Characteristics of infinitive word combinations as "nominal+verb"

Verbal expressions of the "name + verb" type are widely used in speech. Opinions are considered about the verbal combinations of the indicated type, it is expressed the author’s own point of view, including a critical analysis of some positions.

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Characteristics of infinitive word combinations as “nominal+verb”

Alieva Shahla Gahraman

Azerbaijan University of Languages

Verbal expressions of the “name + verb” type are widely used in speech, as are other verbal word combinations or compositions. In the article, opinions are considered about the verbal combinations of the indicated type, it is expressed the author's own point of view, including a critical analysis of some positions. As a rule, the word formations of type “nominal + verb” with infinitive used in a subjective case, appears as the subject. If the subordinate part is a noun, numeral, pronoun, then it will not be applied or used as a defining component: the numeral, adjective and pronouns can be related and agreed only with nominal words. Infinitive formations of the “nominal + verb” type, as well as other verb formations, have wide spheres of development. Verbal formation of the nominal + verb type as well as other verbal phrases or formulations, are widely and commonly used in speech.

Our research has shown that indeed indefinite forms of verbs are unexplored in our linguistics. One of our conclusions is that not all verb conjugations can be called components. For components, it is important to first have a verb combination, and then to have it in a complex form or construction. Of course, we do not say that compounds of one type must include words of another type; but we claim that composition is a broader concept than word combinations. Logic allows us to prove that it sounds more accurate and scientific if we first use the terms compound, then compound, and then compound. Because two lexical units are not the basis for a combination, they are the basis for a word combination. Among the results we have obtained, we can show the emphasis on morpheme hybridization in composition. A comprehensive explanation of this topic helps to reveal and explain of grammatical and lexical issues, eliminates of difficulties associated with learning.

Key words: infinitive composition, typology of infinitive word combinations, verbal compositions, verbal word combinations, position in sentences, stylistics, names.


В усному мовленні широко використовуються словесні вирази типу «ім'я + дієслово», як і інші словосполучення або словесні композиції. У статті розглядаються думки про словесні поєднання зазначеного типу, виражається власна точка зору автора, включаючи критичний аналіз деяких позицій. Відзначається, що, як правило, підметом виступає словотвір типу «ім'я + дієслово» з інфінітивом, що використовуються як суб'єктивний відмінок. Якщо підпорядкована частина є іменником, числівником, займенником, то вона не буде застосовуватися або використовуватися як визначальний компонент: числівник, прикметник і займенники можуть бути пов'язані і узгоджені тільки з іменними словами. Інфінітивні утворення типу «ім'я + дієслово», як і інші дієслівні утворення, мають широкі сфери розвитку і застосування. Дієслівні утворення типу «ім'я + дієслово», а також інші словесні фрази або формулювання широко і систематично використовуються в мові.

Дослідження показало, що невизначені форми дієслів не досліджені в азербайджанській лінгвістиці. Один з наших висновків полягає в тому, що не всі відмінювання дієслів можна назвати компонентами. Для компонентів важливо спочатку мати дієслівне словосполучення, а потім представити його в більш складній формі або конструкції. Звичайно, ми не говоримо, що з'єднання одного типу повинні включати слова іншого типу, але ми стверджуємо, що «композиція» - це ширше поняття, ніж словосполучення. Логіка також доводить, що якщо ми використовуємо терміни «комбінація», то «словосполучення», а потім і «складене» виходить правильно і з наукової точки зору. Оскільки дві лексичні одиниці - це основа перш за все для словосполучення. Серед отриманих результатів ми можемо показати наявність акценту на гібридизацію морфем у складі словосполучень. Докладне розкриття цієї теми допомагає виявити і пояснити граматичні та лексичні питання, позбавляє від труднощів, пов'язаних з навчанням мови.

Ключові слова: інфінітивна композиція, типологія інфінітивних словосполучень, словесні композиції, словесні поєднання, положення в реченнях, стилістика, імена.

Formulation of the problem

infinitive word nominal verb

Verbal compositions are used in a simple and difficult structure. The places of the verbal compositions such as “name + verb”, in the linguistic literature there are various ideas about this. The problem of using them in one or another functional style is little studied.

The first information about the infinitive is contained in the grammar of M. Kazymbay, and the author used the term “indefinite form” (conditional mood), combining the suffixes “-maq, -mok” under this name.

Reporting on the previous historical attitude to the indefinite form, M. Huseynzade used the phrase “old grammar textbooks”. According to him, in these books the suffixes “maq” and “mok” are called “adoti mosdor” (habitative infinitive), and all types of verbs, forms, verbal nouns, verbal adjectives, verbal conjunctions and explained by other indefinite forms. In addition, in these books the verbal noun, the verbal adjective is called “infinitive type”, “hasili-infinitive”, “infinitive noun”, and sometimes “verbal noun” or “maful noun” formed from the infinitive [6, p. 199]. It should be noted that at the end of the 1954 textbooks M. Huseynzadeh gave very brief information about grammars, as well as about grammars of 1933, compiled by M. Kazymbay, P Budagov, 6 authors in 1924. In the information about Afshar's book “Fanni- serfi-turki”, he showed that Afshar verbs as “asli”, “zamani” and “farili” were divided into three parts, infinitive zamani verbs, and the adjectives verbs were included in the farili verbs. In the 1924 collection of grammars mentions the fact that the verb forms are called “sigha”. In this book, for the first time, the verbs were divided into definite and indefinite, and the indefinite sighas included “masdar”, “ismi fail”, “ismimafUl” and “rabt sighs” [6, p. 234, 236]. In general, it is not surprising that in old books on grammar indefinite forms of the verb are mentioned under the one or another name. These forms exist in a language and also differ in their use. It would be wrong to ignore them.

In Azerbaijani linguistics, the term “infinitive” was adopted and stabilized more quickly. If we conditionally connect the stabilization of morphological terms to a certain level with M. Huseynzadeh's textbook of 1954, we will see that the names of indefinite forms of the verb have not changed since then. Of course, the problem is not solved by stabilizing the term, it is more important to define the concept precisely. A number of our linguists have conducted research on the history of infinitive research. A. Babayev and S. Zeynal approached this issue from a purely historical point of view, seriously collected and recorded their opinions in various grammar books, articles and other research works. V. Aliyev conducted a research on each of the nondeclining forms of the verb. His work on the infinitive contains most of the ideas of Azerbaijani linguistics about the infinitive [5].

F. Zeinalov, determining the infinitive in its meaning, indicated that it means “the action”. Sometimes this explanation becomes the subject of the dispute about the meaning of the verbal noun and infinitive [5, p. 37].

When defining the infinitive often refer to the grammatical defining suffixes “-maq, -mok”, G. Bagirov also put forward the idea that these suffixes are the means of word formation, as an example he gave nouns “caxmaq”, “oymaq” [3, p. 26]. The idea that: the infinitive means “the name of the action” and that it is the name of the action.

In the textbook, published in 1954, M. Husseinzade wrote that the infinitive is not connected with tense and person, and expresses the title of the verb with a special formal sign [6, p. 198]. Indeed, the infinitive is not just the name of the action. The forms of the verb also express the state of (dusiinmok, susmaq, xostolonmok vo s.). In the semantics of these verbs there is no movement. In general, infinitive means the name of all verbs. So, it is possible to define it as a form denoting a verb. One of the important features of the infinitive is its connection with nouns and verbs. M. Huseynzadeh shows that the adding of the suffix “-maq / -mok” to the roots of the verb causes it to lose its verbal features. This form cannot accept any suffix of the verb, but can be used with all suffixes characteristic of the noun [7, p. 229-230]. Although the infinitive suffix loses the features of the accepted verb, it retains the ability to express the name of the verb. A. Javadov also drew attention to the fact that the infinitive does not accept the suffixes of the verb tense, the image and the category of the person, as well as the suffix of the quantitative category of the noun [4, p. 138]. Interestingly, the infinitive cannot be used only with a quantitative suffix.

The rank of development of the problem

In the linguistic literature, the verbal word combinations are known as well as the verbal formations. The history of their formation and development is studied, starting with the syntax, and then moving on to the word combinations. A similar approach to the Azeri language was laid down by its founder, Mirza Kyazymbek (mirze kazim), and in the 1940-50s it was implemented by M. Shiraliev and professors M. Gyceinzadein school books [9, p. 13].

In the monograph of professor Y. Seidov “Word combinations of speech in the Azerbaijani literary language” verbal word combinations are also called “verbal formations” [8]. These concepts are discussed here in a broad context: section “The problem of verbal word combinations and formations” consists of 18 pages. Here such topics are highlighted, such as participles, verbal word combinations with infinitives, which are the difficult forms of verbal formations.

The purpose of the article - to give definition of word combinations, composed of the name and verb, to identify and classify the constructed forms.

Exposition of the main material. The author critically approaches to the existing conceptions about verbal formations, highlighting the following groups: verbal word combinations in a subjective case; verbal word combinations in a genitive case; verbal word combinations in a dative case; verbal word combinations in an accusative case; verbal word combinations in an instrumental case and verbal word combinations in a prepositional case.

A similar approach is also used by other researchers: verbal word combinations are classified in accordance with the syntax links, with the accent made on case changing of the name.

“Along with the subject, in the above study, the verbal word combinations are grouped in four types” [8, p. 331-339].

Both approaches have general principles. In the first case, the accent was done on the adjoining, considered, in addition, also the word combinations with the infinitive. In principle, also the words of I, II, III types can also be considered as the word combinations with the adjoining. The practice shows that a similar principle of division should be corresponded to the content of word combinations and formations.

The function of the subordinated side in the word combinations is in the definition of the explanatory or specific side of their content. There is no other status. In the word combinations, both sides must be considered. The main side, naturally, expresses the basic meaning.

If to make a content analysis of the structure of formations, we can come to the conclusion that the questions of their inside structure components are morphological, as the question asked to all word combination. For example, morphological analysis of the sentence “My greatest desire was to study well and excellently” consists of the answers to the following questions: “How? What to do? Whose? What was it? “In accordance with the members of the sentence, the syntax analysis consists of answers to the following questions: “What? What was it?”.

It is also known that in the establishing of verbal formation, the nominal parts of speeches and word combinations are actively used, especially nouns, pronoun and adverb. Nominal and verbal word combinations are the mostly widespread. The following word combinations are used with the infinitive:

1.Infinitive word combinations of the type “nominal + verb”.

2.Infinitive word combinations of the type “verb + verb”.

3.Infinitive word combinations of the type “adverb + verb”.

Related to Participle 2:

1.Structure with Participle 2 “nominal + verb” type.

2.Structure with Participle 2 “verb + verb”.

3.Structure with Participle 2 “adverb + verb” type.

Related with Participle1:

4.Structure with Participlel “nominal + verb” type.

5.Word combination + word combination, composed with Participle.

The structures with Participles “nominal + verb” has the interesting linguistic features. Let's refer to examples: “Working in the oil fields in Baku was the biggest Tahir's dream”. “We are not learning soon: there was a little time left”, “What can we be better than listening to the gurgle of water and the gurgling of birds?”, “How awesome it would be living in Azerbaijan until the end of life!”.

In the first sentence the verbal formation consists of five elements: difficult word combination consists of two basic and depended components. The verb “work” appears here in role of subject. In the second sentence the verb formation consists of four components and also serves as subject. In the third sentence the word combination with infinitive consists of five elements and appears here in a role of object. In the fourth sentence the word combination with infinitive consists of four components and appears as subject.

The word combinations with infinitive of type “nominal + verb” can consist of 3-6 and more components. For example: “In our village I like picking apples, pears, plums, quince sand apricots in the garden”.

As a rule, the word formations of type “nominal + verb” with infinitive used in a subjective case, appears as the subject. If the subordinate part is a noun, numeral, pronoun, and then it will not be applied or used as a defining component: the numeral, adjective and pronouns can be related and agreed only with nominal words. For example: How to live life with all its sorrows and joys, to go the path, both successful and with losses can only be predetermined by fate. Can you imagine the wide open gates, houses left unattended by the owners? In each of given sentences the similar infinitive words are used.

In Azerbaijan language the word combinations with a type of “nominal + verb” are widely used. We can come across the similar word combinations in simple extended sentences. Among the word combinations of the indicated types there are word combinations with infinitive bearing special clarifying character. For example: Standing in front of the school and even more impatiently waiting for a friend is not so easy. I got used to it for a long time remember Baku streets, alleys, impasses, live together with both joyful and sad emotional experiences.

Using infinitive word combinations of type “nominal + verb” depends on the style of the text and the intention of the author. According with practical styles, each sentence can be reasonably broad and just enough laconic. The using of a simple, extended sentence depends on the purpose and desire of the speaker.

Suppose that you need to express the following thought in the sentence: To be born, live, study, serve people in this affectionate city - in my Baku - can be considered as an endless happiness. Here, the word combination of the type “nominal + verb” will help to turn a simple sentence into extended.

The word combination of the type “nominal + verb” can be used as functional, for example, in an artistically style:

Greet, ask about health, and find out about the mood,

Laugh and joke with a friend on the days of celebrations.

So it was habit even among grandfathers, because a glorious habit,

And happiness is to live like this, with the desire to be with everyone!

(Samed Vurgun).

As can be seen from the given example, in this sentence, the similar predicates are made from word combinations of the type “nominal + verb”. This is especially advantageous when declaring the poetries, creating a particular poetic mood.

In a scientific style:

“To participate in research requires a comprehensive exposure to the experimental methods of these studies”. The success of discovering multi-octane gasoline smiled at the Azerbaijani scientist, which made him famous all over the world.

In the first sentence the expression “to participate in research”, and in the second, “to discover multioctane gasoline” appear as a subject.

In a publitistic style:

The opportunity to participate in the cultural life of the village, to be at all events with the workers gave us spiritual strength. In this sentence, word combinations with infinitive are used as similar subjects.

It should be noted that the word combinations of the type “nominal + verb” are considered the most active and productive types while using the oral speech. They can act as all members of the sentence, except the object.

Azerbaijani linguist professor V. Aliyev, revealing the syntactic features of the infinitive, emphasizes that these word combinations serve to explain the meaning and capabilities of verbs, their widespread usage. “It is worth to answer this kind of question: why are the verbal words formations associated with such forms, which themselves are the verbal formations? Why do the extended versions of the nominal word combinations turn into more difficult forms of word combinations, and the expansion of the verbal words formations are converted into more difficult verbal word formations? All ofthis speaks about the particular nature of linguistic morphemes of verbal formations. As Participle 1 and as Participle 2 co-ordinate in themselves the entity of two parts of the speech, and verbal formations unites in themselves the entity of two syntactic categories: word combinations and sentences. So, the verbal word combinations combine in themselves the features of sentences and word combinations. While speaking about the composition one should take into attention the said before” [5, p. 71-72].

Speaking about consist of word combinations of the type “nominal + verb” on the basis of the infinitive, apparently, it is not necessary to emphasize the hybrid character of this formation. But in addition to would like to accentuate the opinion of the researchers about the fact that the word combinations are formed of verbs, and it was written by Y. Seyidov, A. Abdullayev, K. Abdullayev, and others [8; 1; 2].

We consider that, while forming a word combination, one should pay attention to such parameters, such as intonation, or breathing while speaking, putting the accent, so as to bring clarity to an idea, a thought. If you pay attention to the syntax of the text, you can say that there are similar notes, intervals in other forms of speech, for example, in references, introductory words, amendments, additions, even in the sentences. The most important is a sentence. Should the sentence not be included in the structure of the formations or should the nominal word combinations not be able to form a single whole?

“My tender and dear mother”, “Samples of poems of another poet brought by Vagif”, “One of the outstanding national masters” and etc. As you can see if we use the word combinations in the sentence they will be able to preserve its integrity. Separately, they can be used as the nominal word combinations.

We have already been convinced that the combinations of a similar type or gender can be freely used as the word combinations and the sentences. Noteworthy, there are other means that can create a syntactic unit or composition. Words from the category of affiliation can subordinate to you the words that used in the text before them.

The word combinations with infinitives of the type “nominal + verb” take an intermediate position in the predictive word combinations. For example, to go home - goes home. Comparison of these two samples does not give any possibility to determine which formed from what. It is necessary to find and provide additional arguments.

B. Vinogradov, saying about word combinations in Russian, clearly wrote: “Naturally, when we say “study philosophy”, “practice singing”, “feel a friend” and similar phrases, it should be remembered that this system of phrases also includes the predicative forms “I study philosophy”, “I practice singing” [10, p. 4].

Speaking from similar positions, in the Azeri language it is not necessary to identify the forms of word combinations of the type: to bring water, to build a house, to write a statement, to cook pilaf, to plant wheat and just like I carry water, I build a house, I write a statement, I cook pilaf.

We believe that the statements of B. Vinogradov mean that in the language, or, more specifically, in speech, the two mentioned forms “study philosophy” and “I study philosophy” are used similar. The difference is that one of them, in a syntactic sense, cannot become a member of the sentence, but the can.

At the same time, each of them, being separately a nominative or predictive unit, is actively used in speeches, being the one unit. It is difficult to judge which form has formed first. It should be taken into account that the form “to sing the song” can be the source point, because the “singing” in the beginning was not transferred in other paradigms, (temporal and nominal and stc.) we talk about first and initial form.

Infinitives are often used in the sentence as subject and object.

In a role of subject: Probably it is good for me to see my grandmother in a dream (Y. Samadoglu). Delivering the news of the rejecting the ruler's gift to the ruler could be costly to everyone here (Y. Samadoglu). Jafar was bored sitting with his wife, who did not speak without being interrogated (I. Afandiyev). Especially at dawn, the clear promise of the sky was to go ashore alone (B. Bayramov).

In a role of object: This time it was not Rosa's fault for not coming to the village (A. Aylisli). She did not blame anyone for the fact that she was still not married (A. Ailisli). Instead of being proud of the achievements of the village, you are writing denunciations to everywhere (A. Valiyev). I was thinking of leaving my teachers, friends and going to a far away village school as a teacher (A. Valiyev). You cant even study something until the end (M. S. Ordubadi). Try to feel the sea, to learn its language (B. Bayramov). Do you teach them to write in Tatar? (I. Shikhli).

In a role of predicate: Your idea is to always harm people, to leave them destitute (M. F Akhundov). If prejudice is to rob us, let us know (M. F Akhundov). Maybe your idea is to move the village here? Our goal is not to go back halfway. To get rid of that family is to get rid of the pangs of conscience (M. S. Ordubadi).

In addition to the fact that the infinitive composition of a noun + verb is widely used, it also has multifaceted typological structural-meaningful traits. First of all, it should be taken into consideration that the words included in the composition have lexical or phraseological meaning. This issue has not been explored and has raised controversial proposals in debate.

Let's use such components in sentences:

It is impossible to get the head out about Aslan (means: It is impossible to understand Aslan).

Ifell in uplift to work as a tractor driver, but it was impossible (means: I had a desire to work as a tractor driver but it was impossible).

His father was in a thought to be an engineer (means: His father planned to be an engineer).

You do not need to pay attention to the environment (means: You shouldntpay attention around).

Do we need to solve everyone's grief? (Means: Is it up to us to take care of everyone?).

Can we say that the compounds in these sentences such as to get the head about, tractor driver, was in thought to be, pay attention to the environment, solve the grief of everyone form a component in which they are used?

In our opinion it is clear in the first sentence that was in thought to be engineer is not a component, but a component verb, and in the second sentence to solve the grief of everyone is phraseology, component verb.

It is prohibited to talk about its formation. To solve everyone's grief is also a combination far from the lexical meaning, it cannot be considered as a component. Components must act in a sentence as members of the sentence. If you pay attention then you will see that even they are members of the sentence being in the role of the subject, they are far from the lexical meaning. Contents must have a lexical meaning.

In this sense, the parts was in a thought to be an engineer, pay attention, to solve everyone's grief are subordinate parts, it is impossible to consider as essential or subordinate parts.

In such cases it should be taken into consideration to whether the lead party is capable of maintaining a semantic balance. How to analyze as members of sentences the phrases in the sentence “my father works as an engineer", “my mother works as a teacher” from the point of view of infinitive connections such as to work as an engineer, to work as a teacher? My father - is a subject, works - is a predicate and etc. What is engineer? Is it object? The point is that controlling with the verb was the main condition. The words engineer or teacher is not object, and then what is it? Is an engineer, is a teacher together are compound predicate, not the complex predicate. The reason is that to work as an engineer, to work as a teacher are part of the composition. The verb to work in these sentences is an auxiliary word, deprived of lexical meaning. If there are morphological questions of these words, it is “who?” there may be no syntactic questions. Therefore, they cannot be regarded as independent members separately.


In this way, speaking about the infinitive form of the type “name + verb”, and also about the role of verb including the formation of composition, It should be emphasized that this character is a manifestation of the hybridity of the category. We cannot assume that because of this it should be referred to as infinitive and that, when forming the composition of the word combinations it should not take into account involvement of some other facts or categories.


1.Abdullayev 0. Z. Muasir Azorbaycan dilindo tabeli murokkob cumlolor. Baki : Azortodrisnosr, 1964. 366 s.

2.Abdullayev K. M. Azorbaycan dili sintaksisinin nozori problemlori. Baki : Maarif, 1998. 281 s.

3.Bagirov Q. 0. Azorbaycan dilindo feillorin leksik-semantik xususiyyotlori. Baki : Maarif, 1971. 159 s.

4.Cavadov 0. M. Birinci torofi zorflo ifado olunan feili soz birlosmolori / Muasir Azorbaycan dili. 3 cilddo, Baki : Elm, 1981. 442 s., s. 3.

5.Oliver V. H. Azorbaycan dilindo feilin tosriflonmoyon formalari. Mosdor. Baki : API, 1986. 87 s.

6.Huseynzado, M.H.Muasir Azorbaycan dili. Baki : ADU nosriyyat, 1954. 243 s.

7.Huseynzado M. H. Muasir Azorbaycan dili. Baki : Maarif, 1973. 357 s.

8.Seyidov Y. M. Azorbaycan odobi dilindo soz birlosmolori. Baki : Maarif, 1966. 340 s.

9.§iroliyev, M.O. Sintaksis. 2 cilddo. Dorslik, / M.H. Huseynzado. Baki : Azornosr, s. 2. 1951.

10.Виноградов В. В. Вопросы изучения словосочетания. Москва. Вопросы языкознания, 1954, № 3, c. 10-17.

11.Казымбек М. K. Грамматика турецко-татарского языка. Казань. 1939. 393 с.

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  • The concept and category values "voice" and "mood" in different languages. Features and comparative description of the use and formation of a voice in English and Armenian. Classification of moods, their characteristics of a grammatical point of view.

    курсовая работа [43,1 K], добавлен 06.10.2015

  • The structure of words and word-building. The semantic structure of words, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms. Word combinations and phraseology in modern English and Ukrainian languages. The Native Element, Borrowed Words, characteristics of the vocabulary.

    курс лекций [95,2 K], добавлен 05.12.2010

  • Definition and general characteristics of the word-group. Study of classification and semantic properties of the data units of speech. Characteristics of motivated and unmotivated word-groups; as well as the characteristics of idiomatic phrases.

    реферат [49,3 K], добавлен 30.11.2015

  • Features of the use of various forms of a verb in English language. The characteristics of construction of questions. Features of nouns using in English language. Translating texts about Problems of preservation of the environment and Brands in Russian.

    контрольная работа [20,1 K], добавлен 11.12.2009

  • Descriptions verbal communication in different cultures. The languages as the particular set of speech norms. Analysis general rules of speaking. Features nonverbal communication in different countries. Concept of communication as complicated process.

    реферат [213,9 K], добавлен 25.04.2012

  • Filling in the blanks with a correct form of the phrasal verb to put. Saying the same in a different way. Phrasal verbs "to get", "to look", "to take". Expressing the idea using the phrasal verb. Difficulties in progress of learning foreign languages.

    презентация [1,2 M], добавлен 19.04.2014

  • А complex comparison of morphological characteristics of English and Ukrainian verbs. Typological characteristics, classes and morphological categories of the English and Ukrainian verbs. The categories of person and number, tenses, aspect, voice, mood.

    дипломная работа [162,2 K], добавлен 05.07.2011

  • Mood as the grammatical category of the verb, problems as the number of moods, their classification. The analysis of the grammatical categories of the indicative mood system. The difference between the lexical and the grammatical expression of time.

    курсовая работа [31,9 K], добавлен 07.07.2009

  • The standard role of adjectives in language. The definition to term "adjective", the role of adjectives in our speech, adjectives from grammatical point of view. The problems in English adjectives, the role and their grammatical characteristics.

    курсовая работа [24,9 K], добавлен 07.07.2009

  • Communication process is not limited to what we say with words. There are 3 elements of communication: Words (7% of information is communicated though words), Body language (55%) and tone of voice (38%). Thus, 93% of communication is non-verbal.

    топик [4,5 K], добавлен 25.08.2006

  • Teaching to the teaching methods. Diagnostics of organization. Managers are from a personnel. Basic processes which must exist in a company, from the point of view of management human capitals. Objects of estimation. Conduct (values, relations, opinions).

    реферат [28,9 K], добавлен 27.10.2010

  • Theoretical aspects of gratitude act and dialogic discourse. Modern English speech features. Practical aspects of gratitude expressions use. Analysis of thank you expression and responses to it in the sentences, selected from the fiction literature.

    дипломная работа [59,7 K], добавлен 06.12.2015

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