Methodological principles of emergence and development of French teaching methods in Galicia (second half of the XIX - first half of the XX century)

Periodization of the development of methodological tools for teaching the French in Galicia. The use of synergistic and paradigmatic approaches in higher educational institutions of Ukraine. Terminological analysis of archival and scientific sources.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Дата добавления 09.02.2023
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Lviv Polytechnic National University

Methodological principles of emergence and development of French teaching methods in Galicia (second half of the XIX - first half of the XX century)

Anton Ivashchuk, Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences,

Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages

Lviv, Ukraine


The article under discussion deals with the methodological bases of emersion and development of French teaching methods in Galicia during the second half of the XIX - first half of the XX century. Characteristic features of the proposed research are the formulation and solution of scientific problems, search and description of factual material, the development of new hypotheses and ideas, presentation of scientific results.

To achieve the goal of the study we used the analysis, comparison, systematization and generalization of scientific and pedagogical literature. It is proved that the selection of theoretical and methodological tools of the study is due to its interdisciplinary nature.

The research is based on philosophical, general scientific, specific scientific and technological levels.

The philosophical level of research is represented by the principles of objectivity, unity of historical and logical.

Methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, abstraction, comparison, generalization, as well as systemic, synergetic and paradigmatic approaches belong to the general scientific level.

The synergetic method is represented by the principles of instability, self-reproduction of systems and resonant influence. The specific scientific level is expressed by the use of regional, chronological approaches, the method of critical analysis of literary sources, the method of studying and generalizing the positive experience of teachers, historical-comparative method and the method of terminological analysis.

At the technological level the method of selection of archival and scientific sources, narrative and hermeneutic methods is applied.

The chosen methodological tools allowed us to thoroughly and comprehensively study the problem, taking into account the peculiarities inherent in the methodology of teaching French in Galicia during the study period.

Further research prospects include definition and scientific substantiation of approaches to determining the periodization of the development of French teaching methods in Galicia in 1867-1939.

Key words: French teaching methods, Galicia, methodological apparatus, history of foreign language teaching, interdisciplinarity.


Методологічні засади становлення та розвитку методики навчання французької мови у Галичині (друга половина ХІХ - перша половина ХХ століття)

Антон Іващук, доктор філософії у галузі педагогіки, викладач кафедри іноземних мов Національного університету «Львівська політехніка» (Львів, Україна)

У статті обґрунтовано методологічні засади становлення та розвитку методики навчання французької мови у Галичині впродовж другої половини ХІХ - першої половини ХХ століття. Характерними ознаками пропонованого дослідження є постановка та вирішення наукової проблеми, пошук та опис фактологічного матеріалу, висунення нових гіпотез та ідей, представлення наукових результатів.

Для досягнення мети дослідження нами було застосовано аналіз, порівняння, систематизацію та узагальнення науково-педагогічної літератури. Доведено, що відбір теоретико-методологічного інструментарію дослідження зумовлений його міждисциплінарним характером.

Дослідження базується на філософському, загальнонауковому, конкретно-науковому та технологічному рівнях. Філософський рівень дослідження представлено принципами об'єктивності, єдності історичного й логічного.

До загальнонаукового рівня уналежнюємо методи аналізу, синтезу, індукції, дедукції, абстрагування, порівняння, узагальнення, а також системний, синергетичний та парадигмальний підходи.

Синергетичний метод представлено принципами нестійкості, самовідтворення систем та резонансного впливу.

Конкретно-науковий рівень виражено використанням регіонального, хронологічного підходів, методу критичного аналізу літературних джерел, методу вивчення та узагальнення позитивного досвіду вчителів, історико-порівняльним методом та методом термінологічного аналізу. На технологічному рівні застосовано метод відбору архівних і наукових джерел, наративний та герменевтичний методи.

Обраний методологічний інструментарій дозволив нам ґрунтовно та всебічно дослідити проблему, враховуючи особливості, притаманні методиці навчання французької мови у Галичині протягом досліджуваного періоду.

Перспективи подальших наукових досліджень вбачаємо у визначенні та науковому обґрунтуванні підходів до визначення періодизації розвитку методики навчання французької мови у Галичині впродовж 1867-1939 років.

Ключові слова: методика навчання французької мови, Галичина, методологічний інструментарій, історія методики навчання іноземних мов, міждисциплінарність.


For each researcher it is important to take into consideration the issues of methodology and methods of scientific activity, because they guide him in the selection and use of methods of scientific knowledge, taking into account logical laws, rules, encourage the use of specific methods.

In the process of historical and pedagogical research, the researcher must not only focus on the research problem, but also take into account the facts that at first glance seem insignificant, but may have an impact on the final results of the study.

Moreover, knowledge of historical and educational background inherent in the development of French teaching methodologies in Galicia, awareness of the importance of pedagogical ideas of past centuries and analysis of their ability to adapt to the practice of today's French teaching are integral components of professional development of modern and highly qualified French teacher.

Analysis of studies. Given that the methodological tools of the studied phenomenon are interdisciplinary, it was necessary to study the scientific achievements of various sciences, including monographs and dissertations of researchers such as:

I. Berest (studied the trade union movement of Eastern Galicia in 1817-1918);

O. Ruda (outlined the national-educational policy of the Polish governments on the population of Galicia in the 20-30s of the twentieth century);

V. Gaisenyuk (dealt with Muscovite in Galicia and Bukovina during the First World War);

B. Stuparyk (studied schooling in Galicia during 1772-1939);

B. Labinska (studied trends in the development of methods of teaching foreign languages in Western Ukraine during the second half of the nineteenth - first half of the twentieth century).

V. Stynska (studied the system of schooling in Galicia in the late nineteenth - early twentieth century) and many others.

Based on the analysis of the above scientific researches of scientists who directly or indirectly touched on this problem, it is reasonable to assume that in methodological science a holistic and systematic study, which covered the methodological principles of the emergence and development of French teaching methods in Galicia (second half of XIX - first half of XX century) has not yet conducted.

Presentation of the main research material

When designing the study, we assumed that the emergence and development of methods of teaching French in Galicia during the second half of the nineteenth - first half of the twentieth century had their own particularities. This opinion is due to the fact that one of the regional languages of Galicia before 1918 was German, and French language was studied as a foreign language only in some types of schools. In addition, we were interested whether the content of curricula, plans, annual reports, textbooks and teaching methods of French language changed during the government of Poland in Galicia. It is obvious that during the studied chronological period there were numerous reforms in all spheres of the region, which were carried out by the Austro-Hungarian government (until 1918) and later by Poland (until 1939). It was important to find out how these reforms affected the process of French teaching in Galicia.

We need to outline that the methodological apparatus of our study is due to the interdisciplinary nature. Following B. Mohylnytsky (2004), we argue that there is no single model of interdisciplinary synthesis, as there can be no single set of disciplines involved. It all depends on the subject of research, its scale. Modern Methodist I. Konovalchuk (2016), in turn, argues that the education system is characterized by various links with different sciences and society, acts as an environment for the functioning of scientific knowledge.

Thus, we propose to consider the interdisciplinary nature of the history of French language teaching methods as a socio-historical paradigm of retrospective methodological research, where such sciences as pedagogy, psychology, linguistics, philosophy, history of Ukraine and methods of teaching French are closely intertwined. In the process of our study, we propose to use a four-level methodological apparatus, and consequently carry out our research on the philosophical, general scientific, specific scientific and technological levels.

Note that the first three levels of the structure of the methodology serve to ensure the relevance of pedagogical research. Thus, the philosophical level of methodology is designed to reflect the system of values inherent in modern society; the general scientific level is an effective means of solving social problems; thanks to the specific scientific level we can demonstrate the development trends of the science of foreign language teaching methods. Due to the fourth level, technological, it is possible to fulfill a purely technological implementation of the conceptual foundations of the study, which were formed as a result of the development of the first three levels of methodology (Khrykov, 2011: 130). Let us consider each of the levels of methodology in more detail.

The philosophical level of methodology is considered a prerequisite for other levels and is embodied in them as a general in a special and individual. The state of the lower levels of methodology determines the existence of the higher (Tumak, 2018: 20). The content of the philosophical level of methodology consists of general principles of knowledge, as well as the categorical construction of science in general. The philosophical sphere of scientific research is being developed with the help of specific methods inherent in philosophy. At the same time, the philosophical level functions not in the form of a rigid system of norms and «recipes», but as a system of preconditions and guidelines for cognitive activity (Yudin, 1978: 64). In our study we focus on the principles of objectivity, unity of historical and logical.

The principle of objectivity draws the scientist's attention to the complexity, versatility and contradictions that must be taken into account when giving certain events and phenomena. We take into account political, historical and social, educational and organizational factors that have influenced the French teaching methods and its development. In addition, thanks to the principle of objectivity, we ensure compliance with the approaches and means by which the study is conducted, which in turn ensures getting accurate results about the object of study, prevents subjectivity or bias in the selection, evaluation and description of facts. However, we will not overlook the fact that in the principle of objectivity there is still a certain subjectivity, because the process of scientific research involves a researcher with his creative personality.

The principle of objectivity requires provability, substantiation of the original concepts, the logic of the research process and its results. The establishment and accounting of the facts that are present in the research, their correct description and interpretation play an important role in this context. The primary requirement for the facts used by the researcher to carry out scientific research is their reliability.

The alternative nature of scientific research is also provided by evidence and is realized through the analysis of views on the problems of French teaching methods and ways to solve its problems not only within well-known and generally accepted positions, but also through the use of unexpected research methods, alternative solutions. educational teaching french galicia

The principle of unity of historical and logical in scientific presentations aims to combine the study of the history of the object, i.e., its genetic aspect, with the theory, which in turn aims to clarify the structure, functions, relationships of the object of study in modern stage of its development, as well as further prospects. The historical analysis of any problem is possible only from the standpoint of certain scientific concepts based on ideas about the structure and functions of various elements and relationships. Theoretical analysis is impossible without the study of the origin and formation of the object being studied. The difference between historical-pedagogical and theoretical-pedagogical research is the emphasis on one or another aspect of a single research approach (Zagvyazynsky, 2006: 43-44).

In our work, based on the considered principle, the requirement of continuity, the need to take into account the accumulated experience, traditions, achievements of science of past centuries plays an important role.

The emersion and development of the French teaching methods in Galicia during the second half of the XIX - first half of the XX centuries lay a solid foundation for the development of the French teaching methods in the region. We see it important to outline the preconditions and root causes of the beginning of the French teaching methods, as well as to investigate how the studied phenomenon has evolved, using the theoretical foundations of the methodology of teaching foreign languages, and the history of pedagogy.

The general scientific level of the methodological apparatus, which is used primarily by scientists, includes the following methods: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, abstraction, comparison, generalization. In the research process we also use systemic, synergetic and paradigmatic approaches. We believe that this combination of methods and approaches makes it possible to fully highlight the historical, social and educational-organizational preconditions that directly or indirectly influenced the process of teaching French in Galicia, self-organization of the educational process (including its participants), as well as help to form a comprehensive view of the feasibility of diversity and alternative ways of further development of French teaching methods.

The method of analysis made it possible to outline curricula, plans, annual school reports, approaches, principles and methods of teaching French as components of the foreign language training system. The method of synthesis made it possible to obtain the necessary information in order to formulate conclusions on the emersion and development of French teaching methods in Galicia during the studied chronological period. The method of induction was useful in the analysis of curricula, plans, reports and textbooks, because this method makes it possible to identify features of the implementation of French teaching methods, use of approaches, didactic and methodological principles in the teaching process.

Thanks to the method of deduction, we were able to outline the impact of related sciences, namely linguistics and psychology, which significantly affected the implementation of the provisions of translation and direct methods of French teaching. Using the method of abstraction, the educational purpose of French studying, the purpose and the means of its teaching were analyzed. The method of comparison helped to identify common and distinctive features of the methodology of French teaching in different types of schools in Galicia. The method of generalization made it possible to obtain a holistic picture of the French teaching methodology in Galicia in the studied time period and in the selected area.

Due to the use of the above-mentioned general scientific methods, it becomes possible to comprehensively study the subject, to determine the correlation between its components. The analysis of the components of the object of study helped to obtain the data necessary to formulate conclusions, reveal the essence and prospects of further research on the subject. In addition, it is important to establish similarities and differences between the elements of the study.

Let us consider in more detail the approaches of the general scientific level of methodology that were used to perform the tasks. Selected approaches will help to further explore the administrative-territorial and educational-organizational prerequisites, self-organization of the educational process. It will be possible to study the subjects of pedagogical interaction in order to outline the various paths of evolution, the choice of alternatives for the development of the studied phenomenon, etc.

The systems approach does not have a single definition, as its interpretation is broad and ambiguous. According to A. Hall, the systems approach involves integration and synthesis when considering different aspects of a phenomenon or object. S. Optner considers it an adequate means of research and development not of any objects that are arbitrarily called a system, but only those that are an organic unity. According to D. Burchfield, the systems approach provides the scientist with ample opportunities to obtain statements and assessments that involve the search for different options for a particular work with the subsequent selection of the optimal option (Kustovska, 2005: 5-6).

We consider French learning as a specially organized process, during which, as a result of teacher-student interaction, French-language speech material is mastered and reproduced in accordance with the set educational goal. According to the purpose of French teaching methods, we highlight the following structural elements of the system: the purpose of French teaching; the content of French training; the tasks of French learning; the aids of French teaching; the forms of French teaching; the methods of French teaching; the outcome of French learning.

The structural components of the French teaching system are in system-forming interconnections and interact both within the system and with the environment due to functional connections.

The main system-forming factor, namely the goal, always remains the same, despite the inherent development of the system and changes in its architecture. Such functioning is necessarily influenced by external and internal factors, which can be created artificially (such as the legal framework, scientific and methodological basis).

Thus, in our study, the systems approach plays the role of a tool that helps to understand the French learning process in the selected area and within a certain period of time, which is a very complex system consisting of a large number of subsystems - goals, objectives, principles, forms and methods. The systems approach allows to carefully investigate each of elements of system separately, to analyze them and to compare, to unite in one, integral structure.

Focusing on the chronological approach allowed us to trace the changes in the French teaching methods in Galicia during the second half of the nineteenth - first half of the twentieth century in a clear sequence and helped to identify periods of its emersion and development.

The synergetic approach is to study the processes of self-organization and the formation of new orderly structures. This approach is implemented through the study of systems of different nature, namely physical systems, biological, social, cognitive, informational, environmental and others (Zatserkovny, Tishaev & Demidov, 2017: 59). In addition, the term «synergetics» refers to an interdisciplinary field of research that emerged in the 60-70s of the twentieth century. Its main task is to learn the general laws and principles that serve as the basis for the processes of self-organization of complex systems of various natures (Vozniuk, 2012).

B. Labinska (2013: 27) rightly points out that there is no unambiguous interpretation of the essence of synergetic, as well as its ideological status. The main distinguishing feature of synergetic from previous methods of scientific knowledge is that the center of scientific research are the mechanisms of organization and self-organization of complex open nonlinear systems, as well as their correlation.

In our research we consider it important to single out only those synergetic principles that will allow the analysis of the evolution and dynamics of French teaching methods in Galicia (1867-1939) and consider it as an integrated, complex and contradictory process that occurs under various factors. way. Thus, we use the principle of instability, which helps characterize the state of the problem under the condition of belonging of the selected territory to different states, changes in the needs of society, which leads to certain inconsistencies against a coherent, orderly system.

In addition, we also highlight the principle of self-reproduction of systems, characterized by the preservation of their own parameters in a complex self -organized system. Thus, in our study, the self-organized foreign language teaching system was transferred to the training of French, which had its own characteristics, needs and objectives that were important in the process of its mastering.

The principle of resonant influence is no less important in the context of this work. It allows the analysis of the implementation of the French teaching methods in Galicia modern for the studied chronological period of methodological ideas of European states.

The paradigmatic approach is successfully used in the spheres of public life, on the basis of which the «conceptual-methodological scheme» is scientifically substantiated and at least partially confirmed in practice. The paradigm of the system is understood not as a separate characteristic of one of the stages of development of science, but as the specifics of its existence. The use of this approach aims to describe, construct and study the pedagogical process through the prism of the dominant methodological paradigms in the historical period (Labinska, 2013: 32).

In our research, in order to better understand the use of the paradigmatic approach in French teaching methods, we see it necessary to consider in more detail its principles, which allows the logical construction of natural phases of transformation of qualitative changes in the proposed methodology.

Among the principles of the paradigmatic approach are the following:

- system-integral construction of the paradigm;

- scientific heuristics;

- the dominance of one paradigm;

- temporal limitation of the paradigm's existence; qualitative incompatibility of paradigms (Utyuzh, 2014: 124).

The paradigmatic approach is useful to us when we study the emergence of new paradigms in the evolution of French teaching methods, as the old paradigms of methodological research are no longer able to solve current issues. Understanding of new scientific laws is impossible given the predominance of outdated ideas. During the development of French teaching methods in Galicia, the methods that guided the thinking of scientists in the field, determined the selection of methodological approaches, principles and techniques used to perform practical tasks.

Interdisciplinarity of our research, as well as the use of theoretical and methodological tools in the historical perspective of French teaching methodology involve a number of specific scientific approaches and methods, which in our work are represented by regional and chronological approaches, methods of critical analysis of literature, study and generalization of positive experience.

Taking into account the regional specifics, which had a significant impact on the formation of theoretical and methodological foundations of pedagogical sciences, is of great importance in historical and pedagogical research.

The application of the regional approach as a scientific field is an accurate means of combining the research of specialists working in different fields of scientific knowledge. The purpose of the regional approach is to study all areas of human activity within the spatial dimension, i.e., within a particular region. According to Y. Vermenych (2014: 12), regional studies can not only play the role of a macrodiscipline, which is responsible for generalized and final results of research conducted within the sectoral, humanities, and later develop their own approaches to the analysis of local, sociocultural entities, connections between cultures, own terminological apparatus.

We used a regional approach to outline the peculiarities of the development of French teaching methods in Galicia (1867-1939) by studying the administrative-territorial and educational-organizational characteristics of Galicia as part of Austria-Hungary (1867-1918) and Poland (1918-1939). Having studied the regional features that took place in the selected area, we get the opportunity to analyze national, regional, socio-cultural and socio-economic factors, interpret the historical facts of a particular region through the prism of the general and, consequently, understand the implementation of general trends within a particular region. We will not overlook the changes in the education system and the peculiarities that have arisen as a result of these changes in the French teaching methods.

Another important approach for our research is the chronological approach, which helps us present the material in chronological order, covering all stages of development of the studied historical phenomenon.

In the study of the emersion and development of the French teaching methods in Galicia (1867-1939), the chronological approach is useful in the periodization during different historical epochs. Determining the chronological framework of the study helps to take into account historical, social and political factors that directly or indirectly influenced the evolution of French teaching methods in the area and during the study period. From all the above factors it is necessary to distinguish homogeneous periods, taking into account the decisive factors influencing the phenomenon under discussion, as well as the main components of its system.

The method of critical analysis of literature sources helped to cover curricula, programs and textbooks on French foreign language, publications in periodicals of the time, which allowed to identify ways to implement the French teaching methods in Galicia, namely grammar-translation, text-translation and direct methods. In the course of critical analysis of literature sources, it becomes possible to study the peculiarities of the implementation of certain methods in the process of French teaching in different types of schools. Most information on the use of a particular method can be found in contemporary theoretical works, as well as in pedagogical periodicals. In modern research, the method of critical analysis of literature sources is a crucial stage of research work with documents, which aims to determine the degree of completeness and reliability of the actual content of the source, as well as creating conditions for obtaining reliable information (Stefanyuk, 2013).

The study and generalization of the positive experience of teachers was carried out through the generalization of techniques and methodological decisions, under the use of which the quality and efficiency of the educational process increased. Study and generalization of the experience of teachers served as one of the factors for creating a complete picture of the French teaching process in Galicia, determining the pedagogical techniques that were used in the implementation of French teaching methods.

In addition to the above methods, in our research we also use methods that belong to the specific scientific level of methodology and are used in historical research, namely the historical-comparative method and the method of terminological analysis.

The historical-comparative method serves as a means of revealing the essence of the phenomena being studied, especially when they are not completely obvious. On the other hand, with the help of historical-comparative method the scientist has the opportunity to go beyond the studied phenomena and, based on analogies, to make large-scale comparisons in the field of education and fruitful generalizations of historical events.

The method of terminological analysis was used to explain the terms related to the subject of research, namely «approach», «principle», «method», «program», «plan», «report», «textbook» and others. Obviously, different pedagogical and methodological terms have several definitions, so in the process of considering some phenomena present in the study, we considered it necessary to explain the meaning of these terms in order to avoid their ambiguous understanding and uncertainty in wording.

The technological level of the methodological apparatus is a method and technique of research, or a set of procedures that guarantee the receipt of reliable empirical materials, their primary processing, after which they can be included in the funds of scientific knowledge. The technological level includes the method of selection of archival documents and scientific sources, narrative and hermeneutic methods.

The main part of our research is working with archival documents, so the method of selection of archival documents allows us to select from the whole array of the documents those, which were directly related to the subject of research.

In the study of historical and pedagogical process the narrative method is also of great importance, because it makes it possible to describe the historical and pedagogical phenomenon in a coherent context, which is characterized by the integrity of diversity, specificity and scientificity. Narrative is also defined as a story, as a form of existence of the subjective in the objective process and in attempts to describe it objectively. Thanks to this method, the historical and pedagogical process acquires form and meaning, logical division into the beginning, middle and end of the stage, period, etc.

The hermeneutic method is also directly related to our research. In the process of interpreting the selected materials, we tried to preserve the authenticity of their content in their description, given the specifics of the studied historical and chronological period. First of all, this is relevant for the translation of Polish-language educational documents, as well as introductory remarks of the authors of textbooks.


It is an indisputable fact that the quality of results in historical and pedagogical research is under the direct influence of procedures, tools and methods of research activities used by the researcher in the research process. No less important factors for obtaining reliable results are the degree of objectivity of the analysis of the content of events and the covered phenomena, their main factors and driving forces. Pedagogical reality is a holistic category of scientific knowledge, but modern researchers in their research resort to various approaches, principles, methods, study problems through the prism of various scientific disciplines. The subject of our research is undoubtedly a complex, multifaceted phenomenon, and therefore its analysis cannot be performed without the use of a large fund of knowledge not only in the field of foreign language teaching, but also in related fields such as history, pedagogy, psychology, linguistics. The specifics of this scientific presentation involved the use of interdisciplinary theoretical and methodological tools. The multicomponent nature of the researched problem also necessitated the diversification of scientific approaches to the study of historical and pedagogical activities, because each of these approaches helps to outline the individual characteristics of the object. Thus, the analysis of the problem of emersion and development of French teaching methods in Galicia in XIX-XX century was carried out on the basis of a four- level methodological apparatus, which aimed to comprehensively cover the research problem with a set of different approaches, methods and principles of scientific study. The selection of the methodological apparatus is determined by the interdisciplinary nature of the study. The study of the problem at the philosophical, general scientific, specific scientific and technological levels allowed us to carry out a deep, comprehensive analysis of the problem, taking into account the French teaching methods in Galicia during the selected chronological period.


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1. Vermenych Ya. V. Istorychna rehionalistyka. [Historical regionalism] Kyiv : In-t istorii Ukrainy NAN Ukrainy, 2014. 412 p. [in Ukrainian].

2. Vozniuk O. V. Pedahohichna synerhetyka: Heneza, teoriia i praktyka. [Pedagogical synergetics: Genesis, theory and practice] Zhytomyr : Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2012. 708 p. [in Ukrainian].

3. Zahviazynskyi V. Y. Metodologiya i metody psihologo-pedagogicheskogo isledovaniya. [Methodology and methods of psychological and pedagogical research] 3-tie vyd. Moskva : Akademyia, 2006. 206 p. [in Russian].

4. Zatserkovnyi V. I., Tishaiev I. V., Demydov V. K. Metodolohiia naukovykh doslidzhen. [Methodology of scientific research] Nizhyn : NDU im. M. Hoholia, 2017. 236 p. [in Ukrainian].

5. Konovalchuk I. I. Teoretychni ta tekhnolohichni zasady realizatsii innovatsii u zahalnoosvitnikh navchalnykh zakladakh. Sutnist ta struktura innovatsiinoi kompetentnosti pedahoha. Rozrobka systemy i tekhnolohii yii rozvytku. Akmedosiahnennia naukovtsiv Zhytomyrskoi naukovo-pedahohichnoi shkoly : monographiya. [Theoretical and technological principles of innovation in secondary schools. The essence and structure of innovative competence of the teacher. Development of the system and technology of its development] Zhytomyr, 2016. S. 138-170. [in Ukrainian].

6. Kustovska O. V. Metodolohiia systemnoho pidkhodu ta naukovykh doslidzhen: Kurs lektsii. [Methodology of systems approach and research: Course of lectures] Ternopil : Ekon. dumka, 2005. 124 p. [in Ukrainian].

7. Labinska B. I. Istorychni narysy z metodyky navchannia inozemnykh mov na zakhidnoukrainskykh zemliakh (druha polovyna XIX - persha polovyna XX st.). [Historical essays on methods of teaching foreign languages in Western Ukraine (second half of XIX - first half of XX century.)] Kyiv : KNLU, 2013. 384 p. [in Ukrainian].

8. Mezhdisciplinarnyj sintez v istorii i socialnye teorii: Teoriya, istoriografiya i praktika konkretnyh issledovanij [Interdisciplinary synthesis in history and social theories: Theory, historiography and practice of specific research] / red.: B. G. Mogilnickij, I. Yu. Nikolaeva, L. P Repina. Moskva, 2004. 170 p. [in Russian].

9. Stefaniuk H. V. Dzhereloznavstvo: oporni konspekty i samostiina robota. [Source studies: reference notes and independent work] Ivano-Frankivsk : DVNZ «Prykarpat. nats. un-t im. Vasylia Stefanyka», 2013. 133 p. [in Ukrainian].

10. Tumak O. M. Stanovlennia i rozvytok metodyky navchannia anhliiskoi movy na Bukovyni (kinets KhIKh - pochatok KhKh stolittia) [Emersion and development of methods of teaching English in Bukovina (late nineteenth - early twentieth century)]: dys. ... kand. ped. nauk: 13.00.02. Ternopil, 2018. 208 p. [in Ukrainian].

11. Utiuzh I. H. Vykorystannia paradyhmalnoho pidkhodu v osviti. [The use of paradigm approach in education] Politolohichnyi visnyk.2014. № 74. S. 120-128. [in Ukrainian].

12. Khrykov Ye. M. Metodolohichni zasady doslidzhennia problemy upravlinnia rozvytkom zahalnoosvitnoi shkoly Ukrainy v 1917-1930-ti rr. XX stolittia. [Methodological principles of research on the problem of managing the development of secondary school in Ukraine in 1917-1930 of the XX century] Osvita Donbasu. 2011. T. 1, № 144. S. 129-136. [in Ukrainian].

13. Iudyn E. G. Sistemnyj podhod i princip deyatelnosti. [System approach and principle of activity] Moskva : Nauka, 1978. 391 p. [in Russian].

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