Business correspondence as a component of business communication in Azerbaijani language

Studying the texts of business letters written in the Azerbaijani language. The analysis leads to the conclusion that a rational combination of standard and lexical elements is observed in all sections of a business letter in the Azerbaijani language.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 17.10.2022
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Gahramanova C.M.

Azerbaijan State Economics University


Business correspondence always serves communication with an accuracy purpose, complete actual issues, and is addressed to a specific communication partner. In written communication partners, goals, conditions, methods and organization of communication form the structure of business discourse. In business correspondence the full and accurate application of these components allows for positive and effective communication.

The texts of business letters written in the Azerbaijani language, which is one of the main means of business communication, are drawn to study in the article. A business letter is a legally business document that serves to enter, store and transmit information. Writing business letters involves a certain reaction of the addressee, that is, within the communicative situation, one letter is followed by a series of thematic texts related to it - reply letters. Categories of business discourse are applied in the official sections of the business correspondence document and directly in the text itself.

The analysis leads to the conclusion that in all sections of the business letter in the Azerbaijani language there is a rational compatibility of standard elements and lexical, morphological and syntactic language units and means normalized at all levels of language. The article considers the characteristics of different categories of business discourse in the genre of business letter, reflecting this rational correspondence. The expediency of the analysis of the texts of business letters within the discursive approach is substantiated.

The main factor of article on business communication is also stressed importantly. It makes opportunity to understand more clearly and more easily and expressed more correctly and it allows determining the content, function and structure of the correspondence.

The purpose of business documents is to convey the author's point of view and position to the person to whom the correspondence is addressed. Well-educated and convincing arguments are valued as one of the key tools in achieving this goal.

Key words: written business communication, business letter, dialogue, business communication


azerbaijani language business lexical

Ділове листування як компонент ділової комунікації в азербайджанській мові. Гахраманова Ц.

Ділове листування завжди служить спілкуванню з метою уточнення, вирішення актуальних питань та адресоване конкретному партнеру зі спілкування. У письмовому спілкуванні партнери, цілі, умови, методи та організація спілкування утворюють структуру ділового дискурсу. У діловому листуванні повне та точне застосування цих компонентів дозволяє вести позитивну та ефективну комунікацію.

У статті залучаються до вивчення тексти ділових листів, написаних азербайджанською мовою, що є одним із основних засобів ділового спілкування. Ділове лист - це юридично діловий документ, який служить для введення, зберігання та передачі інформації. Написання ділових листів передбачає певну реакцію адресата, тобто всередині комунікативної ситуації за одним листом слід ряд пов'язаних з ним тематичних текстів - листів у відповідь. Категорії ділового дискурсу застосовуються в офіційних розділах документа ділового листування і у самому тексті.

Аналіз призводить до висновку, що у всіх розділах ділового листа в азербайджанській мові спостерігається раціональне поєднання стандартних елементів та лексичних, морфологічних та синтаксичних мовних одиниць та засобів, нормалізованих на всіх рівнях мови. У статті розглядаються характеристики різних категорій ділового дискурсу в жанрі ділового листа, що відображають цю раціональну відповідність. Обґрунтовується доцільність аналізу текстів ділових листів у межах дискурсивного підходу.

Також виділено основний чинник статті про ділове спілкування. Це дає можливість більш ясно і легко розуміти і висловлюватися правильніше, а також дозволяє визначити зміст, функцію та структуру кореспонденції.

Мета ділових документів - донести авторську точку зору та позицію до особи, якій адресована кореспонденція. Грамотна та переконлива аргументація цінується як один із ключових інструментів у досягненні цієї мети.

Ключові слова: письмове ділове спілкування, діловий лист, діалог, ділове спілкування.


The most common type of communication between people in society is business communication. The ability to successfully conduct business negotiations, prepare and properly compile a business document has now become an integral part of a person's professional culture (manager, leader at all levels, assistant, employee). In order to achieve high performance in any type of professional activity, it is necessary to gather certain information, knowledge and ideas about the rules and principles of business communication.

Business communication, people's business communication comes from their activities. In a given society, the social foundations of business communication are people's activities and the social relationships that exist there. This must be taken into account completely. Thus, by establishing business communication in any sphere of public life, public relations is carried out through the interaction of individuals, their business communication, in order to better understand the real conditions under which they will be implemented, their suitability for their interests and prospects for cooperation. Interactions, business communications can have very different information.

Business communication is a topic-oriented activity, aimed at organizing and optimizing one or another topic activity: production, scientific, pedagogical. “In business communication, the subject of communication and the attitude of the participants to it (subject positions) is the main determining process, communication. Including you, the ability of partners in order to understand the subject is a matter of prerequisite [1].

Main part

One of the most important factors in socio-cultural life today is communication, which creates a growing interest in the study oflinguo cultural aspects of business communication. There are many types of business communication, which are carried out both orally and in writing form. For example: business talks, meetings, public, mass and educational events, discussions, conferences, including business correspondence. Business correspondence is a special form of business communication that is transmitted in writing through various communication channels, accompanied by economic and legal activities, and used to exchange information between different organizations and structural units of an organization.

Standard aspects of business correspondence are formed on the basis of a specific speech situation, which combines the communicative role, purpose and addressee factor of the compiler. The subject, content, form and program of business articles are determined by their compilers. Individual- subjective factors play an important role here, because the author of the discourse conveys not only objective information, but also his personal attitude to it, which clarifies the reaction of the addressee to that information.

The main factor of business communication is also more important. It makes opportunity to understand more clearly and more easily and expressed more correctly and it allows determining the content, function and structure of the correspondence.

The purpose of business documents is to convey the author's point of view and position to the person to whom the correspondence is addressed. Well- educated and convincing arguments are valued as one of the key tools in achieving this goal. When these correspondences are conducted without following grammatical, ethical and other rules, not only can the relationship develop, but also the relationship which can be damaged in the first place and the business relationship can be broken. Therefore, business letters written in accordance with the above mentioned rules can create a positive impression on the person who compiles it and the department, enterprise and organization represents, which is considered one of the important conditions for success in the completed work.

As in other languages in Azerbaijan, in business correspondence, the addressee influences the choice of polite expressions, the composition and arrangement of requisites, and sometimes even the vocabulary and volume of business texts. The information sent to the regular business partner is compact and concise, as it is already known and clear to both parties. Conversely, the less familiar the information is to the addressee, the more complete the information should be in the text of the correspondence.

In communicating with a foreign recipient, it is important to take into account that who belongs to a different culture, as well as to adhere to ethical norms, expect tolerance and respect for national and cultural values. In the discourse of business correspondence, a foreign language acts not primarily as a universal system of symbols, but as a means of communication that incorporates all the features of the culture it represents into the act of communication, because no culture can exist without language. At the same time, the discourse of business correspondence in foreign languages is not only the exchange of speech signals, but also the interaction of cultures - dialogue. The discourse of business correspondence in a foreign language is mainly conditioned by the goals, characteristics and technology of professional activity carried out in accordance with the rules, norms and forms accepted at the world level. Representatives of different nations and cultures are involved in business communication in the activities that make up its various components: planning, management decision-making, search for sources of information, obtaining the necessary information, etc. performs.

These components address a number of issues related to the organization and implementation of intercultural business relations. In the process of implementing these components of professional activity, the representatives of different nations are guided by the tendencies and attitudes that reflect the national differences formed in these peoples.

Business letters are a type of business correspondence which is written in a specific communicative situation, its aim is to solve specific communication problem and addressed to a specific communication partner. Discourse analysis of any text is carried out taking into account the whole complex of linguistic and extralinguistic factors relevant to a particular communicative situation. In this regard, epistolary discourse has a wide range of possibilities. Since the discourse is defined by texts reflecting a series of situational events, including extralinguistic - pragmatic, socio-cultural, psychological and other factors, it is advisable to consider business letters in a discursive approach.

Discourse is also understood as a set of texts related to a specific communicative event, recorded in written texts and oral speech, carried out in a certain cognitive and typologically conditioned communicative space. The word is derived from the Latin word “discourses” and means to communicate, to talk, to speak. Emile Benvenist, a French researcher who studied the theory of expression in the 50 years of XX century, talks about a new concept in linguistics - discourse, and interprets it as a speech presented by the speaker [2].

The structure of business discourse, which consists of one of the main genres of business letters, covers the communicative purpose, the image of the author and the addressee, the content, the subject, the form of linguistic expression of the genre. The full and successful implementation of the components of business discourse in the business letter genre will ensure productive communication that continues in a spirit of positive partnership.

Nowadays, the genre of business writing in the Azerbaijani language is actively developing. Business letters are correspondence of states, departments, enterprises and organizations in the process of diplomatic, administrative, social and industrial activities. Such letters are addressed to specific officials. Because both the receiver and the addressee are legal entities and represent any company or enterprise, the relationship between them is non-individual and formal.

A business letter is a document compiled in accordance with the rules of correspondence, containing official information and duly executed and addressed in writing to the official (enterprise, organization, department to which it is addressed). These letters focus on a number of features that are characteristic of all documents of formal-business style, regardless of their content and genre: clarity of text, comprehensibility. The information should be written in as simple and understandable language as possible; Accuracy of the addressee's position and point of view. Information that is not based on facts or evidence is not taken seriously because it does not have a convincing effect; Compactness. Information should be concise to save time; Use of terms; Correct sequence of words in a sentence; The interests of the addressee must be taken into account when including this or that information in the text of the letter; Follow the rules of etiquette and subordination (violating these rules will delay the expected result).

A business letter is a letter of inquiry (for example, written to obtain information about the availability, production, use, etc. of a product), a letter of appeal, a letter of reminder (emphasizing the importance of a particular issue, delivered directly or by courier sent), commercial offer letter, guarantee letters, congratulatory letters, thank you letters, etc. Because they are official documents that have legal force, they are sometimes kept in offices, enterprises and organizations for several years. This is often done when there is a need to resolve complaints, as well as other disputes between the client companies and their employees.

The business letter is also characterized by stylistic features of the official business style, such as functionality and formality, tone neutrality, standardization and accuracy, and is written in a special structural form defined for such letters with the help of standard syntactic constructions, standardized lexical units. Neutrality of tone of expression means that the language of letters is built in a logical sequence, far from emotional colors. Standardization and accuracy implies adherence to the rules of business style, as well as phonetic, lexical and grammatical norms of the language at all levels of the organization of the text of the business letter (from the introductory part to the concluding part). The above features determine the transpersonal nature of the text of a business letter, facilitate its compilation, but do not exclude a creative approach and a fairly high level of linguistic training of the compiler.

As noted, as in all genres of epistolary style, the phonetic, lexical and grammatical norms of literary language must be observed when preparing the texts of business letters. Accurate choice of words and phrases according to the content of the text, correct spelling, expectation of morphological norm in the relationship of root and suffix, sequence of suffixes, including word order, structure of lexical- grammatical connection between words in simple and complex sentences, as well as stylistic norms local use is an important condition. All this is important for the person whom the letter is addressed, and indirectly for the department, organization or enterprise to have a correct idea of the content of its text, to understand exactly what it is about, what it is trying to explain and what information it conveys.

One of the characteristic features of business letters in the Azerbaijani language and the most important is that they bear the signatures of authorized persons. Compilation, organization and addressing of such letters are carried out by specialists or heads of structures authorized by the order of the head of the enterprise. However, regardless of who wrote it, the letter must in any case be signed and certified by its head, as it is written on behalf of the company. All business letters contain information about the company's activities and are subject to certain requirements, regardless of their structure or content. These requirements include, first of all, the requisites of the addressee and the addressee, a polite address in accordance with the rules of epistolary etiquette (using vocabulary words and sentences), a description of the information containing the reasons and purposes of the letter, justifications, requests and comments with reference to legal laws, result - end, includes the date of writing the letter (if necessary, the document may include additional photo and video information as a complement, which is reflected in the main text of the letter).

The letter should be written in manuscript or printed electronically (it is more convenient to create several copies of the letter). It can be made both on a regular standard A4 sheet and on a special form with the company logo.

Usually, when accepting a document addressed to the organization, the main attention is paid to the essence of the information contained in it, inevitably the appearance of the document: the quality of the paper, logo design, font, color of the form and the other things. In this regard, the second option is more preferred, because such a letter looks more serious and at first glance expresses the formality of the information. A document that meets approved standards is visually easier and faster to accept, which undoubtedly makes communication easier. Today an email is one of the most widely used forms of personalized correspondence. The style of the text of the e-mail is more concise, specific and sincere, while maintaining the seriousness of the traditional letterhead. E-mail does not only eliminates the time and space it required for the delivery of a letter on paper, but also changes the content of the information sent, their perception by the author and the addressee, as well as the essence of the communication process as a whole. The change in the essence of epistolary texts in modern electronic format determines the essence of modern electronic format. From the point of view of discourse theory, a business letter serves a specific communicative attitude and implies a specific reaction of the addressee to it. Elements of information analysis serve for productive communication and positive partnership.

Russian linguist V.I. Karasik describes discourse in the context of a communicative approach and characterizes its categories as follows:

1) Communication partners (role-status, situational-communicative nature);

2) Conditions of communication (introduction, sphere of communication, chronotope, communicative environment);

3) Organization of communication (motives, goals and strategies, placement and distribution, control of communication and diversity of means of communication);

4) Methods of communication (means of communication, mode of communication, tone of communication, style and genre of communication) [3, p.29].

Each of these categories is important for communicative discourse. To explain this more clearly and to understand its essence, let us consider the details of the characteristics of these categories.

Language is the main means of communication in all types and forms of communication.

The mode of communication is the mode of interaction, which is determined mainly by the distance between the communicators in communication. There are two forms of dialogue: direct - indirect and indirect dialogue. Written communication (through letters) is considered dialogue.

Another component of the discourse category under consideration is the tone of communication determined by the communicators' attitudes toward each other, observers or witnesses, the situation and the subject of the speech. The tone of communication in the discourse does not lead to reconciliation or conflict; decrease / increase of communication distance; direct or indirect expression of intentions; includes informative or fatal communication.

All the above mentioned categories of business discourse (communication partners, terms, purposes and organization of communication, methods of communication) are carried out under the headings formalized in the business letter and directly in the text itself. In a business letter, it is important to monitor the relevance and relationship of the standardized and individualized elements, which cliches, and which language units and tools are used at the lexical, morphological, and syntactic levels. Let's look at the meaning and content of official rubrics from the point of view of discourse theory.

The status and communicative features of the addressee are presented in the information located in the upper and lower fields of the letterhead, the addressee indicates exact name and the name of the manager, legal form, scope and duration, contact information, bank details. The status description is also indicated in the signature section, which reflects the authority and position of the person writing the letter and is necessary for more purposeful communication.

The “Communication Terms” discourse category is in the standard heading of postal address information. For example, the word “urgent” may be written in the section indicating the type of mail, which means that the letter must be read immediately at the address to which it was sent. If the letter is confidential, this category can be done by referring to the fact of confidentiality of the letter under the heading “Recipient's address”. Thus, the addressee ensures the security of the information in the letter and conveys a message about its importance. The chronotope is part of the “communication terms” category and is described in the standard connection block, which indicates the expiration date.

The main component of the category “communication organization” is the purpose of communication. The purpose of the communication, the purpose for which the letter is sent (for example: “Proposal” - for letters of offer, “Response to the request” - to respond to a partner's request) is given in the title of the business letter - the main heading. “Organization of communication” is carried out in the title, indicating the sending of copies or copies of the letter and attachments to the working letter. This operation reduces the assumption of losing documents.

The text of a business letter is subject to certain requirements of the standard, both in form (clear selection of paragraphs separated by a few blank lines) and in content.

The words and phrases and cliches chosen to greet or say goodbye to the addressee represent the category of “communication terms”. Letters sent to newly communicated persons or enterprises also contain standard formal expressions used in previously written letters. For example: “Dear ...”, “Very respectful ...”, “Dear ...”, “Respectfully, ...” and so on.

In business discourse, communication partners are usually entrepreneurs engaged in production, trade and services. “Partnership in communication” is carried out at the lexical-grammatical level using personal pronouns (we, you), affiliation suffixes (our company, enterprise, our company, our organization, etc.).

When discussing the style of communication in a business discourse, the business letter refers to the use of appropriate terms and cliches.

A business letter is always informative because it always serves a specific purpose. Depending on the content of the letter, the purpose of writing and sending it, the compiler also uses pre-template language cliches. For example: We are ready to answer all your questions; We look forward to your reply; Additional information about .... will be provided, etc. The language of such letters is also characterized by commands, questions, exclamation sentences, conditional, concessional branch sentences. For example: Please provide information about the receipt of documents in writing; Even if the application deadline expires, you will be notified within 10 days after reviewing the documents you have submitted. This is the last warning!

In any case, the business letter reflects the values of the communication partners, which is one of the specific features of business discourse.

One of the main values for any company, department, organization, enterprise is to establish a reliable partnership. In letters, this is done by expressing hope, gratitude, positive appreciation and wishes for mutual understanding, and it is expressed through individual words, phrases, phrases and sentences, labels of gratitude, desire, satisfaction, agreement. It conveys satisfaction with business relations, mutual understanding, bargaining and the desire to continue cooperation in the future. For example: Thank you for choosing us!; We hope that our business relations will be long-lasting; We are pleased to support your company! In such sentences, there are emotional shades that are not typical for the language of business letters. This suggests that the language of such correspondence is not completely devoid of emotion.

Because there are no special template forms for business letters, they often have certain structural errors. As mentioned earlier, although the letters contain standard words, expressions, and sentences used in previous writings, they should not be duplicates of one another. That is, the information contained in the text of the newly written letter, the index of the previously sent letter, the date of dispatch and the text should not be used again. If the name of the company is indicated on the top of the form or in a rectangular stamp in the upper left corner of the letter, there is no need to indicate the name of the company next to the position of the person signing the letter.

As can be seen, the headings (rubrics) in the standard form of the business letter under consideration reflect the important categories of the business discourse.


Discourse analysis of genre and style features of epistolary text is one of the most productive and promising areas of linguistic research today. Summing up the results of research conducted within the discursive approach, we can say that the content and form of business letters are subject to state standards on the one hand, and epistolary, on the other hand, reflect the specific features of this style as a genre of formal-business style. The discursive analysis of business letters suggests that the categories of business discourse are manifested in the situational-rational correspondence of stationery and normalized language units and means for all levels of language, manifested in the successive sections of the letter. Terminology, cliches, fixed combinations, vocative words to lexically normalized language units characteristic of this genre; derivative and compound words at the morphological level, different types and images of verbs, person and sign pronouns; At the syntactic level, verb components, most of which are simple sentences, include command, question, exclamation sentences, completeness, condition, compound branch sentences, and so on. Although the use of emotional and expressive words and expressions is not typical for the language of business letters, the template expressions and polite words used in some dialogues suggest that they are not completely devoid of emotion.

Scientific novelity. The analysis of the content and form, language and style of business letters within the categories of business discourse constitutes a scientific novelty of the research work.

Practical significance. The results obtained during the research have not only scientific and theoretical, but also some practical significance. They can be used as a source in the practical course of business correspondence and in the preparation of textbooks, teaching aids, lectures on this topic, in research work related to written business communication (thesis, article, dissertation, and monograph).


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  • Consideration of the nature of the business. Definition of basic forms and principles of its organization. Provide basic information on marketing and personnel management. Accounting organization in the enterprise. Basics of international trade.

    учебное пособие [36,1 K], добавлен 24.03.2011

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