There: functions and semantics - the ways of transformation in translation

Analysis of the points of view of foreign and domestic linguists on the role of there in modern English. Its semantic features, grammatical and lexical functions. Existential and locative there, as well as its correlation with the localizer in sentences.

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There: functions and semantics - the ways of transformation in translation

Hasiuk N.V., Push O.M., King Danylo University

The article analyzes the similar and completely opposite points ofview of both foreign and domestic linguists on the role of there in modern English. The authors expose semantic features, grammatical and lexical functions of there by selecting illustrative material for research from Collins Advanced English Dictionary and the British National Corpus. Particular attention is paid to the existential and locative there, as well as its correlation with the localizer in sentences. Translating a sentence with a subject-rhyme and a verb denoting a position in space (local type) or stating the fact of the existence of something (existential type), a construct is used with an introductory term there, which is considered to be a specific English method of rematization of the subject in a fixed order of words. There (as an adverb) is used in different expressions such as “there he was” or “there we were” (to sum up part of a story or to slow a story down for dramatic effect); “there again” (to introduce an extra piece of information which either contradicts what has been said or gives an alternative to it); “there you go again” (to show annoyance at someone who is repeating something that has annoyed you in the past); “so there” (to show that we will not change our mind about a decision we have made, even though the person we are talking to disagrees with us); “there you go” or “there we are” (a) to accept that unsatisfactory situation cannot be changed; b) to emphasize that something proves that you were right).

Research has shown that the most common transformations in the process of translating sentences with there are concretization of the meaning of the word and omission of its direct meaning. The authors of the research point out the need to take into account the various nuances of context, contextual links of there and its functional characteristics in translation. Undoubtedly, it will be important to be able to find matches that are not always found in translation dictionaries. The differences in translation may be due to the functional characteristics of the lexical elements of the original and, for example, the traditions of speech. Contextual translation should be considered the highest quality.

Key words: functions, semantics, existential, locative, localizer, translation transformations, contextual.

There: функції та семантика - способи трансформації в перекладі

Гасюк Н.В., Пуш О.М.

У статті проаналізовано дотичні та абсолютно протилежні точки зору як закордонних, так і вітчизняних лінгвістів на роль there у сучасній англійській мові. Автори розкривають семантичні особливості, граматичні та лексичні функції there, обравши ілюстративний матеріал для дослідження із Collins Advanced English Dictionary та British National Corpus. Особлива увага приділена екзистенціальному та локативному there, а також його кореляції з локалізатором у реченнях. У процесі перекладу речення з підметом-римою та дієсловом, що позначає позицію в просторі (локальний тип) або констатує факт існування чогось (екзистенціальний тип), використовується конструкція із вступним терміном there, який вважається специфічним англійським методом рематизації підмета у фіксованому порядку слів.

There (як прислівник) використовується в різних виразах, таких як “there he was” або “there we were” (щоб підбити підсумки частини історії або сповільнити історію для драматичного ефекту); “there again” (представити додаткову інформацію, яка або суперечить сказаному, або дає альтернативу); “there you go again” (щоб роздратувати когось, хто повторює щось, що дратувало тебе в минулому); “so there” (щоб показати, що ми не передумаємо щодо прийнятого нами рішення, навіть якщо людина, з якою ми говоримо, не погоджується з нами); “there you go” або “there we are” (щоб (а) визнати, що незадовільну ситуацію неможливо змінити; б) підкреслити, що щось доводить, що ви мали рацію). Дослідження показало, що найпоширенішими трансформаціями в процесі перекладу речень із there є конкретизація значення слова та упущення його прямого значення.

Автори дослідження вказують на необхідність врахування різних нюансів контексту, контекстуальних зв'язків та їх функціональних характеристик у перекладі. Безперечно, важливо вміти знаходити збіги, які не завжди зустрічаються в словниках для перекладу. Відмінності в перекладі можуть бути пов'язані з функціональними характеристиками лексичних елементів оригіналу і, наприклад, традиціями мовлення. Контекстуальний переклад варто вважати найякіснішим.

Ключові слова: функції, семантика, екзистенціальний, локативний, локалізатор, перекладацькі трансформації, контекстуальний

Problem statement

The phenomenon of there has been in the focus of attention of both foreign and domestic linguists for decades. We can analyze many points of view regarding the semantics, grammatical and lexical functions of there, ways of its translation, but there is no unanimous thought. Therefore, in our study, we will compare similar and dramatically opposite views on the role of there in modern English. The sentences we have selected as illustrative material from the Collins Advanced English Dictionary and the British National Corpus indicate that it is most commonly used to indicate the presence or, conversely, absence of an object or person in a particular space or place. With regard to the translation of the multifarious there, the most qualitative translation is, undoubtedly, contextual. Each translator must take into account all the nuances of the context in which there is used.

Objectives of the research involve analysis of the semantic and functional aspects of using there in modern English, as well as ways of its translation.

Material of the research: sentences selected in Bank of illustrative examples in Collins Advanced English Dictionary [1] and British National Corpus [14].

Research findings

The question of the lexical meaning, functions, grammatical essence of “there” was considered by such famous foreign linguists as Jespersen O., Sweet H., Francis W., Hockett C.F. (believed that “there” functions in the sentence as a subject); Kruisinga E., Pence R. W., Allan K. (they did not consider “there” to be a member of the sentence, but as an introductory word that serves to formalize the structure); Roberts P., Fries Ch. (referred “there” to a group of functional words).

Among domestic linguists who investigated the role and significance of there in English we need to call Berlovskaya V. D. (“The sentence with the functional “there” in modern English”), Golovenko Yu. A., Galtsev V. A. (“On the so-called“ desemanticized” there in the modern English language”), Kobkov V. P (“Substitution in English”), Korobchak V. N. (“General backgrounds of “there” dessemantization concepts within the structure “there + to be”).

Main material statement

There are two kinds of there in modern English, locative and existential. Existential there acts as a subject noun phrase with respect to a number of syntactic operations. Inversion and subject raising can be examples of such operations. Taking semantics into consideration, speakers of English do not feel that existential there can refer to a concrete place, that is, carries the meaning. Locative there functions as a fully- fledged locative adverb. It is semantically unmarked in relation to here.

There were different linguistic discussions concerning the distinction between existential and locative there. Jespersen claims that “it is evident that [existential there] originated as the ordinary there, a “pronominal adverb” meaning “at that particular place”, but in the course of time it has diverged very considerably from its origin, not only in pronunciation..., but in other respects as well” [8, p. 129]. This point of view was supported by Jacobson, Bolinger, Lyons. Other scientists (Quirk, Mitchell, Traugott) do not agree as to when existential there separated from locative there and thus started functioning as an expression without concrete locative reference.

There can be used as a pronoun. We often use it as the subject of the verb “be” to say that something exists or does not exist, or to draw attention to it.

There is no way Jeremy can afford to buy a car at the moment [1].

We also use there in front of certain verbs when we are saying that something exists, develops, or can be seen. Whether the verb is singular or plural depends on the noun which follows the verb.

There developed a practice that came to a tragic and terrible end [1].

Translating a sentence with a subject-rhyme and a verb denoting a position in space (local type) or stating the fact of the existence of something (existential type), a construct is used with an introductory term there, which is considered to be a specific English method of rematization of the subject in a fixed order of words. Verbs be, live, exist, occur, sit, take place (mean forms of existence or position in space), appear, happen, seem, prove (indicate subjectivity of perception of an existing object), follow, issue, come, arrive (mean movement) convey values of existentiality and can be combined with there. Constructions involving “there” are used to indicate the rheumatic properties of an object in a non-impersonal sentence; a formal, grammatical subject, or noun that is close in meaning to the verbpredicate. There at the beginning of a sentence is used if there is an adverbial modifier at the end of the Ukrainian sentence.

We can find a lot of examples when there is used as an adverb but in combination with different parts of speech and, of course, semantic meaning. In language location “be adverb”, “noun adverb” or “adverb with verb” there is used to refer to a place which has already been mentioned.

It's an amazing trip, about one week there and back [14].

There (as an adverb) is used in expressions such as “there he was” or “there we were” to sum up part of a story or to slow a story down for dramatic effect.

So there we were with Tony and he was driving us crazy [14].

We use there to refer to a stage that has been reached in an activity or process.

And there we end our program with hope that mankind will survive [14].

If we want to show that something has reached a level or point which is completely successful, we can use there (as an adverb).

Jeremy's life has not yet returned to normal but he is getting there [1].

We use there to indicate a place that you are pointing to or looking at, in order to draw someone's attention to it.

Marsha is on the left up there [1].

There is often used in expressions such as “there you go” or “there we are” when a) accepting that unsatisfactory situation cannot be changed; b) emphasizing that something proves that you were right.

a) It's the wages that count. Not over-generous, but there you are [1].

b) “There you are, you see!” Andrea exclaimed.

“I knew you'd say that!”[14]

We can use there (adverb with be) when speaking on the phone to ask if someone is available to speak to us.

Hello, is Nora there please? [1]

If something is there, it exists or is available, we also use there (as an adverb).

Nothing will be spent until the tenant has made sure the money is there to pay for it [14].

The speaker can use there to refer to a point that someone has made in a conversation.

Life is wonderful. I agree with you there [1].

There (as a convention) is sometimes used after “hello” or “hi” when you are greeting someone.

Oh, hi there! You must be Sidney [1].

There is often used as a part of different phrases that can enrich our language. We use “there again” to introduce an extra piece of information which either contradicts what has been said or gives an alternative to it.

Small cars are the answer surely. Or there again a good system of public transport [14].

Phrases such as “there you go again” are used to show annoyance at someone who is repeating something that has annoyed you in the past.

“There you go again, Robert, with your stupid remarks” [14].

If someone happens there and then, it happens immediately. In this meaning phrases such as “there and then/then and there” can be used.

Today itfelt like a dirty memory, and Brenda swore to herself there and then that she'd told the story for the last time [1].

We can add “so there” to what we are saying to show that we will not change our mind about a decision we have made, even though the person we are talking to disagrees with us.

Voting closes on Monday so there is still time to be in with a chance of winning one of ten fantastic goodie bags [1].

We say convention “there there” to someone who is very upset, especially a small child, in order to comfort him/her.

“There, there,” said Polly. “You've been having a really bad dream, dear” [1].

If someone is there for you, they help and support you, especially when you have some problems, we can use phrase “be there for someone”.

Jimmy's a good friend to me - he's always been there for me with support and advice [1].

Since there is no clear distinction between the category of existence and location, existence and locality often have intersection points. Therefore, it can be concluded that one of the main tasks of the “there + be” construct is to report the presence or absence of an object in a certain space (existential there) and the location of the object (locative there). Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary submits six semantic functions of “There”, treating it as an obligatory subject for the verb “be”. Among these functions are existential, followed by phatic, appellate, locative, referential and additive [1, p. 515].

The semantic relation between existential and locative there was re-examined by Leiv Egil Breivik and Toril Swan in the paper “The Desemanticisation of Existential there in a Synchronic-diachronic Perspective”. They discussed the syntactic role of existential there at various stages in the history of the English language [6, p. 19-34].

As it has been already mentioned, existential and locative there have different categorical status in modern English. Existential there functions as a subject noun phrase. Locative there is a fully fledged adverb. We should also mention that there are important semantic and pragmatic differences between these two kinds of there. Existential there has undergone desemanticisation and can no longer refer to a concrete location but it still carries some locative meaning. This kind of there designates a space where conceptual entities are located. That is why existential there can be used as a presentative signal. Bringing something into the addressee's awareness is its function. Locative there designates a concrete location in the presence of the speaker.

B.A. Ilyish considered the presence of the initial there + to be traditional in modern English, since in the Old English language a sentence that began with an adverb was very often characterized by the reverse order of words. In modern English, there + the verb can be considered as a subject (L.S. Barkhudarov) and as an adverbial modifier revealing the significance ofthe verb to be (V.D. Berlovskaya). V.D. Berlovskaya recognizes the dual nature of “official there” The presence or absence of this type there may change the communicative nature of the sentence. In any case, each sentence with there needs to be considered in context and translated depending on the structure of the sentence itself.

If you analyze existential constructions with introductive there, which can be implemented in any functional style, you need to pay attention to a certain positional mobility of the localizer. In the presence of existential structures there + be, the localizer can occupy either the initial or final position with respect to the mode. This can be explained by the presence of introductive there. “The positional variability of the localizer is noted only in existential structures with there, because in inverted existential constructions with simple and double inversions, the adverbial modifier of a place has a fixed position in front of the predicate (or part of the predicate) and does not allow any movement” [11, p. 4].

When we examine context, it is important to analyze stylistic factors. Sometimes the speaker or author misses there to avoid a tautology or it is necessary for a stylistic accent, but this component is important for translation. Also, for stylistic purposes, the place of a localizer can also be changed, for example, to improve contact between members of neighbouring sentences, which are related in meaning, or syntactic symmetry. Therefore, the translator must analyze the context.

N.D. Arutyunova considers three main components of the classical existential sentence: the first fixes the area of being (staying), the second indicates the object (objects) that exists in this area, and the third - on the very fact of existence or being. In classical existential sentences, fixation of the area of being in terms of spatial and temporal parameters predominates [12, p. 742]. The area of being may be different. The analysis of the areas of the subject's being does not concern There (its essence), but the values that are transmitted by the localizer (corresponding adverbial modifier). The translation of such sentences should be based on an analysis of all components.

S.A. Zhabotynska analyzes the concept of abstract setting, first used by R.W. Langacker. This scientist calls There, at the beginning of the sentence, the most schematic setting. The abstract setting, designated by There, is external according to the situation referred to - it is associated with the presentation of the situation, while not being at the same time its component [13, p. 56].

There is a kind of a “definite article” with the existential verb. Just as the article adjoins the name, There adjoins the existential verb, forming unity with it. As the border of the subject, denoted by a certain article, so the border of being, denoted by There, depends on the referent, on the specific situation of speech. The aforesaid is consistent with what is called a “principle of categorial harmony” in modern typology, according to which language categories (in our case SUBJECT and BEING.) behave in a similar way with respect to each other. Based on the locative proposition, where the situation of the subject being in a certain place and the limited space of the current discourse as the predicate appears, a cognitive model is formed that organizes the meaning of sentences with the introductive There. Moreover, the principle of its organization is different from the principle of communicative, topic-rheumatic division [13, p. 57].

Among the most common translation lexical transformations of English there, we can call concretization of the meaning of the word and omission of its direct meaning. In our study, we have repeatedly pointed out the need to take into account the various nuances of context, contextual links of there and its functional characteristics in translation. Undoubtedly, it will be important to be able to find matches that are not always found in translation dictionaries. The differences in translation may be due to the functional characteristics of the lexical elements of the original and, for example, the traditions of speech.

There are many points in the debates at which misunderstanding may be avoided [14].

there semantic lexical localizer

Conclusion and research prospects

Therefore, taking into account the results of the study, it can be concluded that “there” is a marker of existence and locality, so its translation into Ukrainian is closely related to the corresponding existential and locative lexical items. The main tasks of “there” are to report the presence or absence of an object in a certain space (existential there) and the location of the object (locative there). Concretization of the meaning of the word is among the most common translation lexical transformations of English there. It is important to take into account the various nuances of context, contextual links of there and its functional characteristics in its translation. Our future researches will be connected with revealing referential and additive functions of there.


1. Collins Advanced English Dictionary.

2. Berlovskaya V.D. The sentence with the functional “there” in modern English : Diss. abstract for the Cand. of Philology degree. L., 1967. 18 p.

3. Golovenko Yu.A., Galtsev V.A. On the so-called “desemanticized” “there” in the modern English language. Lexicology and Stylistics of the English language. Pyatigorsk: Publishing House of Pyatigorsk GRPIYa, 1974. P 15-22.

4. Kobkov V.P. Substitution in English. Novosibirsk : Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences, 1964. 56 p.

5. Korobchak V.N. General backgrounds of “there” dessemantization concepts within the structure “there + to be”. Bulletin of Agrarian State University. 2018. Vol. 3 (222). P 58-64.

6. Christiane Dalton-Puffer., Nikolaus Ritt. Words: Structure, Meaning, Function. New York, 2000.

7. Leiv Egil Breivik, Totil Swan. The desemanticisation of existential there in a synchronic-diachronic perspective.

8. Jespersen O. Analytic Syntax. New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 1969.

9. Barkhudarov L.S. Language and translation. Questions of general and particular theory of translation. Moscow: International Relations, 1975. 239 p.

10. Garbovsky N.K. Theory of translation. Moscow : Publishing House of Moscow State University, 2004. 544 p.

11. Tsutsaeva H. D. The positional transformation of locatives in English existential sentences.

12. Arutyunova N.D. Language and the world of man. 2-nd ed. Moscow. 1999. 896 p.

13. Zhabotynska S.A. Structure There + to be: linguistic cognitive aspect. Bulletin of V.N. Kazarin Kharkiv University. 2004. No. 635. P 53-60.

14. British National Corpus (BYU-BNC).

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