Modern techniques and methods of teaching foreign languages

The necessity to use modern methods of teaching foreign languages communicative, interactive, community, suggestopedia, silent method. The advantages and perspectives of using the described techniques in the process of teaching have been distinguished.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 16.05.2022
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Kekish Ekaterina

The article specifies the necessity to use modern methods of teaching foreign languages (communicative, interactive, «community» method, suggestopedia method, «silent» method). The advantages and perspectives of using the described techniques in the process of teaching have been distinguished. These techniques may be considered as the alternative methods of teaching foreign languages.

Key words: modern methods, process of teaching. students, higher educational institution.

Formulation of the problem. The study of a foreign language is an important part of the modern rhythm of life, as well as an integral part of the professional training of specialists in various fields. Learning a foreign language is very important and it requires considerable efforts. But at the same time, it is the key to the future successful career of students. To achieve a high level of a foreign language, it is important for the teacher to know the latest teaching methods, special teaching techniques to choose properly a particular method in accordance with the level of knowledge, needs and interests of students. Rational and reasonable use of teaching methods in foreign language classes requires from teachers a creative approach, because «pedagogy is a science and art at the same time, so the approach to the choice of teaching methods should be based on the creativity of the teacher» [11, p. 159-160].

Research analysis. The purpose of teaching a foreign language in higher education institutions at the present stage is to master «communicative competences» by students, allowing them to realize their knowledge, skills that can help in solving specific communicative tasks in real life situations [12, p. 322]. Foreign language represents means of communication with representatives of other nations. Therefore, we can observe the continuation of developing the future cultural or intercultural approach of learning within the concept of «dialogue of cultures», in order to form bi-lingual level of students. Students should be for the conscious use of a foreign language in later life and work prepared on the basis of high-quality modern authentic educational material. It is impossible to make a high - quality education of foreign languages without the use of modern educational techniques. Modern techniques in education mean professionally-oriented foreign language teaching, project work, application of information and telecommunication techniques, work with educational computer programs in foreign languages (multimedia system), remote techniques in teaching foreign languages, use of Internet resources, teaching a foreign language with the help of computer environment (forums, blogs, e-mail).

The aim of the article is to identify and characterize various modern techniques that are appropriate to use in teaching foreign languages.

Presentation. At this stage of methodical science development the main method of teaching foreign languages is the communicative approach. In the process of learning by communicative method, students acquire communicative competence - the ability to use the language depending on the specific situation. They learn communication in the process of communication itself [8, p. 2]. Accordingly, all exercises and tasks should be communicatively justified by the lack of information, choice and reaction (information gap, choice, feedback). The most important characteristic of the communicative approach is the use of authentic materials, those that are actually used by native speakers. Sometimes, speech interaction of students takes place for the participation of the teacher in a variety of forms: in pairs, triads, small groups, with the whole group. From the very beginning, students master all four types of speech activity on the phrasal and textual levels with limited use of their native language. The object of evaluation is not only the correctness, but also the speed of speech and reading.

Advantages of the method: students improve their oral skills, overcome the fear of mistakes. Disadvantages of the method: not given due attention to the quality of speech, communicative competence quite quickly reaches its limits.

The interactive method provides an opportunity to solve communicative and cognitive tasks by means of foreign language communication. The category «interactive learning» can be defined as: a) interaction between teacher and student in the process of communication; b) learning to solve linguistic and communicative problems. Interactive activities include the organization and development of dialogue speech aimed at mutual understanding, interaction, solving problems important for each of the participants during the educational process [6, p. 50].

In the process of communication, students learn:

- to solve complex problems based on the analysis of circumstances and relevant information;

- express alternative opinions;

- make informed decisions;

- communicate with different people;

- take part in discussions.

In practice, we found a fairly high efficiency of such forms of work as individual, group and team work.

The most famous forms of group work:

- inside / outside circles;

- brain storm;

- jigsaw reading;

- think-pair-share;

- pair-interviews and others.

Also among the methods of teaching a foreign language we can distinguish the so - called non-traditional methods that have emerged in connection with the growing need to master a foreign language. To such methods belong: Community-method / Advisor method, Suggestopedia, Total Physical Response, Silent method.

The American psychologist Charles Curran (1972) developed the «Community- method / Advisor method», which is based on a humanistic approach to learning and the psychological theory of Adviser. The essence of the theory lies in the fact that people need help from psychologist counselor, and consultation and participation are desired in any form of social human activity, in education as well [6, p. 25].

The following features are the basic characteristics of «Community» method [6, p. 2728]:

- Students should play the leading role in the organization and the course design according to the humanistic approach; students determine the content of teaching and choose their own pace and mode of operation.

- The teacher should be the «Adviser» who helps students to find the right words to express their thoughts in communication process in a foreign language. In the role «Adviser» he/she should not claim to be the leader or the head of the educational process; should not force students to take part in the process of communication/interaction. The teacher must be the native speaker or possessing the excellent command in the foreign language, as in the process of communication the students are entitled to request any relevant information.

- The training program is not designed specifically as the learning process is developed in such a way that the students spontaneously choose the topic of interest and language tools.

- The main technique of learning is the translation from the mother language into a foreign language.

- The learning process is constructed as following: students work-group as they sit around the table facing each other and discuss the topic in their native language. Then the dialogue in a foreign language begins. A teacher is sitting on the sidelines and watching the discussion, offering foreign language equivalents from time to time. Students repeat the phrase several times, and then record it on a tape recorder to listen to, if necessary.

Proponents of the «community» method specify of truly humanistic character, focus on the individual student and the lack of stress in the process of studying. Using this method requires especially highly trained teachers, as schools and university teachers of foreign language are not psychologists, and can not use the appropriate psychological techniques. Lack of programs and plans, specific objectives, and learning objectives of the course are also not conducive to the wide dissemination of this method, especially in the mass of high school [1, p. 163-164].

The following modern method of teaching is Suggestopedia (from Latin suggesio - suggestion) is a relatively new learning system that uses a suggestion from the educational purpose. The teaching method was developed by the Bulgarian psychotherapist Georgi Lozanov (1978). It is used mostly to learn foreign languages.

A distinctive feature of this method is the disclosure of memory reserves, raising the intellectual activity, the use of suggestion, relaxation. This method is based on the activation of a person's reserve capacity that is not used in pedagogy and methods of teaching a foreign language, but can significantly increase the amount of memory and contribute to memorize more material per unit of time (so-called hypermnesia - an unusually good ability to remember) [1, p. 170-171].

The scientist has created on his workshops some kind of «concert» mood, referring to vivid imagery, facial expressions, music, etc. The method of G. Lozanov is based on certain principles: lack of cramming; training without fatigue; the basis of training is the motivation and cognitive interest of students; teaching in large blocks; complexity of tasks [1, p. 173].

Science, which G. Lozanov called «suggestology», reveals, in his opinion, the mechanisms that ensure the release and mobilization of reserve possibilities of the person to remember, learn, communicate.

The practical use of this technology has proved that each student is able to remember much more information than during traditional training. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that if this knowledge does not find permanent application, they quickly disappear [1, p. 173].

The following method which is considering as an unconventional is a «silent» method based on a structural approach in linguistics and humanistic direction in psychology. The author of this method is K. Gatteno [3, p. 20].

The name of the method reflects the author's idea that the initiative during the lesson should come from students whose speech takes up most of the academic time, and the teacher should speak in class as little as possible. Educational process in silence, as opposed to repetition and reproduction for the teacher, becomes a reception, which promotes mental activity and concentration of students in the performance of task [3, p. 21].

Application of the «quiet» training has its limitations, as it implies a high degree of students' interest and the availability of internal motivation, which is not always feasible in a secondary school. The main principle of the method is simple language tasks in which the teacher simulates a word, expression, sentence and causes the student to respond. Students continue to reproduce their own samples by matching old and new information. This form uses pictures, «color words» and other means. Teacher's part during the lesson is minimized. Command responses, questions and visual cues form the basis of classroom activity [3, p. 57 - 58].

K. Gatteno sees the learning process as a process of personal growth, growth awareness of the student. The absence of correction and repeated modeling of the teacher require the development of students' self-correction. Lack of explanation helps students to make generalizations, come to their own conclusions and formulate the rules they need, correct each other [1, p. 28].

Another innovative method is the physical response method. It is developed by the American researcher James Asher and is widespread in many countries of the world. This method is integrated with knowledge from the field of pedagogy, psychology, practice of foreign speech and allows teaching a foreign language, focused on the personal abilities and skills of students [1, p. 28].

The method develops the ideas of natural method. Its essence lies in the fact that when learning a foreign language is necessary to simulate the process of mastering the mother tongue, which is mastered in parallel with the implementation of appropriate physical activities. Perception of structures is getting easier if it is accompanied by acts performed by teacher and students [9 p. 5].

Among scholars there is no consensus on the application of this method as a method of teaching foreign languages. Even some of scholars claimed that it can be integrated as an integral part in natural method, but in any case not to use as an independent method [9, p. 6-7].

In our opinion, among the newest methods of teaching foreign languages that have arisen mainly in English-speaking countries, increasingly common methods are those which combine communicative and cognitive (academic) purposes. Their basic principles are: movement from the whole to the particular, self-education, purposefulness and high quality content of classes, their focus on achievement of social interaction in the presence of belief in students' success, the integration of language and learning it with the help of knowledge from others sciences.


language foreign suggestopedia teaching

The use of innovative techniques will contribute to the improvement of students' foreign language communicative competence, and the development of intellectual abilities. Effective teaching of foreign languages requires from the teacher a thorough knowledge of the language, as well as professional skills in the organization of educational activities. The development of sciences, especially psychology, introduction of new technology has caused the emergence of unconventional methods that are now getting large distribution and popularity. Of course, each method has its own positive aspects and disadvantages, but all of them successfully operate at correct application. We can say that modern methods became a valuable asset for the methods of teaching foreign languages.


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