Linguistic realities in the matrix of test strategies of teacher and student: the feedback theory
Text and context produce a certain system of perception through the word model matrix. The intention that the text is a certain reality that determines the context and zeitgeist of being seems relevant. Means of implementation of text narratives.
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Linguistic realities in the matrix of test strategies of teacher and student: the feedback theory
Dana Kurylenko,
Candidate of Philological Science,
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages
Polissia National University
(Zhytomyr, Ukraine)
Linguistic realities in the matrix of test strategies of teacher and student: the feedback theory
The text and context produce a certain system ofperception through the matrix of the word model. Topical is the intention that the text is a certain reality that determines the context and the existence Zeitgeist. So, it is through the prism of the text canvas a person reaches the apogee of spirituality, reflexes spiritual narratives and receives life experience in the prism of linguistic realities and text strategies. The means ofrealizing text narratives form a student's personality, grinding his verbal skill through linguistic realities. It is in the system of language codes the student must realize his creative potencies and inertia. Textile realizations should reach the insight of existence and broadcast life experience as a filigree structure in textual realities. The text should become the world of worlds to the entire knowledge and transmitting of own "I".
The action of a pair of "text-meaning" in conditions of uncertainty of terminology forms a closed system with a positive reciprocal connection. In this pair, the content of new concepts and judgments produces a new text that stimulates an updated understanding of modern concepts and goals.
Cordocentric planes of the teacher's word reach their apogee in the reception of a literary work, during its reading by the students and obtaining a peculiar "feedback", discussing it in the problem group. In modern realities and transformations of the existence the full-time studying remains dominant, but social networks allow students and teachers to be valuable actants in the reception of linguistic realities. That is why the visual canvas can be rightfully transformed into creolized texts that are the complex text formation that combines verbal and non-verbal elements.
The multiplicity of textual realities signates "the world as text". On the fracture of the centuries, this verbal intention is translated not only as a postmodern statement, but is also realized as a material unit. The modern man lives in the world of those texts, in whose variety he is immersed. The teacher presents itself through the prism of the textual realities and suggests the idiostyle of the student's writings through verbal narratives.
Key words: text, context, text arguments, suggestions, sensory, existence, production of own statements, zeitgeist, reflection, emotional background, mentor.
кандидат філологічних наук, старша викладачка кафедри іноземних мов Поліського національного університету (Житомир, Україна)
Текст і контекст продукують певну систему сприйняття крізь матрицю моделі слова. Актуальною видається інтенція про те, що текст - певна реальність, яка детермінує контекст і цайтгайст буття. Отже, саме крізь призму текстового полотна людина сягає апогею духовності, рефлексує духовні наративи та здобуває життєвий досвід через призму лінгвістичних реалій і текстових стратегій. Засоби реалізації текстових наративів формують персоналію студента, шліфують його словесну майстерність крізь лінгвістичні реалії. Саме у системі мовних кодів студент має зреалізовувати свої творчі потенції та інерції. Текстуальні реалізації мають сягати інсайту буття та транслювати життєвий досвід як філігранну структуру у текстових реаліях. Текст повинен стати світом світів до цілковитого пізнання та трансляції власного "Я". text narratives zeitgeist
Дія пари "текст - сенс" в умовах невизначеності термінології утворює замкнуту систему з позитивним зворотнім зв'язком. У цій парі зміст нових понять і суджень продукує новий текст, який стимулює оновлене розуміння сучасних понять і цілей.
Кордоцентричні площини слова педагога сягають свого апогею у рецепції літературного твору, під час прочитання його студентами й отримання своєрідного "фідбеку", обговорення його у проблемній групі. У сучасних реаліях і трансформаціях буття очне навчання залишається повсякчас домінантним, але соціальні мережі дозволяють студентам і викладачам бути повноцінними актантами у рецепції лінгвістичних реалій. Саме тому візуальне полотно може повноправно трансформуватися у креолізовані тексти, які є складним текстовим утворенням, що поєднують вербальні та невербальні елементи.
Множинність текстових реалій сигнатує "світ як текст". На зламі століть ця словесна інтенція не просто транслюється як постмодерністське висловлювання, а й реалізується як матеріальна одиниця. Модерна людина живе у світі тих текстів, у різноманіття яких вона занурена. Викладач презентує себе крізь призму текстових реалій і сугестує ідіостиль письма студента крізь словесні наративи.
Ключові слова: текст, контекст, текстові аргументи, сугестія, сенсорність, буття, продукування власних висловлювань, цайтґайст, рефлексія, емоційний бекґраунд, ментор.
Formulation of the problem. The synthetic existence of word art and philosophy is produced and pronounced in the XXI century, coinciding "with the main intensity of world culture" (Забужко, 1993: 8).
At the present stage of the development of the Ukrainian nation, as elaborately accentuated by N. Zavorovskaya "the alternative to leave the crisis" (Зборовська, 2003: 9) is a philosophy ofliterature. The turning point can be the connection of teacher's fine writing and idiostyle of writing with the realization of the essayist universe in the work in problematic groups of students regarding essayism and the production of their own statements. The universal aspects of existence have to regulate the philosophical fullness, in accordance with the temporal parameters and requirements of time, existence Zeitgeist, to present modern realities through the prism of text narratives, correlate with the past commonness not forgetting about the coming future not only in the system of concepts and categories, but also in artistic images.
So, the language of the text is an appeal to the recipient's consciousness, and therefore - the act of communication. Potentially the communication becomes a relevant of existential reality. In communication the enrichment of activity takes place, the new links and relations between people are developing and formed (Кайдалова, 2009: 11). Communication is the dominant and constant of existence. Communication can take place through the prism of the matrix of text matter, where the producer suggestively translate his thoughts and considerations, and the recipient, respectively, perceives the material and reflexes it through the prism of its own life experience.
Analysis of research. A. Maslow emphasizes that self-actualized personality is always in the continuous process of self-evidence and self-improvement (Маслоу, 1999: 15).
Topical is the intention that the text is a certain reality that determines the context and the existence zeitgeist. Therefore, it is through the prism of the text canvas a person reaches the apogee of spirituality, reflexes spiritual narratives and receives life experience in the prism of linguistic realities and text strategies. Professor of the philosophy of the University of Pittsburgh N. Rescher notes that "the text is prismatic in nature, it reflects a variety of features depending on the point of view from which it is considered. Therefore, the decisive in this process is the text itself and the context, which varies depending on interpretations" (Rescher, 2010: 19). O. Spodaryk remarks that "the text is characterized by internal heterogeneity, multilingual, openness, multiplicity, intertextuality" (Сподарик, 2013: 17). Y. Kristeva emphasizes that the text is a interweaving point of many texts and individual statements (Кристева, 2004: 12).
At the time there is an opinion on openness of text forms. Extremely relevant is the impregnation of the sensority of the literary work as a single reality of the art of the word, as rightfully notes U. Eco (Эко, 2006: 7), the narrative openness and positioning of literature on the work of the literary corresponds to it. The existence of the literary work comes out of the boundary of the aesthetic planes to the space of everyday pastry and transforms into the realities of the general existence, where, according to the concept of V. Sukhomlynsky, "in learning are interacting not only the minds", a teacher with a word "tenderly touches the heart of each student" (Сухомлинський, 1990: 18).
The purpose of the article is to analyze and outline the life experience of the student through linguistic realities and strategies in the text canvas, where the teacher suggestively stimulates the creative potency of the student in the system of essayistic parameters and paradigms.
Presenting main material. Cordocentric planes of the teacher's word reach their apogee in the reception of a literary work, during its reading by the students and obtaining a peculiar "feedback", discussing it in a problem group. In modern realities and transformations of the existence the full-time studying remains dominant, but social networks allow students and teachers to be valuable actants in the reception of linguistic realities. That is why the visual canvas can be rightfully transformed into creolized texts that are the complex text formation that combines verbal and non-verbal elements. O. Anisimova notes that "the creolized text appears as a complex text formation in which verbal and non-verbal elements form a single visual, structural, semantic and functional whole, aimed at a comprehensive influence on the addressee" (Анисимова, 2003: 2). Rightfully built text realities determine the effect of text elements in visual and semantic variants. These textual realities- strategies frame linguistic strategies that fully form a visual-textual picture of the world. According to Y. Lotman, the syncretic verbal-visual form of text planes makes it possible to speak, on the one hand, about the possibility of its projection in the "plane of different texts", and on the other hand - about its transformation under the reverse influence of texts (Лотман, 1984: 14). Feedback of textual realities can be transformed in: life experience of students;
- motivation to write their own essays; formation of a full-fledged person;
- regulation of acmeological planes through the prism of textual realities in a visual-informative context.
It is worth emphasizing that speaking of texts, R. Bart compares them with a fabric that does not hide the content, but is the same meaning generated by the plexus of many threads (Барт, 1975: 3). N. Astrakhan accentuates: "The existence of text realities is considered between I and You, between the subject of creation and the subject of reproduction, which at a certain time moment spiritually exist at the level of work, thanks to it, directing their spiritual forces and deploying an event to meet with another participant in a programmed work of dialogue. This intentional being is impossible beyond the intention of the author-creator and co-author recipient" (Астрахан, 2014: 1). Since, in a mixture of textual narratives, a student can realize itself as the authorcreator of his own essay line, because the existence of being of creative narratives according to R. Inhalden has to fully exist in the aspects of absolute timeless existence, ideal, time, real (present, past, and future), purely intentional existence (Долгов, 1996: 6).
Literature is the reflection of verbal art. L. Levchuk notes that "perception of art can be regarded not as an application to the general existing theories, in which the essence of art is revealed, and not as disparate empirical facts of the sensual, sociological, psychological or some other character, found in the interconnections of human activity and art, but as a self-sufficient, scientific and methodologically substantiated organic part of the philosophy of culture, common ideas of philosophical aesthetics" (Левчук, 1997: 13). The personality of a student-essayist needs inspiration in certain moral imperatives, where the text and context must be implemented at the level of emotional background. Specific interpretation of such intentions can occur through inspiration of text realities implemented by a teacher, in particular in the online broadcast field. Textual realities have to determine the sensation, attitude, notes and fixation of certain life moments. After all, the fine writing is related to life experiences and reflects certain realities that have occurred "here" and "now" and may be dually regulated and "return from the Work to the text" (Барт, 1975: 3).
It is rightly remarking that the expression "world as a text" on the fracture of centuries is transmitted not only as a postmodern statement, but is also realized as material intention. The modern man lives in the world of those texts, in whose variety he is immersed.
The action of a pair of "text-meaning" in conditions of uncertainty of terminology forms a closed system with a positive reciprocal connection. In this pair, the content of new concepts and judgments produces a new text that stimulates an updated understanding of modern concepts and goals.
The possibilities of digital technologies of screen culture and television stimulate the implementation of a specific language and allow to generate own text and create a semantic context. Because of the new language an ideological encoding of the "new man" occurs (Подшибякин, 2001: 16). The idiostyle of the essayist writer creates and produces a peculiar genetic code of the artist. The notion of "work" focuses on the creation: the work is the result of creativity, the creation of a new (Астрахан, 2014: 1). As the generation of a new context in the text may occur by means of translation of own feelings by means of online realities. The author's idiostyle of a teacher or a student can be presented in social networks and supplemented by a visual row, such as video appeals in prose, poetic forms; positioning of its own "I" in diariuszes and epistolar genre; writing a collection of creative narratives online.
Literature is an act of communication and selfunderstanding through the prism of the word. Communication is an extra-temporal structure in the implementation of text narratives. M. Bakhtin has pointed on the aspect of communication and the reception of the word, who thought that any reception of language is an active process. Perception is possible only in response to the word; understanding and response (aloud or to oneself) dialectically fused and interdepending each other, impossible one without other. Active understanding involves what is understood, to the horizon of someone who understands, and establishes a number of complex relationships, consonance and dissonance with what is understood, enriches it with new moments (Бахтин, 1975: 4). The student's word as reflection of modern realities is at time. The realization of the word in the text narrative is an objectification of reality.
As students should transmit their idiostyle, which is determined as a "system of content and formal linguistic characteristics inherent in the works of a certain author which make the authorship of linguistic expression in these works unique (Идиостиль (индивидуальный стиль) URL: enc/gumanitarnye_nauki/lingvistika/IDIOSTIL_ INDIVIDUALNI_STIL.html,10). It is in the system of language codes the student must realize his creative potencies and inertia. Textile realizations should reach the insight of existence and broadcast life experience as a filigree structure in textual realities. The text should become the world of worlds to the entire knowledge and transmitting of own "I".
The role of a teacher in perception of text realities aims to inspire in the means of linguistic realities. Since, monologic speech, as of today, is dialogic, because all genres of the Internet, which are formally relating to monologic, are potentially dialogical" (Кайдалова, 2009: 11).
So, the author's intensions of the teacher-philologist have always to integrate the language process into the text planes of the essay narratives of students and crystallize their verbal speech style. Y. Borjev observes and emphasizes the significance of style as a determining factor of unity: "The style is the only "genetic" program, the principle of creating an artistic unity, that defines both the integrity of its work and provides in each of its element the "representation" of this integrity. - The style is multi-layer" (Борев, 1988: 5).
In general, it is necessary to draw conclusions about the implementation of the test model in the educational process:
- Text matter should become a peculiar signaling system, the course to objectification of world's world through the text planes;
- the language level of textual realities should reach the planes of metatext and generate a producer's feelings through the text canvas;
- the main task of the teacher is to become a mentor in order to inspire linguistic realities in the context of the work of the problem group;
- the text should become extrasituationally important in order to implement and fix the certain life realities;
- Changing the ideological paradigms should inspire a student for new achievements;
- The student's style paradigm of writing must be correlated with his filigree personal content component.
Consequently, the plurality of interpretations of the conceptual seme "text" led to a "volumetric and mobile, but not dead-literary filling of this concept" (Лотман, 1984: 14) in the filigree-verbal realization of student's own "I" in the codes of textual realities.
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методичка [50,8 K], добавлен 15.02.2011English songs discourse in the general context of culture, the song as a phenomenon of musical culture. Linguistic features of English song’s texts, implementation of the category of intertextuality in texts of English songs and practical part.
курсовая работа [26,0 K], добавлен 27.06.2011Intonation in English: approaches, definitions, functions. Components of intonation and the structure of intonation group. The phonological aspect of intonation. Pronunciation and intonation achievement factors. Intonation as a text - organizing means.
курсовая работа [160,0 K], добавлен 15.04.2012Theoretical problems of linguistic form Language. Progressive development of language. Polysemy as the Source of Ambiguities in a Language. Polysemy and its Connection with the Context. Polysemy in Teaching English on Intermediate and Advanced Level.
дипломная работа [45,3 K], добавлен 06.06.2011Grammar in the Systemic Conception of Language. Morphemic Structure of the Word. Communicative Types of Sentences. Categorial Structure of the Word. Composite Sentence as a Polypredicative Construction. Grammatical Classes of Words. Sentence in the Text.
учебное пособие [546,3 K], добавлен 03.10.2012Political power as one of the most important of its kind. The main types of political power. The functional analysis in the context of the theory of social action community. Means of political activity related to the significant material cost-us.
реферат [11,8 K], добавлен 10.05.2011Modes and types of interpreting and also lexical aspects of interpreting. Handling context-free and context-bound words. Handling equivalent-lacking words and translators false friends. Translation of cultures and political terms. Translation of verbs.
дипломная работа [84,6 K], добавлен 22.03.2012The model of training teachers to the formation of communicative competence. How the Web 2.0 technology tools affect on secondary school students in communication. The objective of the model is instantiated a number of conditions. Predicting the Future.
курсовая работа [30,3 K], добавлен 11.06.2012The resolve of the understanding and the term of "neologism". The explaining of the meaning of neologism from the context. Giving one more meaning to already existing combinations. Nontechnical, author's (individual, individually-stylistic) neologisms.
реферат [9,7 K], добавлен 01.03.2010Extra-linguistic and linguistic spheres of colour naming adjectives study. Colour as a physical phenomenon. Psychophysiological mechanisms of forming colour perception. The nuclear and peripherical meanings of the semantic field of the main colours.
реферат [193,7 K], добавлен 27.09.2013The general outline of word formation in English: information about word formation as a means of the language development - appearance of a great number of new words, the growth of the vocabulary. The blending as a type of modern English word formation.
курсовая работа [54,6 K], добавлен 18.04.2014