Peculiarities of aposiopesis and parcelling translation in S. King’s novels

In his work, S. King often takes up to such figures of expressive syntax as apposiopesis, which often consists in the omitting the last part of the sentence. The writer allows the reader to find the answer the question, to guess the omitted information.

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Peculiarities of aposiopesis and parcelling translation in S. King's novels

Ivanchenko Maria Yuriyivna,

Candidate of Philological Sciences,

Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation Studies Lviv State University of Life Safety

Barnych Ivanna Ivanivna

Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation Studies Lviv State University of Life

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the ways of reproducing in the Ukrainian language such figures of expressive syntax as apposiopesis and parcelling in S. King's novels “Dreamcatcher” and “The Dead Zone”.

Methods. The scientific article used methods of comparative, translatological and contextual analysis. Stylistic units to be analyzed were selected by the whole selection.

Results. In his work, S. King often takes up to such figures of expressive syntax as apposiopesis, which often consists in the omitting the last part of the sentence. The writer, thus, allows the reader to find the answer to the question, to guess the omitted information. Aposiopesis helps the author to convey the character's thoughts, warnings and insecurities much better. With the help of this stylistic device, the feelings and emotions of the characters are accurately conveyed. The usage of silence in the context of the studied novels conveys an atmosphere of uncertainty and tension. Moreover, the apposiopesis helps to set the right emphasis, point out the key points of the story, and thus realize the author's idea. Most often, the translator uses the method of literal translation to preserve the pragmatic effect on the reader and to convey both informational and emotional aspects of meaning without any loss. Deliberate division of the connected text into several intonation and punctuation independent segments is called parcelling. In S. King's works, parcelling is used to create an atmosphere of fear and tension. It allows the reader to focus on the characters' emotions, their thoughts, doubts and fears. The use of this syntactic tool helps to form in the reader's mind a vivid image of the novel's hero. Parelation is often used to imitate the living language of a character. It is the most successful way to express the thoughts and emotions of the hero. The translator took up to such techniques as combining the two components of parcelling into one complex sentence, omitting the word with its subsequent compensation, addition and literal translation.

Conclusions. The analysis showed that in most cases the reproduction of these figures of expressive syntax is carried out by literal translation (63%). In addition, the translator used such transformations as omission (19%), addition (12%) and compensation (6%).

Key words: expressive syntax, pragmatic effect, image, recipient, author's idea.


Іванченко Марія Юріївна,

кандидат філологічних наук,

доцент кафедри іноземних мов та перекладознавства Львівського державного університету безпеки життєдіяльності

Барнич Іванна Іванівна,

викладач кафедри іноземних мов та перекладознавства Львівського державного університету безпеки життєдіяльності

Мета. Метою статті є аналіз способів відтворення українською мовою таких фігур стилістичного синтаксису, як апозиопеза та парцеляція, у творах С. Кінга «Ловець снів» та «Мертва зона».

Методи дослідження. У науковій статті використовувалися методи порівняльного, транслатологічного та контекстуального аналізу. Шляхом суцільної вибірки виділені стилістичні одиниці, що підлягали аналізу.

Результати. У своїй творчості С. Кінг досить часто вдається до таких фігур експресивного синтак-сису, як апозіопеза, що найчастіше полягає в замовчуванні останньої частина речення. Письменник, таким чином, дозволяє читачеві самому знайти відповідь на питання, домислити опущену інформаіцю. Апозиопеза допомагає автору краще передати хід думок персонажа, його застороги та невпевненість. За допомогою цього стилістичного прийому точно передаються почуття та емоції персонажів. Прийом замовчування у контексті досліджуваних романів передає атмосферу невизначеності та напруги. Більше того, апозиопеза допомагає поставити правильний акцент, вказати на ключові моменти розповіді і таким чином реалізувати авторський задум. Найчастіше перекладач використовує метод дослівного перекладу для збереження прагматичного ефекту на читача та задля передачі як інформаційного, так і емоційного аспектів значення без будь-яких втрат. Навмисне розчленування пов'язаного тексту на кілька інтонаційно та пунктуаційно самостійних відрізків має назву «парцеляція». У творчості С. Кінга парцеляція використовується для створення атмосфери страху та напруги. Вона дозволяє акцентувати увагу читача на емоціях персонажів, їхніх думках, сумнівах та пересторогах. Використання цього синтаксичного засобу допомагає формувати у свідомості читача яскавий образ героя роману. Часто пареляція використовується для імітації живої мови персонажа. Вона є найбільш вдалим способом вираження думок та емоцій героя. Перекладач вдається до таких прийомів, як об'єднання двох компонентів парцеляції в одне складносурядне речення, опущення слова з його подальшою компенсацією, додавання та дослівний переклад.

Висновки. Проведений аналіз показав, що в більшості випадків відтворення згаданих фігур експресивного синтаксису здійснюється шляхом дослівного перекладу (63%). Крім того, перекладачем використовувалися такі трансформації, як опущення (19%), додавання (12%) та компенсація (6%).

Ключові слова: експресивний синтаксис, прагматичний ефект, образ, реципієнт, авторський задум.

Today, an important task of modern linguistics is the study of linguistic aspects of different languages speakers' social interaction, which is called “translation”. Recently, the role of literary texts translation has increased, which, in its turn, requires the accumulation of the scientific knowledge potential to ensure high-quality reproduction of the original source.

Artistic translation is in the focus of many modern scholars. Various aspects have attracted the attention of researchers, in particular the grammatical level translation transformations are analyzed by A.V Shyshko and G.A. Lukanska based on Somerset Maugham's novel “The Painted Veil” (Шишко, Луканська, 2019), S. A. Ostapenko and K. O. Sherstyuk in Ukrainian translations of G. Wells' novel “The time Machine” (Остапенко, Шерстюк, 2018), A.V. Krasulya and V.P. Miklashuk on the material of S. Collins' trilogy “The Hunger Games” (Красуля, Миклащук, 2020). The regularities and peculiarities of the grammatical transformations application in the process of translating the S. King's novel “Insomnia” are analyzed in A. Yarovenko and A. Boldyreva scientific research (Яровенко, Болдирева, 2021). The linguo-communicative potential of grammatical translation transformations on the example of the Ukrainian interpretation of S. King's novel “Under the Dome” is determined by N.V Romanenko and T.M. Golovatyuk (Романенко, Головатюк, 2018).

The relevance of the study is that the translation of fiction involves not only overcoming the differences in the grammatical structure of two unrelated languages - Ukrainian and English, but also adequate reproduction of the author's style. aposiopesis parcelling translation king novel

The purpose of scientific research is to identify the peculiarities of expressive syntax grammatical constructions reproduction in the translating process of an English fiction into Ukrainian on the material of Stephen King's novels “Dreamcatcher” and “The Dead Zone”.

To achieve this goal, the following types of analysis were applied: comparative, translatological and contextual. The actual material is pointed out by complete selection.

Translation of aposiopesis in S. King's novels.

One of the most common figures of expressive syntax is apiopesis or silence. A.S. Popovich defines it as a conscious incomplete sentence, unspoken. The last part of a sentence is often rejected or omitted. This is done in order to exert emotional influence on the recipient to force him to guess the missing information (Попович, 2017: 145). S. King uses this method of expressive syntax quite often.

But love! Love is like... like a scream! (The Dead Zone, 2016: 57).

Але ж кохання це як... як крик! (Мертва зона, 2017: 59).

The use of the silence technique in the proposed example is due to the context. The character is in a state of great excitement and was immediately able to choose the right words to express his thoughts and feelings. Aposiopesis helps to make the story closer to reality. Therefore, the task of the translator is to preserve both the informative component of this passage and the very means of expression. However, we can observe an incomplete transfer of the available syntactic means in the translated text. Omitting the phrase is like significantly reduced the emotional potential of the expression. The recipient of the translated text has less influence, which inevitably leads to the loss of the pragmatic aspect of the author's intention.

She was suddenly frightened. The clothes he wore were clean and his hair was neatly combed, but there was something in his face, something... (The Dead Zone, 2016: 87).

Раптом їй стало страшно. Його одяг був чистим, волосся акуратно причесане, але з обличчям його було щось не так, щось ... (Мертва зона, 2017: 93).

In this case the author intentionally uses the silence technique. With the help of this stylistic device, the girl's feelings and emotions are accurately conveyed. She is embarrassed, does not understand what scared her so much? What trait of the interlocutor caused a sharp and incomprehensible horror in her soul? The writer allows the reader to find the answer to this question. In translation, the aposiopesis is preserved unchanged (literal translation), which, in our opinion, is quite relevant in the context. In the translated version, the atmosphere is tense, the reader has a feeling of anxiety and fear. Accordingly, the pragmatic task is realized without losses.

But the wind doesn't scratch at doors.and whine to be let in (Dreamcatcher, 2011: 13).

Але вітер не шкребеться в двері і не скавулить, щоб його впустили. (Ловець снів, 2016:11).

In this case, the method of silence was used by S. King to emphasize the main hero's thoughts. He tries to calm himself down, believing that the sounds coming from outside are just the wind. But then he hears a whimper and realizes that a wild wolf is roaming near his house, a dangerous animal that is quite capable of killing him. Aposiopesis helps the writer to better convey the character's thoughts, doubts and fears (Сар, 2017: 35). In the translated text, however, this figure of stylistic syntax is omitted, which we consider a disadvantage of the proposed version of the translation, as it neutralizes the desired effect. The emphasis on the word whine is lost. Accordingly, the pragmatic effect is not fully realized.

Then the clouds grow thicker, and the moon disappears ... yet it is there; the tides twenty miles out of Tarker's Mills feel its pull and so, closer to home, does the beast (Dreamcatcher, 2011: 88).

Потім хмари густішають, і місяць зникає... Але він є; припливи за 20 миль від млинів Таркера відчувають її тягу так само, як і звір поруч із будинком (Ловець снів, 2016: 87).

The silence method in this example conveys an atmosphere of fear and tension. Although the danger seems to disappear with the moon, it is still close. In the translated text, this technique is preserved literally, which, in our opinion, is due to the context. Literal translation helps to preserve the author's intention, realize the pragmatic effect and avoid losses in the translated text.

He waits, waits... and as the wolf lunges again, he fires (Dreamcatcher, 2011: 126).

Він чекає, чекає... І коли вовк знову кидається в атаку, він стріляє. (Ловець снів, 2016: 124).

The silence this time is due to the context. This figure of expressive syntax conveys a sharp change of action from static expectation to a sharp shot. Thus, a vivid picture is created in the reader's imagination. The recipient feels a sense of excitement and tension. Aposiopesis helps to put the right emphasis, to indicate the moment of a sharp change in the situation. This is the author's idea. We believe that the literal translation of this expressive tool in the context is the most appropriate, as it allows you to convey both informational and emotional aspects of meaning without any loss. In addition, the proposed version of the translation implements the original pragmatic task.

Translation of parcelling in S. King's novels.

Next, we turn to the technique of parcelling, which is also often used in S. King's novels “The Dead Zone” and “Dreamcatcher”. Parcelling is a special construction of expressive syntax, the use of which supposes the deliberate division of the connected text into several intonation and punctuation independent segments (Попович, 2017: 149). In S. King's novels, parcelling is used to create an atmosphere of fear and tension. It allows the reader to focus on the characters' emotions, their thoughts, doubts and fears (Сазонова, 2014: 263).

Stupendous, of course. But impersonal. Merciless. Untouchable (Dreamcatcher, 2011: 213).

Дивний, звісно. Але неупереджений. Безжальний. Недоторканний (Ловець снів, 2016: 213).

The presented passage is a striking example of the parcelling use as a means of expressive syntax. The author deliberately separates homogeneous members from each other. In this context, it is a characteristic of the character. Parcelling allows reader to emphasize each of these qualities. A vivid image of the hero appears in the reader's mind. At the same time, it is emphasized that these qualities are equally important (Сар, 2017: 40). In this case, the translator saved the technique used by the author in the text of the translation unchanged. We believe that in the current context, the literal translation is the best, because it allows you to save the author's idea and most accurately reflect them in the translated text.

Many of them would never see the dawn. Or the sun (The Dead Zone, 2016: 187).

Багато хто вже не побачив би світанку. Або сонце (Мертва зона, 2017: 185).

In this example, the use of parcelling is contextual. The speaker highlights the word sun with this technique. So he shows how important it is for him to see the sun, live under its rays, meet the dawn. At the same time, the plot conveys the feelings of fear and anxiety of the hero, because he describes a situation in which many people could die. In the text of the translation, the parcelling is preserved in its entirety, which we consider to be the most acceptable option in the context. The text of the translation retains all the accents, the pragmatic task is fully implemented.

Gracie. Stop it from happening again. It mustn't. Go on forever. Time after time. The blood. The murder (The Dead Zone, 2016: 203).

Грейс, прошу. Зупиніть це. Це не має тривати. Вічно. Раз за разом. Кров. Вбивство (Мертва зона, 2017: 193).

Here the parcelling is used to imitate the living language of the character. It is the most successful way to express the hero's thoughts and emotions. He is clearly in a state of confusion and fear, his thoughts are intricated and interrupted. It is the parcelling as a figure of stylistic syntax this time that reflects the described state of the speaker (Попович, 2017: 149). The translator tried to preserve this expressive means of language in the translated text. However, some transformations need to be noted. First of all, addition of a word прошу in Ukrainian variant. In our opinion, the reception was determined by the context. The addition made the expression even more emotional. In addition, the translator combined the parts it mustn't and go on. Thus, the word forever (вічно) is emphasized in the translated text more. We believe that all the transformations used were appropriate and helped to realize the pragmatic task without losses.

It rang again. And again. Trembling, she got up. Went to the phone. And lifted the receiver (Dreamcatcher, 2011: 254).

Дзвінок, а потім ще один. Вона встала. Підійшла до телефону. І тремтячими руками підняла слухавку (Ловець снів, 2016: 253).

In this example, the method of parcelling was also used. This figure reflects the emotional state of the hero. She is in a state of fear, so the ringing, beeps and her own actions she perceives only separately, intermittently. It should be noted that the translator kept the parcelling to create the necessary action on the reader, but made some changes. First of all, it is the combination of the first two components of parcelling into one complex sentence. Also the omitting the word trembling in the second sentence with its subsequent compensation in the last part. We believe that the transformations used were relevant and made the translation text adequate to the original text.

Conclusions. Thus, in his novels “Dreamcatcher” and “EpyDead Zone” S. King uses such figures of expressive syntax as aposiopesis and parcelling. The mentioned syntactic figures are used in order to exert the necessary influence on the recipient, to cause him feelings of fear and anxiety. In addition, these techniques express the thoughts, feelings and emotional state of the characters, as well as simulate living language. The main task of the translator under such conditions is not only adequate reproduction of the author's style but also the achievement of a pragmatic effect on the Ukrainian-speaking recipient. The analysis showed that in most cases the reproduction of these figures of expressive syntax is carried out by literal translation (63%). The translator used such transformations as omission (19%), addition (12%) and compensation (6%) as well.


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  • Consideration on concrete examples of features of gramatical additions of the offer during various times, beginning from 19 centuries and going deep into historical sources of origin of English language (the Anglo-Saxon period of King Alfred board).

    курсовая работа [37,7 K], добавлен 14.02.2010

  • Figures united by the peculiar use of colloquial constructions. Devices based on the type of connection include. Transferred use of structural meaning involves such figures as. Different classifications of expressive means. Lewis Carroll and his book.

    дипломная работа [66,3 K], добавлен 10.04.2011

  • Grammatical overview of English verbals. General characteristics of English verbals. General characteristics of Participles. Syntax and Semantics of English Verbals. The functions of the Infinitive in the sentence. Syntax and semantics of participles.

    дипломная работа [72,9 K], добавлен 10.07.2009

  • The ways of expressing evaluation by means of language in English modern press and the role of repetitions in the texts of modern newspaper discourse. Characteristics of the newspaper discourse as the expressive means of influence to mass reader.

    курсовая работа [31,5 K], добавлен 17.01.2014

  • Characteristics of Project Work. Determining the final outcome. Structuring the project. Identifying language skills and strategies. Compiling and analysing information. Presenting final product. Project Work Activities for the Elementary Level.

    курсовая работа [314,5 K], добавлен 21.01.2011

  • Development of translation notion in linguistics. Types of translation. Lexical and grammatical peculiarities of scientific-technical texts. The characteristic of the scientific, technical language. Analysis of terminology in scientific-technical style.

    курсовая работа [41,5 K], добавлен 26.10.2010

  • Daphne Du Maurier. The novel "Rebecca" is among the most memorable in twentieth-century literature. Stylistic morphology, stylistic syntax, stylistic semasiology. Parenthetic sentences/arenthesis. Parallelism. Nominative sentences. Rhetorical question.

    реферат [32,1 K], добавлен 22.12.2007

  • The notion of sentence and novels formulated as sentences. The problem of classification of sentences, the principles of classification, five points of difference. Types of sentences according to types of communication. The simple sentence and its types.

    курсовая работа [25,6 K], добавлен 07.07.2009

  • The peculiarities in texts of business documents, problems of their translation, interpretation and analysis of essential clauses. The main features of formal English as the language of business papers: stylistic, grammatical and lexical peculiarities.

    дипломная работа [70,2 K], добавлен 05.07.2011

  • Constituent analyses of the sentence. Complication of predicate and types of complications. The link-verbs in English and their translation into Uzbek and Russian. Transitivity of verbs and the problems of translating them into Uzbek, Russian languages.

    дипломная работа [295,6 K], добавлен 21.07.2009

  • Translation is a means of interlingual communication. Translation theory. A brief history of translation. Main types of translation. Characteristic fiatures of oral translation. Problems of oral translation. Note-taking in consecutive translation.

    курсовая работа [678,9 K], добавлен 01.09.2008

  • Syntactic structures in the media. Characteristic features of language media. Construction of expressive syntax. Syntactic structures in the newspaper "Sport Express" and "Izvestia". Review features of sports journalism and thematic range of syntax.

    курсовая работа [24,7 K], добавлен 30.09.2011

  • Information access and exchange. Cognitively Salient Relations for Multilingual Lexicography. Work in Cognitive Sciences. Transcription and Normalization. Mapping to Relation Types. Clustering by Property Types. Information about synonyms and antonyms.

    реферат [24,6 K], добавлен 28.03.2011

  • To determine the adequacy of the translation model, from difficulties in headline trаnslаtion of music articles. Identification peculiarities of english music press headlines. Translation analysis of music press headlines from english into russian.

    дипломная работа [602,6 K], добавлен 05.07.2011

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