The nominative space of neologisms in contemporary English mass media
Study of the nominative space of neologisms in modern English mass media. Demonstrate productivity of all methods of the lexical units formation, but the morphological neologisms are the nucleus of the whole corpus of the allocated lexical innovations.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 23.03.2023 |
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Sumy Makarenko State Pedagogical University
The nominative space of neologisms in contemporary English mass media
Olena Bahatska, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of English Philology and Linguodidactics
Victoria Kozlova, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of English Philology and Linguodidactics
Andriy Kovalenko, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of English Philology and Linguodidactics
Sumy, Ukraine
The article focuses on the study of the nominative space of neologisms in modern English mass media. Wordbuilding as a linguistic phenomenon does not have an unambiguous status for its hierarchical structure in the system of language. A considerable number of new words that entered into English in recent times, makes it possible to identify specific types of neologisms and develop its detailed classification. Changes in the corpus of lexis of the language are most likely to be traced in mass media, because, firstly, it introduces the general audience with the news in the life of society and the world, and, secondly, it accumulates the linguistic elements of all functional styles. In mass media, neologisms perform the same function as in the language as a whole. They serve to indicate new phenomena, objects, events. The peculiarities of the English mass media are brightness and expressiveness of texts that accounts for the "novelty effect", which allows to avoid repetitions within the same text, usage of means of verbal imagery, where the neologisms refer.
Neologisms grow widespread in the texts of mass media, as they account for readership interest, make the form of keywords and expressions shorter and capacious, revive the text, bringing its style close to conversational. The classification of neologisms in the modern English mass media in terms of the nominative method presented comprises three groups of neologisms: a) neologisms-proper; b) neologisms-transnominants; c) semantic innovations. In neologisms-proper the novelty of form is correlated with the novelty of content, transnominations combine the novelty of the word form with the meaning that has already been transmitted by another form, and in semantic innovations the new meaning is indicated by the form that is already available in the language. Neologisms in terms of the method of formation are divided into phonological, semantic, syntactic neologisms, as well as borrowings. The results of the analysis demonstrate the productivity of all methods of the lexical units formation, but the morphological neologisms are the nucleus of the whole corpus of the allocated lexical innovations (30%), indicating their high productivity in the modern English mass media.
Key words: nominative space, neologism, wordbuilding, language vocabulary, mass media.
Олена БАГАЦЬКА, кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри англійської філології та лінгводидактики Сумського державного педагогічного університету імені А.С. Макаренка (Суми, Україна)
Вікторія КОЗЛОВА, кандидат філологічних наук, доцент завідувач кафедри англійської філології та лінгводидактики Сумського державного педагогічного університету імені А.С. Макаренка (Суми, Україна)
Андрій КОВАЛЕНКО, кандидат філологічних наук, доцент доцент кафедри англійської філології та лінгводидактики Сумського державного педагогічного університету імені А.С. Макаренка (Суми, Україна)
Стаття присвячена вивченню номінативного простору неологізмів у сучасних англомовних засобах масової інформації. Словотвір як лінгвістичне явище не має однозначного статусу щодо його ієрархічної структури в системі мови. Велика кількість нових слів, які увійшли в англійську мову за останній час, уможливлює виявлення конкретних типів неологізмів і створення докладної їх класифікації. Зміни в словниковому складі мови найвиразніше простежуються саме в мові ЗМІ, оскільки, по-перше, цей різновид мови знайомить широку громадськість із усім новим, що з'являється в житті суспільства та світу, а по-друге, він акумулює мовні елементи всіх функціональних стилів. У засобах масової інформації неологізми виконують ту ж функцію, що і в мові загалом. Вони служать для позначення нових явищ, предметів, подій. Особливостями англомовних ЗМІ є експресивність і виразність текстів з використанням «ефекту новизни», що уможливлює уникнення повторень у межах одного тексту, застосовуються засоби словесної образності, до яких відносимо неологізми.
Неологізми набувають широкого розповсюдження в текстах ЗМІ, оскільки уможливлюють залучення читацького інтересу, роблять форму ключових слів і виразів коротшою і місткішою, оживляють текст, наближаючи стиль до розмовного. Як показала представлена нами класифікація англійських неологізмів у сучасних англомовних ЗМІ з погляду способу номінації, спостерігається наявність трьох груп неологізмів: а) власне неологізми; б) неологізми-трансномінанти; в) семантичні інновації. У власне неологізмах новизна форми співвідносна з новизною змісту, трансномінації поєднують новизну форми слова зі значенням, яке вже передавалося раніше іншою формою, а в семантичних інноваціях нове значення позначається формою вже наявною в мові. Неологізми з погляду способу утворення поділяємо на фонологічні, семантичні, синтаксичні неологізми, а також запозичення. Результати проведеного аналізу свідчать про продуктивність усіх розглянутих способів утворення лексичних одиниць, проте морфологічні неологізми складають ядро всього масиву виділених лексичних новоутворень (30%), що свідчить про їхню високу продуктивність у сучасних англомовних ЗМІ.
Ключові слова: номінативний простір, неологізм, словотвір, словниковий склад мови, засоби масової інформації.
Highlighting the problem. With the everincreasing powerful role of such mass communication as radio, television and internet in the modern social life, language turns to be the effective means of influence and manipulation of the mass audience. The development of scientific and technological progress as well as scientific breaks through in various fields of human knowledge could not but account for significant changes in the lexical system of the English language.
General description of the relevant studies. The problem of updating and enriching the lexical corpus of English by numerous neologisms is studied in many research areas focused on the changes in the language. Neologisms have been successfully analyzed in terms of their linguoculturological and linguopragmatic potential (Литвин, 2017), semantic derivations and integration peculiarities (Морель, 2010), artistic functions (Бабій, 2015). Neologisms of different kinds have been in the focus of linguistic investigations: slangisms (Дзюбіна, 2016); Conklin, 2020), phraseologisms (Зацний, 2020), lexical innovations in the spheres of science (Остафійчук, 2020), sports (Литвин, 2017), food (Karpova, 2019), medicine (Hawkins, 2020; Olmstead, 2020). Thus, there is a number of ambiguous assessments in relation to neologisms: on the one hand, it is considered to be a positive phenomenon that adds to the language enrichment; though, on the other hand, it is seen as overexploitation of borrowings.
Stating the purpose of the study. Our major purpose is to study the ways the modern English vocabulary is replenished with new lexical units in their structural-semantic aspect on the material of contemporary English mass media discourse.
Let us dwell upon the major trends in the nominative space of neologisms in contemporary English mass media which can be represented by the lexical units of three types: 1) neologisms proper; 2) neologisms- transnominants; 3) semantic innovations.
In neologisms proper the novelty of the form is combined with the novelty of the content. In the texts under the analysis, there is a significant variety of neologisms proper which are represented in the form of borrowings. These neologisms acquire a high degree of connotation of novelty what allows us to refer them to the so-called "strong neologisms". For example:
In a document they described as a covenant, the participants pledged to remain «part of Syria's peaceful uprising for freedom and democracy and pluralism to establish a democratic state through peaceful means (Daily Telegraph, 2011).
The very lexeme "pluralism" originates from Latin (Latin: pluralis - multiple) and initially meant the availability of many entities with no internal connection. In modern sociology, this notion is interpreted as a sign of a higher form of democracy, in which political power is carried out by the opposing and balancing one another political parties, as well as organizations - trade union, church, associations of entrepreneurs (''a theory of society as several autonomous but independent groups which share either power or continuously compete for it; a theory that views the power of employers as being balanced by the power of trade unions in industrial relations"). It is obvious, that this neologism in the contemporary English mass media has preserved not only its form but semantics as well. neologism english mass media
Neologisms-transnominants come into being to provide a new name and reflect the tendency to use much more expressive forms. It is a well-known fact that a new nomination may occur not only as a result of a new concept or realia emergence. In fact, already existing concepts may acquire a new nomination as it turns to be either clearer, deeper and more precisely expresses the essence, or, preferably, arises from stylistic needs to convey expressive, emotive or axiological nuances of meaning. In linguistic literature, such neologisms are sometimes called stylistic. In our opinion, their definition as transnominants much fully reflects the nature of these neologisms, since they simultaneously have the name and stylistic function (Морель, 2010: 148).
For the neologisms of this kind, it is typical to actively use the word combination model. In the contemporary English mass media, the new lexis of transnominant type, formed on the basis of puns, is common. For example:
Not sure what to wear as we were part of the hippie generation and are now the baby-boomers (The Wall Street Journal, 2011).
The neologism 'baby-boomer' comprises two lexemes 'baby' and 'boomer' (''a wandering or migratory worker, an enthusiastic supporter, booster, in Australian: a fully-grown male kangaroo, esp. a large one; informal: a person, fad, etc., that enjoys a briefpopularity or financial success") and acquires the meaning of someone born in the post-war period of time during a baby boom, especially during the years after the end of the Second World War.
Semantic innovations are defined as lexical units which attain new meanings to already existing lexemes. This semantic reconsidering takes the form of transformations of two kinds: 1) the lexemes lose their initial meaning; 2) the semantic structure of a lexeme acquires a new lexical semantic variant, having preserved the traditional meaning.
As our data prove in the nominative space of the contemporary English mass media the semantic innovations of the last type prevail. More often than not, they are represented by simple nouns, but sometimes semantic transformations on the level of a compound word or word combination take place. For example: cyberfossil (''someone who is always on the internet''), cyber viper (''an evolutionist who anonymously sends abusive emails to creationists'').
The process of vocabulary enrichment is known to be never ending, though in recent years, the volume of innovations and the rate of their penetration into the language increased significantly. The newspaper, the Internet sites are the first written fixators, recording the emergence of lexical innovations that tend to penetrate the literary language. In such texts, a new word has a real opportunity to undergo a stage of socialization.
Linguocognitive studies of the last decades have revealed the new penetration opportunities to the mechanism of formation of conceptual structures underlying nominative processes, thus clarified the nature of language and culture interaction. Within the framework of the cognitive-semantic analysis of neologisms of the modern English media resources in terms of studying the methods of their formation, the following productive types were singled out: phonological, semantic, syntactic neologisms, borrowings.
Phonological neologisms are unique configurations that are formed out of separate sounds. They acquire the highest degree of connotation of novelty and are related to strong neologisms due to the unusual forms. This group of vocabulary according to its semantic, word-forming and grammatical features is different from the nominative lexemes what allows to call them "artificial" or "fictional". They have a permanent sound composition, which corresponds to the basic laws of the sound combination of a particular language and are motivated by this composition.
To the group of phonological neologisms, new words made of interjections are conventionally referred, for example: zizz (British slang, a short sleep, is simulating the sounds of a person sleeping, often transmitted in the comics in three letters ZZZ). Another example: sis-boombah (American slang, sports sights, especially football, and reproduces warehouses that often use students to support players in the field). To this same group, we can conventionally include new interjections: Yech, Yuck (interjections that transmit a feeling of strong disgust).
Borrowings comprise barbarisms - lexemes with synonyms in a recipient language available and xenisms - lexemes denoting phenomena and artefacts that exist only in the source language and are not available in the recipient language. It is innate for barbarisms and xenisms to rely on unusual for the English language phono-tactics of sound configurations, non-typical morphological composition and lack of motivation. For example, a direct borrowing from Arabic Fatwa or Fatwah is a "strong neologism" which denotes "condemn to death." Recently, the number of external borrowings has decreased. As for the spread of the Internet communication, the English language is probably the only donor for other languages.
Borrowing not only enriches the vocabulary with new units and lexical-semantic variants, but also accounts for the formation of new word-forming elements and models, the origin of new mechanisms and means of semantic development in the English macrosystem. For example, Americanism drug-czar a few days after its first usage in 1988 began to function in British media sources along with its derivative drug czardom (drug tsardom) (Spears, 2000: 328). In 1997, the Great Britain also introduced the post of "czar" - the head of the drug control department. Thus, the Americanism drugs czar (drugs tsar) turned to be useful for "internal" needs of the British English speakers.
Semantic neologisms account for the lexical and semantic way of formation - a new shade of meaning of an existing word emerges. Lexical-semantic way of word formation results from transferring or changing of meaning, while the connection between the old and the new meaning in the modern language is lost, the sound complex remains unchanged.
The bulk of semantic neologisms are metaphor and metonymy based. Examples of metaphor-based neologisms: spam - the Internet jargon - this is the practice of sending ads throughout the mail and Internet network (SPAM is an American trademark of the company for the production of canned meat that extends over the territory of all the United States); superhighway - a large telecommunication system of video, music multimedia materials transmission for home PC over the Internet, is compared with a huge auto highway on the basis of their similarity in size; juice are facts from a personal life.
Examples of metonymy-based neologisms: handbag - a kind of commercial music when girls dance around the bag on the floor; trance is a form of electronic music that introduces to the state of the trance; Doc Martens - a special kind of shoes on a thick rough sole, whose designer was German Dr. Martens. Examples of metaphor-and-metonymy- based neologisms: silicon ceiling - no prospects for career growth of a woman; silver ceiling - no prospects for career growth of the elderly; eye candy - attractive, but intellectually deficient person; brain candy - a very smart person, but unpleasant to communicate with.
Syntactic neologisms stem from already existing morphological patterns and are subdivided into morphological and phraseological.
To morphological neologisms should be referred those formed by means of: word composition, affixes, conversion, abbreviation, blending.
Word composition is the formation of new words by connecting two free bases. In the English mass media discourse most complex words are formed when compiling two root bases (database, chalkface).
Affixation is a productive way of the formation of neologisms by means of prefixes and suffixes that add a thematic connotation to a conventional meaning and require knowledge of both an "old" root of the word as well as affixes (suffixes, prefixes). For example, the derivative noun with suffix-er: up-since-dawner (a person who gets up early) is made of the phrase "up since dawn", where dawn means "early morning" plus the suffix of the doer "-er".
Conversion is the way of word building by means of part of the speech transition. For example: trash, v - "to attack or destroy (someone or something) willfully or maliciously" ^ trash, n - "broken, discarded, or worthless things; rubbish; refUse".
Abbreviation is a productive way of word building in the English mass media discourse as the number of abbreviations is constantly increasing. For example: MOOC - Massive Open Online Course (a training course offered over the Internet which is free and has a very large number of participants).
Blending is one of the popular ways of word formation in the modern English mass media discourse of the last decades. The basis of such a resulting whole is, at least two words, the end of one and the beginning of the other in which are reduced, and the stems are combined: vlog < video + weblog (personal diary on the Internet, which consists of short videos); smishing < sms + phishing (sending SMS to find out the personal information of the subscriber and to get access to his or her funds).
In the modern English mass media, a tendency to expand the use of phraseologisms is quite clearly traced. Most phraseologisms are not only nominative units, but also serve as a means for transferring additional associations and emotions. The democratization of the language promotes the replenishment of the phraseologism fund as a result of the transition of slangisms, argotisms, etc. into the general use. For example: dirty tricks Thursday - четвер підступних махінацій.
Some politicos dub the Thursday before a big election "Dirty Tricks Thursday." That's the best day for an opponent to unload his bag of filth against another candidate, getting maximum headlines, while giving his stunned opponent no time to credibly investigate or respond to the charges (The Daily News of Los Angeles, 2007).
In the era of mass communication there are truly unprecedented opportunities for the development and wide spreading of neologisms. Many of them, however, remain “one day neologisms”, while others are still gradually shifting to the major vocabulary fund. The results of our research work indicate the productivity of all methods of lexical units formation, though morphological neologisms are still prevailing as this way of their formation is the most effective. They make up the nucleus of the entire array of the neologisms under the analysis (30%). The study of neologisms in the modern English mass media, which came into being over the past two decades, showed that the formation of lexical innovations of this period accounts primarily by the cognitive factor, that is, cognitive human activity, creating conditions for a cognitive approach to their study.
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реферат [24,1 K], добавлен 19.04.2011The history and reasons for the formation of american english, its status as the multinational language. Its grammatical and lexical-semantic features. Differences in American and English options in the grammar parts of speech, pronunciation and spelling.
курсовая работа [34,8 K], добавлен 08.03.2015Анализ использования трансформаций в mass-media при переводе газетно-информационного материала. Лексические и грамматические переводческие трансформации. Стилистические особенности и правила перевода газетно-информационных материалов и их заголовков.
дипломная работа [157,4 K], добавлен 03.07.2015The notion of the grammatical category of gender. The main approaches in investigating the category of gender, the ways of expressing in English and Uzbek. Zoonims as separate lexical units. Generic categorization of zoonims in English and Uzbek.
курсовая работа [79,3 K], добавлен 05.04.2013A word-group as the largest two-facet lexical unit. The aptness of a word, its lexical and grammatical valency. The lexical valency of correlated words in different languages. Morphological motivation as a relationship between morphemic structure.
контрольная работа [17,4 K], добавлен 09.11.2010The sources of origin of phraseological units in modern English. Borrowing in the foreign language form. Phraseological units, reflecting the traditions, customs of the English people. Phraseological units connected with beliefs, taken from fairy tales.
статья [19,1 K], добавлен 03.12.2015General information about archaisms. The process of words aging. Analysis of ancient texts Shakespeare, Sonnet 2. "Love and duty reconcil’d" by Congreve. Archaisms in literature and mass media. Deliberate usage of archaisms. Commonly misused archaisms.
курсовая работа [44,3 K], добавлен 20.05.2008The history of the English language. Three main types of difference in any language: geographical, social and temporal. Comprehensive analysis of the current state of the lexical system. Etymological layers of English: Latin, Scandinavian and French.
реферат [18,7 K], добавлен 09.02.2014