Semantic space of the perfume and cosmetic names

Draw out the peculiarities of semantic space as a component of perfume and cosmetic names. The system of seams as content words established in the perfume and cosmetic names provides the process of focusing and transforms these names into focusers.

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Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

English Kyiv Gymnasium № 86 “Consul”

Semantic space of the perfume and cosmetic names

Yevhenia Nikiforova, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of English Philology and Intercultural Communication

Olena Popivniak, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Assistant Professor at the Department of English Philology and Intercultural Communication

Elizaveta Galitska, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Teacher

Kyiv, Ukraine

The target of this article is to draw out the peculiarities of semantic space as a component of perfume and cosmetic names. The semantic space of these goods names may be modeled using the notion of a multifocuser. The prefix multi- indicates the polyvector functions of the focuser itself. The focuser is a semantic component - device of the perfume or cosmetic naming unit emphasizing the individual goods characteristics. Taking into consideration the properties of such goods as perfumes, powders, lipsticks the focusers emphasize substance characteristics of goods. These characteristics are subdivided into quality and quantity subgroups. Perfumes and make-up belong to consumer goods. Being the commodities these goods are characterized with their naming units. These units contain the focusers which emphasize consumer properties. These properties are subdivided into gender, age, and social stratification subgroups. The focuser itself may be the whole naming unit when the naming unit is a word (lexeme). The focuser may be embodied as a part, fragment, or a component of the naming unit if the naming unit is a word combination (phraseme). The focuser is a functional semantic bearer which participates in the process of focusing the attention of potential consumers, users of the goods on the certain characteristics of commodities. The focusing process may be characterized from the quantity aspect as singular, double, triple according to the number of content words involved for the creation of perfume and cosmetic names. Content words are associated with seams. From another point of view the focusing process may be described in the aspect of degrees (stages). This aspect has a certain cognitive shade and is connected with the stages of understanding the goods properties. The surface understanding is connected with the primary degree and a lexeme of the naming unit is the bearer of denotative meaning. The secondary degree reflects the understanding when the dictionary definition is involved. The meaning becomes clear using the dictionary definition containing an individual seam. The tertiary one requires the usage of seam chain for understanding the naming unit. In the case of tertiary degree the first dictionary definition is not sufficient and the dictionary definition of the seam, identified on the level of the secondary degree, is used for the final and sufficient understanding. The system of seams as content words established in the perfume and cosmetic names provides the process of focusing and transforms these names into focusers. These structures provide the effective navigation for the potential consumers in the vast plains of perfume and make-up goods.

Key words: content word, focuser, seam, semantics, perfume and cosmetic goods.

Євгенія НІКІФОРОВА, кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри англійської філології та міжкультурної комунікації Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка (Київ, Україна)

Олена ПОПІВНЯК, кандидат філологічних наук, асистент кафедри англійської філології та міжкультурної комунікації Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка (Київ, Україна)

Єлизавета ГАЛИЦЬКА, кандидат філологічних наук, вчителька англійської мови Київської гімназії № 86 «Консул » (Київ, Україна)


Стаття покликана окреслити особливості структури семантичного простору як складника парфумерно-косметичних назв. Семантичний простір цих товарних назв може бути змодульований, залучаючи поняття мульти- фокусувача. Префікс мульти- вказує на багатовекторні функції фокусувача самого по собі. Фокусувач є семантичним компонентом парфумерно-косметичної номінативної одиниці, що підсилює, виокремлює індивідуальні товарні характеристики. Беручи до уваги властивості таких товарів як парфуми, пудри, губні помади, фокусувачі підкреслюють речовинні характеристики товарів. Ці характеристики розмежовуються на якісну та кількісну підгрупи. Парфумерно-косметичні вироби належать до споживчих товарів. Будучи споживчими ці товари описуються за допомогою номінативних одиниць. Ці одиниці містять фокусувачі, що і підкреслюють споживчі характеристики. У свою чергу ці характеристики розмежовуються на гендерні, вікові, соціальної стратифікації. Фокусувач сам по собі може бути цілою номінативною одиницею, коли ця одиниця є словом (лексемою). Фокусувач може бути втілений як частина, фрагмент, компонент номінативної одиниці, якщо номінативна одиниця є словосполученням (фраземою). Фокусувач є функціональним семантичним носієм, що бере участь у процесі фокусування, зосередження уваги потенційних споживачів, користувачів на відповідних споживчих характеристиках. Процес фокусування може бути схарактеризований в кількісному аспекті як одинарний, подвійний або потрійний відповідно до кількості змістовних слів, що задіяні у формуванні парфумерно-косметичних назв. Змістовні слова асоціюються із семами. З іншої точки зору процес фокусування може бути описаний в аспекті ступенів (рівнів). Цей аспект має певне когнітивне забарвлення і пов'язаний із стадіями розуміння товарних властивостей. Поверхневе розуміння пов'язане з первинним ступенем, і лексема номінативної одиниці є носієм денотативного значення. Другий ступінь віддзеркалює розуміння, коли залучається словникова дефініція, щоб значення стало зрозумілим. Третинний ступінь потребує використання низки послідовних сем для розуміння номінативної одиниці. У випадку третинного ступеня перша словникова дефініція виявляється недостатньою, і вже словникова дефініція семи, що була ідентифікована на рівні другого ступеня, використовується як остаточний чинник, що є достатнім для розуміння. Система сем як змістовних слів, що представлені в парфумерно-косметичних назвах, забезпечує процес фокусування і трансформує ці назви у фокусувачі. Ці структури забезпечують ефективну навігацію для потенційних споживачів у безмежному розмаїтті парфумерно-косметичних товарів.

Ключові слова: змістовне слово, парфумерно-косметичні товари, сема, семантика, фокусувач.


Perfume and make-up goods names are used for representing, describing these commodities. These names make clear the usage, goods classification, chemical composition, and chemical compounds, specific and individual properties. Functioning as bearers of vast informational varieties these names may have quite a complicated semantic space which reflects the integrated information grasped within the goods names. Perfumes and make-up are very refined, exquisite goods which are chosen individually and demanded in impulsive way. The main difficulty of naming these goods is the problem of smell, aroma, odour, fragrance nomination. Perfume and make-up naming involves associative images which create potential consumers' positive mood and emotions. Perfume and cosmetic naming is called for reflecting olfactory and colour preferences of the potential consumers, buyers.

The purpose of the research is to study semantic space as a component of naming complex in the perfume and cosmetic goods names. The investigation of naming space and the details of its structure, organization and basic units is a challenging task which needs the thorough, careful, accurate analysis of the nominative units, which stipulates the topicality of the article. The scientific novelty of the research arises from the investigation which aims at revealing semantic space features in the goods names. The object of the investigation is a set of perfume and cosmetic names which represent corresponding goods on the consumer market. The subject of the investigation is semantic specification and the structure of semantic space as a common property of these goods names.

Literature review. Approaches to the investigation of goods nomination grasping perfumes and make-up in the aspect of their semantics look rather odd and uncoordinated, inefficient. Separate and heterogeneous data are collected and their selection seems rather vague and indistinct. Attempts of analyzing the semantic aspect of goods names functioning on the present day perfume market are connected with the market pyramidal shape. Consumers' values seem to have been changed under the pressure of megabrands and the introduction of new patterns of beauty (Jones, 2011: 889-901). Consumer goods such as perfumes, eau-de-Cologne are known to be characterized with the tendency of strong aroma resemblance which is described as “tyranny of identity” (Dixit, 2009: 14-16). Artistic perfumes are associated with the renewal of old fragrances and recipes. The making of new and renewal of old fragrances are the alternative way of “sad”, “plain”, “common” smells of consumer goods (Noppeney, 2012: 682-684). The superior, extra quality (artistic, premium, selective) perfumes have no direct advertisement in traditional way and preference is given mostly to the internet resources (Walker, 2012: 26). The leading manufacturer in the field of perfumery Guerlain was founded in 1828 and started his activity producing cosmetic goods and only later Guerlain's perfumery was created as a separate subbranch (Brion, 2007: 72). The brand destruction and its transition into the ordinary consumer goods may be caused with the process of myth creation. During the decade (1968-1978) perfume Chanel № 5 was being sold everywhere in the USA even in the drug-stores (Jones, 2011: 898). As any brand name belongs to the consumers' memory this name should be very easy for pronunciation, remembering and have some sense (Petty, 2008: 194). Having some sense the name of goods enables customers to remember and recognize brand (Jones, 2011: 915).

A brand name should be connected, associated, identified with the class and category of goods. The brand name should create any mental image in the consumers' brains (Chernatony, 2011: 197). The research of lipstick brand names was provided from the textual aspect. In the process of investigation 14 classification groups were selected and separated (Merskin, 2007: 596-597). That result demonstrates the integrated and complex specification of make-up naming units. Harrison puts forward the idea that perfume consumers are abandoned for creating their own image situations, using linguistic associations as sense of direction (Harrison, 2010: 8). The aspect of social stratification reflection in the perfume and cosmetic naming units was investigated; but the semantic components were involved into analyzing only partly (Galitska, 2016). The semantic peculiarities of perfume and cosmetic naming units need special attention as these units may function as multifocusers representing primary, secondary and tertiary meaning simultaneously providing singular, double, or even triple focusing.

Results and discussion

The semantic space of perfume and cosmetic names demonstrates a very complicated structure which may be revealed only applying the modelling method using the structural division of that obscure and complex linguistic object. These goods names are the reflection of corresponding marketing and advertisement strategies, social needs which appear under the necessity of naming the vast amount of perfumes and make-up goods. If goods names function as the bearers of information which is necessary for potential buyers, these names are able to focus essential information on the consumers. It comes to the supposition that the semantic space (or even sphere) may be described and structured applying the stage modelling method. The semantic filling of goods names is likely to be formed involving the lexical units with specific semantics. They lay out information description of corresponding perfume or cosmetic substances. The first stage of semantic space modelling requires the establishment of a distinguishable unit. It may be recognized as a naming unit of corresponding perfumes or make-up. The naming unit corresponds to the goods names. It represents the definite type of goods and helps to recognize the perfume or any make-up within the varieties of consumer commodities. All goods have their individual naming units which are represented in their goods names: Hypnose Poison (eau de parfum), The Dreamer (eau de toilette), Bulgari Man (eau de cologne), Baby doll (mascara), Summer collection (eye pencil), Eye and brow maestro (brow defining pencil), Champagne crиme (eye shadow), Pure Color Envy Shine (sculpting shine lipstick), Shining Pastel (nail polish), Perfection and lightness (face foundation), Blackberries (sparkling body powder), Forever (light creator gel-cream), Pure Color (blush), Miss Dior (silky soap).

These patterns demonstrate the fact that goods names are the bearers of naming units; and naming units correspond to semantic component. The second stage of modelling needs more detailed and deeper penetration into the semantic sphere of naming units. Naming units have their position in goods names; but these names are embodied in a lexeme (word), when the naming unit is a word. More developed embodiment is connected with a phraseme (word combination) when the naming unit is a word combination, phrase. The most developed embodiment is realized involving a proposeme (sentence) when the naming unit is represented in the form of sentence. If the place of naming unit existence is associated with lexeme, phraseme, or proposeme, the investigation of its semantic component should clear up the structure of the semantic space. The perfume or cosmetic naming unit - lexeme contains one word which coincides with a semantic component. The simplest words are monolexeme root structures. Mostly they are common for the Germanic languages (in particular Nouns: beat, surf, summer, wish, wings, woman, ice, fire, air, wizard, game, sun; Adjectives: happy, still, red, black; Numerals: first, one). This group of words is partly connected with borrowings from the Romanic languages and Greek. These words came to English from French passing some assimilation for better rooting in English vocabulary (rouge, nude, fantasy, curious, chance, eden, euphoria, poison, navy, tabu, passion, molecule, miracle, hypnose, poeme, mystery, casual, portfolio, design, elixir). Some lexemes were not assimilated; they belong to astronomical terminology (aquarius, virgo, gemini, taurus, aries, capricon). Within the naming units there is a group of suffix derivatives (princess, the original, idealist, futurist, perfectionist, womanity, iridescence, inflorescence, sexy, velvety, beautiful, retropical, lovely, glamorous, exclamation, obsession, imagination, declaration, exploration, dreamer, joker, signature, eternity). Compounding was used for naming unit formation too (timberline, sunflowers, weekend, spotlight, gentleman, blackberries, waterproof). The process of qualitative changes were used too (apocope: allure < allurement, chrome < chromium; syncope: genics < genetics; telescopy: ecobeauty < ecological beauty, ecollagen < ecological collagen, cellintegrity < cellular integrity).

Naming units - phrases are also involved into the process of goods name creation. Semantic space of perfume and cosmetic names may be modelled in the frames of phraseme. Having whole nomination, object correlation, sense purposefulness and unity of grammatical function, naming units of structural type Hypnotic Poison, Ageless Bloom, Secret Fantasy correspond to the functional status of a word. It means that nomination wholeness dominates over structural discreteness: distinction of object recognitive features is subordinated to its whole predestination. In the process of goods name creation the nomination wholeness starts its domination over the initial formal discreteness. The semantic unity of the whole naming unit and the goods name itself are recognized by consumers-recipients as the whole naming-lexical unit. Domination of compound naming units may be explained with the general tendency to analytisation in Modern English where complex notions are expressed with combining the words. It is aspiration for representing a lot of denotate possible features using compound naming units. Compound naming units - phrases are likely to have been created with the quasiprefixation involving noun as a basic unit - representative ofthe extra linguistic object (bloom, lily, silk, seduction) of substantive or adjective component functioning as a differential marker. It means that the naming unit has structures N2Nl (Noun2 Nounl) or AN (AdjectiveNoun). Quasiprefixation is not a traditional prefixation and it is used for naming the process when the underlining of the element feature position is more essential than its functional entity. Components N2 and Nl are of Indo-European origin (Germanic or borrowed from Romanic). Their combination creates a new concept with specific feature which is reflected in perfume and cosmetic names. According to the syntactical structure these names are substantive word combinations containing two, three, and sporadically four or five lexemes. They are mostly nuclear structures because these phrases are word groups with the subordinate grammatical relation where one component dominates another. This dominant component in the middle of the word group is the nucleus (N) of group and it is not in subordinate relation to any other component of word group. According to the direction of dependence all nuclear word combinations are divided into regressive (with the left side dependent component) and progressive (with the right side dependent component) according to the nucleus. Perfume and cosmetic names - phrases are only regressive word combinations. As nuclear phrases are associated with inner subordination, all of them are subordinate. Subordinate word combinations are always twofold, if they are separated into smaller components on every level of division, every time they are separated into two main components - Nucleus (N) and Adjunct (A). Both components may be extended (Purifying tea tree and cucumber; very irresistible Givenchy). They may be reflected in different models. The nucleus is formed grasping abstract, personal (proper), concrete, material nouns (Legend, Dior, Minerals). The adjunct has complex or subordinate features (Very irresistible; Little black; Full speed). Some adjuncts are represented with a derivative-suffixal stem (Ageless, Hypnotic, Protecting, Guilded). Concerning the compound name structures they are varied according to the form of adjunct and nucleus. They are mostly represented with twofold structures. Before starting the research of nuclear word combinations and their structural types it is necessary to pay some attention to a small group of perfume and cosmetic names of non-nuclear type. There is a relation of coordination between their components which are represented with nouns (proper, abstract, concrete). Within this non-nuclear type there is a subgroup formed with reduplication of proper noun (personal name) (Anais Anais; Lou Lou; Ricci Ricci) or reduplication of abstract noun (Soul 2 Soul; Couture Couture). Non-nuclear (coordinate) word combinations may be formed with two nouns (Iris Tuberose; Maser Corrector) or nouns may be connected with conjunctions (Love and Glamour; Dolce & Gabbana; Jasmin and Bergamote; Kiss and Blush). The non-nuclear feature of these word combinations is reflected in the coordinate relation of words. These words are independent of each other demonstrating non-nuclear structural type of word combinations. It may be described with two variants: Noun + Noun (N + N); Noun + Conjunction + Noun (N conj N). Nuclear or subordinate word combinations always contain Nucleus N and Adjunct A. They are the main constituents of these phrases. The first nuclear structural type is associated with the nominal word combination which includes a substance noun (N) and adjective (A) as an Adjunct. It corresponds to the formula A(A) + N(N) (Yellow Diamond, Hypnotic Poison). Attribute restricts, concretizes the meaning of denotatum with indicating one of its recognative feature. This model A(a) + N(N) is the leading type for creating perfume and cosmetic names. This type may be recognized as a basic model combining Adjective + Noun. It is used for creating all perfume and cosmetic goods (eau de parfum: Pink Sugar; Cool Water; Red Door; Beautiful Life; eau de toilette: Lovely Garden; Old Spice; Royal Copenhagen; Fresh Rose; Purple Lilac; eau de cologne: English Leather; British Sterling; Grey Flannel; mascara: Double wear; Sexy Pulp; eye shadow: Pure Color; Professional Bronze; lipstick: Red Apple; lip gloss: Golden Peach; 24k Golden Gloss; nail wear: Black Diamond; French Manicure; High Performance; liquid foundation: Ideal Shade; Fresh Air; Luminous Silk; Ageless Elixir; powder: White Linen; color corrector cream: Flawless Perfection; Perfect Body; nourishing face cream: Dry Skin; Gentle Peeling; Black Pine). This model is not used for creating blush, rouge names.

The leading, basic word combination model has nine complicated variants. Complication is connected with the process when Adjective is substituted with other parts of speech in the position of Adjunct. Another complication is connected with the nucleus which is transformed into a phrase itself. The first variant of complicated model A(Ving) + N contains a suffix derivative subordinate component which is represented with Participle I (Ving) (Smouldering Silver; Protecting Pomegranate; Calming Effect; Moisturising Vanilla). Participle I adjectivisation is the process of gradual collecting adjectival meanings which are slowly turning into the component with stable and constant feature - attribute. In the given examples A(Ving) indicates the meaning of agentive action, tendency of providing certain actions. In fact the first variant of complicated model may be represented as a word combination: A^ple v + N^ = A^ + N(N) = Ving + N (Sparkling Amethyst; Sparkling Coral; Gleaming Gold; Mattifying Ivory; Lasting Performance; Replumping Serum; Defining Blush; Blushing Fabric). The second variant of complicated model A(Ved) + N with the Adjunct represented with Participle II shows the meaning relations between components (Gilded Velvet; Sophisticated Violets) of this phrase model. These relations are based on the categorial meaning of Adjunct “quality”. The suffix -ed creating the Participle in the past form gives the meaning of possessing some quality. This variant may be described with formal structures: A(Participle n) + N(Noun) = A(Ved) + N(n) = Ved + N (Chromed Cocao; Sunkissed Effect; Whipped Cream).

Variant 3 of the complicated model contains the Adjunct - Possessive pronoun A(I) + N (Her Secret) and it declares possessiveness, belonging (My Red; My Gold; My Name; My Land). This variant may be represented with a chain of formal structures semantic perfume cosmetic name

A(Possessive pronoun) + N(Noun) A(I) + N(N) 1 + N' Within

This model there are some further complicated structural constituents (Our Story for Her; Our Story for Him; A(I) + N(N) + prep A(I) = I + N prep I; Very Me York A(D+I) + N(N) = D + I + N). There are two Adjuncts-Pronouns in post and pre-positions. It is possible to identify the chain-variants of related complicated models: 4. A(a+a) + N^; 5. A(a+n) + Nm; 6. A(n+a) + N(n)'; 7. A(d+a) + N(n). In these structures compound Adjectives are characterized with a certain combinations of stems: (a) two Adjectives which give qualitative integrated description of size, colour (Little Black Dress; Little White Dress; Little Red Dress; Retropical Blue Lagoon; Pure Color Crystal; Indivisible Fluid Make-up; Sensitive Botanical Day); (b) Adjective and Substantive Stems (Secret Fantasy Kiss; Urban Edge Nights; White Diamonds Lustre; Sexiest Fantasies Fireworks; False Lash Wings; Pure Color Envy; Color Fever Shine; Color Fever Gloss; Double Fever Light; Flawless Finish Fluid; Perfect Tone Night); (c) Substantive and Adjective Stems (Summer White Sunset; Cigar Black Wood; Mandarin Fruity Jelly); (d) Adverbial and Adjective Stems (Very Irresistible Givenchy) where the Adverbial component has emphatic effect underlining qualitative description of denotate. Involvement of complex Adjectives broadens the scale of denotative quality representation. The existence of definite and constant non-variable models with strict classification and boundaries would contradict the existence of intermediate models between nuclear and nonnuclear word combinations in the system of perfume and cosmetic names. Precursors of these free models are some intermediate models containing free word combinations.

Variant 8 of the co^uplicated ^uodel ^A(ving) + Nn conJ n) represents a non-nuclear word combination as a nuclear component. It exists as a combination of two substantive stems (Nourishing milk and Honey; Hydrating Peach and Cotton). Substantive elements connected with conjunctions may change their position without distorting the name semantics. The Adjective component is common for both substantive elements and the Adjective component spreads its basic attributive effect on both substantive ones.

Variant 9 of the complicated model has a very well developed nuclear structure A(Ving) + N(N2+N1^corj N). It contains three substantive components, two of them form a nucleus word combination. This word combination is an element of free phrases, and it is an independent substantive component (Purifying Tea Tree and Cucumber). If the order of components is different (Cucumber and Tea Tree), it does not distort the name semantics.

The second nuclear structural type is associated with the model where both Adjunct and Nucleus are represented with nouns A(n)+N(n). This model may be represented with the shorter way to underline the nature of constituents. It may be shown as N2 + N1 combining the substantive components. The substantive component N1 functions as a nucleus and the component N2 without losing its substantive semantics and specification functions as the Adjunct. The simplest model is represented in naming units reflecting different and rather odd ideas of nominators (Skin Caviar; Miss Dior; Summer Fragrance; Doll Eyes; City Rush; Ballroom Beauty; Nail Experts; Cherry Blossom). The distinguished basic model of the second structural type (as the basic model of the first structural type A(a) + N(N)) also forms names of practically all perfumes and cosmetic goods. The most variable are names of eau de parfum (Animale Love; Love Pulse; Fantasy Midnight; Gap Sunshine; London Beat), eau de toilette (Summer Collection; Pear Caramel; Cherry Bloom), eau de cologne (Euphoria Gold; Berlin playboy; Mustang Sport; Star Wars). There are names of mascara (Baby doll), eye shadow (Soho Chic), lipstick (Lip color; Lip maestro), lip gloss (Lip lover; Summer collection), nail polish (Nail Lacquer), face foundation (Skin flesh; Country Mist; Maestro Eraser), powder (Spring Song), cream (Rose heart; Platinum night; Nature Secret; Winter Night). The simplest model may be complicated in different ways creating eight variants of the complicated model. Variants 1, 2, 3 of the complicated model are characterized with the complicated Adjunct. Variant 1 of the complicated model N2 n+N) + N1 (Lady Gaga Fame) is completely formed with substantive components. Variant 2 of the complicated model N2 (A+N) + N2 is characterized with Adjective components (Full Speed Adrenaline; Full Speed Intense; Black Cat Eyes). Variant 3 of the complicated model N2 (N prep N) + N1 involves the preposition as a part of Adjunct (Top to Toe Wash). Prepositions are features of models belonging to the second structural type. It may be explained with the domination of substantive elements in the word combinations. The simplest is variant 4 of the complicated model N1 prep N2 (Garden of Eden; Flower in the Air; Diamondsfor Men; Stars in the Sky). Variant 5 of the complicated model demonstrates the case when the material nature of goods is represented in details N1 prep N(^+n) (Extract of Skin Caviar). Variant 6 of the complicated model demonstrates the nucleus formed with combining two substantive components N2 +N1 (N^+N) (Glycerine Hand and Nails). As in the case of the first structural type and as in the case of the second structural type models there are intermediate models between nuclear and nonnuclear word combinations. They are connected with complicated Adjuncts, in particular variant 7 (N(N+N) conj N (Gold Amber and Tuberose; Sugar Plump and Vanilla) and variant 8 N(a+N) conj N (Oriental Orchid and Raspberry).

The third type of naming units in the system of perfume and cosmetic names are sentences. These naming units are embodied in proposemes (sentences). According to the purpose of utterance these naming units are divided into imperative (Make no mistakes. Glaze 'N Go. 24 Live another day. 24 Live another night. Kiss ' N Fly. Live without regrets. Slip into... Love to the Fullest. Be delicious. Catch... me.), declarative (Tigress captivates. Love's Vanilla pop. Love's Sheer Petals. Love's Rain Scent. Love's Baby Soft. Love's White Vanilla). The last ones may be recognized as sentences if the shortened form Love's is transformed into Love is, and it is not recognized as a possessive case of unliving being. Exclamatory sentences of elliptical form belong to the third type of naming units too (Funny! Miracle so Magic!). These three types of sentences function as naming units because they occupy the position of goods names identifying corresponding perfume or powder. Naming units - sentences demonstrate the tendency of broadening the naming inventory devices. It occurs when the limits of words and word combinations (they are recognized as leading naming units) are exceeded and they approach the units of proposemic (sentential) level. Three groups of sentences (imperative, declarative, and exclamatory) are on the very edge where the gradual change of traditional naming units (words and word combinations) into the more complex structures (sentences - naming units) takes place. These sentences as naming units are out of traditional understanding as within the sentence all components have their own semantics.

The second stage of modelling the semantic space in the field of perfume and cosmetic names is finished with separation such a unit which may be distinguished and recognized as a content word. The content word is associated with a lexical unit incorporated into the body of naming units - words, word combinations and sentences. The content word is the leading and significant bearer of essential information about perfumes or make-up. The content word is a lexeme with specific semantics attracting the attention of potential consumers-buyers in the process of informational reception in the naming units - corresponding goods names. The content words are recognized as social focal, main points in the programme of naming unit reception. Content words may be distinguished as local, separate, discrete components that have got (in the naming units - goods names) speech embodiment and arrangement. Content words provide basic or supplementary information about goods. In the frame of speech aspect these words indicate definite semantic-structural and content-narrative manifestation of semantic space. Being spread in all variants of naming units as their components these words provide semantic navigation in the set of naming units.

The third stage of modelling is the last one in the initial (structural) phase of modelling the semantic space. Providing the navigation content words get the quality of a focuser. The focuser correlates with the content word in the case of providing relevant information about goods to the potential consumers- buyers.

The initial phase of modelling the semantic space includes three stages reflecting the transformation of a distinguishable unit as a chain of transfiguration (1. naming unit - semantic component, 2. content word, 3. focuser = polyvector). These phases and stages are represented in Table 1. The focuser itself attracts the attention of buyers on the individual features of perfumes or make-up which are hidden in goods names - naming units. Goods individual characteristics are divided into substance and consumers' features. Substance features indicate quality and quantity of corresponding goods which are connected with chemicals, materials, ingredients used for producing perfumes or make-up. From another point of view quantity aspect may be reflected in the focuser when ingredients are enumerated or even weight, volume, or concentration of components are indicated. Quality aspect of substance characteristics is represented in the naming units using focusers which may be recognized as an individual word (lexeme) forming the whole naming unit (Jasmine). The focuser may be a lexeme as a component of the naming unit (Lotus Flower, Naturals face nourishing milk and honey). The focusers may form the whole naming unit which is a phrase enumerating all the substances in the perfume or make-up (Rose Geranium and Organic Camellia seed oil). The focuser itself may be associated with a content word or a combination of content words representing, emphasizing definite piece of information about goods grasping variety of perfumes and make-up (Body Fantasies Sugar Apple; Naturals body strawberry moisturizing; Pomegranate Satin Hand; Care Glicerine hand and nail; Men Fresh aloe vera; Foot beauty Care organic lavender; fluoride tooth paste; Fun Water; Black Orchid; Naturals face protecting green tea and olive leaf). Within these naming units focusers are chemical lexemes connected with the terminology of organic and inorganic chemistry (water, fluoride, glycerine). Other focusers are connected with food products (sugar, milk, honey, oil) or belong to botanical terminology (apple, strawberry, aloe vera, lavanda, jasmine, lotus, geranium, camellia). Focusers may indicate quantitative aspect of substance characteristics, indicating substances, components in weight measure, liquid measure (100 ml e with collagen and elastan; 75 mle with lemon grass and cucumber extract; 125 ml e energizing peach and almond; 500 ml e awakening citrus with relaxing lavender and fig). Quantity may be indicated with enumerating or calculating the components without measure (2-in-1 tooth gel with mouth wash beads; purifying micellar water 2-in-1). Focusers of quantity substance characteristics (100 ml e, 500 ml e, 75 ml e, 2-in-1) coexist with focusers of quality substance characteristics (lemongrass, cucumber, collagen, elastan, peach, almond, citrus, lavender, fig) making naming units more saturated, concentrated in informative aspect. The focuser which is connected with substance characteristics demonstrates the feature of polyvector as it has two different targets with different directions. These directions are quality and quantity specification of perfume and make-up represented in their naming units with a system of content words. In the case of substance characteristics the polyvector looks like twofold structure.

This is another focuser which is connected with consumers' characteristics. They are connected with gender differentiations reflected in naming units. Using these focusers the potential consumers-buyers may choose corresponding goods according to gender (sex) variations. These focusers help to provide selection on the primary level according to the biological sex of consumers. Gender focusers make easier the navigation among different perfume or cosmetic goods (Men's Collection Dark Wood; 212 VIP men; Cool water women; Bulgari Man in Black; Versace Man; Armani Code for Woman; The Bulgari men collection; The Bulgari women collection). Here the focusers are represented with ordinary content words man, woman. They are definite gender markers. Another characteristic is connected with consumers' age (Lucky Girl; Baby Doll; Bod Man Fresh Guy). Focusers - content words (girl, baby, guy) indicate the relevant age of potential users of perfumes or make-up.

The most remarkable is a group of focusers indicating consumers' social status. Focusers - content words may indicate profession, entertainment (On duty men sport; On duty women light bloom; Bod man Warrior; Sport for women; Dior Homme Sport). Social status may be represented with titles or ranks (Elite Gentleman; Eau De Royal Secret; Royal Aqua; Killer Queen; Disney Princess; Lady Million Eau my Gold). The focuser associated with consumers' characteristics also demonstrates the feature of polyvector as it has three different targets with different directions. They are gender, age, and social status specifications - recommendations for choosing corresponding perfumes and make-up. In the case of consumers' characteristics the polyvector looks like threefold structure. Specifications of polyvectors are represented in Table 1.

The fourth stage is connected with the modelling of focusing as a process trying to reveal its mechanism.

This stage elucidates functional peculiarities of focusing. Features of focusing as a gradual process of semantic space recognition are established in quantity aspect. The distinguishable unit - content word - focuser - polyvector being the source and “building material” for naming units - goods names may occur in the naming unit only once. In this case focusing is recognized as singular (Republic of Women; Pour Femme; Dior Homme Parfum; Bulgari Man in Black). Lexical units - gender indicators (women, femme, home, man) represent specification (in explicit way) and represent (in implicit way) age differentiation. Singular focusing also takes place in naming units (Gentlemen only intense; Berlin playboy; Prince Matchabelli; L 'imperatrice; Royal Aqua) where lexical units - content words (gentlemen, prince, l'imperatrice, royal) are connected with social status. Simultaneously, these content words show the gender difference. Double focusing occurs when naming units contain two content words within one structure (Bod Man Warrior; Bod Man Player; on duty women; sport for women; Elite Gentleman). Naming units contain gender indicators (man, women, gentleman) and indicators of profession or entertainment (player, warrior, duty, sport). Double focusing occurs in the case when components are enumerated in the naming units (White jasmine and rose; naturals face protecting green tea and olive leaf; 75 ml e with lemon grass and cucumber extract; 100 ml e with collagen and elastan). These ingredients create indivisible units of individual recipe (jasmine - rose, tea - olive, lemon grass - cucumber, collagen - elastan). Triple focusing takes place when naming units contain three significant content words (500 ml e awakening citrus with relaxing lavender and fig; Moisturising Raspberry, Mango and Ginger).

The fifth stage also elucidates functional features of focusing. Semantic space reconstruction is established here in the degree of understanding aspect. This stage is based on the content word comprehension or content word semantic limpidity. Degree of understanding the content words which are the components of naming units starts with primary degree. It means that the content word itself is understandable and does not need any further explanation and dictionary definitions. These content words are connected with substance characteristics. Content words may create naming units on their own or in word combinations (Thailand Lotus Flower; Mediterranean Olive Oil; Japanese Sake, and Rice; Dahlia Noir; Pomegranate and Mango; Juicy Watermelon; Rich Ginger; Herbals; Mon Jasmin Noir). Botanical terminology is preferable here (Loving Lavander; Carnation; Lily of the Valley; Violet and Lychee; Cherry Blossom;

Beautiful lavender; Rose - Gardenia, Jasmine) and floral names dominate. Dendronames occur here too (Sandalwood, Cedarwood). Names of fruit and vegetables happen sporadically (Peach and Almond Milk; Moisturising Raspberry; Mango and Ginger; Apricot Mystery; Rich Ginger; Strawberry and Guava; Green Apple). Mixed naming units grasp content words of different groups (Tea Tree and Cucumber; Mango and Ginger; Mediterranean Olive Oil with Orange Flower Cream; Raspberry and Hibiscus; Green Tea and Olive leaf; Oriental Orchid and Raspberry).

The secondary degree of understanding requires the usage of content word dictionary definition. Content words - focusers connected with consumers' characteristics, in particular, social status, needs further information obtained from the dictionary definition of these lexical units. Using the method of dictionary definitions helps to identify these goods with corresponding social rank or status of potential consumers even if this correlation is only the marketing trick. Adjective Royal is distinguished in naming units: Eau de Royal Secret; Cuba Royal; Royal Copenhagen; Royal Aqua; Royal Velvet. Its dictionary definition demonstrates the connection of that lexical unit with the highest social levels: “relating to or belonging to a king or queen, (informal) a member of a royal family” (Longman, 2006: 1436). These are some semantically related content words in naming units: Killer Queen; Prince Matchabeli French Musk; Disney Princess; L'imperatrice. All of them belong to the status lexico-semantic group. Dictionary definitions clarify their lexical meaning: Queen “the female ruler of a country; the wife of a king” (Longman, 2006: 1342); Prince “the son of a king, queen or prince; a male ruler of a small country or a state” (Longman, 2006: 1300); Princess “a close female relation of a king and queen especially a daughter; the wife of a prince” (Longman, 2006: 1301). Lexeme - content word Gentleman occurs in naming units: Elite Gentleman; Gentleman only; Gentleman only intense. Semantics of this lexical unit demonstrates its belonging to the status lexicon: Gentleman “a polite word for a man used especially talking to or about a man you do not know; a man who is always polite, has good manners, and treats other people; (old-fashioned) a man from a high social class, especially one whose family owns a lot of property” (Longman, 2006: 672). The definition of adjective Elite being the component of the naming unit Elite Gentleman shows its connection with the status lexicon: “(n) a group of people who have a lot of power and influence because they have money, knowledge, or special skills; (adj) an elite group contains the best, most skilled or most experienced people or members of a larger group” (Longman, 2006: 508-509).

The tertiary degree of understanding is connected with the involvement of chain of dictionary definitions. This chain appears because the symbolism is used here. It is recognized as a process of abstract concept representation using any real object. Symbols which are used for creating naming units function as the representative - association of certain social relations. Implicit symbols - focusers of social status have connotative meaning. Within this group the most remarkable are content words indicating precious metals and stones. Lexeme Gold has a leading position and is used in naming units: Euphoria Gold; Honey Gold; Golden Peach; Precious Gold; Rare Gold. “Gold is symbolic of all that is superior, the glorified. Everything golden or made of gold tends to pass on quality of superior to its utilitarian function. Gold is also the essential element in the symbolism of the hidden or elusive treasure which is illustration of the fruits of the spirit and of supreme illumination” (Cirlot, 2001:120). Naming unit Gliter mascara Silver shows that content word Silver functions in the same way “As a bright, precious metal silver belongs to the classical gods only less insistently than gold. Apollo is particular associated with a silver bow; “silverbow” is the title of his in the Iliad” (Ferber, 1999:196). Lexeme Diamond is the attribute of nobility, high social levels; it is used as a component of some naming units: White Diamonds Lustre; White Diamonds; Yellow Diamond; Versace Yellow Diamond; Diamonds for men; Black Diamond. The definition of this lexeme emphasizes price and value: “Like all precious stones, it partakes of the general symbolism of treasures and riches, that is moral and intellectual knowledge” (Cirlot 2001: 81). Symbols of social status are lexemes where features of social segmentation are recognized in implicit way. Definitions of these lexemes demonstrate the indirect representation of social status features.


Perfume and cosmetic names being the naming units of specific class of goods have a very complex, many-sided, versatile semantic space structure. This structure may be revealed and understood using the process of modelling which includes several stages. The first stage is connected with the identification of semantic components within all possible naming units or goods names. These names are embodied in a single word, a word combination or the whole sentence. Semantic components are connected with a content word. The second stage is based on the assumption that a content word is a representative of a semantic component. The content word may create the whole naming unit when the goods name functions as a single word. The content word may be the part of goods names if these names are phrases or sentences.

Table 1 The modelling of semantic space in the perfume and cosmetic goods names

The third stage of modelling the semantic space involves the main function of goods names. These names are focused on the potential buyers giving them essential pieces of information about perfumes and make-up. It means that the content word functions as a focuser attracting the attention of potential buyers on the individual features of perfumes or make-up which are hidden in the goods names. The focuser acts as a polyvector with two different directions. The first direction is aimed at substance characteristics of named goods. They are divided into quality and quantity. The second direction is connected with consumers' characteristics. They grasp gender, age, and social status of potential buyers. The third stage of the semantic space modelling represents this space as a dense network of focusers - content words with polyvector targeting which are the components of perfume and cosmetic names. The first, second, and third stages create the initial phase of semantic space modelling. This phase is structural indicating, recognizing the initial semantic unit that is an elementary structural component of the semantic space. The final phase includes several stages too, but they are connected with the functional nature of focusers. In reality they are multifocusers. Focusers - content words ensure the effective function of perfume and content names. This function is recognized as a process of focusing. In a formal way focusing has twofold shape that gives the possibility of further modelling the semantic space including additional stages. The fourth stage enables to model the process of focusing in the quantity aspect. According to the number of content words - focusers used in the perfume and cosmetic names the process of focusing may be singular, double, or triple. The fifth stage shows the degree of understanding aspect. This stage represents the usage of dictionary definition, selecting the seams. The primary degree indicates the case when the focuser - content word does not need any dictionary definition because the meaning of focuser is clear. Meaning is understood from the lexeme. The second degree needs the involvement of dictionary definition containing some seams which correspond to the optimal level of understanding. The tertiary degree occurs when the dictionary definition seams correspond to inadequate, insufficient level. In this case seams of the first dictionary definition need further explanation using their dictionary definitions as the additional source of meaning. The meaning becomes clear from the consistent, logical chain of seams. Initial and final phrases demonstrate the polyphase mechanism of revealing the semantic space hidden in the structures of perfume and cosmetic goods names. If the focuser has polyvector properties, its function has twofold shape. Their mutual correlation indicates the complex nature of semantic space which is based on the pragmatic background of goods dealing. All phases and stages of the semantic space modelling are represented in Table 1. Phases and stages of semantic modelling may be compared with the process of removing a cover from the bearers of information. The removing itself reveals the inner structure of the semantic component, indicating simultaneously its place and specification of existence. Focusing reflects the mechanism of semantic representation in naming units. The semantic representation is connected with two aspects (quantity and degree of understanding). All grades of research demonstrate multilevel organization of semantic sphere which is connected with naming units of perfumes and make-up.


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