Semantic analysis of phraseological units of English, German and Ukrainian languages with time component in economic texts
Study of the main characteristics of temporality inherent in the concept "time". Definition of semantic groups of English and German phraseological units with a temporal component in the economic sphere and their counterparts in the Ukrainian language.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 22.03.2023 |
Размер файла | 192,9 K |
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National Transport University (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Semantic analysis of phraseological units of English, German and Ukrainian languages with time component in economic texts
Nadiia Sheverun, Candidate of Sciences in Education, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation
Halyna Leitsius, Candidate of Sciences in Philology, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation
Kyiv, Ukraine
The article provides the semantic analysis of phraseological units of English, German and Ukrainian languages with TIME component in economic texts. The main characteristics of temporality inherent in the concept of TIME are revealed.
The semantic groups of English and German phraseological units with TIME component in the economic sphere and their equivalents in the Ukrainian language are distinguished. It is investigated, that most phraseological units in English belong to phraseological combinations.
The second largest group of phraseological units is phraseological unities, the third one is represented by phraseological fusions and the smallest part is phraseological expressions. Most phraseological units with TIME component in German language belong to phraseological units.
The second largest group of phraseological units in German language is phraseological expressions.
The article also highlighted the frequency of English and German phraseological units with a certain TIME component using.
It is found out, that phraseological units with TIME component time (44%) are most often used in the investigated English economic texts, and in German - also with TIME component Zeit (51%). So, it can be concluded that in both languages the most frequent phraseological units are with the component “time”.
Phraseological units with TIME component hour (6%) are the least common in English economic texts, and in German language - with the component Sekunde (2%). In general, we can conclude that from a semantic point of view English and German phraseological units with TIME component are quite similar and at the same time opposite in semantic classification, as the largest number in English and German economic texts are phraseological combinations.
On the other hand, in English the least group is represented by phraseological combinations whereas in German - by unities, and phraseological combinations represent quite a large part.
Key words: phraseological units, TIME component, semantic groups, semantic classification, economic texts.
Семантичний аналіз фразеологічних одиниць англійської, німецької та української мов із часовим компонентом в економічних текстах
Надія Шеверун, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри іноземної філології та перекладу Національного транспортного університету (Київ, Україна)
Галина Лейцюсь, кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри іноземної філології та перекладу Національного транспортного університету (Київ, Україна)
У статті представлено семантичний аналіз фразеологічних одиниць англійської, німецької та української мов з компонентом на позначення часу в економічних текстах. Розкрито основні характеристики темпоральності, властиві концепту «час».
Виокремлено семантичні групи англійських і німецьких фразеологізмів з часовим компонентом в економічній сфері та їх відповідники в українській мові. Встановлено, що більшість фразеологізмів в англійській мові належить до фразеологічних сполучень.
Друга за кількістю група фразеологічних одиниць - фразеологічні єдності, третя - фразеологічні зрощення, а найменшу частину становлять фразеологічні вирази. Більшість фразеологізмів з часовим компонентом у німецькій мові належить до фразеологічних єдностей.
Друга за кількістю група фразеологічних одиниць - фразеологічні вирази. У процесі дослідження також виділена частота вживання англійських та німецьких фразеологізмів з певним часовим компонентом. Засвідчено, що найчастіше в досліджених англійських економічних текстах використовуються фразеологізми з часовим компонентом “time” (44%), в німецькій мові спостерігається така сама картина з часовим компонентом “Zeit” (51%), тобто можна зробити висновок, що в обох мовах найчастотнішими є фразеологізми саме з компонентом «час». Найрідше в англійських економічних текстах трапляються фразеологічні одиниці з часовим компонентом “hour” (6%), а в німецькій мові - з компонентом “Sekunde” (2%).
Загалом ми дійшли висновку, що з семантичної точки зору англійські та німецькі фразеологічні одиниці з часовим компонентом досить схожі і водночас протилежні в семантичній класифікації, оскільки найбільшу кількість в англійських та німецьких економічних текстах складають фразеологічні сполучення, з іншого боку, в англійській мові найменше фразеологічних виразів, а в німецькій мові - єдностей, а фразеологічні вирази складають досить велику частину.
Ключові слова: фразеологічні одиниці, часовий компонент, семантичні групи, семантична класифікація, економічні тексти.
The value of any language is phraseology. It is very closely related to the culture of language. The term “phraseology” is of Greek origins, which means the doctrine of expressions. Phraseology has become an independent linguistic discipline that has its own object of study - phraseological units that are contained in the vocabulary of the language. The linguistic term "phraseology" is used to denote and study phraseology.
Phraseological units play an important role in the language system. They appear due to the need to express the means of communication, namely the expression of various means of influence, verbal feelings, emotional state, description of phenomena, people and objects' characteristics. Phraseological units are often used to describe a person, social group, phenomenon or object in order to specify a particular property or feature.
Many linguists are attracted by the reflection of the cultural specifics of the people in the units of the language system. Phraseology, as a science, has absorbed common and distinctive features of nations' mentality. They are characterized by historical, cultural, expressive and stylistic shades.
Phraseological units with TIME component are of value for solving debatable and topical problems of linguistics. They are related to phraseological semantics and reveal figurative representations of various aspects of our lives. This aspect of the study of phraseology of English, German and Ukrainian languages is in dynamic development. The semantics of phraseology remains a major issue in the study of phraseology. It plays an important role in the further development of phraseological science.
Linguists study the problems of phraseology, which have theoretical and practical significance. Linguists' interest in phraseological units is quite common. Different linguists such as L. Boiko (Boiko, 2016), Y. Kaznovska (Kaznovska, 2019), L. Kobyletska (Kobyletska, 2020), Z. Korneyeva (Korneyeva, 2018), S. Sablina (Sablina, 2016), N. Scherban (Scherban, 2012), Y. Shumitska (Shumitska, 2018) and many others have devoted their numerous articles and monographs to the study of fixed expressions and phraseological units.
The relevance of the chosen topic is related to the specifics of phraseology as linguistic discipline, its semantics, functioning, classifications of fixed expressions, sources of their origin, translation aspect, as well as the place of phraseology in economic texts.
The aim of the paper is to analyse the semantic groups of pharseological units of English, German and Ukrainian languages with TIME component with the structure of word-combinations in economic texts.
Research methodology. Research methodology incorporates the methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction in determining the theoretical background of the study; contextual analysis in selecting illustrative research material; lexical and semantic analyses as tools for investigating the semantic groups of English and German phraseological units with TIME component in the economic sphere and their equivalents in the Ukrainian language distinguishing.
Results and discussion
The main task of phraseology is to study the phraseological fund of the language. As the language is constantly evolving and enriching, it increases accordingly phraseological fund. As in vocabulary, comparing some phraseological units, it is possible to find out, that there is an antonymous and synonymous connection.
To this day, there are different views to the notion of phraseological unit and what is the scope of phraseology of each language. The subject of phraseology is to study the essence of phraseological units, identifying patterns of their functioning and formation processes. A phraseological unit is a semantically non-free combination of words that are reproduced in language in a socially fixed meaning. It is not just a fixed phrase of words, but an expression that contains part of the worldview of the nation and its culture. Phraseological units record feelings and thoughts. A phraseological unit is a lexically indivisible and integral phrase that is fixed in composition and structure. A phraseological unit serves as a separate vocabulary unit, that is lexeme. Phraseological units refer to highly informative units of language. semantic time language phraseological
In American and English linguistics the term “phraseological unit” is no longer used, but a “set expression” or “idiom”. They do not have the narrow meaning of phraseological fusion and denote fixed expressions in general.
The scientist Н. Morarash notes, that phraseological units have long been the most expressive and brightest signs of language. They contain expression and express the figurative characteristics of the object, situation, action. Because of this, linguists pay more attention to communicative-pragmatic goals in the functional aspect, that is their use in various situations (Morarash, 2011: 312-315).
The semantics of phraseological units is the interaction of language and mentality. Phraseological structure, like vocabulary, is grouped by semantic classes. Phraseological units form lexical, lexico-phraseolog- ical and phraseological semantic groups.
Phraseological units are formed on various grounds: the integrity of the nomination, metaphor, the equivalence of the word, reproducibility. The method of identification is used to analyze the semantics of phraseological units. It consists in selecting an abstract word or phrase to determine the general meaning of phraseological unit. Each component of the semantic structure of phraseological unit is aimed at emphasizing certain characteristics and consists in the evaluative activity of human consciousness. Phraseoseman- tic group is characterized by ambiguity, antonymy, synonymy. Phraseosemantic group is a set of fixed verbal complexes that are united by a common idea.
The phraseological aspect of the concept TIME reflects the attitude of foreign society to time, shows the peculiarities of its perception and attitude to it. The peculiarity of the semantics of phraseological units is the reflection in each unit of the conceptual picture of the world, that is the people's perception of phraseological aspect of the concept, which is expressed in certain values that are carried and preserved throughout history.
The concept TIME was not static, but underwent transformations in English phraseology. The change in perceptions of time is influenced by human experience, the general cultural background, the value orientations of society.
The only understanding of time in the representatives of English-speaking society was formed under the influence of the Christian religion. The universal, invariant meaning of the concept of time, revealed to all Christian linguistic cultures, in the canonical Christian texts of Scripture and Sacred Tradition, finds its national-cultural expression in English and receives a subjective, marked interpretation in the realizations of conceptual metaphors: time is a gift of the God - час - це подарунок Господа нашого, time is God's creature - час - це Боже створіння.
In the process of Anglo-American language community existence, under the influence of extralinguis- tic factors there are changes in the understanding of time: the content structure of the concept of TIME undergoes transformations that affect the fundamental foundations of the concept of TIME. There are conceptual metaphors, for example: time is a resource, time is a commodity, time is money. The rapid spread in the modern era of telecommunications and computer technology leads to a new conceptual metaphor of time, for example: time is a virtual entity.
Along with macrometaphors of time in the creation of heterogeneous and multifaceted image of time in modern English involved numerous conceptual designs, in which time is likened to two-dimensional and three-dimensional space moving object, living being, natural phenomenon, process.
Among them the most productive are spatial metaphors of time, which indicates the interdependence of the categories of space and time, the inextricable link between certain aspects of the conceptualization of time and space in human consciousness.
The main characteristics of temporality inherent in the concept of TIME are: flatness, "spatial" orientation of the observer, linear length, duality of the observer's position, volume, dynamism / cyclicity, irreversibility / reversibility, substantiality, inspiration, discreteness.
The concept of TIME is a universal concept that has an identical semantic structure in English, German and Ukrainian. This structure follows the nuclear-peripheral model, at the center of which are the values of duration. The nearest periphery is represented by the meanings “time period”, “moment”, “cycle”, subconcepts “present”, “past” and “future”, which form a linear structural organization of time. The cyclical structural organization of time is represented at the level of the nearest periphery by the meanings of “human life” (age), “life of nature” (seasons). The nearest periphery of the “moment” is represented by the subconcepts “beginning”, “end”.
The semantic structure of the word is very complex. Although phraseological units are inferior to words in terms of ambiguity, the semantic structure of phraseological units is also very complex. This is due to the reinterpreted nature of phraseological meaning, the intertwining of different aspects, the diversity of phraseology and the complexity of their structure, the range of which is very significant and covers inversions from single-verb phraseological units to complex sentences.
In order to investigate the semantics of phraseological units with a temporal component, the semantic classification of the researcher V. Vinogradov (Vinogradov, 2001: 87-92), improved by the scientist M. Shansky (Shansky, 1996: 104-106), was used. As we know, phraseology arises from a free combination of words, which is used figuratively.
Gradually, portability is forgotten, erased, and the phraseological unit becomes fixed. Depending on the number, that nominative meanings of the components of phraseology are erased, the figurative meaning is so strong in them. According to this, academician V. Vinogradov divides them into three types: “phraseological fusions, phraseological unities and phraseological combinations” (Vinogradov, 2001: 87-92), and the researcher M. Shansky, in turn, adds a fourth type - phraseological expression (Shansky, 1996: 104-106).
According to the investigated phraseological units with TIME component, 200 selected units were distributed and analyzed according to the given above classification.
Phraseological fusions are absolutely indivisible, indecomposable fixed compounds, the general meaning of which does not depend on the meaning of compound words, for example turn back the hands of time - повернути час назад, time after time - раз по раз, a whale of a time - відмінно провести час, after hours - неробочий час, in the fullness of time - колись, з часом, on time - вчасно. In the process of research from all phraseological units 30 such units, that is 25% of the sample, were identified.
Phraseological unities are such fixed combinations of words in which, in the presence of a common figurative meaning, the signs of semantic separation of components are clearly preserved, for example: double time - подвійна оплата за понаднормову роботу, in the nick of time - точно в строк, too much time on my hands - у мене занадто багато часу, on the hour - через годину, lapse of time -проміжок часу.
From the total number of phraseological units with TIME component 40 phraseological units are distinguished, which is almost 33% of the sample.
Phraseological combinations are established inversions, which include words with both free and phraseologically related meaning. Here is an illustrative material: half a minute, second, etc - півхвилини, секунди, тощо, just a minute/second - хвилинку, секунду, not for a/one minute/moment/second - ні на хвилину, момент, секунду, wait a minute/moment/ second - зачекайте хвилинку, момент, секунду, any minute/moment - в будь-яку хвилину, момент. In the process of phraseological units by semantic features classification, 43 phraseological combinations were identified, that is 36% of the sample.
Phraseological expressions include such fixed in their composition and use phraseological inversions, which consist of words with free nominative meaning and semantically articulated.
Their only feature is reproducibility: they are used as ready-made language units with a constant lexical structure and a certain semantics. That is, phraseological expressions are only inversions with the actual meaning of the components.
Phraseological expressions include numerous English proverbs and sayings that are used in the literal sense and do not have a figurative allegorical meaning. Here are some examples of phraseological units that can be described as phraseological expressions: third time's the charm - Бог любить трійцю, stand the test of time - витримати випробування часом, catch at a bad time - піймати в непідходящий час, have a hell of a time - мати купу часу. The smallest number of phraseological expressions was allocated, namely 7 units, that is 6% of the sample, as shown in Figure 1.
Phraseologisms of the English language in terms of semantic indivisibility, that is the relationship between the general meaning of phraseological unit and the "private" semantics of its constituent parts, are of four varieties: phraseological fusions, phraseological unities, phraseological combinations and phraseological expressions.
Thus, most phraseologies in English refer to phraseological combinations. The second largest group of phraseological units - phraseological unities, the third - phraseological fusions, and the smallest part are phraseological expressions.
Fig. 1. Frequency of semantic groups of English phraseological units with TIME component in the economic sphere distribution
Regarding the semantic classification of German phraseology, the version of the semantic classification of the scientist V. Vinogradov (Vinogradov, 2001: 87-92), supplemented by the linguist M. Shan- sky, gained wide popularity among linguists. According to the classification, phraseological unities are “semantically indivisible and integral phraseological inversion, the meaning of which is motivated by the meanings of its constituent words” (Shansky, 1996: 104-106).
a) Phraseological unities arise on the basis of semantic reinterpretation or shift of variable phrases. The latest phraseological meaning is created by changing the meaning of the whole complex, and not by changing the meaning of individual parts of the phrase. In phraseological unities the separate meaning of component words is absorbed and lost.
b) They form one inseparable whole. Semantic unity (integrity) is inherent in this category of phraseology. Here are some typical examples: es ist Zeit - пора, (es ist) hochste Zeit - давно пора, das hat Zeit - не варто поспішати. The figurative motivation of phraseological unity can fade and weaken over time to complete demotivation, for example: alle Zeit der Welt - повно, скільки завгодно часу, in der elften Stunde - в останній момент. This group of phraseological units among the investigated one numbered 19 units, that is 16% of the sample.
c) Phraseological combination - “is a phraseological inversion in which words are with both free and phraseologically related meaning” (Shansky, 1996: 104-106). Phraseological combinations are phraseological units that arise as a result of a single combination of one semantically transformed component. Semantically similar phraseological units are characterized by analyticity and preservation of semantic separateness of components, for example: im Laufe der Zeit - з плином часу, die Zeit drangt - час не терпить, die Stunde der Demut - година покори, das Gebot der Stunde - головне завдання дня, die rechte Stunde wahrnehmen - скористатися зручним моментом.
The number of phraseological combinations is quite large, although the single compatibility of one of the components is not typical in German phraseology. We identified 66 phraseological combinations, that is 55% of the sample.
d) Phraseological expression - “is a stable in its composition and use phraseological inversion, which is not only semantically articulated, but also consists entirely of words with free meaning”, i.e. it is about proverbs, sayings, aphorisms and other fixed judgments, which reflected the labour, moral and life experience of the people, practical philosophy and human wisdom (Shansky, 1996: 104-106). For example, the following expressions can be included here: Kommt Zeit kommt Rat - Поживемо - побачимо, Zeit heilt alle Wunden - Час лікує всі рани, Andre Zeiten andre Sitten - інші часи, інші манери, Die Zeit ist der beste Arzt - Час - найкращий лікар, Abgeredet vor der Zeit gibt nachher keinen Streit - Як відговорили заздалегідь, то згодом не сперечаються. 35 units of phraseological expressions were distinguished, that is 29% of the sample.
The application of the semantic classification of the scholars V. Vinogradov (Vinogradov, 2001: 87-92) and M. Shansky (Shansky, 1996: 104-106) to the investigation of the material of German phraseology helped to identify one very significant feature of German phraseological units in comparison with similar Ukrainian units. The latter is that the phraseological units of the German language (partly also phraseological fusions) have a greater variability of components than Ukrainian phraseological units of these types. The last observation showed the presence of English phraseological units, which is shown in Figure 2.
Thus, it should be noted that most phraseological units with TIME component in the German language belong to phraseological combinations. Probably, this may be due to the fact that being indivisible units, phraseology of this type is easier to remember and consolidate in the language, because they are always reproduced in the finished form, that is do not involve the replacement of any elements that are part of them. In addition, the meaning of units of this type is derived directly from the values of the constituent elements, which in comparison with phraseological combinations and unities are less metaphorized, as a result of which the meanings of phraseology of this type of semantic indivisibility are clearer and therefore easier to remember, that cause their constant use.
Fig. 2. Frequency of semantic groups of German phraseological units with TIME component in the economic sphere distribution
The second largest group of phraseological units - phraseological expressions. The large volume of phraseological units with this degree of semantic indivisibility is probably due to the fact that, like phraseological combinations, phraseological expressions consist of words with free meaning, which greatly simplifies the understanding of their general meaning. In addition, phraseologies of this type are proverbs or sayings that originate from the most productive source of replenishment of the phraseological fund of the language - from the author's and folk literary works. Also in Figure 3 and Figure 4 illustrative material on the frequency of use of English and German phraseoloical units with a certain TIME component is represented.
Fig. 3. Frequency of English phraseological units with TIME component in economic texts using
It is proved that phraseologisms with TIME component time are most often used in the investigated English economic texts (44%), and in German - also with TIME component Zeit (51%). So it can be concluded that in both languages phraseological units with TIME component time are used more frequently. Phraseological units with TIME component hour are the least common in English economic texts (6%), and in German language - with the component Sekunde (2%).
Fig. 4. Frequency of German phraseological units with TIME component in economic texts using
Thus, the study of different classifications of phraseological structure of language helps to determine the nature of phraseological units, as well as their place and features of functioning in the language system. It is revealed that each developed language has in its linguistic structure a significant number of phraseological units, or fixed phrases used by native speakers. Set expressions convey the spirit and history of the development of language and people. It is the people who have created a phraseological fund over the centuries for the needs of oral and written communication.
Language, like every social phenomenon, is constantly evolving, along with it in constant motion and its phraseological fund. It is found out, that set expressions are divided into different semantic groups, which in turn are divided into phraseosemantic subgroups depending on their meaning. The distribution of set expressions by phraseosemantic subgroups is based on their identification by individual lexemes, phrases or detailed descriptions in lexicographic sources, the presence of common integral semes in their semantics.
In general, the study concluded that from a semantic point of view, English and German phraseological units with TIME component are quite similar and at the same time opposite in semantic classification, as the largest number in English and German economic texts are phraseological combinations; while on the other hand, in English the group of phraseological expressions is represented in the least number, and in German the least number is shown by the unities, whereas phraseological combinations compose quite a large part.
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