Interaction of segmental and suprasegmental means in realizing the English folk text pragmatic orientation
Study of the interplay of segmental and suprasegmental means of the folk text organization that serves the realization of the text pragmatic orientation. the correlation between the text pragmatic loading and sound symbolic features of text segmental.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 08.11.2022 |
Размер файла | 45,8 K |
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Larysa Taranenko
Статтю присвячено розгляду специфіки взаємодії сегментних та надсегментних засобів оформлення англійських фольклорних текстів малої форми, яка слугує реалізації їхньої прагматичної спрямованості, а також здатна здійснювати сугестивний вплив на слухача. За результатами аудитивного аналізу озвучених казок, загадок, байок і притч уставлено, що концентрація в них слів з однаковими звуками і звукосполученнями, інтенсифікованими паралелізмом інтонаційних моделей і ритмічних структур суміжних інтоногруп у поєднанні зі спадними тонами з однаковою швидкістю зміни напрямку їхнього руху, приблизно однаковою тривалістю пауз, наявністю спеціального підйому або паузи перед ключовим словом та/або його оформленням високим спадним кінетичним тоном висхідно-спадної конфігурації, слугує, з одного боку, реалізації прагматичної спрямованості текстів (схвалення і заохочення чеснот та засудження і висміювання вад), та, з іншого - забезпечує сугестивне транслювання їхнього дидактичного змісту.
Ключові слова: фольклорний текст малої форми, звукосимволізм, просодичні засоби, прагматична спрямованість, сугестивний потенціал.
text segmental folk pragmatic
Larysa Taranenko
Department of Theory, Practice and Translation of English, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic institute”, Ukraine
Background: The paper is a study of the interplay of segmental and suprasegmental means of the folk text organization that serves the realization of the text pragmatic orientation as well as producing the suggestive subliminal stimuli on the recipient.
Purpose: The objectives of the research is to trace the correlation between the text pragmatic loading, its intonation organization and sound symbolic features of the text segmental units able to communicate a subliminal message to the text recipient.
Results: As a result of the auditory analysis of fairy tales, riddles, fables, and parables the author makes a conclusion that concentration of certain identical sounds and sound clusters in them highlighted by falling kinetic tones of an upward-downward configuration, directly correlates with the text pragmatic orientation, namely: praising and encouraging virtues (a positive idea) or blaming and ridiculing faults (a negative idea).
Discussion: Since folklore texts are not characterized by the variety of lexical-grammatical and stylistic means, their suggestive subliminal potential is realized by certain prosodic and sound symbolic patterns, aimed at activating cognitive processes in the recipient's psyche.
Key words: small form folk texts, sound symbolism, prosodic means, pragmatic orientation, suggestive subliminal effect.
It is common knowledge that the current stage of phonetic studies is characterized by its interdisciplinary direction, which necessitates consideration of the research data obtained by adjacent disciplines, primarily, in the sphere of psychology regarding, in particular, the specificities of expressing the speaker's intentions, realization of the subliminal message in the course of communication, correlation of the text semantics, pragmatic orientation and its phonetics structure, etc. Considering this, one of the problems elaborated by the Kyiv School of Phonetics within the scope of speech energetics theory (Kalyta 2015) is a relationship between pragmatic orientations of various speech segments and their segmental and prosodic organization whose complex interaction conveys the subliminal message.
With this in mind, the objective of the present study is to trace the correlation between the text pragmatic loading, its intonation organization and sound symbolic features of the text segmental units able to produce the subliminal stimuli on the recipient.
Methodological background of the research
As is known, the functioning of the system of phonetic means and regularities of their interaction in oral speech have been in focus of many researchers since the time of Aristotle and Plato. Due to this, there have been formed definite views on the role of intonation in oral communication. In particular, it has been confirmed by numerous studies that the pragmatic aim of a spoken text is primarily achieved by certain prosodic contours accompanying sets of segmental units having a symbolic nature. Considering these views, we have performed the study of the text oral actualization from the standpoint of a communicative pragmatic approach, which allows identifying the correlation between the text pragmatic loading and the interaction of its segmental and suprasegmental levels while conveying the text suggestive message.
We believe that English folk texts of different genres traditionally viewed as frequently used compositions of a didactic orientation can serve as a highly productive material of our research since they are all traditionally considered to be one of the most effective educational texts of a concise form that express “high concentration of feelings and actions” (Bascom 1965: 281).
Besides, other characteristic properties of such texts, according to (Plotnikova 2004: 4), comprise a generalized laconic presentation of facts, presence of a traditional scope of characters and motifs, overall allegorical meaning, humorous or satirical coloring, and unexpected witty ending. Other scholars, among specific features of small form folk texts, name a high potential of their symbolism, simplified composition, uncomplicated means of imagery creation, conciseness of the text spatial and temporal organization, typical syntactic constructions, linear orientation of the development of the events, laconicism of the ending, tight intertwining of factual and conceptual information (Shpetniy 1980: 4-10), conciseness, conversational orientation, use of simple syntactic constructions (Lushnikova, Potapova 2011: 192) and the like.
Numerous linguistic and folklore studies convincingly prove that the conceptual space of folk texts being a fundamental component of the humanity spiritual culture, has always served as a systemic didactic instrument. Their ideas keep on providing a rational orientation of individuals as to their behaviour in the society they live in and in terms of the universe perception.
Thus, we have all the grounds to define a small folklore text as a prosaic folk composition characterized by its lapidary style, i.e. compactness of expressive means, absence of redundant information, and simplicity of composition as well as a high concentration of pragmatic loading, i.e. ability to realize both the didactic and subliminal-suggestive functions.
To meet the objectives stipulated in this paper we are to fulfil the following research steps: to generalize pragmatic orientation of English small form folk texts; to analyse the sound symbolic potential of the texts under study; to explain the correlation of pragmatic orientation of folk texts and their segmental and supra-segmental organisation.
Results and Discussion
At the initial stage of our study, having analyzed all the lingual features of each of the small form folk genre, we arrived at a conclusion (Taranenko 2014) that all of them perform a didactic function. Within our deeper study of the folk text functional loading we got the reason to state that according to their pragmatic orientation, the small folk texts can be grouped into three enlarged classes, namely: spiritual-and-ideological (myths, legends), cultural-and-household (proverbs, fairy tales), and creative-and-teaching (riddles, anecdotes, parables) texts.
The next step of our research presupposed solving the problem of linking a certain text pragmatic orientation with its phonetic actualization in the process of oral communication. To reach this goal, we have performed lingual and auditory analyses of various folk genres that amounted to 780 texts (Book of Mathew; Bryant 2007; Graves 1993; Jacobs 1890).
Lingual semantic analysis demonstrated that irrespective of the text content, all small form folk texts convey only two possible semantic invariant ideas: either approval of wisdom and encouragement of virtues (i.e., a positive ethical idea) or condemning and ridiculing deviations from the norms of morality and behavior (i.e., a negative ethical idea).
It is worth mentioning that in the course of our further semantic analysis of folklore texts, we systematized them according to the frequency of the actualized positive or negative types of their ethical idea as follows: texts conveying condemnation of deviations from the norms of morality and behavior comprise 69,1% (namely, inconsiderate deeds - 7,2%, foolishness - 4,3%, greediness - 2,9%, envy - 2,9%, lies - 2,5%, malice - 2,4%, etc.), while the idea of approval of wisdom or encouragement of prudence or virtues is typical only of 30,9% of the analyzed texts (in particular: wisdom - 10,1%, prudence - 5,8%, diligence - 1,44%, etc.). As we can see, the texts communicating the ethical idea of condemning deviations from moral norms dominate and make up 69,1% of their total number, while those text that approve and encourage wisdom and prudence comprise only 30,9%. From the standpoint of the didactic function as the basic function of folk texts, this is quite reasonable since the prevention of deviations from the norms of morality and behavior is always more important than the approval of wisdom or prudence.
At the next stage of our research we performed the auditory analysis of the folk texts under study grouped according to the stipulated above pragmatic orientation. The auditory analysis was conducted by professional phoneticians whose task was aimed at finding out the correlation between the sound symbolic phonostemes of the folk text fragments having definite prosodic organization and their pragmatic orientation.
Thus, the analysis ascertains that the leading role in realizing the folk text pragmatic aim at the segmental level can be attributed to sound parallelism, namely: alliteration, assonance, repetition of certain sound clusters. According to the experts in phonetics, the repeated occurrence of identical consonants or vowels as well as sound combinations within the folk text structure serves to emphasize and strengthen positive or negative connotations and shades of meaning of the words, evoking in the listener certain associations related to the text pragmatics and / or its general didactic idea realization. These findings can be supported to some extent by conclusions made by Margaret Magnus (Magnus 2001), who stated that the words having the same consonants or consonantal clusters within their structure that repetitively occur within a certain context, contribute to the emergence of certain images, symbols or associations in the listener's mind. Through these associations, the words having the same consonants or their clusters get linked by the listener into a single thematic field or a group of words that add to producing the text subliminal influence.
The mentioned associative linkage of words with identical consonants into a certain semantic block can be exemplified by a frequent repetition of the consonant /r/ or sound cluster /C - r/ within fables that actualize a negative ethical idea and are pragmatically oriented at ridiculing violations from morality and behavior or condemnation and disgust of ill manners (Handford 1964): drink, spring, quarreling, provoked, breath, friends, crows, strife (ibid: 21); spring, drinking, proud, great, strength, ground, country, branches, tree, preservation, trust, betray (ibid: 67); brought, presents, bring, crawled, rose, creatures, frightening (ibid: 56), etc.
The used phonosemantic technique is considered by phoneticians as a means of reinforcing the general negative connotation of the whole folk text.
The repetition of sibilants /s/, /z/, /9/, /8/, /jV, /3/, affricates /tjV, M3/, the sonorant /r/ or the combination of /C - r/ in texts whose pragmatic aim is ridiculing violations of norms of morality can serve as another example of associative combination of words. Such a repetition also serves as a means of highlighting a negative connotation of the whole folk text as well as produces a corresponding subliminal effect on the listener: pious, worshipper, goose, eggs, impatient, bird's inside, solid, haste, disappointed, flesh, grasping (ibid: 182); thirsty, stag, spring, noticed, reflection, curiously fashioned, dissatisfied with his slender legs, still lost in thought, easily outdistanced, safely, reached, branches, alas, such confidence, destroying, danger, saviours, implicit trust (ibid: 67); ass, crossing,