Linguopragmatic aspects of credibility realization in translation

Analysis of pragmatic potential of lexical and grammatical means that realize credibility in the narrative discourse of English scientific and technical texts on transport issues, in order to identify the ways of their faithful rendering into Ukrainian.

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Linguopragmatic aspects of credibility realization in translation

Moshkovska L.M., Senior lecturer at the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation Kyiv National Transport University

Лінгвопрагматичні аспекти реалізації достовірності при перекладі

Стаття присвячена дослідженню лінгвопрагматичних характеристик реалізації достовірності при перекладі англомовних науково-технічних текстів транспортної тематики. Метою статті є аналіз прагматичного потенціалу лексичних та граматичних засобів, що реалізують достовірність у наративному дискурсі науково-технічних текстів задля виокремлення основних способів їх точної передачі українською мовою. Дослідження показало, прагматичний аспект накладається на зміст тексту, породжуючи у адресата зацікавленість до подій та фактів та переконуючи у достовірності інформації. Роль наративного дискурсу описано через особливості його організації та основні функції. Підкреслено, що складовою його змісту є аргументи 12 типів, що доводять достовірність інформації через успішне втілення стратегії аргументації. Доведено, що достовірність інформації реалізується через використання граматичних індикаторів (простих та складних речень, модальних, заперечних, емфатичних, порівняльних та пасивних конструкцій, однорідних членів, вставних компонентів, інфінітивних та дієприкметникових форм) та лексичних маркерів (термінологічних словосполучень, власних назв, абревіатур, інтернаціоналізмів, динамічних дієслів, емоційно-підсилювальні прикметники та загальнонаукової лексики). Функціональні характеристики граматичних індикаторів та класифікація лексичних маркерів за структурними та семантичними критеріями дали можливість виділити основні способи їх точної передачі на українську мову. Частоту використання лексико-семантичних, граматичних та комбінованих трансформацій проаналізовано через обробку 100 граматичних індикаторів та 100 лексичних маркерів в аргументах. При перекладі лексичних маркерів найпоширенішими виявилися комбіновані трансформації, часто вживаними - адаптивне транскодування, калькування, модуляція, конкретизація. Домінуючими граматичними трансформаціями стали пермутація, послівний переклад, додавання, поділ, внутрішня інтеграція.

Ключові слова: достовірність, наративний дискурс, аргумент, лексико-семантичні трансформації, граматичні трансформації.

The article is devoted to the study of linguopragmatic features of credibility realization in translation of English scientific and technical texts on transport issues. The purpose of the article is to consider the pragmatic potential of lexical and grammatical means that realize credibility in the narrative discourse of English scientific and technical texts in order to identify the main ways of their faithful rendering into Ukrainian. The study showed that the pragmatic aspect is superimposed on the content of the text generating interest of the addressee to events and facts thus persuading him in information credibility. The role of the narrative discourse was described through its organization peculiarities and main functions. It was emphasized that the component of its content is the arguments of 12 types that prove information credibility through successful implementation of the argumentation strategy.

It was substantiated that information credibility is realized by grammatical indicators (simple and composite sentences, modal, negative, emphatic, comparative, passive constructions, homogeneous parts, parenthetical components, infinitive and participial phases) and lexical markers functioning (terminological word-groups, proper names, abbreviations, internationalisms, dynamic verbs, amplifying adjectives, general scientific lexemes). Functional characteristics of grammatical indicators and classification of lexical markers according to structural and semantic criteria enabled to distinguish the main ways of their faithful conveying into Ukrainian. The frequency of lexical semantic, grammatical and combined transformations was analyzed through processing 100 grammatical indicators and 100 lexical markers in arguments. The most applicable ways of translating lexical markers turned out to be combined transformations. The common ones were adaptive transcoding, loan translation, modulation, concretization. Permutation, word-for-word translation, addition, partitioning, inner integration became the prevailing grammatical transformations.

Key words: credibility, narrative discourse, argument, lexical semantic transformations, grammatical transformations.

Problem statement

Technical experts and project developers are increasingly aware that the translated versions on technical issues do not always contain credible information mainly because of the translator's inaccuracies when conveying the meanings of linguistic means and verifying them against semantic, syntactic and pragmatic correspondences. The main feature of technical translation is the most accurate description of technical processes through the competent choice of regular or occasional equivalents of source language technical lexicon, grammatical forms and multi-level organization of the target language text as a whole. Moreover, extensive studies of scientific contributions, outcomes of experiments, numerous appeals to authoritative personalities or institutions, the latest statistic data result in creating credible information that facilitates the only true technical decisions making to account for the full complexity of an issue. The consensus based on credible information distribution will dispel sceptical sentiments and illuminate scientific interest in further technology advancement. Credibility can be determined as a product of expertise and trustworthiness, as a source of reliable information that is represented in the narrative discourse environment and is stipulated by scientific communication regulations. The issue of linguopragmatic realization of credible information in the narrative discourse of scientific and technical texts on transport issues and its adequate conveying in the target language has not been exhaustively analyzed.

Review of the Latest Researches and Publications

The issue of investigating the pragmatic aspect has been studied in many scientific contributions as an inseparable feature of communicative units that involve linguistic means and techniques of their application, contributing to the organization of the direct effect on the recipient [13]. Linguist E. Vyvyan notes that the pragmatic aspect controls the textual content since pragmatic effect causes a target reader's positive or negative attitude to the message received, induces intellectual and physical actions, generates curiosity to events and facts, proves authenticity or falsity of the idea [9]. Linguist Yu. V. Ivlev points out that the pragmatic aspect of information credibility substantiation consists in the ability of applying verbal means to convince in the plausibility of claims, judgements, concepts [2].

Efficiency in understanding a message depends on the sentence organization within the text. The most common sentence types are declarative, affirmative and negative ones since they form and contribute into the communicative process. Moreover, linguist V.A. Maslova considers a sentence the main form of information realization, functioning as a basic linguistic unit of the text [14]. So, linguistic units take on pragmatic properties when forming purpose- oriented utterances. It is evident that scientific and technical texts are saturated with narratives that perform different functional loading: ordering, explanation, description, illustration [1]. A scientific narrative discourse belongs to the informative and argumentative type with the illocutionary force of utterances to persuade the target reader to comprehend the content as reliable. Pragmatic factors of credibility realization with the aim of creation and adequate understanding of the content in the narrative discourse can be regarded as rhetorical regulations of scientific communication. They are determined as follows: principles of cooperation and speech politeness, etiquette of the narrative discourse, principles of scientific knowledge plausibility in the narrative discourse and its structural composition [7].

As the investigated material shows, the main purpose of translating linguistic unis that realize credibility is achieving adequacy. Adequate translation is aimed at invariable content plane transmission in compliance with the target language regulations. Researcher A.V. Fedorov claims that adequacy is an exhaustive original content transmission with the full functional and stylistic correspondences [5]. Lexical transformations are applied in translation of scientific and technical texts in case of regular target language equivalents absence to adequately convey the meanings of general subject or special subject field lexemes [7, р. 44] According to scholar V.N. Komisarov, lexical transformations include transcribing, transliteration, loan translation [4]. Linguist V.I. Karaban describes generalization, concretization, modulation, various lexical substitutions [3]. The issue of lexical semantic transformations has also been elaborated by many translators. Thus, lexical semantic transformations are regarded as the ways of translating lexical units by the target language ones that do not coincide in meaning and can only be logically deduced [7, p. 45]. Furthermore, scholars L.P. Naumenko, A.Y. Hordyeyeva describe grammatical transformations (that will be further used in our research) as those encompassing all the ways of conveying English sentences and syntactic structures with their subtypes into Ukrainian by the appropriate forms with the preservation of original meanings. They divide them into four main types: compensation, replacement, partitioning (inner and outer), integration (inner and outer) [5].

So, a comprehensive study of credibility realization in the linguistic plane will enable to identify lexical and grammatical markers of its expression in the source language text and their pragmatic adaptation through above mentioned translation transformations in the Ukrainian text.

Purpose of the article was designed to consider the pragmatic potential of lexical and grammatical means that realize credibility in the narrative discourse of English scientific and technical texts in order to identify the main ways of their faithful rendering into Ukrainian.

The following tasks provide the purpose' fulfilment:

- to describe the functional properties of linguistic means implementing information credibility in the arguments of the narrative discourse;

- to identify the main ways of conveying English lexical markers and grammatical indicators of information credibility expression into Ukrainian.

Presentation of the main material

In the process of the research, the structure of proving credibility was described on the basis of logically arranged speech acts designed to achieve true information transmission, thus persuading the target audience to accept the author's idea. They contain a number of arguments which are regarded as judgements that confirm or disprove another judgement. So, the argument is a form of a scientific idea with a certain function and a pragmatic effect [6, c. 8]. Arguments can be referred to the components of argumentation strategy of credibility realization that are observed in the narrative discourse of scientific and technical texts as follows:

1. problem statement expressed by an impersonal sentence. “It is not entirely clear to consumers the total cost of ownership of battery electric vehicles ... .”

2. comparison of existing and novel technologies that is realized by means of the complex sentence. “The analysis shows a comparison between the parts that require replacements in gasoline powered cars and EVIS, ... .”

3. opposition of properties of an object or objects that is expressed by a compound - complex sentence, extended by the modal constructions. “Electric cars have expensive batteries that must be replaced if they become defective, however the life of the said batteries can be long ... .”

4. concept's definition of a technical object conveyed by a complex sentence with the attributive clause and extended by the participial phrase in the function of the adverbial modifier of manner and participle II as an attribute. “An electric car is an automobile that is propelled by one or more electric motors, using electrical energy stored in batteries or another energy storage device ... .”

5. criticism of past practices which is conveyed by a simple, declarative, affirmative sentence extended by the homogeneous parts. “Railroad service for less-than-carload shipment of freight had long been lacking in speed and dependability and was highly vulnerable to the competition of the intercity motor truck ... .”

6. reference to one's own knowledge, observations, personal experience, expressed by a declarative, affirmative sentence extended by the parenthetical structure. “As far as I know, Denmark will withdraw gasoline motorcars in 2025. .”

7. reference to statistic data that is conveyed by a complex sentence extended by the comparative construction “more than.whereas”. “More than 60% of cars are produced in Asia and Oceania, whereas Europe produces about 26% ... .”

8. appeal to some authoritative sources that is represented by a simple, declarative, affirmative sentence extended by participle II in the function of the attribute and by the participial phrase in the function of the adverbial modifier of manner. “The German Aerospace Center's Institute of Vehicle Concept unveiled a similar design last year featuring a pair of opposed pistons sharing a combustion chamber. .”

9. representative example that is expressed by a simple, declarative, affirmative sentence extended by the parenthetical component and the infinitive phrase as an attribute. “For example, traditional polymers can be reinforced by nanoparticles leading to novel materials to be used as lightweight replacements ... ”

10. fact confirmation that is expressed by a simple, declarative, affirmative sentence extended by the passive construction and the infinitive phrase as an adverbial modifier of purpose. “Two main strategies are used in order to produce highly scratch resistant clear coats. .”

11. conclusion represented by a complex sentence extended by the emphatic construction, participial phrases in the function of the adverbial modifier of manner, the infinitive phrase as an adverbial modifier of purpose and the homogeneous parts. “These are the key proposals of transit-oriented development strategies, which focus on adapting urban spaces to the scale of pedestrian cyclists, providing quality, efficient public transport, and designing safe, connected spaces around transit hubs to improve connectivity and accessibility ... .”

12. refusal to continue debate that is represented by a succession of two sentences: a simple one extended by the negative construction and a complex one extended by the parenthetical component. “This is not the place to carry on that argument. Suffice to say that surface forwarding exists, that it has had governmental recognition ... .”

As can be seen, the argumentation strategy is employed to realize credible information in conformity with the pragmatic parameters that determine the hierarchy of arguments in the narrative discourse of scientific and technical texts.

It is worth summarizing that grammatical indicators in the arguments aimed at realizing credibility are mainly represented by simple, declarative sentences, composite sentences, impersonal ones which are extended by parenthetical components, comparative and modal structures, infinitive and participial phrases, negative and passive constructions, emphatic structures that can be faithfully conveyed by grammatical transformations application in translation.

Having researched different classifications of grammatical transformations, a translator can pose some difficulties in differentiating them. Thus, the terms “transposition” suggested by linguist G.I. Miram [9, p. 92], “permutation” expounded by scientist V.I. Karaban [3, p. 196] and “replacement” at a sentence level and “permutation” at a word phrase level described by translators L.P. Naumenko, A.Y. Hordyeyeva [5, p. 5, 25] mean one and the same concept “a change in the order of the target sentence syntactic elements as compared with that of the source sentence...” [9, p. 92]. Moreover, the terms “replacement” of linguist G.I. Miram [9, p. 93] and “transposition” of translators L.P. Naumenko, A.Y. Hordyeyeva [5, p. 21] imply the same translation phenomenon which is “any change in the target text at the morphological, lexical and syntactic levels of the language when the elements of certain source paradigms are replaced by different elements of target paradigms” [9, p. 93]. So, the term “permutation” of linguist V.I. Karaban and the term “transposition (nominalization)” by researchers L.P. Naumenko, A.Y. Hordyeyeva will be employed in our study.

Thus, in the arguments denoting reference to one's knowledge and comparison of past and present practices, some grammatical transformations were employed to faithfully render the meaning of the composite (compound-complex) sentence extended by the passive and modal structures as well as by the participial phrase into Ukrainian. “It has been over 180 years since the first electrical drive was invented, however, a continuous increase in the number of solutions related to the transfer of motion using various types of electrical machines can be observed” [15]. - “Пройшло більше 180 років з моменту винаходу першого електроприладу. Проте, спостерігається постійне збільшення кількості рішень, пов'язаних зі зміною руху за допомогою різних типів електричних машин.” In the process of translation, the source language sentence was divided into two simple ones by means of outer partitioning for the target reader to draw a distinct line between the past experience and significant advances in the present. The passive construction “the first electrical drive was invented” in the adverbial clause of time was translated by the word-group “з моменту винаходу першого електроприладу” by using inner integration to briefly but faithfully expound the attending fact instead of resorting to the equivalent adverbial clause “.з того часу, як перший електроприлад було винайдено". While rendering the second coordinate clause, permutation of the subject “a continuous increase” and the predicate “can be observed” was employed to put the rheme of the English sentence into the final position of the target one to adequately transmit and logically preserve the information core in the Ukrainian version. Evaluative connotation of the modal expression with the indicator “can” wasn't realized through such grammatical transformation as omission in order to avoid syntactic and stylistic overloading of the target sentence. The English participial phrase “using various types'” was translated by the syndetic noun cluster “за допомогою різних типів" through transposition (nominalization).

It is also worth considering the argument denoting the result of the research (conclusion) expressed by a complex sentence extended by the parenthetical clause and the negative structures. “It is to be noted that in this scheme no texture measurements were reported so no direct comparison with the predicted textures could be made” [6]. - “Варто зазначити, що у даній схемі не було виявлено жодних вимірювань, отже не можна було зробити жодного прямого порівняння з прогнозованими текстурами.” Conveying two negations in the English subordinate clauses, addition of two adjectives “жодного”, “жодних” and of the negative particle to the predicate group was used in translation. Permutation of the subject and the predicate in the adverbial clause of result was employed. The parenthetical clause was translated by the equivalent parenthetical clause. In another case, the argumentfact expressed by a simple, declarative, affirmative sentence extended by the homogeneous parts and the infinitive phrase was conveyed into Ukrainian by means of word-for-word translation. “An increasing number of users positively assessed the usefulness and necessity to make use of variable frequency drives... .” - “Зростаюча кількість користувачів позитивно оцінила корисність і необхідність застосування частотно-регульованих приводів... .” Transposition (nominalization) was also employed to translate the infinitive “to make use” by the noun “застосування”. Translating the complex sentence extended by the emphatic, comparative and modal constructions, inner integration was applied to faithfully convey the argument-comparison of existing and novel technologies. “It is a technology that could lead to lighter, more efficient, better packaged powertrains for plug-in hybrid cars” [15]. - “Саме завдяки цій технології, можна було б отримати легші, ефективніші, краще вкомплектовані силові установки для гібридних автомобілів з системою енергоживлення.” Modal and comparative structures were translated by the equivalent ones while the emphatic construction in the main clause was rendered into Ukrainian by the emphatic phrase though inner integration.

Having explored 100 examples of grammatical units that form arguments and the main ways of their conveying into Ukrainian, it can be concluded that permutation was used in 25% of cases while word- for-word translation and transposition were resorted to in 15% of all the examples. Addition, partitioning, inner integration and equivalent translation amounted to 10%. Omission was applied in 5% of all the cases.

Based on twenty scientific and technical transport texts, it should be emphasized that the most common lexical markers of credibility implementation in the arguments according to lexico-semantic criteria are:

1. terminological noun clusters, mainly two- component or three-component, denoting novel technologies (smart intersections, self-repairing paint, switchable colors);

2. proper names expressing primary sources or authoritative bodies (the Interstate Commerce Act, the International Maritime Organization);

3. abbreviations conveying the names of projects, international transport bodies (ATOMOS, SIP, IMO);

4. general scientific terms (summary, aim, consequence);

5. internationalisms denoting processes, mechanisms, devices (navigation, electrification, biometrics);

6. amplifying adjectives that describe advantageous positions of novel technologies over the existing ones (modern, crucial, revolutionary, major, dominant, extraordinary, alternative);

7. dynamic verbs denoting progress in the transport sphere (optimize, improve, affect, predominate, reinforce, evolve, revolutionize).

It can be stated that the above mentioned lexical markers are realized in grammatical units that form the arguments to prove information credibility.

In our research, the extensive classification of lexical semantic transformations developed by scholars L.P. Naumenko and A.Y. Hordyeyeva was mainly employed to adequately convey the meanings of lexical markers denoting credible information in the arguments. They distinguish synonymous and contextual substitutions, loan translation, descriptive translation, transcoding of different subtypes, omission of words, addition of words, permutation, transposition, concretization and generalization [5, р. 4-5].

One of the most applicable lexical semantic transformations is concretization designed to substitute the original word or the word-group of a broader meaning for the lexical unit of a narrower meaning [7, p. 45]. For example, the terminological unit “mechanical damages'” was rendered into Ukrainian “механічні пошкодження”” and “materials performance”” - “функціонування матеріалів”” where “damages, performance” are the lexemes of a broader meaning. General scientific terms in terminological word-groups undergo a set of combined transformations in a componential translation approach: charge capacity - зарядна ємність (transposition + concretization), clearcoat chemical composition - хімічний склад прозорого поверхневого шару (permutation of the first component + adaptive transcoding of the second component + descriptive translation of the first component).

Moreover, it was found that introduction of additional elements allows to use modulation. This translation way application is grounded by the need of faithful technical concept meaning transmission into Ukrainian when one of the terminological components in syndetic or asyndetic noun clusters is used in the categorial form: road surface finish - оздоблювальні роботи поверхневого шару дороги. In some cases, omission was applied for conveying the meanings of terminological word-groups. Lexemes that are regarded exuberant to adequately render the contextual meaning of the terminological cluster can be omitted. For example, urban planning and design - міське планування. Omission of exuberant elements enables a translator to compress the target language text resulting in its total volume decrease.

Realization of credible information in arguments is also possible due to such lexical markers as abbreviations. Scientific and technical texts are the linguistic environment of various acronyms functioning. They can be recorded in English - Ukrainian dictionaries except for the author's and occasional ones that are formed in particular cases and are represented in only few English texts. Transport abbreviations as lexical markers of information credibility realization were found in all types of the above mentioned arguments and were classified according to the following semantic criteria:

1. denoting technical specifications of certain devices: AGMbattery, EFB battery;

2. expressing names of governmental entities: IPCC - the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, AAR - Association of American Railroads;

3. describing transport strategies and emerging technologies: TOD - transit oriented development, V2V- vehicle to vehicle, V2I- vehicle-to-infrastructure;

4. denoting types of vehicles: LHVs - longer and heavier vehicles, HV- hybrid cars;

5. indicating measurements: 6.1 m, 200 h/p;

6. characterizing transport services: EC - Euro City, IC - InterCity.

English abbreviations in scientific and technical texts on transport issues undergo some transformations in translation. So, there were found four main ways of their conveying into Ukrainian. Two of them can be considered as proper translation ways that were employed through choosing the absolute analogy (h/p -к/c, CH - РП) or by the fUll Ukrainian word-group through decoding the meaning of the concept (AGA - Асоціація світових автовиробників). The latter ones are the English abbreviation transcoding (ABS - АБС or Антиблокувальна система гальмування) and transplantation of the English abbreviation into the target text (The ADVISOR software package - пакет програмного забезпечення ADVISOR).

Describing the arguments-appeals to primary or authoritative sources, proper names as lexical markers were identified as the dominant ones. Researching their semantic peculiarities and verifying the translated versions against semantic and pragmatic correspondences, four groups were distinguished as follows:

1. names denoting brands of cars, car manufacturers that are conveyed by transliteration or transplantation into the target text: Tesla - Тесла or Tesla;

2. names of public bodies that are rendered by combined transformations: National Traffic Safety Committee - Національний комітет безпеки дорожнього руху. The combined transformation (loan translation of the third component + adaptive transcoding of the first and the fourth components + modulation of the third component + permutation) was used to render all the components of the four- component noun cluster into Ukrainian;

3. names of technical mechanisms with the mention of their creators that are conveyed by such combined transformation as: loan translation of the second and third components + transposition of the first component + permutation of the first component: The Wankel rotary engine - обертовий двигун Ванкеля;

4. names of plans, legislative acts, platforms that were rendered by the following combined transformations: adaptive transcoding of the first component + transliteration of the second component + modulation of the third and the fourth components with their permutation (National Plan on Climate Change - Національний план з питань зміни клімату); adaptive transcoding of the first and third components + synonymous substitution of the second component + permutation (Document Verification System - Система перевірки документації); adaptive transcoding of the fourth component + nominalization of the third component + synonymous substitution of the second component + permutation of the first component (Fujitsu's Global Cloud Platforms - Світові хмарні платформи Фітжітсу).

It should be pointed out that in all types of arguments there were found genuine, partial and pseudo-internationalisms as components of transport terms. The semantic classification into five groups allowed to faithfully render their meanings into Ukrainian:

1. International lexical units of the first group denote the names of engineering staff, professions: federal technology experts - експерти-технологи на федеральному рівні. In this case three genuine international units constitute a three-component terminological word-group that is conveyed into Ukrainian by the following combined transformation: permutation + descriptive translation (federal) + nominalization (technology) + adaptive transcoding (experts).

2. Lexical units of the second group express the names of mechanisms, devices: piston (pseudointernationalism) engine linear (genuine) generator (genuine) for hybrid (genuine) cars - генератор з лінійним розташуванням поршнів для гібридних автомобілів. In this terminological word-group two genuine internationalisms “hybrid” and “generator” are translated by adaptive transcoding and transliteration. The pseudo-internationalism “piston” is rendered by loan translation and the partial international unit “interlinear” is conveyed in the descriptive way.

3. Internationalisms of the third group represent the names of materials and chemicals. They are conveyed by adaptive transcoding, transliteration or concretization: magnetic material (genuine internationalisms) - магнетичний (adaptive transcoding) матеріал (transliteration); molecular (genuine) polymers (genuine) - молекулярні полімери (adaptive transcoding of both components); binding agents (partial) - в'яжучі матеріали (concretization).

4. International units of lexicon expressing processes and technologies are translated by adaptive transcoding or concretization: compression (partial) -компресія, стискання; transmission (partial) - трансмісія, передавання, система передач; depression (pseudo) - заглиблення, западина.

5. Internationalisms as general scientific terms are conveyed into Ukrainian by adaptive transcoding or transliteration: method - метод (transliteration), analysis аналіз (adaptive transcoding), infrastructure - інфраструктура (adaptive transcoding).

In the course of the research, it was revealed that amplifying adjectives in the terminological units (a great proportion of filler materials - величезна частка (synonymous substitution) заповнювачів (compression); significant improvement of existing technologies - значне покращення існуючих технологій (loan translation), the revolutionary project - новаторський (contextual substitution) проект (transliteration)); dynamic verbs in primary predication units (the weatherlike behaviour predominates - хвилеподібна поведінка домінує, the available resources are optimized - наявні ресурси вдосконалюються (situational substitution)); general scientific terms that do not belong to international units of lexicon (evidence of the impact - доказ вливу, the consequence of the research - результат (synonymous substitution) дослідження)) are mostly conveyed into Ukrainian by loan translation although such lexical transformations as synonymous and contextual substitution, adaptive transcoding, transliteration and compression are also used.

The structural and semantic analysis of lexical markers enabled to identify the most applicable ways of their faithful translation into Ukrainian: combined transformations (20%), adaptive transcoding (15%), loan translation (15%), modulation (10%), concretization (10%), descriptive way (10%), synonymous substitution (5%), contextual substitution (5%), omission (or compression) (5%), transliteration (5%).

lexical grammatical credibility discourse


To sum up, it was substantiated in the research that the pragmatic aspect of the arguments in the narrative discourse of scientific and technical texts on transport issues enables the author to implement his communicative intent, which is target audience persuasion in information credibility, resorting to the argumentation strategy. It was emphasized that information credibility in the arguments can only be realized through a number of lexical markers and grammatical indicators. The structural and semantic analysis of these linguistic means allowed to single out the main ways of their faithful conveying into Ukrainian. The most common translation ways turned out to be permutation (25%) for grammatical indicators and combined transformations (20%) for lexical markers. In the perspective, it will be cognitive to analyze the stylistic markers of expressing credible information in the narrative discourse of English scientific and technical texts and the main ways of their translating into Ukrainian.

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