About the syntactic constructions and features of the aphorisms used in Azerbaijan language
A comprehensive study of the syntactic features of the aphorisms of the Azerbaijani language by defining the concept of syntactic constructions. The study of simple and complex sentences involved in the formation of aphorisms on specific examples.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 27.01.2023 |
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Baku Slavic University (Azerbaijan)
About the syntactic constructions and features of the aphorisms used in Azerbaijan language
F.M. Veliyeva
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of
Translation Theory and Practice Department
syntactic aphorism azerbaijani language
Цель статьи - изучение синтаксических особенностей афоризмов азербайджанского языка путем определения концепции синтаксических конструкций. На конкретных примерах исследованы простые и сложные предложения, участвующие в формировании афоризмов. В качестве материала исследования избраны художественные тексты на азербайджанском языке, концепция сформирована на основе анализа научно-теоретических подходов и идей относительно афоризмов в современном языкознании. Определено, что при формировании афоризмов активны различные элементы, входящие в понятие синтаксической конструкции. Синтаксические конструкции формируются главным образом на основе словосочетаний и типов предложений и их отношений. Их разнообразие обогащает афоризмы языка. Выявлено, что синтаксические конструкции представляют собой простые и сложные предложения и словосочетания. Анализ афоризмов позволяет определить и предложения, и словосочетания. Исследования синтаксических особенностей азербайджанских афоризмов очень важно с точки зрения определения путей развития языка. Доказано, что основными источниками при формировании и обогащении афоризмов являются определенные типы предложений. В ходе исследования получен ряд интересных научных результатов. При структурном анализе азербайджанских афоризмов выявлена проблема использования метафор. Метафоризация бытия - это свойство человеческого разума, который всегда склонен к образности, это одна из важнейших и необходимых категорий языка. Литературный язык - образный язык, где слово не ограничивается выражением мысли и активно используется в образном описании объективной реальности. Здесь слово выступает в качестве средства создания образа на литературном языке, давая субъективную оценку происходящим процессам, выражая тонкие и глубокие чувства, формируя эстетический вкус читателя, а также эмоционально на него влияя. Одно из значений каждого многозначного слова реально, а остальные - производные, второстепенные или переносные.
Ключевые слова: афоризмы, типы предложений, словосочетания, синтаксические особенности, синтаксическое построение, синтаксическая категория, синтаксические отношения.
Мета статті - вивчення синтаксичних особливостей афоризмів азербайджанської мови шляхом визначення концепції синтаксичних конструкцій. На конкретних прикладах досліджено прості і складні речення, які беруть участь у формуванні афоризмів. Як матеріал дослідження обрано художні тексти азербайджанською мовою, концепцію сформовано на підставі аналізу науково-теоретичних підходів та ідей щодо афоризмів у сучасному мовознавстві. Визначено, що при формуванні афоризмів активні різні елементи, які входять до поняття синтаксичної конструкції. Синтаксичні конструкції формуються головним чином на основі словосполучень і типів речень та їх відносин. їх різноманітність збагачує афоризми мови. Виявлено, що синтаксичні конструкції являють собою прості і складні речення та словосполучення. Аналіз афоризмів дозволяє визначити і речення, і словосполучення. Дослідження синтаксичних особливостей азербайджанських афоризмів дуже важливе з точки зору визначення шляхів розвитку мови. Доведено, що основними джерелами при формуванні та збагаченні афоризмів є певні типи пропозицій. У ході дослідження отримано низку цікавих наукових результатів. При структурному аналізі азербайджанських афоризмів виявлено проблему використання метафор. Метафоризація буття - це властивість людського розуму, який завжди схильний до образності, це одна з найбільш важливих і необхідних категорій мови. Літературна мова - образ-на мова, де слово не обмежується вираженням думки і активно використовується в образному описі об'єктивної реальності. Тут слово виступає як засіб створення образу літературною мовою, даючи суб'єктивну оцінку процесам, що відбуваються, висловлюючи тонкі і глибокі почуття, формуючи естетичний смак читача, а також емоційно на нього впливаючи. Одне зі значень кожного багатозначного слова реальне, а решта - похідні, другорядні або переносні.
Ключові слова: афоризми, типи речень, словосполучення, синтаксичні особливості, синтаксична побудова, синтаксична категорія, синтаксичні відносини.
About the syntactic constructions and features of the aphorisms used in Azerbaijan language
Fatima M. Veliyeva, Baku Slavic University (Azerbaijan)
The purpose of the article is to study the syntactic features of the aphorisms of the Azerbaijani language through the definition of the concept of syntactic constructions in the Azerbaijani aphorisms. Simple and complex sentences involved in the formation of aphorisms are studied using specific examples. Literary texts in the Azerbaijani language have been selected as a research method, the concept has been formed on the basis of an analysis of scientific and theoretical approaches and ideas regarding aphorisms in modern linguistics. It is determined that in the formation of aphorisms, various forms are active, which are included in the concept of syntactic construction. Syntactic constructions are formed mainly on the basis of phrases and types of sentences and their relationships. Their diversity also enriches the aphorisms of the given language. It has been revealed that syntactic constructions are simple and complex sentences and phrases. Analysis of aphorisms allows one to determine both sentences and phrases. The study of the syntactic features of Azerbaijani aphorisms is very important from the point of view of determining the ways of language development. It has been proven that the main sources for the formation and enrichment of aphorisms are certain types of sentences. The study has yielded a number of interesting scientific results. The structural analysis of Azerbaijani aphorisms has revealed the problem of using metaphors. The metaphorization of being is a property of the human mind, which is always prone to imagery, and is one of the most important and necessary categories of language. Literary language is a figurative language where the word is not limited to the expression of thought and is actively used in the figurative description of objective reality. Here the word acts as a means of creating an image in the literary language, giving a subjective assessment of the ongoing processes, expressing subtle and deep feelings, forming the reader's aesthetic taste, as well as emotionally influencing him. One of the meanings of each polysemantic word is real, and the rest are derivatives, secondary or figurative. For example, if we think of the word "cold" in the expression "cold wind" as a word with a real meaning, then it is clear that the word "cold" with the same content in the combinations "cold attitude" or "cold gaze" has a more figurative meaning ...
Key words: Aphorisms, the types of sentence, word combinations, syntactic features syntactic construction, syntactic category, syntactic relations.
Since the founding of society, people have used various forms and methods to express their feelings and thoughts, desires and aspirations, and life activities. Various variants of expression have emerged in order to express this intention, to pass on the life-tested events to future generations, and to absorb them into memory. In the scientific literature, such a concept is called an aphorism. Aphorisms have become an important means of reflecting the traditions, worldview, ethical and moral values of the people who formed it, regardless of the place of its origin, in short, the characteristics of its spiritual world. Let us not forget that the service of aphorisms in the promotion of the spiritual culture, moral values and worldview of each nation is invaluable. It is known that an aphorism is a Greek word meaning a short word, a generalized, exhaustive, deeply meaningful thought, a kind word [Heyat, 1990].
In other words, aphorisms, as well as proverbs, are the shortest way of expressing the people's way of life, national-spiritual and moral values.
In this article, an attempt is made to determine the role of the syntactic features of the aphorisms of the Azerbaijani language in enriching the expressiveness of the language and replenishing its vocabulary, in the development of semantic shades. To determine the conceptual base of the study, an analysis of the relevant literature was made, literary works were selected as a source of examples of aphorisms. The main emphasis is on the syntactic construction of aphorisms and their role in enriching linguistic meanings.
Syntactic features are one of the most important qualities in the formation of aphorisms. Thus, the aphorisms reflected in the lexical fund of our language are composed of sentences with different structures. When we say syntactic features, we mean simple and complex sentences that form aphorisms, as well as types of sentences according to purpose and intonation. “Syntax” comes from the Greek word syntax, which means “compilation, construction, association” Researchers note that the word syntax, like a number of linguistic terms, is used in two terminological senses - both in the sense of science, which deals with the syntactic structure of language, and the science of the syntactic structure of language. The syntactic structure of language is a set and system of rules for combining words in the form of sentences and sentences in the form of text [Khalilov, 2008, p. 3].
It attracts attention in terms of the types of development and richness of syntactic constructions involved in the emergence of aphorisms. Syntactic construction or structure means a set of six concepts - “syntactic connection”, “syntactic units”, “syntactic function”, “syntactic meaning”, “syntactic form”, “syntactic category”.
Syntactic connection refers to the unity of form and content between the components of different parts of speech. Regarding the issue, Buludkhan Khalilov shows in his research: “Words in word combinations and sentences are connected and related to each other in two ways: 1) in terms of meaning (semantics) 2) in terms of grammar (morphological and syntactic). Semantic relations between words include subject, object, attributive, relational relations. When we say grammatical relations between words, we mean the rules of their morphological change and syntactic connection [Khalilov, 2008, p. 6-8].
There are two forms of syntactic relations in the Azerbaijani language - subordination and disobedience. The relationship of subordination is itself generalized in the linguistic literature in three groups: Approach, Reconciliation, and Management. The relation of disobedience manifests itself more among homosexual members, as well as between simple sentences, which act in the formation of complex sentences without disobedience. Syntactic units are a specific piece of related speech characterized by various dimensional integrity features, which can include words, phrases, sentences, and text fragments. Syntactic form is a concept that characterizes the constructive features of syntactic units. Syntactic function can be understood as a set of functions and roles of syntactic units in speech. Touching upon the development of syntactic constructions in Turkic languages, the researcher Ismayil Kazimov notes that Turkish languages also differ from other languages due to the complexity of syntactic structure. Syntactic constructions in Indo-European languages are often expressed in a simple structure in these languages [Kazimov, 1999]. Researcher Mehman Musayev referred to syntactic constructions in Turkish languages, including Azerbaijani, as clarification, designation, envelope, coordinative-connecting constructions and their different types [Musayev, 2010]. Our purpose in explaining all these facts is to discuss in detail what forms of syntactic constructions are used in Azerbaijani aphorisms and their role in the formation of aphorisms.
Let's take a look at the analysis of the syntactic constructions used in the aphorism “National awakening, national revival, revival of the national spirit is necessary to achieve national freedom” [Pashayev, 2015] taken from the speech of the national leader of the Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev. The aphorism, formed in the form of a simple sentence, uses two first types - the national awakening, the national revival, and the third type - the definition of the revival of the national spirit. It should be noted that word combinations are classified into two groups according to the means of expression of the main part, name and verb combinations. The main aspects of noun combinations are noun, nominative number, adjective, infinitive etc.
The main aspect of verb compounds is mainly expressed by indefinite forms of the verb. When we approach from this aspect, we see that in the linguistic literature, the first type of nouns in the explanations of compounds states that in such combinations the subordinate word approaches the main word without adopting any grammatical suffix, and in such combinations the dependent parts mainly perform the defining function. That is, the approach connection between the first type of noun compounds shows itself. In research on approach communication, we read: “No formal-grammatical means are involved in the development of approach communication. The subordinate side of the associations in the approach is marked as the approaching word, and the subordinate side as the approaching word” [Abdullayev, Seyidov, Hasanov, 2007, p. 31]. The first type of noun compounds are analyzed separately during syntactic analysis, with some exceptions (New Year - F.V.). In this case, the dependent parties act more in the assignment function. The revival of the national spirit is expressed by the third type of noun, the main part of the union. Research on the third type of noun compounds states that the first type of nouns of the third type is used with the possessive case, and the second side with the suffixes of affiliation. For example: the door of the house. The third type of noun compounds usually act together as a member of a compound sentence.
It is not grammatically correct to separate them into parts during syntactic analysis. The aphorism also develops the infinitive “to achieve national liberation”, which together act as a part of a complex sentence, with the addition of the suffix for example, which is in the position of the envelope of purpose. The following ideas are reflected in the linguistic literature on purpose envelopes. “... Goal envelopes indicate the purpose of an action or the appearance of a sign, and answer one of the questions, why, and for what purpose. Purpose envelopes are expressed in several syntactic forms, including directional case suffixes” [Kazimov, 2004].
Summarizing our views on the aphorism, we can say that this syntactic construction, which manifests itself in the form of a simple sentence, was formed with the participation of both noun and verb conjugations, where it was observed in attributive forms such as national awakening, national revival. In other words, this wise saying is an interesting example of combining different concepts of syntactic construction.
The aphorism of Haji Zeynalabdin Tagiyev, who left an indelible mark on the history of Azerbaijan with his invaluable good deeds, “Bury me under his feet, my head does not know that his feet know” [Bashiroglu, 2012] is very interesting and noteworthy.
If we look at the analysis of the syntactic structure of the aphorism, we see that the phrase is formed in the form of a complex sentence without a cause-and-effect relationship. In Buludkhan Khalilov's research on cause-and-effect disobedient compound sentences, we read: “... Cause-and-effect sentences consist of two parts: the first is the cause and the second is the result. It is impossible to break this order of the components in a sentence. The message of the components of compound sentences without cause and effect is mostly verbal news” [Khalilov, 2008, p. 258-259]. In the example, phrases such as “under his feet”, “he knows his feet”, “my head” were used. Regardless of the expression of the main part, all three of them are third-person pronouns and together act as a syntactic unit, a member of the sentence. One of the interesting forms of the third type of noun conjugation is the expression of the dependent side by pronouns, a fact which is evident in this aphorism.
It is known that some of the aphorisms become common over time, are partially changed and are used when the time comes, as the saying goes. In our opinion, this is one of such examples in the aphorism. It is no coincidence that the people now use such respectful sayings about knowledgeable, educated, talented people as a sign of respect and esteem for them, such as “We don't know his feet” or “His feet are more valuable than ours”. Specifically, we can say that this aphorism has a complex syntactic structure.
The following aphorism in the work of Nasreddin Tusi, one of the great thinkers of Azerbaijan, attracts attention with its richness of syntactic constructions: “All of these (that is, living beings) have been created in such a way as to amaze all intelligent people and to praise the wisdom and power of their creators” [Khaja Nasreddin Tusi, 2005]. First of all, it should be noted that the aphorism is formed in the form of a compound sentence with a subordinate clause. That is, it is one of our aphorisms with a complex syntactic construction. Research on the causal branch sentence states: “The causal branch sentence expresses the reason for the action and the sentence in the main sentence. Why? For What?” answers one of the questions. In general, it should be noted that all research shows that subordinate compound sentences are composed of head and branch sentences. The branch sentence serves to explain the reason for the action or sentence in the main sentence.
Cause branch sentences are subordinate compound sentences before the occurrence of both branch sentences. It was also reflected in later studies in which the forms were developed. The study states: “One of the main features of compound sentences with a causal branch sentence is that, as a rule, the branch sentence must express the cause, and the main sentence must express the result obtained on the basis of that cause” [Abdullayev, Seyidov, Hasanov, 2007, p. 338]. All these facts are reflected in the aphorism mentioned above. Thus, the first component, “Each of these (that is, living beings) was created in such a perfect way”, is the result of the sentence, and the second component, “Let all intelligent people be amazed and praise the wisdom and power of their creators”, indicates the reason for the result.
The example also uses two third types of name combinations, “each of them, the wisdom and power of its creators”. It should be noted that the third type of definition is reflected in the research, where there is both coordination and management relationship between the parties to the word combinations. The main indicator of the reconciliation relationship is the affiliation suffixes and person endings, and the main feature of the management relationship is the case suffixes. As can be seen, this wise saying, which we have analyzed above, can also be considered as an example with a very interesting syntactic construction.
Summarizing our thoughts, let's say that the problem of syntactic construction and structure is one of the most interesting areas of our modern linguistics. If it is possible to say so, any speech forms, word combinations, sentences, their forms and texts formed in our language are subject to a certain syntactic regularity. Together, the forms of this regularity serve to create the concept of syntactic construction. As can be seen from the few aphorisms we have analysed in our article, the concept of syntactic construction or structure is also characteristic of aphorisms and is important in their formation. In our article, we have briefly discussed various issues related to the problem of syntactic construction or structure in aphorisms. Needless to say, this topic is very interesting, deep and rich. If an article covers the whole topic, it is a bit difficult. We continue our research in this direction and will continue in the future. Because aphorisms are not only the passport of our national identity, but also one of the most beautiful and legitimate carriers of the characteristic features of our national linguistics. We think that the study of this problem can also be considered as a real reflection of the rich spiritual culture of the people, their approach to life events.
As it can be seen, the syntactic units that form aphorisms are also based on word combinations and sentence connections. It is no coincidence that researchers note that as a result of the connection and connection between words, two types of syntactic units are formed: word combinations and sentences. Syntactic units include word combinations, simple sentences, compound sentences and syntactic units [Khalilov, 2008]. Compound sentences are formed on the basis of semantic and grammatical connection of two or more simple sentences. In our article we will give a linguostructural analysis of aphorisms used in the form of simple and complex sentences, as well as belonging to different types of simple sentences according to purpose and intonation. It is known that in modern Azerbaijani linguistics there are four types of sentences according to purpose and intonation. Quotations, questions, commands and exclamations. Simple descriptive sentences that provide information about objective reality, this or that fact or event of the imaginary world are called metaphorical sentences. In modern times, most of the aphorisms in the Azerbaijani language are in the form of metaphors. Let's pay attention to some of these aphorisms.
Let's pay attention to the following aphorism of the national leader of the Azerbaijani people, great leader Heydar Aliyev about our language: “It is the language of each nation that lives and develops its nationality and moral values”. Apparently, this aphorism we are talking about is structurally simple, broad, and a metaphorical sentence in terms of purpose and intonation. We know that words, as well as word combinations that are syntactic units, take an active part in the formation of a sentence. In the above aphorism, two types of word combinations are used. The adjective structure “living the nationality and moral values of the people” and the third type of definition of “it is its language”.
Let's pay attention to another wise saying of the great leader about our language. “Not knowing the mother tongue, not appreciating the mother tongue, is undoubtedly a great sin in the eyes of the people”. This aphorism is also structurally simple, broad and metaphorical. In the formation of the sentence, the infinitives “not knowing the mother tongue”, “not appreciating the mother tongue”, the second type of “in front of the people”, the first type of “great guilt” noun combinations took part. Again, the aphorism taken from the speech of the great leader “To turn a bribe-taker, a thief into a hero is to betray his people” attracts attention in terms of the richness and expressiveness of syntactic units. So, I used the phrase “to turn a bribe-taker, a thief into a hero” and “to betray his people”. Research on masdar components states that, in fact, the concept of verb conjugation in morphology comes to us in the form of a compound in syntax. In other words, the main part of the infinitive is the verb conjugation expressed by the infinitive.
There are very interesting and figurative aphorisms in the work of Jafar Jabbarli, who has a special place and role in the history of Azerbaijani literature. “Every lie we find in his work is hidden behind a more logical, more consistent lie” [Jabbarli, 2005]. The phrase attracts attention with its syntactic feature. The expression “behind the lie” here is formed in the form of a third type of noun combination. In addition, the aphorism has the first type of noun combinations such as “every lie”, “consistent lie”.
Let's pay attention to the following verse taken from the works of the well-known Azerbaijani poet Samad Vurgun:
If the world is a house, children are light,
If the son is behind, the girl is beautiful [Vurgun, 2005, p. 197].
This aphorism from the poet's language is very interesting and noteworthy. Thus, it is not accidental that in the epics “Kitabi-Dada Gorgud” we come across the phrase “The son is the pillar of the house” [Zeynalov, Alizade, 1988].
It is known that since ancient times, the child has been characterized as the most sacred being among the Turks. The poet used this kind attitude to his son in a very figurative way with the language of poetry. Structurally, this wise saying, expressed in the form of a compound sentence with a subordinate clause, is a metaphorical sentence according to its purpose and intonation. Simple sentences that form a complex sentence are associated with the conditional suffix, which in our modern linguistics is characterized as one of the main means of actively participating in the closure of the sides of a subordinate compound sentence. The following aphorism, which is reflected in the work of Huseyn Javid, one of the most prominent representatives of Azerbaijani rhetoric, a prominent poet and playwright, is also very interesting.
Death is as precious as life,
There is life that is more poisonous than death [Hussein, 2005, p. 148].
It should be noted that this aphorism is a compound sentence with a structurally defined branch sentence, and a metaphorical sentence according to the purpose and intonation. It is known that simple sentences, which form a subordinate compound sentence, depend on each other, and one explains and clarifies the other. The components that make up a subordinate compound sentence are characterized by a head and a branch sentence. A branch sentence serves to explain and clarify a member omitted in the main sentence or expressed by sign pronouns. The branch sentences used in the aphorism, which is formed in the form of a compound sentence with a definite branch sentence above, replace the omission in the main sentence with the branch sentences “as valuable as life and more poisonous than death”. Some aphorisms about the Azerbaijani language are formed in the form of question sentences. First of all, it should be noted that “sentences used to learn, clarify, or obtain new information are called question sentences”. Gazanfar Kazimov writes about the peculiarities of the question sentence: “If the speaker gives information to the interviewer, the question sentences are intended to know the opinion of the listener, to get information from him, to clarify and enrich the information with his help” [Kazimov, 2004, p. 90].
Let's take a look at the linguistic analysis of some of these aphorisms. One of the prominent Sufi poets and philosophers of Azerbaijan, Shams Tabrizi, wrote: “How do you know if life is better than gold?” [Muhammadi, 2017] The aphorism attracts attention in terms of expressing the realities of life in a very interesting, figurative language. It should be noted that the first sentence of the aphorism is structurally disobedient, commanding according to purpose and intonation. The second sentence of the aphorism is structurally complex, a question of purpose and intonation.
The whole branch sentence is expressed in the form of a compound sentence, “How do you know that life will not be better than gold?” The question sentence is closed by intonation, which is active in connecting the components of subordinate compound sentences. The following aphorisms of the famous poet are also formed in the form of question sentences. “Does the heart say love to a person, or loneliness?” “What is love; to be a candle fire or to touch a burning fire?”
Aphorisms in the form of question sentences are also interesting in the works of Ashug Alasgar, a prominent figure of Azerbaijani ashug literature. If we pay attention to the following verse taken from the work of the ashug, then what we have said will become clearer.
There is no shortage of life by saying life,
Increases love, kind eyes.
What in the world is wrong to say chor?
Prosperous hearts are sad [Alasgar, 2004].
What is the meaning of saying “Chor” in the given verse? The verse is simple in structure and a question sentence in terms of purpose and intonation. The third type of phrase “Def of the chorus” also took part in the formation of verse. Some of the aphorisms used in the Azerbaijani language are also formed in the form of command sentences. In our modern linguistics, command, request, desire, demand, insistence, admonition, call, etc. Sentences are called command sentences.
Professor Gazanfar Kazimov notes: “...This type of sentence expresses the thoughts, desires and wishes of the speaker, his attitude to work and action in different shades” [Kazimov, 2004, p. 94]. Let's look at the linguistic analysis of some of these aphorisms. The aphorism of the national leader of the Azerbaijani people, great leader Heydar Aliyev “The pulse should beat with the pulse of the Motherland” is very remarkable. In our opinion, the aphorism is simple in structure, and the purpose is a sentence of command. We know that some of the commandments express the content of advice and desire. The third type of definite article “Pulse of the Motherland” also took part in the formation of the sentence. In addition, the wise words of the great leader “No one can win forever” is one of our most valuable aphorisms.
The aphoristic expressions in the following verse taken from the works of our famous Sufi poet and philosopher Shams Tabrizi and expressed figuratively in the language of poetry are also of interest If God wrote you to me, you have no escape from me!
But if fate has taken you from me, there is no need to cry [Muhammadi, 2017].
An aphorism, which is expressed in the form of a compound subordinate clause, is an imperative sentence. The first sentence is connected with the conditional conjunction “if” and the conditional suffix - sa2, while the second sentence is connected with the conditional suffix - sa2. We think that the above-mentioned aphorisms “There is no violation of writing”, “It is impossible to escape the fate of fate”, “What happens is a foothold” and so on. was formed on the basis of the philosopher-poet's imagination approach to the ideas expressed in proverbs and aphorisms.
At the same time, the philosopher wrote in the poet's work, “If I am golden, everyone knows my value. Let me be a simple iron... Let only the one who understands my value know!”, “O my orphan heart, stop thinking sadly... Shut up and be patient... May my Lord ask for the account of your tears”; We are witnessing the use of aphorisms in the form of command sentences, such as “You make your rights lawful...”.
We are witnessing the development of aphorisms in the form of command sentences in the works of the powerful master of words of the Renaissance Azerbaijani literature, philosopher and poet Nizami Ganjavi. Let's pay attention to the following verses from the poet's work:
Choose single words, less talk, less religion,
Let the world be adorned with a few words.
The pearl of a few words does not have a single meaning,
Most literally, bricks are not the only price [Aliyev, 1991].
If we pay close attention to the linguistic analysis of the above verses, we will see that all the verses are composed of command sentences.
Some of the aphorisms used in the Azerbaijani language are also formed in the form of command sentences. In our modern linguistics, “sentences that express an opinion are called exclamation points”. Professor Gazanfar Kazimov writes: “Quotations, questions and commands can be pronounced in a high tone, just as they are pronounced in an ordinary tone, and can be filled with emotion, and then exclamation sentences are formed” [Kazimov, 2004, p. 97].
Although few in our language, aphorisms in the form of exclamation marks are also found. We think that in the works of the great Azerbaijani poet Samad Vurgun, “Time is a mother to us! We are the children of the mother” [Vurgun, 2005] can be an example of aphorisms formed in the form of exclamation sentences according to purpose and intonation.
Let's pay attention to another wise saying in the legacy of another Azerbaijani thinker, Nasreddin Tusi. “The key to man's happiness and unhappiness, the steering wheel of perfection and imperfection, has been placed at the disposal of his mind and will”. When we look at the linguistic analysis of this aphoristic phrase, we see that the expression is formed in the form of a homogeneous, simple, broad sentence. Research on homosexual members found that they were related to the same member within the sentence and answered the same question.
It is interesting that the principles are structurally complex and are composed of type III and II definitions, the key to human happiness and unhappiness, the steering wheel of perfection and imperfection. Research on compound sentence members states that they consist mainly of word combinations. In this regard, Gazanfar Kazimov writes: “...both sides of the second type of definite phrases together become members of this or that sentence, as well as in the complex clause” [Kazimov, 2004, p. 113]. In Buludkhan Khalilov's research, we read: “The structure is simple and complex in principle. In simple clauses it is expressed by a lexical unit, ie simple, corrective and compound words, in complex clauses it is expressed by type II, III word combinations, verb adjectives and infinitives” [Khalilov, 2008, p. 99]. Based on the explanations of both researchers, it becomes even clearer why the principles used in the above aphorism are structurally complex. At the same time, the role of such words as man, happiness, unhappiness, perfection, imperfection, steering wheel, will, authority in the formation of aphorisms and imagery is undeniable. It is interesting that from these words, happiness-unhappiness, perfection-imperfection, acting as lexical antonyms, led to an increase in the impact of the aphorism, the formation of emotionality.
As a result, it should be noted that our article discusses the linguistic analysis of a number of syntactic units that play an important role in the formation of aphorisms. There is no doubt that simple and complex sentences, syntactic construction in our language attract attention with their richness of structured aphorisms. Such aphorisms attract attention not only because of their syntactic structure and syntactic construction but also because they are developed depending on the purpose and intonation. Of course, it is difficult to talk about all of them in one article.
According to our investigations about the syntactic features of aphorisms in Azerbaijani we can say that this field is one of the main, rich, interesting part of our language. Therefore the study of the syntactic features, also the syntactic construction of the aphorisms involved in the article allowed us to come across very colorful and interesting facts. The study of aphorisms obtained and researched from the works of prominent personalities of our people in the context of modern linguistics is relevant. We think that the research carried out in the field of studying the syntactic features, also the syntactic construction of Azerbaijani aphorisms is one of the problems arising from the requirements of the day and very important for our linguistics. We must note this article isn1t the last research on this field. So in future we will imrove such investigations about them and try to get new and interesting scientific facts. Because it is very important for us in learning the previuos time of our language but also the ancient traditions of our our nation and the same time the great and rich history of our country.
1. Abdullayev A., Seyidov Y., Hasanov A. Modern Azerbaijani language. Part IV. Syntax. Baku: East-West, 2007. 424 p.
2. Alasgar A. Works. Baku: East-West, 2004. 400 p.
3. Aliyev S. Man is behind his waist (Thoughts on life, universe, nature in N. Ganjavi's heritage). Baku: Yaziq, 1991. 176 p.
4. Bashiroglu A. Everyone's favorite (about H.Z. Tagiyev). Baku: Taknur, 2012. 111 p.
5. Heyat J. Azerbaijan oral folk literature. Baku: Azerbaijan State Publishing House, 1990. 160 p. Hussein C. Works: in 5 volumes. Baku: Lider, 2005. Vol. 3. 304 p.
6. Jabbarli J. Works: in 4 volumes. Baku: East-West, 2005. Vol. 1. 328 p.
7. Kazimov I. The language of the Akhiska (Meskhetian) Turks. Baku: Elm, 1999. 278 p.
8. Kazimov Q.Sh. Modern Azerbaijani language. Syntax. Baku: Aspoliqraf LTD, 2004. 496 p.
9. Khalilov B. Lexicology of modern Azerbaijani language. Baku: Nurlan, 2008. 442 p.
10. Muhammadi M. Shams and Mevlana. Baku: Baku Book Club, 2017. 96 p.
11. Musayev M. Syntax of complex sentences in Turkish literary languages. Baku: The world of books, 2010. 403 p.
12. Nasreddin Tusi Khaja. Moral prose. Baku: Lider, 2005. 280 p.
13. Pashayev H. Heydar Aliyev - forever as Azerbaijan. People's Newspaper. 2015. 11 December. № 273. P. 6.
14. Vurgun S. Selected works: in 5 volumes. Baku: East-West, 2005. Vol. 2. 248 p.
15. Zeynalov F. Alizade S. Kitabi-Dada Gorgud. Baku: Yazichi, 1988. 265 p.
1. Abdullayev, A., Seyidov, Y., Hasanov, A. Modern Azerbaijani language. Part IV. Syntax. Baku, EastWest Publ., 2007, 424 p.
2. Alasgar, A. Works. Baku, East-West Publ., 2004, 400 p.
3. Aliyev, S. Man is behind his waist (Thoughts on life, universe, nature in N. Ganjavi's heritage). Baku, Yazip Publ., 1991, 176 p.
4. Bashiroglu, A. Everyone's favorite (about H.Z. Tagiyev). Baku, Taknur Publ., 2012, 111 p.
5. Heyat, J. Azerbaijan oral folk literature. Baku, Azerbaijan State Publishing House, 1990, 160 p.
6. Hussein, C. Works: in 5 volumes. Baku, Lider Publ., 2005, vol. 3, 304 p.
7. Jabbarli, J. Works: in 4 volumes. Baku, East-West Publ., 2005, vol. 1, 328 p.
8. Kazimov, I. The language of the Akhiska (Meskhetian) Turks. Baku, Elm Publ., 1999, 278 p.
9. Kazimov, Q.Sh. Modern Azerbaijani language. Syntax. Baku, Aspoliqraf LTD Publ., 2004, 496 p. Khalilov, B. Lexicology of modern Azerbaijani language. Baku, Nurlan Publ., 2008, 442 p. Muhammadi, M. Shams and Mevlana. Baku, Baku Book Club Publ., 2017, 96 p.
10. Musayev, M. Syntax of complex sentences in Turkish literary languages. Baku, The world of books Publ., 2010, 403 p.
11. Nasreddin Tusi, Khaja. Moral prose. Baku, Lider Publ., 2005, 280 p.
12. Pashayev, H. Heydar Aliyev - forever as Azerbaijan. People's Newspaper, 2015, 11 December, no. 273, p. 6. Vurgun, S. Selected works: in 5 volumes. Baku, East-West Publ., 2005, vol. 2, 248 p.
13. Zeynalov, F. Alizade, S. Kitabi-Dada Gorgud. Baku, Yazichi Publ., 1988, 265 p.
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