Peculiarities of linguistic embodiments of language ideology in contemporary English media resources

The article identifies common and different aspects in of the field structures of the concept Language Ideology on both the local and foreign levels. The concept Language Ideology is in contemporary English media resources, Indonesian online publications.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 12.04.2023
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M. Dobrushyna, N. Safonova

Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

The article deals with the issues of revealing the peculiarities of linguistic embodiments of language ideology based on contemporary English media resources, i. e. the largest Indonesian online media - the online newspaper “The Jakarta Post” and the British online publications “The Independent” and “The Huffington Post”. It covers the ideological perspectives found in the English headings on the analysis of lexical features and semantic features. Environmentalism as an ideological perspective defined positive self-representation or quality as one that is fully relevant to the problem and aware of it. The main result of lexical features and semantic analysis tends to be the anger of foreign newspaper headlines about the extinction of the orangutan in Indonesia. The analysis of the similarities and differences of the concept Language Ideology helps to outline their national specific features, which contribute to a deeper understanding of both foreign and native languages and cultures through the analyses of the semantic structure of the concept in question. It is emphasized that Language Ideology has become a widespread phenomenon in modern British and Indonesian societies from the social point of view. The article identifies common and different aspects in of the field structures of the concept Language Ideology on both the local and foreign levels.

Keywords: Language Ideology, Language Policy, Media Discourse, online publications.

У статті розглядаються питання розкриття особливостей лінгвістичних втілень мовної ідеології на основі сучасних англійських медіаресурсів, т.е. найбільші індонезійські інтернет- ЗМІ - інтернет-газета “The Jakarta Post” і британські інтернет-видання “The Independent” і “The Huffington Post”. Він охоплює ідеологічні точки зору, які можна знайти в англійських заголовках щодо аналізу лексичних і семантичних особливостей. Екологізм як ідеологічна перспектива визначив позитивну саморепрезентацію або якість як таку, яка повністю відповідає проблемі та усвідомлює її. Основним результатом лексичних особливостей і семантичного аналізу, як правило, є гнів заголовків іноземних газет про вимирання орангутанга в Індонезії. Аналіз подібності та відмінності концепту Ідеологія мови допомагає окреслити їх національні особливості, які сприяють глибшому розумінню як іноземних, так і рідних мов і культур через аналіз семантичної структури розглянутого поняття. Підкреслюється, що мовна ідеологія стала поширеним явищем у сучасному британському та індонезійському суспільствах із соціальної точки зору. У статті визначено спільні та відмінні аспекти у польових структурах поняття мовна ідеологія як на місцевому, так і на закордонному рівнях.

Ключові слова: мовна ідеологія, мовна політика, медіадискурс, інтернет-видання.

В статье рассматриваются вопросы выявления особенностей языковых воплощений языковой идеологии на материале современных англоязычных медиаресурсов, т.е. крупнейшие индонезийские интернет-СМИ - интернет-газета «The Jakarta Post» и британские интернет-издания «The Independent» и «The Huffington Post». Он охватывает идеологические точки зрения, обнаруженные в английских заголовках, на анализ лексических признаков и семантических признаков. Энвайронментализм как идеологическая точка зрения определял положительное самопредставление или качество как такое, которое полностью соответствует проблеме и осознает ее. Главным результатом лексических особенностей и семантического анализа, как правило, является гнев заголовков иностранных газет о вымирании орангутана в Индонезии. Анализ сходства и различия концепта «Языковая идеология» помогает выявить их национальную специфику, которая способствует более глубокому пониманию как иностранных, так и родных языков и культур через анализ семантической структуры рассматриваемого концепта. Подчеркивается, что языковая идеология стала широко распространенным явлением в современных британских и индонезийских обществах с социальной точки зрения. В статье выявляются общие и различные аспекты полевых структур концепта «Языковая идеология» как на локальном, так и на зарубежном уровне.

Ключевые слова: языковая идеология, языковая политика, медиадискурс, онлайн- публикации.

concept language ideology english indonesian media resources

The concept of Language Ideology is becoming more popular in modern linguistics. We present practical research on the base of the articles on the extinction of orangutans in Indonesia, which occupies a large place in the media. We have chosen the largest Indonesian online media - the online newspaper “The Jakarta Post” and the British online publications “The Independent” and “The Huffington Post”. We compared the ideological views of both local and foreign media on this issue.

The aim of the article is to cover the ideological perspectives found in the English headings on the analysis of lexical features and semantic features.

The ideological perspective in the headlines of foreign newspapers is environmental friendliness. It is seen under two layers of observation. It is anger and criticism. These two layers reflect the ideological perspective of environmental friendliness, which is potentially used as a tool to emphasize positive selfpresentation, as they would like to portray themselves as environmentalists and animal rights activists. Moreover, foreign headlines also aim to portray other negative manifestations of animal rights violations that were used in the context of the extinction of the orangutan in Indonesia from 2011 to 2017.

Based on twenty headings and semantic analysis of traits in their lexical features, there is a distinctive feature that is seen in the way they emphasize the negative other presentation (bad actions of groups) related to animal rights violations in the context of orangutan extinction during 2011 to 2017. In this case, the foreign people are deliberately responding to concerns about the survival of orangutans while criticizing the responsibility of the Indonesian government and local people for the orangutan extinction in Indonesia. The local headlines are intended to reflect the responsibility and progress that Indonesia has made in the orangutan case. It is also a form of representing Indonesia as a nation with a good image.

Both foreign and local newspapers support animal rights. However, both foreign and local newspapers have different styles to portray their ideological perspectives. In addition, foreign headlines support animal rights by portraying positive self-presentation and negative other presentations in the selection of lexical features and analysis of semantic features to show the negligence of the Indonesian government and its local population. Conversely, local headlines tend to omit the use of lexical features to hide certain information so that newspaper headlines do not reflect harsh truths or actions. In other words, local headlines present positive self-presentation, omitting the use of lexical and semantic features of the case to avoid stereotypes and not to create a bad image as an animal rights violator. Thus, the style of local headlines suggests that they would like to send clarification on the orangutan case. Each ideological perspective found in the headlines of foreign and local newspapers will be discussed below.

Environmental friendliness as an ideological perspective has two layers. Under the notion of anger and criticism, environmentalism as an ideological perspective reflects the perspective of foreign headlines on the Indonesian government and the citizen as integral businessmen, as opposed to their interests in protecting the survival of orangutans. In addition, foreign headlines also express their emotions, angering and directing their criticism of Indonesia as an animal rights violator for failing to control and defend the lives of orangutans. Anger and criticism are reflected in the use of lexical features caused by the reactions of the international community to Indonesian.

In this case, environmentalism as an ideological perspective defined positive self-representation or quality as one that is fully relevant to the problem and aware of it. In addition, foreign headlines also reflect a different negative representation, attributing negative qualities to the failure of the Indonesian government to manage the orangutan case. Thus, environmental friendliness is revealed here as an ideological perspective of foreign titles depicting anger and criticism through the analysis of lexical and semantic features.

First, the result of lexical features and semantic analysis is the anger of foreign newspaper headlines about the extinction of the orangutan in Indonesia. The anger reflected in the headlines of foreign newspapers shows how the headlines of huge foreign newspapers are concerned about the extinction of orangutans, and at the same time would like to give moral value to the fact that they really support the idea of animal rights. The headlines say what the Indonesian government and local people have been doing so far to address the survival of orangutans.

According the Cambridge Dictionary, “anger” means “a strong feeling that makes you be unpleasant because of something unfair or unkind that has happened” [3, p. 53]. Here, anger is divided into three parts: anger over the failure of the Indonesian government and its local population to manage orangutan survival, anger over environmental protection, and anger over indirect participation. As orangutans have fallen victim to Indonesian natives, foreign headlines have published headlines in response to the case of the extinction of orangutans in Indonesia. Van Dyke singled out numerous discourse structures that are commonly used to express ideological perspectives. Van Dyke argues that lexical variations are many discourse structures that remain included from local syntax to global schematic structures [2, p. 115]. According to foreign newspapers, the Indonesian government, as the responsible entity, has moved away from the obligation to strictly control those who do not respond, which has led to the extinction of orangutans. Thus, the Indonesian government and its citizens have authority over this issue. In other words, they are primarily responsible for controlling the survival of orangutans.

The foreign title below will show the main lexical features based on th e type and its meaning for the semantic feature (cruel actions).

“Endangered Orangutan brutally slaughtered hacked to pieces and eaten by men in Indonesia” [5].

Dynamic verbs slaughter hack, eat in the first foreign title reflect as foreigners portray the incident.

First, dynamic verbs, such as “slaughter, hack, and eat”, also imply violence. The title goes on to describe the violence. All three verbs are classified as dynamic verbs because they relate to an event that occurs, including activity, process. Moreover, dynamic verbs, such as “slaughter, hack, and eat”, involve bodily sensations, which ultimately gives a psychological effect to the reader. Therefore, the lexical features of “slaughter, hack, and eat ” are classified into categories as the main goal - to improve the vision and understanding of the problem in readers, feelings and vividly depict the circumstances they want to point to newspaper headlines in hopes of giving readers motivation and motivation. Another foreign title will explain another feature that comes to the fore.

“Orangutan mother saves baby then is attacked by villagers until rescuers arrive” [5].

The dynamic verb “attack” means “to try to hurt or defeat using violence” [3, p. 68]. “Attack” refers to the actions of the perpetrators who severely damaged the existence of orangutans. Here, the dynamic verb “attack” is also brought to the fore, as it reflects the situation when the locals brutally injured the orangutan mother. This directly affects the physical sensation, which automatically affects the psychology of readers. Here, the headline aims to improve readers' vision and understanding of the problem, feelings and circumstances that newspaper headlines want to point out in the hope of motivating readers. Thus, a dynamic verb implies a cruel асЬоп.Інший заголовок нижче також використовує динамічне дієслово “kill”, щоб подати інформацію про випадок орангутангів.

“Palm oil kills Orangutans in Indonesia peat swamp” [5].

In addition, the dynamic verb “kills”, which is also characterized as the foreground of the problem The dynamic verb “kills” shows the anger of foreign headlines about the palm oil business in Indonesia, which causes the death of orangutans, becomes decisive and annoying. In this case, the foreign headline aims to reflect a case where the Indonesian government has failed to control business growth, which ultimately harms the survival of orangutans.

In addition, the dynamic verb “chain” is also brought to the fore, as it depicts violent acts committed by orangutans, as in the foreign title below.

“What the orangutan who spent two years chained to tree looks like now” [5].

The passive verb form of the dynamic verb “chain” shows the cruelty of the performers and gives information that the suffering of orangutans after they were chained is wrong. The dynamic verb “chain” means “to fasten someone or something using a chain” [3, p. 212]. The verb “chain ” implies a violent action that serves as a vivid image given by a foreign title, which clearly demonstrates the violation.

Finally, there are two dynamic verbs that also represent foreign ideological perspectives - "Shoot and Leave", as in the title below.

“Hunters Shot This Baby Orangutan, Then Left Him for Dead” [4].

A foreign title is used to address lexical features to depict the cruelty of orangutans, in this case the hunters themselves. By this, both dynamic verbs "shot and left" mean violent action.

The result of the analysis of semantic features shows that the headlines of foreign newspapers, as a rule, publish verbs related to such actions as “slaughter, kill, attack, hack, shoot, chain, leave, suffer, hold, sell”. It is aimed at expressing foreign anger, directly using strong words to express their concern and madness to the perpetrators of bad deeds. This method is aimed at depicting the harsh actions of an illegal figure in Indonesia who kills orangutans. By comparison, the use of protective acts is less than acts of violence. The headlines of foreign newspapers are intended to cover the atrocities and the truth of the killing of orangutans by Indonesians. The analysis of semantic features consists of a violent act and a protective act. Thus, a violent act refers to words that indicate acts of violence, such as “slaughter, kill, attack, hack, shoot, chain, leave, suffer, hold, sell,” while a protective act refers to words that indicate protective actions such as “save, rescue, protect ”.

Thus, it can be concluded that the newspapers that studied used lexical choice as discursive features less often than to represent actors and actions. This may be because in news about crimes, especially news about violent crimes, newspapers mainly focus on violence against actions and participants in actions. All selected words reflect the speaker's judgment about the event, for example, the words "brutally, incredibly, and nearly" represent the speaker's judgment about the action or event. The speaker or writer intends to emphasize the manner in which the action itself is performed, based on what the speaker perceived in the first place.


1. Anisimova, A.I., Safonova, N.A., Dobrushyna, M.Y., Lysenko, N.O., & Bezrodnykh, I.H. (2021). Verbalization of the concept language policy: Online research. Linguistics and Culture Review, 5(S4), 1301-1311.

2. Dijk T.A. News analysis: case studies of international and national news in the press. NY.Blackwell, 2010. 346 p.

3. Pocket Oxford American Dictionary & Thesaurus. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. 928 p.

4. The Huffington Post. URL:

5. The Independent. URL:

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