English-language business discourse as a basis for reflecting speech strategies
Systematization of the scientific views of linguists on the definition of business discourse in linguistics and the definition of its features as one of the institutional types of discourse. Conditions of interaction of political discourse communicators.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
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Дата добавления | 30.03.2023 |
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English-language business discourse as a basis for reflecting speech strategies
Liu Yui
Postgraduate Student at the
Department of English Philology
of the Faculty of Foreign Philology
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
linguistics business discourse
The problem of defining business discourse is to determine its place in the common national language. The aim of the proposed research is to systematize the scientific views of linguists to define the concept of business discourse in modern linguistics and identify its features as one of the institutional types of discourse. The concept of “discourse” is very ambiguous. It comes from the Latin word discursus, which literally means running in different directions. Gradually, the term acquires a huge number of different meanings. However, with all the variety of approaches, it is worth noting two main ones. Proponents of the first approach understand discourse as fragments of reality that have a temporal length, logic of unfolding (plot) and which are a finished work formed on the basis of the organization of meanings using the semantic code (dictionary, etc.). Discourse is part of the continuous movement of human experience. Due to this, it reflects the unique coincidence of circumstances in which and for which it was created. Determining the basic conditions for successful interaction of communicators of political discourse, we share the views of scholars. There are different views on the communicative and functional spheres of business discourse. Some scholars understand very narrowly the scope of application of this type of discourse, limiting it only to the professional activities of businessmen, others, on the contrary, significantly expand the range of situations in which business discourse may occur, including, in addition to business correspondence, negotiations, including telephone, and concluding agreements, as well as the procedure for hiring and firing, advertising, legal aspects and forms of business activity, policies, issues related to business coverage in the media, secular conversation and much more.
Key words: English-language business discourse, speech strategies.
Англомовний діловий дискурс як підґрунтя відображення мовленнєвих стратегій
Проблема визначення ділового дискурсу полягає у визначенні його місця в спільній національній мові. Метою пропонованого дослідження є систематизація наукових поглядів лінгвістів на визначення ділового дискурсу в сучасній лінгвістиці та визначення його ознак як одного з інституційних типів дискурсу. Поняття дискурс дуже неоднозначне. Воно походить від латинського слова discursus, що буквально означає біг у різні боки. Поступово термін набуває величезної кількості різноманітних значень. Однак при всьому різноманітті підходів є два основних. Прихильники першого підходу під дискурсом розуміють фрагменти реальності, які мають часову протяжність, логіку розгортання (сюжет) і які є закінченим твором, сформованим на основі організації значень за допомогою семантичного коду (словника тощо). Дискурс є частиною безперервного руху людського досвіду. Він відображає унікальний збіг обставин, за яких і для яких він був створений. Визначаючи основні умови успішної взаємодії комунікаторів політичного дискурсу, ми поділяємо погляди науковців. Деякі вчені дуже вузько розуміють сферу цього типу дискурсу, обмежуючи його професійною діяльністю бізнесменів, тоді як інші значно розширюють коло ситуацій, в яких може виникнути діловий дискурс, включаючи ділове листування, переговори, в тому числі телефонні та договірні, а також порядок найму та звільнення, рекламу, правові аспекти та форми підприємницької діяльності, питання висвітлення медіа-бізнесу, світські переговори та багато іншого.
Ключові слова: англомовний діловий дискурс, мовленнєві стратегії.
Modern linguistics has not escaped the study and study of such a phenomenon as discourse. The term “discourse” was first introduced by Harrison in 1952 to mean “a method of analyzing coherent speech”. Later in the humanities, this term was more clearly defined. Interest in the study of this type of discourse as business in modern linguistics is becoming increasingly dynamic. The reason for this is the constant development of society in the process of globalization, which requires the appropriate development of business with all its aspects, including the development of language personality as a carrier of business communication.
Modern linguistics is at the stage of actualization of interdisciplinary research and a return to the syncretic consideration of language phenomena - taking into account both the language system and human speech activity. This process is explained by another change in the scientific paradigm: from the dominance of the comparative-historical paradigm in the 19th century and the structural-semantic paradigm in the 20th century to the formation of an anthropocentric (or functional) or cognitive-communicative paradigm.
At the end of the 20th century, the situation changed, as linguistic pragmatics focused on the problems of strategies and tactics of communication, communicative roles, speech genres, etc., that is, it shifted to the plane of communicative studies.
Linguopragmatic analysis is interpreted as an examination of language phenomena from the point of view of natural adaptation to the needs of communication, it is presented in modern linguistics as the identification of the specificity of speech acts, intentions, strategies and tactics of communication, speech genres and communicative roles, and it is also used to clarify the specificity communicative influence, understanding and interpretation of the communicative intention of the speaker, studying the hidden content of the message, etc.
Methodology and methods
An analysis of the scientific literature on business discourse shows a variety of different interpretations of the essence of the discursive type. Thus, business discourse can be synonymous with business communication, or interpreted strictly within the institutional discourse as a purposeful status-role language activities of a person engaged in business relations, or reduced to language communication in the subject area “Business” or, conversely, professionally oriented (limited) discourse (Gurieva; Lyubimova; Stebletsova; Chornousova; Shiryaeva).
O. Selivanova singles out not one, but a complex of linguistic paradigms at the present stage. Thus, the functional (pragmatic) scientific paradigm “is characterized by the perception of the object in its interaction with the environment as an activity, functioning of the system” [1, p. 30], and the cognitive paradigm “is characterized by a focus on the study of language as a means of obtaining, storing, processing, processing and using knowledge, on the study of ways of conceptualizing and categorizing the world of reality and internal reflective experience” [1, p. 32].
When thinking about the English business discourse, it is necessary to highlight its main specific properties and constitutive features. The most important of these is the goal, the achievement of which determines the success and effectiveness of communication. Communication in general consists of a complex and multifaceted process of establishing contact between its participants, exchanging cognitive or emotional information, developing a common strategy and implementing joint actions through verbal and nonverbal means. Business communication is characterized by specific goals and the need to solve certain professional problems.
The method of comparative analysis is used in the article for the purpose of comparative analysis of communicative strategies and tactics implemented in social networks by English-speaking users. The comparative method involves a synchronic study of correlated linguistic phenomena, that is, the historical perspective is not taken into account during the study.
Results and discussion
Business communication has become one of the most popular types of social communication. In this context, one of the key tasks of linguists today is to develop issues related to improving the effectiveness of business rhetoric, finding ways to improve language tools to influence the interlocutor, studying the specifics of business English - Business English.
For a deeper understanding of the functional features of English-language business communication, it is necessary to turn to business discourse. Today in the scientific literature you can find many different definitions of discourse, due to the ambiguity of the term and the variety of approaches to its study. On the one hand, discourse is interpreted quite broadly as a complex relationship of several texts that operate within the same communicative sphere.
Formulation of goals - to consider speech strategies of business discourse and ways to implement them; to give an analysis of methods of realization of speech strategies of written business communication.
The aim of the study is to analyze the speech strategies of business discourse and ways to implement them.
M. Foucault's concept formed the basis of the development of the German school of discursive analysis (W. Maas, Z. Eger, J. Link, R. Vodak), where the priority was already the actual linguistic side of this process. As V. Е. Chernyavska, discourse in the works of these scholars is seen as a linguistic expression of social practice, organized and systematized in a special way the use of language, which is a special, ideologically and nationally historically determined mentality [4, p. 150]. From this position, W. Maas, for example, defines discourse as an appropriate linguistic formation in relation to socially and historically certain common practice [2, p. 204]. The boundaries of discourse are thus established in relation to a certain period of time, the scope of human practice, the field of knowledge, the typology of the text and some other parameters. In the linguistics of the text of the 1970s, the terms “discourse” and “text” were usually identified, due to the lack of a word in some European languages equivalent to Franco-English “discourse”, which had to be replaced by “text”. However, in the late 1970's and early 1980's, tendencies toward their demarcation became apparent. As a result, the concepts of text and discourse are differentiated [3, p. 47].
The genre diversity of the researched discourse is determined by the systemic and holistic interaction of discursive signs-markers:
unilateral (bilateral) instruction of the participants of the discourse to establish certain relations within the above-mentioned spheres;
(caused by the first factor) the genre specificity of the business discourse, that is, its oral (discussion sub-style), written (administrative-clerical and scientific-research sub-style) and oral-written (educational and pedagogical sub-style) implementation;
subject-subject orientation of interaction communicators regardless of nominal/real availability of a specific participant, i.e. as legal (educational institutions) and natural (specific) persons;
actual indirect and unmediated interaction of business discourse participants;
the presence of a situationally and genre-determined set of communicative strategies and tactics of normative and standardized orientation and its linguistic representation.
The strategic focus of the business discourse encompasses two vectors:
officially or unofficially cooperative (non-conflictual) relations between physical and/or legal entities (start, support, complete mutual activities according to established educational and/or economic standards);
exchange of information (receive, provide, request, process necessary information).
The business intentions of the participants of the discourse are actualized through two key communicative and standardized strategies (the strategy of well-established cooperation and the strategy of the documentary-normative and scientifically based basis for the interaction of the subjects of activity) and tactics (the study of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the implementation of educational activities; professional knowledge of the subjects entities in accordance with a specific type of joint activity; flexible adaptation and tolerant attitude to the conditions of implementation of cooperation taking into account its linguistic and sociocultural features; ensuring further cooperation of discourse participants).
Effective implementation of strategies and tactics of business discourse is made possible thanks to extralinguistic ones factors and different-level linguistic means-models.
The linguistic manifestation of business discourse is a text (a sequence of language signs connected by means of semantic ties) in oral or written form, which is characterized by integrity, is created and functions according to certain rules of communication. So, according to the proposed structure of the business discourse, we specify the linguistic component of the specified discourse, which is actualized in linguistic models at different levels: phonetic, lexical, grammatical, compositional and stylistic.
The lexical-grammatical design of the discourse is a basic component of the success of cross-cultural communication.
The written form of the discourse is represented by the main 2 blocks: neutral vocabulary and professional (specialized) terminology, which includes (specialized) terminology, clericalisms, and abbreviations. Among the main criteria for vocabulary selection within business discourse (written), the following are highlighted:
neutral vocabulary - professionally marked vocabulary;
(professionally marked vocabulary) word level - phrase level.
The main array of written business English discourse consists of interstylistic, commonly used (neutral) vocabulary, which is explained by the need to ensure the adequacy and accuracy of information transmission, fast processing of documents / letters, therefore similar concepts are denoted by similar lexemes, not replaced by synonymous ones, so as not to arise different readings Terminology takes second place.
In modern philology, in particular in the linguistic theory of the text, the term “discourse” is used quite actively, but it has no unambiguous interpretation. The definition of “discourse” with varying degrees of linguistics was proposed as foreign (W. Koch, E. Benvenist, A. Greimas, P Serio, J. Courte, JK Koke, C. Fillmore, T. van Dyck), and other researchers (N. Arutyunova, V. Kostomarov, N. Burvikova, M. Dymarsky). There was a lot of research on discourse analysis in the early 1990s. P Serio, referring to the book by D. Mangene, considers eight definitions of discourse.
Having developed in foreign linguistics in the works of E. Benvenist, Z. Harris and M. Foucault, discourse was initially a complex, complex and multifaceted object of study. The follower of F. de Saussure, E. Benvenist, understood discourse as the language appropriated by the speaker, as opposed to its objective narrative. Emphasizing in his research “acts, situations in which it is realized, the means of its implementation”, he noted that “the speaker appropriates the formal apparatus of language and expresses his status as a speaker through special indicators, on the one hand, and personal aids., on the other. ... In general, the act of expression is characterized by emphasizing the stability in the speech of the attitude to the partner, no matter how real or imaginary, individual or collective” [3, p. 313-316].
Selection of previously unsolved parts of the overall problem. The idea of discourse as a unit higher than the text, the level allows to distinguish it. Modern linguistic analysis of discourse involves solving the problem of typology of discourse. Questions of classification, types and varieties of discourse come to the fore. The large number of different typologies of discourse proposed by modern researchers is a consequence of the fact that the classification is based on different principles.
In our time, political, business, mass and other types of discourse have been practically developed or theoretically distinguished [3, p. 49]. Scientific understanding of such a three-dimensional object as discursive space requires, on the one hand, a clear delineation of the research field, and on the other - involves the development of a working definition of a particular unit of discursive analysis [3, p. 49].
Analysis of the classification of strategies for business discourse, allowing the generation of whiskers about those that are sufficiently worthy, assigned to this food, but not enough, assigned to the development of effective strategies and tactics of business discourse. Dane further expansion of knowledge about the professional development of partnerships in the business sector. In the new version of the most coexisting movement tactics of different strategies of business discourse, representations of their complex analysis, and the peculiarity of the movement expression of the movement flow of participants in the business meeting was revealed. English-language business discourse is multifaceted a phenomenon that is realized in two forms (written and oral) on extralinguistic and four linguistic levels: phonetic, lexical, grammatical, compositionally stylistic. Defined discourse functions as one mechanism based on a systemic-holistic approach to linguistic and non-linguistic systems, that is, all its components should be considered in totality and interaction.
In our opinion, further study of phonetic and grammatical components of oral representation of business discourse is promising
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