About phonosemantics of the text

Phonetic colors, which are organically related to the meaning of speech fragments in the literary text. According to Demirchizade, signs of meaningful speech of the parts of the speech are manifested in ways: the sound system and the sound pause.

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Nakhchivan University (Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan)

About phonosemantics of the text

Khuraman Hajizade,

PhD Student of the Department Linguistics and Literature

Phonetic colors, which are organically related to the meaning of speech fragments in the literary text, are called phonosemantic signs of speech fragments. According to A.Demirchizade, signs of meaningful speech of the parts of the speech are manifested mainly in two ways: the sound system and the sound pause. Just as it is necessary to use properly emphasis and intonation in the profession of a speaker, an actor, an announcer, and a teacher it is impossible to imagine the text without phonesemanticism. A. Demirchizade who calls meaningful voices the phonosemantic features explain that when we speak, we divide our speech into parts related to the content that we present and these sections form part of the speech flow relative to the phonetic envelope. We pause between these parts or parts of speech, thus ensuring their unification. Of course, for syllables and sounds, which are smaller parts of the speech stream, a combination of these indications is important meaning, phonetic coloring and, therefore, a characteristic interval. However, it is important to remember that the meaning of syllables and sounds, which are small fragments of the speech stream, can manifest itself in the phonetic color of the word, expression and sentence, and in this condition can be combined by a relative pause. The word stress in the Azerbaijan language can be used primarily in the following cases: a) in the definitions and attributes, b) In the case of comparisons, sometimes in words and restraints, c) in words that reinforce, complement, or meet each others. It should be noted that there is some similarity between the word stress and the emphatic stress. The similarity is that they both fall under a certain word or expression within a sentence. At the same time, there is a big difference between them. Speaking ofphonosemantics of the literary text, it is also necessary to mention punctuation along with punctuation. These symbols also reflect the characteristics of the text, such as the degree of stagnation and the significance ofmeaning. Multiple points indicate that the speech flow is broken and fragmented without meaning, at the same time, as it expresses a more continuous interval, sometimes even after a sin gle point break.

Key words: word stress, emphatic stress, sentence, flow of speech, figurative text.


докторант кафедри мовознавства та літератури,

Нахічеванського університету (Нахічевань, Азербайджан)


Фонетичні кольори, органічно пов'язані зі значенням мовних фрагментів у літературному тексті, називаються фоносемантичними ознаками фрагментів мовлення. На думку А. Демірхізаде, ознаки змістового мовлення частин мови проявляються переважно двома способами: звуковою системою та звуковою паузою. Як потрібно правильно використовувати наголос та інтонацію у професії оратора, актора, диктора й учителя, неможливо уявити текст без фонематизму А. Демірхізаде, який називає значущі голоси фоносемантичними ознаками, пояснює, що, коли ми говоримо, ми ділимо мовлення на частини, пов'язані зі змістом, який ми представляємо, і ці розділи становлять частину мовного потоку щодо фонетичної оболонки. Ми робимо паузи між цими частинами або частинами мови, забезпечуючи так їх уніфікацію. Звичайно, для складів і звуків, які є меншими частинами мовного потоку, важливим є поєднання цих ознак, значення фонетичного забарвлення й, отже, характерний інтервал. Однак важливо пам'ятати, що значення складів і звуків, які є невеликими фрагментами мовного потоку, може проявлятися у фонетичному кольорі слова, вислові та речення, за цієї умови може поєднуватися відносною паузою. Слово «наголос» в азербайджанській мові може вживатися насамперед у таких випадках: а) в означеннях та ознаках; б) у разі порівнянь, іноді у словах та обмеженнях; в) у словах, що підкріплюють, доповнюють чи відповідають кожному. Варто зазначити, що між словом «наголос» і вираженим наголосом є деяка схожість. Подібність полягає в тому, що вони обидва підпадають під певне слово чи вираз у межах речення. Водночас між ними велика різниця. Говорячи про фоносемантику літературного тексту, необхідно також згадати пунктуацію. Ці символи також відображають такі характеристики тексту, як ступінь стагнації та значення. Кілька точок указують на те, що мовленнєвий потік порушений і фрагментований без сенсу, оскільки він виражає безперервний інтервал іноді навіть після однієї короткої паузи.

Ключові слова: слово наголос, виражений наголос, речення, потік мовлення, образний текст.

phonosemantics text sound pause


Just as it is necessary to use properly emphasis and intonation in the profession of a speaker, an actor, an announcer, and a teacher it is impossible to imagine the text without phonemechanism. A. Demirchizade who calls meaningful voices the phonosemantic features explain that when we speak, we divide our speech into parts related to the content that we present and these sections form part of the speech flow relative to the phonetic envelope. We pause between these parts or parts of speech, thus ensuring their unification. According to, A. Demirchizade, not every pause can provide combination, this is one of the basic conditions requiring a little combination, both in terms of the content of the speech range and phonetic color. Of course, for syllables and sounds, which are smaller parts of the speech stream, a combination of these indications is important meaning, phonetic coloring and, therefore, a characteristic interval. However, it is important to remember that the meaning of syllables and sounds, which are small fragments of the speech stream, can manifest itself in the phonetic color of the word, expression and sentence, and in this condition can be combined by a relative pause. The scientist makes this clear such: “Each speech separated by a pause that forms the merger has a special phonetic color in the meaning of each paragraph and these, in turn, determine the amount of the pause” (Demirchizade, 2007a: 122).


Demirchizade describes the phonetic paint as follows: “Phonetic paint is basically a phrase, word, syllable, voice, which differs from others in a certain part of speech” (Demirchizade, 2007b: 122). This means that any expression in a literary text, one word, one syllable, or one voice, depending on the content requirement, is stronger or weaker, stretched or reduced, lower, or cut, broken or interrupted often, with a whimper or whisper, and so on. different notes, such as different pronunciations, make up the phonetic color of the speech fragment. From this we can conclude that the characteristic in the literary text can be called a phonetic picture, which shows how sound is organized meaningfully. A. Demirchizade considers so that the signs of the formation of harmonic parts of the speech flow are inextricably linked with the phonetic cortex of speech.

From these we can conclude that phonetic dyes, which are organically related to the meaning of “speech fragments in the literary text, are called phonosemantic signs of speech fragments” (Aghayeva, 1975: 129).

According to A. Demirchizade, the signs of significant speech in parts of speech are manifested mainly in two ways: sound system and sound pause.

A. Demirchizade points to emphasis and intonation as types of sound equipment: “There are two main types of sound, depending on the meaning of each fragment of the speech stream and how it sounds: 1) Stress. 2) Intonation (Demirchizade, 2007c: 123). It is impossible to create meaningful vowel phonosemantics with using all three types of stress (syllable stress, word stress and emphatic stress) in a literary text.

The word stress in the Azerbaijan language can be used primarily in the following cases: a) in the definitions and attributes, b) In the case of comparisons, sometimes in words and restraints, c) in words that reinforce, complement, or meet each other (Efendiyev, 1957: 98-99).

It should also be noted that there is some similarity between the word stress and the emphatic stress. The similarity is that they both fall under a particular word or expression in a sentence (Aliyev, 2006: 37). At the same time, there is a big difference between them. After Damirchizade's comments on both stresses, it can be concluded that the word stress is on the word, which is emphasized by the emphasis and attention of the audience to the meaning of the expression. It is designed to reduce. The scientist has written: “The word stress is on the preconceived meanings of the speaker, and with the emphasis on emotion and emotion arising in the process of conversation” (Demirchizade, 2007d: 134).

A. Akhundov, like other phonetic issues, studied the emphasis in detail. He clarified problems such as acoustic nature and accents in the Azerbaijan language, emphasis in the Azerbaijan language, secondary accent, accent vocabulary in the Azerbaijani language, emphasis in complex words, as well as the relationship and purpose of various units of the language (Akhundov, 1966: 162).

A. Akhundov likens the stress to a phoneme: “Like phonemes, accent is a means of recognizing and distinguishing words. For example, alma in the Azerbaijan language (fruit type) and alma (negative form of the verb to buy) are distinguished by stress and are perceived as different lexical-grammatical units” (Akhundov, 1984: 275).

A. Demirchizade explains the intonation as follows: “Discursive tones, that is, humor and tones, speed, that is, the speed at which speech is accelerated or at intervals, the strength of sound, that is, the intensity or weakness of breathing, sound, sound, emotion, feeling of joy, is a phenomenon that has many different aspects like change. This event is related to the sentence and is basically the movement of the voice in the sentence. That is why this phenomenon is called intonation” (Demirchizade, 2007e: 135). According to Demirchizade, not only the content of the sentence, but also the purpose of the sentence influences how the words are pronounced in the sentence. That is, the voice is sometimes louder, sometimes even lower, sometimes elongated, sometimes shortened, and sometimes the speech flow is interrupted, sometimes in a confusing sequence and, therefore, different and different quantitative waves of sound throughout the phrase or phrase. It thus forms the rhythm and melodic flow of the speech, which is called intonation.

A. Demirchizade also added that intonation is also used in the expression of various sensory states such as joy, sadness, anger, supplication, craving, etc.

A. Demirchizade has also clarified one of the phonosemantical problems: “According to one or another category of meaning plants, speech flow is divided into different intervals. Different class intervals are also a type of significant sound that ensures smooth speech streams, that is, a type of significant sound that interferes with interruptions” (Demirchizade, 2007f: 137). In addition, from the examples given by Demirchizade, it is clear that his ideas about the place and essence of the pause grew a little between the words in the interval between the words in the sentence and the sentences that make up the complex sentence at the end of the sentence. In addition, this is a very complex process, closely related to the psychological state.

This means that phonosemantics is not only about emphasis and intonation, but also problems that play an important role in the formation of a sentence as a break.

Speaking of phonosemantics of the literary text, it is also necessary to mention punctuation along with punctuation. These symbols also reflect the characteristics of the text, such as the degree of stagnation and the significance of meaning. A. Demirchizadeh has written: “The point, the question mark, the exclamation mark signify that the largest part of the speech flow is both meaningful and sound, and that there is a long, continuous stagnation. Of course, these symbols have a different function, and these signs are used to refer to other signs of meaningful sounding, especially discomfort.

Multiple points indicate that the speech flow is broken and fragmented without meaning, at the same time, as it expresses a more continuous interval, sometimes even after a single point break.

The punctuation comma has more important role. However, these different meanings are actually shaped by pauses, and are therefore used to indicate the presence of a slight interruption in comma speech flow.


The main function of punctuation marks such as colon, semicolon, hyphen is to express different types of punctuation, which is one of the great signs of meaningful speech in the flow of speech” (Demirchizade, 2007g: 138).

“O kitabi oxuyur / O, kitabi oxuyur. He reads that book/ he, reads that book

Yax§i kitab oxu / Yax§i, kitab oxu. Read a good book/ well, read the book

Ana voton gagirir moni / Ana, voton gagirir moni. Mother country calls me/ Mother, country calls me

Anacan, niyo belo aglayirsan? Mother, why are you crying so?

Anacan, niyo belo? Aglayirsan? Mother, why so? are you crying?

Ana! Can! Niyo belo aglayirsan? Mother, Can! Why are you crying so?

Evimizo gagirdigin adamlara no verocokson? What will you give to the people you call our home?

Evimizo, gagirdigin adamlara no verocokson? What will you give to your house, to the people you call?

Qali§, son do atan kimi, tonbol olma! Work, also you as your father, dont be lazy

Qali§ son do, atan kimi tonbol olma! Work also you, dont be lazy as your father

Qali§ son do atan kimi, tonbol olma! Work as your father, dont be lazy

Xatircom ol, get, Mirzo, bolko Haci goldi, buraya ba§qa adamin golmosi qadagandir. Be confident, go, Mirza maybe Haji will come, another man's coming here is forbidden

Xatircom ol, get, Mirzo, bolko Haci goldi buraya, ba§qa adamin golmosi qadagandir.” (Demirchizade, 2007i: 139). Be confident, go, Mirza, maybe Haji will come here, another man's coming is forbidden. (Demirchizade, 2007h: 139) Demirchizadeh's

examples show that the punctuation marks used in the sentences mainly serve the pauses and the meaning of the displacement, as seen in the scientist's operation on the samples. From this, we conclude that punctuation is a form of meaningful sound and is an important means of sustaining speech flow.

Thus, we can see that without phonemechanism, a chaos occurs in the text, and the expressions cannot make sense.


Akhundov C. M. Ways of expressing the category of the question in the Azerbaijani language. Scientific works of APU. XI Series No. 5. 1966.

Akhundov A. A. Phonetics of the Azerbaijani language. Baku : Maarif, 1984. 392 p.

Aghayeva F. M. Syntax of oral speech. Baku, Education, 1975.

Demirchizade A. Modern Azerbaijani Language (Phonetics. Orphography. Orphoepiya). Baku : East-West, 2007. 256 p.

Aliyev Y. V. “Kitabi Dada Gorgud” and the phonological structure of the literary text. Methodical aids. Baku, 2006.

Efendiyev C. Logical emphasis and intonation in question sentences in the modern Azerbaijani language, “Works of the Institute of Literature and Language named after Nizami”, Volume VII, 1957.


Akhundov C.M. Ways of expressing the category of the question in the Azerbaijani language. Scientific works of APU. XI Series No. 5, 1966 (in Azerbaijani).

Akhundov A.A. Phonetics of the Azerbaijani language. Baku: Maarif, 1984, 392 p. (in Azerbaijani).

Aghayeva F.M. Syntax of oral speech. Baku, Education, 1975 (in Azerbaijani).

Demirchizade A. Modern Azerbaijani Language (Phonetics. Orphography. Orphoepiya). Baku: East-West, 2007, 256 p. (in Azerbaijani).

Aliyev Y.V. “Kitabi Dada Gorgud” and the phonological structure of the literary text. Methodical aids. Baku, 2006 (in Azerbaijani).

Efendiyev C. Logical emphasis and intonation in question sentences in the modern Azerbaijani language, “Works of the Institute of Literature and Language named after Nizami”, Volume VII, 1957 (in Azerbaijani).

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