The translation of onomatopoeia and slang in comics

The importance of expanding the number of Ukrainian translations prompted the authors to study. The source and target texts - were compared and analyzed, in order to identify forms of onomatopoeia and slang, which are important aspects of comics.

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The translation of onomatopoeia and slang in comics

Maryana Tomenchuk

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Linguistics, Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine

Karina Bet

Master Graduate Student of the Department of Applied Linguistics, Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine


The significance of expanding the quantity of Ukrainian translations has prompted this study. Two comic books were the subjects of the research "Action from Marvel. "Batman: The Killing Joke" [6] and "Spider-Man: Black Cat" [5]. The source and target texts have been compared and analysed in order to determine the forms of onomatopoeias and slang, which are significant aspects of comic books, and to determine their translation from English into Ukrainian. According to the findings, onomatopoeias are translated based on their kind, and the translation is usually done using transliteration or the target language equivalent, which may be obtained using a dictionary. Slang, on the other hand, is also translated according to the dictionary, however, there are cases when it is translated in a context to emphasize the social status of characters. There were also words - "guy/s" and "c'mon" - that were found to have ambiguous meaning and their translation depends on the image-text correlation.

The usefulness of translation is highly regarded in modern Ukrainian society. Every translation gap must be filled because more and more people desire to read literature in Ukrainian. One of these gaps is comic book translation. Over 20,000 people [4] attended a comic book convention in Ukraine in 2018, and the number has continued to climb ever since. Comic books are a convenient reading material since the plot is presented primarily through captivating images, and the images themselves include far less text than other forms of writing. In order to meet reader needs, it is crucial for both experienced and prospective translators to understand the various aspects of comics translation.

Keywords: onomatopoeia, comic books, comics, translation, slang.

Problem statement. It is critical for both existing and upcoming translators to comprehend the aspects of translating comics in order to suit reader needs. The translation of onomatopoeia and slang is among the most crucial elements of translating comics, whereas these lexical units are often problematic to work with in translation. Every comic uses onomatopoeias and slangs, so it's crucial to understand the proper translation for each variety.

Analysis of recent research and publications. There are some works dedicated to analyze the translation of onomatopoeias. This article does not refer to them and its information is not based on the material previously created.

The aim of this study is to identify the norms and procedures utilized while translating onomatopoeias and slang from English into Ukrainian.

To conduct this research, both the source and target texts were compared and thoroughly examined utilizing dictionaries, context analyses, and corpora.

Results. One of the important features of comic books is the presence of onomatopoeia. According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, onomatopoeia is "the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it (such as buzz, hiss)". ukrainian translations comics

Animal sounds are the most frequently imitated sounds. Since these sounds are perceived differently in Ukrainian and English, their translation will likewise vary. Animal sounds in English include, for instance, the following: cat - mew, purr, meow, hiss, yowl; dog - bark; chicken - cluck, cackle; and donkey - bray. The sounds of the same animals are entirely different in Ukrainian: cat - няв-няв, мяу-мяу, dog - гав- гав, chicken - ко-ко-ко, кво-кво, кут-кудах, donkey - іа-а-а. Usually, dictionaries are used to translate onomatopoeia of this kind. During the translation process a translator may use dictionaries that provide English-Ukrainian translation.

The same sound can be interpreted in a few ways. Depending on the context where a certain onomatopoeia is used, translator decides an appropriate equivalent. For example, a sound "BANG" may be used in different contexts.

BANG (noun) - an act of hitting someone or something; a sudden very loud noise [3].

If this sound represents an explosion of grenade, it is appropriate to translate it as "БУМ" or "БАБАХ".

БУМ (виг.) - уживається як наслідування звуку від пострілу, удару дзвона, барабана і т. ін. [7, p. 255.]

БАБАХ (виг.) - уживається як наслідування сильного низького уривчастого звука. [7, p. 75.]

However, the same approach would not work if this "BANG" is used in a context when something heavy falls from the heights onto the ground. In that case, the correct translation is "ТУДУМ"

In the following Table 1, we will see the translation of onomatopoeias in "Batman: The Killing Joke". "Batman: The Killing Joke," a 1988 DC Comics one- shot graphic novel about Batman and the Joker authored by Alan Moore and illustrated by Brian Bolland, was chosen as the first to be referenced. The origin tale of the supervillain Joker is told in "The Killing Joke," which is based on Bill Finger's 1951 story "The Man Behind the Red Hood!" The Joker's backstory is told in flashback, showing both his attempt to drive Jim Gordon insane and Batman's desperate attempt to stop him.

Created by Moore, Bolland, and Higgins as their own take on the Joker's origin and psychology, the story became notable for its portrayal of the Joker as a tragic figure; a family man and failed comedian who had "one bad day" that finally drove him insane. Moore stated that he was trying to show the similarities and contrasts between Batman and the Joker.

The comic book was republished in Ukraine in 2021, by a publishing house "Ridna Mova". They have founded publishing series "Комікси DC" and have been working on the DC comics translation since then.

Onomatopoeias in "Batman: The Killing Joke" [6, 2]

Table 1.









There was not a lot of text to analyze because some fights are not accompanied with vocal imitation of sounds.

At the beginning of the story, in a comic book "Batman: The Killing Joke", Batman visits Jocker in the asylum. A man, who pretended to be Joker, was playing with cards, flipping them on the table. This sound in original version is represented as "FNAP". For a Ukrainian translator an option to interpret this sound through transliteration (i.e., "ФНЕП") would be a terrible mistake because for a reader this would not mean anything. In the comic book translated into Ukrainian this sound is interpreted as "ХЛЯСЬ" This word, according to

ХЛЯСЬ (виг.) - Звуконаслідування, що означає звук від дзвінких коротких ударів по чому-небудь [7, p. 92)].

This definition suggest that the onomatopoeia quite accurately represents the sound of a card flipped on the table.

Other examples of onomatopoeia are "BDUMP" and "TZISP".

BDUMP (verb) - to hit something with force; to hurt part of your body by hitting it against something hard [3].

The first one is used in the situations when some characters were riding an old roller coaster and when a big door was opened. The roller coaster made this sound when it bumped into the walls or other obstacles. "BDUMP" is translated as "TY^YM" which is associated with something that happens unexpectedly. The latter word, "TZISP", is a sound of a cattle prod which was used to teas a character commissioner. Ukrainian "T333", which was used in this translation, is a correct option because this onomatopoeia is frequently used to represent a buzz created by electrical devices.

The number of onomatopoeias in "Marvel Action Spider-Man" is a lot bigger and the sounds are used in different types of situations, including the roar of an animal and the sound of tripping over something. "Marvel Action Spider-Man" was published in 2018. A writer is Delilah S. Dawson and a penciller is Fico Ossio. The description says "When Peter, Miles, and Gwen nab a famous cat burglar, they inadvertently make a new enemy in the Black Cat! And she'll stop at nothing to make them wish they had never crossed paths! An exciting arc continues, featuring the Marvel Action debut of Black Cat!". In Ukraine this comic book was translated and published by TUOS Comics in 2021.

There is a clear contrast between comic book about Batman (DC) and one about Spider-Man (Marvel). First of all, they are drawn in different styles: Batman is portrayed in dark colours whereas Spider-Man is colourful. At first glance, it is clear that these comics are created for different audience. DC comic is mostly for adults, as it raises serious questions about psychological deceases, the main characters are adults that face with negative sides of our world. There is a lot of violence, when people are shot and also nudity. On the other hand, Marvel comic tells a story about teenagers who face a bad criminal and have to beat her in a fight, all while solving misunderstanding in their team. All characters are cartoonish and non-violent.

The sounds in the following table were transliterated into Ukrainian.

The first sound "THWIP" is associated with Spider-Man because it is the sound that web shooters make when expelling webbing. This sound is described as "a light flexible object striking something". As long as the only appearance of this sound is found in comic books about Spider-Man, it is clear that this onomatopoeia was created by an author and in this case a transliteration is appropriate.

Table 2.

Transliteration of onomatopoeia in "Marvel Action Spider-Man" [5]















Another sound that was clearly made up by an author is when Spider-Man fell on a doughnut cart from the heights, this cacophony of noise was depicted as "FWUMP" The best thing to do was to copy the same phonemes in Ukrainian (i.e., to use transliteration) which was done in original translation: "ФВУМП"

The latter sounds were used in a variety of situations. For instance, "ZIIIIP" was used when Spider-Man pulled out a gun from a burglar's hand using his spider web. "SPZZZZSH" was a sound of fire extinguisher, however, we can see that letters "z" were omitted. "BZZZ" and "BOOM" were the sounds of a door bell and the explosion in a building, these onomatopoeias may be considered as those that have fixed equivalents in Ukrainian.

Except "THWIP", web has a lot more sounds which differ when it interacts with other objects, when it rips and a lot more. In the Table 3 there are the examples of sounds that were used in a comic book to describe vocally a sound of a web. For instance, sound "SPLAT" was used both when a gun was grabbed by web and when web was released from a web shooter. In Ukrainian translation these sounds are not the same: "ХЛЯП" and "ХЛЮСЬ" "SPLAT" is used to describe the sound of something wet hitting a surface with a lot of force (according to Collins Dictionary). In Ukrainian a wet sound is associated with "ПЛЮСЬ".

ПЛЮСЬ (виг.) - звуконаслідування, що передає сплеск води (або іншої рідини) чи шум від падіння кого-, чого-небудь (звичайно в воду або в щось рідке), а також звук, схожий на такий сплеск, шум. [7, р. 601.]

The variety of translation of this sound is explained by the fact that in Ukrainian there is another word "хлюп" which is used in the similar contexts.

ХЛЮП (виг.) - звуконаслідування, що передає хлюпання, плескання води [7, р. 88.]

The sound "SNAP" was used when a web ripped, this sound means "to break suddenly and completely, typically with a sharp cracking sound" [3]. When something rips in Ukrainian it is described with the sound "ТРІСЬ". This word originated from a lexeme "тріскати" - "Розриватися, лопатися". [7, p. 275.]

The onomatopoeias of web in Spider-Man comics [5]

Table 3.









Based on this analysis we can see that a web is considered to be wet and stretchy. When translators realized its texture and features, it became easier to find the Ukrainian equivalents which are also associated with water and which can be modified to avoid repetition.

In the next Table 4 the onomatopoeias were used in situations during fights, when something was hit or broken.

Onomatopoeias of fight in Spider-Man comic book [5]

Table 4.











"CLANK" is "a loud, sharp sound or series of sounds, as made by pieces of metal being struck together". This sound was used when a gun, captured by a spider web, was thrown in the floor to be crashed. As long as the gun was made of metal, it produced the same "metallic" sound. However, Ukrainian translation used a more general word "ТРЯСЦЬ" In my opinion, a better onomatopoeia to use here is "ДЗЕНЬК" as this word is mostly used to describe a vibrant sound of metal.

Other onomatopoeias were used in fights "KAPOW" - a character had his face hit by a foot, "CONK" - characters hit each other's heads. These are thuds that are usually translated as "ТУТУЦ", whereas some phonemes may change. "CRAAACK" represented a sound of woods broken by a hit, the cracking sound of wood which was used in Ukrainian is "ХРУСЬ". This word originated from "хрустіти" - "Видавати тріск, хрускіт" which explains the translators' decision.

In "Marvel Action Spider-Man" there is a scene with leopards whose "PRRRRGROW" indicated that they were pleased by something that was happening. As it was mentioned before, animal sounds are different in English and Ukrainian languages and that is why that onomatopoeia was translated as "МРРРРГРРАУ", where "PRRR" is "МРРРР" and "GROW" (that indicated a sound resembling a groan, produced by cats when they are angry) is "ГРРАУ". However, the last phonemes "АУ" were not necessary to use.

There are also onomatopoeias that were used to represent thud sounds of walking/running and sounds that show something was hit. Thud is a dull sound, as of a heavy blow or fall.

Onomatopoeias of thud [1,5]

Table 5.









A lexeme "to trip" means to catch one's foot on something and stumble or fall, this word was used when Spider-Man tripped carrying a leopard in his hands. In Ukrainian comic book this sound was translated as "ТУНК" However, this is more similar to a vibrant sound such as "КЛАЦ" which is clinking. In Ukrainian the sounds when someone is running are usually described with word "тупотіти" - "Іти або бігти, часто й гучно стукаючи ногами об підлогу, землю". Therefore, this onomatopoeia should have been translated as "ТУП" to match the Ukrainians' perception of sound. This, for example, was done in the following: "THUNK" - "ТТУПЦ" when a leopard was running away.

Another mistake was made in translation of sound "THUD". It is a dull heavy sound that is similar to Ukrainian word "гупати" - "Видавати або створювати глухий стук, шум при ударах, поштовхах, розривах і т. ін" So, in my opinion, this onomatopoeia has to be translated as "ГУП"

Firstly, some onomatopoeias are common and have known equivalents in Ukrainian. Such sound imitations are "BOOM" - "БУМ", "BANG" - "БАХ" and more. The fact that these were used in a lot of comics and were translated a lot of times makes a translators' work easier. The professionals should be familiar with them after years of work.

Secondly, there are a lot of onomatopoeias that can be transliterated, which may be a case in situations when sound imitations are the same in English and Ukrainian. For instance, a sound of doorbell (BZZZ - БЗЗЗ) or a sound of a fire extinguisher (SPZZZSH - СПСССШ). Another situation when translators use transliteration is when an onomatopoeia is made up by an author (as in cases with THWIP (ТВІП) and FWUMP (ФВУМП)).

Finally, when onomatopoeias do not match the Ukrainians perception of sounds (for example, FNAP and SPLAT do not exist Ukrainian language) the task of a translator is to find an equivalent in a target language. This may be done with help of the dictionaries, looking up the definitions of certain onomatopoeias or their derivatives and then comparing to Ukrainian equivalents.

DC comic books are rich in vocabulary classifies as slang. Slang is very informal language that is usually spoken rather than written, used especially by particular groups of people. In order to translate them correctly, a translator has to be familiar with such vocabulary.

Having analyzed the slang usage and translation in both English and Ukrainian comic books of "Batman: The Killing Joke" we could conclude that there are several ways of working with slang in translation.

First is elimination. This is clearly seen in the following example:

There were these two guys in a lunatic asylum - Сиділи якось у психушці двоє. [2, 6]

In this sentence, a word "guy" was missed in the target text. This lexeme, "guy", usually used in an informal context to refer to a man. This decision is not understandable, as long as the source and target texts have different number of characters. The source text has 37 characters, whereas target text contains only 25. It is important to emphasize this difference, because this decision may have been made according to the space limit. However, that is not the point in this case. One of the reasons a translator decided to eliminate this word may be because it is difficult to find an accurate equivalent.

The Ukrainian equivalent is difficult but possible to find. First of all, in order to find a correct translation, we should find the definition of the word "guy" and its usage in different context. It was already done in the previous paragraph: this is a word of an informal register, used to refer to a man. The Ukrainian equivalent for the word "man" is "чоловік" or "хлопець". In order to find slangs for these lexemes we should refer to a slang dictionary. "Перший словник українського молодіжного сленгу" compounded by Svitlana Pyrkalo and published in 1997 contains 76 pages [7]. According to this dictionary slang words for "чоловік" and "хлопець" are "чувак", "штемп", "пацан", "кент" "мужик" "перець" "тіп". It is significantly important to know the frequency of usage of the lexemes in order to use the one which is common for reader. Therefore, according to Ukrainian corpora, the most common word is "пацан" with the frequency of 295 words, followed by "чувак" with the frequency of 189.

This research helps us to find the equivalent similar to "a guy" in Ukrainian and suggest the possible option of translation: "Сиділи якось двоє пацанів у психушці".

Another option is to translate the slang with its equivalent in target language. The same sentence we have analyzed contains a compound noun "lunatic asylum" which is, according to Collins Dictionary, "a former name, now usually regarded as offensive, for a psychiatric hospital". Ukrainian name for a psychiatric hospital is "психіатричний заклад" whereas equivalent for "lunatic asylum" might be "психушка" (that was used in original Ukrainian translation) or "дурка" which is also considered a slang word frequently used in spoken language. Therefore, translations "Сиділи якось двоє пацанів у психушці" and "Сиділи якось двоє пацанів у дурці" are both adequate and accurate.

Sometimes slang is translated into the target language without focusing on its informal form. One good example is a phrase told to a Joker by his wife:

You're good in the sack - Ти вмієш задовольнити мене в ліжку [2, 6]

In this case, a translator should be familiar about the word "sack" and its meaning. According to Cambridge Dictionary, this lexeme means "bed" and it is informally used in the United Stated, whereas a phrase "to be good in a sack" means "to be sexually skilled". This phrase can also be translated as "Ти дуже хороший у ліжку".

There is also an option when translators decide to use slangs where they are not clearly stated in the original text. In a comic book "Batman: The Killing Joke" this approach was used in the group discussion where participants were members of a criminal gang. This was done in order to emphasize the social status of the criminals and their communication style should have been clearly distinguished from other characters.

Hey, jeez, man, be cool - Агов, хлопце, охолонь[2, 6]

Formal way to translate "be cool" is "заспокойся".

Don't worry friend, we 'll take care ofyou - Не хвилюйся, друзяко, у нас усе на мазі. [2, 6]

A word "friend" is formally translated as "друг". But in this case, to point out the lexicon a criminal uses, an interpreter decided to change into "друзяко". A lexeme "чувак" could also be used as a slang in this context. Moreover, a phrase "take care of you" which means "піклуватися про тебе", was interpreted as "усе на мазі". This slang phrase has the same meaning and perfectly fits the context.

Smarten up, there ain 't no "Red Hood" - Не тупи, немає ніякого " Червоного Капелюха"[2, 6]

"Smarten up" means to become more intelligent or aware and is translated as "порозумній" But the informal equivalent, one of which is used for a translation, are "не тупи" and "роздуплись"

Right! - Точняк! [2, 6]

"Right" is an informal exclamation used to indicate agreement or to acknowledge a statement or order. A formal option of translation is "Точно!", "Саме так" or "Авжеж". But they are not informal and were declined by a translator.

Gee, that's terrible. We're really sorry. - Капець, жах який. Нам так шкода. [2, 6]

"Gee" is a mild expression, typically of surprise, enthusiasm, or sympathy. The informal Ukrainian equivalents are "капець" or "офігіти" and "трясця".

Hey, c'mon! - Гей, годі втикати! [2, 6]

"C'mon" is used in writing to represent the sound of the phrase come on when it is spoken quickly (as when urging someone to do something or expressing surprise or skepticism). Its meaning, and therefore translation, depends on the context it is used in. This phrase was said by a member of a gang to Joker who felt dizzy and did not pay attention to what was happening. The fact that he was not focused lead to the translation as "годі втикати", which is similar to Ukrainian "ловити гав".

For God's sake, RUN! - ДРАПАЙМО, заради Бога! [2, 6]

In this sentence, the word "run" was translated in more informal way - "драпати" which means "швидко тікати" used in a spoken language.

Another comic book, which we are going to analyze, is called "Marvel Action Spider-Man" [54]. The comics is intended for reading for teenagers and young adults, it does not contain profanity and there is a lot of modern slang.

A word that is frequently used in the comics is "guys". Because of its ambiguity of usage, translators should have always look at the context it was used at.

For instance, when a spider team were having conversation, a member would address others as:

C'mon guys! - Годі, народ [1, 5]

You, guys, who's that? - гей, народе, а це хто? [1, 5]

As long as this word was used to refer to a number of people in an informal situation, an equivalent "народ" is appropriate.

Another phrase that is really common and may be used in different contexts is "c'mon". It is used in writing to represent the sound of the phrase come on when it is spoken quickly (as when urging someone to do something or expressing surprise or skepticism).

C 'mon Felicia - Отакої, Феліціє - to express surprise [1, 5]

C 'mon guys! - Годі, народ - to express annoyance [1, 5]

This slang lexeme should always be translated according to a context. In comic books this context is usually receiver from images in panels and from the text before and after the phrase. For instance, a phrase "C'mon Felicia" was said by Felicia's father when he found out what her daughter did. By an expression of his face, it was clear that he was surprise because he did not expect things that happened.

Another phrase "C'mon guys!" was said by Gwen, when Peter and Miles were arguing about something. She was obviously annoyed and asked them to stop their misbehaviour.

There are some other examples of slang with their meaning in a comic book about Spider-man:

We're crushing it - Ми це зробимо - to do something convincingly or extremely well [1, 5]

Got it - Второпали - used to say you have suddenly thought of the solution to a problem or that you suddenly understand a situation [1, 5]

Guess I really messed this one up - Схоже, що я справді облажався - mishandle a situation [1, 5]

The guys messed it up - Хлопці все псували [1, 5]

A phrase "messed up" is translated in two different ways "псувати" and "облажатись" which are appropriate to a context.

He doesn't know that I kinda stink at being super -1 принаймні він не знає який з мене відстійний супер - to be of an extremely low or bad quality [1, 5]

Sorry about that, buddy - Вибач за це, друзяко - a close friend [2, 6]

You looked like a complete doofus - Ти виставив себе на посміховисько - a stupid person [2, 6]

My phone ran out of juice - Мій телефон сів - to completely lose an electrical charge, as of a battery [1, 5]

Dude, their security is heckin ' lux - Чуваче - їхній захист, просто жарт [1, 5]

The word "lux" was only found in a context of meaning "luxurious" so the phrase was translated relying on a context - a character hacked into the base without a lot of effort.

Don't call again, kid - більше не телефонуй сюди, малий - a young person or child [1, 5]

I got antsy - Я була вся на нервах - very nervous, worried, or unpleasantly excited [1, 5]

Get over yourself- Вельми прошу - stop being conceited or pretentious [1, 5]

In the case with "get over yourself" Gwen said this to Black Cat because she was captured but still threatened the spider team. Therefore, Gwen wanted to tell Black Cat to calm down because she has already lost. In this case, the best translation would be "Заспокойся".

In the comics "Marvel Action Spider-Man" there are a lot of scenes where characters use their phones to chat online. That means that they use some abbreviations and informal expressions while texting. This is usually done to safe time when texting compared to speaking. Below there are examples of these expressions.

Exclusive pics of spider-man at central zoo, lol - Ексклюзивні фотки людини- павука у центральному зоопарку, лол - laughing out loud [1, 5]

"Laughing out loud" was first used in the early to mid-1980s. Since then, when the Internet became more wide-spread and the number of people online significantly increased, this abbreviation became popular not only in the English part of the internet, but also in other countries. When someone types "lol" everyone understands that the person means that something is funny. Therefore, the abbreviation does not need to be translated.

Doctor's calling. GTG - Доктор кличе, піду погляну - got to go [1, 5]

English speakers use a lot of abbreviation while texting. Some examples are "btw" - "by the way", "omw" - "on my way", "OMG" - "oh my God" and more. GTG means "got to go" which is literally translated as "мушу йти" and this option may have been used in original translation instead of "піду погляну".

There are also informal ways to say "yes" and "no" but as long as there are no informal equivalents for Ukrainian "так" and "ні", these words are translated simply.

Yep - Так [1, 5]

Nope - Ні [1, 5]


In conclusion, we can see that the work of a translator, while working with onomatopoeia is to be able to successfully describe a sound for a non-

English speaker and make it as relatable as possible for a Ukrainian reader. Of course, the ambiguity of the sounds makes it more difficult, however, because of the amount of comic book translated into Ukrainian we are able to recognize some patterns while translating specific vocal imitations of sound. Therefore, after analyzing the translation of onomatopoeias we can come with the conclusion, that they can be translated in different ways and using different approaches: the use of Ukrainian equivalent (it is mostly applied to frequently used onomatopoeias as BOOM - БУМ, BZZZ - БЗЗЗ, BANG - БАХ\БАБАХ etc.); transliteration (for onomatopoeias created by authors as TWIP - ТВШ or FWUMP - ФВУМП); using Ukrainian equivalent that matched the perception of readers (SPLAT - ХЛЯП and SNAP - ТРГСЬ).

The translation of slang is a big part of translation of comics. In order to be able to successfully find Ukrainian equivalents for this language, translators should be familiar with such vocabulary and be able to use dictionaries properly. There are also cases, as it was shown in translation of "Batman: The Killing Joke", when slang may be used only by some characters to emphasize their social status. Moreover, according to the analysis of slang used in both comics, it is clear that there are two phrases "guy" and "c'mon" which are ambiguous and may be translated differently according to a context.


1. Delilah, D. (2021). Liudyna-pavuk: Chorna kishka [Spider-Man: Black Cat], Kyiv, TUOS Komiks [in Ukrainian]

2. Delilah, D. (2018). Spider-Man: Black Cat, Marvel Comics [in English]

3. Moore, A. (2022). Betmen: Ubyvchyi zhart [Batman: The Killing Joke], Kyiv, Ridna Mova [in Ukrainian]

4. Moore, A. (2019). Batman: The Killing Joke, DC Comics [in English]

5. Cambridge Dictionary by Cambridge University Press. Retrieved from

6. Comic Con Ukraine 2018: yak tse bulo? [Comic Con Ukraine 2018: how was it?] Retrieved from // comic-con-ukraine-2018-yak-tse-bulo-43 [in Ukrainian].

7. Pyrkalo, S. (1997). Pershyi slonvyk molodizhnoho slenhy [The first dictionary of Ukrainian youth slang], Folio publishing [in Ukrainian]

8. Bilodida I. K. (1970--1980). Slovnyk ukrainskoi movy v 11 tomah. [Dictionary of the Ukrainian language in 11 volumes], Kyiv, Naukova Dumka [in Ukrainian].

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