Paronymic and morphological attractions: the history and classification on the basis of Ukrainian poetry

The concept of paronymic attraction, its classification at the structural level and its importance for understanding the peculiarities of the poetic worldview. Types of morphological attraction as a means of folklore stylization in modern poetry.

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H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

Department of Theory and Practice of the English Language

Paronymic and morphological attractions: the history and classification on the basis of Ukrainian poetry

Bozhko Yu.O., PhD in Philology,

Associate Professor

Zhylina K.V., Master Student


The article is dedicated to the study of the concept of «attraction» in the works by linguists. The basic approaches have been clarified, the concept of «attraction» has been revealed and the essence of this phenomenon in other sciences and linguistics has been traced. The main classification types of paronymic attraction at the structural level have been described: vocal, metatic, consonant, epenthetic, augmentative. The vocal type of paronymic attraction unites those contexts in which, according to the conditional consonant identity of occasional paronymic bases, there is a vocal distribution of these bases. The metatic type is based on unfixed order of root consonants. The epenthetic type includes another consonant inside the quasi-root, which creates a paro- nymic attraction. The consonant type of attraction is the opposite of the vocal type. Attractants differ from the previous one in the quasi-root in consonant sound and often with the preservation of vocalistic foundations. The augmentative type can be attributed to the previous one, as its formation occurs by adding consonant sounds to the quasi-root in the preposition or postposition.

Two types of morphological attraction have been described. The first type (on the basis of folklore texts) in modern poetry acts as a means of folklore stylization. The morphological type of attraction is represented in poetry by various types of similarities, among which the most typical are noun-adjective combinations with redundant prepositions and combinations of such compounds with preposition of prepositions with homogeneous nouns. The second type of morphological attraction includes the assimilation of grammatical forms of the same type and rhythmically located in the poetic structure, creating formal symmetry, which serves as the basis of figurative symmetry and forms the associative space of the text. The development of linguistics in the field of morphological poetics is of great importance for understanding the peculiarities of the poetic worldview, and morphological attraction is one of those means of its expression, which must be further explored. The development of linguistics in the field of morphological poetics is of great importance for understanding the peculiarities of the poetic worldview, and morphological attraction is one of those means of its expression, which must be further explored.

Key words: attraction, paronymic attraction, folk etymology, paronymy, morphological attraction, paronomasia, attractor.


Божко Ю., Жиліна К. Паронімічна та морфологічна атракції: історія та класифікація на основі української поезії

Стаття присвячена дослідженню поняття «атракції» у працях лінгвістів. З'ясовано основні підходи, розкрито поняття «атракції» та простежено сутність цього явища в інших галузях науки й мовознавстві. Охарактеризовано основні класифікаційні типи паронімічного атракції на структурному рівні: вокалічний, метатичний, консонантний, епентетичний, аугментативний. Вокалічний тип паронімічної атракції об'єднує ті контексти, в яких за умовною приголосною тотожністю оказіональних пароні- мічних основ відбувається вокальний розподіл цих основ. Метатичний тип заснований на нефіксованому порядку кореневих приголосних. Епентетичний тип включає ще один приголосний всередині квазікореня , що створює паронімічну атракцію. Консонантний тип атракції протилежний вокалічному типу. Атрактанти відрізняються від попереднього квазікоренем за приголосним звучанням і часто збереженням вокалічних сполучень. Аугментативний тип можна віднести до попереднього, оскільки його утворення відбувається шляхом додавання приголосних звуків до квазікореня у препозиції або постпозиції. Описано два типи морфологічної атракції. Перший тип (на основі фольклорних текстів) у сучасній поезії виступає як засіб фольклорної стилізації. Морфологічний тип атракції представлений у поезії різними видами подібності, серед яких найхарактернішими є іменниково-прикметникові сполучення з прийменниками та утворення таких сполук із препозицією прийменників із однорідними іменниками. До другого типу морфологічної атракції належить асиміляція однотипних і ритмічно розташованих у поетичній структурі граматичних форм, що створюють формальну симетрію, яка служить основою образної симетрії та утворює асоціативний простір тексту. Розвиток мовознавства в галузі морфологічної поетики має велике значення для розуміння особливостей поетичного світогляду, а морфологічна атракція є одним із тих засобів його вираження, який потребує подальшого дослідження.

Ключові слова: атракція, паронімічна атракція, народна етимологія, паронімія, морфологічна атракція, пароно- мазія, атрактор.

Statement of the problem

The term «attraction» at the present stage is referred to as interdisciplinary, as this concept is actively used in physics, psychology, philosophy, mathematics, sociology, linguistics, etc. Interpretation of the attraction in the linguistic tradition causes some difficulties, and hence the difficulty of unification, as the essence of the attraction is insufficiently covered by linguists. This is directly due to the fact that this phenomenon is viewed from different angles, does not have proper research and a clear history. Thus, the relevance of the study is due to the need to outline and summarize the acquired knowledge about the attraction, taking into account modern interpretations of this phenomenon.

The aim of the article is to reveal the concept of «attraction» in linguistics, consider approaches to the interpretation of this linguistic phenomenon.

The objectives of the study are: to define the concept of «attraction» in linguistics, trace the history and main stages of the study of language attraction, classify paronymic and morphological attraction.

Results and discussion

At each historical stage of linguistics development, attention to the phenomenon of attraction increased. Theoretical principles of attraction are set out in the works by Filchuk T [1], Poltavets Yu. [2; 3; 4], Strazheva M. [5], Voroniuk O. [6] and others. Hence, there are various interpretations of this concept, which depend on the interpretation of the linguistic phenomenon by individual scholars.

Attention to the interaction ofthe plane of expression and the plane of meaning is projected on the most ancient epochs in the history of human languages. By studying the relationships between a name and an object, a sound and a meaning, plane of content and plane of expression, modern linguists have made significant contributions to solving this general theoretical problem. But there were no works devoted to the in-depth study of the phenomenon of attraction until the mid-1960s, when the use of phonetically similar words increased significantly and required the close attention of linguists [6]. The issue of the nature and features of the phenomenon of attraction remains today one of the most debated and underdeveloped.

Of course, the introduction of the concept of «attraction» in the linguistic tradition was preceded by its appearance in other scientific fields, so it is crucial to mention the origin of the word attraction. The word is etymologically related to the Latin «attrahere» (Ukrainian «вабити, притягувати, манити»), which has survived in English as the verb «attract» (Ukrainian «притягувати, вабити»). M. Strazheva [5] claims that this concept was first introduced in physics due to the discovery of the law of gravitational attraction (Isaac Newton) in 1666. Some scholars have linked the emergence of this concept in physics in 1963 to the name of E. Lorentz.

The use of the term «attractor» is found in the theory of Chaos, which focuses not on the disorder of the system, but in its inherited order. It is believed that human vocabulary can be considered as a complex system that is self-organizing and governed by certain laws. If we draw an analogy with the theory of Chaos and consider its interpretation in terms of attraction, we find that within each paronymic and morphological pair is its attractor and «attracts» in meaning, grapheme or grammatical structure. This confirms the fact that the phenomenon of attraction is an interdisciplinary concept.

Researchers note that the term «attraction» first appeared in linguistics «in the late 1950s, not only as a reference to attraction, but also as a full-fledged work on this phenomenon» [2, p. 123]. That is, linguists differ on the emergence of the concept of «attraction» in other fields, but on its use in the linguistic tradition, scholars agree, as the first thorough study of the phenomenon of attraction appears in the work of J. Grimm «On some cases of attraction» in 1858. Thus, «the initial stage of the study of language attraction can be considered the second half of the nineteenth century» [7]. In the study of J. Grimm, under the influence of historical-comparative direction, the opinion is expressed that both individual sounds in a certain place and words in a sentence act on each other.

The problems of studying areal linguistics include language attraction, which was studied by H. Schuhardt, J. Schmidt, in territorially related languages. According to Schmidt's theory, «language innovations spread from the center where they arise to the periphery, like waves that gradually fade, and attraction is interpreted as the acquisition of one language features of another with which it borders territorially» [4, p. 211].

R. Lloyd considers the influence of similarity of sound on the development of language and the meaning of words. The linguist notes that «some roots were formed at least not as intended, from the inside, but by attracting similar elements from the outside» [8, p. 134]. Demonstrating how similarity of sound affects the understanding of the meaning of words, R. Lloyd uses the term «folk etymology», and argues that «the attraction to which words with related meanings are subject, makes a much greater impression on our consciousness than attraction due to neighboring sounds» [9, p. 146]. Later, this idea was developed by I. Baudouin de Courtenay is already in terms of structural approach. This approach highlights the properties of language as a structural and systemic formation, their specific manifestations at a certain language level and the characteristics of its individual elements. We rely on the interpretation of the term «folk etymology» in the encyclopedia «Українська мова» (2000), which states that this term refers to «facts of misunderstanding the origin or meaning of a language unit, when it is based on random formal similarities or identities with another unit, more familiar to the speaker, erroneously attributed to the meaning or motivation, similar to the latter» [10, p. 371]. Characteristically, folk etymology «arises between paronyms (paronymic attraction), homonyms, less often in polysemy», i.e. folk etymology is not synonymous with the concept of paronymic attraction, but rather is a subtype that arises within the phenomenon of paronymic attraction.

Analysis of differences in the study of paronymic phenomenon shows the existence of more than a dozen views on them. Some linguists relate the concepts of paronymy, paronomasia, folk etymology, paronymic attraction, alliteration, sound repetition, sound image and sound metaphor etc., others consider them as subtypes of paronymic attraction. In the scientific literature there is no single and holistic approach to the ontology of complex and very common in the phenomenon of two-way interaction of similar sound structure of words. Hence, the terminological definition of the studied phenomenon is necessary.

The phenomenon of attraction has not been studied from the point of view of linguistics for almost a hundred years, and only in the 60s and 70s of the last century did linguistic poets continue their research and characterize the concept of paronymic attraction. Intensified development of the rich paronymic fund acquires special importance «in connection with the popular in the middle and second half of the twentieth century. aesthetics of sound symbolism» [9, p. 10]. The latest processes are implemented in several directions: «expands the range of lexical compatibility of potential attractants, paronymization of the onomastic layer of poetics and activates the phonological potential of the service parts of speech» [9, p. 10]. At the lexico-grammatical level, there is a shift in the boundaries of lexical compatibility of attractants, the spread of the corresponding connection to the official parts of speech. Poets begin to «purposefully actualize the sound-expressing possibilities of prepositions, conjunctions, particles, exclamations» [9, p. 10]. Phonetically adjacent to the sound complex of a full- fledged word, the latter become stylistic forms of new sound- semantic relations: «По кручі покруча ходять» (E. Andievskaia); «в місто безвісте, без вістер» (B. Rubchak «Подорожній»). In addition, the poetry of this period is characterized by «consistent inclusion in the paronymic relations of proper names (mythological images, place names, sacronyms, names of historical and cultural figures, writers, etc.)» [5, p. 10]: «Були вже в нас святі полки і Святополки окаянні» (V Vovk); «У лісі усі ввічливі Улісси» (E. Andiievska).

Paronymic attraction is just one of the cases of this phenomenon, which is established between the elements of the poetic text. Most linguists have focused on the study of paronymic, synonymous, homonymous, antonymous attractions, omitting the existence of this phenomenon at the morphological level. Much less attention has been paid to the study of morphological attraction and a small number of scientific papers have been devoted.

If we turn to the emergence of the concept of «morphological attraction», then O. Skorobogatova notes that this term was first used by F. Buslaiev, and already in active philological practice introduced O. Potebnia, who repeatedly stressed that «the imagery of language is based not only on lexical but also on grammatical foundation» [11, p. 20]. «The linguist was the first in domestic linguistics to substantiate the principle of structural density and correlation of all elements of language» [11, p. 20]. O. Potebnia pointed out that «the artistic functioning reveals not only the possibilities of units of one type or another, but also realizes the systemic potential of categories and categories, the potential for interaction of units in paradigm» [12, p. 46]. The linguist examines in detail the cases of morphological attraction presented in ancient Russian texts and notes that the activity of appeals with morphological attraction is very high. The scientist describes «paractatic, attributive combinations in various prepositional and prepositional cases», the elements of which are formally similar to each other, for example, от Дуная от берега, церковь Спасъ and so on.

O. Potebnia analyzes cases of morphological attraction and emphasizes that attraction does not deny the realization ofthe primary meaning of a form that has changed under the influence of another. In his opinion, there may be cases of combination of values. Analyzing a number of examples ofthe attraction of forms, O. Potebnia emphasizes: «If the oblivion of thought, which was previously associated with the changing form, is considered to be an obligatory sign of the attraction of forms due to their change, then the appeals considered here cannot be referred to this category». At the same time, grammatical logic requires the researcher to analyze them as cases of attraction [12, p. 48], for example: «До сина свого, до найменшого промовляла» (O. Oles «Ой була на світі та удівонька»), «Посоловів од співу сад, од солов'їв, і од надсад. /1 од самотньої свічі, / і од жалких зірок вночі» (V. Stus «Посоловів од співу сад»). O.O. Skorobogatova distinguishes between cases of unintentional attraction of diachronic order, described by scientists, and examples of using attraction as a poetic technique aimed at increasing the expressiveness and fascination of the text [13, p. 4; 14, p. 128]. The scientist focuses on a thorough study of morphological attraction, actively referring to the theoretical principles described in the works of O. Potebnia, who first drew attention to the widespread phenomenon of morphological attraction in the poetic text.

Yu. Poltavets gives the classification of structural types of paronymic attraction in the poetic text taking into account the formal and semantic characteristics of the phenomenon [3]. According to this classification there are several structural types: vocal, metatic, epenthetic, consonant, augmentative.

Most of paronymic attraction belong to the vocal type. «Consonant identity of quasi-bases with a fixed order of identical consonants may be accompanied by vocalist distributions of bases - a kind of alternation of vowel sounds: «Бунт і бинт у бутті. / Ніж і ніжність» (I. Pavlyshyn «Знов язичеський сум, християнська невиспана радість...»). The words бунт and бинт are correlated with the consonant quasi-base of БНТ, and paronymic bases are formed due to the alternation of vowels у//и). Or «Що пульсую, плюсую. / Що минули мене сотні зміїв і єв... Вічний паломник, / Рудію, ридаю, радію»(I. Pavlyshyn «Тихо-тихо в мені.»). To the same type we include the word forms pulse and plus, which correspond to the quasi-basis of ПЛС, and PA is formed by alternating у//ю. In the given example another series of words рудію, ридаю, радію is observed, where the basis of РД, and by means of alternation of vowels the phenomenon of PA у//и//а, і//а is formed. This type is definitely dominant, as it most often occurs in poetry.

The vocal type of paronymic attraction unites those contexts in which, according to the conditional consonant identity of occasional paronymic bases, there is a vocal distribution of these bases: «...і кожен крок мій криком аж кричить, / і кожен спогад серце зворушає» (V. Stus «Летять на мене сто людських жалів.»); «приручені приречені / надтріснуті мов глечики» (V. Tsibulko «Циганія»). In the case of vocal paronymic attraction, changes in the composition of consonants are possible, albeit insignificant: «Як тишу притулить довіч... / і кликать день, котрий бреде/ у клекоті й клятьбі?» (V. Stus «Біля гірського вогнища»). paronymic morphological attraction folkloric poetic

Quite common are cases of vowel loss in a paronymic pair, for example: «аби з тобою запізнати дно, / де літеплена річка молока / потьмариться до вигусклої спеки, / день збрижеться, утеклий і далекий..» (V Stus «Молочною рікою довго плив.»), where in the paronymic pair bottom - day one of the elements of the word falls out, but the words form a paronymic effect in the text. Or in V. Tsibulko's poetry «Янголи і вовки»: «а душі поцо кохання це всування висування / військ тупе машерування», where the attractors of insertion - extension are formed on the contrary by adding a vowel in the quasi-root.

The vocal type of attraction can occupy several positions in the word: at the beginning («І лукавому - умова кулі. /1 лукавому - мова кулі» (A. Moisiienko «І лукавому.»), where the words condition and language correspond to the consonant quasi-base МВ, PA is formed due to the alternation of vowels у//о), in the middle («Я ж зорів лиш тодімо, як зорив молимо / тонкоперого птаха святе письмо» (B. Rubchak), where there is an alternation of і//и) and at the end («Вже їх земля - копалини й копальні, / залізні кігті шахт у глибину» (Lina Kostenko «Плем'я тода»)), alternation of vowels и//і and и// with zero sound).

The metatic type differs from the previous one only by the unfixed order of root consonants. The relative «basics» of word forms reveal an equally wide range of vocal alternations: «Вір мені, і нем рів / Вірами-римами римарів» (A. Moisienko «Вірмені, і немрів...»), «Віршам і снам не вір: / травур, та рев, та вир. / З варив розрив-трави» (B. Rubchak «Розрив-трава»).

Permutation of adjacent consonants «root» is an indicator of this structural type. However, the alternation of vowels sometimes does not occur, for example: «Мохом я сунуся, мохом - / Бід мохом, діб/ Мохом» (A. Moisiienko «Мохом ясунуся, мохом»), that is, there is a change in the positions of only consonants in the word б//д while the vowel /і/ remains in its position. In addition, the quasi-root of one of the words can be divided: «Сон виткими віражами / В міражі мої летить» (I. Drach «Міражі»). The words virage and mirage are metatic paronyms, where the preposition acts as a separate part of the PA, forming an unfixed order of consonants ВРЖМ and ВМРЖ.

Metatic paronymy, which involves the rearrangement of consonants within the phonetic complexes of words (rarely - phrases) in the language of the analyzed poetry is rare. In addition, the psycholinguistic mechanism of its reception is more complex than in previous structural types of sound-semantic convergences, as it involves a multi-stage phonosemantic correlation: «Царство самотности - охровий вихор» (E. Andievska «Тисам. Цідверіостанні і перші»), «суворий, аж страшний, мов старшина петлюрівської армії» (Yu. Tarnavskyi) [9, p. 10].

The epenthetic type is also directly related to the vocal type, but differs from the metatic type not by permuting the «root» consonants, but by including another consonant inside the quasiroot, which creates a paronymic attraction. For example, «І тиша спить, і віти, і вітри» (M. Vinhranovskyi «Ніч Івана Богуна»), where the word віти is associated with the non-root word вітри with «additional» consonant /р/, thus forming an epenthetic paronym. Also illustrated are lines from the poetry of B. Oliynyk «Жура- журавель над криницею» («Наша мати - сивая горлиця») and V. Stus «...а так живуть- і смерть свою жують» («О, скільки слів, неначе поторочі!»).

The consonant type of attraction is the opposite ofthe vocaltype. Attractants differ from the previous one in the quasi-root in consonant sound and often with the preservation of vocalistic «foundations»: «Бо хтозна, чи він знайде там свободу, / чи ще одну збудує слободу» (Lina Kostenko «Берестечко»), «мовчатиме сам Демокріт / блакитно вовчий мозок капає / і вигрібають золото з корит / зневажці каббали і камбали» (V. Tsibulko «Апатея»), «будь хоч димом /хоч дивом / хоч птахом /хоч рибою» (Y Izdrik «Be like bee»). Vowels in paronymic attractants of свободу and слободу are completely preserved and only the consonants в//л. The same phenomenon is actively traced in the poetry of I. Drach: «Не знаю, де міра вготована силі / Й нащо мої клекоти сині спроможні» («Калинова баляда»), «Гупотить, тупотить, / Тисне, мне, вичовгує» («Вишневий цвіт»).

The consonant type is no less common in Ukrainian poetry than the vocal type. This structural type can also take different positions in the word: at the beginning («Так це було спочатку: ніч і зойки сойки в плавнях» (M. Vinhranovskyi «Червоний светр, білий сміх я обійняв за плечі»)), in the middle ((«Коси наші неклепані, діти наші неплекані» (Lina Kostenko «Берестечко»)) and at the end («Сміх, /Ніби сніг- /В вітринах перламутрових зим» (O. Yarovyi)). In most cases, members of the opposition differ only in one consonant: «я сам боржник але збирач боргів / я надаюсь до виміру вини і пір'я голосу і логосу / попелу та крематорійного ритму держави / та ясності сонця над Аустерліцем» (V. Tsybulko «Текст №1»). «If there are several, then the identity of the vocal composition is important in the organization of the PA» [13, p. 53]: ... »). «А та - хихата, / А та - пипата, / А та - пупата...» (A. Moisiienko «А та - хихата...»), «Бо вже ні друга, ані крука, /Бо ані ворога тепер» (V. Stus «Вхопився обома руками»).

The type of consonant paronymy is structurally and semantically more branched. It provides three ways to organize phonetic echoes:

1) replacement of the consonant in one of the attractors: «і аркою застигнуть золотою / усі мої змагання і вагання» (B. Rubchak «Мандарин дружині»); «Чорний чад / Чорний сад» (V. Vovk); «на площі / ні душі / солітарність замість солідарности» (Yu. Tarnavskyi);

2) building a new consonant in one of the paronyms: «моя любов банальна, як смак банана в роті» (Yu. Tarnavskyi «Любов»); «І не заманюй шалом догоряння, / І шквалом опівнічним не грози» (B. Rubchak «Вечірня молитва»);

3) the inclusion of the sound complex of one paronym in the composition of another: «Коцарює, царює січень» (B. Rubchak); «мислить звинно і безвинно їсть» (B. Rubchak «Книга з дому») [9, p. 10].

The augmentative type can be attributed to the previous one, as its formation occurs by adding consonant sounds to the quasi-root in the preposition or postposition. However, for the extended typology, this variety of the consonant type is rendered as a separate one. For example, «Щулились дороги, мерзли хмари. /А дуби стругалися на мари» (I. Drach «Вишневий цвіт»), in the preposition of the word there is an «increase» of the consonant /х/ to the word мари. Or vice versa in the postposition: «Римо, ти - жито. Мир / Тримала, вишивала мирт» (A. Moisiienko «Римо, ти - жито...»), where the word мир «added» consonant /т/ at the end of the word.

Considering morphological attraction as a technique used in poetic speech, O. Skorobogatova notes that «linguists distinguish two main types» [11, p. 21]: morphological attraction, which is a kind of feature of folklore texts and the similarity of the same type and rhythmically arranged grammatical forms [12, p. 49].

The first type (on the basis of folklore texts) in modern poetry acts as a means of folklore stylization, for example: «У лісі вже нічого не цвіте, /Цвіте лиш дятел на сосні сумливій / Та синій дзвоник уві млі у мливій, /Це те цвітіння, але вже не те...» (M. Vinhranovskyi «У лісі вже нічого не цвіте...»). According to O. Oleksenko, «the language code of the writer, first of all - the poetlyricist, appropriately reflects this connection, including the use of specific folk constructions, which are based on morphological attraction associated with the use of attributive combinations with prepositions» [15, p. 60].

The morphological type of attraction is represented in poetry by various types of similarities, among which the most typical are noun-adjective combinations with redundant prepositions (about the peculiarities of preposition: [16]) and combinations of such compounds with preposition of prepositions with homogeneous nouns: «На березі Прип'яті спить сатана, / прикинувся, клятий, сухою вербою./На березі Прип'яті - березі - на - /ріки, що колись була голубою» (Lina Kostenko «На березі Прип'яті спить сатана»), in this case there is a repetition of the preposition на, and in violation of the law of prepositional-noun compatibility - the preposition is used after the noun. Or in poetry: «стерши об камінь лице / здерши зо шкіри дотик / затуплюєш очі об час / а в роті терпне язик» (B. Boichuk «Чотирнадцять»), where the use of the preposition об contradicts the rules of combining the noun час.

«Experts explain the repetition of the preposition in ancient texts by grammatical reasons» [12, p. 49]. Considering the «gluing» of attributes and prepositions, D. Worth expresses the opinion about the rigid syntactic unity of prepositional constructions, the initial boundary of which is marked by the preposition, and the final - by the noun, while atypical constructions can be «corrected» by repeating the preposition: «Біжиш через всю Україну до самих до гір Карпат» (B. Khersonskyi) [12, p. 49].

The second type of morphological attraction includes the assimilation of grammatical forms of the same type and rhythmically located in the poetic structure, creating formal symmetry, which serves as the basis of figurative symmetry and forms the associative space of the text: «хай сотворять спектакль / про нормальне щасливе кохання /літаки / поїзди / переїзди наїзди проїзди / не чекай - приїзди» (Yu. Izdryk «вже не жди...»).


The study showed that the phenomenon of language attraction is a kind of linguistic universality of poetic texts, has different levels of existence and is studied in different directions.

It was found that the introduction of the concept of «attraction» in the field of linguistics was preceded by its appearance in physics in XVII c. In linguistics, this term first appeared in the late 50s of XIX c. in the work of J. Grimm. However, this phenomenon was actively studied only in the middle of XX c., and until that period it was considered more at the spelling level as sound combinations.

It has been stated that the attraction is manifested in many ways at all major and intermediate language levels, which is based on the classification of the attraction. Such types of attraction have been described: vocal, metatic, consonant, epenthetic, augmentative. Qualifying the morphological attraction, we have relied on the work by O. Potebnia and O. Skorobogatova, who distinguish two types of this phenomenon: on the basis of folklore texts and the similarity of the same type of grammatical forms.

Prospects. The development of linguistics in the field of morphological poetics is of great importance for understanding the peculiarities of the poetic worldview, and morphological attraction is one of those means of its expression, which must be further explored.


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