National-geographical stereotypes, or "The Dutch reflected by the mirror of the Russian soul"

Consideration of lexicographically fixed combinations and attributive from the Internet including the adjectives нидерландский [Netherlandish] and голландский [Dutch]. The description of the stereotypical idea of the Dutch in the Russianspeaking space.

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Язык английский
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National-geographical stereotypes, or “The Dutch reflected by the mirror of the Russian soul”

Ekaterina Astakhova, Alexandra Yakovleva

In modern Russia, with the current level of integration, international trade and the blurring of information borders, the culture of the Netherlands was bound to leave traces in the language in the form of a number of recognizable combinations and cliches. This study focuses on the description of lexicographically fixed combinations and attributive from the Internet including the adjectives нидерландский [Netherlandish] and голландский [Dutch] in order to supplement and expand the description of the stereotypical idea of the Dutch in Russia today, as well as to conclude about the presence/absence of a certain image of the inhabitants of the Netherlands in the Russianspeaking space and/or any stereotypical idea about this country. The national character should be understood as a fragment of the linguistic picture of the world, reconstructed on the basis of linguistic data and stereotypes reflected in culture. Due to historical reasons, but also due to the articulatory complexity, the adjective нидерландский [Netherlandish] has not become widely used in the Russian language.

Two types of syntagmas with the adjective голландский [Dutch] were found in the Russian language -- with the definition being in the preposition and with the definition located in the postposition. At the moment there is no definite idea of the Dutch as a nation either in the Russian language or on the Russian-language Internet. There are a number of historical expressions and combinations that do not reflect the modern national character of the Dutch. A small number of syntagmas on the topic of economics and finance, where the Dutch appear to be practical, calculating people, as well as on the topic of health, showing them as liberated and free people, in general, corresponds to the image of the Dutch in other countries, but is not sufficient. The image of the Netherlands as a country in the Russian-speaking field is more stable and objective. In the analyzed expressions, the Netherlands is reflected as a country of artists, navigators and builders of red brick, a country with developed agriculture, simple, unpretentious cuisine, as well as modern trends in architecture and design.

Keywords: Dutch, stereotype, national character, semantics, co-occurrence.

Национально-географичекие стереотипы, или «голландцы в зеркале русской души»

Екатерина Астахова, Александра Яковлева

В современной России при сегодняшнем уровне интеграции, международной торговли и размытости информационных границ культура Нидерландов должна была оставить следы в языке в виде ряда узнаваемых сочетаний и клише. Настоящее исследование посвящено описанию лексикографически закрепленных в русском языке сочетаний и определительных синтагм из сети Интернет с прилагательными нидерландский и голландский с целью дополнить и расширить описание стереотипного представления о голландцах в России наших дней, а также сделать вывод о наличии/отсутствии определенного имиджа жителей Нидерландов в русскоязычном пространстве и/или какого-либо стереотипного представления об этой стране. Под национальным характером следует понимать фрагмент языковой картины мира, реконструируемый на основе лингвистических данных и отраженных в культуре стереотипов.

В силу исторических причин, но также и ввиду артикуляторной сложности, прилагательное нидерландский не получило широкого распространения в русском языке. С прилагательным голландский в русском языке было обнаружено два вида синтагм -- с определением в препозиции и с определением в постпозиции. В настоящий момент ни в русском языке, ни в русскоязычном интернете не существует какого-либо определенного представления о голландцах как нации. Существует ряд исторических выражений и сочетаний, не отражающих современный национальный характер голландцев. Небольшое количество синтагм по теме экономики и финансов, где голландцы предстают практичными, расчетливыми людьми, а также по теме здоровья, показывающих их как людей раскрепощенных и свободных, в целом соответствует имиджу голландцев и в других странах, но не является достаточным. Образ Нидерландов как страны в русскоязычном поле более устойчив и объективен. В проанализированных выражениях Нидерланды предстают страной художников, мореплавателей и строителей из красного кирпича, страной с развитым сельским хозяйством, простой, непритязательной кухней, а также современными тенденциями в архитектуре и дизайне.

Ключевые слова: нидерландский язык, стереотип, национальный характер, семантика, сочетаемость.

netherlandish stereotypical dutch russianspeaking

The title of this work echoes that of the article about the endonyms in the Dutch language [Yakovleva, 2016] and essentially supplements it. We presumed in the article that “представление о голландцах в русском языке отсутствует” (there is no image of the Dutch in the Russian language) [Yakovleva, 2016, p. 180]. The article by a Dutch linguist N. van der Sijs “Rocking out like a Dutch. Image of the Netherlands (Nether- landishs) in other languages” [Sijs, 2022] aimed at studying the image of the Netherlands and Flanders, the Dutch and the Flemish presented in other countries through collocations and set expressions including words Nederlands, Hollands, Vlaams and Dutch included into the respective languages.

Most of such expressions contain the adjective Dutch and are used in the English-speaking countries. This may be explained by the neighborhood and/or close historical ties. The basis for the latter was always formed by complex competition frequently transforming into animosity, with a vast network of mutually profitable trade connections forming the other side of the medal. In the sixteenth century, the English merchants were lagging far behind their counterparts from the Netherlands in the field of trading with, for example, Russia [Wijnroks, 2003, p. 12]: the Netherlands' share in the trade with Moscovia was growing continuously, because индивидуальные действия нидерландских купцов на неизведанном российском рынке были более гибкими, нежели коллективные выступления англичан (individual activities of the Dutch merchants on the uncharted Russian market were far more flexible than the collective performance of the English) [Koningsbrugge, 1995, p. 75].

It is not surprising that the image of the inhabitants of the Netherlands entrenched in the English language is far from positive: the Dutch appear to be calculating, greedy, insensitive people, they always act with the greatest benefit for themselves in mind and do not particularly take into account the interests of others [Sijs, 2022, p. 19]. German holds the second place in terms of the number of such expressions, but Van der Sijs also mentions Romance, Scandinavian and a number of Slavic languages. With the geographical distance from the Netherlands and Belgium increasing, the number, and most importantly, the subjective, that is, the evaluative-emotional component of such expressions, decreases. In this article, we were attracted by a few yet vivid examples from the Russian language, each of which deserves a more detailed explanation.

It mentions the famous голландка [lit. the Dutch] stove, which has long since entered the language as a type of a stove for heating the rooms, named so because of its small size and efficiency. It is worth pointing out here that голландка [Dutch] differed from шведка [lit. Swedish stove] in that it featured Dutch tiles; however, as time passed, people continued to call the stoves without the Dutch tiles голландка [Dutch]. As stove heating still remains the only form of heating in rural areas, the голландка [Dutch] does not migrate to the periphery of the language.

In addition to naming a stove, голландка [Dutch] is also used to name the famous breed of cows having the black and white lear, and the chickens of the same black and white lear with a fairly curved tail and snow-white crest on their heads. Although these chickens, bred in Netherlands in the fifteenth-sixteenth centuries, were later interbred with the Polish crested chickens acquiring such elegant look, it is still called голландка [Dutch], We cannot forget here the black and white chessboard floors of the small palaces in Peterhof and other interiors decorated in the Dutch style in the first half of the eighteenth century.

The third meaning of the work голландка [Dutch], completely unrelated to the first two, is a service shirt worn by the sailors in the Russian navy, with a deep cut for the service collar, also known as форменка [sailor's duck blouse], фланка [sailor's blouse] and фланелевка [sailor's blouse]. The marine vocabulary in Russian traditionally features many loanwords coming from the Dutch language that entered the Russian language during Peter the First's reign, however, the white sailor's blouse appeared in the navy only in 1860, which is a lot later than the times of the founder of the Russian navy.

In some regions of Russia, голландка (dial. галанка) [Dutch] was used to refer to a Russian turnip among other things, however, немка [the German] and шведка (dial, шкведка) [Swedish] were used for this purpose as well. The most probable reason for this is that people in the Russian province did not differentiate between the countries of the northern Europe and did not know much about them, so they mixed them up. Whether голландка [Dutch] is still used to refer to a vegetable is unknown.

Голландер [hollander beater] is another Russian word from the Van der Sijs' survey. It was the name of a machine first used in the Netherlands for grinding fibrous materials, or rags, to manufacture paper. As голландер [hollander] is basically a large vat, inside which there is a rotating cylinder with knives, this word in Russian later started meaning a machine for sugar refining as well as rollers for applying gloss or moire on fabric or paper.

The last expression in Russian mentioned in the article by Sijs is only used in the camp slang and is derogatory in meaning: нести Голландию (голландию) [lit. talk Dutch, talk bullshit], i. e. lie, talk nonsense, twaddle.

Despite all the fascination of the above review, consisting of lexicographically fixed words and expressions, it is noteworthy that they all have a rather narrow scope of use and are practically unknown to the broad masses of the Russian-speaking population, falling into the category of professionalism or historicism. It is hard to create some image of a national character of the Dutch in the Russian view of the world based solely on these examples. The national character should be understood as a fragment of the linguistic picture of the world, reconstructed on the basis of linguistic data and stereotypes reflected in culture [Shmelev, 2000, p. 338]. It is also curious that all of them relate only to the Netherlands, while Flanders is not represented in any way in the article with regard to the Russian language.

However, in modern Russia, with the current level of integration, international trade and the blurring of information borders, the cultures of the Netherlands and Belgium (in particular, Flanders) were bound to leave traces in the language in the form of a number of recognizable combinations and cliches. It should be noted that this study is not limited only to lexicographically fixed combinations that have been in the language for a long time, but includes definitive syntagmas that exist only on the Internet. In order to supplement and expand the description of the stereotypical representation of the Dutch and Flemings in Russia today, we have set following tasks for ourselves: 1) find and describe the relevant sintagmas containing the adjectives нидерландский [Netherlandish], голландский [Dutch], бельгийский [Belgian] and фламандский [Flemish] in the contemporary Russian language; 2) analyze the acquired data and conclude if it is within reason to talk about some definitive image of the Dutch and Belgians, and some stereotyped image of these two countries.

The material was collected using the two major search engines for Russian-speaking users -- Google and Yandex. According to the statistics, 53 % of the Russian users use Yandex, and 33 % use Google. In addition to different localization (Google is an American project, while Yandex is Russian), the engines have different approach to grading the content. E. g. Yandex prefers relevance, that is, compliance of the website with the user's request, while Google sticks to authority, that is the age of the domain, and the number of links. We assumed that the search results in different systems may differ, and will provide the most complete result when collected in one list.

Two methods were used for working on the engines. First, 300 first links offered by Google and Yandex were checked for each of the four search words. Second, each search word was checked for combinations by entering all the letters of the Russian alphabet into the search bar separated by a space (with the exception of those that do not occur in the initial position). All such combinations for a certain letter, which automatically appear in the search engine, were also analyzed for relevance to the subject material. Combinations where the search word means “originates from / originates from + country name”, for example, бельгийский полузащитник [a Belgian midfielder] or нидерландская страховая компания [a Dutch insurance company], were not considered relevant for the study.

Only the part of the material related to the Netherlands and the Dutch will be described here. The second part, which is related to the Belgians, will be a subject of another work.

Нидерландский [Netherlandish, Dutch]. Due to historical reasons in the first place, but also probably due to the articulatory complexity, the adjective нидерландский [Netherlandish] has not become widely used in the Russian language. As expected, almost all combinations with the adjective нидерландский [Dutch] are somehow connected with the official name of the language in both search engines: нидерландский язык [Dutch language], нидерландский алфавит [Dutch alphabet], нидерландский переводчик [Dutch translator], etc. As a rule, these are articles from encyclopedias, online information resources, links to textbooks, vacancies for teachers and translators.

Only one combination is of interest for our subject -- нидерландский мост [lit. Netherlands bridge, three-person carry method]. According to online casualty assistance manuals, the “Netherlands bridge” is a way of shifting and carrying the victim, carried out by three persons, when the first one holds the victim's head and shoulders, the second lifts the pelvis, holds the hands, controls the actions of all rescuers and gives a general command: “Heave ho!”, and the third one carries the feet and the legs of the casualty. This method of transporting the wounded is recommended, in particular, for spinal injuries, where it is important that the body and limbs of the victim are in the same horizontal plane. That is rescuers form a kind of bridge to carry the casualty, and the success is possible only with coordinated team actions. As we can see, this phrase combines two typical associations with the Netherlands -- an abundance of water and bridges, as well as the ability to negotiate and find compromises.

Голландский [Dutch]. Two types of syntagmas with the adjective голландский [Dutch] were found in the Russian language -- with the definition being in the preposition and with the definition located in the postposition.

Preposition Historical names

The largest number of combinations in the Russian language were found with the adjective голландский. The first of them began to appear, probably back in Peter the Great's time, with the name of the island “New Holland” in the center of St Petersburg being the most vivid example, which gained renewed momentum in the last decade, thanks to the restoration in the historical Dutch style, and has become a favorite place of the citizens. This is the source of the famous combination голландский Петербург [the Dutch Petersburg] which can be heard from the loudspeakers on the tour boats.

In addition to the minimalist голландский стиль [Dutch style] of architecture with a characteristic red brick, associated with “cozy practicality”, голландская живопись [Dutch painting] began to appear in the interiors, and голландские художники [Dutch artists] gained fame as unsurpassed masters. All these combinations and their analogues (e. g. голландский натюрморт [Dutch still life], малые голландцы [“the small Dutchmen”]) have long since been firmly embedded in the language and are represented in the material under study.

In addition, the following combinations can still be found in the language: голландский флейт [Dutch fleut] -- a sea sailing transport vessel, which was originally used only by the Dutch East India Company, but then appeared in the fleets of other companies [Mazur, 2008, pp. 407, 549], голландский воротник [Dutch collar] -- a so-called “millstone collar”, which became a feature of Dutch urban fashion of the 16th century; голландское полотно [Dutch linen] -- fine linen; голландский кирпич [Dutch brick] -- originally a small type of yellow brick made in the Netherlands, but today mainly hand-molded red brick of high quality, as well as decorative finishing aged brick (or brick tiles) of traditional red color; голландский изразец [Dutch tile], a navy-and-blue painting on snow-white ceramics, which invariably decorated some part of the interior, as a rule, an oven, as well as голландский синий [Dutch blue] derived from it -- the colour of the Dutch tiles and other ceramics, vases in particular, but today serving as the name of a certain shade of blue -- rich and noble -- for any product (from facade paint to gel nail polish).

Each of these combinations is quite familiar to a Russian person, they have long been included in the language and are somehow associated with the culture of the Netherlands of the Golden Age. The analysis shows that over time the meaning of some of them has expanded to incorporate the modern realities.

Food and beverage

A special group consists of the names of food, dishes and drinks. Despite the fact that the Netherlands has never been famous for fine cuisine (compare with combinations французская кухня [French cuisine], китайская кухня [Chinese cuisine]), some food products have become firmly established in the languages of many countries -- голландский сыр [Dutch cheese], голландская селедка [Dutch herring], голландское пиво [Dutch beer], голландский джин / (д)женевер [Hollands jenever], голландские вафли [Dutch waffles], голландский яблочный пирог [Dutch apple pie], голландский соус [sauce hollan- daise]. The latter should be explained in more detail, since the hot egg-butter sauce known as sauce hollandaise is described as one of the major sauces not in the Dutch, but in the French cuisine. According to one version, a sweet sauce based on eggs with the addition of butter was invented in France by Dutch or Flemish people, which accounts for the name голландский [hollandaise]. According to another, the sauce was originally called соус исиньи [sauce Isigny] after Isigny- sur-Mer, a city in Normandy famous for its butter. During the First World War, when the butter production in France stopped, the butter had to be imported from Holland. This led to a name change. Traditional Dutch products, in turn, served as the source of combinations голландский бутерброд [Dutch sandwich] -- a herring sandwich; голландский завтрак [Dutch breakfast] -- delicious pie with cheese, salmon or ham, egg and spices; голландский рулет [Dutch roll] -- a snack roll made of puff or Danysh pastry, usually with ham, cheese, eggs and herbs; голландский дом [Dutch house] -- a cocktail based on jenever.

But if the above-mentioned combinations are known, in one way or another, to almost everybody, голландский хлеб [Dutch bread], голландский блин [Dutch baby], голландский салат [Dutch salad] and голландский какао-порошок [Dutch cocoa powder] are known only to a select few.

Голландский хлеб [Dutch bread], also called a tiger or giraffe bread due to the pattern appearing on its surface after baking, means a loaf simple in cooking, sometimes flavored with sunflower seeds, and is ordinary bread not for a festive table, suitable for beginners and not very skilled housewives. So it was no coincidence that Fazer called their “bourget” bread with sunflower seeds a Голландский [Dutch] bread. Until recently, it was available in any supermarket.

Голландский блин [Dutch pancake], better known as a Dutch baby pancake or Dutch puff, came into Russian through English. This dish is essentially an unusual breakfast, because it looks like a pancake, an omelet and a casserole at the same time. It was invented in the USA at the beginning of the 20th century and since then has been a specialty of some American fast-food restaurants and chains. It is curious that for the first time a Dutch pancake entered the menu of Victor Manke's family restaurant in Seattle, whose daughter came up with the idea to call it Dutch, meaning Deutsch [German], since it was originally baked according to a German recipe. Later the Deutch pancake came into Russian as голландский [Dutch, Holland].

An attempt to find a recipe for голландский салат [Dutch salad] was not a success, since the Russian segment of the Internet and some cookbooks feature a variety of recipes under this name, and they have nothing in common with each other -- salad with herring, salad with cheese, spinach-based salad and a number of others.

Confectioners are well aware of голландский какао-порошок [Dutch cocoa powder], which got its name because its alkalization technology was invented in the Netherlands in the 19th century. Alkalization allows to lower the acidity and astringency of the powder, enhance its taste, make the colour more saturated, and increase solubility in liquids. The Dutch cocoa powder mixes well with other ingredients, dissolves even in cold water, does not creak on the teeth and does not require boiling when preparing drinks.

As we can see, the adjective голландский [Dutch, Holland] in the name of dishes means practical, fast to cook, not difficult and, as a rule, not very expensive.

Flora and fauna

For many Russians, the Netherlands is the capital of flowers, but only three combinations with the names of plants were found: тюльпан триумф «Голландия» [the triumph tulip “Holland”], голландский лук [Dutch onion] and, most surprisingly, голландские кактусы [Dutch cacti]. The triumph tulips are distinguished by large buds, colorful coloring, tall and strong stems. Голландия [Holland] this is a kind of triumph type of bright red color, so called `tulip classic'. Голландский лук [Dutch onion] is one of the types of onion, cold-resistant, possessing strong immunity. Голландские кактусы [Dutch cacti] are a mix of small cacti of different species planted in identical pots and sold in 10-12 pieces in one box. This looks very impressive, but it is not without a catch -- after buying the mix, the new owner has todeterminethe type of each cactus on their own.

The topic of flora also includes combinations: голландский газон [Dutch lawn] -- a mixture of slow-growing grasses resistant to stress, suitable for use in the places with different lighting conditions; голландский грунт [lit. Dutch soil] -- clean soil for natural aquariums with plants, ready for use without washing; голландский свет [lit. Dutch light] -- a greenhouse of a special design that allows the maximum amount of light inside, is durable and economical.

Contrary to expectations, it turned out that there are much more names of the animals in the collected material than those of plants. In addition to the Dutch cow and chickens that we have already mentioned, there are many various animals with some of their types named голландский [Dutch, Holland]: голландский спаниель коикерхондье [Kooikerhondje], голландская овчарка хердер [Dutch Shepherd], голландский тульпхонд [Hollandse Tulphond or Mar- kiesje], голландский шпиц кеесхонд [Dutch Barge Dog, Keeshond], голландский рекс [Dutch rex cat], голландский вислоухий кролик [Holland lop], голландский гусь [Dutch goose], both голландский фриз [Dutch Friesian] and голландский драфт [Dutch draft] are horse breeds, голландский неразлучник [Dutch lovebird] is a type of a parrot. Голландский зайчик [lit. Dutch bunny] is a curious supplement to this group. This is a Russian name for the famous Nijntje (Miffy) toy from the children's book by Dick Bruna.

Architecture, construction, design

A whole layer of vocabulary concerns the topics of architecture and construction, gardening and design. Голландский стиль [lit. Dutch style] in architecture, sometimes known as голландский классицизм [lit. Dutch classicism], is known to a wide range of native speakers of the Russian language. Its main features include a high, usually gable roof, stepped forms of the upper part of the buildings, the main material is brick, scanty decor is presented in the form of white inserts and white stone finishes, the shape of buildings is elongated with narrow facades, high segmented windows. The word combination голландское окно [Dutch window] also exists to describe non-standard high rectangular windows divided into equal square or rectangular segments, sometimes fitted with a sliding structure that allows one to open a part of the window from the bottom up. Голландский интерьер [lit. Dutch interior] or голландский стиль в интерьере [Dutch interior style] implies a simple design that creates a homely atmosphere of comfort and warmth with a finish made of natural materials.

Голландский дизайн [Dutch design], on the other hand, means ultra-modern forms, advanced solutions made of the most modern materials. Hence the name of elite residential complexes in different cities of Russia Голландский квартал [lit. Dutch block] and Голландский дворик [lit. Dutch yard] implying style, simplicity and functionalism, as well as the term голландский урбанизм [Dutch urbanism], an innovative approach in urban development, which is gathering popularity.

Голландский сад [lit. Dutchgarden] (голландский стиль в ландшафтном дизайне [lit. Dutch landscape design]) means a carefully planned and well-groomed territory with clearly defined so-called “green rooms” resembling separate cozy rooms, each with its own atmosphere and peculiarity.

In addition, the topic of wooden construction should include the term голландский зуб (Dutch tooth) from the architectural vocabulary, known only to specialists. It means the extension of beams butt-to-butt along one axis using oblique cuttings with end hooks, between which counter wedges are driven, sealing the joint.

Economy and Finance

The economists worldwide know the term голландская болезнь [Dutch disease], which is present now in many languages. The Dutch disease, or эффект Гронингена [Groningen effect] usually means the negative effect exerted on economic development by the strengthening of the real exchange rate of the national currency as a result of a boom in a particular sector of the economy. The effect was named after the Groningen gas field discovered in 1959 in the north of the Netherlands. In the Russian segment of the Internet, голландская болезнь экономики РФ [Dutch disease of the Russian economy] occurs from time to time.

Another financial term containing the adjective under study is голландский сэндвич [lit. Dutch sandwich]. In economics, the Dutch sandwich means the most commonly used formula for corporate tax evasion in Europe and beyond. The function of the Dutch financial sandwich is essentially the same as that of its culinary namesake: it deceives the stomach (tax authorities) of many states, creating a feeling of satiety with a minimum of food [Dobrynin, 2020]. In the USA, the most popular scheme for optimizing tax liabilities using two Irish and one Dutch company is called двойная ирландская с голландским сэндвичем [Double Irish Dutch Sandwish]. The Irish companies here act as “bread”, and the Dutch company between them as “cheese” or “sausage”.

Голландский аукцион [lit. Dutch auction] is a reduction auction, when the maximum price for the product is first announced, and then it gradually decreases. This practice, which allows one to sell goods as quickly as possible, has become widespread in the Netherlands and is used at a wholesale flower auction in the town of Aalsmeer.


The combinations directly or indirectly related to the health habits form a separate group. Голландский опросник пищевого поведения [Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire, abbr. DEBQ] was created in 1986 by Dutch psychologists to identify different types of eating behavior in order to assess disorders associated with overeating and accompanying obesity. Двойной метод контрацепции [double contraception method] combining the use of oral contraceptives and the use of a condom is also called двойной голландский метод [lit. double Dutch method], and was first proposed in the Netherlands and recommended to the “emancipated” students. Two more word combinations exist in the area of sexual relationship -- голландский штурвал [lit. Dutch steering wheel, circlejerk] (for males) and голландские ножницы [lit. Dutch scissors, scissoring] (for females). The first one is a method of masturbation, when a number of men form a circle, and masturbate together. The second means a position in tribadism, a lesbian sexual practice in which a woman rubs her vulva against her partner's body for sexual stimulation, especially for stimulation of the clitoris.


This section contains combinations used for defining the events and occurences that are still in use, but which cannot be fitted into any other group.

Голландский бильярд [lit. Dutch billiard] (also known as a Table shuffleboard) is a game in which players push metal-and-plastic weighted pucks (also called weights or quoits) down a long and smooth wooden table into a scoring area at the opposite end of the table. It probably originated in England in the 16th century, but became widespread in the 17th century aboard the ships of the East India Campaign. Originally, coins were used instead of pucks, that is, it was essentially gambling, but during storms, coins were often washed into the sea, so for reasons of economy, they were replaced with wooden pucks over time. Today people can order a shuffleboard on the Internet.

Голландский велосипед [Dutch bicycle] -- a characteristic type of bicycle, primarily designed for daily use in urban environments, that is, equipped with a comfortable seat, sometimes a roomy shopping basket.

Голландский угол [Dutch angle] -- a visual technique with a nonstandard arrangement of the horizon in the frame. It was first used by the German expressionist directors of the 20th century, that is, the angle is actually German, not Dutch -- the confusion is due to the similarity of the sound of Dutch and Deutsch. However, the mass culture knows this technique as the Dutch angle. The essence of the technique consists in deliberately tilting the horizon level relative to the X-axis, which makes it possible to increase the feeling of anxiety in horror films, thrillers and noir pictures. The Dutch angle is frequently used in photos.

Голландский шаг [Dutch roll] -- complex spatial self-oscillation that occurs during the flight of an airplane. The appearance of the term is probably related to the speed skating, where the movements of an athlete-skater resemble the spatial rocking of an airplane. In modern figure skating, there is also a mandatory basic element performed on one leg, called голландский шаг [curved eight] (also дуга [curve] and круг [circle]).

Голландский огон [lit. Dutch eye, Flemish eye] -- one of the types of a loop at the end or in the middle of a rope. The word огон [loop eye] itself comes from the Dutch ogen [eyes], i. e. the loop on a rope looked like an eye and was named like this. It is worth noting that in German this loop is calledflamische [Flemish].

Голландский гамбит [Dutch gambit] -- a chess opening, a kind of rejected queen's gambit. This sharp consequence was developed by L. Prince and other Dutch chess masters.

Голландский поворот [Dutch turn] -- if the passenger of the car is sitting on the driver's side in a parked car, and wants to get out, then it is better to open the door not with the left hand, but with the right. As we know, the Netherlands is a cycling country, and the driver of the car is always held liable in case of any accident involving a car and a bicycle. In order to reduce the number of accidents involving cyclists, the Dutch came up with this tricky trick, called the “Dutch turn”, which is always taught in any driving school.

Post-position Here, the post-position refers to the reality of the Russian language.

The combination петух голландский [lit. Dutch cock / rooster] (sometimes in preposition in the same meaning) is not present in the dictionaries, but it can be found in the fiction literature: А кто хозяин в дому?.. Я ему покажу... Он у меня споет голландским петухом. Я ему нос утру... [Who's the master in this house? ... I'll learn him. He'll sing like a dutch cock. I'll upstage him.] [Mamin- Sibiryak, 1955]); Иногда мне кажется -- я петух голландский или я король псковский. А иногда мне нравится моя собственная фамилия, Владимир Маяковский [Sometimes I think -- I am a Dutch cock or Pskov king. And sometimes I like my own name, Vladimiry Mayakovsky]; Ты, петух голландский! -- сказал сиплый, чуть задыхающийся, как будто принадлежащий астматику голос. -- Слушай сюда! [Hey you, Dutch cock! -- said a hoarse, slightly choky voice that could have belonged to an asthmatic. -- Listen up!] [Bereg, 1998, p. 38]). It is curious that combination голландский петух (Dutch cock) has both the direct meaning defining a rooster of the famous Dutch breed we have mentioned above, and, in this case, in post-position bringing the noun cock forward as a characteristic of a human being, usually a man. Как (словно) петух [cocky] is used to describe a quarrelsome man, and, ходить петухом [lit. walk like a cock, cocky] means an important, bold, pompous man. With the Dutch chickens being an elite and festive-looking breed, we can presume that definition голландский [Dutch] serves to emphasize the meaning of the noun: the real cock, the cock of all cocks.

The second combination, сопля голландская [lit. Dutch snot] -- colloquialism: А Жорику просто мог приказать: «Давай сюда ухо, сопля голландская!» Жорик покорно подставлял голову, и Славка принимался, мурлыча, закручивать тоненькое, как лист, смуглое Жориково ухо. [As for Zhorik, he could simply order him “Come give me your ear, Dutch snot”. Zhorik then obediently bowed his head, and Slavka started twisting Zhorik's brown paper-like ear, purring under his breath.] [Trifonov, 1989, p. 241] Студенткой второго курса купила в киоске исторической библиотеки Баркова, ехала с ним, а рядом пожилой господин путешествовал. Сунул нос в Баркова, удивился, обругал меня «соплей голландской». Почему голландской? -- Загадка. [During my second year at the college, I bought a Barkov in the historical library shop. I was reading it during my trip, and this old gentleman travelling nearby stuck his nose into Barkov, got himself surprised, called me “Dutch snot”. Why Dutch? -- A mistery...] [Kul'tura pismennoi..., 2014] One version says that Erasmus of Rotterdam himself allegedly used this phrase in his In Praise of Folly. Another version says that the expression comes from the Smol- ny Institute, where negligent and offenders were put to stand near the Dutch stoves as a name-and-shame exercise: Те, кто послабее, через какое-то время начинали точить слезы и исходить на сопли, отсюда и пошло «сопля голландская»... [The weaker ones started shedding tears and snot, so the expression Dutch snot appeared here] [Vazhova, 2018, p. 239].

The expression хер голландский [the Dutch prick] (originally lit. gentleman, “heer” from Holland) is described in the Vocabulary of a Petersburger by N. A. Sindalovsky. According to him, this was how the locals called the Dutch sailors in 18th century. Over time, the name became a common noun and acquired a vulgar meaning.

Summing up, we can state that at the moment there is no definite idea of the Dutch as a nation either in the Russian language or on the Russian-language Internet. There are a number of historical expressions and combinations that do not reflect the modern national character of the Dutch. A small number of syntagmas on the topic of economics and finance, where the Dutch appear to be practical, calculating people, as well as on the topic of health, showing them as liberated and free people, in general, corresponds to the image of the Dutch in other countries, but is not sufficient.

The image of the Netherlands as a country in the Russian-speaking field, on the contrary, is more stable and objective. In the analyzed expressions, the Netherlands is reflected, first of all, as a country of artists, navigators and builders of red brick, a country with developed agriculture, simple, unpretentious cuisine, as well as modern trends in architecture and design.

There are only three postpositional syntagmas with the definition of Dutch in the Russian language, however, they are the most subjective and “metaphorized” part of the language material. Nevertheless, even these expressions are used extremely rarely.


1. About the American dream, German accuracy and Dutch snot. Kul'tura pismennoi rechi. Russkii iazyk I literatira. May 17, 2014. (In Russian)

2. Bereg I. The sky is under the ceiling. Moscow: Eksmo-Press Publ., 1998. 480 p. (In Russian)

3. Dobrynin V. Dinner is served: what the “Dutch sandwich” is and why big corporations need it. Izvestiia. May 1, 2020. (In Russian)

4. Koningsbrugge van J.S. A.M. The Netherlands and Russia through the ages. History of the Netherlands with an additional chapter: The Netherlands and Russia through the centuries. Hague, 1995. P. 71-83. (In Russian)

5. Mamin-Sibiryak D.N. Gold. Collected works. Vol. 8. Moscow: GIKHL Publ., 1955. 754 p. (In Russian)

6. Mazur T. The life and work of Admiral Cornelius Crews. St Petersburg: RGAVMF Publ., 2008. 703 p. (In Russian)

7. Shmelev A. The greatness of the Russian soul. Logical analysis of language. Space languages. Eds N.D. Arutyunova, I.B. Levontina. Moscow: Iazyki russkoi kul'tury Publ., 2000. P. 338-347. (In Russian)

8. Sijs van der N. Losgehen wie ein Hollander. Het imago van Nederland(s) in an- deretalen. De lage landen, 65. February 2022. P. 17-23.

9. Vazhova M. The adventures of a buisnesswoman. Book 2. Wild 90s. Ridero, 2018. (In Russian)

10. Wijnroks E. Handel tussen Rusland en de Nederlanden 1560-1640. Hilversum: Verloren, 2003. 440 p.

11. Yakovleva A. National-geographical stereotypes, or the mirror of the Dutch soul.

12. Skandinavian Philology, 14 (2), 2016. P. 178-189. (In Russian)

13. Trifonov J. The glow of the fire. Moscow: Izvestiia Publ., 1989. 340 p. (In Russian)

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