Conveying names of national and international organizations, governmental companies, corporations and private enterprices while translating
Improving the effectiveness of international spying. Peculiarities of professional translation of economic texts from English into Russian translation and into English. Ways of transmission of names of organizations, enterprises and establishments.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
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Дата добавления | 21.06.2023 |
Размер файла | 27,1 K |
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Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs
Conveying names of national and international organizations, governmental companies, corporations and private enterprices while translating
V. Railianova PhD in Philology
O. Oleynik (Khlynsteva), Lecturer
Dnipro city, Ukraine)
Modern business world has no borders any longer and network of international and transnational corporations is spread all around the world. Quite a long time ago the English language was admitted as language of international communication, so most of formal documentation, instructions, reports and deals are written in English. Therefore, there appeared necessity in precise translation of economic texts from English into the language of translation and vice versa. What is more, in their striving to arrange mutual work economists gather in international teams. The sphere of interest can be very wide: from finance and credits to industry and production, from small private enterprises to big governmental institutions. The article deals with some peculiarities of translation of economic texts and analysis the way of conveying names of organizations while translating.
Keywords: translation, economic texts, names of organizations, conveying.
В. Райлянова, О. Олейнік. Передача назв національних та міжнародних організацій, державних компаній, корпорацій та приватних підприємств під час перекладу
Сучасний діловий світ не має жодних меж і мережа міжнародних і міжнаціональних корпорацій поширюється скрізь у світі. Дуже давно англійська мова була загальновизнана як мова міжнародної комунікації, тому більшість з офіційної документації, інструкцій, доповідей та договорів пишуться англійською мовою. Тож виникла потреба в професійному перекладі економічних текстів з англійської мови на мову перекладу і навпаки.
Більше того, в сучасному бізнесі все частіше влаштовуються робочі збори економістів в міжнародні команди для підвищення ефективності міжнародного співробітництва. Сфера інтересу може бути дуже широкою: від фінансів і кредитів до промисловості і виробництва, від маленьких приватних підприємств до великих урядових установ. Отже, у статті розглянуто особливості перекладу економічних текстів і аналізу шляху передачі назв організацій, підприємств і установ.
Ключові слова: переклад, економічні тексти, назви організацій, передача.
Relevance of the study
While political boarders have been vanishing for business, proper translation of economic texts is becoming more and more essential for all entrepreneurs and managers of different levels. For professional interpreter whose specialization is economic texts, it means that each particular feature in this sphere of communication must be taken into consideration while translating as quite often it is followed by commercial part. Here, in this article we analyze peculiarities of conveying names of financial institutions of various types of govern from origin language into language of translation.
The meaning of the verb «translates», related to philology, is described as following:
«Translation is an activity that aims at conveying meaning or meanings of a given linguistic discourse from one language to another» (Kirsten Malkmajaer, 2011).
But we also know a noun «translation» that is a text on the language of translation. Thus, there are two meanings: translation as a process and translation as a result. The term «translation» will be used hereinafter mainly in the first sense. It should be stated at once that we are interested in the process of translation in purely linguistic, not psychophysiological terms.
When translating there are always two texts, one of which is the source, and the second is created on the basis of the first by certain operations - communication, transformation, expression, preservation, i.e. various kinds of transformations. The first text is called the text of origin, the second - the text of translation. The language in which the original text is made or written is called source language; the language in which the translation is made into is the target language.
A very important component of the definition is the criterion of equivalence of the origin and the translation. To be entitled to a translation - in the sense of a text or oral speech translated from one language to another - the text of the translated language must contain something that is contained in the text in the original language, i.e. a certain invariant. The degree of preservation of this invariant and determines the degree of equivalence of the translated text of the original text. It remains to be seen what exactly remains invariant, unchanged in the translation process.
Recent publications review. The study of translation now is a very well-established area of scientific interest for philologists and linguists and has been developing from absolutely different point of views. V. Railianova in the collective monography wrote about approaches in teaching written text translation (2020). K. Malmkjaer in her publication Meaning and translation states that professional translators at some level are aware that meaning varies depending on each new linguistic interaction and is therefore unique and not replicable. Therefore, a translation will never represent absolutely the same meaning as the source text (2011). As for specificities of translation of a written text, this problem was studied by M. Taibi (2012), C. Declercq (2011), S. Bassenett (2011), O. Borisova (2015). So, Susan Bassenett in her article The Translator as Cross-Cultural Mediator writes that the development of translation studies as an independent field has not been a linear process. She hilights several approaches in the study of translation and the training of translators. She points out on the fact that though scientists reached great success in developments in machine translation the task of mediation between cultures, involving negotiating, understanding between global and local systems, still requires human agency (2011).
Mustapha Taibi in his work Public Service Translation where he describes and analyses special approaches in written translation of informative texts, addressed by authorities or institutions to people who do not understand texts in the language of the text producer attracts special attention on the fact that good understanding and awareness of intercultural issues, audience design, and text types are key consistent parts that should be kept while translating texts of narrow speciality (2012).
Meantime, Christophe Declercq concentrated his search work on the peculiarities of localization in translation that refers to taking a product and making it linguistically and culturally appropriate to the target locale where it will be used and sold if it goes about advertising, for example. He states that within global marketing, localization is positioned alongside translation, internationalization, globalization, and standardization. In economics across cultures, the issue of what actually constitutes a culture persists and is generally linked to a geopolitical territory (2011).
Olesya Borisova made deep analysis of peculiarities of translation economic texts from English into Ukrainian. A special part of her work was dedicated to a problem of translation of acronyms and names of organization. O. Borysova claims that usage of transliteration and transcription is widespread in the translation of economic texts in general, and names of companies in particular. While conducting her research she also allocated such type of translation that is called «literal translation» and is mostly used for conveying economic terms but in her opinion the tendency is still in trend and may be applied more widely while translating economic texts (2015).
professional translation economic text
When we translate names of different financial establishments either governmental or private most often, we transcribe or transliterate them and shortly explicit at the same time. Transliteration itself means representation of words and phrases of one language by the alphabets of another keeping their pronunciation intact. Transliteration is required in documentation when the documents being processed and listed are in different languages. Unless a standard pattern of transliteration is followed, there is always a chance of misplacement and hiding of entries (Amitabha Chatterjee, 2017).
Method of transliteration is also used while transmitting names of publishing houses, titles of newspapers and magazines or journals, and of some public institutions. In translation may be applied a short or extended explication. The first one is appropriate when the name of the company is well-known and the second one is resorted to when translating at oral communication:
- Associated Press - «Есошіейтід прес»;
- General Motors - «Дженерал Моторз».
When names of companies or corporations contain their product's name the space for hesitation concerning the way to translate it disappears, for example:
- Coca-Cola Co. Inc. - «Кока-Кола компані інкорпорейтід»;
- Volkswagen (VW) AG - «Фольксваген Акціонер Ґезельшафт».
The same process is performed while translating names of Ukrainian companies, firms, state and private bodies. For example:
- металургічний комбінат «Азовсталь» - metallurgical plant «Azovstal»,
- державне виробниче об'єднання «Артемсіль» - productive association «Artemsil»;
- «Нафтогаз України» - national gas and oil company «Naftogaz of Ukraine»;
- «Київоблпобутрадіотехніка» - Kyiv region «Kyivoblpobutradiotekhnika» home radio engineering services body (firm);
- ювелірна фабрика «Золота країна» - jewelry factory «Zolota kraina».
As for names of national and international organizations they must be translated as follow:
International Monetary Fund (I.M.F.) - Міжнародний Валютний Фонд;
- European Economic Council (EC) - Економічна Рада Європи;
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) - Північноатлантичний альянс;
- National aeronautic and space administration (NASA) - Національне управління з аеронавтики і дослідження космічного простору;
- United Nations Organization (UNO) - Організація Об'єднаних Націй (ООН) etc.
Public bodies, their names, are also mostly translated. These include political parties, trade unions, national and international bodies of different rank and functions:
- political parties - the Democratic (Republican) party - Демократична (республіканська) партія; the Labour (Liberal) party - Лейбористська (ліберальна) партія;
- governmental bodies - Офіс Президента України - Office of the President of Ukraine;
- national bodies - Національна Гвардія України - The National Guard of Ukraine, Національна поліція України - The National Police of Ukraine.
Similar rules are applied when various names of trade unions are translated which may sometimes go under the name's «association», «society», «organization» or simply «union» and which should always be translated as профспілка:
- Canadian Г nion of postal workers - канадська профспілка працівників пошти;
- Canadian office and professional employee's union - канадська профспілка офісних працівників;
- Canadian association of university teachers - канадська профспілка викладачів університетів;
- British Columbia teachers' federation - профспілка вчителів провінції Британська Колумбія;
- Manitoba teachers' society - профспілка вчителів провінції Манітоба.
Some trade unions of Canada are amalgamated with those of the USA. This is always indicated by the word «international» which should not erroneously be taken for «міжнародний/міжнародна» and consequently has to be translated as об'єднана профспілка Канади і США:
- International Ladies Garment Workers - Об'єднана профспілка робітників з пошиття жіночого верхнього одягу США і Канади;
- International Longshoremen Association - Об'єднана профспілка портових вантажників (докерів) США і Канади.
Names of Ukrainian trade unions are translated in the same way, but often we can see a somewhat shorten variant i.e. without phrase «trade union»:
- всеукраїнська профспілка юристів України - All-Ukrainian lawyers union of Ukraine;
- профспілка працівників освіти, вищої школи і наукових установ - Ukrainian Public Education, Higher School and Scientific Institutions Workers (Trade) Union;
- профспілка медичних працівників - Health workers' Union of Ukraine. Translation of the names of publishing houses of the Great Britain and the United States of America is performed according to the same rules:
- «McMillan publishing house» - книжково-видавнича фірма «МакМіллан блішерз»;
- «Cambridge University Press» - англійське видавництво накової та довідкової літератури при Кембриджському університеті «Кембрідж юніверсіті прес»;
- «Bloomsbury» publishing house - лондонське видавництво «Блумсбері».
Not infrequently, however, the names of publishing houses in English are scarcely indicated or not mentioned at all. Nevertheless, in Ukrainian translation the identifying noun видавництво should necessarily be added:
- «Penguin Books» - лондонське видавництво «Пенгвін букс»;
- «Beacon Press» (USA) - американське видавництво підручників «Бікон Прес»;
- publishing house «Conde Nast» - видавництво «Конде Наст».
Names of Ukrainian publishing houses must be translated into English in the same way with the corresponding identifying noun publishing house added to it:
- видавництво «А-ба-ба-га-ла-ма-га» - publishing house «A-ba-ba-ha-la-ma-ha»;
- видавництво «Музична Україна» - publishing house «Muzychna Ukraina» (musical works and notes);
- видавництво «Вища школа» - «Vysha shkola» publishing house;
- видавництво університету імені Т. Шевченка «Либідь» - Shevchenko University Press «Lybid» (scientific literature and higher school manuals).
Transcribed or transliterated and mostly shortly explicated in the target language are also the names of news agencies broadcasting companies:
- «British Broadcasting Corporation» (BBC) - англійська телерадіокомпанія «Бритиш Бродкастін Корпорейшн» (Бі-Бі-Сі);
- «National broadcasting company» (NBC) - національна телерадіокомпанія «Нешінел бродкастін компані» (Н-Бі-Сі);
- інформаційне агентство «Дінау Укрінформ» - Ukrainian «Dinau Ukrinform» news agency;
- інформаційне агентство «Інтерфакс-Україна» - news agency «Interfax-Ukraina». Translation names of newspapers, journals, and magazines requires special approach.
The matter is that in English some more extended explication may be needed for a particular foreign newspaper or magazine or journal than in Ukrainian:
- газета «Голос України» - the newspaper of the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada «Holos Ukrainy»;
- таблоїд «Факти та коментари» - the Ukrainian newspaper «Facty i komentari»;
- «Урядовий кур ' єр» - broadsheet «Uryadovy Kuryer»;
- «Вечірній Дніпро» - the Dnipro city evening newspaper «Vechirniy Dnipro».
If it is applicable in the names of newspapers or journals can be indicated the body to which the paper belongs to or which sponsors its publication: Науковий вісник Дніпропетровського державного університету внутрішніх справ - Naukovy visnyk of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs.
Titles of Ukrainian magazines are translated in the same way titles of newspapers:
- щотижневик «Країна» - weekly magazine «Krayna»;
- щотижневик «Український тиждень» - weekly magazine «Ukrayinsky tyzhden». Whereas the titles of English newspapers, journals and magazines are traditionally less explicated in Ukrainian translation:
- «The New York Times» - газета «Нью-Йорк Таймс»;
- «The Times» - газета «Таймс»;
- «Washington Post» - газета «Вашингтон пост»;
- «Wall Street Journal» - бізнес видання «Волл-стріт Джорнал».
Articles used before the titles of English newspapers and journals are usually omitted when translated into Ukrainian:
- «The American Conservative» - «Амерікан Консерватів» (видання політичної партії Сполучених Штатів Америки);
- «The Nation» - «Нейшн» («Нація») (видання політичної партії Сполучених Штатів Америки);
- «The Scientist» - «Сайнтист» («Вчений»);
- «The family Handyman» - журнал «Сім'я Хендімен» (журнал дізайну та садівництва).
It is necessary to pay special attention to the translation of the names of institutions, enterprises bearing honorary names. First of all, they are translated, not transliterated and secondly, the honorary name is always placed before the name of the institution which bears it, whereas in Ukrainian it always follows its name. For example:
- St. Anne's College - коледж Святої Анни;
- Lincoln College - коледж ім. Лінкольна;
- George Washington Library - бібліотека ім. Джорджа Вашингтона.
But rules change when we convey names
- that contain noun hall: Carnegy Hall - (концертний зал) Карнегі Хол; Albert Hall
- (концертний зал) Альберт Хол; Bourgie Hall - (концертний зал) Бурджи Хол;
- of geographical objects: Cape Kennedy - мис Кеннеді; the Magellanes Strait (the Strait of Magellanes) - Магелланова протока;
- of libraries: бібліотека ім. Котляревського - the Kotlyarevskyi library; Національна бібліотека України ім. академіка Вернадського - Ukrainian Academician Vernadskyi National Library.
As you can see we do not perform translation of the name and we do not change the order of the words in the name.
Names of literary or scientific, or peace prizes are mainly translated in two ways - either with keeping the name which the prize bears or with transformation of the noun into a corresponding relative adjective:
- Nobel Prize - Нобелівська премія (премія імені Нобеля);
- Pulitzer Prize - Пулітцерівска премія (премія ім. Пулітцера);
- Taras Shevchenko Prize - Шевченківська премія (премія ім. Т. Г. Шевченка);
- Rylskyi Translation Prize - Перекладацька премія ім. Максима Рильського.
English honorary names, therefore, are mostly transformed into relative adjectives in
Ukrainian, whereas Ukrainian relative adjectives must be translated, where possible, as corresponding English nouns. When an interpreter works with official documentation or governmental texts where adjective державний is used the same rule can be applied. But here we should say that both in Ukrainian and in English languages the adjective state - державний or національний may sometimes be omitted which should not be treated as a translator's mistake. The fact is that belonging of certain institutions to state property is sometimes self-evident. As a result, two equivalently correct variants of conveying such names are possible:
- Київська державна кіностудія ім. О. Довженка - Kyiv State Dovzhenko Film Studio/the Kyiv Dovzhenko Film Studio;
- Львівський державний університет ім. Івана Франка - Lviv Ivan Franko State University/ Lviv I. Franko University;
- Київський національний університет ім. Тараса Шевченка - Kyiv State Taras Schevchenko National University/ Kyiv Taras Schevchenko University;
- Дніпропетровський державний університет внутрішніх справ - Dnipropetrovsk State University of internal affairs/Dnipropetrovsk University of Internal Affairs.
- Institutions which have recently changed their official status may contain definite article in the English translated variant:
- Горлівський державний педагогічний інститут іноземних мов - The Horlivka Foreign Languages Teachers' Training Institute (now University);
- Музична школа ім. М. Лисенка - The M. Lysenko Musical School.
It should be emphasized that in spoken language or in belles-lettres works the adjective former - колишній is used to reflect such changes:
- Canadian Alliance (former Reform party of Canada) - Партія Канадський Альянс (колишня партія Реформ Канади);
- Oles Honchar Dnipro National University (former Dnipropetrovsk State University)
- Дніпровський національний університет ім. О. Гончара (колишній Дніпропетровський державний університет).
Complicated names of different institutions can be translated only in accordance with the rule that states: in English the honorary name, functioning as a relative adjective, follows the place name substituting the Ukrainian possessive and relative adjective formed from the place name. For example:
- Київський державний педагогічний університет імені М. Драгоманова - Kyiv State M. Drahomanov Teachers Training University;
- Національний аерокосмічний університет ім. М.Є. Жуковського «Харківський авіаційний інститут» - National Aerospace University M. Gukovskoho «Kharkiv Aviation Institute»;
- Луганський національний університет ім. Т. Шевченка - Luhansk T. Shevchenko National University.
Similarly translated are also names of newly formed on the basis of former collective or state forms of enterprises.
Any other approaches in conveying names of governmental establishments, private or state companies, other financial and business institutions, including the descriptive translation, which is sometimes applied by inexperienced translators, will be stylistically incompatible and therefore wrong. Special attention should be taken to avoid stylistically unjustified expression «named after» which is to be used only in explanatory versions, as in the sentence «After Ukraine's gaining independence many state institutions were named after our most prominent patriots: Hrushevskyi, Vynnychenko, The Heroes of Kruty, Bendera and many others» Hence, the Lviv V. Stefanyk library, the Symyrenko Horticultural Research Centre and never «named after Symyrenko Horticultural Research Centre» or «named after V.Stefanyk Lviv library». It must be repeatedly emphasized that the placement of the honorary name in English translations is strictly predetermined and cannot be changed deliberately unless required by the speech situation (style) and content.
The ever-increasing value of international business, trade, economic contacts along with the rise of the Internet communication, stimulated growth in needs for translators with knowledge of economics, marketing and business in general. Correct conveying names of governmental or non-governmental institutions, financial establishments, names of companies and firms minimalizes loss of different kind that could be followed. The situation in economical world has been changing all the time, especially in the sphere of company registrations, their names and forms of ownerships. The peculiarities of translation of the names of organization is the subject that should constantly be monitoring by specialists in translation business documentation.
1. Bassnett S. The translator as a cross-cultural mediator. In K. Malmkjaer and K. Windle The Oxford Handbook of Translation Studies. Oxford University Press. 2011.
2. Borysova O. Some translation peculiarities of economic texts (on the basis of economic texts translation from English into Ukrainian), International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences. 2015. Vol. 64. SciPress Ltd, Switzerland.
3. Chatterjee A. Elements of Information Organization and Dissemination. Chandos publishing. 2017.
4. Declercq K. Advertising and localization. In K. Malmkjaer and K. Windle The Oxford Handbook of Translation Studies. Oxford University Press. 2011.
5. Malmkjaer K. Meaning and translation. In K. Malmkjaer and K. Windle The Oxford Handbook of Translation Studies. Oxford University Press. 2011.
6. Railianova V. Methods of foreign language remote teaching. In A. Kuzmenko Modern approaches in foreign language remote teaching. Lviv: Liha-press, 2020.
7. Taibi M. Public service translation. In K. Malmkjaer and K. Windle The Oxford Handbook of Translation Studies. Oxford University Press. 2011.
8. Oxford English Dictionary
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презентация [911,6 K], добавлен 03.01.2013Idioms and stable Phrases in English Language. Idiomatic and stable expressions: meanings and definitions. Ways of forming phraseological units. Translation of idioms and stable phrases. Transformation of some idioms in the process of translating.
курсовая работа [57,1 K], добавлен 05.04.2014The peculiarities in texts of business documents, problems of their translation, interpretation and analysis of essential clauses. The main features of formal English as the language of business papers: stylistic, grammatical and lexical peculiarities.
дипломная работа [70,2 K], добавлен 05.07.2011Features of the use of various forms of a verb in English language. The characteristics of construction of questions. Features of nouns using in English language. Translating texts about Problems of preservation of the environment and Brands in Russian.
контрольная работа [20,1 K], добавлен 11.12.2009Translation has a polysemantic nature. Translation as a notion and subject. The importance of translating and interpreting in modern society. Translation in teaching of foreign languages. Descriptive and Antonymic Translating: concept and value.
реферат [26,9 K], добавлен 05.08.2010Modal verbs in middle English. Functions of modal verbs in modern English. The meaning of modal verbs in translation. Differences and peculiarities of the usage of modal verbs in newspapers and fiction. The usage of modal verbs in business English.
курсовая работа [59,7 K], добавлен 27.09.2012Article as a part of speech. Theoretical and practical aspect. The historical development of articles. Lexico-grammatical aspects of translation of the definite and indefinite articles. Realization of the contextual meanings of the indefinite article.
дипломная работа [2,1 M], добавлен 14.11.2011General characteristics of the gerund. Predicative constructions with the gerund. The use of the gerund and the function of the gerund in the sentence. The gerund and the other verbals. Comparison of the English gerund and its equivalents in Russian.
курсовая работа [50,5 K], добавлен 07.11.2010The lessons of reading and translation of different texts and word-combinations into Ukrainian. The most frequently used expressions with the verbs to be, to have and sentences with them. Reading and translation the dialogue used in the usual speech.
учебное пособие [89,2 K], добавлен 25.03.2010