Using cloud technologies when learning english during the martial law
The article defines the concept of cloud technologies by studying and analyzing the scientific and methodical literature. Modern software solutions and their capabilities that can be used in the organization of the educational process of an institution
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 09.03.2023 |
Размер файла | 4,7 M |
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Donetsk National Medical University
Using cloud technologies when learning english during the martial law
Burkovska Oksana Yosypivna Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Languages and Humanities № 1, Donetsk National Medical UniversityYeshchenko Heorhii Leonidovych 3rd-year student of the Faculty of Dentistry
The article defines the concept of cloud technologies by studying and analyzing the scientific and methodical literature. Modern software solutions and their capabilities that can be used in the organization of the educational process of an institution of higher education are presented. It is noted that the offered technologies provide additional opportunities for the organization of the educational process, contribute to the improvement of information literacy of students of institutions of higher education, and the realization of their educational opportunities, even under martial law. The purpose of the informatization of the higher education system is to increase the effectiveness of education through the improvement of information application methods, as well as the focus on the use of cloud technologies in the educational process of an institution of higher education. The relevance of the article is due to the need to use cloud technologies in the organization of the educational process in institutions of higher education when teaching foreign languages. The examples of the practical use of the capabilities of Google-class during the study by students of the discipline “Language for professional purposes (English)” of the Faculty of Dentistry of Donetsk National Medical University (DNMU) are given. It is noted that the creation of an informational educational environment in an institution of higher education largely depends on the innovative climate. The effectiveness of the organization of the educational process in institutions of higher education using cloud technologies is indicated. The possibilities, advantages, and disadvantages of using cloud technologies in the initial educational process of institutions of higher education are considered. It is emphasized that the implementation of cloud technologies in the process of training students of institutions of higher education in the higher education system is one of the important factors in enriching their professional and personal experience. Also, on the basis of the analysis of scientific literature, the unconditional prospects of using cloud technologies in institutions of higher education in Ukraine are indicated.
Keywords: information and communication technologies; learning process; educational platforms; cloud technologies; cloud technology.
Бурковська Оксана Йосипівна кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри мовних та гуманітарних дисциплін №1, Донецький національний медичний університет
Єщенко Георгій Леонідович студент 3 курсу стоматологічного факультету, Донецький національний медичний університет
cloud technologie educational
У статті шляхом вивчення та аналізу науково- методичної літератури визначено поняття хмарні технології. Представлено сучасні програмні рішення та їх можливості, що можуть бути використані в організації навчального процесу закладу вищої освіти. Зазначено, що запропоновані технології надають додаткові можливості для організації навчального процесу, сприяють вдосконаленню інформаційної грамотності студентів закладів вищої освіти та реалізації їх навчальних можливостей, навіть при воєнному стані. Мета інформатизації системи вищої освіти - підвищити ефективність навчання завдяки вдосконаленню методів застосування інформації, а також спрямованість на використання хмарних технологій у освітньому процесі закладу вищої освіти. Актуальність статті обумовлена необхідністю використання хмарних технологій при організації навчального процесу в закладах вищої освіти при викладанні дисциплін, вивчаючих іноземні мови. Наведено приклади практичного використання можливостей Гугл-класу при вивченні студентами дисципліни «Мова за професійним спрямуванням (англійська)» стоматологічного факультету ДНМУ. Відзначено, що створення інформаційного освітнього середовища у закладі вищої освіти значною мірою залежить від інноваційного клімату. Зазначено ефективність організації навчального процесу в закладах вищої освіти при використанні хмарних технологій. Розглянуто можливості, переваги та недоліки застосування хмарних технологій в начальному процесі закладів вищої освіти. Підкреслено, що впровадження хмарних технологій у процес підготовки студентів закладів вищої освіти в системі вищої освіти є одним з вагомих факторів збагачення їхнього професійно-особистісного досвіду. Також на основі аналізу наукової літератури зазначені безумовні перспективи використання хмарних технологій в закладах вищої освіти України.
Ключові слова: інформаційно-комунікаційні технології; навчальний процес; освітні платформи; хмарні технології; doud technology.
The relevance of the problem. Today, the events caused by the armed aggression of the Russian Federation and the declaration of martial law in Ukraine, in accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated February 24, 2022 No. 64/2022 “On Introduction of Martial Law in Ukraine”, have become quite a serious test for all participants in the educational process. However, modern cloud technologies make it possible to continue the educational process. The development of modern society, based on knowledge and new social relations, should be based on the use of scientific and innovative technologies that increase the quality of human life. Building the information society in Ukraine is regulated by the Law of Ukraine “On National Informatization Program”, the Decree of the President of Ukraine “National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine for the Period Until 2021”. In the specified legal acts, it is emphasized that the level of informatization and the ability to use the advantages of information and communication technologies become one of the important factors of the country's development. At the same time, under the difficult conditions of the transformation of society, the importance of education, based on the principles of life creativity, is growing, the purpose of which is to help determine the ways of socialization of an individual and his/her knowledge [1]. Society is already accustomed to the convenience of using cloud technologies in various spheres of human activity, including the educational process of institutions of higher education.
The optimal and targeted use of the advantages of modern technologies to achieve the innovative development of education and the performance of its main functions in accordance with the National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine for the period until 2021 should be aimed at forming a socially and physically creative personality, a representative of the generation of the information age, a citizen of Ukraine who is fluent in the means of information and communication technologies in any situation [2].
Considerable attention is paid to the problem of the quality of youth training in institutions of higher education institutions. One of the important factors in improving the training of students in institutions of higher education institutions is the active use of new, more effective methods and technologies of learning in the educational process, as well as the combination of models, forms, and methods of learning - the most promising direction for the development of education with the use of ICT tools today is cloud technologies, which have acquired significant distribution throughout the world.
Analysis of last studies and publications. Issues of the use of cloud technologies are taken care of by both domestic and foreign scientists, they are the subject of discussions for users-specialists and information technology (IT) specialists, as well as the field of education. The introduction of cloud technologies into the educational process has attracted the attention of many researchers. N. Sclater, C. Milligan, M. Shishkina, O. Spirin, and others have analyzed the world experience of using cloud technologies in their works. Such scientists as V. Bykov, T. Vakalyuk, M. Zhaldak, A. Pereverzev, Z. Seydametova, S. Seytvelieva, O. Sklyarenko, and others have dealt with the issue of the theory of using cloud technologies in the educational process. The developments of N. Morse, O. Kuzmynska, and the creation of educational resources in the Moodle environment based on cloud technology are devoted to the problem of using cloud computing for the organization of testing.
The purpose of the research is to highlight the organization of the educational process in institutions of higher education with the help of cloud services, which make it possible to build a service-oriented education system built with the use of Google Classroom effectively and with minimal costs.
Presentation of the main material of the research. When reforming the system of education in institutions of higher education, the concept of distance education (DE) is being progressively developed, which involves the development of various technologies, including cloud technologies. In connection with the forced period of quarantine in the country, distance education is gaining more and more popularity in Ukraine. Distance education is also used at Donetsk National Medical University (DNMU) (
On the website of the University for students of higher education, the Instructions for the use of DE and all recommendations for the use of DE in education are provided (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Web page on distance learning at DNMU
Distance education is used simultaneously with the classical form of education, in Ukraine, it is not an alternative form of education, it is used as an auxiliary one. However, its advantages, proven by scientists, are quite significant. The following can be highlighted:
the relevance which means the use of modern methods and means for obtaining information, information and communication technologies combined with the capabilities of the Internet;
the volume of information received during distance learning in a short period;
convenience, thanks to which students themselves choose the mode of classes in a comfortable environment, which will favorably affect the learning process, etc. [1; 3].
Cloud technologies are widely used in institutions of higher education. They are:
electronic journals and diaries;
online services for the educational process, communication, and testing;
distance learning systems, library, media library;
file storage, shared access;
joint work;
video conferences;
e-mail with the domain of the educational institution;
use of Google Drive;
use of the distance learning system.
In addition, the lecturer has the opportunity to track the completion of tasks in the subject using the preparation page for a specific practical lesson in the discipline (Fig. 2). This objectifies the further assessment of the student's knowledge, the degree of his/her responsibility and conscientiousness during preparation for the topic that is brought up for discussion.
Fig. 2. The interface of the page from the discipline “Language for Professional Purposes (English) ”
Thanks to the possibilities of visual contact between the student and the lecturer in Google classrooms, it can be used for the verification of the learned material from the given topic for study with the help of a written control survey of students of higher education (Fig. 3, 4). All of the above allows the lecturer to approach the assessment of the knowledge of each student better.
Fig. 3. Interface of the page with tasks of the discipline “Language for Professional Purposes (English) "
F&. 4. The interface of the survey page in practical classes of the discipline “Language for Professional Purposes (English) ”
The educational process during online education has several advantages over the traditional classroom educational process:
Convenient systematization and storage of educational materials.
The individual speed of each listener while studying the material.
Automatic control and assessment of learned material.
Certain requirements have been formulated for an educational computer system that could be used in institutions of higher education, namely:
regulation and advancement in the program depending on the success of each student;
convenience of presenting various types of content;
availability of various methods of communication between/among users;
registration and accounting of users undergoing training;
analysis and storage of grades and learning results;
providing access and interaction for remote users [4].
Conclusions and prospects of the research. Cloud technologies offer institutions of higher education new opportunities for organizing the educational process. The world's leading companies Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and others offer a wide range of tools for organizing learning for both lecturers/teachers and students/pupils. Virtual learning environments are quite easy to use and do not require users to have deep multimedia or communication skills or knowledge of programming languages.
The possibilities of cloud technologies used in the organizations of education can have a significant impact on the formation of educational tasks, assessment systems, and the final educational experience formed in students.
In addition, the use of cloud technologies in institutions of higher education in Ukraine allows not only increasing the efficiency of the educational process and the convenience of the work of lecturers and students but also reducing economic costs.
In connection with the rapid spread of cloud technologies, institutions of education face the task of integrating cloud services into the system of the institution of education, reviewing their IT infrastructure, and introducing innovative technologies into the educational process.
The results of the study conducted allow drawing the following conclusions: with the help of the use of cloud technologies in education, students of institutions of higher education will have the opportunity to acquire fundamental knowledge of the disciplines taught in foreign languages.
Despite the obvious advantages, the use of cloud technologies is subject to criticism:
insufficient provision of distance courses with high-quality content, because the success of the course depends on it;
problems with motivating students to study and master the material independently and dependence on technical means;
lecturers (authors or content moderators) mostly do not become professionals in the field of web design.
E-learning involves constant improvement and updating of educational technologies. In our opinion, cloud technologies are the most promising from the point of view of the integration of all possible pedagogical and software innovations.
Further, our search will be directed to the study of the level of motivation of students of institutions of higher education for independent study and mastery of the material.
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