Virtual identity in the media discourse

Analysis of the participation and role in text formation of linguistic means of text generation in Internet linguistics. The problems that exist at the syntactic level. Analysis of different expressions of new media discourse in different virtual worlds.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 24.02.2023
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Azerbaijan university of languages

Virtual identity in the media discourse

Nahida Mahmud Imanova.

PhD candidate of general linguistics department



linguistics internet syntactic virtual

The article deals with the virtual identity in the media discourse. It states that there must be information for communication to take place, including virtual communication. The object of research is text-generating language tools in Internet linguistics, and the subject is to determine their participation and role in the formation of the text. The realization of virtual communication is carried out in written and oral form of the language. Any language units such as sentences, texts, discourses (written and oral), non-linguistic units (such as graphemes, grapheme combinations, prosodic means, such as syllable stress, intonation, pause, etc.) can be considered a virtual information carrier. Virtual communication participants must use one of these tools in order to have two-way communication in the communication process. It is important to pay attention to the meaning and content of the communication.

For virtual communication there must be a text that is formed for a specific purpose. Until recently, in linguistics, an independent and separate sentence was accepted as the last unit of the syntactic level in terms of hierarchical relations. In our opinion, these shortcomings, which exist at the syntactic level, gives a special impetus to the emergence of such a field as textual linguistics.

In the modern world of the Internet, at a time when man-made technology is beginning to open the way to all areas of our lives, it is not surprising that a new field of linguistics - Internet linguistics - is developing very rapidly. The language of the Internet is constantly on the move; it is observed and operates in different types of communication. In the 21st century, the study of the Internet language from a systemic and structural point of view is observed. At present, linguists are focusing on the analysis of different expressions of the new media discourse in the various virtual worlds observed in the process of communication. The formation of an anthropocentric scientific paradigm in linguistics leads to the intensification of linguistic trends related to communication problems. It is noteworthy to note that when approaching communication in a semiotic plan, its consideration as an action carried out with the direct participation of linguo-semiotic means is one of the factors that led to the expansion of discourse. The virtual world is a shining example of the transition observed in the modern Internet world (explicit and implicit) on the basis of communication. The Internet is the most remarkable tool created by living things. Its impact on society and the world is undeniable. In this regard, the formation of Internet linguistics should not be considered a coincidence. Internet linguistics plays an important role in studying the influence of the Internet on language, develops under its own name in modern linguistics and forms the means of communication in different languages.

Key words: discourse, virtual, meaning, identity, communication, information.


В статье рассматривается проблема виртуальной идентичности в медиадискурсе. Объектом исследования являются языковые средства генерирования текста в лингвистике Интернета, а предметом исследования является определение их участия и роли в формировании текста. Обосновывается мысль о том, что для общения необходима информация, в том числе виртуальная. Реализация виртуального общения осуществляется в письменной и устной языковых формах. Любые языковые единицы, такие как предложения, тексты, дискурсы (письменные и устные), нелингвистические единицы (такие как графемы, комбинации графем, просодические средства, такие как слоговое ударение, интонация, пауза и т.д.) могут считаться виртуальным носителем информации. Участники виртуального общения должны использовать один из этих инструментов, чтобы осуществить двустороннее общение. Важно обращать внимание на смысл и содержание общения. Для виртуального общения должен быть текст, сформированный для определенной цели. До недавнего времени в лингвистике независимое, отдельное предложение считалось последней единицей синтаксического уровня с точки зрения иерархических отношений. На наш взгляд, проблемы, существующие на синтаксическом уровне, дают особый импульс появлению такой области, как лингвистика текста. В современном мире Интернета, в то время, когда искусственные технологии начинают открывать путь во все сферы нашей жизни, неудивительно, что новая область лингвистики - интернет-лингвистика - развивается очень быстро. Язык Интернета постоянно меняется; он наблюдается и действует в разных типах общения. В XXI в. особый интерес представляет изучение языка Интернета с системно-структурной точки зрения. В настоящее время лингвисты сосредоточились на анализе различных выражений дискурса новых медиа в различных виртуальных мирах, наблюдаемых в процессе коммуникации. Формирование антропоцентрической научной парадигмы в лингвистике приводит к развитию языковых тенденций, связанных с проблемами коммуникации. Интернет-лингвистика играет важную роль в изучении влияния Интернета на язык, развивается под своим собственным именем в современной лингвистике и формирует средства общения на разных языках.

Ключевые слова: дискурс, виртуальный, смысл, идентичность, коммуникация, информация.


У статті розглянуто проблему віртуальної ідентичності в медіадискурсі. Об'єктом дослідження є мовні засоби генерування тексту в лінгвістиці Інтернету, а предметом дослідження є визначення їх участі та ролі у формуванні тексту. Обґрунтовується думка про те, що для спілкування необхідна інформація, в тому числі віртуальна. Реалізація віртуального спілкування здійснюється в письмовій та усній мовних формах. Будь-які мовні одиниці, такі як речення, тексти, дискурси (письмові та усні), не - лінгвістичні одиниці (такі як графеми, комбінації графем, просодичні засоби, такі як складовий наголос, інтонація, пауза тощо) можуть вважатися віртуальним носієм інформації. Учасники віртуального спілкування мають використовувати один з цих інструментів, щоб здійснити двостороннє спілкування. Важливо звертати увагу на сенс і зміст спілкування. Для віртуального спілкування має бути текст, сформований для певної мети. До недавнього часу в лінгвістиці незалежне, окреме речення вважалося останньою одиницею синтаксичного рівня з точки зору ієрархічних відносин. На наш погляд, проблеми, що існують на синтаксичному рівні, дають особливий імпульс появі такої галузі, як лінгвістика тексту. У сучасному світі Інтернету, в той час, коли штучні технології починають відкривати шлях у всі сфери нашого життя, не дивно, що нова галузь лінгвістики - Інтернет-лінгвістика - розвивається дуже швидко. Мова Інтернету постійно змінюється; вона спостерігається і діє в різних типах спілкування. У XXI ст. особливий інтерес становить вивчення мови Інтернету із системно-струк- © N.M. Imanova, 2021 турної точки зору. Останнім часом лінгвісти зосередилися на аналізі різних виразів дискурсу нових медіа в різних віртуальних світах, що спостерігаються в процесі комунікації. Формування антропо - центричної наукової парадигми в лінгвістиці приводить до розвитку мовних тенденцій, пов'язаних з проблемами комунікації. Інтернет-лінгвістика відіграє важливу роль у вивченні впливу Інтерне - ту на мову, розвивається під своїм власним ім'ям у сучасній лінгвістиці і формує засоби спілкування на різних мовах.

Ключові слова: дискурс, віртуальний, сенс, ідентичність, комунікація, інформація.

Main part

Introduction. The issues of studying the peculiarities of language development, including discourse on the Internet, are relevant and are quite seriously considered within the framework of various technologies for the development of social networks, as well as the formation of a common basic vocabulary of any language. The growing possibilities of communication in networks contribute to the growth of interest in such an aspect of media communication as the identity of the content and meanings of linguistic content. This is important for the development of the cognitive capabilities of each participant in the communication process and his practical speech skills on the Internet.

The object of research is text-generating language tools in Internet linguistics, and the subject is to determine their participation and role in the formation of the text. The purpose of this article is to consider the features of virtual communication through the identification of hierarchical relationships at the sentence level. It is supposed to consider the formation of the identity of the content of media content by analyzing the role of the proposal in Internet communication.

Research methods. The methods used in the research are selected in close connection with the topic. The correct choice of methods provides an objective result of the research work performed. The following methods were used in connection with the subject of our study:

1. Synchronous-descriptive method;

2. Observation method;

3. Linguistic analysis method.

Целью данной статьи является рассмотрение особенностей виртуального общения через выявление иерархических отношений на уровне предложения. Предполагается рассмотрение формирования идентичности содержания медиа-контента посредством анализа роли предложения в Интернет-общении.

It is known that three stages of syntax were defined: traditional, communicative and structural syntax. Larger language elements, such as syntactic units and text, are included in traditional and communicative syntax. For this reason, a sentence can be considered the smallest unit of language and the main carrier of thought. K. Abdullayev noted that the sentence is not the last in the syntactic system, but the middle unit and that this middle unit can relate to other sentences with its isomorphic and homomorphic parameters and considered this aspect as the cornerstones of text linguistics [Abdullayev, 2012, p. 19]. For example:

In Azerbaijani:

Man cavabin silah nazarati olacagini dugunurdum. Manim tadqiqatim isa mana bagqa naticani verdi. Man silahla bag veran olum hadisalarni aragdirmazdan avval silaha nazarat tabligati mani hirslandirdi. Man Milli silah birliyinin kutlavi gakilda silah nazarati islahatlarinin qargisini almaq ugun apardiqlari tabligati dayandirmalarini istardim. Masalan, hucum silahlarinin qadagan edilmasi, silah sasboganlarinin mahdudlagdirilmasi, harbi jurnallarin sayinin azaldilmasi va silahlarin ahamiyyatini azaldan digar butun tadbirlarin gorulmasna manea olmamalarini istardim.

The title of this article is not text when taken separately, because a sentence is considered the middle unit of the syntactic system. This sentence interacts with other sentences and can thus be the next, higher unit of the syntactic system. This is considered microtext. Microtexts can create macrotexts by interacting with each other. Any completed work, such as a story, narrative, article, etc. can be considered macro text. Microtext is the smallest unit of text. «In linguistic literature, along with the microtext, the scientific name of the same event uses the terms «text»», «complex syntactic whole», «period», «discourse», «paragraph», «phrase unit» and other syntactic terms» [Abdullayev, 2012, p. 20].

A sentence is the basic unit of language for the correct delivery of human thought. The correct structure and meaning of the sentence is analyzed. The interrelationships and relationships of language, speech, and their units emerge through the role of thinking in communicative syntax. In this case, it is organized according to the meaning of the sentence and the elements that indicate the need to provide information. Syntactic units also act as stylistic and logical-grammatical units. Let's analyze the example we wrote above on this issue. / I used to think gun control was the answer // According to logical analysis, gun control is needed. The use of weapons has reached a point where deaths have become commonplace. The sentence gives the addressee the following information: 1) people are using weapons; 2) uncontrolled weapons cause death; 3) the number of armed deaths is increasing; 4) weapons need control; 5) arms control should be strengthened. Depending on the meaning and the elements that indicate the importance of providing information, the informative scope of the sentence can be expanded. However, no matter how broad we expand, a sentence as a line is not a large unit.

The sequence of sentences in text construction does not mean that they are text. For sentences to be in text form there must be a correlation between them. Communicative communication between sentences ensures that they are connected to each other. A. Javadov writes in this regard: «Related speech is reminiscent of a chain connected by various means. Therefore, the independence of any language unit is understood in a relative sense. If we understand the independence of a sentence in an absolute sense, then we would deny the interdependence of the sentences in our speech» [Javadov, 1977, p. 68].

The connected unity of sentences forms a complex syntactic whole. However, complex syntactic integrity does not mean text yet. A text can consist of a complex syntactic whole, but a complex syntactic whole cannot consist of a single text. N.S. Pospelov defines the features of a complex syntactic whole as follows: «Closed syntactic structure, syntactically independent context, the intersection of relations between complex syntactic units, syntactic diversity of the composition of a complex syntactic whole» [Pospelov, 1948, p. 123]. These features do not allow to fully revealing the definition of a complex syntactic whole. A. Mammadov writes: «N.S. Pospelov could not sufficiently reveal the specific essence of the grammatical features of the complex syntactic whole. As a syntactic unit, these features (for example, the sharpness and variety of the composition) are not equally relevant to them, and so on» [Mammadov, 2012, p. 51].

The usage frequency of the topic

Computer communication affects people to such an extent that the term «computer communication» is used instead of «computer communication». For example, we talk on the phone, we write on the computer, we communicate with different people, and so on. The technology we use is so familiar to us that we forget that it is a man-made device. It is as if we communicate with a living person through him.

The Internet environment is considered as a set of functional, informational, social, economic, legal components that ensure the existence and activity of users in the form of individuals and groups that make up the Internet audience. At the same time, linguists talk about the importance of the linguistic aspect of the Internet, and even concepts such as virtual language identity, virtual society, virtual communication, and virtual language environment. The Internet is the object of research in various fields of science - from the technical sciences to the humanities. As for the philological sciences, the paradigm of philological research of the Internet is being formed today.

D. Crystal, one of the researchers of Internet linguistics, writes: «Internet linguistics is for me a scientific study of the manifestation of language in the electronic environment» [Crystal, 2008, p. 100]. He writes that thanks to Internet linguistics, technology has become an important and integral part of communicative situations. All types of Internet linguistics - visual, spoken, written, sign language - can include linguistic and extralinguistic qualities. For example, you can write on the screen with the help of graphically new animation. This reflects the new linguistic quality of internet writing [Crystal, 2008, p. 223].

Analyzing the Internet phenomenon, we think that our society will soon be divided into two (perhaps already divided): those who watch TV, that is, those who receive information ready, those who are deprived of the right to criticize information and those who look at the computer screen, i. e. those who choose information and to those who rework it.

Analyses and discussions

The complex syntactic whole is explained in the Explanatory Linguistic Dictionary as follows: «A complex syntactic whole is a special syntactic stylistic unit composed of interrelated sentences; paragraph» [Adilov, 1989, p. 179]. A. Javadov writes: «The part (piece) formed by several sentences connected with the content and structure, rhythm and intonation should be considered as syntactic whole» [Javadov, 1977, p. 66]. K. Abdullayev characterizes the complex syntactic whole as follows: The text is closed and its content can be considered finished [Abdullayev, 2012, p. 88].

Grasping and comprehending any text is a complex process. With the transmission of information within the text, various associations and cognitive structures emerge in the human mind. Different texts appear depending on the communicative intention of the speaker. The social function of a text determines its functionality, i. e. it depends on the areas in which it operates. Different types of texts in the media - social, economic, cultural, scientific, etc. texts can be used. While some of the media texts are intended for the general reader, the texts realized in the new media discourse may be intended for the individual reader. The purpose of mass information texts is to provide a lot of information, to form the attitude of the addressee to this or that event.

In the study of the text, its functional and pragmatic aspects are important. The functionality of the text emphasizes its pragmatic aspects, while the communicative side of the text emphasizes its pragmatic aspects. A text is a unit of language that has a certain communicative effect on the recipient of information. The means that create the communicative function of language are: the subject, the nature of the communication situation, the orientation to the addressee, the types of relationships between communications, the form of communication, and so on. These means are implemented depending on the purpose of communication and the direction of communication [Moraxovskiy, 1980, p. 3].

I.R. Galperin defines the text as follows: «The text is a product of the speech process and has exhaustion. The text consists of a name (title) and units (phraseological unity) and has a specific purpose, as well as a pragmatic purpose» [Galperin, 1981, p. 18]. A text is complex information that takes place in written or oral form. It has a multi-level connection. Content, composition and expressiveness are united in the text [Kopytov, 2011, p. 149-157]. Text is a dynamic unit organized in real communication conditions. One of the main features of the text is its hierarchical organization [Valgina, 2004, p. 83].

The communicativeness of the text depends on the author's communicative purpose and the extent to which the recipient perceives and reacts to that purpose. In this case, there is an exchange of information between the parties. Especially in media discourse, there is either a secret exchange of information between the author and the reader, or there is no such exchange at all. However, the text conveys the information that the author wants to convey to the recipient, and the recipient responds. In addition, the communicativeness of a text can be measured by its perception by the reader. The ability of the person who created it to speak is also expressed in the text. In this case, the ability of the reader to read or listen to the text must be taken into account. Acceptance of a text as a text is determined not only by its completeness and coherence, but also by its purposefulness, connection, communication and information with other texts [Krivenko, 1993, p. 24]. For this reason, the text is considered a unit of communication, a communicative-informative unit.

Texts belonging to different functional styles are communicative-pragmatic text types with a single social purpose. For this reason, in the pragmatic typology of functional styles, for example, media, scientific, economic, political, etc. special text types operate. In the division of texts into different types, non-textual criteria - real communication factors - come to the fore, and the text is understood as a set of moving units created during the conversation. Such an interpretation leads to research in the field of text types in two directions: a) the construction of a text classification system based on the totality of the components of a communicative act; b) revealing the interrelationships of the components of the text that function within that act [Kallgren, 1979, p. 5]. The study of the text in a pragmatic aspect also reveals the purpose of the act of communication.

The main purpose of the text is to convey information. There is no denying that the text itself contains certain information. The text is also composed of a coherent sequence of certain units [Sonesson, 1989, p. 168]. There is an initial in this sequence and the text visually starts from there. The first in a sequence of sentences that creates text is the initial unit that contains the information. Depending on the nature of the text, the first sentence may also have cohesiveness [Halliday, 1978, p. 10]. The first informative unit of the text can be connected with other sentences. Example in Azerbaijan:

Hazirda tabiat oz harakat istiqamatini dayigarsa va bir muddat ozunun dayigilmig qanunlari gargivasinda mugahida olunarsa, daha agagi dunyada hazirlanan bu prinsipial ana elementlari bir gun malik olduqlari dayarlari itirarsa, babalarimizin tikdiklari o goy arkanin gargivasi zaiflagarsa, astronomik sahalar oz adi harakatlarini unudur va qeyri-muntazam istiqamatda oz yollarini dayigarsa, ay oz hamigaki harakat yolunda langar vurarsa, ilin vaxti va fasillari qeyri-sabit va qarigiq gakilda bir-birila avaz olunursa, kulak da son dafa asarsa, bir daha yagig yagmazsa va yer kurasi ilahi bir tasira maruz qalirsa… va butun bunlarin tasir etdiyi insan neca harakat eda bilar.

The information given in the text with the orientation of the information to the left or the inclusion of the initial unit, it is clear when this information is oriented in chronotype. Some additional information can be observed in the original English and Azerbaijani translations in both languages. For example, the English version sometimes does not contain envelopes. It also means that additional information has been provided in the Azerbaijani language. The reader or addressee wants to know why the addressee uses time envelopes so much and what period of time the event describes. The initial complex syntactic orientation of the information to the left, ie to the beginning of the event, takes place provided that the author is interested in the story of the addressees in the past. The information in the following paragraphs is growing.

Everyday speech requires more responsibility than poetic language. When expressing explicitness in the media discourse of virtual identity, the writer or poet considers it more important to clarify the purpose and tries to be careful. In daily text messages, people are sometimes in a hurry and send the text to the listener or reader without realizing how it will be reciprocated. For example, below are some of the text styles that people use in everyday conversation:

U 2. Glad journey Ok.x (San da. Yax§i sayahat kefir, oldumu?)

What R U sayin? (Na deyirsan?)

Landed safely. On way to town. Xxx (Ufu§ yax§i oldu. §ahara gediram)

Cu in 5 min x (Be§ daqiqaya g0ru§arik)

What tim does th trn gt in? (Qatar na vaxt galir?)

Let me know if u want me 2 pick u up (9gar sani qar§ilamagimi istayrsansa mana bildir)

U miss me?;-) (San da manim ufun darixmisan?)

i'll be there by 7 (Saat 7-da orada olacagam)

we've just had a drink with Jon!!! (Biz tazaca Conla ifki ifdik)

All the people who wrote these texts are literate. Each of them is / are /, / you /, / seven /, / train /, / saying / and so on. knows how to spell words like. The fact is that they preferred to write what they wanted to say conditionally.

Patricia Wallace writes that the length of the text of the message is considered an indicator of the abundance of information [Wallace, 1999, p. 64.] In addition, the length of the text of the message increases the conditions of standard spelling. Many text writers simply say some you, be, can and so on. prefer to change grammatical words such as. Consider an example: /if u cn send me the disc by post i'll get it copied. make sure u get a receipt 4 it so tht we cn claim the cost of the postage back // (9gar san diski mana poft ila gondarsan, man onun nusxasini fixartdiracam. Onun ufun qabz al ki, biz poft xarclarini odaya bilak).

Message texts written by older people are more in line with standard spelling. Most adults don't like to stray too far from traditional writing styles. D. Crystal writes: «The information transmitted by adults can be completely unofficial. However, in their message texts, it is important to write the words correctly, pay attention to the capital letters, follow the correct signs, and so on. is observed in the full sense» [Crystal, 2008, p. 20]. For example:

/I'll pick up your mum on the way to your place, if that's OK? We ought to be able at the theatre by 6 latest // (Anani eva gedan yolda goturacayam. Yax§i olarmi? 9n geci 6-da teatrda olmaliyiq).

The expression of virtual identity in the new media discourse by clear means is also observed in the text of official messages with the correct spelling and the use of precise punctuation. For example, one university in the United Kingdom sends a warning message to students:

Weather Alert! No classes today due to snow storm. (Hava dayisikliyi! Qar govgunu sababindan bu gun dars olmayacaq).

D. Crystal writes that in the new media discourse of virtual identity, age and familiarity with the subject or context play an important role in differentiating the styles of message texts when expressed through explicit means [Crystal, 2008, p. 156]. In particular, different forms of appeal may be observed in e-mail texts, depending on the age of the applicant and his closeness to the applicant. For example, we can refer to any professor as «Revered Professor» depending on his age. In many cases, the emotional signs used by young people in text messages are ridiculed by older people, and are usually considered «childish» [Danesi, 2017, p. 22].


In the age of global communication, electronic communication is gradually becoming a reality. Some linguists, G. Kallgren, such as who pays attention to this point, note that «in most cases, the communicative process is carried out in the Internet environment on the basis of text exchange» [Kallgren, 1979, p. 5]. According to him, a new direction can be distinguished among the masses of modern linguistic research under the name «Internet linguistics» [Kallgren, 1979, p. 6].

Internet linguistics studies the new style and form of language that emerges through the Internet. Internet linguistics can be developed in four perspectives: sociolinguistics, pedagogy, stylistics and applied linguistics. Of course, when it comes to communication, it is impossible not to remember the term discourse. Electronic discourse and computer-mediated discourse also provide a basis for the interactivity of computer users to keep social communication active.

There are different genres of Internet linguistics. For example, texting, computer games, etc. First, text messages from the genres of Internet linguistics began to spread widely. Let's explain one thing in the Azerbaijani language: there are text messages, and there are «txting messages». One of the most common genres of internet linguistics that we will now explain is abbreviated message writing, i. e. txting messages. People are reportedly worried about the proliferation of abbreviated text messages. For example, in the 2000s, the use of abbreviated text messages became widespread in the United Kingdom. Many intellectuals already saw this as a disaster for linguistics. A few years later, this problem began to be observed in other countries. For example, in the United States. There was a belief among people that abbreviated messaging was beginning to evolve and spread as a «modern phenomenon». The main issue in abbreviated messaging was the abbreviation of words, which has already been used by the younger generation in exams and homework. Intellectuals following this problem from time to time began to express their views in the media, the mass media and sound the alarm. The media also commented on this issue. Journalist J. Humphreys wrote in the Daily Mail in 2007: «I h8 txt msgs: How texting is wrecking our language». The journalist uses the same abbreviations in his text to make his writing more effective. Let's open the abbreviations in the piece of text he wrote: h8 = hate, txt = text, msgs = messages. He writes that those who write such messages tell us about the atrocities committed by Chingiz Khan against his neighbors' years ago. They are destroying our language. They destroy our punctuation; they cut our sentences like an executioner. He even expresses his anger in the most severe form with the following sentence: «They are invading our vocabulary» [Wallace, 1999, p. 2]. When you look at the sentences, it is as if you can't find sentences that better express the journalist's anger. The sentences are presented in the heaviest form, and it is as if the creator of this method of messaging has made a fair decision by voicing his accusations in a narrow tree. What more powerful words can a person who loves his language use to protect his language!? Then the author writes: «They must stop!» [Wallace, 1999, p. 2]. D. Crystal, the creator of the term Internet linguistics, has a slightly different approach to this issue [Crystal, 2008, p. 10]. He claims that the approach to abbreviated messages is somewhat exaggerated and misunderstood in society. He writes: «All that is written about 'abbreviated messages, ' or rather, all existing beliefs, is false» [Crystal, 2008, p. 11]. If we do research and compile a summary of the messages written, we will see that only a certain part of those who wrote these messages use different abbreviations. D. Crystal does not accept these abbreviations as a «modern phenomenon» [Crystal, 2008, p. 15]. He insists that these message abbreviations do not limit young people, and that the younger generation does not use such abbreviations in all homework and exams. Abbreviated messages do not hinder literary standards but help them. As we have seen, the opinion of a linguist is different. Abbreviated messages are not just «full of abbreviations».

Abbreviations are found in only 60 percent of text messages written in the United States. In text messages written in Norway, the figure is lower at 6% and can be taken as 10% on average. It is true that in 2003, a student in the United Kingdom used so many abbreviations in his writing that the teacher had difficulty understanding the text. D. Crystal considers such excitement of people as a mystification that everyone believes in [Crystal, 2008, p. 189]. Message texts should not be considered a «modern phenomenon» that proceeds other terms. Many of these abbreviations used in text messages are time-saving abbreviations used in mobile phones. Some of these are observed in the informal writing style before the advent of the computer. Among the abbreviations, the most noteworthy are the single letters, numbers, and symbols.

The main advantage of online linguistics is that the use of this language does not impair children's desire to read and write, or, to put it figuratively, does not «rust». On the contrary, their literacy increases, their thinking and language develop, and their thinking sharpens. Studies show that, on the contrary, children who use the language of the Internet, especially abbreviated messages, have a higher perception. The more abbreviations they use, the better their calculation skills, vocabulary learning skills, and testing skills. Students who are considered proficient in writing and vocabulary are more likely to use abbreviated text messages. This should not surprise us! Of course, writing a message quickly and abbreviating words and not thinking about abbreviating what you write in the message, knowing which word to abbreviate, and other abilities indicate an artistic imagination, a developing healthy spirit.

There is a growing interest in learning the language of the Internet, which is reflected in the research aimed at revealing the virtual identity and its activities in the new media discourse by hidden and overt means. In linguistic research, there is a paradigm shift in the interaction of language and the Internet, the apparatus of categorical concepts of Internet linguistics as an independent field of linguistics is formed, the leading positions of human perception of information are identified. From the above, we conclude that the virtual identity and its expression is a phenomenon prone to the language of the Internet, the act of communication.

It is not yet clear how many variants of message texts there are. Different functions of message texts, such as greeting, word game, warning, information, etc. creates conditions for the motivation of different types of language. Just as abbreviated forms are used in various functions of message texts, sometimes abbreviations are not used in such functions. Depending on the wishes of some authors, whole sentences are used, while others are not. In addition to the author's wishes, gender, regional, social, and professional relationships also influence the writing of text messages. At the same time, it should not be forgotten that the writing style of young people and adults also affects the style of texts. Message texts are considered one of the main types of expression of explicit language in the new media discourse of virtual identity. Such texts may be equated with other electronic means of communication. Message texts should be taken seriously. They have their own linguistic features, which form the basis of computermedia communication. We come to the conclusion that 60% of message texts contain more than one sentence. Sentences used in message texts can be as short or as long as in other texts. Such sentences can be considered autonomous sentences. However, it is usually necessary to try to keep the sentences short and small.


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8. Adilov M.I., Verdiyeva Z.N. Agayeva F.M. Glossary of descriptive linguistic terms. Baku: Maarif, 1989. 364 p.

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15. Sonesson G. Pictorial Concepts: Inquiries into the Semiotic Heritage and its Relevance for the Analyses of the Visual Worlds. Lund: Lund University Press, 1989. 368 p.

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1. Abdullayev, K.M. Text as an independent branch of linguistics. Abdullayev, K.M. (ed.). Complex syntactic units in the Azerbaijani language. Baku, Mutarjim Publ., 2012, pp. 13-25.

2. Adilov, M.I., Verdiyeva, Z.N. Agayeva, F.M. Glossary of descriptive linguistic terms. Baku, Maarif Publ., 1989, 364 p.

3. Crystal, D. Txtng. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, 256 p.

4. Danesi, M. The Semiotics of Emoji. London, Bloomsbury Academic Publishing Plc., 2017, 197 p.

5. Galperin, I.P. Tekstkak ob'ektlingvisticheskogo issledovanija [Text as an object of linguistic research]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1981, 138 p.

6. Halliday, M.A.K., Hasan, R. Cohesion in English. London, Edward Arnold, 1978, 392 p.

7. Javadov, A.M. The order of syntactic units in the modern Azerbaijani literary language. Baku, Science Publ., 1977, 111 p.

8. Kallgren, G. 'Some types of textual cohesion and their effects on texts'. Enkvist, N.E., Wiksell, J. (eds). Papers from the Fifth Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics Stockholm. Stockholm, Holland Press, 1979, p. 1-7.

9. Kopytov, O.N. O fundamental'nyh kategorijah teksta [On the fundamental categories of a text]. Vest - nik Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo lingvisticheskogo universiteta [Bulletin of Irkutsk State Linguistic University], 2011, issue 3, pp. 149-157.

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11. Mammadov, A.Y. Complex syntactic integrity in foreign linguistics. Abdullayev, K.M. (ed.). Complex syntactic units in the Azerbaijani language. Baku, Mutarjim Publ., 2012, pp. 44-61.

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14. Sonesson, G. Pictorial Concepts: Inquiries into the Semiotic Heritage and its Relevance for the Analyses of the Visual Worlds. Lund, Lund University Press, 1989, 368 p.

15. Valgina, N.S. Teoriya teksta [Text theory]. Moscow, Logos Publ., 2004, 280 p.

16. Wallace, P. The psychology of the Internet. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999, 264 p.

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