Gender vs grammatical gender in modern English

The peculiarities of the emergence of gender linguistics and the spread of the term "gender" are considered. The influence of "gender variability" on the balance between binary oppositions of sex, gender and grammatical gender in English is assessed.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 14.06.2022
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Размещено на


Alla D. Belova,

Doctor of Sciences (Linguistics), Full Professor, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


The article highlights paradigm shift in the Category of Gender triggered by expansion of gender roles spectrum in western world. This category is not reduced to the binary opposition of masculine and feminine any more and does not balance binary oppositions of grammatical gender and biological sex. To categorize new gender identities English naming and word-formation patterns and basic gender terms (male, female, masculine, feminine) were used. Some initialisms, firstly LGTB, gender derivatives were borrowed by other languages as English neologisms. In the 21st century gender-related coinages in Modern English are mushrooming. Mass Media give wide coverage of LGBT movement, fight for their rights, contribution of celebrities to spread and popularization of LGBT culture. New gender identities triggered extension of the initialism LGTB to LGTBQIA+ where the mathematical symbol stands for other diversities unindentified by letters and words yet. Gender diversity will pose the question about appropriate pronouns, so changes within grammatical gender. Mass media texts give numerous examples of increasing gender terms combinability in English, new contexts and make it possible to conclude that LGBT lexico-semantc group in present-day English is developing rapidly. Social trends, naming patterns in English, cognitive mechanisms behind them pose multiple questions about categorization, correlation of biological sex, gender diversities and grammatical gender in English and other languages.

Keywords: biological sex, binary opposition, gender, grammatical gender, gender linguistics, paradigm, paradigm shift, person name, pronoun, LGTBQIA +


Гендер vs граматичний рід у сучасній англійській мові. Алла Дмитрівна Бєлова, доктор філол. наук, професор, Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

У порівнянні з категорією перехідності/ неперехідності, що притаманна всім мовам світу, категорія граматичного роду не є абсолютною універсалією, оскільки релевантна для чверті мов, має різне співвідношення з біологічною статтю. У староанглійській граматична категорія роду була тричленною опозицією чоловічого, жіночого та середнього роду, обов'язковою морфологічною ознакою іменників, прикментників, анафоричною - займенників. У XI-XIV ст. внаслідок низки складних та взаємопов'язаних факторів ця категорія зазнала суттєвих змін і втратила своє значення, залишившись в особових займенниках третьої особи однини та нечисленних іменниках, що перетворило англійську на гендерно-нейтральну мову і значною мірою спростило її граматику. У XX ст. боротьба жінок за рівні права і критика англійської як андрогенної та сексистської з боку феміністок призвели до формування категорії гендеру як соціального конструкта. З фемінізмом пов'язане виникнення гендерної лінгвістики і поширення терміна «гендер» в академичній спільноті та суспільстві. Гендерно-релевантні зміни в англійській мові підтвердили прозорливість Фердинанда де Соссюра щодо ролі опозицій для системи мови та її еволюції. Категорія гендера (masculine::feminine) вступила в онтологічну опозицію з біологічною категорією статі (male::female). Активність сексуальних меншин і поширення LGBT культури наприкінці XX - початку XXI ст. призвели до помітного зростання обсягу категорії гендера в англійській мові, що нагадує парадигмальний зсув. Внаслідок категоризації нові гендерні ролі отримували назви в межах номінативних та словотворчих ресурсів англійської мови (LGBTQIA+) і були запозичені іншими мовами як англійські неологізми. Зростаюча «гендерна варіативність» зруйнувала баланс між бінарними опозиціями статі, гендера та граматичного роду у сучасній англійській мові і поставила на порядок денний питання про парадигму займенника в англійській та інших мовах.

Ключові слова: біологічна стать, бінарна опозиція, гендер, граматичний рід, гендерна лінгвістика, парадигма, парадигмальний зсув, займенник, ім'я особи, LGTBQIA+.

gender linguistics sex grammatical


Гендер vs грамматический род в современном английском языке. Алла Дмитриевна Белова, доктор филол. наук, профессор, Киевский национальный университет имени Тараса Шевченко

В отличие от категории переходности/непереходности, присущей всем языкам мира, категорию грамматического рода нельзя отнести к числу абсолютных языковых универсалий. Она характерна примерно для четверти языков мира, обладает разной степенью репрезентативности и логичности. В староанглийском языке грамматическая категория рода была представлена трехчленной оппозицией мужского, женского и среднего рода, будучи неотъемлемой морфологической характеристикой существительных и прилагательных, анафорической - местоимений, но в XI веке вследствие целого ряда взаимосвязанных факторов начала разрушаться, в XIV веке потеряла свое значение, оставив след лишь в личных местоимениях 3 лица единственного числа и незначительном количестве существительных, что превратило современный английский язык в гендернонейтральный и существенно упростило его грамматику. В XX веке борьба за равные права женщин и критика английского языка как андрогенного и сексистского со стороны феминисток привели к формированию категории гендера как социального конструкта. Гендерно-значимые изменения в английском языке подтвердили прозорливость Фердинанда де Соссюра относительно роли оппозиции для системы языка и его эволюции. Категория гендера вступила в онтологическую оппозицию с биологической категорией пола, что в английском языке маркировалось как masculine-feminine и male-female соответственно. Влияние феминизма в англоязычном коммуникативном пространстве стало настолько заметным, что привело к возникновению гендерной лингвистики и способствовало укреплению термина «гендер» в академической среде и обществе. Рост активности сексуальных меньшинств и распространение их культуры в конце XX - начале XXI века привели к резкому росту объема категории гендера в английском языке, что может быть охарактеризовано как ее парадигмальное изменение. В результате категоризации новые гендерные роли получали свои названия в английском языке в рамках его номинативных и словообразовательных ресурсов (LGBTQIA+) и заимствовались другими языками мира как английские неологизмы. Нарастающая «гендерная вариативность» нарушила баланс между бинарными оппозициями биологического пола, гендера и грамматического рода в современном английском языке и сделала актуальным вопрос о новых членах парадигмы местоимения, не только в английском языке.

Ключевые слова: биологический пол, бинарная оппозиция, гендер, грамматический род, гендерная лингвистика, имя лица, местоимение, парадигма, смена парадигмы, LGTBQIA +

Introduction to the problem

The category of grammatical gender is essential for many languages of the world, approximately one quarter of them, though it is not an absolute language universal like the category of transitivity (Verb+Direct Object). It is considered to be more characteristic of synthetic languages, connected with mythological world vision and, therefore, outdated [Виноградов 1991; Зализняк 1991]. In Old English grammatical gender was expressed by tripartite oppostion of masculine, feminine, neuter and was an inherent quality of nouns, adjectives, determiners, pronouns demanding inflectional agreement. It was illogical as sometimes grammatical gender did not match natural gender or biological sex. Grammatical gender in English began to decline in the 11th century as the language was growing more analytic and gradually turned into a covert category in the 14th century. As a result English became a gender-neutral language. Obviously, for learners it was one of its assets as a target language, in particular, in comparison with other international languages like French, Spanish, Russian. Since then grammatical gender was found in English in Personal Pronouns of the 3d Person Singular and insignificant number of gender-specific words with gender affiliation to biological sex. The category of grammatical gender remained stable and unquestionable for centuries.

In the 20th century the category of Gender emerged and gained popularity as on object of research in Gender Studies, Psychology, Sociology and Linguistics. The category of Gender viewed in the English-language domain as a social construct associated with sexual orientation and behavior of individuals [Мартинюк 2004] made an ontologocal opposition with biological sex. Feminist criticism of English as an adrocentric and sexist language resulted into the shift within the category of Gender, namely, gender neutrality when some English nouns were gender-neutralized (chairperson), or vice versa feminized (female lawyer, girl reporter etc). Feminists tried to reconsider pronoun paradigm as well as some non-articulated though gender-free pronouns were offered: he -*heesh, him - *hiser, *herm - him+her. Many of these gender-free lexical innovations remained valid in feminism editions and discourse only [Емірсуінова 2003] but feminism impact on English was more tangible than it seems at first sight as the consequences were much beyond the English language and communication.

Purpose of the study and data collection

Category is one the central notions in Linguistics. Sooner or later any language category gives quite interesting examples of evolution, transformation, deviation. Gender Linguistics, Corpus Linguistics, Discourse Analysis reveal new English genderrelevant coinages, gender factor in discourse thus explicit language facts which mirror noticeable changes in the society [Емірсуінова 2003, Мартинюк 2004; Tannen 1996]. Cognitive research deals with more complicated issues, implicit languages mechanisms which underpin naming and evolution of concepts and frames. For instance, language data analysis of Person Name Vocabulary revealed that concepts and frames WOMAN, MOTHER, WIFE have undergone noticeable transformations in the wake of some new trends in western society, due to innovations in medicine [Шиманович 2005]. Syntagmatic relations of these kinship terms verbalize these tranformations and make them trackable via computerized search and content analysis. Language data disclosed lexical, derivation and cognitive trends relevant to Gender category in the English language of the 20th century.

In the 21st century English generated many gender-related words and word collocations which signal an overhaul of the category of Gender viewed as a social construct and verbalized concept. Expansion of Gender volume was triggered by spread of LGBT culture, with or without the connivance of communities, on the hand, and U - turn in attitude and policy of high echelons, on the other hand. The number of articles about new gender diversities is mushrooming in modern mass media and Internet. These texts highlight LGTB movement, their proliferation into different countries, contribution of celebrities into LGTB culture popularization. Consequently, new gender-related English coinages and word collocations grow in number, well-known words with natural gender affiliation extend their combinability. These facts are an object of linguistics search and analysis in terms of lexical meaning, connotation, valency, syntagmatic relations as well categorization and naming.

Research findings

For centuries human society functioned on the basis of binary biological sex opposition `male :: female' which molded traditional gender roles. Globally, males were in advantageous position due to physical characteristics, intellect and consequently, enjoyed higher social status, ownership right and power. In the 20th century due to feminism movement, emancipation and empowerment women managed to progress in education, careers, business and even politics though the glass ceiling and the concrete ceiling remained unbreakable and unsurmountable [Dicke ...2019; Nash 2016]. The battle for gender equality initiated by feminists paved the way to egalitarian, meritocratic and inclusive society, facilitated struggle for human rights for sexual minorities and deviant groups.

In the last decades of the 20th century binary opposition 'masculine :: feminine' loosened and stretched to include gay, lesbian, bisexual and, finally, transgender. As a result the initialism LGTB came into being. In the 21st century in the wake of categorizing gender diversities the category of Gender in English ballooned and now comprises more than 60 new English terms [LGBTQ+ Glossary; 64 Terms]. This long list of gender roles compared with the centuries-old binary opposition looks as unimaginable overhaul of the category of Gender with diverse long-term consequences.

The impact of Gender shift is tangible in many fields. New gender terms are being introduced at primary school to teach biodiversity and social diversity in modern world. In France, a Catholic country with visible religious traditions, 'mother' and 'father, 'mum' and 'dad' with distinctive sex reference and natural and grammatical gender meaning are removed from school paperwork and replaced by gender neutral 'Parentl' and 'Parent? [The French government 2019; This Tropical Fragrance ... 2015]. The imposed terms are expected to fit new family paradigm with same-sex couples inclusive. It is quite noticeable that family yields to a couple in this case. Numerals 1 and 2 make it clear that dual parentship paradigm (the basic unit in society traditionally consisting of two parents rearing their children (Merriam-Webster Disctionary) is not so easy to undermine despite current family variation in the world. But rare cases of 3-Parent Families have already squeezed into dual parentship ... so other social changes and relevant coinages (eg. co-parenting) are looming [Chen 2020; Why One. 2017]. Noteworthy, digital symbols that penetrate English word-formation turn out to be quite useful to map deviation from the standard, in particular, this case of Gender shift as deviation from binary opposition. Another interpretation of a 3-Parent Family, controversial but realizable, is connected with medical advance and manipulations to avoid inherited diseases and health problems of a baby.

When new gender diversities cropped up English reacted via categorization and new word coinages. Thus, initialism LGB gradually replaced gay in the 1980s and then, in the 1990s, expanded to LGTB as an umbrella term for sexuality and gender identities. Due to its frequency LGTB became a reconizable sign and acquired considerable combinability: LGTB allies/ artist/ culture / life/ movement / organization/ pop-fans friendly/rise. Later LGBT evolved into LGBTIQ+, then to LGBTQIA+ to include other sex and gender spectrum varieties. Q stands for questioning (uncertain of their sexual orientation and gender behavior) or queer which is losing its negative connotation and becomes more acceptable, I - for intersex, A - for asexual or aromantic. Further extention of the acronym was criticized as it was becoming too long questioning the idea of abbreviation as it is. Instead, the ABC and Glossary of gender diversities were offered [LGBTQ+ Glossary]. The mathematical symbol '+' stands for all varieties not identifiable by letters yet [Gold 2018]. Usage of '+' fits new and complicated wordformation patterns in Modern English. It is another example of mathematical symbols proliferation into English word formation: digital symbols mix with letters in Business English (B2B, B2C etc), in textspeak, social networking, numerous Facebook and Twitter coinages (4get, l8ter, 2U2 etc).

Many of the new terms are based on sex and gender relevant words (sex, gender, male, female, masculine, feminine) and associated with the sex and gender standard of the nearest past. Basic terms are quite often reduced to one letter and look peripheral within new Gender paradigm: MSM/WSW - Men who have sex with men/Women who have sex with women; AFAB -“assignedfemale at birth”, AMAB - “assigned male at birth ”. The same shortening is observed in other terms which denote devitations from traditional gender roles (SGL (same gender loving), SSA(same-sex attraction ) or new gender diversities: MTF/M2F (male-to-female), FTM/F2M (female-to- male).

Derivatives and compounds are formed in line with English word-formation patterns though the (psuedo-) suffixes are not of high frequency (a-, non-, gender-, inter-, poly-, sex, trans-: agender, aromantic, asexual, intergender, intersex, nonbinary, non-cisgender, non-monosexual, biological sex transsexual etc.). Prefixes with the (latent) meaning of negation (agender, nonbinary, misgender), prefixes with the meaning of definite quantity, numerals (bigender, binarism, two-spirit, gender binary, trigender, third gender) question 'traditional' binary gender roles opposition. The attempts to combine traditional and new gender roles for young generations of indiginous peoples (first nations) are known as two-spirit (LGTBQ2) [What Does ....]. These elements echo other word-forming components with the meaning of indefinite quantity (multigender, pangender/pansexual, polygender, polyamoiryf which stand for limitless multitude of emotions, feelings and orientations and gender diversity. Graygender, genderqueer, genderfluid, demiboy, demigender, genderbender, genderfuck reveal ambiguous, problematic and vague aspects of categorization.

Some gender terms acquired peculiar connotations, sound offensive and to be avoided. For instance, hermaphroditten, homosexual are viewed outdated, clinical, gay may function as an umbrella term [Gold 2018], ally means a person who supports and stands up for the rights of LGBT people, sex change yields to gender affirmation surgery (GAS) thus making gender preferable to sex. Sexual preference is squeezed out by sexual orientation. Preferable terms are positioned as politically correct.

In Modern English the adjective queer in its second meaning (of relating to, or characterized by sexual or romantic attraction to members of one's own sex ) has much higher frequency than in its first meaning (differing in some way from what is usual or normal): The adjective queer is now most frequently applied with its meanings relating to sexual orientation and/or gender identity, as outlined at sense 2 above (Merriam Webster Dictionary). "When these meanings were developing in the early 20th century, they were strongly pejorative, echoing the negative connotations of the word's older meanings, which included "weird," "suspicious," and "unwell." But the adjective today is commonly used as a positive or neutral self-descriptor, and also has wide use as a neutral broad descriptor for a large and varied group of people" (Merriam Webster Dictionary). Numerous utterances prove that queer in its second meaning developed full adjective paradigm and is used in the Comparative and Superlative degrees: Pop gets queerer / The last decade in music has arguably been the queerest since the 1980s/ Even rap music -- a genre that has traditionally celebrated hyper-masculine, heterosexual male bravado - has become more queer [Did culture ...2019]. New derivatives are connected with its second meaning as well: Queering the mainstream? But while queerness seems to be marketable, is it profitable? His 2015 drama Cucumber prompted a significant conversation about anti-queer violence. Queer becomes a component of a compound (genderqueer). The combinability of the adjective has increased noticeably: Kheraj observed that Kiyoko was the only openly queer artist to break top 40 on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart in 2018 .../It's not just the music industry that's offered up a new wave of queer representation.

Some gender-relevant words make quite unexpected, sensational clusters with words associated primarily with religion: America's Hayley Kiyoko has been described as a “lesbian Jesus ” for her sexy pop bops.

Gender-related words change their stylistic status, for example, components of gay lexicon prenetarte standard English: The New York Times in 2018 declared that we've entered the “age of the twink” (a term for young, skinny, white men, borrowed from the gay lexicon).

The collapse of binary gender opposition 'masculine :: feminine' due to inclusion of gender diversities brought to life another opposition 'cisgender:: transgender'. In this case categorization and naming in English followed the well-known pattern when a retronym was coined to give a name to something that existed for a long time to show how different it is from the modern development: mobile (cell) phones triggered categorizaion of a well-known device as a fixed-line telephone or landline phones, email provoked description of traditional system of message delivery chronologically prior to electronic mail as snail-mail. In 1991 the term 'cissexual' was used by German sexologist Volkmar Sigusch as opposite to transgender (new gender role). Cisgender/ cissexual derivied with the help of Latin prefix cis-(on this side of), marked tradional gender roles identical with sex (cisgender man/ woman) which did not require any specification until gender diversities emerged. These clusters cisgender man/ woman qualified as retronyms signal reinterpretation of sex in the meaning sexually motivated phenomena or behavior [Merriam Webster Dictionary] and shifts within the concept of MAN and WOMAN. Further conceptualization resulted into cisnormativity or heteronormativity, gender normative, gender binary, dyadic. The combinability of cisgender increased, for example, cisgender assumption.

In the bohemic world gender evolution facts multiply rapidly. Hollywood claims that LGTBQ actors make global culture more inclusive. "As a result collocations 'gay actor,' 'gay director,' 'gay writer,' 'gay story' are no longer labels even worth mentioning." [The 50 Most 2020; Marr, Ruaridh 2020]. In other words, they are growing gender normative. In September 2020 The Academy Awards announced that nomination for the Best Picture will require better LGTBQ representation to meet at least two of four new diversity standards [Marr, Ruaridh 2020].

Sex and gender frontiers began to blur in the wake of many other trends and events. Gender-neutral products (unisex) are being offered by many designers [Gender Neutral 2015]. They are not limited to clothes items only any more and span other categories of goods, for instance: Tom Ford's recent unisex fragrance titled Fleur de Portofino. Both men and women can use this fragrance because gender cannot be defined by the scent people prefer to wear/ Gender-neutral shaving kits everyday routine that has forever been divided by the identity of sex [This tropical ... 2015]. Some other events in the world of fashion have more powerful cognitive and symblic impact as it happened with the name of the unisex store: The Future is the Future may be a very meta concept, but it also acts as a great name for a gender-neutral clothing store [Future Is ... 2015].

Joe Biden' administration calls for protection of LGTB rights protection globally [Alpel & Shalal 2021]. The first conspicuous step is the appointment of Pete Buttigieg, 39, the first openly gay as Biden's cabinet Transportation Secretary [Buttigieg 2021]. As LGTBQ+ gain more rights and representation everywhere, The Corridors of Power including, the terms sexual minorities and deviant groups look obsolete. Provocative behavior of individuals, self-presentation strategies they select, social networking [Гришин 2020; Бородина 2021], attempts to attract attention and find recognition, to gain the celebrity status will remain popular among young generations, making further contribution to spread and popularization of non-traditional gender roles.

But facts and data accumulated in biology and medicine in the 1990s, especially after 2000 sound even more striking and promising in terms of Gender Paradigm Shift. Biologists think about a larger spectrum than male and female as sex looks more complicated than used to be. The conclusions are based on discovery of new genes called WNT4 (1990s) and RSPO1 (2011) and chromosomes which have pointed to a complex process of sex determination. Studies of DSD (disorders of sex development) revealed some people have sex-chromosome mosaicism and chimaerism [Циммер 2020; Ainsworth, Claire 2018]. Biologists might offer a new and more nuanced view of sex and the society will have to catch up [Ainsworth, Claire 2018], the majority - to accept it and languages - to categorize. Thus, the notion of biological sex based on binary opposition of male :: female is shaking.

Other changes within the category of Gender and grammatical gender, categorization and naming will be connected with correlation of concepts such as sex, gender, sexuality, sexism and probably some others. How will grammatical gender react to Gender Paradigm Shift? Expansion of Gender paradigm posed the question about appropriate pronouns for all gender diversities. Misgendering - using pronouns with gender reference assigned at birth - might be offensive for transgender in all situations. Most people with a non-binary gender identity use the singular they. Recent genderneutral suggestions for pronouns are ze/hir/hirs// ze/zir/zirs//xe/xem/xyrs [64 Terms]. They neither look better than unsuccessful feminists' innovations of the 20th century, nor mirror the whole spectrum of gender roles. Multiple communication situations require appropriate pronouns not the symbols like «+» with unlimited implications.

Conclusion and further research

In the 20th century Gender Studies and Gender Linguistics focused mainly on “feminine” as a marked member of the binary opposition, language means of its categorization, its presentation within discourse. Impressive spectrum of new gender diversities, the strategies of self-presentation and positioning they select in social media, frequency of these Person Names, wide media coverage of LGTBQIA+ will force linguists to take into account other constituents of Gender category. Semantics of new coinages includes inherent and adherent grammatical meanings which remain implicit but underpin shifts within ontological and grammatical categories.


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16. Nash, Joy. Gender Roles in Modern Society (2016), our- students-writing/gender-roles-in-modern-society/

17. Pete Buttigieg Is Confirmed as Biden's Transportation Secretary (2021), secretary.html

18. Tannen, Deborah. Gender and Discourse (Oxford University Press, 1996).

19. The 50 Most Powerful LGTBQ Players in Hollywood (2020), https://www.hollywoodreporter.oom/lists/pride-2020-50-powerful-lgbtq-players-hollywood-1295933

20. 64 Terms That Describe Gender Identity and Expression. https://www.healthlme.eom/health/different-genders#a-d

Джерельна база дослідження

21. Chen, Angela (2020). The Rise of the 3-Parent Family, https://www.theatlantie.eom/ family/arehive/2020/09/how-build-three-parent-family-david-iay/616421/

22. Did culture really embrace queer people this decade? (2019), https://www.bbe.eom/eulture/artiele/20191218-the-deeade-that-saw-queerness-go- mainstream

23. Future Is The Future Is A New Gender-Neutral Clothing Store Based In Toronto (2015), https://www.huffingtonpost.ea/2014/12/31/future-is-the-future-elothing_n_6400684.html

24. Gender-Neutral Clothing Stores (2015), https://www.trendhunter.eom/trends/ genderneutral-kids- elothing

25. Schools to replace 'mum' and 'dad' with 'Parent 1' and 'Parent 2' (2019),

26. The French government has started proceedings to change the law to get 'mother' and 'father' removed from all school paperwork (2019), world- news/sehools-replaee-mum-dad-parent-14014535

27. This Tropical Fragrance From Tom Ford is Designed for Men and Women (2015), https://www.trendhunter.eom/trends/fleur-de-portofino

28. What Does "Two-Spirit" Mean? | InQueery | them, https ://

29. Why One Married Couple And Their Friend Formed A 3-Parent Family (2017),


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10. Ainsworth, Claire. Sex Redefined: The Idea of 2 Sexes Is Overly Simplistic (2018),

11. Dicke, Anna-Lena, Safavian Nayssan, Eccles Jacquelynne S. Traditional Gender Role Beliefs and Career Attainment in STEM: A Gendered Story? (2019),

12. Gold, Michael. The ABCs of L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.+ (2018), https :// 06/21/style/lgbtq-gender-language.html

13. LGBTQ+ Glossary, Plus.html

14. Marr, Ruaridh. Oscars will require more LGTBQ actors for Best Picture nominees (2020), nominees/

15. Merriam-Webster Dictionary (MWD), family#note-1

16. Nash, Joy. Gender Roles in Modern Society (2016), our- students-writing/gender-roles-in-modern-society/

17. Pete Buttigieg Is Confirmed as Biden's Transportation Secretary (2021), secretary.html

18. Tannen, Deborah. Gender and Discourse (Oxford University Press, 1996).

19. The 50 Most Powerful LGTBQ Players in Hollywood (2020),

20. 64 Terms That Describe Gender Identity and Expression. health/different-genders#a-d

Language data:

21. Chen, Angela (2020). The Rise of the 3-Parent Family, family/archive/2020/09/how-build-three-parent-family-david-jay/616421/

22. Did culture really embrace queer people this decade? (2019), mainstream

23. Future Is The Future Is A New Gender-Neutral Clothing Store Based In Toronto (2015),

24. Gender-Neutral Clothing Stores (2015), genderneutral-kids- clothing

25. Schools to replace 'mum' and 'dad' with Parent P and Parent 2' (2019),

26. The French government has started proceedings to change the law to get 'mother' and father' removed from all school paperwork (2019), world- news/schools-replace-mum-dad-parent-14014535

27. This Tropical Fragrance From Tom Ford is Designed for Men and Women (2015),

28. What Does "Two-Spirit” Mean? | InQueery | them, https ://

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