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Marina Voina, Phd in linguistics, Assistant Professor at the Department of Languages and Literatures of the Far East and South-East Asia Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Mariia Rakitina, Phd in linguistics, Assistant Professor at the Department of Languages and Literatures of the Far East and South-East Asia Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


The article is dedicated to the phenomenon ofeuphemism, the use ofwhich allows to achieve a manipulative effect in the Chinese-speaking media. The purpose of the article is to investigate the main ways of creating manipulative euphemisms used in the Chinese-speaking media. In this research, it is noted that euphemism is a universal, multidimensional phenomenon that has its own cultural, social, historical, psychological and linguistic features. The study and analysis of the euphemism are the main objectives of this work. The study of euphemism as a linguistic unit shows that it can be used not only as the representation of polite way of speech, but also as a manipulative means that the speaker/writer uses to impact their audience. The most important level of euphemism use is the lexical-semantic level, as euphemisms are mainly regarded as a lexical phenomenon in linguistics. Manipulative component is aimed at the conscious and unconscious levels of personality and is executed through special lexical and semantic units, which encourage certain connections, planned by the manipulator. Such euphemisms possess the strongest imagery component and are of the particular interest to this study. The denotation of such euphemisms can only be hypothesised, as these euphemisms do not contain a direct reference to their meaning. In this research, it is noted that manipulators in the Chinese-speaking media use various lexical and semantic methods of euphemism, e.g. generalization, polarization ofmeanings and complex terminological constructions. It is concluded that in the discourse of Chinese-speaking media, euphemisms function due to the generalization, polarization of the lexical meaning of the word and through the use of highly subject-specific terminology. The manipulative effect of euphemism is based on the principles of association, when the attention of the recipient is distracted from the taboo concept, for example. Also, the effect of manipulation can be based on the "buffer" principle, which creates a link between the forbidden word and consciousness. Even though political euphemisms possess weak connection to their denotation, they resonate with the basic features of euphemisms.

Key words: euphemism, Chinese, mass media, modern, manipulative effect.

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