Taras Shevchenko’s neologism Снігоквіт (Snihokvit): psycholinguistic, lexico-semantic and cultural aspects
The reaction of recipients to the stimulus word снігоквіт/snigokvit. Taras Shevchenko presented a lexical neologism, with the help of which he wanted to convey to his reader the meaning of the word "lily (flower)" and certain aesthetic feelings.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 18.04.2023 |
Размер файла | 34,4 K |
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Halyna Vokalchuk
Rivne State Humanitarian University, Ukraine
Nina Danylyuk
Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Ukraine
Kateryna Lytvyn
Rivne State Humanitarian University, Ukraine
Lesya Malevych
The National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Ukraine
Oksana Rohach
Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Ukraine
Abstract. The article focuses on the study of Taras Shevchenko's linguistic identity through the free word association test results. The psycholinguistic experiment, “Author Neologisms of Taras Shevchenko,” held in 2019, involved four hundred forty-eight participants aged 14 to 61 y.o. Among them were professors, undergraduate and graduate students from Rivne State Humanitarian University, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Sarny Pedagogical College, National University of “Ostroh Academy”, Rivne Economic Technological College, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, and M. Ocheret Zhytomyr City Humanitarian Gymnasium #23 (Ukraine). The responses of the recipients to the stimulus word снігоквіт/snihokvit (“snow blossom”), Shevchenko's neologism, have been characterized based on grammatical (paradigmatic, syntagmatic, word-building), meaningful (thematic, reminiscent, reactions-personalities), and formal connections. The following semantic spheres to which the verbal responses belong have been defined: “Names of Flora”, “Natural Phenomena”, “Names of Actions”, “Colour Features”, “Haptic Features”, “Temporal Features”, “Abstract Notions”, as well as types of responses within the boundaries of associative fields. The specificity of a modern Ukrainian speaker's perception of the meaning of a neologism taken out of the literary context has also been discovered. The authors have come to the conclusion that the poet created a highly artistic lexical neologism with the help of which he tried to communicate to the reader not only the primary meaning of the word лілея/lileya “white lily” (a flower) but also to provoke aesthetic feelings, and actualize the imagination about this special flower that is empowered with magic properties in the national linguistic map of the world. All the responses of the considered semantic spheres that belong to the associative fields of the author's neologism снігоквіт/snihokvit give a better understanding of the lexicon of modern Ukrainian, the psycholinguistic peculiarities of the perception of Shevchenko's figurative word. They also make it possible to trace specific changes in the conceptual map of the world and its perception.
Keywords: Taras Shevchenko, author's lexical neologism, association, associative dictionary, free word association test, semantic sphere.
taras shevchenko stimulus word снігоквіт lily lexical neologism
Вокальчук Галина, Данилюк Ніна, Литвин Катерина, Малевич Леся, Рогач Оксана
Неологізм снігоквіт Тараса Шевченка: психолінгвістичний, лексико-семантичний та лінгвокультурний аспекти
Анотація. У статті проаналізовано результати вільного асоціативного експерименту як одного з ефективних способів вивчення мовної особистості письменника. Масштабний психолінгвістичний експеримент “Авторські неологізми Т.Г. Шевченка” було проведено в 2019 р. До участі в ньому залучено 448 респондентів - викладачів, аспірантів, магістрантів і студентів Рівненського державного гуманітарного університету, Волинського національного університету імені Лесі Українки, Сарненського педагогічного коледжу РДГУ, Національного університету “Острозька академія”, Рівненського економіко-технологічного коледжу, Національного університету водного господарства і природокористування, Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка, Житомирської міської гуманітарної гімназії № 23 імені М. Очерета. Схарактеризовано реакції реципієнтів на слово-стимул снігоквіт (новотвір Т. Шевченка) за вербальними зв'язками. При цьому враховано різні аспекти зв'язку між стимулом і реакцією: граматичний (парадигматичні, синтагматичні, словотвірні), смисловий (тематичні, ремінісцентні та реакції-персоналії) та формально-фонетичний типи. Визначено семантичні сфери, до яких належать одиниці-реакції: “Флороназви”, “Явища природи”, “Дієнайменування”, “Колірні ознаки”, “Тактильні ознаки”, “Темпоральні ознаки”, “Абстрактні поняття” й типи реакцій в межах асоціативних полів. З'ясовано специфіку сприйняття сучасним українським мовцем значення новотвору поза художнім контекстом. Зроблено висновок, що поет подав високохудожній лексичний новотвір, за допомогою якого намагався донести до читача не лише первісне значення слова лілея (квітка), але й викликати в адресата естетичні відчуття та асоціації, актуалізувати уявлення про цю особливу квітку, наділену магічними властивостями в національно-мовній картині світу. Усі реакції розглянутих семантичних сфер, що входять до асоціативних полів авторського новотвору снігоквіт, дають змогу чіткіше окреслити лексикон сучасного українця, психолінгвальні особливості сприймання образного Шевченкового слова, а також простежити певні зміни в концептуальній картині світу та його перцепції.
Ключові слова: Тарас Шевченко, авторський лексичний новотвір, асоціація, асоціативний словник, вільний асоціативний експеримент, семантична сфера.
At the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st centuries, the processes of a language neo-logistic determination in general and individual author word creations, in particular, have become the research objects of many scholars. Thus, the works by Bauer (Bauer, 1983) were devoted to the studies of specific features of the word building processes of English words. Ahmad (2000) applied a complex approach to the study of neologisms, ways of their creation and their function in speech. Kerremans (2015) provided a profound analysis of the process of conventionalization of English neologisms based on English Language Corpora. Metcalf (Metcalf, 2002) formulated the main criteria that the innovations are to meet to become usable. Comrie (2021) traced the correlations between language and thought and the significance of linguistic determinism in world perception.
There are many studies done by Ukrainian and foreign linguists devoted to the investigation of various aspects of occasional nomination: lexical-semantic (Bilodid, Rusanivsky, Vokalchuk, Hryhorjev, Revzina, and others); word-building (Klymenko, Karpilovska, Bakina, Herman, Kolojiz, and others); lexicographic (Neliuba, Vokalchuk, Adakh, Havryliuk, Semeniuk, Maxymchuk, Tymochko, and others); functional (Holikova, Zhyzhoma, and others). In addition, there are a few studies of lexical neologisms in folklore (Danylyuk, 2011). A multidimensional approach to analyzing the creative psycholinguistic activity of prominent Ukrainian writers is also very important.
We believe that an author's lexical innovation cannot be deeply studied with the sole help of linguistic methods. The objectivity of scientific results can be achieved through the application of psychological and psycholinguistic methods. A psycholinguistic experiment is a conclusive way of obtaining and verifying new theoretical statements in linguistics. Belyanin (2001, p. 115) has paid attention to the fact that in an experiment, a language speaker acts not only as an informant but also as a research object with their system of values and motives. A psycholinguistic approach to the study of author neologisms enables scholars to find out the response of an addressee or a reader to the author's neologism. It is necessary to point out that a psycholinguistic approach in Ukrainian neological studies has been represented in the works of linguists. However, they are not very numerous (e.g. Maxymchuk, 2009).
In modern Ukrainian studies, many works are devoted to investigating Taras Shevchenko's individual style and language creation (Bulakhovsky, Vashchenko, Yermolenko, Kalashnyk, Zahnitko, Vokalchuk, Danylyuk, and others). The poet's author neology has already got its lexicographic interpretation (Vokalchuk, 2016). Taras Shevchenko's poems were also studied through a prism of their apperception and decoding by a speaker (Moisijenko, 2006). Nevertheless, there are not enough research studies devoted to analyzing the psycholinguistic aspects of Shevchenko's word creation through the performance of experiments. This fact reveals the topicality of our study.
Our article aims to find out the psycholinguistic peculiarities of the perception of the context-free meaning of Shevchenko's lexical neologism by modern Ukrainians. The tasks of the study are to reveal the features of the perception of Shevchenko's innovation снігоквіт/snihokvit meaning by the Ukrainian speakers as a result of a word association test as well as to find out special characteristics and general tendencies in the creation of associations in the system "neologism - response to it" that is based on the individual and common linguistic maps of the world.
A systematic approach to the analysis of Shevchenko's neologisms motivated the application of linguistic and psycholinguistic research tools. The former included a structural method to analyze a structural organization of the response words to the stimuli, a contextual-interpretative method to reconstruct the author's idea, the purpose of the author's creation of lexical innovation and the orientation of a new linguistic unit at an addressee, and a descriptive method to find out a complex inventory of the linguistic units recognized in the course of the conducted free word association test and to explain the specific features of these associations for modern language speakers. The latter included a free word association test to define its participants' associative semantic space content.
Important theoretical principles and methods suggested by scholars served as a basis for our research. Miller and Chomsky are known to be some of the first to have paid attention to the importance of experimental methods as a means of penetration into a language system. Thus, with the help of the IC model, suggested by Miller and Chomsky, it is possible to describe the speech as a sequence of elements (Belyanin, 2001, p. 44-45). In his generative grammar, Chomsky laid out principles and rules of a transformational analysis of syntactic figures by transforming them from the surface structures into the deep ones (Chomsky, 2002). Methods for the analysis of the structures of associations in language and speech were presented in the work of Deese (1990). A number of scholars (Vivas et al., 2019) described the ways of evaluating the answers when seeking to establish lexical associations. Rakosi (2017) suggested methods of resolving discrepancies in repeated psycholinguist ic experiments.
When analyzing the reactions of the recipients, we take into consideration the models by Vygotsky (1996) and Leontyev (1969) that point out three planes of "speech" thinking: a thought, inner speech, and a word. Models of speech generation are organically connected with the models of speech perception, the knowledge of which is necessary for the organization and explanation of the results of a psycholinguistic experiment. Chomsky, Shcherba, Leontyev and other scholars believe that a process of perception is a multilevel structure on every level of which a recipient tries to "assign" the meaning to the language units, penetrating the true meaning, which is shaped into a sign form. It is necessary to point out that Shcherba was among the first to write about the significance of studies of the semantics of lingual units (Shcherba, 1974).
In an associative test, respondents are asked to give their reactions/responses to the given stimulus words that rely on the connection between certain phenom ena or objects based on subjective experience. Potebnya considered associativity one of the basic principles of creating rows of images (Potebnya, 1976, p. 136). The scholar pointed out that the formation and ways of expressing associations were motivated by the reference of an individual to a specific ethnic culture and to mankind in general. That is why any associative process has a subjective nature founded on objective reality (Potebnya, 1976, p. 195).
In modern Ukrainian psycholinguistics, association tests are used for the analysis of cognitive, psycholinguistic and lingo-cultural phenomena (see e.g. Melnyk et al., 2020). In 1970s and 1980s, the results of associative experiments were presented in dictionaries (Butenko, 1979; Butenko, 1989). At the beginning of the 21st century, a few dictionaries were published (Martinek, 2007; 2008; Kutuza & Kovalevska, 2011). Modern Ukrainian scholars consider associative experiments as a tool for discovering the individual associations formed through their previous experience (Horoshko, 2001, p. 16). They point out three types of association tests: a) free (a respondent is asked to answer with word R, the first word that came to their mind on hearing word S); b) controlled (an experimentalist restricts the choice of the suggested R); c) chain (a respondent is suggested to answer with possible words within a given time) (Denysevych, 2011).
Procedure and Participants
The authors held a broad-scale psycholinguistic experiment, "Author neologisms of Taras Shevchenko", as a free word association test (WAT). Four hundred fortyeight respondents took part in it - professors, undergraduate and graduate students aged from 14 to 61 from Rivne State Humanitarian University, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Sarny Pedagogical College, National University of "Ostroh Academy", Rivne Economic Technological College, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, and M. Ocheret Zhytomyr City Humanitarian Gymnasium #23.
Indeed, such factors as age, occupation, education, gender, personality type had a particular impact on the consciousness of an informant. That is why there were many differences in the participants' answers to the WAT.
The free WAT was conducted in the form of an anonymous questionnaire. The respondents were given 45 words-stimuli - Shevchenko's lexical neologisms (SLN), which were divided into three groups based on different levels of their occasionalism (see: Vokalchuk, 2008, p. 69-71). It was necessary to associate every neologism - with the first word that would come to their mind. Before the test, the participants were provided with detailed instructions. Then an experimentalist read each stimulus word one at a time with an interval of 5 -7 seconds so that the respondents would have enough time to write down their responses.
Results and Discussion
The frequency of responses (the total number of responses 448) that were given to the author lexeme снігоквіт/snihokvit was defined and specified. It is essential t o understand that Shevchenko used the neologism снігоквіт/snihokvit (or снігоцвіт/snihotsvit) "snow blossom" to name the flower лілея/lileya (лілія/lilija) "lily". In the fourth volume of "A Concordance of the Poetic Works of Taras Shevchenko", the word снігоквіт is presented as a low-frequency one with the parameter 1 and is illustrated with the example Лілеєю снігоквітом (A Concordance, 2001, p. 3194). In the dictionary of Shevchenko's lexical neologisms (TSH-2016, p. 267, p. 277) three variants of this author's unit are given taken from different editions of the writer's works:
Лілея-снігоцвіт, noun, fem., А весною, мов на диво, На мене дивились. А дівчата заквітчались І почали звати Лілеєю-снігоцвітом; І я процвітати Стала в гаї, і в теплиці, І в білих палатах. (ТSH1: 271 /"Lileya". 1846); compare.: Снігоцвіт* *, Снігоквіт*;
Снігоквіт*, noun, masculine [the fixed variant is Сніго-квіт** in: ТSH-10, 1: 528 / "Lileya"/: .І дівчата заквічались І мене назвали Лелеєю квітом білим Лелеєю сніго-квітом; fixed in: SHEVCHENKO-64, 2: 272], ...дівчата заквітчались І мене назвали Лілеєю квітом білим Лілеєю снігоквітом (TSH1: 392 / "Lileya". 1846); compare.: Снігоцвіт**, Лілея-снігоцвіт;
Снігоцвіт** noun, masculine [fixed as снїгоцьвіт in: ZHELEKH: 890; with the context THSH in: BH4: 161; the fixed variant is Сніго-цвіт** at: TSH-10, 1: 529 / "Liliya"/: І дівчата заквічались І мене прозвали. Лілеєю сніго-цвітом. І я процвітати Стала в гаї, і на полі, І в білих палатах; fixed at : SHEVCHENKO-64, 2: 272], А дівчата заквічались І почали звати Лілеєю снігоцвітом. (TSH-10, 1: 356 / "Lileya"/ 25.07.1846-6.03.1858); compare: Лілея-снігоцвіт; Снігоквіт*.
It is necessary to pay attention to the specificity of the name лілія/ liliya that became a basis for the analyzed SLN. In volume 11 of the Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language the lexeme лілея/lileya "lily" is given as an equivalent to лілія/liliya with the remarks "old", "poetic", and the original lexeme is explained in the following way: "A bulb plant from the lily family that has a direct stem with big, bell-like flowers that are white or bright colorful; grows as a decorative one" (SUM, 4, p. 515). It has been pointed out that the word can be a component of comparisons (illustration from Shevchenko's work: В садах кохалися, цвіли, Неначе лілії, дівчата), and can obtain figurative meaning "about somebody or something that resembles the flower of this plant either by color or tenderness" (illustration from Lesya Ukrainka's poetry: Марія, Марія, дівчина чиста, лілія біла.). Shevchenko's neologism снігоквіт is not presented in this dictionary.
The name лілія/liliya, as a part of figurative comparisons, is given in the "Ukrainian-Russian-Belarusian-Bulgarian-Polish dictionary of comparisons" with the equivalents Ukr. білий як лелія - Rus. белый как <водяная> лилия - Pol. bialy jak lilia <wodna> "very white; with a very white skin". This meaning is illustrated through examples from the texts by Nechuy-Levytsky, Gertsen, Kolyada, Mitskevych, Ozheshko, and from a folklore lullaby, devoted to the newborn Jesus Christ: Великий, як і я, білий, як лелия. Люляй, люляй же, мій сину, хоц єдну годину (Levchenko, 2011, p. 94).
The usage of the name лілія/liliya in its symbolic meaning has also been seen in religious literature, fiction and folklore since ancient times. In the "Dictionary of Symbols," it is written that: "Liliya (white lily) is a symbol of virtue, purity, and virgin beauty; in the Bible, a lily is an emblem of the beauty of the mysterious bridegroom and bride who are deeply in love; a sign of an eloquent taste, luxury, elegance; wealth; hope for being wealthy; favor; respect. At the same time, it is a symbol of death, loyalty, the revenge of the dead, a flower of the Blessed Virgin" (Potapenko, 1997, p. 80). A symbolic nature of лілія "lily" in the Bible is described in the special work (Plants of the Scripture, 2010, p.p. 180-181). Ancient Greeks ascribed a lily a divine origin, claiming that it evolved from the milk of Juno, who was breastfeeding little Hercules. The Romans perceived a lily to be a symbol of wellbeing. That is why its image was minted on coins. Besides that, the Romans and Greeks considered this flower to be a symbol of virtue, so newlyweds were given wreaths made of lilies and wheat ears. The flower was loved all over Europe. For the Catholics, it was the flower of the Blessed Virgin. Thus, the pictures/icons of God's Mother were decorated with garlands made of lilies. At the same time, in Germany, a lily was associated with death (Encyclopedic dictionary of symbols of Ukrainian culture, 2015, p. 448-450).
Slavic folk myths, fables and legends, transformed into fiction, are connected with lilies too. One of the pageant legends says that the flower was born by the Mother (Raw Earth) and Dana, the Goddess of Water. According to folk beliefs, (водяна) лілія "(water) lily" is a favourite flower of mermaids. That is wh y it is forbidden to root it out (especially for young men). The word-image лілія "lily" is often used in author poetry as a symbol of women's beauty, girls' purity, charms, elegance and richness (Zhaivoronok, 2006, p. 338). Analyzing a carol in which the refrain Там на воді на Ордані Гей, гей лелія! Ісус Христос, сам Син Божий, і Марія has been repeated, Babych wrote: "This is earthly -heavenly Mother with her maternal worries, but in the refrain - she is a lily, pure and clean" (Babych, 2012, p. 69).
The attribute білий "white" also acquires a symbolic meaning - "a colour of purity, innocence, and joy. It is connected with the daylight, that is with life" (Voitovych, 2002, p. 472). Based on our observations, we can say that in many folklore texts, "the epithet білий "white" does not simply reflect the colour but rather expresses positive evaluative semantics" (Danylyuk, 2010, p. 203). At the same time, the word сніг "snow" in folk poetry names not only an atmospheric phenomenon but is associated with "life difficulties, hardships and trials" (Danylyuk, 2010, p. 400). So, a key word-notion лілія "lily", a related word сніг "snow", and an epithet білий "white" have had a symbolic meaning in the cultures of many nations, including Ukrainians from ancient times.
Let us have a look at the associations that modern Ukrainians have as a response to the nomination of lily - снігоквіт "snow blossom". It is known that an associative field (AF) is characterized by the organization of the groups of various word associations with a stimulus word. Due to the fact that basic systemic relationships between lexical units (syntagmatic, paradigmatic, hypo-hypernymic) can be realized within the boundaries of the AF, they served as essential data for our research. It is necessary to point out that the responses of the AF to the field-stimulus снігоквіт are expressed with the lexemes that belong to various parts of speech (nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and verbs), as well as with syntactic units: word combinations, phrases, and sentences.
The division of the responses of the conducted WAT in experimentation is based on Terekhova's classification (Terekhova, 2000). According to the principles of this classification, various aspects of the connections between a stimulus and a response have been considered: grammatical (paradigmatic, syntagmatic, word-building types), semantic (thematic, reminiscent, reactions-personalities), and formal phonetic types.
I. Syntagmatic - responses that build a word combination with a word stimulus:
1) syntagmatic responses that contain evaluation and create a subordinate wordcombination: СНІГОКВІТ - білий "white"7, білосніжний "snow white"4, ранній "early"3, кришталевий "crystal"1, квітуча "flourishing"(f)1, квітучий "flourishing" (m)1, квітуче "flourishing" (n)1, білі "white" (pl) 1, перший "first"2, новий "new"1, холодний "cold"1, зимовий "of winter" 1, товстий "thick"1, біленька "white"(demin.)1; білий, як сніг "white as snow" 1;
2) syntagmatic responses/reactions that can be seen as sentences: СНІГОКВІТ - квітне на снігу "flourishes on the snow" 1, квітне взимку "flourishes in winter" 1, сніжить "is snowing" 1.
II. Paradigmatic - responses that belong to the same grammatical class as a stimulus does. In most cases these are responses-comparisons that point out certain features and structurally are word-combinations: СНІГОКВІТ - квітка "flower" 12, квіти "flowers" 12, пролісок "snowdrop" 10, перші квіти "first flowers" 6, проліски "snowdrops"5, снігова квітка "snow flower"4, квіти у/в снігу "flowers in the snow" 3, іній "hoarfrost" 3, білі квіти "white flowers" 3, біла квітка "a white flower" 3, лілея "lily" 2, мороз "frost" 2, первоцвіти "primroses" 2, метелиця "snowstorm" 2, ромашка "chamomile" 2, лапатий сніг "flakes of snow" 2, засніжені квіти "frosty flowers"2, багато квітів "many flowers"2, квітки "flowers" 1, цвіт вишні "cherry blossom" 1, цвіт квітів "blooming flowers" 1, цвіт снігу "snow blossom" 1, зима-хурделиця "winter-snowstorm" 1, завірюха "snowstorm" 1, хурделиця "heavy fall of snow" 1, густий сніг "thick snow" 1, сніжні квіти "snowy flowers" 2, снігові квіти "snow flowers" 1, сніжний, білий цвіт "snowy, white color" 1, яблуневий цвіт "apple tree blossom" 1, конвалія "lily of the valley" 1, пелюстки "petals" 1, весняні квіти "spring flowers" 1, перші весняні квіти "first spring flowers" 1, все біле "everything white" 1, білий цвіт "white blossom" 1, зимня квітка "winter flower" 1, квіти зимові 1, візерунок "pattern" 1, сплетіння "plexus" 1, крокус "crocus" 1, щось біле "something white" 1, гарний сніг "nice snow" 1, тендітні проліски "tender snowdrops" 1, чистота "purity" 1, непорочність "virgin" 1, надія "hope" 1, життя "life" 1, зимовий іній "winter hoarfrost" 1, зимова казка "winter fairytale" 1, білизна "whiteness" 1, снігові книги "snow books" 1, падання сніжинок "falling of snowflakes" 1, квітка зі снігу "a flower from the snow" 1, квіти на снігу "flowers on the snow" 1, квіти під снігом "flowers under the snow" 1, квіти з-під снігу "flowers from under the snow"1, квіти після снігу "flowers after the snow" 1, квіти, що цвітуть в кінці зими "flowers that are blooming at the end of the winter" 1, квіти, що виросли під снігом "flowers that have grown under the snow" 1, квітка, яка росте, коли ще є сніг "a flower that grows when there is still snow" 1, квітка яка цвіте зимою "a flower that blooms in winter" 1, квіти, які розцвітають рано "flowers that start blooming early" 1, сніговий квіт "snowy blossom" 1, вид квітки "a type of a flower" 1.
ІІІ. Thematic - responses that belong to the lexemes of one and the same semantic field and are connected with the stimulus paradigmatically: СНІГОКВІТ - зима "winter"19, весна "spring"19, березень "March"5, заметіль "snowstorm"5, тепла зима "warm winter"2, багато снігу "much snow" 2, антитеза "antithesis" 1, зима-весна "winter-spring"1, рання весна "early spring"1, хороша погода "good weather" 1, тепло "warmth"1, холод і тепло "cold and warmth"1, холодно і тепло "cold and warm"1, галявина "lawn" 1, між зимою і весною "between winter and spring"1, холод "cold"1, мороз "frost"1, мороз на вікні "frost on the window"1, сонячно "sunny"1, колір "color"1, дощ "rain"1, зимовий день "a winter day"1, яблуневий сад "an apple orchard"1, початок "beginning"1, розцвітання квітів "flowers bloom"1, опадання квітів "falling of flowers" 1, випав сніг "it has snowed" 1, сніг починає падати "it is starting to snow" 1, коли дуже сніжить "when it snows heavily"1, цвіте квітка "a flowers is blooming"1, зійшов сніг "the snow has melted"1, з неба сипляться сніжинки "the snowflakes are falling from the sky"1, квіти падають "flowers are falling down"1, перші весняні квіти - підсніжники "the first spring flowers - snowdrops"1, лапатий сніг падає "heavy sn ow is falling down"1, падає лапатий сніг "it snows heavily 1, падає сніг "it snows"1, паде сніг "it snows"1.
A separate group is formed of metaphorical responses: СНІГОКВІТ - квітне сніг "the snow is blooming" 1, дощ з квіток "flower rain" 1, квіт снігу "snow blossom" 1, сніг квітне "snow blooms" 1, сніг цвіте ""snow blooms" 1.
TV. Phonetic - responses that sound the same with the stimulus: СНІГОКВІТ - цвіт "blossom" 2, сніголіп "snowfall" 1, сніги на квіті "snow flakes on a blossom". 1. It is possible that such infrequent responses are caused by the stimulus that might be ambiguous to the informant.
V. Word-building - responses are expressed with the help of lexemes that have one and the same root as the stimulus or are neologisms ("occasionalisms" ):
1) responses that have similar roots with the stimulus: СНІГОКВІТ - підсніжник "snowdrop" 86, сніг "snow" 19, квітка "a flower" 12, квіти "flowers" 12, підсніжники "snowdrops" 11, сніговик "snowman" 4, сніжинки "snowflakes" 4; квітень "April (a bloomy month)" 3, сніжний "snowy" 3, сніжинка "a snowflake" 2;
2) responses - compound words in which a root of the word-stimulus is their parts: СНІГОКВІТ - снігопад "snowfall" 19, білосніжний "snowhite" 4, первоцвіти "first blossoms" 2, сніголіп "snow cluster" 1, білоквіт "white blossom" 1, багатоснігий "much snowy" 1, яскравосніг "bright snow" 1 (occasionalism).
VI. Reminiscent responses include well-known sayings and quotations: СНІГОКВІТ - буду сіять квітки на морозі "I will sow flowers in the frost" 1. This single reaction proves a philological awareness of a respondent as he/she quoted Lesya Ukrainka's poetry "Contra spem spero!".
VII. Responses expressed by proper names: СНІГОКВІТ - Масляна "Shrovetide" 1. Shrovetide is known to be a traditional Slavic holiday that is celebrated before Lent. It signifies the end of winter and the beginning of spring when the first flowers appear from under the snow.
VIII. Emotional-evaluative responses express a certain attitude of a respondent to the word stimulus. Traditionally reactions with positive and negative evaluations have been distinguished. Among the responses received there were only words with a positive connotation: СНІГОКВІТ - щось красиве "smth nice"1, диво "wonder" 1, краса "beauty"1, краса незвичайна "unusual beauty"1, краса під холодом "beauty under cold"1, дивовижність "smth amazing" 1, неймовірність "smth i nconceivable" 1. A positive connotation of the stimulus can explain the fact that there are no negative responses.
Considering the studies of Denysevych (Denysevych, 2011), we refer blank responses (29) and responses with unclear motivation to the emotional-evaluative responses: СНІГОКВІТ - сані "sledges" 2, пішохід "a pedestrian" 1, машина "a car" 1, той, який розцвітає в проблемах "the one who is blooming in problems" 1, музичний інструмент "a musical instrument" 1. They can show incomprehension of the meaning of the word stimulus.
All the thematic responses of the associative field are divided into semantic spheres (SS). The SS "Floristic names" includes the responses - names of the objects of the floral world. In our opinion, it is logical since the neo logism снігоквіт has in its semantic structure the seme "a plant/a part of a plant". There have been pointed out 2 groups of the responses expressed by: 1) nouns: підсніжники "snowdrops"86, квітка "flower"12, квіти "flowers"12, підсніжник "a snowdrop" 11, пролісок "squill" 10, проліски " squills " 5, лілея "lily"2, цвіт "blossom"2, первоцвіти "primroses"2, ромашка "chamomile"2, квітки "flowers"1, конвалія "lily of the valley" 1, пелюстки "petals" 1, крокус "crocus"1, білоквіт "white blossom"1; 2) nominal word combinations (attributive or genitive): перші квіти "first flowers"6, снігова квітка "a snow flower" 4, квіти у/в снігу "flowers in the snow"3, білі квіти "white flowers"3, біла квітка "a white flower" 3, засніжені квіти "frosty flowers"2, сніжні квіти "snow flowers"2, вид квітки "a type of flower"1, яблуневий цвіт "apple blossom'd, цвіт вишні "cherry blossom'd, цвіт квітів "flower blossom'd, цвіт снігу " blossom of the snow " 1, снігові квіти "snowy flowers"1, сніжний, білий цвіт "snowy, white blossom" 1, весняні квіти "spring flowers"1, перші весняні квіти "first spring flowers"1, перші весняні квіти - підсніжники "first spring flowers - snowdrops"1, білий цвіт "white blossom"1, зимня квітка "a winter flower"1, квіти зимові "winter flowers"1, яблуневий сад "apple orchard"1, тендітні проліски "fragile snowdrops"1, квітка зі снігу "a flower from the snow"1, квіти на снігу "flowers on the snow"1, квіт снігу "snow blossom"1, квіти під снігом "flowers under the snow" 1, квіти з-під снігу "flowers from under the snow"1, квіт після снігу "blossom after snow"1, квіти, що цвітуть в кінці зими "flowers that bloom at the end of winter'd, квіти, що виросли під снігом "flowers that grew under snow"1, квітка, яка росте, коли ще є сніг "a flower that grows when there i s still snow"1, квітка яка цвіте зимою "a flower that blooms in winter" 1, сніговий квіт "snowy blossom'd, квіти, які розцвітають рано "flowers that start blooming early" 1. Among these responses, there are words that name: а) generic notions (квітка "flower"), b) conceptual notion (підсніжники "snowdrops"), c) a part of a whole (білий цвіт "white blossom").
SS "Natural phenomena" include names-responses of the atmospheric falls, that are perceived by a human eye as monochromic (of a white color) or are associated with the word прозорий "transparent" - 'the one that lets the light go through, shines through; light, bright' (SUM, 8, p. 184): снігопад "snowfall" 19, сніг "snow" 19, весна "spring" 19, зима "winter" 19, заметіль "snowstorm" 5, сніжинки "snowflakes" 4, іній "hoarfrost" 3, мороз "frost" 3, сніжинка "snowflake" 2, метелиця "snow blizzard" 2, лапатий сніг "fluffy snow" 2, тепла зима "warm winter" 2, зима-весна "winter-spring" 1, хурделиця "rash" 1, завірюха "heavy and windy snow fall" 1, густий сніг "thick snow" 1, сніголіп "snow clustering" 1, хороша погода "good weather" 1, снігопад красивий "beautiful snowfall" 1, сніжить "it snows" 1, сонячно "sunny" 1, дощ "rain" 1, дощ з квіток "rain of flowers" 1, гарний сніг "nice snow" 1, зимовий іній "winter hoarfrost" 1, між зимою і весною "between winter and spring" 1, мороз на вікні "frost on the window" 1, яскравосніг "bright snow" 1, багатоснігий "much-snowy" 1, холод і тепло "warmth and cold" 1, падання сніжинок "falling of flakes" 1. We believe that the semantic component of the stimulus word сніг- "snow-" that belongs to the structure of 53 language units has influenced the occurrence of these responses. It is significant that there are some occasional neologisms among them: сніголіп, яскравосніг, багатоснігий.
The SS "Activity Sphere" includes the responses expressed by non-frequent verb phrases with the meaning of a process and action: розцвітання квітів "blooming of flowers", опадання квітів "falling of flowers", буду сіять квітки на морозі "(I) will sow flowers in the frost", випав сніг "the snow has fallen", лапатий сніг падає "fluffy snow is falling down", падає лапатий сніг "fluffy snow is falling down", паде сніг "it is snowing", сніг починає падати "it is beginning to snow", коли дуже сніжить "when it snows heavily", цвіте квітка "a flower is blooming", зійшов сніг "the snow has melted", сніг квітне "the snow is blooming", сніг цвіте "the snow is flourishing", квітне на снігу "(smth) is flourishing on the snow", квітне взимку "flourishing in winter", з неба сипляться сніжинки "show flakes are falling from the sky", квіти падають "flowers are falling down".
SS "Color features" is formed with attributes that are used to name achromatic (white) colour caused by the meaning of the structural component сніг- (it is traditionally associated with white colour): білий "white" (m)7, біленька "white" (f) 1, щось біле "smth white" 1, білий, як сніг "as white as snow" 1.
The following SS of the analyzed associative field turned out to be unrepresentative:
1) "Tactile features": холодний "cold"(adj.)1, холодно і тепло "cold and warm" (adv.)1;
2) "Temporal features": березень "March"5, квітень "April" 3, рання весна "early spring"1;
3) "Abstract notions": чистота "purity"1, непорочність "chastity"1, надія "hope"1, початок "beginning"1, життя "life"1, антитеза "antithesis" 1, колір "color" 1.
It is necessary to point out that the author's understanding of the word did not always coincide with the respondents' ideas. That shows that, above all, the context of a literary work is decisive for understanding the meaning of neologism. It is also vital to understand how a language unit "matches" the "ideo-style" of a writer. Thus, Mojsijenko pointed out Shevchenko's typical comparisons of a person and his/her features with plants, mainly flowers (маківка на городі, Ганна розцвітала "Like a poppy flower in the garden, Hanna was starting to flourish"). They can "transmit" a) an internal evaluative feature, b) an external feature, c) a motivational evaluative feature to an individual subject (Mojsijenko, 2006, p. 109). The scholar paid attention to the syncretic composite epithets (ясноокі зорі "bright-eyed stars", тихо-сумна розмова "a quiet sad talk", лани широкополі "wide -bordered fields" and others that are similar), whose apperceptive nature is revealed via a multifaceted dialectic characteristic of noun nominations" (Mojsijenko, 2006, p. 96). So, the neologism снігоквіт organically comes out of Shevchenko's linguistic figurative perception of the world, but a complete understanding of the meaning of the neologism by an addressee requires a broader context (not only within the frames of a poetic work but also as a component of the lingo-poetics of Shevchenko and the whole Ukrainian linguistic artistic tradition).
The results obtained by the WAT and a psycholinguistic experiment have shown that Taras Shevchenko presented a highly artistic lexical neologism with the help of which he wanted to convey to his reader not only the primary meaning of the word лілея (квітка) "lily (flower)" but also certain aesthetic feelings, as well as to actualize the image of a lily as a special flower in the national linguistic poetic map of the world. It is significant that a few lexical innovations were obtained from the respondents themselves. The WAT gave a chance to discover how transparent the meaning of Shevchenko's neologism to modern respondents was. The experiment has proved that the respondents perceive the neologism adequately, even without cont ext.
All the responses of the analyzed SS belong to the AF of the author neologism снігоквіт, give a possibility to define a lexicon of modern Ukrainian more clearly, help to figure out the psycholinguistic associative characteristics of Shevchenko's figurative word, the relationships between language and thought, and trace the changes in the conceptual map of the world and its cognition. Further psycholinguistic studies of Shevchenko's word creations also offer good prospects. It makes it possible to define the adequacy/inadequacy of modern respondents' perception of Shevchenko's neologisms, most of which enlarged the lexis of the modern Ukrainian language and became common.
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