Метапрагматика в жанроведении: нужен ли нам новый аналитический инструмент в эру интернет-медиа

Проведение исследования дискурсов, генерируемых коммуникантами в ответ на исходный дискурс и обсуждающих различные аспекты прагматики последнего. Основные способы, подтипы и специфика "жанровых отсылок", используемых коммуникантами в таких дискурсах.

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Scollon R., Scollon S.W. Nexus analysis: Discourse and the emerging internet. London ; New York : Routledge, 2004. 198 p.

Swales J.M. Research genres: Explorations and applications. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004.

Giltrow J., Stein D. Genres in the Internet. Innovation, evolution, and genre theory // Genres in the internet: Issues in the theory of genre / ed. by J. Giltrow, D. Stein. John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2009. P. 1-26.

Xia S.A. Genre Analysis in the Digital Era: Developments and Challenges. 2020. Vol. 8. P. 141-159.

Askehave I., Nielsen A.E. Digital genres: A challenge to traditional genre theory // Information technology and people / ed. by E.N. Anne, B.H. Kwasnik, K. Crowston. 2005. Vol. 18, № 2. P. 120-141.

Schulz W. Reconstructing mediatization as an analytical concept // European Journal of Communication. 2004. Vol. 19, № 1. P. 87-101.

Hiippala T. An overview of research within the Genre and Multimodality framework // Discourse, Context and Media. 2017. Vol. 20.

Silverstein M. Metapragmatic discourse and metapragmatic function // Reflexive language: Reported speech and metapragmatics / ed. by J. A. Lucy. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1993. P. 33-58.

Spitzmьller J. Graphic variation and graphic ideologies: A metapragmatic approach // Social Semiotics. 2015. Vol. 25, № 2. P. 126-141.

Горошко Е.И., Полякова Т.Л. Инстаграм как жанр 2.0 (на примере политической коммуникации) // Жанры речи. 2019. № 4 (24). C. 300-313.

Дементьев В.В. Онлайн-тесты в новостном браузере: лингвистические и речежанровые характеристики // Жанры речи. 2020. № 1 (25). C. 62-78.

Крылов Ю.В., Стексова Т.И. Новые жанры интернет-коммуникации (на примере демотиватора и мема) // Жанры речи. 2020. № 1 (25). C. 53-61.

Щипицина Л.Ю. Веб-лекция как устный жанр интернет-коммуникации // Жанры речи. 2019. № 3 (23). C. 215-226.

Щурина Ю.В. Речевые жанры русскоязычного сегмента социальной сети Instagram // Жанры речи. 2020. № 2 (26). C. 155-165.

Silverstein M. Shifters, linguistic categories, and cultural description // Meaning in anthropology / ed. by K.H. Basso, H.A. Selby. Albuquerque : University of New Mexico Press, 1976. P. 11-55.

Silverstein M. The Three Faces of “Function”: Preliminaries to a Psychology of Language // Social and functional approaches to language and thought / ed. by Maya Hickmann. Orlando : Academic Press, 1987. P. 17-38.

Halliday M.A.K., Matthiessen C.M.I.M. Construing experience through meaning: A language-based approach to cognition. London ; New York : Continuum, 1999.

Halliday M.A.K., Matthiessen C.M.I.M. An introduction to functional grammar. London : Hodder Education, 2004.

Fairclough N. Analysing discourse: Textual analysis for social research. London ; New York : Routledge, 2003.

Silverstein M. The indeterminacy of contextualization: When is enough enough? // The contextualization of language / eds. by Peter Auer, Aldo Di Luzio. John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1992. P. 55-76.

Eckert P. Variation and the indexical field // Journal of Sociolinguistics. 2008. Vol. 12, № 4. P. 453-476.

Levinson S. C. Pragmatics. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1983.

Brown R., Gilman A. The Pronouns of Power and Solidarity // Style in Language / ed. by T.A. Sebeok. Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 1960. P. 253-276.

Silverstein M. Language structure and linguistic ideology // The elements: A parasession on linguistic units and levels / ed. by P.R. Clyne, W.F. Hanks, C.L. Hofbauer. Chicago : Chicago Linguistic Society, 1979. P. 193-247.

Agha A. Voice, footing, enregisterment // Journal of Linguistic Anthropology. 2005. Vol. 15, № 1. P. 38-59.

Verschueren J. Notes on the role of metapragmatic awareness in language use // Pragmatics. 2000. Vol. 10, № 4. P. 439-456.

Coupland N. Style: Language variation and identity. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2007. 209 p.

Чернявская В.Е. Метапрагматика коммуникации: когда автор приносит свое значение, а адресат свой контекст // Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Язык и литература. 2020. № 1 (17). C. 135-147.

Jenkins R. Social identity. London ; New York : Routledge, 2004. 218 p.

Tajfel H. Social identity and intergroup behaviour // Social Science Information/sur les sciences sociales. 1974. Vol. 13, № 2. P. 65-93.

Кара-Мурза Е.С. Лингвистическая экспертиза информационного обеспечения выборов (на материале президентской кампании 2018 г.) // Медиалингвистика. 2019. Т. 6, № 2. С. 148-163.

Verschueren J. Understanding pragmatics // Understanding pragmatics. London : Edward Arnold, 1999.

Ventola E. Problems of modelling and applied issues within the framework of genre // WORD. 1989. Vol. 40, № 1-2. P. 129-161.

Кожина М.Н. Речевой акт и речевой жанр (некоторые аспекты проблемы) // Жанры речи. Саратов, 1999. С. 52-61.

Devitt A.J. Generalizing about Genre: New Conceptions of an Old Concept // College Composition and Communication. National Council of Teachers of English, 1993. Vol. 44, № 4. P. 573-586.

Devitt A.J. Re-fusing form in genre study // Genres in the internet: Issues in the theory of genre / ed. by J. Giltrow, D. Stein. Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2009. P. 27-48.

Devitt A.J. Genre performances: John Swales' Genre Analysis and rhetorical- linguistic genre studies // Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 2015. Vol. 19. P. 44-51.

Askehave I., Swales J.M. Genre identification and communicative purpose: A problem and a possible solution // Applied Linguistics. 2001. Vol. 22, № 2. P. 195-212.

Bhatia V.K. Analysing genre: Language use in professional settings. London ; New York : Longman, 1993.

Swales J.M. Genre analysis: English in academic and research settings. 3rd ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1990.

Bhatia V.K. Critical genre analysis: Theoretical preliminaries // HERMES - Journal of Language and Communication in Business. 2015. Vol. 27, № 54. P. 9-20.

Moreno A.I., Swales J.M. Strengthening move analysis methodology towards bridging the function-form gap // English for Specific Purposes. 2018. Vol. 50. P. 40-63.

Swales J.M. Genre and engagement // Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire. 1993. Vol. 71, № 3. P. 687-698.

Blommaert J., Smits L., Yacoubi N. Context and its complications // Tilburg Papers in Culture Studies. Vol. 208. Tiburg : Tilburg University, 2018.

Martin P. Genre and discourse community // ES: Revista de filologm inglesa. 2003. Vol. 25, № 25. P. 153-166.

Skalicky S. Was this analysis helpful? A genre analysis of the Amazon.com discourse community and its “most helpful” product reviews // Discourse, Context & Media. 2013. Vol. 2, № 2. P. 84-93.

Szabla M., Blommaert J. Does context really collapse in social media interaction? // Applied Linguistics Review. 2018. Vol. 9, № 2.

Hyland K. Persuasion, interaction and the construction of knowledge: Representing self and others in research writing // International Journal of English Studies. 2008. Vol. 8, № 2. P. 1-23.

Maswana S., Kanamaru T., Tajino A. Move analysis of research articles across five engineering fields: What they share and what they do not // Ampersand. 2015. Vol. 2. P. 1-11.

Swales J.M., Rogers P. Discourse and the projection of corporate culture: The mission statement // Discourse & Society. 1995. Vol. 6, № 2. P. 223-242.

BoydM.S. (New) participatory framework on YouTube? Commenter interaction in US political speeches // Journal of Pragmatics. 2014. Vol. 72. P. 46-58.

Lehti L. et al. Linguistic analysis of online conflicts: A case study of flaming in Smokahontas comment thread in YouTube // WiderScreen. 2016. № 1-2. URL: http://widerscreen.fi/numerot/2016-1-2/linguistic-anaead-on-youtube (accessed: 09.07.2020).

TalbotM.M. Media discourse: Representation and interaction. Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 2007.

Andersen T.H., van Leeuwen T.J. Genre crash: The case of online shopping // Discourse, Context & Media. 2017. Vol. 20. P. 191-203.

Ordinary lifestyles: Popular media, consumption and taste / ed. by D. Bell, J. Hollows. Maidenhead: Open University Press, 2005.

Historicizing lifestyle: Mediating taste, consumption and identity from the 1900s to 1970s / ed. by D. Bell, J. Hollows. London ; New York : Routledge, 2006.

Machin D., van Leeuwen T. Language style and lifestyle: The case of a global magazine // Media, Culture & Society. 2005. Vol. 27, № 4. P. 577-600.

Machin D., van Leeuwen T. Global media discourse: A critical introduction. London : Routledge, 2007.

Raisborough J. Lifestyle media and the formation of the self. Houndmills : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2011.

Martin J.R. The Discourse Semantics of Attitudinal Relations: Continuing the Study of Lexis // RJL. 2017. Vol. 21, № 1. P. 22-47.

Martin J.R., White P.R. R. The language of evaluation. London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2005.

White P.R.R. Exploring the axiological workings of `reporter voice' news stories - Attribution and attitudinal positioning // Discourse, Context & Media. 2012. Vol. 1, № 2. P. 57-67.

White P.R.R. Taking Bakhtin Seriously: Dialogic effects in written, mass communicative discourse, Japanese Journal of Pragmatics, V.12 // Japanese Journal of Pragmatics. 2010. Vol. 12. P. 37-53.

Wood M.K. What makes a vlog a vlog? // Diggit Magazine. 2019.

Лущиков В.А., ТерскихМ.В. Жанрово-тематические и языковые особенности видеоблогов // Вестник Тамбовского университета. Серия: Общественные науки. 2018. Т. 4, № 14. С. 57-75.

Текутьева И.А. Жанрово-тематическая классификация видеоблогинга // Медиасреда. 2016. № 11. С. 107-113.

Bhatia V.K. Generic patterns in promotional discourse // Persuasion across genres: A linguistic approach / ed. by H. Halmari, T. Virtanen. Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2005. P. 213-225.

Cook G. The discourse of advertising. 2nd ed. London ; New York : Routledge, 2001.

Дементьев В.В. Заголовки с цифрами в интернет-медиа: лингвистические и прагматические характеристики // Вестник Томского государственного университета. Филология. 2020. № 63. С. 5-27.

Serrano M.J., Ау'ут O.M.A. Discourse objectivization, social variation and style of Spanish second-person singular tu. 2014. Vol. 48. P. 225.

Bauman R., Briggs C.L. Poetics and performance as critical perspectives on language and social life // Annual Review of Anthropology. 1990. Vol. 19. P. 59-88.

Bateman J.A. Triangulating transmediality: A multimodal semiotic framework relating media, modes and genres // Discourse, Context & Media. 2017. Vol. 20. P. 160-174.

Купрещенко О.Ф. Учебный лонгрид как мультимодальный текст: к вопросу о специфике жанра // Общество. Коммуникация. Образование. 2020. Т. 11, № 2. С. 69-77.


1. Briggs, C.L. & Bauman, R. (1992) Genre, intertextuality, and social power. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology. 2 (2). pp. 131-172.

2. Gьnthner, S. & Knoblauch, H. (1995) Culturally patterned speaking practices - the analysis of communicative genres. PragmaticsPragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA). 5 (1). pp. 1-32.

3. Hanks, W.F. (1987) Discourse genres in a theory of practice. American Ethnologist. 14 (4). pp. 668-692.

4. Miller, C. (1984) Genre as social action. Quarterly Journal of Speech. 70 (2). pp. 151167.

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6. Miller, C. & Shepherd, D. (2009) Questions for genre theory from the blogosphere. In: Giltrow, J. & Stein, D. (eds) Genres in the internet: Issues in the theory of genre. Amsterdam; Philadelphia: John Benjamins Pub. Co. pp. 263-290.

7. Bakhtin, M.M. (1986) Literaturno-kriticheskie stat'i [Literary-critical articles]. Moscow: Khudozhestvennaya literatura. pp. 428-472.

8. Dement'ev, V.V. (2016) Rechezhanrovye zaimstvovaniya [Speech-genre borrowings]. Struktury i funktsii: issledovaniya po rusistike. II (2).

9. Salimovskiy, V.A. (2002) Zhanry rechi v funktsional'no-stilisticheskom osveshchenii (russkiy nauchnyy akademicheskiy tekst) [Genres of speech in functional and stylistic coverage (Russian scientific academic text)]. Philology Dr. Diss. Yekaterinburg.

10. Agha, A. (2007) Language and social relations. In: Studies in the social and cultural foundations of language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

11. Blommaert, J. (2005) Discourse: A critical introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

12. Blommaert, J. (2015) Meaning as a nonlinear effect: The birth of cool. AILA Review. pp. 7-27.

13. Chouliaraki, L. & Fairclough, N. (1999) Discourse in late modernity: Rethinking critical discourse analysis. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

14. Hodge, R. & Kress, G. (1988) Social semiotics. Ithaca; New York: Cornell University Press.

15. Lьders, M., Praitz, L. & Rasmussen, T. (2010) Emerging personal media genres. New Media & Society. 12 (6). pp. 947-963.

16. Scollon, R. & Scollon, S.W. (2004) Nexus analysis: Discourse and the emerging internet. London; New York: Routledge.

17. Swales, J.M. (2004) Research genres: Explorations and applications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

18. Giltrow, J. & Stein, D. (2009) Genres in the Internet. Innovation, evolution, and genre theory. In: Giltrow, J. & Stein, D. (eds) Genres in the internet: Issues in the theory of genre. John Benjamins Publishing Company. pp. 1-26.

19. Xia, S.A. (2020) Genre Analysis in the Digital Era: Developments and Challenges. ESP Today. 8. pp. 141-159.

20. Askehave, I. & Nielsen, A.E. (2005) Digital genres: A challenge to traditional genre theory. In: Anne, E.N., Kwasnik, B.H. & Crowston, K. (eds) Information technology and people. 18 (2). pp. 120-141.

21. Schulz, W. (2004) Reconstructing mediatization as an analytical concept. European Journal of Communication. 19 (1). pp. 87-101.

22. Hiippala, T. (2017) An overview of research within the Genre and Multimodality framework. Discourse, Context and Media. 20.

23. Silverstein, M. (1993) Metapragmatic discourse and metapragmatic function. In: Lucy, J.A. (ed.) Reflexive language: Reported speech and metapragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 33-58.

24. Spitzmьller, J. (2015) Graphic variation and graphic ideologies: A metapragmatic approach. Social Semiotics. 25 (2). pp. 126-141.

25. Goroshko, E.I. & Polyakova, T.L. (2019) Nstagram as Genre 2.0 (Political Communication Case). Zhanry rechi - Speech Genres. 4 (24). pp. 300-313.

26. Dement'ev, VV (2020) Online Tests in the News Browser: Linguistic and Speech Genre Characteristics. Zhanry rechi - Speech Genres. 1 (25). pp. 62-78. (In Russian).

27. Krylov, Yu.V & Steksova, T.I. (2020) New Genres of Internet Communication (Based on Demotivators and Memes). Zhanry rechi - Speech Genres. 1 (25). pp. 53-61. (In Russian).

28. Shchipitsina, L.Yu. (2019) Web Lecture as an Oral Internet Genre. Zhanry rechi - Speech Genres. 3 (23). pp. 215-226. (In Russian).

29. Shchurina, Yu.V (2020) Speech Genres of the Russian Language Segment of Instagram Social Network. Zhanry rechi - Speech Genres. 2 (26). pp. 155-165.

30. Silverstein, M. (1976) Shifters, linguistic categories, and cultural description. In: Basso, K.H. & Selby, H.A. (eds) Meaning in anthropology. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. pp. 11-55.

31. Silverstein, M. (1987) The Three Faces of “Function”: Preliminaries to a Psychology of Language. In: Hickmann, M. (ed.) Social and functional approaches to language and thought. Orlando: Academic Press. pp. 17-38.

32. Halliday, M.A.K. & Matthiessen, C.M.I.M. (1999) Construing experience through meaning: A language-based approach to cognition. London; New York: Continuum.

33. Halliday, M.A.K. & Matthiessen, C.M.I.M. (2004) An introduction to functional grammar. London: Hodder Education.

34. Fairclough, N. (2003) Analysing discourse: Textual analysis for social research. London; New York: Routledge.

35. Silverstein, M. (1992) The indeterminacy of contextualization: When is enough enough? In: Auer, P. & Di Luzio, A. (eds) The contextualization of language. John Benjamins Publishing Company. pp. 55-76.

36. Eckert, P (2008) Variation and the indexical field. Journal of Sociolinguistics. 12 (4). pp. 453-476.

37. Levinson, S.C. (1983) Pragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

38. Brown, R. & Gilman, A. (1960) The Pronouns of Power and Solidarity. In: Sebeok, T.A. (ed.) Style in Language. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. pp. 253-276.

39. Silverstein, M. (1979) Language structure and linguistic ideology. In: Clyne, PR., Hanks, W.F. & Hofbauer, C.L. (eds) The elements: A parasession on linguistic units and levels. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society. pp. 193-247.

40. Agha, A. (2005) Voice, footing, enregisterment. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology. 15 (1). pp. 38-59.

41. Verschueren, J. (2000) Notes on the role of metapragmatic awareness in language use. Pragmatics. 10 (4). pp. 439-456.

42. Coupland, N. (2007) Style: Language variation and identity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

43. Chernyavskaya, VE. (2020) Metapragmatics: When the author brings meaning and the addressee context. Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. Yazyk i literatura - Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature. 1 (17). pp. 135-147. (In Russian). DOI: 10.21638/spbu09.2020.109

44. Jenkins, R. (2004) Social identity. London; New York: Routledge.

45. Tajfel, H. (1974) Social identity and intergroup behaviour. Social Science Information /Sur les sciences sociales. 13 (2). pp. 65-93.

46. Kara-Murza, E.S. (2019) Linguistic expertise of information support of elections (based on the presidential campaign of 2018). Medialingvistika - Media Linguistics Journal. 6 (2). pp. 148-163.

47. Verschueren, J. (1999) Understanding pragmatics. London: Edward Arnold.

48. Ventola, E. (1989) Problems of modelling and applied issues within the framework of genre. WORD. 40 (1-2). pp. 129-161.

49. Kozhina, M.N. (1999) Rechevoy akt i rechevoy zhanr (nekotorye aspekty problemy) [Speech act and speech genre (some aspects of the problem)]. In: Gol'din, V.E. (ed.) Zhanry rechi [Speech Genres]. Saratov: Izd-vo Gosudarstvennogo uchebno-nauchnogo tsentra “Kolledzh”. pp. 52-61.

50. Devitt, A.J. (1993) Generalizing about Genre: New Conceptions of an Old Concept. College Composition and Communication. 44 (4). pp. 573-586.

51. Devitt, A.J. (2009) Re-fusing form in genre study. In: Giltrow, J. & Stein, D. (eds) Genres in the internet: Issues in the theory of genre. Amsterdam; Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. pp. 27-48.

52. Devitt, A.J. (2015) Genre performances: John Swales' Genre Analysis and rhetorical- linguistic genre studies. Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 19. pp. 44-51.

53. Askehave, I. & Swales, J.M. (2001) Genre identification and communicative purpose: A problem and a possible solution. Applied Linguistics. 22 (2). pp. 195-212.

54. Bhatia, V.K. (1993) Analysing genre: Language use in professional settings. London; New York: Longman.

55. Swales, J.M. (1990) Genre analysis: English in academic and research settings. 3rd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

56. Bhatia, V.K. (2015) Critical genre analysis: Theoretical preliminaries. HERMES - Journal of Language and Communication in Business. 27 (54).

57. Moreno, A.I. & Swales, J.M. (2018) Strengthening move analysis methodology towards bridging the function-form gap. English for Specific Purposes. 50. pp.

58. Swales, J.M. (1993) Genre and engagement. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire. 71 (3). pp. 687-698.

59. Blommaert, J., Smits, L. & Yacoubi, N. (2018) Context and its complications. Tilburg Papers in Culture Studies. 208.

60. Martin, P. (2003) Genre and discourse community. ES: Revista de filologna inglesa. 25 (25). pp. 153-166.

61. Skalicky, S. (2013) Was this analysis helpful? A genre analysis of the Amazon.com discourse community and its “most helpful” product reviews. Discourse, Context & Media. 2 (2). pp. 84-93.

62. Szabla, M. & Blommaert, J. (2018) Does context really collapse in social media interaction? Applied Linguistics Review. 9 (2).

63. Hyland, K. (2008) Persuasion, interaction and the construction of knowledge: Representing self and others in research writing. International Journal of English Studies. 8 (2). pp. 1-23.

64. Maswana, S., Kanamaru, T. & Tajino, A. (2015) Move analysis of research articles across five engineering fields: What they share and what they do not. Ampersand. 2. pp. 1-11.

65. Swales, J.M. & Rogers, P. (1995) Discourse and the projection of corporate culture: The mission statement. Discourse & Society. 6 (2). pp. 223-242.

66. Boyd, M.S. (2014) (New) participatory framework on YouTube? Commenter interaction in US political speeches. Journal of Pragmatics. 72. pp. 46-58.

67. Lehti, L. et al. (2016) Linguistic analysis of online conflicts: A case study of flaming in Smokahontas comment thread in YouTube. WiderScreen. 1-2.

68. Talbot, M.M. (2007) Media discourse: Representation and interaction. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

69. Andersen, T.H. & van Leeuwen, T.J. (2017) Genre crash: The case of online shopping. Discourse, Context & Media. 20. pp. 191-203.

70. Bell, D. & Hollows, J. (eds) (2005) Ordinary lifestyles: Popular media, consumption and taste. Maidenhead: Open University Press.

71. Bell, D. & Hollows, J. (eds) (2006) Historicizing lifestyle: Mediating taste, consumption and identity from the 1900s to 1970s. London; New York: Routledge.

72. Machin, D. & van Leeuwen, T (2005) Language style and lifestyle: The case of a global magazine. Media, Culture & Society. 27 (4). pp. 577-600.

73. Machin, D. & van Leeuwen, T (2007) Global media discourse: A critical introduction. London: Routledge.

74. Raisborough, J. (2011) Lifestyle media and the formation of the self. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan UK.

75. Martin, J.R. (2017) The Discourse Semantics of Attitudinal Relations: Continuing the Study of Lexis. RJL. 21 (1). pp. 22-47.

76. Martin, J.R. & White, P.R.R. (2005) The language of evaluation. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK.

77. White, P.R.R. (2012) Exploring the axiological workings of `reporter voice' news stories - Attribution and attitudinal positioning. Discourse, Context & Media. 1 (2). pp. 57-67.

78. White, P.R.R. (2010) Taking Bakhtin Seriously: Dialogic effects in written, mass communicative discourse, Japanese Journal of Pragmatics, V12. Japanese Journal of Pragmatics. 12. pp. 37-53.

79. Wood, M.K. (2019) What makes a vlog a vlog? DiggitMagazine.

80. Lushchikov, V.A. & Terskikh, M.V (2018) Video Blogging Genre, Thematic and Linguistic Properties. Vestnik Tambovskogo universiteta. Seriya: Obshchestvennye nauki. 4 (14). pp. 57-75. (In Russian).

81. Tekut'eva, I.A. (2016) Zhanrovo-tematicheskaya klassifikatsiya videobloginga [Genre-thematic classification of video blogging]. Mediasreda. 11. pp. 107-113.

82. Bhatia, VK. (2005) Generic patterns in promotional discourse. In: Halmari, H. & Virtanen, T. (eds) Persuasion across genres: A linguistic approach. Amsterdam; Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. pp. 213-225.

83. Cook, G. (2001) The discourse of advertising. 2nd ed. London; New York: Routledge.

84. Dement'ev, VV (2020) Headlines With Figures in the Media: A Structural and

85. Functional Analysis. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Filologiya - Tomsk State University Journal of Philology. 63. pp. 5-27.

86. Serrano, M.J. & Aijun, O.M.A. (2014) Discourse objectivization, social variation and style of Spanish second-person singular tu. Folia Linguistica. 48.

87. Bauman, R. & Briggs, C.L. (1990) Poetics and performance as critical perspectives on language and social life. Annual Review of Anthropology. 19. pp. 59-88.

88. Bateman, J.A. (2017) Triangulating transmediality: A multimodal semiotic framework relating media, modes and genres. Discourse, Context & Media. 20. pp. 160-174.

89. Kupreshchenko, O.F. (2020) Educational Digital Longform Article as a Multimodal Text: On the Issue of the Genre Specifics. Obshchestvo. Kommunikatsiya. Obrazovanie - Society. Communication. Education. 11 (2). pp. 69-77. (In Russian).

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