Pedagogical conditions for teaching bachelors of foreign philology in the information-educational environment at HEI

Increasing the motivation for professional activity of future specialists in foreign philology. Stimulation of cognitive and thinking activity of students in the informational and educational environment. Formation of speech competences of bachelors.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Дата добавления 16.04.2023
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Khmelnytskyi National University

Pedagogical conditions for teaching bachelors of foreign philology in the information-educational environment at HEI

Rogulska O.O., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences,

Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages Education

and Intercultural Communication

Tarasova O.V., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,

Associate Professor at the Department of Germanic Languages

and Translation Studies

Roskvas I.A., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,

Department of Foreign Languages


The research purpose is to determine, theoretically substantiate and experimentally verify the organizational and pedagogical conditions for teaching Bachelors of Foreign Philology in the information-educational environment at higher educational institutions.

To achieve the purpose the following methods have been used: theoretical (a comprehensive analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature; theoretical and critical analysis of official documents of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, analysis of curricula, programs and textbooks, manuals and recommendations; induction, deduction, synthesis, generalization, abstraction and generalization), empirical (direct and indirect observation, diagnostic methods (questionnaires, testing, surveys, interviews), experimental methods (ascertaining, formative and final stages of pedagogical experiment)) and methods of mathematical statistics (ranking, comparison, quantitative and qualitative analysis of experimental results and their statistical processing by the Pearson's criterion x2.

The organizational and pedagogical conditions for the future Bachelors of Foreign Philology professional training have been identified, theoretically substantiated and experimentally verified. It has been found out that organizational and pedagogical conditions enable significant improvements in the educational process, create a special mechanism of students' thinking capacity, promoting the accumulation of knowledge and life experience. It has been stated that only a complex implementation of suggested organizational and pedagogical conditions contributes to the successful professional training of the future Bachelors of Foreign Philology.

The hypothesis has been confirmed: after the pedagogical experiment the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology readiness level for professional activity at the formative stage of the experiment in the experimental group is higher than in the control group.

Key words: Bachelors of Foreign Philology, information-educational environment, higher educational institutions, organizational and pedagogical conditions, pedagogical experiment.


Педагогічні умови навчання бакалаврів іноземної філології в інформаційно-освітньому середовищі у ВНЗ

У статті визначено й теоретично обґрунтовано організаційно-педагогічні умови (підвищення мотивації до професійної діяльності та формування професійних ціннісних орієнтацій у бакалаврів іноземної філології через використання інтерактивних технологій; використання особистісно орієнтованих технологій у професійній підготовці бакалаврів іноземної філології; впровадження різних видів практики та позааудиторної роботи для набуття досвіду майбутньої професійної діяльності; створення та підтримка освітньо-креативного середовища для формування готовності бакалаврів іноземної філології до професійної діяльності; розвиток професійної рефлексії) підготовки бакалаврів іноземної філології до професійної діяльності.

З'ясовано, що організаційно-педагогічні умови дадуть змогу вдосконалити освітній процес, створити такий механізм мисленнєвої діяльності студентів, який сприятиме накопиченню знань і життєвого досвіду, а також допоможуть підтримувати інтелектуальні зусилля студентів, стимулювати пізнавальну активність. Визначені організаційно-педагогічні умови посилюватимуть мотивацію студентів до навчання, виховуватимуть у них внутрішні пізнавальні, усвідомлені мотиви, що впливатимуть в майбутньому на професійну діяльність майбутнього фахівця. Констатовано, що лише комплексна реалізація обґрунтованих організаційно-педагогічних умов сприяє успішній професійній підготовці бакалаврів іноземної філології в умовах інформаційно-освітнього середовища закладів вищої освіти. Зауважимо, що всі організаційно-педагогічні умови функціюють у системі та взаємозумовлюють одна іншу. Підтверджено гіпотезу: після завершення експерименту рівень сформованості показників готовності бакалаврів іноземної філології до професійної діяльності ЕГ і КГ на формувальному етапі експерименту в експериментальній групі вищий, ніж у респондентів контрольної групи. Це аргументовано тим, що в експериментальному освітньому процесі використано систему підготовки бакалаврів іноземної філології до професійної діяльності й упроваджено організаційно-педагогічні умови підготовки бакалаврів іноземної філології в умовах інформаційно-освітнього середовища ЗВО, що дало змогу створити в навчальному процесі підготовки бакалаврів іноземної філології в ЕГ якісно нові умови освітньої діяльності.

Ключові слова: бакалаври іноземної філології, інформаційно-освітнє середовище, заклади вищої освіти, організаційно-педагогічні умови, педагогічний експеримент.


Research problem statement. Taking into account the changing social demand for foreign language proficiency, increasing interest in the language as one of the priority values of society, expanding the scope of international cooperation focusing on the practical use of language in everyday, business and professional communication, the modern model of the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology training at higher educational institutions (HEIs) needs to be thoroughly rethought. Owing to the fact that a modern Ukrainian philologist must not only gain knowledge but also develop the ability to apply it in practice, be a spiritually and intellectually developed creative personality adapted to contemporary requirements, socially mature and successful. The fact of the matter is that the theoretical study of scientific approaches, concepts, and technologies does not provide a fully effective development of practical experience required for future Bachelors of Foreign Philology in the context of the implementation of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in everyday life and professional activities. In addition, the traditional system of education does not create conditions for the effective development of mental abilities of students, devalues their creative potential. Society gets a passive functional worker, a performer who does not have enough skills to make decisions in professional activities and is not ready to carry out professional duties in the rapid pace of society informatization.

At the initial stage of the research a number of contradictions in the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology training in the information-educational environment of HEIs have been outlined. The mentioned contradictions are related to the objective need of society for high quality language specialists training and the real graduates readiness to professional activity; the need for highly qualified foreign language specialists who are able to quickly adapt to modern conditions of dynamic professional activity and the traditional system of their professional training. The other discrepancies are associated with the modern society growing demands to the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology training and the insufficient level of providing the necessary OPCs; significant positive achievements of foreign experience in Bachelors' of Foreign Philology training and the inadequate level of its implementation at national HEIs; the need to use innovative teaching and learning forms, tools, methods, modern information technology and current state of their implementation in the educational process. The fundamental imbalance casts doubts on the creation of an information- educational environment of HEIs and the inadequate level of its use within the traditional system of the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology training. The identified contradictions, insufficient scientific substantiation of the outlined problem in pedagogical theory and practice resulted in the choice of the research topic Pedagogical Conditions for Teaching Bachelors of Foreign Philology in the Information- Educational Environment at HEI.

Organizational and pedagogical conditions being a complex set of factors contribute to the regulation and interaction of objects and phenomena engaged in the educational process. OPCs enable achieving particular goals, establishing interpersonal relationships of the educational process participants and therefore facilitating the implementation of didactic tasks, enhancing educational activities of future professionals, reinforcing and motivating their independence, initiative and professional development. The intended results of the educational process at higher educational institutions directly depend on the organizational and pedagogical conditions of the educational environment, the choice of special teaching and learning tools, methods and forms influencing and contributing to the educational activities effectiveness and the planned tasks realization.

Recent researches and publications analysis. The future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology training in the information-educational environment of HEIs is provided and regulated by a range of legislative and strategic documents outlining the development of education in Ukraine. The principal of them are: Laws of Ukraine “On Education” (2017), “On Higher Education” (2014), “National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine for 2012-2021” (2013), “National Program for the Study and Promotion of Foreign Languages “Speak Global - go Global” (2016), “The Concept of Education in Ukraine for 2015-2025” (2013); “Sustainable Development Strategy ofUkraine - 2020” (2015), “Draft Sustainable Development Strategy of Ukraine until 2030” (2017). The international legislative framework includes “The Bruges Communique on enhanced European Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training for the period 2011-2020” (2010), “CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference: Learning, Teaching and Assessment)” (2001).

Theoretical aspects of the Bachelors' of Foreign Philology training are the subject of many academic publications. The results of the analysis of scientific sources showed that the concept of “pedagogical conditions” is widely characterized by many scientists (Golubova G., Kademiya M., Lodatko E., Melnychuk S., Melnyk N., Pidlasyi I., Polonskiy V., Shmyrko O., Vdovychyn T., Zubko A., Hatherly A., Abbott C., Davison J., Kozma R., Celebic G., Rendulic D. I., Salmon G. Scientists interpret this term as necessary circumstances, phenomena, factors, ways, anticipated results, directions, motivations, etc. The reference literature offers different interpretations of the concept of “condition”, which have much in common. cognitive foreign philology speech competence

Generally, the concept of “condition” is interpreted as a necessary circumstance that contributes to something; circumstances, features of reality, under which changes occur. In the explanatory dictionary of the modern Ukrainian language, the definition of the concept of “condition” is more specific: a necessary circumstance that allows the implementation, creation, formation of something or contributes to something [1, p. 1506]; factor, the driving force of any process, phenomenon; factor [1, p. 1526].

Most often pedagogical conditions are characterized as an external prerequisite for the existence and development of the circumstances, which are the grounds for the complex productive pedagogical process of training, mediated by the individual or group activity. This definition indicates that pedagogical conditions affect (accelerate or slow down) the development of pedagogical phenomena, systems, personality qualities, etc. [2].

In psychology, the condition is explained as a set of phenomena of the external and internal environments that affect the development of a particular mental phenomenon. To determine the cause-and-effect relationship of a phenomenon, it is necessary to analyze it in various relationships and dimensions. If one phenomenon gives rise to another, it is the cause; if a phenomenon interacts with another phenomenon in the process of development of the whole to which it belongs, it is a factor; if the phenomenon determines the existence of another phenomenon, it is a condition [3, p. 318].

In the Education and Pedagogy Dictionary, the concept of “condition” is presented as “a set of variable natural, social, external and internal influences that affect the physical, psychological, moral development of a person, his/her behavior, upbringing, education, personality development” [3, p. 36]. The definition of “pedagogical” indicates that such circumstances are associated with the organization of the educational process and shaping the external environment for the cognitive and educational activities of students aimed at certain knowledge, skills and abilities development [3, p. 113]. In particular, S. Melnychuk qualifies pedagogical conditions as factors of learning management that ensure the activity of students and stimulate the conscious assimilation of educational material. Pedagogical conditions are a set of actions and interactions that ensure the achievement of the maximum possible useful outcome [4, p. 39].

In the course of scientific study the term “organizational and pedagogical conditions” have been used. The notion “organizational and pedagogical conditions” combines two terms (“organization” and “pedagogical conditions”). The concept of “organization”, which is organically combined by definition with pedagogical conditions, occurs infrequently, and the notion “organizational and pedagogical conditions” has no established interpretation. However, scientists are increasingly using the organizational aspect in the pedagogical environment.

According to I. Pidlasyi, organization as a pedagogical category is an ordering of the didactic process according to certain criteria, shaping it properly for the best realization of the set goal. Moreover, the form (from the Latin “forma” - appearance, shell) in this context was analyzed by the scientist as a way of existence of the educational process, the shell for its inner essence, logic and content, associated with the order of its implementation. The organization is one of the four main components of a dynamic system - the pedagogical process. This component is also referred to as organizational and managerial [5].

A. Zubko distinguishes the following organizational and pedagogical conditions that contribute to the improvement of the educational process: conditions that enable the educational process (the level of professionalism; the degree of readiness to teach students); conditions that modernize the educational process (material and technical, educational and methodological support, etc.) [6].

Among the types of pedagogical conditions, the organizational and pedagogical conditions marked by the specifics of the educational process organization deserve special research attention. In the case of compliance with organizational and pedagogical conditions, the educational process can reach a new level, as the conditions optimize the consistency of professional knowledge, skills and abilities. It is the organizational and pedagogical conditions that help the student to develop comprehensively as a person, increase the focus on professional activities, allow demonstrating pedagogical talent [7].

Task setting. General hypothesis of the research is based on the assumption that the effectiveness of the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology training in the information-educational environment of HEIs will increase significantly with the introduction of developed, theoretically proved and experimentally verified organizational and pedagogical conditions.

The research purpose is to determine, theoretically substantiate and experimentally verify the organizational and pedagogical conditions for Bachelors' of Foreign Philology training in the information-educational environment of higher educational institutions.

To achieve the purpose and test the hypothesis the following methods have been used: theoretical (a comprehensive analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the problem; theoretical and critical analysis of official documents of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, analysis of curricula, programs and textbooks, manuals and recommendations; structural analysis to identify the structure of professional activity of the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology for professional activity; induction, deduction, synthesis, generalization, abstraction and generalization), empirical (observation to identify the experience of using an array of forms, methods, techniques and technologies of the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology training; diagnostic methods (questionnaires, testing, surveys, interviews); experimental methods (ascertaining, formative and final stages of pedagogical experiment)) and methods of mathematical statistics (ranking, comparison, quantitative and qualitative analysis of experimental results and their statistical processing by the Pearson's criterion x2.


In the course of study the following optimal organizational and pedagogical conditions for the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology training have been determined:

1) motivation increase towards professional activities and shaping professional value orientations in future Bachelors of Foreign Philology through the interactive technologies implementation;

2) use of personality-oriented technologies in the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology training;

3) implementation of different practical and extracurricular activities for gaining the necessary professional experience;

4) creation and support of creative learning environment for training future Bachelors of Foreign Philology for professional activities;

5) development of professional reflection in future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology.

The indicated organizational and pedagogical conditions are expected to improve the educational process, create a mechanism of students mental activity, which will contribute to the accumulation of knowledge and life experience, as well as help support the intellectual efforts of students, stimulate their cognitive activity. These will strengthen students motivation to study, develop internal cognitive, conscious motives related to the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology professional activity. Effective future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology training can be successfully realized by using the appropriate organizational and pedagogical conditions. It should be emphasized that all conditions function in the system and are interrelated and interdependent. It is necessary to characterize each organizational and pedagogical condition in detail.

Motivation increase towards professional activities and shaping professional value orientations in future Bachelors of Foreign Philology through the interactive technologies implementation provides detailed acquaintance with future professional activity, its social significance, modern requirements for knowledge, skills, abilities and personality traits in the process of study all disciplines. Under this condition the students' ideas about the modern model of a successful philologist's personality are shaped through encouraging to realize the prospects of professional self-realization. The development of a positive “self-concept”, a hierarchy of value orientations related to professional activity, students' needs and skills to work independently with different sources ofinformation, master information technology and creatively apply knowledge in practice is also predetermined by the stated condition. Moreover, it provides conditions for self-education, stimulates the desire for self-improvement, and maintains curiosity and “cognitive” psychological climate in the academic group. In addition, the first organizational and pedagogical condition is focused on the anxiety and uncertainty minimization of individual students, the creation of success situations for students at a high level of their abilities realization, subordination of the process of motivation development for professional achievement according to a number of criteria. They include successful learning at the optimal complexity level associated with the requirements of the course; individualization of the learning process as a basis for professional self-determination; development of skills and abilities to master modern technologies, their creative application in future professional activity; objectivity of pedagogical and moral assessments as an indicator of personal achievements of a student, rather than means of encouragement or punishment. The use of interactive learning technologies creates motivation with a shift to the end result, which is especially important in training. The following interactive learning technologies have been used:

1. Interactive technologies of cooperative learning (work in pairs; rotational (variable) threesome; two - four - all together; carousel; work in small groups; aquarium; circle of ideas). Working in pairs, students do various exercises: discuss a task or a short text; take an interview, study the attitude (opinion) of the partner on the issue or statement; critically analyze each other's work, summarize the results, etc. Working in pairs and small groups, all students have an opportunity to express their opinions. This work helps students to think, to exchange ideas first with partners, and then to deliver them to the audience. This promotes the development of communication skills, critical thinking, and ability to express oneself, persuade and lead a discussion [2].

2. Interactive technologies of collective-group learning (situation analysis; problem solving; unfinished sentences; brainstorming; openwork saw; discussion of the problem in a general circle; microphone; learning via teaching; decision tree) provide simultaneous joint work of the whole team. For the organization of collective-group training it is necessary to take into account the following factors: the specifics of cooperation, which reflects the outside world and gives a realistic character to artificial relationships; providing feedback and support from team members who have similar problems and experiences. The other factors include friendly atmosphere that promotes the new skills development, increases the ability to self-efficacy in various spheres of life; features of group work that encourage students to self-assessment, self-research, during which one can act as a spectator, identify oneself with other participants, operate on the results obtained during the analysis of their own thoughts, emotions and actions [1; 2].

3. Situational modeling technologies (simplified court trials; public trials; simulations; role-playing). The model of learning in the game is the construction of the learning process through the inclusion of the student in the game (especially game simulation of the studied phenomena). The task of the teacher who uses the games in teaching is to subordinate it to the formulated didactic goal. The teacher is an instructor (presents the game rules, advises its participants), referee (adjusts and assists with advice on the division of roles), coach (gives tips for students who play the game), chairman, moderator (organizes the discussion of the game) [15].

4. Debates technologies ("Press" method; choose a position; change position; continuous scale of opinions; discussion; evaluation discussion; debate; discussion in the style of a television talk show) promote the development of critical thinking, allow to choose personal position, deepen knowledge of the issue under discussion. Debates learning technologies serve as an important mean of students' cognitive activity in the learning process. These technologies involve a number of rules: the discussion begins with a controversial question that does not have a definite answer and predicts different solutions, including the opposite. Participants do not ask the question: who is right and who is wrong? while attention is focused on the probable course of the discussion (What to expect in a given coincidence?, What could happen if ...?, Were there other possibilities?). The statements of the participants relate to the discussed topic. The teacher corrects mistakes and inaccuracies made by students and encourages everyone to do the same. Students' statements incorporate argumentation, justification (the teacher asks students questions like: what facts prove the usefulness of this opinion, how did you make such a conclusion). The discussion can be resolved both by consensus (an agreed decision) and by maintaining the existing differences between its participants. Thus, the use of interactive technologies contributes to the students' intellectual development, increases motivation for professional activity and promotes the development of professional values. Moreover, interactive technologies enhance the development of cognitive activity and interests, interest in creatively different organization of the educational process, activation of creativity, ability to distinguish the problem, mastering the skills of self-development.

The use of person-oriented technologies in the future Bachelors ' of Foreign Philology training involves a teaching methods change from illustrative and explanatory to research by linking the information with the knowledge already obtained and with the possibility of its prospective use. Person-oriented technologies include application of the dialogic method, variability in the forms of work organization, selection of visual aids, didactic manuals, methods and techniques of teaching and assessment, integration of various knowledge fields via computer technology, information support through electronic texts, Internet resources. The above mentioned technologies promote application of other sciences' achievements in the educational process; conducting workshops, seminars and tutorials to ensure better perception and comprehension of educational material by students, development of analytical and critical thinking, formation of connections between theoretical and practical knowledge. The greatest advantages include stimulating maximum independence, emotional self-expression and expression of creative abilities through differentiated types of independent work, holding creative competitions, submitting projects, exhibitions, etc. To intensify the classical lectures, the following lecture types are strongly recommended to be used: mini-lecture, lecture-conversation (dialogue with the audience), lecture-analysis of a specific situation, lecture-consultation, and lecture with intentional mistakes. Practical training sessions and role-playing should be used to consolidate and deepen the knowledge gained during conversations, lectures, seminars and workshops to improve practical skills and abilities, to use them in solving professional problems and to actively share experience. Project technologies are used to acquire skills of team work, to improve the ability to present and argue their positions on the tasks, to develop communication skills, to improve the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice. Thus, the use of pedagogical technologies, in particular the technology of person- oriented teaching in the Bachelors' of Foreign Philology training, allows to intensify the learning process, make it more creative, construct students' work on cooperation, mutual learning, encourage them to choose and use the most efficient ways of dealing with the educational material through selfdetermination and self-realization.

Introduction of various types of practice and extracurricular work to gain experience of future professional activity involves the development of students' ability to practice a foreign language based on professional competence and knowledge. Practice and extracurricular work allows students to combine theoretical knowledge with practical activities, as well as develop practical knowledge of professional activity regularities and an ability to carry out particular tasks. The specific character of practice during the second year of study implies that it takes place simultaneously with the study of the main normative disciplines. Practice during the fourth year (VIII semester) aims at a holistic professional training of the student to perform the functions of the professional philologist. Undergraduate practice is scheduled in the final year to summarize and improve the acquired knowledge, practical skills and abilities, gain professional experience and develop readiness for independent work. Personal and professional development of the student is not possible without his/her participation in the extracurricular activities. The main task of extracurricular work in the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology training is to acquaint students with the profession, to instill love and respect for philological work and to develop professional thinking. The following types of extracurricular activities are the most effective and widespread: celebrations of national and state holidays, theme evenings, intellectual games “What? Where? When?”, brain-ring, “Field of Miracles”, “Intelligence Show”, various contests and quizzes, excursions and hikes, promotions, debates, competitions, round tables, exhibitions, seminars, etc. Participation in these activities helps to expand possibilities of influence on the person for development of interest to sciences, imitativeness, activation of their cognitive abilities, nurturing of professionally significant and personal qualities. Thus, the introduction of various types of practice and extracurricular activities affects the development of the future philologist's professional qualities, gives a professional coloring to the educational process, and contributes to the formation of an active public position of the future professional.

Improvement and support of creative learning environment for the development of the future Bachelors ' of Foreign Philology readiness for professional activity provide the utmost individualization through the wide use of information technologies. Improvement and support of creative learning environment (CLE) promote growth of informative and representative value of educational material: stimulation of cognitive processes (perception and awareness of information), and, consequently, a deeper understanding of educational material and systematization of acquired knowledge; development of students' mental and creative abilities. Creative educational environment facilitates development of stable motivation for students' cognitive activity as well as diversification of forms of information presentation and types of educational tasks. CLE enables creating a learning environment that provides student's "immersion" in the imaginary world, in certain social and industrial situations; use of game techniques; providing instant feedback, reflection; raising the level of students' information culture and the level of students' training in the field of modern information technologies. Some of the other CLE key functions are to develop students' skills of teamwork and collective cognition; create a favorable psychological climate in the classroom, opportunities for individualization of training; increase the aesthetic and emotional levels of the lesson with the help of music, animation, etc.

A computer-based and Internet-based learning management system "Moodle" has been used for different disciplines. Training courses in the Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment include electronic courseware: electronic textbooks with the necessary theoretical material; glossaries, topics of lectures, seminars and workshops; samples of control questions; tasks and requirements for independent work; tasks for the final certification; description of the information tools and technologies necessary for carrying out educational tasks; methodological instructions; electronic test banks; summaries of lectures; Internet links for additional information resources; additional teaching materials (textbooks, manuals, journals, etc.). Multimedia technologies (PowerPoint presentations), the Internet and its tools (e-mail, browsers, websites, search engines, forums, audio and video chats, blogs). The latest Internet technologies, podcasts enabling the users of the World Wide Web to listen, view, create and distribute audio and video programs; Skype and Zoom technologies; mobile applications, etc. Thus, the main goal of the creative information and educational environment is to "awaken" the creator in the student and to maximize his/her creative potential. Creative information and learning environment should not only promote the development of initial creative potential, but also stimulate the need for further self-education, creative self-development, to form an objective self-esteem in the student. Creating a professional and creative learning environment at higher education institutions motivates students, attracts them to various types of independent work, increases the level of professional competence of future philologists and forms appropriate attitude and readiness for professional activity.

Development of professional reflection in future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology predetermines the ability to reflect. Reflection involves the student's ability to think critically, produce and implement new ideas in practice, learn throughout life, constructively perform pedagogical tasks, create strategies for selfdevelopment and self-improvement, analyze their own thoughts and experiences related to professional activities. The authors of reflective pedagogy argue that reflection is not pure information. It cannot be "transmitted" but only stimulated, developed and enhanced. Therefore, a set of exercises has been used for the development of the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology reflection. Without a Mask to relieve emotional tension, develop skills of sincere expression and analysis of their own personality. Secondhand Shop to form the skills of introspection, self-understanding and self-criticism; deepening knowledge about each other through the disclosure of personal qualities of each student. Who am I, My Self, Role Gymnastics provided awareness of the importance of accepting your own personality. Australian Rain enabled the psychological relief of students. Magic Chair helped to increase self-esteem. Forgive Your Neighbor provided the development of reflection, self-regulation of emotional state, the ability to forgive others. I Love Myself developed a positive self-perception, the ability to love and respect yourself. Five Kind Words helped to get feedback from the group and increase selfesteem. Farewell contributed to the development of the group cohesion, creating an uplifted mood. One of the innovative means of the future philologist's reflection skills development is a portfolio. This is a modern technology of assessment that reflects all stages of student learning at higher educational institution, demonstrates the course of learning in general, and shows how students integrate special tasks and skills, achieve educational results, obtain certain skills, develop general and special competencies and certain personal qualities. The result of reflection is the organization and systematization of acquired knowledge by students themselves. Consequently, the assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities was conducted during each class.

Verification of the level of knowledge acquisition, development of skills and abilities was provided by the methods of oral, written, test, program control, self-control, as well as methods of self-assessment. Exercise Completion of the Sentence provided feedback on the main points of the studied material. Assessment helped to release the creative energy of the group and contributed to the effective assimilation of educational material. Knowledge Network assisted students in analyzing the main aspects of the lesson, demonstrating their relationship. The Art of Self-Check aimed at teaching students to independently test the knowledge of the studied material and provided an opportunity to consolidate the acquired knowledge. Lottery Fever taught to use the effect of chance and excitement in the process of testing acquired knowledge. Finding out the Sequence contributed to the creative solution of the problem, making important decisions. Thus, the development of professional reflection in future Bachelors of Foreign Philology is an important component of a holistic process of professional training that promotes professional selfimprovement. Reflection allows students to plan and manage their own activities, creatively comprehend and solve problems, acquire new values, find ways of overcoming internal conflict states.

Research and experimental work was carried out in stages in the natural conditions of the educational process from 2017 to 2021. For representativeness of choice, 536 students of Khmelnytskyi National University, Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi, Classical Private University (Zaporizhzhya), Kamyanets Podilskyi National University named after Ivan Ogienko, Carpathian National University named after Vasyl Stephanyk (Ivano Frankivsk), Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. Makarenko, Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Hnatiuk, Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, Mukachevo State University were involved in the pedagogical experiment.

In the course of work experimental (EG) and control (CG) groups identical in qualitative measurement were formed. The experiment involved three stages: ascertaining, formative and final.

At the ascertaining stage (2017-2018) philosophical, psychological, pedagogical, scientific and methodical literature was analyzed and systematized. Key research concepts were interpreted. The peculiarities of the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology training in the information- educational environment of the HEIs were clarified. Foreign and Ukrainian experience of the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology professional training was studied. Modern methodological approaches to the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology training were singled out. The authors' concept of the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology training in the information-educational environment of the HEIs was developed and theoretically substantiated. The structure of professional activity of the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology was characterized. The structure and criteria of the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology readiness for professional activity were substantiated. A model of the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology training was developed. The principles of didactics used in the training of future Bachelors of Foreign Philology were characterized. The organizational and pedagogical conditions of the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology training were singled out and theoretically substantiated. The program of research and experimental work was developed. A holistic method of measuring the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology readiness for professional activity was formed. The experimental base was selected and the ascertaining stage of the experiment was carried out.

At the formative stage (2018-2019) the authors' system of the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology training in the information-educational environment of the HEIs was introduced. The organizational and pedagogical conditions of the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology training in the information- educational environment of the HEIs were defined and implemented. The formative stage of the experiment was carried out. Monitoring of the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology readiness level for professional activity was performed. The key results of the research were implemented into the pedagogical practice of HEIs.

At the final stage (2019-2021) the experimental data were systematized and statistically processed; the basic conclusions and recommendations on introduction of results of pedagogical experiment in the process of the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology training were formulated, the prospects of the further study of a problem were outlined.

The experimental and control groups were formed according to the results of entrance testing, the average score in EG was 73.54; in CG - 74.59; the quality of knowledge in EG - 71.38%, in CG - 72.66%. Respondents of the research groups at the beginning of the ascertaining stage of the pedagogical experiment had almost identical indicators of measurement parameters, which ensured the purity and objectivity of the initial indicators for the pedagogical experiment.

The ascertaining stage of the experiment had a diagnostic aim, as it was designed to identify the initial level of the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology readiness for professional activities. Level characteristics of the formation of future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology readiness indicators for professional activities of EG and CG at the beginning of the ascertaining experiment are given in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Distribution by the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology levels of readiness for professional activity in EG and CG at the beginning of the ascertaining stage of the experiment

At the beginning of the ascertaining stage of the experiment, the indicators of the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology readiness for professional activity were recorded.

They proved to be almost at the same level: low (reproductive) level is 57.62% in EG, 58.43% in CG with a predominance in CG of 0,81%; the average (productive) level in CG is 28.84%, in EG - 27.88%, lower by 0.96%; high (professional) level in EG - 14.50%, in CG less by 1.77% and equal to 12.73%.

We have checked the fact whether the selected experimental and control groups with the above distribution of respondents on the levels of available knowledge of a foreign language, did statistically significant differences and interpreted as similar.

The use of the Pearson's criterion /2 at a significance level of 0.05 showed that between EG and CG, participating in the experiment, there were no statistically significant differences in the formation of indicators of future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology professional activity in the information-educational environment before the ascertaining stage of the experiment.

The main tasks of the formative stage of the experiment included: implementation of research and experimental method of the authors' system of the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology training in the information-educational environment of the HEIs.

Of primary importance was testing of organizational and pedagogical conditions, improvement of didactic support through the use of modern forms, methods, means and technologies of the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology training. Current monitoring of the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology level of readiness for professional activity; conducting a comprehensive assessment of the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology level of readiness for professional activities in the information-educational environment of the HEIs (the use of methods similar to the ascertaining stage of the experiment) were also vital.

Figure 2 presents the level characteristics of the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology readiness indicators for the professional activity of the control and experimental groups at the formative stage of the experiment.

At the formative stage of the experiment, the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology readiness indicators for the professional activities were recorded as follows: low (reproductive) level in EG is 46.84%, in CG - 55.43% with a predominance of 8.59%; the average (productive) level in CG is 33.33%, in EG - 31.60%, lower by 1.73%; high (professional) level in EG - 21.56%, in CG less by 10.32% and equal to 11.24%.

Fig. 2. Distribution by the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology levels of readiness for professional activity in EG and CG at the formative stage of the experiment

The hypothesis was confirmed: after the experiment, the development of the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology levels of readiness for professional activity in EG and CG at the formative stage of the experiment in the experimental group is higher than in the control group.

This is justified by the fact that the experimental educational process used the system of training future Bachelors of Foreign Philology for professional activities and introduced organizational and pedagogical conditions for the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology training in the information-educational environment of HEIs. This allowed creating qualitatively new conditions of educational activity in EG.

Changes in the level characteristics of the of the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology readiness indicators for the professional activity of EG and CG between the ascertaining and final stages of the pedagogical experiment were recorded.

In the experimental group, the number of students with a low (reproductive) level decreased by 32.34% and increased by 21.19% with a medium (productive) level and by 11.15% with a high (professional) level. In the control group, the number of students with a low (reproductive) level decreased by 9.74% and increased by 6.37% with a medium (productive) level and by 3.37% with a high (professional) level.

The obtained results of the pedagogical experiment testify to the effectiveness of the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology professional training in the information and educational environment of HEIs.


The conducted research allows us to conclude that the identified and theoretically substantiated organizational and pedagogical conditions proved to be effective in the process of the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology training in the information-educational environment of higher educational institutions. The reliability of experimental data on the changes in the level characteristics of the of the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology readiness indicators for the professional activity was confirmed by the Pearson's criterion X . It is proved that the increase of the level of readiness of future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology for professional activity is due to the introduction in the process of EG students training suggested organizational and pedagogical conditions. The practical value of the research is in improving forms, methods, tools and technologies of the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology training. The textbooks “Enjoy Your Home-Reading” (Part 1) (approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, March 12, 2013) and “Enjoy Your Home-Reading” (Part 2) (approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, May 31, 2018) have been compiled and published.

The following educational and methodical sets intended for such courses as “Practical English”, “Analytical Reading” (Years 1, 2 and 3), “The History of Foreign Literature during the 17th and 18th Centuries”, “The History of Foreign Literature of the 19th Century” have been located in MOODLE for students majoring in Foreign Philology. These contain relevant recommendations, syllabi, plans for seminars, lecture notes, presentations, methodical instructions for practical classes, individual assignments, suggested topics for term papers and reports, tests and assignments for interim and summative assessment. Prospects for further research include thorough study of general didactic and specific principles of the future Bachelors' of Foreign Philology training in the information-educational environment of higher educational institutions.


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