The comparative typology of syntactical functions of participle in english and azerbaijani

Features of the translation of English participles into Azerbaijani using verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Properties, functions and syntactic positions of participial phrases. Passive forms and adjectival features of the gerund. Use of perfect tenses.

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The comparative typology of syntactical functions of participle in English and Azerbaijani

Kenul Babayeva, Senior Lecturer

at the Department of Foreign Languages Department

Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan


The participle has the properties of both the verb and the adjective has led to differences of opinion among prominent scholars. Participles are sometimes referred to as verbs or adjectives, and sometimes as an independent part of speech. In our opinion, participles cannot be an independent part of speech. Because words belonging to the independent part of speech have the semantics of the part of speech and have a corresponding function in the sentence, but this feature does not exist in participles.

Participles have some qualities of verbs and are used in the formation of the continuous, perfect and perfect continuous tenses. English participles are translated into Azerbaijani with the help of verbs, adjectives, participles, adverbial participles.

Azerbaijani adverbial participle has no corresponding form in English. Participles have some qualities of adjectives and are used as attributes in a sentence in both languages. Participles are also used in the function of adverbial modifiers. Depending on the function in the sentence, on the context and meaning. Participles can modify the subject, an object, or another noun in a sentence. Participles may stand before or after the noun that they modify. Participle constructions stand after the nouns that they modify.

Participle has no a certain position in grammar, having form, meaning and function it is not considered as a part of speech, but this situation doesn t prevent someone from making morphological analyses of the sentences with them. In this article we should analyze the nature of Azerbaijani Participle and English Participle to find similarities and differences in order to understand the essence of its. These two languages belong to different language families and types, but we have the common world view and common language matrix such as phonetics, lexis and grammar and the latter has such components as parts of speech and five members of a sentence in general and Participle in particular in all types of languages.

The English language being included into the Germanic group of Indo-European language family is of analytical type, while the Azerbaijani language being included into the Oghuz group of the Turkic family of languages is of agglutinative type. The fact gives an explanation to the great differences between these languages.

Key words: participle, function, adverbial participle, adjective, attribute, grammar.


Компаративная типология синтактических функций причастий в английском и азербайджанском языках

Кенуль Бабаева,

старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков Нахичеванского государственного университета (Нахичевань, Азербайджан)

Причастия имеют некоторые свойства глаголов и используются в образовании продолженных, перфектных и перфектных продолженных времён. Английские причастия переводятся на азербайджанский язык с помощью глаголов, прилагательных, причастий, деепричастий. Азербайджанское деепричастие не имеет соответствующей ему формы в английском языке. Причастия имеют некоторые свойства прилагательных и употребляются как определения в предложении на обоих языках. Причастия также употребляются в функции обстоятельств. В зависимости от функции в предложении, от контекста и значения английские причастия переводятся на азербайджанский язык как причастия, прилагательные, деепричастия и глаголы. Причастия могут определять подлежащее, дополнение или другое существительное в предложении. Причастия могут стоять до или после определяемого существительного. Причастные обороты стоят после определяемых существительных.

Причастие первое - неличная глагольная форма, близкая по значению к прилагательному и наречию. Она передает признак предмета или действия, возникающий в силу производимого или произведенного действия. Причастие первое функционирует в двух синтаксических позициях: атрибутивной и адвербиальной. Атрибутивное причастие действительного залога основного разряда может употребляться препозитивно, если оно не имеет зависящей от него группы (причастной конструкции). Совмещая в себе глагольные и именные (адъективные) черты, оно может в препозиции приближаться к прилагательному. Аналитические формы причастия всегда находятся в постпозиции, причем атрибутивная функция им мало свойственна; изредка в этой функции перфектная и пассивные формы встречаются в научной литературе. Именной чертой причастия первого является также его способность занимать позицию именного члена составного сказуемого. В данной позиции ярче всего проявляются именные свойства причастия и герундия; однако следует отметить, что далеко не все -ing-формы могут быть противопоставлены в этой позиции.

Ключевые слова: причастие, функция, адвербиальные причастия, прилагательное, определение, грамматика.


Компаративна типологія синтактичних функцій дієприкметників в англійській та азербайджанській мовах

Кенуль Бабаєва,

старший викладач кафедри іноземних мов Нахічеванського державного університету (Нахічевань, Азербайджан)

Причастя мають деякі властивості дієслів і використовуються в утворенні продовжених, перфектних та перфектних продовжених часів. Англійські дієприкметники перекладаються азербайджанською мовою за допомогою дієслів, прикметників, дієприкметників, дієприслівників. Азербайджанський дієприслівник не має відповідної форми в англійській мові. Дієприкметники мають деякі властивості прикметників і вживаються як визначення в реченні обох мовах.

Дієприкметники також використовуються у функції причин. Залежно від функції в реченні, контексту та значення англійські дієприкметники перекладаються азербайджанською мовою як дієприкметники, прикметники, дієприслівники і дієслова. Дієприкметники можуть визначати підмет, доповнення або інший іменнику реченні. Дієприкметники можуть стояти до або після іменника. Дієприкметникові звороти стоять після іменників.

Дієприкметник перший - неособиста дієслівна форма, близька за значенням до прикметника і прислівника. Вона передає ознаку предмета або дії, що виникає через вироблену або вироблену дію. Дієприкметник перший функціонує у двох синтаксичних позиціях: атрибутивній та адвербіальній. Поєднуючи в собі дієслівні та іменні (ад'єктивні) риси, він може у препозиції наближатися до прикметника:

Аналітичні форми дієприкметника завжди перебувають у постпозиції, причому атрибутивна функція їм мало властива; зрідка в цій функції перфектна та пасивні форми зустрічаються в науковій літературі. Іменною рисою дієприкметника першого є його здатність займати позицію іменного члена складеного присудка. У цій позиції найяскравіше виявляються іменні властивості дієприкметника та герундія. Однак слід зазначити, що далеко не всі -ing-форми можуть бути протиставлені в цій позиції.

Ключові слова: дієприкметник, функція, адвербіальні дієприкметники, прикметник, визначення, граматика.


In modem times, the comparison of diferent languages is important. In addition, the comparative-typological analysis of the grammatical structure of languages belonging to different language families also helps to determine the teaching of each language and linguistic research in its grammatical structure. From this point of view, the comparative analysis of the non-finite forms of the verb in the Azerbaijani and English languages have a great interest. Up today, in grammar books and scientific researches written so far, the participle in the Azerbaijani language has been studied in detail, the opinions of prominent linguists such as Mirza Kazimbay, Hasan Mirzayev, Yusif Seyidov, Gazanfar Kazimov, Hadi Mirzazade, Abulfaz Guliyev have been referred to. Although the participle is widely studied in the Azerbaijani language, its lexical, grammatical and semantic features, as well as its syntactic functions and comparative analysis with the English language are less involved in the study.

“The present participle has its own place in the general paradigm of the verb, different from that of the past participle, being distinguished by the corresponding set of characterisation features.

Since it possesses some traits both of adjective and adverb, the present participle is not only dual, but triple by its lexico-grammatical properties, which is displayed in its combinability, as well as in its syntactic functions” (Блох, 1983: 111).

Main part

According to V. G. Admony`s opinion, `Participle is one of language phenomena, the language status of which continues being discussed. Double, `hybrid' Infinitives, Gerunds and Participles. On Simon C. Dik and Participle nature and its connection with verbs and adjectives make Participle interpret as the verb or as an independent, though `syncretic' part of speech (Admony, 1968a).

Participle is one of the grammar phenomenon which has no certain status among grammar categories. Some linguists consider that Participle is the main form of verb, which includes verbal and adjectival properties and denotes actions attributed to a person or object as their signs. Others consider, that Participle has an intermediate position between verb and adjective, the third consider that Participle is a separate part of speech giving it a special place among the other parts of speech. `English Participle is an adjective according to its origin. And such verbs were formed from verbs' (Jesperson, 1992: 96). The participle is a non-finite form of the verb which has a verbal and an adjectival or and adverbial character.

There are two participles in English - Participle I and Participle П, traditionally called the Present Participle and the Past Participle. Participles have some qualities of verbs and are used in the formation of the continuous, perfect and perfect continuous tenses (he is typing; he has written a letter) (Kaushanskaya, 1967: 120).

Participles have some qualities of adjectives and are used as attributes in a sentence (a smiling girl; surprised faces).

It is the same in Azerbaijani language also participle carries the characteristics features of adjectives derived from the verbs.

For example: raqs edan qiz - dancing girl.

Participles are also used in the function of adverbial modifiers (he opened the door, smiling; surprised, he didn't know what to say).

A participle construction, that is, a participle together with the words closely connected with it, can function as an attribute (the girl sitting at the table) or as an adverbial modifier (standing by the window, she watched the birds). Participle constructions (participial constructions) are usually called “participial phrases” or “participial clauses” in English grammar materials.

Participles are traditionally defined as adjectives derived from verbs. The following definition: Participle: “a word derived from a verb and used as an adjective” Participles can however differ in how much verbal structure they contain. For passive participles, a distinction has been made between verbal passive participles and adjectival passive participles.

The verbal character of participle I is manifested morphologically in the categories of voice and perfect syntactically in its combinability. Thus, like the other non-finites, it may combine: a) with a noun or a pronoun as direct, indirect or prepositional object; b) with an adverb or a prepositional phrase as an adverbial modifier; c) with a noun or adjective as a predicative (Ilyish, 1971: 228).

Participle I is used as a pure verb form in the formation of the continuous aspect forms. translation english participle azerbaijani

The adjectival and adverbial features of participle I are manifested in its syntactical functions as an attribute and an adverbial modifier.

Arriving at the station, she saw him at once, leaning against the railing (adverbial modifier of time, detached attribute).

Participle I as an attribute: This function is peculiar to non-perfect participle I in its main sense, that of a process simultaneous with the action denoted by the main verb or with the moment of speech. It corresponds to the Azerbaijan imperfective participle, usually active: asking - soru§an, sleeping - yatan. The passive participle I corresponds to the Azerbaijan imperfective passive participle: being asked - soru§ulan, being translated - tarcuma edilan, being built - tikilmi§.

- I know the reporter covering the news.

- Xdbdrldri dhatd eddn mdlumatlari mdn bilirdm (Gunay Rafibayli, 2008: 76).

Generally participle is used in a sentence as an attribute in the Azerbaijan language.

In both languages when a participial phrase is used as attribute it follows the modified noun. Its verbal character is evident from its verbal combinability and sometimes from the passive form itself. A participial phrase may be (a) non-detached or (b) detached:

a) I picked up the lying letter on the floor.

Mdn yerddki mdktublari qaldirdim.

Another factor concerns the formality of the language being taught.

b) Once a month Tommy, arriving separately, came in for a brief drink.

In the function of an attribute Participle I can be in pre-position and in post-position, i.e. it can precede the noun it modifies and follow it.

I saw a smiling child.

Participle I Indefinite Passive is very seldom used as an attribute. Participle I Perfect (Active and Passive) is not used as an attribute!

Participle I in the function of an attribute cannot express priority; only an attributive clause is used.

- I've just talked to the students who have come back from their teaching practice.

Participle I as adverbial modifier: Participle constructions in the function of adverbial modifiers usually stand at the beginning of the sentence, but may sometimes stand in the middle or at the end of the sentence.

Since the action expressed by the participle in such constructions usually refers to the subject of the sentence, the participle in any position in the sentence should be clearly connected with the subject.

All the four forms of participle I can function as adverbial modifiers of different semantic types (time, reason, manner, attendant circumstances, and sometimes condition, concession, comparison).

Very often to make the semantical relationship clearer, certain conjunctions are employed, such as: when, while, though, as if, as though, if.

a) Participle I as adverbial modifier of time may denote a simultaneous or a prior action.

Approaching him I saw gun.

Ona yaxinlasarkan man silahi gordum.

Having finished his work he left office.

Non-perfect participle I active, when used as an adverbial modifier of time, usually conveys the meaning of the motion or state. Most often it is a participle of the verbs of motion (come, walk, go), or position in space (sit, lie, stand).

- Returning to Baki, Ali had thrown himself into the work.

The Perfect Participle of the same verbs is used when there is an interval of time between the two actions.

Having failed twice, he didn't want to try again.

Having seen the girl long ago, I didn't recognize her.

It is also used when the first action covered a period of time.

Not having seen her for a long time I didn't recognize her.

Having been his own boss for such a long time, he found it hard to accept orders for another.

If the action expressed by Participle I Indefinite Active is simultaneous with the action expressed by the finite verb, the conjunction when or while is often used.

While reading the text I noticed some mistakes.

When doing the exercises, look up the new words.

Note: Participle I Indefinite of the verb to be is not used as an adverbial modifier of time. Clauses of the type “Bakida olanda,..”(being in Baki), “O usaq olanda,..(Being a child)“ are translated “When in London... ”, “When a child...”. It means “When he was in London,..”, “When he was a child...”

b) Participle I as adverbial modifier of reason can be expressed by all the four forms. The most frequently used non-perfect participles I are those of verbs denoting mental perception and emotions, for example, knowing, realizing, remembering, expecting, hoping, fearing; also the participles being and having.

- Feeling very tired, she went to bed early (She went to bed early because she was feeling very tired).

- Hoping to catch the plane, we took a taxi.

- Being in the wedding party I could see all.

Note: Participle I of the verb to be {being) when

used as an adverbial modifier will always be an adverbial modifier of cause.

Being a stranger in the town, he had to ask the way - As he was a stranger in the tow.

`Another characteristic feature of participles functioning as adverbials of reason consists in their combinability with negation (no matter what it is expressed by).

I turned back, not knowing where to go.

Even then he hadn't been able to watch her, not having eyes in the back of his head (Кобрина, 1999: 98).

c) The adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances is one of the most characteristic of participle I - it is considered to be the main grammatical meaning of non-perfect participle I. In this case participle I denotes some action or event parallel to the action or state denoted by the finite verb.

d) Participle I as an adverbial modifier of manner is akin to an adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances. The difference consists in the fact that an adverbial modifier of manner characterizes the action of the finite verb, whereas that of attendant circumstances denotes a parallel action or event.

- Wait a minute, ' said Hassan, running through the door.

- Being so ill, he can't go back to work yet.

e) Occasionally participle I occurs as an adverbial modifier of comparison, concession or condition.

As an adverbial of comparison the participle is always preceded by the conjunction as if, as though:

He said it as though thinking aloud.

When participle I is used as an adverbial modifier of concession the conjunction is not obligatory and then the idea of concession may be understood from the context. However the conjunction though will make the semantic relationship clearer.

Participle I as predicative: In the position of predicative only non-perfect participle I active occurs, its adjectival character being predominant. Although keeping the form of the participle, it is treated as an adjective, or a deverbal adjective in English.

The weather this summer is disappointing.

I find the story amusing.

In Azerbaijani the participle also has a function as simple verbal predicate in a sentence. But in this time sometimes participle loses its function and translated into Azerbaijani as verb.

A cold wind is whistling down the platform.

Soyuq kulak platformda viyildayir (Hasan Mirzayev, 2006: 324).

Participle I as part of the compound verbal predicate: Non-perfect participle I can be part of a compound verbal predicate of double orientation. Within this type of predicate participle I follows verbs of sense perception, such as to see, to hear, to feel, to find, to catch, also some causative verbs, such as to keep, to leave in the passive voice.

- They were kept waiting

Jane was heard playing the piano.

Paul was found working in the garden.

Participle I as independent element (parenthesis): In both languages participle has a function of parenthesis in a sentence.

Generally speaking, they're a pretty friendly bunch of people.

Truly speaking I have never seen this man in Nakhchivan.

Sozun duzu, mdn heg vaxt bu adami Naxgivanda gormdmi^dm.

As a result I want to noted that English participles are translated into Azerbaijan as participles, as adjectives, as adverbial participles, as verbs, as parenthesis, as a part of simple sentences, as a part of participle constructions.


Language is one of the best inventions of the Universe, which as living organism creates necessary elements by reproducing, modifying and transforming itself in order to express adequately the results of thinking process of human being into surface structure.

Gerund, Infinitive and Participle are important types of schools. grammar phenomena which carry out compensative, additional and duplicating functions concerning to verbs and nouns. The best example of it is Gerund, Infinitive and Participle which improve and strengthen the morphological properties and syntactical functions of the main parts of speech: verb, noun by compensating, adding and substituting the missing properties.


1. Admony, B., “Field nature of parts of speech Guestions of parts of speech.” On different language types of schools. 1968. 345 p.

2. Ilyish B.A. “The structure of modern English”. Moscow-Lenigrad, 1971. 365 p.

3. Gunay Rsfibsyli, ingilis vs Azsrbaycan dillsrinds feili tsrkiblsr, Baki, 2008. 200 p.

4. Hsssn Mirzsyev, “Azsrbaycan dilinds feili sifst vs tssirli-tssirsiz feillsr” Baki, 2006. 560 s.

5. Jesperson O., “The Philosophy of Grammar”. University of Chicago Press; New edition, 1992. 378 p.

6. Kaushanskaya V.L., Kovner, R.L., Kozhevnikova O.N. A grammar of the English language. 1967, 324 p.

7. Ganshina M. and Vasilevskaya N. “English Grammar” Foreign Languages publishing house, Moscow, 1951. 470 p.

8. Oruc Musayev “Ingilis dilinin qrammatikasi” Maarif ns§r. Baki 1986. 368 s.

9. Kazimov Q.§. Muasir Azsrbaycan dili, Morfologiya, [Modern Azerbaijan language, Morphology. Baki, 2010. 339 s.

10. Блох М. Я. “Theoretical grammar of the English language”. М.: Высшая школа, 1983. 383 с.

11. Кобрина Н. А., Корнеева Е. А., Оссовская М. И., Гузеева К. A Grammar of the English language: Morphology. Syntax. 1999. 496 с.


1. Admony, B., “Field nature of parts of speech Questions of parts of speech.” On different language types of schools. 1968. 345 p.

2. Ilyish B. A. “The structure of modern English”. Moscow-Lenigrad, 1971. 365 p.

3. Gunay Rsfibsyli, Ingilis vs Azsrbaycan dillsrinds feili tsrkiblsr, [Verbal constructions in English and Azerbaijani languages] Baki. 2008, 200 p. [in Azerbaijani]

4. Hsssn Mirzsyev, “Azsrbaycan dilinds feili sifst vs tssirli-tssirsiz feillsr” [Participles and Intransitive Verbs in the Azerbaijani Language] Baki, 2006, 560 s. [in Azerbaijani]

5. Jesperson O., “The Philosophy of Grammar”. University of Chicago Press; New edition, 1992. 378 p.

6. Kaushanskaya V. L., Kovner, R. L. , Kozhevnikova O. N. A grammar of the English language. 1967. 324 p.

7. Ganshina M. and Vasilevskaya N. “English Grammar” Foreign Languages publishing house. Moscow, 1951. 470 p.

8. Oruc Musayev “Ingilis dilinin qrammatikasi” [English grammar] Maarif ns§r. Baki, 1986. 368 s. [in Azerbaijani]

9. Kazimov Q. §. Muasir Azsrbaycan dili, Morfologiya, [Modern Azerbaijan language, Morphology. Baki, 2010. 339 s. [in Azerbaijani]

10. Blokh M. Ya. Theoretical grammar of the English language. М.: Vyissh. shkola, 1983. 383 p.

11. Kobrina N. A., Korneeva E. A., Ossovskaya M. I., Guzeeva K. A Grammar of the English language: Morphology. Syntax. 1999. 496 p.

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    дипломная работа [295,6 K], добавлен 21.07.2009

  • Features of the use of various forms of a verb in English language. The characteristics of construction of questions. Features of nouns using in English language. Translating texts about Problems of preservation of the environment and Brands in Russian.

    контрольная работа [20,1 K], добавлен 11.12.2009

  • The development of Word Order. Types of syntactical relations words in the phrase, their development. The development of the composite sentence. The syntactic structure of English. New scope of syntactic distinctions and of new means of expressing them.

    лекция [22,3 K], добавлен 02.09.2011

  • Concept and features of the Middle English, stages and directions of its formation and development. Primary and Middle English consonants, the basic principles of articles and declination. Personal pronouns, verbs, syntax, semantics and dialects.

    презентация [380,6 K], добавлен 24.04.2014

  • Kinds of synonyms and their specific features. Distributional features of the English synonyms. Changeability and substitution of meanings. Semantic and functional relationship in synonyms. Interchangeable character of words and their synonymy.

    дипломная работа [64,3 K], добавлен 10.07.2009

  • Adjectives. Degrees of Comparison. Substantivization of Adjectives. Syntactic Functions of Adjectives. Position of Adjectives. Order of Adjectives. Adjectives with prepositions. Adjectives with "to" - infinitive or "that" - clauses.

    курсовая работа [30,7 K], добавлен 21.01.2008

  • The adverb in English theoretical grammar. Semantic classification of and lexico-grammatical subdivision of adverbs. Syntagmatic valency of adverbs and its actualization in speech. The use of adverbs of degree with gradable and non-gradable adjectives.

    дипломная работа [91,8 K], добавлен 10.04.2011

  • Контрольная по английскому языку, состоит из заданий по переводу текстов и вопросов. Тема – бухгалтерский учет. Например - translate the text "Money and its functions.", translate the following words, phrases and statements from Russian into English.

    контрольная работа [18,0 K], добавлен 26.12.2008

  • Features of English Nouns. The Category of Case. The Category of Number of English Nouns. Structural Semantic Characteristics of English, morphological, syntactical Characteristics of Nouns. The Use of Articles with Nouns in Some Set Expsessions.

    дипломная работа [96,9 K], добавлен 10.07.2009

  • Definition and classification of English sentences, their variety and comparative characteristics, structure and component parts. Features subordination to them. Types of subordinate clauses, a sign of submission to them, their distinctive features.

    курсовая работа [42,6 K], добавлен 06.12.2015

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