Formation of dialogic speaking competence by means of communicative tasks

Analysis of the problem of using communicative tasks to form future philologists’ dialogic speaking competence. The effectiveness of using communicative tasks in teaching a foreign language and the peculiarities of their implementation at the class.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 16.05.2022
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Krysko Viktoria


communicative task language dialogic

The article deals with the problem of using communicative tasks to form future philologists' dialogic speaking competence. Factors which should be focusedon while modelling a communicative situation are the effectiveness of using communicative tasks in teaching a foreign language and the peculiarities of their implementation at the class. Some kinds of communicative tasks are provided as examples and analyzed in this article.

Key words: speaking, competence, communicative, tasks, dialogue


Крисько Вікторія

Науковий керівник - канд. пед. наук, викладач Нацюк М. Б.

Стаття розглядає проблему використання комунікативних завдань у формуванні іншомовної компетенції у діалогічному мовленні у студентів філологічних спеціальностей. У цій статті проаналізовано фактори, на які слід звернути увагу під час організації комунікативної ситуації та особливості їх застосування у навчальному процесі. У цій статі також подані та проаналізовані приклади деяких типів комунікативних завдань.

Ключові слова: розмова, компетентність, комунікативні завдання, діалог

The main text

Nowadays, there are a lot of different methods to teach a foreign language. However, the one of the most effective ways to teach the foreign language isconsidered to be developing the dialogic speaking competence by innovative techniques. To do it, a teacher should take into consideration communicative tasks which help students to act out dialogues with ease and in a relaxing way. Consequently, a teacher has to choose the communicative tasks, paying attention to all factors that affect on students' development of dialogic speaking competence.

The purpose of the article is to analyze a role of communicative tasks information offuture philologists' dialogic speaking competence.

There are a lot of scientists, who studied the effectiveness of using communicative tasks to develop the dialogic speaking competence, involving O. Y. Geikhman, T. M. Nadeyina,T. J. Korobeynikova, N. V. Lyakhovitsky, L. A. Kareva, L. V. Gaidukova, N. H. Kravchuk, L. O. Maksimenko, Baker Joanna, Anne Paron, Meryl Wilkins, G. R. Iggenbach, N. Wolfson.

A lot of studies were concentrated on different communicative tasks such as role play, opinion gap and information gap.

The communication usually takes place in a direct contact of the participants who arefamiliar with the conditions in which communication takes place. The dialogue involves the visual perception of the interlocutor and a certain incompleteness of statements, which is complemented by means of communication (facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, interlocutor postures). With their help the speaker expresses his or her desires, doubts, regrets, assumptions. Such factors create a real-life atmosphere and involving emotions make learning more effective. Usually, students just learn or cram the material and it remains passive, as they don't practice it and don't know in which context some phrases or grammatical constructions can be used. Of course, developing of grammar and lexical competence is important as well, but it is effective when is underpinned with speaking practice. Every teacher of foreign language should remember that the maingoal is to teach to speak. The ability to speak foreign language is the highest level and the most important feature of language acquisition [1, c. 8].

In order to increase the effectiveness of foreign language teaching in educational practice, a wide range of multimedia educational programs, authentic audio and video materials are used. The information gap is a very effective communicative task. It takes place between students, not between a teacher and a student. The essence of it is answering each other's question to which they don't know answers. The goal of it is for the students to find out certain information related to a specific activity. There are some examples of information gaps:

- Student A is given a picture, and must describe it to thestudent B,whose task is to create a picture from the description;

- Each student receive a card with a picture on it. There aretwo of each image. The student has to try to find the person with the same image by asking yes or no questions. They may not ask “Do you have a tiger?”, if they have an image, for example, of tiger. They have to ask descriptive questions, such as “Is your animal has 4 legs?”, “Is it a domestic animal?”;

- A student has a word attached to his back. He tries to guess it by asking his classmates yes or no questions;

- Students must ask each other questions about their families and then, draw each other's family trees.

One more important communicative task is opinion gap. It is a difference of opinions between students. They can agree or disagree and give the reasons, share their preferences, feelings and ideas about a particular situation. In such types of activities there is no right or wrong answer, so assessment is subjective rather than objective.Examples of the opinion gap can be:

- Students tell each other about their favourite actors and give reasons why. Then they exchange their thoughts about it and say why their actor is better;

- The students listento news related to pop culture or other common topic between them, then they share their opinions about it.

Information gap tasks are contrasted with opinion gap ones, in which all the information is shared at the start of the activity, then the students discuss it, sharing their personal opinions.

There is another useful type of activities among communicative tasks - role play.

Leontev A. A. considers a role-playing game as a type of creative game that involves playing the roles of suitable stories. During the game, children are involved not only in playing relationship, but also in real ones, which also activate dialogical communication. [1, p. 56].

Kravchuk N. H. points out that in the process of role-playing students become its active creators. Even an intellectually passive student can do this task because there is a certain conditionality and no such oppressive rating scale as usually it can be on the lessons. Sense of equality, the atmosphere of enthusiasm gives students the opportunity to overcome tightness, to removelanguage barrier, fatigue, reduce anxiety, stress, negative attitudes of students to educational activities, etc. [2, p. 14].

Role plays help students to feel the situation as it is in real life, to involve emotions. The information gap and the opinion gap tasks can be involved in role plays. In general, by means of role plays, students can act out any situation, which is common in real life. The students often perceive the role play as a reality, they can express themselves and act as a part of social environment. The role-playing participants not only share messages on a certain topic, but also get into a conversation casually, try to support it. They are interested in the opinions of others, discuss differentpoints of view, everyone wants to express his opinion, and thus the conversation becomes casual, which is actually the implementation of a communicative approach.

Here we give some examples of the role play:

- Student A is an interviewer and the other students are interviewees. A teacher can write some patterns to help to make the interview:

I'd like to know...

I'm interested in...

Could you tell me...

Could I ask...

I wonder if..

- The students can imagine situations at the restaurant or at the doctor and act out the dialogues, using some clichйs, which a teacher can write on the blackboard.

In conclusion, we can say that the educators of the foreign language have to remember that their main task is to teach speaking. One of the most effective ways to do it is using communicative tasks at the lessons. There are a lot of different communicative tasks, but the most interesting and effective ones are information gap, opinion gap and role plays.

In our research we have analyzed some kinds of communicative tasks such as information and opinion gaps and role play. As far as information gap is concerned, it is held only between students, not between a student and a teacher. It helps to develop the dialogic speaking competence in a very interesting way, because the task for students is to find out a certain information related to a specific activity asking each other different questions. Opinion gap is an effective task as well, because the students can share their opinions, feeling and attitudes to a certain to topic. Involving their preferences and emotions, it helps to develop the dialogic speaking competence in a very effective way. Role play helps students to feel a situation as it is in a real life and to get into a conversation casually, which is actually the implementation of a communicative approach.


1. Єрмоленко Л. П. Рольові ігри на уроках іноземної мови в середній школі. Іноземні мови. 2002. № 3. 18 с.

2. Кравчук Н. Г. Активне застосування рольових ігор у процесі вивчення англійської мови. К.: Освіта. 2009. 170 с.

3. Леонтьев А. А. Язык и речевая деятельность. М., 2001. 448 с.

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