The practice of creating and using bilingual dictionaries within a bilingual professional training of future social sphere specialists

It is realization of bilingual professional training will a conscious attitude of the future specialist to professional activity, development of their outlook, will expand the possibilities of its adaptation in the modern professional, social realities.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Дата добавления 23.06.2022
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S.M. Sytniakivska, I.V. Lityaga

This article represents the practical aspects of creating and using bilingual dictionaries in the conditions of future social workers professional training.

Introducing the bilingual education into the educational system of Ukraine is a pressing issue nowadays. Creation and usage of bilingual dictionaries is one of the basic foundations of educational and methodological provision of bilingual professional training in higher educational institutions. The use of bilingual dictionaries is carried out within a certain professional (special) subject. At the Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University each subject is developed according to the "Regulations on educational and methodological complex" and has the same structural elements. The Regulations establish the same requirements for the content and design of educational and methodological complexes of educational subjects, which are specified in educational programs and curricula.

It is relevant that the students of the specialty "Social work" actively use "Terminology Bilingual Dictionary: Social Sphere" in the first year of studying within the course "Introduction to the specialty and system of social work services". The basic terms are learned during lectures, practical and laboratory classes, and independent work in both written and oral forms. Also, the mastery of the terms is checked during the final test work and during the exam. This practice of using the bilingual dictionary is also applied during the study of other subjects in the specialty. The process of bilingual training at the university is divided into four stages of training (according to the developed model of bilingual professional training of future social workers), each of which has developed specific teaching and training materials to provide professional training in such a way. The bilingual dictionary contains the most common concepts of social work with the foreign language translation. In the native language terms are interpreted in several variants, with deep explanations, various classifications, typologies and only the specified term and a brief interpretation of the term are provided in a foreign language. The dictionary also contains a short grammar guide to the English language and a phrasebook of the most common scientific cliches and expressions in English. The dictionary was designed to facilitate the work of students in the study of professional (special) subjects in their native and foreign languages.

It is proved that realization of bilingual professional training will provide a conscious attitude of the future specialist to professional activity, development of their outlook, will expand the possibilities of its adaptation in the modern professional, social, informational, scientific realities.

Key words: educational and methodological support, bilingual professional training, bilingualism, bilingual education, bilingual academical curriculum, bilingual dictionary, social sphere specialists, professional training.


С.М. Ситняківська, І.В. Літяга

У даній статті розглядаються практичні аспекти створення та використання білінгвальних словників в умовах двомовної професійної підготовки майбутніх соціальних працівників. Введення білінгвального навчання в освітню систему закладів вищої освіти є актуальним питанням. Створення та використання білінгвальних словників є однією із базових основ навчально-методичного забезпечення білінгвальної професійної підготовки у вищій школі. Використання білінгвальних словників здійснюється у межах певної дисципліни. У Житомирському державному університеті імені Івана Франка кожна навчальна дисципліна розробляється згідно Положення про навчально-методичний комплекс і має однакові структурні елементи.

Положення встановлює єдині вимоги до змісту й оформлення навчально-методичних комплексів навчальних дисциплін, які зазначені в освітніх програмах та навчальних планах. Актуальним є те, що студенти спеціальності 231 "Соціальна робота" активно використовують "Понятійно-термінологічний білінгвальний словник: соціальна сфера" на першому курсі у процесі вивчення дисципліни циклу професійної та практичної підготовки. Основні терміни засвоюються під час лекцій, практичних і лабораторних занять, самостійної роботи як у письмовій, так і в усній формах. Також опанування термінів перевіряється під час проведення підсумкових модульних та ректорських контрольних робіт і під час заліку або екзамену. Процес білінгвального навчання у ЗВО поділяється на чотири етапи навчання, до кожного з яких розроблені спеціальні навчально-методичні матеріали, щоб забезпечити професійну підготовку на білінгвальній основі. Білінгвальний словник вміщує найбільш поширені поняття соціальної роботи з перекладом англійською мовою. Рідною мовою терміни тлумачаться у декількох варіантах, іноземною мовою подається переклад лише зазначеного терміну та стисле його тлумачення. У словнику є короткий граматичний довідник з англійської мови та словник-розмовник найпоширеніших наукових кліше та виразів англійською мовою. Доведено, що реалізація професійної підготовки на білінгвальній основі забезпечить свідоме ставлення майбутнього фахівця до професійної діяльності, розвиток світогляду, розширить можливості його адаптації у професійних, соціальних, інформаційних, наукових реаліях сьогодення.

Ключові слова: навчально-методичне забезпечення, білінгвальна професійна підготовка, білінгвізм, білінгвальне навчання, білінгвальні освітні програми, білінгвальний словник, фахівці соціальної сфери, професійна підготовка.

bilingual professional social activity

Introduction of the issue

The last decade has been characterized by the fact that the modern world has begun to move towards globalization, integration in different spheres of life, and in educational sphere as well. In this regard, the scientific and pedagogical community is developing various concepts for updating the educational structure, modern models, technologies for training specialists, one of which is the professional training of future specialists on bilingual basis (that is teaching professional subjects partially or completely by a foreign language), since such process, in our opinion, is able to enhance the professional competence of graduates in the relevant specialty [12].

In this regard, many scholars advocate the introduction of bilingual education into the Ukrainian education system.

So, bilingual education is a terminological word combination that came from the term bilingualism (that is alternate use of two languages).

The concept of "bilingual education” is interpreted differently by different scholars.

One of the most famous theorists of bilingual education K. Baker interprets this kind of education as a process within which education is conducted in more than one language, and sometimes more than two [1].

K. Minasova, based on the work of M. Siguan and W. McKee, notes that the education system "can be called bilingual only when the languages in the curriculum are used as teaching aids, and not only as languages studied" [6].

V. Safonova emphasizes the need to include an international component in the content of education and notes that the presence of bilingualism or multilingualism in an educational institution cannot be considered as a characteristic of bilingual education, if none of the foreign languages acts independently as a means for studying other subjects.

In our opinion, V. Safonova's approach to the definition of "bilingual education" in the system of professional training in domestic institutions of higher education is the most acceptable, as we also propose to teach professional (special) subjects on the basis of bilingualism.

V. Safonova under modern bilingual educational means considers such "bilingual academical curriculum" in which both native and foreign language are used as the tool of education and self-education during studying of various subjects of university cycle and in which conditions for introduction of the international aspect to the content of university education, which will prepare students for intercultural cooperation in various fields of human activity in a multilingual world are presented" [9].

The concept "bilingual training" is based on the concept of "bilingual education". It should be noted that in pedagogy it is no less important than bilingual education, because the main way to achieve such education is bilingual training.

In general, in modern literature, bilingual training is understood as such an organization of the educational process, when it is possible to use more than one language as the language of teaching, one of which may be a foreign language [12].

Based on the modern approach to the definition of bilingual training in a particular type of educational institution, Chubukova interprets this concept as follows: it is the study of the subject and students' acquisition of subject knowledge in a particular field based on the interconnected use of two languages (native and foreign) as a means of educational activity [13].

Taking into account the peculiarities of bilingual training, typical for domestic educational institutions, we propose to understand bilingual training as interaction of a teacher and students in the process of studying the professional subjects by means of native and foreign languages with different percentage of its usage in the process of studying. Thus, students develop both professional and language competences.

In the process of such learning a dual task is solved: the bilingual training of the student is carried out as well as the formation of the personality, open and ready for interaction with the surrounding world, dialogue of cultures, integration into a single cultural and educational space takes place.

Therefore, in the case of university training the aim of bilingual education can be considered not only the development of communicative but also subject competencies, which reflect the specifics of professional subjects studied in such a way.

Significant difficulties also exist with the use of didactic categories in the bilingual education system. Such concepts as "study of a professional subject in a foreign language" and "teaching on a bilingual basis" have appeared in the categorical apparatus of bilingual didactics.

The concept of "study of a professional subject in a foreign language" means the use of a foreign language as a tool of mastering certain knowledge of the subject, and the concept "teaching on a bilingual basis" is much broader. It includes: mastering the knowledge in a certain field on the basis of interconnected use of two languages (native and foreign) as a means of educational activity; learning a foreign language in the process of mastering certain subject knowledge through the interconnected use of two languages (native and foreign) and mastering a foreign language as a means of educational activities [12: 9, 82-83].

Today, there are many organizational, legal, methodological and even mental (related to the perception of this phenomenon) problems with the introduction of bilingual education in the universities of our country.

Despite the fact that bilingualism is not a widespread category in the system of modern education of Ukraine, its theoretical foundations have been reflected in the works of such native scientists as N. Mykytenko, A. Kovalchuk, F. Moiseeva and others.

Current state of the issue. In Ukraine, pedagogical studies of bilingual education have emerged recently. They were caused by new socio-economic, political, socio-cultural realities, the desire of our country to integrate into the European space which in turn prompted the emergence of researches on the problems of forming a bilingual specialist, as well as studying the foreign experience of bilingual education and the possibilities of transferring such experience on the domestic system of education.

It should be mentioned that domestic scientific schools and institutions of higher education are working on the problem of developing and implementing in the practice of higher education models and technologies for training different specialists in a foreign language, or bilingually. To date, some experience has been gained in teaching students professional (special) subjects in a foreign language in domestic higher education institutions, which is summarized in a number of research papers.

Thus, N. Mykytenko presented the technology of formation the foreign language professional competence of future professionals in natural specialties [5], O. Kanyuk substantiated the formation of foreign language business communication skills of future social workers [3], Z. Korneeva presented methods of future economists business English teaching on the basis of immersion technology [4], R. Devletov developed theoretical and methodological principles of future primary school teachers training of the Crimean Tatar language in a trilingual speech environment [2].

Outline of the unresolved issues brought up in the article. It should be noted that Ukrainian scholars in their research have paid more attention to multicultural education and upbringing and only briefly presented ways to organize training of non-language specialists on a bilingual basis. The analysis of the methodological and scientific domestic literature showed the absence of works related to the educational and methodological support of bilingual training in high school, which determined the relevance of the subject of our study.

Aim of research is to characterize the practice of creating and using bilingual dictionaries within a bilingual professional training of future social sphere specialists (the case of the Chair of Social Technologies of Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University).

Research methods: theoretical analysis of methodological, linguistic, pedagogical and psychological literature on the issues connected with the bilingual education; studying the policy documents, educational standards, textbooks and teaching aids for foreign language and social work on the aspect of the research problem; analysis and generalization of pedagogical experience of the chair of social technologies of Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University.

Results and discussion

The main means of education at the university is a subject. Educational subject means the pedagogically adapted content of the basics of any field of activity. Educational subject in high school is a logically organized system of theories with recommendations on how to apply them in practice [8].

It should be noted that according to the "Regulations on the educational- methodological complex of the academic subject at Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University", each subject contains the same structural components. The "Regulations" is developed as a component of the quality management system of the educational process at the university and establishes unique requirements for the content and design of all educational subjects, envisaged by educational programs and curricula [7].

The envisaged amount of educational and methodological material of the academic subject allows achieving the required quality of educational activity, to organize independent and individual educational research work of the student and to maintain continuity in the teaching of academic subjects. The development of the educational- methodological complex of the certain academic subject is carried out at the chair to which the corresponding subject is assigned, by the lecturer, who is assigned the functions of teaching the corresponding subject, in exact accordance with the requirements of the Regulations on the organization of the educational process in the Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University [7].

The educational-methodological complex is a set of normative and educational materials in printed and electronic forms, necessary and sufficient for the effective fulfillment by the students the educational program. It should provide the main stages of the pedagogical process - conveying educational information and its perception, consolidation and improvement of knowledge, skills, their application and control, and the main functions of the educational process - educational and developmental. Such complexes are developed for all academic subjects according to the curriculum.

Components of the educational complex are: the educational content (synopsis or extended plan of lectures), plans of practical (seminar) classes, tasks for laboratory work, independent work, questions, tasks or cases for current and final control of knowledge and skills, post-certification monitoring of acquired knowledge and skills in the subject (in accordance with the License conditions approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 30 December, 2015. № 1187) [7].

It should be noted that the provision of the educational process in the conditions of bilingual training does not deny the use of all the mentioned educational and methodological materials, but it requires some modification in content and form, since it is created in two languages.

In addition, it is worth noting that training and methodological support for such kind of studying should be consistent with the model of future social sphere specialists' professional training on a bilingual basis [10].

To implement the principle of integrity, designing a system of bilingual professional education for future social sphere specialists, the process of bilingual teaching at the university was divided into stages: covering stage (I-IV semesters of studying), additional stage (V-VIII semesters of studying), parity stage (I-II semesters of master's degree), evolutionary stage (III semester of master's degree).

To each of these stages, special educational and methodological materials have been developed to provide a specific process of bilingual education at the appropriate stage, which in general formed a training complex for implementation the model of future specialists bilingual training, which corresponds to the educational program of training specialists in social sphere and covers all types of educational activities of students in the context of bilingual education [11].

Let's focus on the first stage, as the "Terminology bilingual dictionary: social sphere” was developed for this stage of learning.

Covering or the first stage (the first-the fourth semesters of studying) provides the representation of the same terms and concepts on native and foreign language while studying special (professional) subjects. Special subjects in our case are subjects of socio-pedagogical nature. So, terms or word-combinations which are studied both: native language and foreign language could be introduced within all professional subjects during the I-IV semesters of studying. Thus, the bilingual dictionary is intended for students who begin to study professional subjects in English. Built on the basics of bilingualism, it contains the most common concepts and categories of social pedagogy and social work in Ukrainian with translation and interpretation of these concepts and categories in English.

An example of the interpretation of the term "social learning" is presented in Figure 1.

It should also be noted that at this stage, when in Ukrainian is studied not only the term but also its main characteristics and features, then in English only its meaning is studied. So, on this stage students study professional subjects in native language and only terms and terminological word- combinations bilingually [12].

Навчання соціальне - процес здобуття знань про соціальні закони розвитку суспільства, природи, людини, умінь і навичок організації свого життя у співвідношенні з життям суспільства.

Навчання соціальне - цілеспрямований процес передачі соціальних знань і формування соціальних умінь та навичок, які сприяють соціалізації дитини.

Social learning is a purposeful process of transfer the knowledge and the formation of social skills that will contribute to the socialization of the child.

Fig. 1. Bilingual interpretation of the term "social learning"

The dictionary also includes a short grammar guide in English (since non- linguistic students do not have specialized literature) (Fig. 2) and a vocabulary of the most common scientific clichйs and expressions in English (to facilitate the formation of speech messages) (Fig. 3) [8].

The dictionary was designed to facilitate the bilingual teaching while studying professional (special) subjects and to enable the use of more resources in educational and research socio- pedagogical activities, and a grammar guide and vocabulary - to expand the range of actions concerning presentations of scientific theoretical and practical assets in this field.

Fig. 2. English Grammar Handbook

As terms and concepts that are taught are bilingual components of the training of all professional subjects, studying during the I-IV semesters, the ''Terminological Bilingual Dictionary: Social Sphere'' should be a part of all educational-methodological complexes of all these professional subjects, as an auxiliary methodical element. It is also worth noting that at this stage, when a professional term is studied in Ukrainian, its main characteristics and features, then in English, it is only its meaning. Knowledge of professional terms in a foreign language is a kind of preparation for the transition of students to the next (second) stage of the model of future social sphere specialists' bilingual professional training.

Fig. 3. Glossary of clichйs and expressions (colloquial formulas)

Students of the specialty 231 "Social work” of Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University start using the "Terminology bilingual dictionary: social sphere" in the first year of study within the subject "Introduction to the specialty and system of social work services", in order to study the basic terms and concepts relating to the social sphere from the beginning of training and then use them in the process of studying other professional subjects.

The terms are included to the components of the educational- methodological complex of this academic subject, namely: summary of the subject; educational program; methodological support of the lectures; set of materials for seminars, practical and laboratory classes;

recommendations for the organization of independent and individual work of students; test work, which may contain theoretical questions, test tasks and creative tasks designed to be performed by each student of the academic group, assessment criteria and a list of recommended literature; final control - exam questions and tasks; tests, computer programs [7].

In the course of mastering the lecture material, attention is paid to the basic terms, concepts that are considered during the lecture with reference to the "Terminology bilingual dictionary: social sphere", so that students can choose the easiest option for their understanding and perception. Each term is also supported by specific examples talked out in the discussion form. Each lecture begins with a recapitulation of the terms used in the previous one.

During the practical and laboratory classes the testing of the assimilated terms (which is checked and evaluated) is systematically performed. Also, the terms are learned when designing and processing crossword puzzles, diagrams, tables, figures. Independent work in writing is systematically carried out at different classes as well. Each lecture, practical, and laboratory class begins with a list of basic terms and concepts that underlie them and which are considered in the course. Also, each final test work, complex and rectorial work contains test tasks for mastering basic terms and concepts. Each exam ticket also has test assignment for terms and concepts knowledge. During the credit or the exam, the lecturer additionally asks questions for assimilation the terms and concepts.

The "Terminology bilingual dictionary: social sphere" has been successfully implemented in the educational process and has received positive approval as from students as well as lecturers of the Chair of Social Technologies of Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University.

Conclusions and research perspectives. Therefore, at present stage of our country development professional training on bilingual basis is a necessary component of a modern system of training in high educational institutions, and it needs to be studied and further developed from a scientific and methodological point of view. The key to successful implementation of bilingual professional training in the educational process should be carefully developed educational and methodological support, which is the main component of the entire process of professional training.

Implementation of training on a bilingual basis will provide a conscious attitude of the future specialist to professional activity, development of outlook, will expand the possibilities of its adaptation in the professional, social, informational, scientific realities of today.

Among the prospects for further studies of bilingual training, we see the question of evaluating and controlling the knowledge of students studying in a bilingual way and applying innovative teaching methods.

References (translated & transliterated)

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    контрольная работа [23,3 K], добавлен 16.12.2011

  • The history of translation studies in ancient times, and it's development in the Middle Ages. Principles of translation into Greek, the texts of world's religions. Professional associations of translators. The technology and terminology translation.

    дипломная работа [640,7 K], добавлен 13.06.2013

  • The concept of economic growth and development. Growth factors: extensive, intensive, the growth of the educational and professional level of personnel, improve the management of production. The factors of production: labor, capital and technology.

    презентация [2,3 M], добавлен 21.07.2013

  • What is social structure of the society? The concept of social structure was pioneered by G. Simmel. The main attributes of social structure. Social groupings and communities. Social status. Structural elements of the society’s fundamental institutions.

    реферат [25,4 K], добавлен 05.01.2009

  • People and relationships in the future. Education and medicine in the year 2050, space exploration and travel on other planets, the future of cyberspace. Finding a cure for cancer and AIDS, appearing a new diseases, using cleaner forms of energy.

    презентация [4,2 M], добавлен 16.01.2010

  • Social interaction and social relation are identified as different concepts. There are three components so that social interaction is realized. Levels of social interactions. Theories of social interaction. There are three levels of social interactions.

    реферат [16,8 K], добавлен 18.01.2009

  • Translation as a specific kind of human activity. Methods, approaches and receptions which can be applied while translating informal lexicon. Euphemism and it's using in language of advertising, in slang and in a professional slang in languages.

    реферат [30,7 K], добавлен 20.05.2009

  • Развитие чувства бережного отношения к окружающему миру, сознательного, ответственного понимания своей роли в отношении к окружающей среду. Обучение использованию времен Future Perfect и Future Continuous в высказываниях на английском языке о будущем.

    конспект урока [1,1 M], добавлен 23.03.2014

  • Pictures of scientists of possible future of Earth. Scientific informations about influence of solar radiation on a planet. Earthquakes as a necessary evil. Change of the state arctic sea ice extent for twenty five years from data of satellite of NASA.

    презентация [4,7 M], добавлен 19.12.2011

  • Methodological characteristics of the adaptation process nowadays. Analysis of the industrial-economic activity, the system of management and the condition of adaptation process. Elaboration of the improving project of adaptation in the Publishing House.

    курсовая работа [36,1 K], добавлен 02.04.2008

  • Basic rules and principles of translation of professional vocabulary and texts in the field of jurisprudence and law, features and conditions of use of the verb "to be" and "to be". The arrangement of prepositions in different variations of the text.

    контрольная работа [33,8 K], добавлен 29.03.2015

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