with the Hegelian dialect, “negation of negation”. En 104

otras palabras, la sinonimia de los significados de las formas temporales, tanto del verbo espanol como el verbo ruso, funciona en el marco de una misma matriz semantica metalogica, denotativo-connotativa intramodal e intermodal [Raytarovskiy, 2011, p. 195].

Denotative and connotative meanings of the Spanish and Russian verb

After having studied the denotative and connotative semantics of the Spanish verb, we set out to carry out a comparative-contrastive analysis of it with that of the Russian verb. We have established that the denotation of Spanish verbal forms is based on the morphological structures of this or that verbal form called to morphologically denote the structural categories and the main meanings. If the Spanish verb is used in the present indicative, in its proper sense, we deduce that it has the denotative meaning. The same thing happens in the Russian language: if the verb is used in its proper sense, then it works as a denotative form. Both Russian and Spanish verb forms function and behave in the same way in the present, future and past time perspectives. However, when these temporal forms are studied from the point of view of their synonymous relationships, we find many analogies as well as contrasts. Let's analyze the following examples:

1. Astronomers affirm that the Earth rotates (Present Indicative with “current” value) around the Sun / Астрономы утверждают, что Земля вертится (Present Indicative with “current” value) вокруг Солнца (complete analogy)

2. Astronomers claimed that the Earth revolves (“timeless present”) around the Sun Астрономы утверждали, что Земля вращается (“timeless present”) вокруг Солнца (complete analogy)

3. Astronomers claimed that the Earth revolved (imperfect indicative) around the Sun / Астрономы утверждали, что Земля вращается (“timeless present”) вокруг Солннца (contrast).

In example 3, given the different concordance of verb tenses in the Russian language, we can use only the “timeless present” in the subordinate clause. Otherwise, the meaning will change: "it turned" and now "it no longer turns". that of the predicate of the main clause but also the anteriority; that is, it could denote an action finished before another past action, just like the Spanish pluperfect of today. grammatical synonymy verb semantic

Following the reflections about the synonymous relations of the Spanish verb and the Russian verb, it should be noted that there are not a few synonymous analogies related to the connotation that arises thanks to the semantic convertibility of a temporal form for another of a different chronological plane, such as, for example , in Spanish, Present of Indicative pro Simple Future of Indicative. Analogously, the Russian language allows this synonymic convertibility, настоящее время вместо будущего (“present indicative pro future perfective aspect”), “present indicative pro past imperfective, or past perfective” and even “present indicative pro future in the past” . It is impossible to say in Spanish, nor in Russian, when he was going home he stopped at every step / когда пойдет домой останавливался на каждом шагу, but on the other hand it would be correct to say both in Spanish and in Russian when he was going (in imperfect) когда in past imperfective) according to the universal logical formula reflected in the verbal forms. This interlinguistic analogy is model since it is based, not so much on syntagmatic contours, as on the pressure exerted by the irreversibility of universal time.

The synonyms of the denotative and connotative meanings of the verb forms in the Spanish and Russian languages ??are going to be compared according to their semantic fields and isolated semes. The set of semes, for example, of the Spanish Indicative Present is broad since it has semes such as "present present," "present habitual denotative", "present coming connotative", "present universal denotative", "present historical connotative", " present connotative mandate". This same semantic set is also typical of the Russian verb. The terminology is not the same in Spanish and Russian, but the functions of the grammatical forms of the verb are the same: настоящее актуальное "current present", настоящее историческое " historical present”, настоящее футуральное “present to come”, настоящее универсальное “universal present”, etc. A clear analogy is observed in both verbal systems at the denotative and connotative level. a 106

logical, integral metalanguage, which governs the cognitive choice of the use of this or that verbal form within the syntagmatic context. It is more than mere grammar, it is the universal law that, regardless of the specific language, imposes its will on the speaker. However, in addition to the analogy of the use of different verbal connotations, we come up against the exclusively idiomatic factor governed by historically crystallized grammatical rules. Here is an analogy of the “future of probability” in Spanish and in Russian:

Sera (Future simple with “probability” value) student / Он уже будет (Future perfective with “probability” value) студентом On uzhe budet studentom and a contrast: “Future Perfective Indicative in Russian”:

Никак не напишу (Future perfective pro present) слово, которое сейчас ищу Nikak ne napishu slovo kotoroye seychas ischu (literally: No way will I write (Future Simple) the word I'm looking for instead of I just can't (Present Indicative) find the word word I am looking for.

This is a typical case in Russian that with the verb in the future, related to the present moment of speech and in a negative form, an “impossibility value” is expressed, exclusively at the Russian idiomatic level. In Spanish we would say in such a case:

I just can't find the key I'm looking for.

Thanks to what factors, both in Spanish and in Russian, is verbal synonymy born? Obviously, thanks to the action of the logical universal laws cognitively reflected without depending on what language it is. At the level of the logical metalanguage, an identity of expressions is observed in both Russian and Spanish:

* Было тогда, когда было / that was when it was,

* Есть тогда, когда есть / it is then when it is,

* Будет тогда, когда будет / it will be then whenever.

On the contrary, relations cannot be synonymous when the verb forms do not abide by the rules of temporal agreement (compare: it was then when it will be). We can't say he bought a new car when he has enough money. We can't do it in Russian either. It would be absolutely incorrect, that is, contrary to logic to say он купил новую машину, когда у него будет достаточно денег on kupil novuyu mashinu kogda u nego budet dostatochno deneg (literally, when I have enough money I buy a new car). When the concordance of temporal perspectives is not respected, it is impossible to convert the verb forms that we see in those phrases in Spanish and Russian. Instead, it becomes possible after due correction, that is, after reestablishing the logical sense, of the same sentence in both languages:

He was able to buy the new car when he saved enough money, he was able to buy... when he had saved, possibly he would have bought... when he saved, etc. (in Russian, same)

Thus, gradually, comparing the verbal systems in Spanish and Russian, we will not only establish the semantic analogies of the forms as well as their synonymic powers, but also explain why it is so and not otherwise.

2. Verbal connotative synonymy in Spanish and Russian

When analyzing the synonymy of verb forms, in different modes and tenses, we have seen that in both languages ??the connotative synonymy is registered both intramodal (within the grammatical Modes) and intermodal (between the grammatical Modes).

Intramodal synonymy in Spanish and Russian

Absolutely identical in both languages ??arises the intramodal synonymy between the verbal forms that belong to different Modes. Compare:

I don't think she's back (Subjunctive) / Не думаю, чтобы она вернулась (Subjunctive)

Real mode (indicative mode)

It exists both in the Spanish language and in the Russian language in the following terms:

I'm sure she is (Present Indicative) at home / Я уверен, что она находится (Present Indicative) дома

"Present Indicative historical pro Past Simple or Imperfect Indicative"

The Second World War broke out (Present) and the country's economy was going through (Present) a serious crisis because of the Second World War and the country's economy went through / was going through (Simple Past / Imperfect) a serious crisis

In Russian, this connotative synonymy exists, it has the semantic equivalent “настоящее историческое вместо прошедшего совер¬шенного или несовершенного” “Present indicative of historical perfective or imperfective of aspect”.

Present Indicative for immediate future or simple future

In Russian it exists as настоящее изъявитеьного наконения весто бщо совершенного вда изъявитеьного нонене setsия “Present of indicative of the future of a future aspect of perfect aspect”: з з з

“Past Simple Indicative vs Compound Past Indicative”

In Russian, as a synonym, it does not exist because it lacks a Compound Indicative Past, an old analytical form that was agglutinated by the Perfective-aspect Past, on the one hand, and by the Imperfective-aspect Past, on the other. The absence of the Compound Past is compensated by прошедшее совершенного вида или прошедшее несовершенного вида (Past perfective aspect or past imperfective aspect) depending on the context.

“Past Simple of Indicative pro Pluperfect Indicative”

In Russian it does not exist either, because of the absence of the pluperfect (aoristic tense in disuse in the Russian language). It is compensated with прошедшее совершенного вида или прошедшее несовершенного вида (Past Perfective Aspect or Past Imperfective Aspect) depending on the context.

“Past Simple of Indicative pro Past Previous”

Such synonymy in Russian does not exist because there is no similar analytical form. It is compensated exclusively with прошедшим совершенного вида (Past Indicative perfective aspect).

“Past Simple of Indicative pro future of Indicative”

This type of synonymy exists in Russian and is, unlike Spanish, quite productive. In general, it is equivalent to прошедшее изъявительного наклонения совершенного вида (Past Indicative of perfective aspect pro Future Indicative of perfective aspect).

“Imperfect Indicative pro Past Simple Indicative”

It exists in Russian too. It works as прошедшее изъявитеь soon

“Imperfecto de Indicativo pro Pasado Compuesto de Indicativo”

En ruso no existe este sinonimo connotativo, por la misma razon de que ya no existe en la lengua rusa esta estructura analitica. Se compensa con past indicative imperfective (Pasado de Indicativo de aspecto imperfectivo).

“Imperfecto de Indicativo pro Pluscuamperfecto de Indicativo”

En ruso no existe ya que, desde hace mas de tres siglos, el equivalente historico ruso aoristico cayo en desuso. Se compensa con el past perfect indicative mood (Pasado de Indicativo de aspecto perfectivo).

Imperfecto de Indicativo pro Presente de Indicativo

Esta estructura sinonimica en ruso existe como past indicative imperfective instead of present indicative (“Pasado de Indicativo de aspecto imperfectivo pro Presente de Indicativo”.

“Imperfecto de Indicativo pro Futuro en el pasado expresado por el Modo Potencial”

Esta sinonimia no existe en ruso. La causa es la ausencia en ruso de la estricta concordancia de los tiempos verbales que se constata en el espanol. Se compensa con el present indicative (Presente 110

de Indicative). Tiene por equivalente present instead of future perfective (“Presente pro Future de aspecto perfective”).

“Pasado Compuesto de Indicative pro Pasado Simple de Indicative”

Como el Pasado Compuesto en ruso ya no existe y tampoco encontramos esta estructura sinonimica. Se compensa con el uso en los dos casos del past indicative (Pasado de Indicativo).

“Pluscuamperfecto de Indicativo pro Pasado Simple de Indicativo”

El Pluscuamperfecto en ruso no existe, por eso no se encuentra este tipo de sinonimia grammatical. El “past perfective indicative” (Pasado de Indicativo de aspecto perfectivo) compensa la ausencia del Pluscuamperfecto de Indicativo.

Sinonimia Intermodal en espanol y en russo

“Presente de Indicativo de mandato pro Imperativo”

Este sinonimo grammatical con valor de obligation existe en ruso como the present instead of the future (“Presente pro Imperativo”).

“Presente de Indicativo pro Imperfecto o Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo”

En la lengua rusa no existe, a pesar de que en ella funciona el subjunctive (Modo Subjuntivo) que en realidad es la forma verbal en pasado de aspecto imperfectivo o pasado de aspecto perfectivo + la particula would by.

“Futuro Simple de Indicativo pro Presente de Indicativo y pro Presente de Subjuntivo”

En la lengua rusa existe, equivale a esta estructura sinonimica el the future perfective indicative instead of the present indicative (“Futuro de Indicativo de aspecto perfectivo (limitado al verbo be byt') pro Presente de Indicativo”). En cambio, la sinonimia “Futuro pro Subjuntivo” no se documenta en ruso.

“Futuro Compuesto de Indicative pro Pasado

Compuesto de Subjuntivo

En el idioma ruso no existe, dado que carece de estos tiempos perfectos. Equivale a esta connotacion sinonimica el past indicative perfective (Pasado de Indicativo de aspecto perfectivo + adverbio de probabilidad).

“Futuro Simple de Indicativo pro Imperativo”

En russo existe. Funciona como el future indicative imperfective or perfective (Futuro de Indicativo de aspecto imperfectivo o de aspecto perfectivo).

“Subjuntivo pro imperative”

Existe en ruso como el subjunctive instead of imperative (“Modo Subjuntivopro Modo Imperativo”).

Sinonimos connotativos intermodales existentes solo en la lengua rusa

“Infinitivo imperfectivo pro Presente de Indicativo ruso”

En espanol no existe. Puede equivaler semanticamente la connotacion sinonimica descriptiva con valor incoativo “ponerse a + infinitivo” en Presente de Indicativo.

“Infinitivo de aspecto perfectivo o de aspecto imperfectivo con valor interrogativo pro Subjuntivo”

En espanol no existe. Close (infinitivo perfectivo) window? (literalmente: ^cerrar la ventana?). Semanticamente, en espanol vendria a ser en Subjuntivo: ... iQue cierre la ventana? o enIndicativo: ^cierro la ventana?

“Pasado de Indicativo de aspecto perfectivo pro imperativo”

Closed the windows! - literalmente: jcerraron las ventanas! - pro Imperativo” (jcerrad las ventanas!).

Puede equivaler en espanol al enunciado jQue cerreis (Subjuntivo) las ventanas!

“Imperative pro pasado de Indicative de aspecto perfective”

And he is like shoots (Imperative) with a cry of "help"! (literalmente: el correra gritando jsocorro!), pero semanticamente, equivaldria a “el se echo (Pasado simple de Indicativo) a correr rapidamente gritando jsocorro!”

“Interjection verbal pro Pasado de Indicativo de aspecto perfective”

Esta connotacion sinonimica intermodal del verbo ruso es bastante rara. Un rusohablante, con el fin de enfatizar emocionalmente la velocidad de la accion verbal, usa, pasando al lenguaje coloquial, “la interjeccion verbal pro pasado de aspecto perfectivo”:

He bam (interjeccion verbal) to bed and sleep! literalmente: el jplaf! a la cama y ja dormir!


El dilatado estudio de la sinonimia de las formas grammaticales (temporales y modales) que hemos venido realizando desde hace tres decenios, a partir de los trabajos ajenos y de los ejemplos reunidos por nosotros, posibilita reducir el material investigado, sin entrar en el numero de ilustraciones, cada vez mayor, a la final conclusion de que es la base logica universal la que rige las relaciones sinonimicas denotativas y connotativas a nivel intramodal e intermodal del sistema temporal-aspectual del verbo en las lenguas espanola y rusa modernas.

Список источников

1. Пиотровский Р. Г. Лингвистическая синергетика. СПб. : Филологический факультет СПбГУ, 2004.

2. Соболевский А. И. Лекции по истории русского языка // [Соч.] А. И. Соболевского, акад. Имп. Акад. наук и проф. Имп. Санкт-Петербургского ун-та. 4-е изд. М.: Унив. тип., 1907.

3. Raytarovskiy V. V. Sinonimia intramodal e intermodal de los significados denotativos y connotativos de las formas temporales del verbo en la lengua espanola moderna: monografia. 2nda ed. Moscu : Universidad International de Moscu y Universidad de Leon (Espana), 2011.


1. Piotrovsky, R. G. (2004) Lingvisticheskaya sinergetika = Linguistic syneigetics. Saint Petersburg: Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg State University. (In Russ.)

2. Sobolevsky, A. I. (1907). Lektsii po istorii russkogo yazyka = Lectures on the history of the Russian language, [Works] A. I. Sobolevsky, acad. Imp. Acad. sciences and prof. Imp. St. Petersburg. un-that. 4th ed. (In Russ.)

3. Raytarovskiy, V V. (2011). Sinonimia intramodal e intermodal de los significados denotativos y connotativos de las formas temporales del verbo en la lengua espanola moderna: monografia. 2nd ed. Moscu: Universidad International de Moscu y Universidad de Leon (Espana).

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