Green Speak in the wartime: ecological media discourse on the war in Ukraine, 2022
Analyse the linguistic means used to present environmental problems in the English-language media discourse that appeal to readers’ emotions, influence the way people consider ecology and are supposed to encourage the general public to take measures.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 20.07.2023 |
Размер файла | 887,7 K |
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Green Speak in the wartime: ecological media discourse on the war in Ukraine, 2022
Pavlichenko L.V., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of English Philology and Intercultural Communication, Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Orlova V.V., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of English Philology and Intercultural Communication, Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
The study presents an ecolinguistic approach to the analysis of media discourses on the ecological challenges caused by the war in Ukraine in 2022 and provides the theoretical basis for an analysis of language in media ecological discourse.
The aim of the research is to analyse the linguistic means used to present environmental problems in the English- language media discourse that appeal to readers' emotions, influence the way people consider ecology and are supposed to encourage the general public to take urgent measures. The corpus of the material for the analysis was selected by the content and semantic analyses by the continuous sampling from the editorial articles in the English language newspapers, magazines, ecological blogs, forums, websites on the war in Ukraine and its impact on the local and global environment. The research shedding light on the usage of lexico-semantic means and stylistic figures and highlighting the linguistic elements of special interest, focuses on the role of metaphor in the media discussion of the most essential environmental issues and hazards caused by the military invasion into Ukraine, the local and global consequences. The applied methodology also includes Multimodal Discourse Analysis (MDA) that investigates the construction of meaning by combination of verbal and non-verbal correlates. The analysed metaphors are presented in verbal, visual or verbal and visual modes. The study gives a detailed explanation of the analysed discourse structures and illustrates the metaphorical images of the war as a disaster, an ecowar opposed to ecopeace, a killer and a crime, while the environment is presented in the headlines of the editorials as a living being and a weapon. Multimodal metaphors present the combination of the verbal and visual correlates in a bright pictures that trigger emotions of readers, with visual correlate adding and supporting the verbal one. In most examples a verbal mode introduces target domains, but source domains are presented by a visual mode. The further stage of the research can be a larger-scale corpus-supported study of stylistic figures in the ecological discourse of the wartime.
Key words: ecological discourse, environmental problems in the wartime, metaphor, personification, metonymy.
Павліченко Л.В., Орлова В.В. Екологічні проблеми воєннного часу: екологічний медіа дискурс про війну в Україні, 2022
Дослідження представляє еколінгвістичний підхід до аналізу англомовних медіа-дискурсів щодо екологічних викликів, спричинених війною в Україні у 2022 році, і забезпечує теоретичне підґрунтя для аналізу мови в медіа-екологічному дискурсі. Метою статті є аналіз мовних засобів, які використовуються для представлення екологічних проблем в англомовному медійному дискурсі, що викликають емоції читачів, а також впливають на сприйняття екології та мають спонукати широку громадськість до вжиття заходів. Корпус матеріалу для аналізу отримано шляхом контент та семантичного аналізу та методом суцільної вибірки зі статей англомовних газет, журналів, екологічних блогів, форумів, сайтів про війну в Україні та її вплив на локальне та глобальне довкілля. Дослідження висвітлює вживання лексико-семантичних засобів і стилістичних фігур, виділяє мовні елементи, що становлять особливий інтерес, досліджує роль метафори в медіа-обговоренні найважливіших екологічних проблем і небезпек, спричинених військовими діями в Україні, їх локальних і глобальних наслідків. Застосовувана методологія також включає мультимодальний аналіз дискурсу (МАД), який досліджує побудову значення шляхом поєднання вербальних і невербальних корелятів. Аналізовані метафори представлені у вербальному, візуальному або вербально- візуальному режимах. Дослідження дає детальне пояснення проаналізованих структур дискурсу та ілюструє метафоричні образи війни як катастрофи, ековійни (на противагу екомиру), вбивці та злочину, а навколишнє середовище представлене в заголовках редакційних статей як жива істота і зброя. Мультимодальні метафори представляють поєднання вербальних і візуальних корелятів у яскравих картинах, які викликають емоції читачів, візуальні кореляти доповнюють і підтримують вербальний компонент. У більшості прикладів вербальний режим представляє цільові домени, а вихідні домени представлені візуальним режимом. Подальшим етапом розслідування може бути більш масштабне корпусне дослідження стилістичних фігур у екологічному дискурсі воєнного часу.
Ключові слова: екологічний дискурс, екологічні проблеми воєнного часу, метафора, персоніфікація, метонімія.
Over the last nine months the world media have focused on the war in Ukraine and its possible aftermath.
As the armed conflicts contribute to the degradation of the natural environment, the importance of eco awareness greatly increases. These will include destruction, ecological and humanitarian disasters and crises, climate change, armed conflicts that cause new and dangerous substances to appear in the ecosystem of the unseen scale for man and for nature, etc. Contemporary scientific and technical achievements have led to the creation of advanced technologies that, when used during military operations, destroy ecosystems for a long period. War being above all a human drama and absolute evil, Russia's ecocide, in the long term future, can have global importance: burnt hectares of forest by shelling and contaminated by unexploded mines and shells, flooded coal mines, atmospheric pollution caused by fires, burials of killed animals, contaminated fertile soil with harmful substances, 50,000 dolphins died in the Black Sea as the result of hostilities [1]. Russia has been shelling large industrial facilities causing pollution of soil and water with heavy metals. Fires destroy the natural environment of rare species of plants and animals. The war damages air, land, plants, water, kills animals. The shelling of nuclear power plants can cause a catastrophe for the territory and for the whole mankind.
The study focuses on the role of the language in solving the problems of the environment caused by the war in Ukraine. The aim of the research is to analyse the linguistic means used for the presentation of environmental challenges in the English- language media based on the ecolinguistic approach. The corpus of the material for the analysis was obtained by the content and semantic analyses of mass media publications to identify the specific features and functioning of lexical-semantic and stylistic means in mass media texts highlighting the environmental hazards.
The research methodology is the ecolinguistic approach [2,3], where linguistics addresses the questions of environmental destruction. The research area is one of the modern scientific trends based on social, psychological and philosophical approaches to linguistics combined with sociology and ecology. The primary purpose of ecolinguistics research is to identify ideologies (“the stories of how the world was, is, will be and should be”), which are shared by members of particular groups in society supported by discourses, in other words, “the standardised ways that particular groups in society use language, images and other forms of representation” [4].
Literature review. One of the topics included in the ecolinguistic research is Ecological Discourse Analysis [5,6], which is the analysis of a discourse in the ecological framework [4], and the impact of human activities on the environment [7, 8]. The conceptual system being metaphorical, metaphor is one of the linguistic devices that can change human beliefs [9-13]. It can trigger many familiar images in the discourse to evoke emotions and induce to actions. As emphasising the content, they can be means of raising ecological consciousness, the use of metaphors is an imaginative process” [14]. The methodology is also Multimodal Discourse Analysis (MDA) that investigates the construction of meaning by combination of different modes, images, colour, design [16-17] and the method of Critical Metaphor Analysis to disclose the intentions of the speakers [15].
Marijn H. C. Meijers, Paola Remmelswaal &Anke Wonneberger [18] give the definition of “a visual impact metaphor as an object that comprises a visual implicit comparison to another object so to visualize the impact of one's behaviours by using a feedback feature. The authors argue that visual metaphors consider to convey more persuasive impact than verbal ones [19]. According to Charles Forceville's, Multimodal cognitive metaphors as those “in which target, source and / or mappable features are represented or suggested by at least two different sign systems or modes of perception” [20] .
Results and discussion
wartime ecological media ukraine
I. The war as an ecological disaster, a climate story. The
following examples demonstrate the metaphors presenting a war as “an environmental or ecological disaster” emphasizing the ruining character of the invasion, while metaphors for the war as “a climate story” may be sometimes misleading hiding the destroying character of the military invasion:
1. War Is an Ecological Disaster-but Ukraine Can Build Back Greener [21].
2. Russia's invasion of Ukraine is a climate story [22].
3. Ukraine is a climate story. Because everything is a climate story [23].
4. War has been an environmental disaster for Ukraine [24].
II. Ecowar, ecopeace and a fossil fuel war metaphors emphasise the seriousness of the consequences of climate change, depletion of natural resources caused by the military actions that will be obvious only in some time, and that should engage people in climate change issues:
1. The Russian army has burned forests and poisoned water supplies, flouting international law. As the UN draws up new guidelines, is it possible to wage an “eco” war? [25].
2. The Need for Ecological Peace In Times of War [26].
3. `This is a fossil fuel war': Ukraine's top climate scientist speaks out [27].
A large number of media reports addressing climate change issues are multimodal, combining texts with video illustrations, comments, photos and cartoons, etc. The following example illustrates the environmentalists' movement (the verbal sign of the “climate emergency” and the photo of Greta Thunberg as the metonimy) whose efforts are erased by the war metonymically presented by the image of the tanks. The constructed metaphor from the source domain is “The war is destroying the efforts of the environmentalists”.
Has war erased the dimate emergency from the global agenda? [28].
III. A powerful tool for drawing attention to environmental hazards in Ukraine in media publications is personification metaphor of the war as a killer or n fight,that “threatens”, “is hurting” or “in bombarding nature”. The metaphor appealing to immediate acti ons for helping the na'ure is highHghted by thb multimodal metaphor of “trashing the Earth” (5) supported by the visual sign and eombined with the title that enables us to constroct the metaphor: “The war in Ukraine in destroying the planet”:
1. `An EcocidehHow the conflict in Ukraine is bombarding the environment [29].
2. Ukraine war threatens global heating goals, warns UN chief [30].
3. Russia's War In Ukraine Is Hurting Nature [31].
4. War is a climate killer [32].
5. War in Ukraine threatens global fight against climate change [33].
IV. Perceiving the environment as `an organism', `a person', `a community' allows to look at the planet as a living being that is suffering from the war ond crying for lielpi, with personification metaphors “silent canualty of war”, a living being that “recovera” and “suffers” that are added by the visual image of a suffering live planet holding the sign“no war” symbolising its “plea”:
1. Former UN Secretary' General Ban Ki-moon alleged that the environment remains a silent casualty of war [34].
2. It will take at least 50 years for our environment to recover from the conflict [35].
3. Ukraine's coal minen - both operational and disused - have also suffered under the conflict, presenting a particular threat to rivers and groundwater [36].
4. Dead dolphins: how nature became another casualty of the Ukraine war [37].
5. The environmental casualties of war in Ukraine [38].
6. A `Silent Victim': How Nature Becomes a Casualty of War [39].
7. Ukraine's natural environment is another casualty of war. The damage could be felt for decades [40].
8. [41]
V. Nature as a weapon and a tool. Taking the extreme measures as flooding to buffer zones, using the nature as a weapon for defence coined the new term “WarWilding” in early March, 2022, when the wetland of the river Irpin near Kyiv was reflooded to make the Russians turn back and abandon military hardware:
1. WarWilding: a new word to describe the startling effects of using nature as a weapon [42].
The Russian troops, metonymically presented in the examples as “Vadimir Putin” and “Russia”, used a nature as a weapon for the attack damaging and burning forests and poisoning water supplies, flouting international law to occupy the new territory and harm the ecology and people:
2. How Vladimir Putin weaponised the environment in Ukraine [43].
3. Ukrainians suffer in cold, US says Putin is `weaponising' winter [44].
4. Russia is weaponizing water in its invasion of Ukraine [45].
5. Weaponizing Energy Will Hurt Russia the Most [46].
VI. War as a crime. Figure 1 depicts a broken glass container signifying a ruined planet and the tree serves as a metonymy for the whole nature, while the multimodal metaphor here is actualised by several modes. The source domain is presented by the photo that is added and defined by the target domain which is nominated as an “Environmental War Crime”. The only tree left in the broken glass implies the danger posed on the wildlife which is ruined by the war. So, the mapping from the broken glass to the broken planet is “fragility”, “high risk of destruction”. The presented metaphor is “Our planet is as fragile as glass and ruining of the nature in the wartime Russians are committing crimes”. In Figure 2 the source domain is a gun and a plant which present metonymies for the war killing the nature. The metaphorical mapping from the gun and a plant to the destroyed environment is ruining and destruction caused by the war identified by/ the inscription onecological crimes when it comesto the eCfeoto ot the wat on the environment. The oymbolical peesentetion oa tite Rutsien pcasideita and The айст^іша! СііпЄсгС tourt on the bdcdgaouddof atmed vehialoc and turning tand (3) duRposte sta teag abouh tint; legtl retpratibility oCReassaaoe the crimes to the Ukrainian eatuse, where (tie photo of the presihent, the court symbol and the vehicle metonymically presents the state, the Justice and the Army. In all there figures the verbal mode introduces target domains and source domains are presented by a visual mode.
1. The Role of the Environmental War Crime in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine [07].
2. War end environment: Russia's ecologieal crimes and how1 to record them [48].
3. Russia Shoul7fer I7s Environmental War Crimes [49].
The research demonstrates a large number of metaphors used in the ecological discourse on the war and its destructive consequences for the environment. The analysed metaphors are presented in verbal, visual or verbal and visual modes. Most examples depict the ruining character of the war in the source domains showing it in the headlines as a “disaster”, an “ecowar” opposed to “ecopeace”, a “a killer and a crime”, while the environment is regarded to as “a living being” and “a weapon”. A number of personification metaphors are related to conceptual metaphors and help the readers understand environmental issues in terms of themselves. The studies of multimodal metaphors set up a combination of the verbal and visual correlates to create a bright picture and trigger emotions of readers, visual correlate adding and supporting the verbal one. In most examples thy verbal mode introduces target domains and source domains are presented by a visual mode. The research can be considered an initial stage for a larger-scale corpus-supported study on stylistic figures in the ecological wartime discourse to come to more general linguistic conclusions and to provide new insights.
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дипломная работа [45,3 K], добавлен 06.06.2011Definition of Metaphor as a Figurative and Expressive Means of Language. Types and the Mechanism of Education of the Metaphor, its difference from comparison. Metaphor role in speech genres, its influence on emotions and imagination of the recipient.
реферат [43,8 K], добавлен 04.05.2012Russian mass media as the tool of democracy. The law on mass-media of 1991. Strengthening the rights of mass-media and their restriction. Role of the state in becoming. Latent forms of the state intervention. Monitoring by authority of regional editions.
контрольная работа [16,4 K], добавлен 17.04.2011Environment protection. Technological advancement. Cities and ecological accident. Air pollution. Public transport, cars. A dust problem, and clearings of cities of it. Disappearing of many endangered species of animals. Chemicals from factories.
статья [11,0 K], добавлен 03.01.2009Interjections in language and in speech. The functioning of interjections in Spanish and English spoken discourse. Possible reasons for the choice of different ways of rendering an interjection. Strategies of the interpretation of interjections.
дипломная работа [519,2 K], добавлен 28.09.2014Threat of ecological accident as a result of business activity of the person. The industrial enterprises polluting atmosphere. Growing number of the illnesses caused by an air way and pollution of water. Environmental problems in the Arkhangelsk region.
топик [10,3 K], добавлен 04.02.2009Theoretical aspects of gratitude act and dialogic discourse. Modern English speech features. Practical aspects of gratitude expressions use. Analysis of thank you expression and responses to it in the sentences, selected from the fiction literature.
дипломная работа [59,7 K], добавлен 06.12.2015