Influence of the European integration on linguistic aspects

The scientific article examines the factors of linguistic integration and the role of the European Union in these processes. The issue of the influence of English loanwords on the Ukrainian linguistic picture of the world is under consideration.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Дата добавления 27.02.2023
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Influence of the European integration on linguistic aspects

Novikova Olha Victorivna PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Department of Translation and Linguistic Training of Foreigners, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University


The article deals with factors of linguistic integration and the role of the European Union in these processes. The issue of the influence of English loanwords on the Ukrainian linguistic picture of the world is under consideration. Linguistic policy aimed at preserving national identity acts as an opposition to integration. The European choice of Ukraine is conditioned by the awareness of integration as a factor contributing to state independence, national security, political stability, economic development, intellectual progress, and restoration of the country's European essence.

The topic of language in modern conditions is significant and interesting within various disciplines of social and humanitarian knowledge: linguistics, sociolinguistics, ethnolinguistics, pedagogy and psychology, sociology, political science, ethnopolitical science. Language is a dominant factor in the development of any society. Ukraine's acquisition of associate membership in the European Federation of National Language Institutes (EFNIL) will significantly strengthen the position of the Ukrainian language as the state language and contribute to its prospective use as a mandatory language in EU countries. The main importance of linguistic identity is one of the key factors in the formation of a single political community capable of developing a common national course, the clear and consistent observance of which will contribute to overall development. From a political point of view, the phenomenon of linguistic identity is important, taking into account its fundamental importance for the formation of other signs of unity with the community. Linguistic comparison can be, if not a direct, then definitely an indirect component of the state's national security, political cohesion, a factor in determining and maintaining the stability of the political course. The role of language in identity is always complex, because national identity is sometimes described as a triple relationship between language, consciousness and territory.

Keywords: European integration, national identity, globalization, anglicization, language policy.

Новікова Ольга Вікторівна кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри перекладу та лінгвістичної підготовки іноземців, Дніпровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара


У статті розглядаються чинники мовної інтеграції та роль Європейського Союзу у цих процесах. Розглядається питання щодо впливу англомовних запозичень на українську мовну картину світу. Як протидія інтеграції виступає мовна політика, спрямована на збереження національної ідентичності. Європейський вибір України зумовлений усвідомленням інтеграції як чинника сприяння державній незалежності, національній безпеці, політичній стабільності, економічному розвитку, інтелектуальному прогресу, відновленню європейської сутності країни.

Тема мови в сучасних умовах є значущою та цікавою в межах різних дисциплін соціально-гуманітарних знань: лінгвістики, соціолінгвістики, етнолінгвістики, педагогіки та психології, соціології, юриспруденції, політичної науки, етнополітології. Мова є домінувальним чинником у розвитку будь-якого суспільства. Набуття Україною асоційованого членства в Європейській федерації національних мовних інститутів (EFNIL) значно посилить позиції української мови як державної та сприятиме її перспективному застосуванню як обов'язкової у країнах ЄС. Основне значення мовної ідентичності є одним із ключових факторів формування єдиної політичної спільності, здатної виробити загальний національний курс, чітке та послідовне дотримання якого сприятиме загальному розвитку. З політологійної точки зору феномен мовної ідентичності є важливим з урахуванням його основоположного значення для формування інших ознак єдності із спільнотою. Мовне порівняння може виступати, якщо не прямою, то неодмінно непрямою складовою частиною національної безпеки держави, політичною згуртованістю, чинником визначення та підтримки стабільності політичного курсу. Роль мови в ідентичності завжди комплексна, тому що національна ідентичність іноді описується як потрійний взаємозв'язок між мовою, свідомістю та територією. english linguistic integration

Ключові слова: європейська інтеграція, національна ідентичність, глобалізація, англізація, мовна політика.

The relevance of the problem. The European Union is considered one of the successful projects of economic integration, which at this stage unites 27 states of the European continent. The processes of European integration, spanning more than half a century, are, if not unique, then at least a specific phenomenon in international relations. On the one hand, the European Union is legally a regional international organization. On the other hand, it can be considered a confederal entity, however, unlike confederations, EU bodies make decisions that directly affect citizens from among the member countries.

Integration processes on the European continent are inseparably linked with globalization, which has long been considered one of the main trends in the development of the modern world. Language indicator of European integration processes is a very relevant research area.

The European Union has taken a course towards ensuring the trilingualism of its population and considers this as a tool for preserving and developing its linguistic diversity. Globalization, several waves of expansion and migration processes are affecting the EU, turning it into an increasingly multicultural, and therefore multilingual community.

A number of domestic and foreign authors assess the processes of globalization as the interaction of different languages with each other, primarily with English, with its wide distribution and noticeable influence on other languages. The problem of transferring the language habits of US citizens to the world level, changing the habitat of other languages, such as German in Germany, by the English language is raised. American English is recognized as an important component of the language situation in Germany, as it is the main source borrowings for German.

The European Union is an excellent example of the unification of the countries of Western, Central and Eastern Europe on the grounds of territoriality and purpose. European integration made a huge leap in the practice of cooperation between European states. The idea of the cohesion of a community with a common destiny formed itself in the same way as the voluntary transfer of state sovereignty to supranational level within the integration. The European Union is currently a center of power in the modern world. In the future, with the development and deepening of the integration process, Europe will actually transform into a superpower state capable of solving the problem of its expansion (at least at the moment) not only quite effectively, but also peacefully. The idea of European integration of Ukraine has deep historical roots. Ukrainian-European ties have always been quite tight. Ukraine is a member of more than 100 international organizations. The European choice opens up new prospects for cooperation between Ukraine and developed countries, economic development, social and intellectual progress.

For Ukraine, European integration is a way of modernizing the economy, attracting foreign investment and new technologies, increasing the competitiveness of domestic producers, and the possibility of entering the single internal EU market.

European integration at the current stage is the main direction of the continent's development, which will determine the situation in Europe itself in the third millennium, as well as its place in the world. Since its foundation in 1957, the European Union has gradually turned into one of the most powerful political and financial and economic centers of the modern world, a key component of the newly created architecture of European security, the core of the European standards system.

The European Union unites countries on the basis of a closer association based on common economic, political and social goals. The countries of the Union firmly profess balanced and sustainable social and economic progress. This is achieved by creating a space without internal borders, strengthening economic and social integration, and forming an economic and monetary union. The course for European integration is a conscious choice of Ukraine, its citizens and public authorities. The foreign policy orientations of the country must mobilize the Ukrainian society and government, thereby contributing to the strengthening of national security, its sovereignty and territorial integrity, which is extremely relevant at this stage of state development.

Modern European integration plays the role of a long-term factor that determines the formative parameters and strategic directions of development of all spheres of social life in European countries. It is difficult to imagine a positive future for our continent outside the integration processes, the purpose of which is to create a qualitatively new future for Europe.

The topic of language in modern conditions is significant and interesting within the framework of various disciplines of social and humanitarian knowledge: linguistics, sociolinguistics, ethnolinguistics, pedagogy and psychology, sociology, jurisprudence, political science, ethno-political science. It is also important to address to this subject in the context of international relations.

Firstly, globalization, as one of the dominant trends of our time, is accompanied by an increase in the interdependence and complementarity of the world, among other things - due to the spread of new information technologies, telecommunications - makes this world "shrinking" in its temporal and spatial dimensions, which leads to the need in direct communication carried out through a common language both in the field of trade, science, the media, and in the field of politics.

Secondly, the most important manifestation of globalization is interstate integration, which implies not only the creation of a free trade zone at its initial stage, but also the free movement of goods, services, capital and people and the elimination of barriers at more advanced stages. At the same time, we are talking not only about the economic dimensions of integration, but also political, cultural, educational, informational and many others, and communications within the framework of an interstate integration association take place in a vertical direction (between citizens of the participating states and institutions of the integration association) and horizontal (between the institutions of an integration association, between member states, between citizens of member states) planes. Therefore, we can talk about the linguistic dimension of international relations in general, and interstate integration processes in particular.

The relevance of the research can be proved by the the need to study the processes of European integration and their impact on the Ukrainian language and national identity.

Analysis of last researches and publications. Many scientists studied the problems and prospects of the European integration of Ukraine, which is explained by the inter-industry specifics of this issue. In particular, some of its aspects were reflected in the works of such scientists as: A. Bagaterenko, E. Holovakha, I. Dakhno, O. Kondratets, A. Kovaleva, A. Magazova, N. Osadchaya, Yu. Palanyk and others.

The origins of the problems of the influence of integration social processes on languages are presented in the works of the French linguist A. Meillet and the representative of the Geneva school Ch. Bally. Other prominent representatives of the sociological trend in linguistics (R. O. Shor, A. M. Selishchev, L. V. Shcherba, R. A. Budagov, J.R. Furs). For the first time, the idea of the influence of the material and spiritual community of people on the integration processes in languages was expressed 100 years ago by A. Meillet in his work "Languages in the New Europe" (Meillet, 1918). He expressed the assumption, which was realized in the formation of a united Europe: "In the future, free nations will unite in a community. And it cannot do without a means of communication. The community of nations will use the main modern languages and, no doubt, an auxiliary international language that meets common needs [1, p.333].

According to the outstanding linguist of the Geneva School, Ch. Balli, the commonality in the field of material and spiritual culture that is taking shape in Europe is manifested in the language by a kind of European style. Following A. Meillet, Balli explained the presence of common stylistic features in European languages by the ever-increasing convergence of the languages of the European continent due to the numerous and diverse ties between people inhabiting it in the field of material and spiritual culture. "Similar things cannot be expressed in too different ways; spiritual community is reflected in the language and in the relationship between language and thinking" [2, p. 41].

At the turn of the third millennium, a steady trend towards globalization and integration in all spheres of public life has developed throughout the world: in the economy, politics, science, culture and education.

The purpose of the research is to show the impact of European integration on the language (in our case the Ukrainian language).

Presentation of main material of the research. At this stage, the "global language order" is functioning, where the dominant English, French, German, Arabic, Spanish languages are the languages of international communication and have corresponding historically determined zones of distribution and influence, which creates conditions for interstate integration.

Language is a symbol (marker) of national identity and occupies one of the central places in the process of formation of supranational identity - a special type of political identity, which implies the recognition of common values and principles of the political and cultural structure of the institutions of the interstate integration association, which does not displace, but complements the national identity.

The language policy of an interstate integration association is any act taken regarding the functioning of language and language relations, including symbolic.

The most effective regulatory and institutional arrangement of linguistic relations within the framework of interstate integration associations, as follows from the relevant international legal documents, is the protection of individual linguistic rights in combination with personal bilingual and multilingualism, which serves to overcome the language barrier and bring countries and peoples participating in integration closer together.

Multilingualism as an integration model also contains certain contradictions - from a technical point of view, it is an obstacle to interstate integration, due to the time and financial costs for the functioning of the official language regime (20 languages) and the implementation of educational initiatives; at the same time, proposals to reduce the number of working languages for pragmatic purposes are resisted by Member States and are contrary to the basic principles of this association.

The linguistic dimension of interstate integration processes occupies a key position in various areas of interstate integration at various stages, while at the stage of a common market and political integration, the role of language is enhanced. Interstate integration itself contributes to an increase in the need for language, actualizes the problem of language.

A number of authors assess the process of globalization as the interaction of different languages with each other, primarily with English - with its wide distribution and noticeable influence on other languages. The problem of transferring the language habits of the US citizens to the world level, changing the environment of other languages with English, for example the German language in Germany, is raised. The American variant of the English language is recognized as an important component of the language situation in Germany, as it is the main source of borrowings for the German language.

In the era of world globalization, integration processes take place not only in the economy and culture, but also in the language. Moreover, the economy and culture act as primary in relation to the language. Language integration is understood in a broad and narrow sense. In a broad sense - as a process of standardization, unification of language means in the areas of language use related to the socio-political, economic, cultural life of modern society. In a narrow sense - associated with questions borrowings, primarily from the English language, and not only neutral, but also expressive means are borrowed. The most sensitive to the processes of integration are the mass media and the Internet.

As a characteristic of modern globalization processes, there is a tendency in which the main impact of the English language as a result of globalization is on such communicatively powerful European languages as German, French and Italian [3].

Despite the fact that most linguists believe that the dominance of the English language in the global world is inevitable, in science there is a place for alternative opinions and predictions. There are arguments in favor of the necessity of being a polyglot as an important prerequisite for professional success in the future, since the global communication community will not be able to do without one language based on English. Multilingual aspect is preferable in the future for the development of further globalization processes not only for large language communities, but also for national minorities [4].

The processes of integration and globalization can receive a different development and lead to an increase in the number of people who speak several languages, providing a choice of language as a means of communication, thereby increasing the variability of thinking and contributing to the further disclosure of human potential.

Dynamically flowing globalization is accompanied by active wordformation processes to designate more and more new phenomena and concepts of this universal phenomenon. Since globalization affects many aspects of the life of modern society, in different languages there is the emergence of numerous phrases with the keyword "globalization": global phenomena, processes, factors, changes, trends, technologies; global politics, culture, global society, global management, etc. The deepening of globalization is accompanied in terms of language by an expansion of keyword compatibility and the emergence of new words and phrases [5, p. 150].

Another key word related to opposition to the globalization of culture and is "identity": cultural, linguistic, ethnic, national, civic identity. In the Ukrainian language, the productivity and use of international prefixes has increased: мульти- (мультимедія, мультикультурне суспільство, мультиколінеарність), полі- (полілінгвізм, полікультурний, поліцентризм, поліморфізм), транс- (трансатлантичний, трансгендерність, трансмісія), анти- (антиглобалісти, антигігієнічний, антидемократичний, антиморальний, антинауковий, антипатріотичний, антипедагогічний, антисанітарний, антитоксичний, антихудожній).

In terms of paradigmatics, associative links are formed, lexemes enter into synonymous (глобалізація - інтернаціоналізація), and antonymic relations (антиглобалізм, антиглобаліст). The Ukrainian language began to use a verb with the same stem: глобалізувати.

Anglicization and the Internet are factors of language integration. The term "anglicization" - the assimilation of the English language and culture - began to be used in a broader sense - as a driving factor in linguistic globalization. Some authors (A.V. Kirilina) limit themselves only to this factor, but, obviously, one should also take into account the influence of integration processes in the economy and culture. Anglicization is carried out by spreading of Anglo-American culture and way of life, using English as an international means of communication, primarily on the Internet. In the first case, we can talk about cultural and linguistic anglicization, in the second - informational. The impact of the English language as a factor of linguistic globalization is so significant [6].

Here we can give some examples of borrowed English words into the Ukrainian language: топ-менеджер, топ-модель, хіт-парад, ток-шоу, шоу-рум, секонд-хенд, маркетинг, кіднеппінга, кітбоксінг, боулінг, лізинг, супермаркет, супергерой, суперзірка.

In the European Union, English is primarily a means of business, international and standardized communication. Despite the fact that the European Union encourages the development of cultural and linguistic diversity and equality, according to the statistical service of the European Union, English is the most popular language. We are talking about English as a foreign language. Half of the EU residents say they speak English at a level sufficient for communication. The position of the English language as a modern lingua franca is becoming increasingly stronger.

Globalization is a contradictory process in which centripetal and centrifugal forces operate. In relation to culture and language, since they are closely interconnected, these are, on the one hand, integration processes, and on the other hand, the desire for identity, the preservation of one's originality. The factors opposing language integration based on English are regionalization and language policy.

English borrowings-neologisms attract the attention of modern researchers due to the fact that they reflect many processes of globalization, social development and scientific and technological progress of society. In linguistic literature, the emergence of neologisms is sometimes associated with the need to designate new concepts. However, neologism does not verbalize a new concept. The concept is primarily a phenomenon of psychology and logic. In addition, the generalizing nature of concepts that reflect the essential, general properties, connections and relationships of objects and phenomena contradicts the concretizing properties of neologisms. Neologism verbalizes not a concept, but a denotation or its attribute.

The concept of European integration can be perceived both narrowly, in the context of purely institutional integration of the EU countries, and broadly - as a desire to spread European civilizational values, therefore there is both a narrow and a wide thematic range of neologisms. The first can include a limited number of words from the sphere of administrative, political and financial vocabulary such as євро, єврокомісар, єврокомісія, євросоюз, європроект, бенефіціант, грант, єврогрант, омбудсмен.

The second group can include names that are more indirectly related to European integration in a broad sense as one of the symbols of a free market economy and an open society from different areas of life - politics, economics, science and culture, new technologies, everyday life, etc. These are for example менеджмент, бізнесгрупа, бізнесделегація, рейтинг, спонсор, шенгенець, магістр, магістратура, бакалавр, докторант, докторантура.

An independent group is formed by nouns denoting female persons practicing some new professions or occupying new positions (докторантка, офіцерка, поліціянтка). With these names, there is a pragmatic tendency to differentiate by gender.

Sometimes insufficient knowledge of the English language leads to widespread errors. For example, the word "cottage" in English means "a modest country house", and in modern Ukrainian it has acquired the meaning "багатий будинок"; the word "verdict" in English means the decision of the jury "винний" or "не винний", after which the judge acquits the defendant or pronounces a sentence, and in Ukrainian this word is often used in the sense of "вирок судді". Also, in a new way, under the influence of the English language, the word "formal" is used today in the sense of "official", although more recently this word had a completely different meaning "empty", "for unsubscribing", "only for report", "only on paper", "for appearance". A similar situation was observed earlier, when we, having borrowed the English words technology and technique, mixed up their meanings.

Under the pressure of many English-language borrowings, their equivalents, already rooted in the Ukrainian language, are disappearing from use. For example:

гасло - слоган

продовження (договору) - пролангація нападник (у футболі) - форвард півзахисник - хафбек додатковий час - овертайм суддя - рефері вболівальник - фан, фанат шанувальник - фанат головний редактор - шеф-редактор контора - офіс премія - бонус подробиці - деталі законний - легітимний суспільний - публічний

It is interesting to note that not only Ukrainian words or words that we already perceive as such are being replaced by English-language synonyms, but also words that are still taken as foreign borrowings. For example:

марка - бренд

варіант - версія, опція

прейскурант - прайс-лист

какао - шоколад

норми - стандарти

гонорар -роелті

транспарант - банер

спеціаліст - експерт

шик - гламур

контроль - моніторинг

програми (ТВ) - канали

етикетка - лейбл

фантазія - фентезі

мультиплікація - анімація

The two groups of words given as an example clearly show that the borrowing of English words is not always explained by the appearance in our lives of something new, for which there was no name in the Ukrainian language before. Very often English-language equivalents of Ukrainian are borrowed, which probably occurs under the influence of the general pressure of the English-speaking culture and the processes of European integration.

Some foreign words in Ukrainian, under the influence of English, have new meanings. For example:

публічний (суспільний, відкритий)

публічність (відкритість)

спекуляції (роздуми, докази, домисли)

пріоритети (головні завдання, цілі)

регулярний (щорічний, постійний)

госпіталь (будь-яка лікарня)

формальний (офіційний)

агресивний (активний)

комфортний (хороший)

мітинг (зустріч)

гід (книга-путівник).

In addition to separate words, many fixed phrases are also borrowed. For example: нонстоп, он-лайн, ол-інклузів, прайм-тайм, ньюз-мейкер, контент-провайдер, екзіт-пол, хот-дог, даун-таун, таун-хаус, пентхаус, мейн-стрім, шорт-лист, лонг-лист, тест-драйв, фронт-мен та ін.

The ways of forming anglicisms are different, among them we can distinguish:

1. Direct loans. Words are found in Ukrainian in approximately the same form and in the same meaning as in the original language. These are words such as уікенд - the weekend; talk-show - токшоу, sprint- спринт.

2. Calque. Words used with the preservation of their phonetic and graphic forms. These are words such as manager, standard, comfort, action, hypermarket, supermarket, website, menu, virus, club, browser, teenager, telephone, jeans.

3. Hybrids. These words are formed by adding a Ukrainian suffix, prefix and ending to a foreign root. In this case, the meaning of a foreign word often changes, for example: смайлик (smile), positive - позитив, позитивний; крезанутий (crazy), primitive - примітивний, objective - об'єктивний.

4. Slang words. For example: код, ноу-хау, меседж, респект, батл, хеппі енд.

In general, foreign terminology is an interesting linguistic phenomenon, the role of which in the Ukrainian language is very significant. In the course of the research work, we can affirm that anglicisms enrich the Ukrainian language under the influence of European integration and the need to use them in speech is fully justified. On the other hand, anglicisms contribute to the loss of the national identity of the Ukrainian language as a unique language. But language is a self-developing mechanism that can cleanse itself, get rid of the unnecessary things. This also happens with foreign words, the borrowing of which was presented in the course of the study.

From the point of view of cognitive linguistics, the language picture of the world is nationally conditioned and directly reflects the features of the lexico-semantic and grammatical systems of a particular language [7, p. 45].

The opinion found in the linguistic literature about the possibility of borrowing the concept seems to be very controversial. The concept, being a unit of a high degree of abstraction, is characterized by national and cultural specificity and has associative links belonging to the sphere of concept verbalization. Words reflect the features of the concept in linguistic form and allow describing its content.

Thus, due to the fact that the word and the concept are units from different areas (connected by associative links), the borrowing of a lexical unit, the formation of a neologism based on a foreign language in the borrowing language, should not be identified with the borrowing of the concept of a foreign culture.

The concept cannot be borrowed due to the fact that it is an internally ordered, multi-layered structure that includes an ethno-cultural component and associations, realized not only by lexical, but also by phraseological units. This can be confirmed by the fact that the meaning of many borrowed words is more or less different from the meaning of their foreign prototypes.

A number of researchers warn that one should not exaggerate the role of a single word in the linguistic picture of the world as an integral entity. "An individual word, from the point of view of its position in the hierarchy, is similar to an "elementary object" and therefore, like an atom, "is indecomposable at the level where the "picture of the world" is formed.

When translating a lexical unit from one language to another, one can find similar concepts in different languages to convey this or that object or phenomenon of reality. But this does not mean that the concepts of two different languages (and cultures) will coincide in this case, since the concept is a unit of the mental level. The same thing happens with borrowing. The borrowing of the concept is not possible, since it must be accompanied by the borrowing of elements of the language picture of the world. Consequently, the result of borrowing many denotations and their features is the expansion, enrichment of the conceptual picture of the world. From a cognitive point of view, the process of borrowing can be viewed as a need to fill in hyponymic gaps. The neological nomination has a hyponymic orientation, which indicates the openness, openness of the lexico-semantic system of the language.

Conclusions and prospects of the research

All of the above makes it possible to make a conclusion that European integration is a dynamic, continuous process and globalization is one of the main factors and driving forces for the development of the world community. The problems of globalization, including linguistic ones, are among the topical and in the modern world, since they are universal in nature and have a planetary scale of manifestation. Therefore, their study is of great theoretical and practical importance.


1. Meillet, A. (1918). Les langues dans l'Europe nouvelle. Paris, 340 p.

2. Balli, Sh. (1961). Francuzskaya stilistika [French stylistics]. Moskva, 394 p. [in Russian].

3. Troshina, N. N. (2020). Anglijskij yazyk v Germanii. In Anglijskij yazyk na territorii Soedinennogo Korol evstva Velikobritanii i Severnoj Irlandii i za ego predelami: Sbornik nauchnyh trudov [English in Germany. English in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and beyond: Collection of scientific papers]. Moskva, 100-125 pp. [In Russian].

4. Kirilina, A. V. (2015). Lingvofilosofskaya refleksiya v epohu globalizacii. Yazykovaya situaciya v Evrope nachala XXI veka: Sb. Obzorov [Linguo-philosophical reflection in the era of globalization. The language situation in Europe at the beginning of the XXI century: Sat. reviews]. Moskva, 122-135 pp. [In Russian].

5. Artomov, I. V. (2013) Problemy i perspektyvy vkhodzhennia Ukrainy v Yevropeiskyi Soiuz [Problems and prospects of Ukraine's accession to the European Union]. Uzhhorod: Lira, 384 p. [in Ukrainian].

6. Phillipson, R. (1992). Linguistic imperialism. Oxford, 367 p.

7. Maslova, V. A. (2011). Vvedenie v kognitivnuyu lingvistiku: Ucheb. posobie dlya filologov [Introduction to cognitive linguistics: Textbook for philologists]. Moskva, 296 p. [in Russian].

8. Abrosimova, L. S. (2011). Neologizmy kak faktor izmeneniya yazykovoj kartiny mira // Vopr. kognitivnoj lingvistiki [Neologisms as a factor in changing the linguistic picture of the world // Questions of cognitive linguistics]. Moskva, № 1, pp. 106-110. [in Russian].

9. Bilous, O. (2007). Yevroatlantychna intehratsiia Ukrainy. Problemy ta perspektyvy : navchalnyi posibnyk [Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine. Problems and prospects: a study guide]. Ivano-Frankivsk: Prykarpat. nats. un-t, 108 p. [in Ukrainian].

10. Zapadnoevropejskaya integraciya: proekty i real'nost' (1986) [Western European integration: projects and reality]. Moskva : Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, 208 p. [in Russian].

11. Література:

12. Meillet A. Les langues dans 1'Europe nouvelle. Paris, 1918. 340 p.

13. Балли Ш. Французская стилистика. Москва, 1961. 394 с.

14. Трошина Н.Н. Английский язык в Германии. Английский язык на территории Соединенного Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии и за его пределами: Сборник научных трудов. М, 2020. С. 100-125.

15. Кирилина А.В. Лингвофилософская рефлексия в эпоху глобализации. Языковая ситуация в Европе началаXXIвека: Сб. обзоров. Москва, 2015. С. 122-135.

16. Артьомов I. В. Проблеми i перспективи входження України в Європейський Союз. Ужгород: Лiра, 2013. 384 с.

17. Phillipson R. Linguistic imperialism. Oxford, 1992. 367 p.

18. Маслова В.А. Введение в когнитивную лингвистику: Учеб. пособие для филологов. Москва, 2011. 296 с.

19. Абросимова Л.С. Неологизмы как фактор изменения языковой картины мира // Вопр. когнитивной лингвистики. Москва, 2011. № 1. С. 106-110.

20. Білоус О. Євроатлантична інтеграція України. Проблеми та перспективи:

21. навчальний посібник. Івано-Франківськ: Прикарпат. нац. ун-т, 2007. 108 с.

22. Западноевропейская интеграция: проекты и реальность. Москва: Международные отношения, 1986. С. 208.

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