Compound nouns in german youth vocabulary
The structural and semantic analysis of compound nouns in German youth vocabulary. In the forming compound nouns in youth vocabulary a small number of word-building models are used. It is caused by the secondary nature of the analyzed language subsystem.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 18.05.2022 |
Размер файла | 20,0 K |
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Compound nouns in german youth vocabulary
Pozdniakov O.V.
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages and Country Studies of the Faculty of Tourism
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
The article is devoted to the structural and semantic analysis of compound nouns in German youth vocabulary. Compounding is a productive means of forming new lexical units in German language in general and its subsystems in particular. The author studies young people's vocabulary recorded in modern lexicographic sources. Most of the analyzed compound nouns consist of two stems. However, there are lexical units formed by compounding three stems. In the process of forming compound nouns in youth vocabulary a small number of word-building models are used. It is caused by the secondary nature of the analyzed language subsystem. Metaphorization is a characteristic feature in the process of compounding. It is regarded as a convenient means to express creativity and originality. Metaphorized words have positive or negative connotation and are used for verbal self-identification. In this way youth vocabulary is opposed to colloquial and literary styles of German language. The morphologic structure of compound nouns can also include word-building morphemes. Suffixes are the most productive type of these morphemes. They are used to point to young people's subjective attitude to the everyday world. A number of compounds are stylistically invectives. They reflect young people's need for uniqueness ad opposition. Most frequent types of semantic relations between stems of compounds are singled out. It has been established that these relations are extralingually determined. Loanwords borrowed from American English represent a significant share of the analyzed vocabulary. The use of these words is determined by the subcultural influence. These lexical units can be formed by combining English and German stems. Metaphorization is typical for formation of the given compounds. Social, age, and subcultural factors play an important role in creating German youth vocabulary. Young people try to express subjective assessment, irony. They also tend to verbal sel-identication among other representatives of German-speaking community. Therefore, the analyzed vocabulary is characterized by pragmatic efficiency and is often preferred to attract attention of communicative partners.
Key words: word-building model, syntactic category, morphological structure, semantic relations, word-building morpheme, metaphorization, loanwords, subcultural values.
складні іменники в німецькій молодіжній лексиці
Поздняков О. В. кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри іноземних мов і країнознавства факультету туризму
Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника
Стаття присвячена структурному та семантичному аналізу складних іменників у німецькій лексиці молоді. Словоскладання є продуктивним шляхом формування нових лексичних одиниць німецької мови загалом та її підсистем зокрема. Автор досліджує словниковий запас молоді, зафіксований у сучасних лексикографічних джерелах. Більшість аналізованих складних іменників є двоосновними. Також зафіксовано лексичні одиниці, утворені складанням трьох основ. У процесі утворення складних іменників у молодіжній лексиці використовується незначна кількість словотвірних моделей. Це зумовлено вторинністю аналізованої мовної підсистеми. Характерною для словоскладання є метафоризація. Остання розглядається як зручний засіб для реалізації креативності та оригінальності. Метафоризовані слова мають позитивне чи негативне семантичне забарвлення і вживаються для вербальної самоідентифікації. Таким чином, молодіжна лексика протиставляється розмовному та літературному варіантам німецької мови. Морфологічна структура складних іменників також може включати словотвірні морфеми. Їх найпродуктивнішим типом є суфікси. Вони зазвичай підкреслюють суб'єктивне ставлення молоді до повсякденного світу. Низка досліджуваних основ характеризуються стилістичною зниженістю, демонструючи потребу молодих людей у неповторності та протиставленні. Виокремлено найпоширеніші типи семантичних відношень між основами. Встановлено позамовну детермінованість цих відношень. Значну частину аналізованого вокабуляра становлять англо-американізми. Вживання цих слів визначається субкультурним впливом. Ці лексичні одиниці можуть бути утворені поєднанням англійських та німецьких основ. Для їх утворення притаманна метафоризація. Соціальні, вікові та субкультурні чинники відіграють важливу роль у формуванні німецької молодіжної лексики. Молоді люди прагнуть вираження суб'єктивної оцінки, іронії. Вони також схильні до вербальної самоідентифікації серед інших представників німецькомовної спільноти. Тому досліджуваний вокабуляр характеризується прагматичною ефективністю і часто використовується для привернення уваги комунікативних партнерів.
Ключові слова: словотвірна модель, синтаксична категорія, морфологічна будова, семантичні відношення, словотвірна морфема, метафоризація, запозичення, субкультурі цінності.
Formulation of the problem
The relevance of the study is determined by the growing role of youth vocabulary in the communication process of German-speaking community. This results in the growing interest in the given linguistic phenomenon in modern German studies.
Youth vocabulary represents a system of lexical units that are typical for communication of members of a corresponding social and age group. These words express main values of their active users and often have subcultural implication. Nouns represent main syntactic category that forms the core of the given vocabulary. compound nouns german vocabulary
Word-building is considered one of the most productive ways of forming new lexical units in Ger-man language [4, p. 32]. This relates to both standard German and other language subsystems, in particular youth vocabulary.
In modern German studies, there are several classifications of compounds. Using morphological criterion means that syntactic category and grammatical characteristics of the compound word are determined by its last component. These lexical units have different morphological structure in accordance with a particular word-building model [1, p. 39]. The semantic-syntactical classification analyzes compounds in terms of their structure taking into account semantic relations between the components. This type of classification is often preferred by Ukrainian Germanists.
The aim of the article is to establish the key features of conpounding in German youth vocabulary on the example of compound nouns.
However, given that the studied lexical units are formed under the influence of various subcultures, which are an important means of young people's self-identification in the German-speaking commu-nity, we consider it necessary to take into account their subcultural implication.
The subject of research is quantitative and qualitative description of compounding in German youth vocabulary, and establishing the role of social, age, and subcultural factors in this process.
The object of research is represented by compound nouns of the above-mentioned subsystem of German language.
Thus, the material used for our study is a sample from dictionaries of German youth vocabulary [8; 10; 13].
Analysis of recent research and publications
A number of Germanists claim that the analyzed linguistic phenomenon has its own features of compounding [5; 6; 7; 11; 14]. On the one hand, youth vocabulary is a part of the complex system of German language. That is why it includes commonly used word-building models. On the other hand, this language subsystem is a means of communication of a particular social and age group. Consequently, nominative processes reflect peculiarities of persona-lity development taking into consideration the impact of subcultural environment.
Scientific novelty of the article is that a comprehensive description of forming compound nouns in the vocabulary of German youth is made in terms of its extralingual conditionality. For this purpose, we use modern lexicographic sources. The study is conducted by combining the theoretical basis of fundamental works on lexicology of the German language [3; 4; 9] with the latest approaches in research of youth vocabulary.
Results and discussion
The results of the research have shown that most of the analyzed com-pound nouns consist of two stems. This morphological structure is typical for the words of the given syntactic category (Suppenkoma - Zustand der Mitarbeiter nach dem Besuch der Betriebskantine, wenn sie sich im Meeting wieder zusammen finden; Killerspiel - verbreitete, negative Bezeichnung fur gewalthaltige Spiel).
However, there are a number of lexical units that are formed by compounding three stems. These words belong to different thematic groups. They can be both synonyms of commonly used vocabulary (Hopfenblu- tentee - Synonym fur Bier) and refer to modern social, cultural, and technical phenomena (Vorratsdatenspei- cherung - die Verpflichtung der Anbieter von Tele- kommunikationsdiensten zur Registrierung von elekt- ronischen Kommunikationsvorgangen, ohne dass ein Anfangsverdacht oder konkrete Hinweise auf Gefahren bestehen).
There are a small number of word-building models specific to forming youth vocabulary. We consider the main reason for this is that the above-mentioned language subsystem has secondary nature to standard German.
For compounding nouns in youth vocabulary the following word-building models are productive:
- n + n (Menschenkino - Beobachten der Passan- ten und des Treibens in der naheren Umgebung, wah- rend man selbst im Strafiencafe o.a. sitzt);
- v + n (Kuschelwetter - Wetter, dass sich durch spezielle Temperatur- und Niederschlagseigenschaft dazu eignet, mit anderen Menschen engen Korper- kontakt einzugehen);
- adj + n (Fernbeziehung - wenn Liebende in unter- schiedlichen Stadten (oder sogar Landern) leben).
Formation of compound nouns that consist of three stems is characterized by the frequent use of two word-building models:
- n + n + n (Parkbanphilosoph - Obdachloser);
- adj + v + n (Schnellscheifierhose - Hose mit tief sitzendem Bund).
The process of compounding is often accompanied by metaphorization processes. We think it is determined by creativity and sense of humor inherent to the representatives of the studied social and age group [2, p. 97]. In this way youth vocabulary is opposed to colloquial and literary styles of German language. On the other hand, these lexical units are used as an efficient means of self-identification (Laufhaus - Bordell, in dem Prostituierte ein Zimmer angemietet haben und bei geoffneter Tur auf Freier warten; Eisenholle - Fitnesscenter mit Schwerpunkt auf Bodybuilding, d.h. reine Muskelaufbaugerate wie Hanteln und Gewichte dominieren die Ausstattung. Treffpunkt fur Bodybuilder und Muskelfanatiker, grofitensteils Manner).
Most compound nouns with metaphorized stems include judgemental component in their semantic structure. These words usually have positive or negative connotation (Spassbremse - eine Person, die ent- gegen einer Gruppendynamik handelt und sich in der jeweiligen Situation gegen das Vorhaben der Gruppe entscheidet und so den Spass verdirbt).
As a rule, the second stem is metaphorized. This stem makes the head of the compound determining its semantic category (Achselhamster - Achselbehaa- rung; Futternarkose - Zustand, wenn man nach einer ausgiebigen (Fastfood) Mahlzeit sehr trage wird).
However, there are also semantic transformations of the first stem. These lexical units reflect features of young speakers' worldview and values demonstrating their attitude to various styles and other traditional issues (Haremshose - Damen-Stoffhose, die sich durch ihre 3/4-Lange und einen tiefhangenden Schritt auszeichnet, der an einen Rock erinnert; Hausfrau- enrock - schnulzige, poppige Rockmusik). The given examples show the role of compounding in creating new words out of old [12, p. 15].
It can be stated that a significant number of analyzed compounds include such type of word-building morphemes as suffix. A productive suffix is -er. In youth vocabulary, it is used to form compound nouns that refer to both things (Klapprechner - Laptop oder Notebook) and people (Hautstander - ein sehr dun- ner Mensch ohne Muskeln).
A number of words are formed of stems that have suffixes -tion (Auktionskultur - Kaufen und Ver- kaufen von Dingen im Internet) and -ung (Anreiz- regulierung - Methode, um Betreibern von Ener- gieversorgungsnetzen Anreize fur eine effiziente Leistungserbringung zu setzen). These word-building morphemes are productive for creating lexical units of colloquial and literary styles. This is yet another proof that youth vocabulary is a part of a complex system of modern German.
Using diminutive suffix -chen is both frequent and productive (Datenzapfchen - Synonym fur USB-Spei- cher-Stick). These nouns express irony and subjective assessment referring to things that are of particular importance for young people (Parchenterror - die Omniprasenz glucklicher Paare, die besonders im Fruhling hervorkommen und die Parks, Cafes und Ikeas dieser Welt knutschend, kuschelnd und hand- chenhaltend fur sich vereinnahmen).
A productive modifier for compounding nouns in youth vocabulary is Voll- (Vollpfosten - Mensch, bevorzugt mannlich, der uber beschrankte intellek- tuelle Fahigkeiten verfugt, den also bezuglich der Intelligenz nichts von einem aufragenden Stuck Holz unterscheidet). By means of this component, young speakers emphasize their subjective attitude which is often exaggerated (Vollspaten - extrem hinterwelt- lerische/idiotische Menschen; lasst sich in etwa mit dem Wort «Vollidiot» gleichsetzen).
The results of the analysis of lexicographic sources have shown the existence of stems that are especially productive in word-building processes providing a basis for creating a number of compounds. Their «popularity» mainly derives from the interst of young people in certain social phenomena («Abwrack»: Abwrackpramie - Umweltpramie, die das Bundeskabinett am 27.01.2009 als Richtlinie zur Forderung des Absatzes von Personenkraftwagen beschlossen hat; Abwrackfieber - exzessive Ausnut- zung der Abwrackpramie und ihre Ausweitung auf andere Bereiche als die Autoindustrie).
Some of these stems are stylistically invectives. We believe their use in compounding process is caused by young people's need for identifying themselves among other representatives of German-speaking community. Fress- is one of such productive roots (Fressnarkose - setzt kurz nach einer sehr uppigen Mahlzeit ein und versetzt die betreffende Person in einen komatosen Zustand; Frefistarre - aufiert sich in Form von massiverphysischer undgeistiger Tragheit).
Semantic relations between stems of compounds are determined by the specific features of the studied language subsystem. The main role in this case is played by extralingual conditionality of youth vocabulary that is focused on the relevant thematic groups.
As a result of our research, we have singled out most frequent types of semantic relations between the head and the modifier of the compound:
- objective (Augenkrebs - wenn man grelle Far- ben, Kostume, etc sieht, die einem unertraglich erscheinen);
- characteristic (Brotchenfleisch - das innere eines Brotchens, also den Teig, ohne Rand, der sich oft beim aufschneiden herauslost);
- activity (Jobnomade - Berufstatige, die von Job zu Job hupfen);
- purpose (Studienkredit - Darlehen zur Finanzie- rung des Studiums).
We see the main reason for the dominance of the above-mentionen semantic relations in the influence of subcultural surroundings and activities that determine the development of German youth communication in general.
A significant share of the analyzed compound nouns is represented by loanwords borrowed from American English which is regarded as one of the main sources to enrich German youth vocabulary [5, p. 374] (Kiddyboard - kleines Rollbrett, das man am Kinderwagen festschrauben kann).
The use of these words is determined by the subcultural influence. Belonging to a certail subcultural style is a very important part of young people's life. Therefore, they prefer the use of borrowed vocabulary to name people, things and activities (Freehos- ter - kostenloser Anbieter von Webspace).
Loanwords are also characterized by semantic transformation, in particular by metaphorization (Screenager - Jugendliche, die einen Grofiteil ihrer Zeit vor dem Bildschirm verbringen).
Compound nouns recorded in the analyzed lexicographic sources have different structure in terms of combining German and English stems (Castingop- fer - Menschen, die in Casting-Shows mitmachen und sich mit einer schlechten Leistung blamieren). We have singled out the following types of their «modifier - head» combination:
- English modifier + German head (Singleborse - Partnersuche durch das Internet);
- German modifier + English head (Weizenspoi- ler - dicker Bierbauch);
- both modifier and head are English (Armchairshopping - im Sessel sitzend uber das Fernse- hen einkaufen).
Conclusions and further prospects of research
Given the social and age conditionality of nominative processes in German youth vocabulary, it could be stated that compounding is determined by the wish of young speakers to subjectively assess their environment by clarifying specific features of things and people (Fleischmutze - Glatzkopf).
Many analyzed words have more complex morphological structure in comparison with correspon-ding lexical units of standard German. This is offset by pragmatic efficiency of the given compounds. In this way young people attract attention of communicative partners. The communicative value of the use of the given nouns is also achieved by the fact that they express the above-mentioned subjective assessment. This helps to make the message more explicit and personal (Schamhaarschddel - kurzer, lockiger, hdsslicher Haarschnitt).
The results of the study could be used for description of other word-building models in German youth vocabulary.
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дипломная работа [62,2 K], добавлен 21.07.2009The case of the combination of a preposition with a noun in the initial form and description of cases in the English language: nominative, genitive, dative and accusative. Morphological and semantic features of nouns in English and Russian languages.
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дипломная работа [2,4 M], добавлен 05.06.2010Theoretical aspects of relationship between technology and language. Research-based principles of vocabulary instruction and multimedia learning. Analysis of examples of vocabulary learning strategies available on the Internet during the lesson.
контрольная работа [1,6 M], добавлен 11.03.2015The connection of lexicology with other branches of linguistics. Modern Methods of Vocabulary Investigation. General characteristics of English vocabulary. The basic word-stock. Influence of Russian on the English vocabulary. Etymological doublets.
курс лекций [44,9 K], добавлен 15.02.2013The structure of words and word-building. The semantic structure of words, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms. Word combinations and phraseology in modern English and Ukrainian languages. The Native Element, Borrowed Words, characteristics of the vocabulary.
курс лекций [95,2 K], добавлен 05.12.2010Modern English vocabulary from the point of view of its etymology (origin) may be divided into 3 great groups. Words belonging to the set of native word-stock are for the most part. Periods of French borrowings. Assimilation of borrowings and their types.
презентация [41,4 K], добавлен 20.10.2013Origin of the comparative analysis, its role and place in linguistics. Contrastive analysis and contrastive lexicology. Compounding in Ukrainian and English language. Features of the comparative analysis of compound adjectives in English and Ukrainian.
курсовая работа [39,5 K], добавлен 20.04.2013Concept, history of development and sources of forming of slang as a language of modern youth. Linguistic description of modern slang and ductings of his distribution. Features of functioning of university jargon and slang of the American students.
курсовая работа [47,8 K], добавлен 23.07.2015General considerations of stylistic classification of the English vocabulary. Neutral, common literary and common colloquial vocabulary, special literary vocabulary, colloquial vocabulary, poetic, highly literary words, archaic, obsolescent and obsolete.
курсовая работа [51,1 K], добавлен 21.07.2009Comparison of understanding phraseology in English, American and post-Soviet vocabulary. Features classification idiomatic expressions in different languages. The analysis of idiomatic expressions denoting human appearance in the English language.
курсовая работа [30,9 K], добавлен 01.03.2015Slang as the way in which the semantic content of a sentence can fail to determine the full force and content of the illocutionary act being performed in using the sentence. Features of American students’ slang functioning. Teen and high school slang.
курсовая работа [49,2 K], добавлен 08.07.2015