Formation of English language lexical competence in reading

The study of problems regarding the general characteristics of the English-language lexical reading competence, the goals of its formation in primary and secondary school students. Allocation of components of competence, knowledge, communication skills.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Formation of English language lexical competence in reading

Шамрай Мар'яна

Науковий керівник -

канд. пед. наук, доцент Зубрик А.Р.

The article investigated the problem with regard to the general characteristics of foreign language competence in reading, the purpose of its formation among pupils in primary and high school. The components of competence in reading are highlighted: skills, knowledge and communication skills. The stages of the formation of competence in reading are argued. The exercises, means of forming foreign language competence in reading and methods of controlling the level of its formation are highlighted.

Keywords: foreign language competence, reading, skills, knowledge, communicative ability, stages, means, control.


The relevance of the problem of forming foreign language competence in reading is due to the need for its research in the context of the competence approach: it is necessary to define the structure of foreign language competence in reading, clarify the goals of its formation in primary and high school, determine the stages of the formation of foreign language competence in reading, describe methods and means of controlling its level of formation.

Each nation, society has its own vision of the world which corresponds to spiritual, technological, physical, aesthetic, ethical and other needs. The main means of forming such a picture of the world is language. The realities, history, traditions, culture of the country of the language being studied are the essence of linguistic and socio-cultural competence, reflecting the picture of the world of native speakers.

The purpose of the article is to characterize the methodology of the formation of foreign language competence in reading, taking into account current conditions and trends.

In modern pedagogical and psychological sciences, there are a number of concepts about the process of forming the linguistic and socio-cultural competence of pupils. These are the concepts of I. Babenko, M. Z. Biboletova, I. M. Berman, S. Gaponova, Z. I. Klychnikova, Y. V. Musnitskiy, K. I. Onishchenko, E. Vereshchagina, E. Vorobyova, N. Gez, I. Golovanova, N. Dmitrieva, S. Drokin, G. Elizarova, N. Ishkhanyan, V. Safonova, N. Solonovich, L. Spiridovskaya, P. Sysoyeva, E. Tarasova, G. Tomakhina, I. Tsaturov, V. V. Chernysh and other scientists.

One of the means that makes learning foreign languages a living creative process and forms pupils' professional competence is the use of innovative technologies that should be aimed at shaping a pupil's linguistically, socially and culturally competent personality.

Now we need a developed, mobile person who will be ready to respond quickly to all changes capable of multicultural communication, that is, an adequate mutual understanding of two or more participants in a communicative act belonging to different national cultures, therefore the formation of linguistic and socio-cultural competence is the most important task for modern teachers.

We interpret speech competence as the ability to speak, listen, read and write, that is, skills associated with speech activity, with the construction of monologue and dialogue statements in a particular situation, in accordance with the levels of language competence of the participants in communication. Speech skills are the ability to use a foreign language as a means of communication in various fields and situations that are creative.

Psychologists distinguish several levels of understanding foreign language texts: 1) the level of fragmentary understanding; 2) the level of global understanding; 3) level of detailed understanding; 4) the level of critical understanding. Thus, the first level includes the perception in each paragraph of the text of such sentences, which constitute the core of meaning, as well as the definition of syntactic links between sentences. A full understanding of the content of the text is associated with the second level. Evaluation and understanding of the emotional coloring of the content is achieved at the third level. The fourth level of understanding includes a synthesis of ideological and thematic content and its relationship with the general direction of the work.

english lexical competence reading

The system of exercises and tasks for the formation of competence in reading

According to the selected stages of the formation of skills and reading skills to the system of exercises for teaching reading, there are three subsystems of exercises:

1 subsystem - exercises for the formation of reading technique skills.2 subsystems - exercises for the formation of speech reading skills (graphic, lexical, grammatical skills). 3 subsystem - exercises for the development of reading skills.[2, c. 5-7]. Each of the subsystems includes two groups of exercises.

The first exercise subsystem includes such groups of exercises:

Group 1 - exercises in the recognition of graphemes;

Group 2 - exercises in the establishment and implementation of grapheme-phoneme correspondences.

The second subsystem contains exercises:

Group 1 - exercises for the formation of lexical reading skills;

Group 2 - exercises for the formation of grammatical reading skills.

The third subsystem includes the following groups of exercises:

Group 1 - exercises, prepare pupils for reading texts;

Group 2 - exercises for the development of skills reading texts.

So, the purpose of exercises 3 subsystems is to teach reading texts in order to obtain the necessary information, to achieve a certain level of understanding of the content of texts. The type of reading and the communicative purpose of reading determine the number and type of exercises for the formation of reading competence. However, the work with the text is carried out in three stages and retains its structure (see Table 1), regardless of the type of reading.

Table 1

Stages of reading text

Stage name

Stage goal

Stage content


-analysis of the language and semantic difficulties of the text; -introduction to the problem;

Doing exercises


-formation of communicative instructions;

-reading the text;

Listening and reading of communicative instructions; Reading the text;


-text comprehension control; -discussion of the content of the reading text;

-learning the semantic processing of information text.

Doing exercises

Pre-text stage.

1. Before self-processing of new text by pupils, the teacher should direct their attention to reading and unde267rstanding the text. He reports some facts from the life and creative activity of the author, or names the problem / branch of science, which is covered in the text. You can ask pupils what they know about this issue.

2. Preparatory work for reading the text. At this stage it is necessary to perform pretext exercises in order to remove some language and semantic difficulties of the text. For example:

a) Processing pronunciation of geographical names, names. Imitative exercises are performed; words are written on a blackboard (cards) with transcription.

b) Work with individual words: international, subject, complex, convertible. Pupils should be aware of the meaning of these words, give their own translation variants.

c) Processing of complex grammatical structures: analysis, translation.

2. Text stage.

1. Acquaintance with questions / tasks in the text, to which pupils should find the answer by reading the text.

2. Reading the text yourself in order to understand the main content.

3. Post-text stage. Control reading comprehension by performing post-text exercises.

1. Answers to questions from the teacher in relation to the basic information of the text (short or full answers).

2. Answers to questions related to important details of the text (full and short answers).

3. Exercises to find the facts specified by the teacher. It checks the ability to navigate the text, know the units of semantic information, for example, quickly find and read a sentence in which the main characters are named.

4. Performing multiple or alternative choice tests to check pupils' understanding of basic information and important details.

The final stage of working with text.

1. Preparing for the translation of the text: - drawing up a story plan; - choice of text words / phrases / phrases for use in their own statements.

2. Translation of the text with the expression of his attitude to the problem, the characters, their actions, evaluation of the text. After the pupils read the message, the teacher necessarily reverses the understanding.

The methodology is based on the introduction into the educational process of a secondary school and the principle of clarity. The basis of this principle is the scientific regularity that the effectiveness of the assimilation of knowledge depends on the involvement in the process of cognition of various sense organs. So the attraction to learning audio and video materials facilitates the perception of new to audials and visuals.

Experimental learning, in addition to the principles outlined above, also implies the interaction of traditional and new approaches to learning a foreign language: competence and personality in combination with communicative, activity and socio-cultural ones.


During the exercise, the pupils' communicative reading skills are developed simultaneously. In addition, pupil ownership of learning and communication strategies is important for shaping reading.

Regarding our study, the principle of accessibility provided the opportunity to adapt authentic texts to the level of pupil learning, to select creative tasks and exercises with the gradual complication of the material.


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