Slavic words related to kolkhozes’ life in the Transcarpathian Hungarian language
The Russian/Ukrainian neologisms related to the institution of the kolkhoz, which appeared at that time and were also used by Hungarians, with the collapse of the regime became historicisms and have entered the initial phase of the archaization process.
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Дата добавления | 15.01.2023 |
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Vilmos Gazdag
The operation of collective farms (kolkhozes) has played a significant role in the Hungarian settlements of Transcarpathia over the past century, and this has naturally had an impact on the language use of the people working there. The Slavic neologisms that appeared at that time and were also used by the Hungarians became historicisms with the demise of the system, and entered the initial phase of a well-developed archaization process. The urgency of sociolinguistic studies in this field is underlined by the increasing ageing and continuing death of the potential informants, i.e. kolkhoz workers.
Within the framework of this paper, I will try to present some of the borrowed words and their specificities, based on the results of my questionnaire and interview surveys in the Berehovo district, and on the results of my interview survey on the functioning of the kolkhoz-system.
Keywords: Hungarian dialects of Transcarpathia, kolkhoz-system, East Slavic loan-words, sociolinguistic studies.
Газдаг Вільмош
Слов'янські слова, пов'язані з життям колгоспів, у закарпатській угорській мові
Протягом останнього століття в угорських поселеннях Закарпаття значну роль відігравало функціювання колгоспів, що, природно, позначилося на мові людей, які там працювали. Слов'янські неологізми, що з'явилися в той час і використовувалися й угорцями, з розпадом системи стали історизмами й увійшли в початкову фазу процесу архаїзації. Актуальність соціолінгвістичних досліджень у цій галузі підкреслюється поступовим старінням і смертністю потенційних інформантів, зокрема колгоспників.
У рамках цієї статті представлено деякі запозичені слова та їх специфіку на основі результатів анкетування в Берегівському районі про функціювання колгоспно-радгоспної системи.
Ключові слова: угорські говори Закарпаття, колгоспно-радгоспна система, східнослов'янські запозичення, соціолінгвістичні дослідження
Introduction. In the last century, the functioning of collective farms (kolhozes) also had an impact on the language used by the workers who worked there. During the Soviet era, as a result of strong Russian linguistic dominance, thousands of Russian or Russian-mediated lexical items became established in the languages of national minorities in the member republics and their presen ce can be detected in all aspects of language use. [Исаев 2002, p. 114]. However, many of the words that became established at this time are closely linked to the political -ideological and historical processes of the different periods of the Soviet Union [Каганов 2012, p. 267], i. e. they carry a strong ideological connotation. According to Istvan Kotyuk [2007, pp. 95-96] the loanwords adopted at that time can be classified into the following groups: 1) vocabulary related to the Soviet institutional system; 2) words related to industry and agriculture; 3) words related to official life; 4) words related to trade; 5) words related to living conditions; 6) words related to education. The neologisms created during the Soviet period, today are out of date and have been removed from the active vocabulary because of the transformation of the social system and the abolition of the
Theoretical background. The 1920s and the first third of the 1930s were the period of the emergence of state and collective farming systems that replaced the smallholdings [Petrak 2000, p. 159]. Collectivisation was not, however, a victimless process: `the rich peasantry, who opposed the cooperative system, were declared as enemies' [Biro 2003, p. 27], and under the heading of `de-cultivation' mass arrests, executions and deportations to Siberia began to take place among them [on this see Krausz 2006, pp. 152-170].
During this period of the Soviet Union's existence, there were three types of farms: state farms - sovhozes, collective farms - kolkhozes, and non-socialised farms [on this see Nagy 1941, p. 62]. The transpositions of the words sovhoz (russ. советское хозяйство ^ совхоз), denoting Soviet farms, and kolkhoz (russ. коллективное хозяйство ^ колхоз), denoting collective farms, together with the categories they denote, are known as so-called xenonyms [on these see e. g. Bakos 1991] and exclusively in relation to the Soviet Union realm, also as international words even in several forms [on this see Elekfi 1968, 1992; Gazdag 2020].
In the second half of the 1900s, cooperatives were formed in many European countries based on the Soviet model, which varied widely in type and name from country to country [on this see Erdei 1977]. It may be important to note, however, that since the name of the Soviet-style agricultural enterprise in Hungary was not kolhoz but teesz (or cooperative), all these names remained xenonyms in the Hungarian standard. However, the situation among the Hungarians of Transcarpathia was completely different. In their case, the kolhozes were an integral part of everyday life, which, after the hardships of their establishment [on this see e.g. Dupka 2014, pp. 7589, Molnar 2015], were also intended to ensure the livelihood of the vast majority of the local population for several decades. Of course, these formations had a significant impact not only economically, but also linguistically, «since the leaders of the cooperatives (kolkhozes, sovhozes), the functionaries of the new power system, communicated with the people only in Russian» [Csernicsko 1995, p. 132]. Thus, the word kolhoz and its derivatives, as well as other Slavic appropriations of Russian origin associated with kolhoz life, are an integral part of the language use of the older generation, even if they typically appear only in the context of memories related to the subject.
Results and Discussion. Below, based on the results of my questionnaire and interview surveys of loanwords in Berehovo district and the results of my interview survey on the functioning of the collective farms, I will try to present some of the loanwords and their characteristics. First of all, have a look at the form of the two types of economy.
The use of the word kolhoz has been verified by the related research, which means that the word - based on the results of empirical research - can be considered as still in active use in Transcarpathian Hungarian language: Nem vittek el Donbaszra, ugyhogy beiratkoztam a kolhozba [60_Kaszony_1930_Ferfi_Anytr] These types of identifiers refer to interviews conducted in the context of the research programme at the Antal Hodinka Centre for Linguistic Research since 2003. The aim of the programme is to create a Transcarpathian Hungarian sound archive. The identifiers contain the following information: code number of the interview, place of residence, year of birth, sex of the interviewee. I would like to thank the staff of the research center for making the interviews available to me.; Megsztint a kolhoz, ma oda se lehet menni dogozni [71_Mezokaszony_1962_No_Anytr],
The word has been used as the basis for several hybrid loanwords in Transcarpathian Hungarian variants. Examples include: kolhoziroda - En husz evet dogoztam a kolhozirodaba [208_Deda_1952_No_Anytr]; kolhozrendszer - Ezt folytattuk ezerkilencszaznegyvenkilencig, amig a kolhozrendszer be nem jott [210_Deda_1931_Ferfi_Anytr]; kolhosztanya - Kozel vot hozza egy kolhosztanya [204_Deda_1923_N_Anytr]; a kolhoszhegy - Nagyapam vinceller volt a kolhoszhegyen [65_Kaszony_1965_Ferfi_Anytr]; kolhozauto - Pakoltuk nemcsak a kolhozautok, hanem mas organizaciok kocsijait is [67_Kaszony_1954_Ferfi_Anytr] words.
The word szovhoz (also in the form sofho(s)z) has similar features in its occurrence and usage: Tizenot eves votam, mikor a szovhozba mentem dogozni [59_Kaszony_1935_No_Anytr]; Aztan meg dolgoztam a kolhozba, a muzsalyi szofhosz uzembe [434_Nagymuzsaly_1934_Berecki Zoltan_Anytr]; Farmvezeto lettem, itt a gati szofhozba ... [Gat_1953_F] Such identifiers, consisting of three pieces of data, are used to identify the interviews conducted within the framework of the research project UNKP-21-4 «Sovietisms in the language use of former Hungarian kolkhoz workers in Transcarpathia», and contain the following information: the place of residence, year of birth, gender of the interviewee.. Like kolhoz, this word has been the basis for many word combinations: vinszovhoz - `wine-growing, winery' - Es csak egyedul a beregszaszi vinszovhozba kaptunk munkat [210_Deda_1931_Ferfi_Anytr]; szovhozuzem - Aztan tovabba itt nagymuzsalyi szofhozuzem, ami jelenlegprivatizalas alatt all [118_Nagymuzsaly_1981_no].
The above-mentioned process of forced collectivization and dispossession naturally affected the Hungarian population of Transcarpathia [see Dupka 2014, pp. 75-89], and the Slavic linguistic term for the dispossession process was also introduced into the Hungarian language: roszkulacsennya kksz The loanwords presented in this work can be divided into two types. They are indicated by the abbreviations given after the headwords: kksz = direct borrowing, haksz = sound borrowing., fn '-t, '-ja < russ. раскулачивание, illetve раскулаченные (az ukr. nyelvi megfeleloje розкуркулення) - Volt akkor az a program, rozkulacsennya, hogy van az, a gazdagoktu be kellett adni a joszagokot, Okrokot, teheneket [Beregujfalu_1968_N].
Peasant workers in the newly created economic cooperatives were given a single name. Peasants working in kolkhozes were referred to in Russian by the word колхозник, which was formed from the Russian коллективное хозяйство ^ колхоз with the suffix -ник. The name is now considered an archaic Sovietism in the Russian language. Through borrowing, which is foreign to the Hungarian ear, and the use of the adjective and noun form -ista (for details see Gyalmos 1933; T. Somogyi 2011), which is mainly associated with foreign words, it became commonly used in the Hungarian dialects of Transcarpathia in the form of the kolhozista variant, e.g. Minden kolhozistanak adtak ket hektar foldet [311_Gut_1919_No_Anytr]; Hat azok is (ertsd: az adatkozlo szulei) csak munkasemberek, kolhozistak voltak [Fornos_1954_N]; A nagyszulok is, azok is mind, mind kolhozistak votak [Fertosalmas_1949_F]; A foldteruleteket szejjelosztottak a kolhozistak kozt [Kisdobrony_1942_F]. In addition, several hybrid loanwords were used to designate people working in kolkhozes: e.g. kolhoz member - also kolhoztag - Edesapam es edesanyam kolhoztag volt [97_Batyu_1949_No_Anytr], vagy a kolhozelnok - Kolhozelnok vot [57_Kaszony_1925_Ferfi_Anytr]; kolhozsofor - Az egesz kolhozsoforok, akik jottek a szamoszvalok [67_Kaszony_1954_Ferfi_Anytr].
An interesting peculiarity, however, is that the name szovhozista/szofhozista A search of the Arcanum Digital Repository in December 2021 shows that there are only three occurrences of this word in the press language., which is a derivative of the word szovhoz szofhoz, did not become established as an analogy of the word kolhozista, instead we only managed to record the form szofhozmunkas, which appears as a hybrid loanword: A szovjet vilagba szofhozmunkas, egyszeru paraszt ember volt [419_Gat_1969_f_anytr].
Persons engaged in agricultural work were organized into various groups, most often called brigades: kksz, fn '-t, '-ja - 1. group of workers; 2. brigade, brigade, troop < ukr., russ. 6purada [< nem. Brigade - ЕСУМ 1, p. 254; Фасмер 1, р. 213] - A mezogazdasag egy resze gepesitett volt, igy traktorbrigadvoltpeldaul [Bene_1954_F]; Voltak a kolhozok, a kolhozokban voltak brigadok, a brigadokon belul pedig voltak ilyen kisebb csoportok [Tiszasalamon_1966_N]. These groups were usually directly supervised by one person, the brigader ~ brigaderos ~ brigaderus kksz, fn '-t, '-ja - foreman < ukr., russ. бригадир [< nem. Brigadier - ЕСУМ 1, p. 254; Фасмер 1, p. 213]; - A brigader szerezte be a szenat, a repat, es a dajarkak, azok etettek [Visk_1943_N]; Az egyik nagyapam az ilyen brigaderos volt [248_Halabor_1968_F_Anytr]; Hat, a tudomasom szerint volt kolhozelnok, alelnok, brigaderusok, es csoportvezetok [Beregujfalu_1968_N].
Another common name for working groups was lanka kksz, fn '-t, '-ja (working) group < ukr. ланка [< presumably from Middle German lanne - ЕСУМ 3, p. 191, the Russian equivalent of звено] - Hat csoportokba dolgoztak. Vagyis ugy mondjak, hogy lanka. Egyik helyen lanka, masik helyen csoport [Fertosalmas_1949_F]; Dercenbe volt ot lanka, Fornoson volt negy lanka csoport [Dercen_1960_N]; or even as a hybrid loanword: Csak annyit tudok errol, hogy volt hegyilanka, mezeilanka, kulon a ferma, kulon traktoristak [Szolosgyula_1951_N6]. These were led by the lankas `group leader' - Apam epitobrigadnak volt ugynevezett lankasa, mint brigadvezeto [Szolosgyula_1957_F]; or the more Slavic form lankovij < ukr. ланковий - Eloszor kolhozban kapaltam a mezoket, malet, krumplit, repat, es azutan lettem kesobb lankovij munkavezeto [Visk_1943_N]; Mert voltak ilyen csoportvezetok, meg ugy hivtak, hogy lankovijok [Barkaszo_1936_N].
There were, of course, also occupations and offices in the kolkhoz that were identified by names of Slavic origin. These include, for example:
agronom haksz, fn '-t, '-ja - agronomist < ukr., russ. агроном (< gr. aypovopog - ЕСУМ 1, p. 47; Шанский 1/1, p. 44 considers it to be an appropriation of fr. agronome, which can also be traced back to gr. aypovopog) - Addig jol ment neki is, amig agronom volt a kolhozban [2014_Zapszony_Participant _N_40-s];
dajarka kksz, fn '-t, '-ja - milkmaid < ukr., russ. доярка (through the Polish dojarz, dojarka formulas it can be derived from the Old Slavic *dojiti, Аникин 14, p. 282, and partly from Kpemoe 1995, p. 117-120) - A brigader szerezte be a szenat, a repat, es a dajarkak, azok etettek. [Visk_1943_N];
furazser kksz, fn '-t, '-ja - feed manager < ukr., russ. фуражир [< fr. fouragge - ЕСУМ 6, p. 139; Фасмep 4, p. 210] - Amikor o volt a furazser a farmon, akkor meg tiz disznot is tartott, volt termeny, amennyi csak kellett [2015_Train_Participant _N_50-s];
kadro kksz, fn '-t, '-ja - head of the personnel department < the russ. отдел кадров composition < ukr., russ. кадр [< fr. cadre - ЕСУМ 2, р. 339; Фасмер 2, р. 157] which is the or. (отдел) cadre instead of the standard [k'adraf] in Ukrainian as [k'adrou] pronounced in the local version. - A kadro no a konzervgyarba abszolut nem tudott magyarul [206_Deda_1955_No_Anytr]. The word кадр (usually plural: кадры) was originally a military term in Russian (as was the French cadre `keret' since the Napoleonic Wars, cf. Hungarian keretlegeny), denoting the regu lars of the armed forces on duty during the war [Черных 1, р. 366]. In the course of the above-mentioned Soviet-era efforts to militarise `the front of labour', a workplace or other organisation became a `tribesman', and then a Russian min-tar in the Hungarian Hungarian as well. In the Hungarian vernacular, the leaders of this position were called cadres, or in a more formal form, staff [ErtSz. 3, р. 702];
ucsotcsik kksz, fn '-t, '-ja - 1. accountant; 2. registrar < russ. kozny. учётчик (< russ. учёт) - Az Engelsz kolhozhoz kerultem, mint eloszor mint csak ucsotcsik. [67_Mezokaszony_1954_Ferfi_Anytr]; Volt egy ucsotcsik, aki a fizeteseket irta, szamoltafel. [Szolosgyula_1953_N];
zortechnik kksz, fn '-t, '-ja - 1. animal husbandry technician; 2. zootechnician < ukr. зоотехшк, russ. зоотехник; - [~lat.+nem. zoo+Technik]; - Hat ezekert (understand: for the care of the animals) volt zortechnik, aki felelt ertuk [Zapszony_1956_N], valamint zootechnikus: Fejonok voltak, allatgondozok voltak, zootechnikusok voltak. Egy kesz szeleskoru tarsasag volt [Tiszasalamon_1966_N], or in the form of zoltechnik: Ahogy a kolhoz, ugy a parttitkar is a kolhozelnok is, a zoltechnikok, agronomusok, azok is, a buhaterek, a konyvelok, azok is mashonnan jottek [Dercen_1960_N].
The kolkhozes were typically engaged in several forms of activity, and accordingly they could be divided into several organizational units. These also included names of Russian/Ukrainian origin, such as the following:
ferma kksz, fn `breeding farm, farm' < ukr., russ. ферма (< fr. ferme, ЕСУМ 6, p. 89, Фасмер 3, p. 190) - Ferma vot, tehenek, fejok votak [Fornos_1954_N]; A mi falunkban kulon volt tehen- es baranyferma [Szolosgyula_1951_N6]; Vot allattenyesztes is, disznoferma vot, akkor tehenek votak, lovak votak [Nagypalad_1940_N];
koperatfva kksz, fn `cooperative store, shop, small village grocery' a кооперативный магазин 'cooperative shop' was created by univerbation of the adjectival structure, its Hungarian counterparts in the Kadar era were AFESZ-boltok (in colloquial language simply afeszek) < ukr., russ. кооператив (a nem. Koope-rative a late 19th-century takeover, derived from the Latin cooperatio, ЕСУМ 2, р. 563, Шанский 8, р. 300) - Egyes-egyedul csak, de az is egy zsidonakkoszonheto, az akkori koperativa [64_Kaszony_1959_F_Anytr]; or kopera, used colloquially with the shortened sound forms - Elvitt a, ugy hivtak akkor a koperaba, es ott vettek nekunk cipot, ruhat [486_Bucsu_1944_N_Anytr];
piscse kksz, fn `cannery' < russ. пищекомбинат - A piscsebe, ott is dogoztam vagy ket evig [142_Oroszi_1973_F_Anytr]; Beregszaszban, amikor szedtek mindent befele, akkor behordtak a piscsebe, a szoloktol kezdve mindent behordtak, mert itt ilyesmire nem volt hely [Gut_1958_N];
szilpo kksz, fn `cooperative shop; grocery' < from the composition of сільський and russ. потребительское общество (ukr. + or. acronym) - О volt ott a szilponal evvel a szekerrel [486_Bucsu_1944_N_Anytr];
szuvenyfr kksz, fn `souvenir factory' < ukr. сувенір, or. сувенир (< fr. souvenir, ЕСУМ 5, p. 464) - Az altalanos iskola utan Dedaba a szuvenyirbe dogoztam [206_Deda_1955_N_Anytr]; Mikor ferjhez mentem 76-ba, akkor jottem haza a kolhozba es itt kezdtem a munkamat szuvenyirbe [Zapszony_1956_N].
There are also several Slavic denominations related to work:
narjad kksz, fn `1. work to be carried out according to a worksheet, 2. orders, instructions' < ukr., russ. наряд (on russ. наряд is a derivative of ряд `row, order', ЕСУМ 4, p. 45; Фасмер 3, p. 46) - Akkor meg egy jegyzetbe irta ugymond a narjadokat, hogy hat ki mit teljesitett [432_Nagybakta_1951_N_Anytr];
videmoszt kksz, fn `a list of various data (e.g. work done, working days, income)' < ukr. відомість (old belarusian/ old ukrainian mediated by the polish wiadomosc, Anikin 6, pp. 168-169) - Hat minden honap vegin, mikor letelt a honap, egy het mulva mondjuk kesz lett a videmoszt, es akkor mindenkit kifizettek, kinek mennyi jart, meg hogy jart [Cson-kapapi_1947_N];
rozrjad kksz, fn `category, class, classification of various professionals' < ukr. розряд, russ. рaзряд [< or. рaзряд, ЕСУМ 2, p. 39 - Beosztasomba elertem a negyes rozrjadot [67_Mezokaszony_1954_F_Anytr]; Cukraszkent van harmadik rozrjadom [Bereguj falu_1968_N];
szmena kksz, fn `1. shift, 2. shift, replacement, 3. working group' < russ. смена [from the Old Slavic міна- of Indo-European origin, ЕСУМ 3, pp. 479-480, Фасмеp 2, p. 597] - Tehat szmenara jartunk, ugyhogy hat ha elmentunk ot oratul dogoztunk egy oraig [71_Mezokaszony_1962_N_Anytr].
Among the Slavic gestures of Slavic origin related to the feeding of livestock kept in kolkhozes, a special name for fodder has also become established: szinazs kk sz, fn `hay fodder with silage' < ukr. сінаж [a modern variant of сіно `hay', ЕСУМ 5, p. 255, the Russian equivalent сенаж] - Osszel meg ugye besiloztak, es telen meg siloval etettek, silo, szinazs. Ilyen befullesztett takarmanyok [Batar_1959_F].
Conclusions. In conclusion, the Soviet era, and it's kolkhoz system, had a significant linguistic impact on the language use of Transcarpathian Hungarians. The Russian/Ukrainian neologisms related to the institution of the kolkhoz, which appeared at that time and were also used by Hungarians, with the collapse of the regime became historicisms and have entered the initial phase of the archaization process.
hungarians ukrainian neologisms kolkhoz historicisms archaization
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