Issues related to business-academic communication and language strategy in the Azerbaijani language

Speech culture, being the most important part of the general culture of people. In addition to the culture of speech, writing is included in this concept alongside culture. A person who acquires such a high quality is a social member of the society.

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Issues related to business-academic communication and language strategy in the Azerbaijani language

Mammadova Mehriban Oktay

Ganja State University, Ganja, Azerbaijan

Modern globalization, the development of the mother tongue in the world, the improvement of its norms of speech culture does not only serve the purpose of raising the level of this language use. The increasing expansion of the international integration environment, the borderless dissemination of information, the expansion of inter-country public, social, cultural, and economic relations make the strategic opportunities of the language take a new dimension. Speech culture, being the most important and leading part of the general culture of people, is one of the components. In addition to the culture of speech, writing is included in this concept alongside culture. A person who acquires such a high quality is a social member of the society.

Speech culture is a practical field of linguistics, language as a means of communication learns how to use it. Therefore, speech culture is not considered a theoretical, but a practical field of linguistics. That is, speech culture, first of all, as a means of communication through language of philology, the rules of use, the field studied on the basis of science is required. At the same time, it is used to express the quality of this or that speech manifestation depending on a concept. This is the speech of every representative of the people, it is a different use of the means of communication, it is the speech of different people.

Keywords: globalization, communication, speech culture, language industry, communicative strategy, mother tongue

Бізнес-академічна комунікація та мовна стратегія в азербайджанській мові

Маммадова Мехрібан Октай

Гянджинський державний університет, Азербайджан

Сучасна глобалізація, розвиток рідної мови у світі, вдосконалення її норм мовленнєвої культури слугує не лише меті підвищення рівня використання цієї мови. Зростаюче розширення міжнародного інтеграційного середовища, поширення інформації без кордонів, розширення міждержавних суспільних, соціальних, культурних та економічних зв'язків зумовлюють новий вимір стратегічних можливостей мови. Культура мовлення є найважливішою і провідною частиною загальної культури людей, одним з її складників. Окрім культури усного мовлення, до цього поняття поряд з культурою писемного мовлення використовують культуру письма. Людина, яка володіє такою високою якістю, є соціальним членом суспільства.

Культура мовлення - це практична галузь мовознавства, мова як засіб спілкування вивчає, як нею послуговуватися. Тому культура мовлення вважається не теоретичною, а практичною галуззю мовознавства. Тобто культура мовлення, насамперед, як засіб спілкування за допомогою філологічної мови, правил використання, галузі, що вивчається на основі науки, є обов'язковою. Водночас вона використовується для вираження якості того чи того мовленнєвого прояву залежно від поняття. Це мовлення кожного представника народу, це різне використання засобів комунікації, це мовлення різних людей.

Ключові слова: глобалізація, комунікація, культура мовлення, мовна індустрія, комунікативна стратегія, рідна мова


language strategy azerbaijani

As K. Valiyeva said, "Computer linguistics, which emerged at the junction of informatics and linguistics in modern times, is one of the rapidly developing fields of science. It is a branch of applied linguistics, it studies the linguistic basics of informatics, the modeling of language and thinking through computer programs, and thus aims to solve issues such as the creation and improvement of a common language in the presentation of information, the interface of natural languages, which are considered to be the main issues of artificial intelligence, and the modeling of information systems. (8., 1)

In some cases, there are such irresponsible ideas about globalization that this process has a negative effect on the existence of cultures, customs and traditions and causes them to disappear. In fact, neither language nor national customs and traditions are lost. If there is a nation, there is also a language, and the spiritual world of each nation lives with its language. Therefore, it is prone to myths that the harmful effects of globalization will occur. It is a more profitable and progressive way to think about the successes and achievements that it will bring to the life of the society. It is not expected that the spiritual life of any people will fail due to the meeting of cultures in the conditions of globalization, on the contrary, the belief that the cultural and household life of people will be updated according to the requirements of the time continues to grow. The development of each language brings with it the most progressive ideas in the world. It is not excluded that there will be changes in the material, spiritual, social and economic life of people .

Globalization as one of the factors affecting language development. Due to nnovations in human life, language strategy has a very important transnational significance in its revival. In the article about the factors affecting the development of language in globalization, it is stated that "Globalization, due to its large- scale, comprehensive and contradictory nature, creates a threat of loss of language and culture, customs and traditions among the peoples of the world. Modern information and communication tools, especially the Internet, widely intervene in the mutual relations of the subjects of globalization. Globalization is also the convergence of nations and their imitation of each other. At this time, the development of national cultures and the preservation of their specificity should be the focus of special attention" (1.,135-138).

Starting from here, it is necessary to approach life, reality, development prospects of the society with a vigilant eye. It should be taken into account that the human intellect is not always locked in one point. Man is such a social being that with his intellectual thinking he constantly continues to understand more about the phenomena of nature and society.

The modern era opens up new tasks and opportunities for linguists." During the scientific and technical revolution, the rapid development of electronic computing machines, which are the fruit of cybernetics , created the basis for the automation of mental work. Research conducted through EHM freed linguists from mechanical, tiresome, hard work in lexicography" (7.,10). Today's man, who strives to overcome the difficulties, his way of life and worldview are completely different from the thinking and position of a person who lived a thousand years ago. "The radical change in the role of communication in society and the emergence of new technical means of communication led to the need for scientific research in all aspects of the communicative process." (5., 8). Globalization, above all, creates a very large integration environment for human societies in all spheres; it leads to convergence. Discriminations disappear here, tolerance, humanitarian principles, conditions of mutual understanding take place in its place. The result is that people tend to live in peace and solve their social needs together. In this sense, the resources of the mother tongue also gain new development perspectives. It becomes more possible to master the innovations of world science and culture in the native language. If we add the conditions created by mobile information technologies to this, it becomes clearer that globalization will have an important impact on the quality of modernization. Thus, in the conditions of modern globalization, there is a need to keep up with the requirements of the time, the development of speech culture norms of the language takes it out of the framework of creating communication in its own space and turns it into a wide information medium that gains strategic importance.

In order to achieve this, it is necessary to make constant efforts to revive the lexical-semantic possibilities of the mother tongue, to improve and stabilize the norms. This is like an incident similar to encountering a weapon that comes upon us with an attack. In the mentioned article, it is also noted that "...with the help of global communication systems, as a result of the "pollution" and interpenetration of national languages, rude behavior, forms of communication, ignorance, bad habits and foreign fashion elements are instilled into the culture. Behind every living language, there are cultures that reflect its richness of expression" (1.,135). The rich tradition of national cultures does not exclude integration. In the sense that any national culture does not completely fall into the maelstrom of external influences, it accepts its good traditions and adds its worldly, human characteristics to international cultures. The strategic importance of language in inter-people and inter- civilizational communications has the quality of reflecting reality from this point of view. One of the many innovations brought by the modern globalization stage is the creation of the information society. The characteristic feature of the information society is that the members of the society grow up, are formed in the modern information environment and become its subjects. Gaining international importance of information in the globalized world plays an important role in the process of expanding economic relations as a component of human activity. The main connecting tool of this process is language. It is impossible to carry out communication processes and create business relations without language. In this sense, for the modern era, language communication takes a leading place in the formation and development of inter-national , inter- cultural, inter-country socio-economic relations. It is clear that not all languages can fulfill the task of international information in this process. Many languages, as a rule, serve to create communication in their environment. In the conditions of globalization, those languages cannot be represented in a wide information environment. Therefore, it is necessary to use a common communication language. Such languages perform the function of local communication in a closed environment. However, it is impossible to compare the development trends of state languages with local languages.

As a state language and one of the state languages, the Azerbaijani language, due to its lexical-semantic and scientific-technical terminological resources, has the ability to present its information to the international world along with any developed languages. That is, the means of expression of the Azerbaijani language are able to spread and receive the necessary information. That's why native language users should spare no effort to get more familiar with the rules, norms and principles of their native language by learning foreign languages. It should be taken into account that the Azerbaijani language is no longer used under conditions of bilingualism, as in the Soviet era. The Azerbaijani language is a well-known, studied language that creates interest for the international information environment in the modern world. Due to the development of the information- communication function of the language and its increasing role in economic cooperation and partnership issues, a concept such as knowledge economy has been formed in the international world. Thanks to the language services, the knowledge economy lays the foundation for the spread of globalization itself in connection with the development of the economy, culture, social relations and human resources. The development of language services has a wide impact on its strategic importance. As a rule, the main functions in the field of language services fall on the English language, which occupies a leading place in international information. The level of development of national languages should be at such a level that the leader can receive all the information related to the language. In this sense, the Azerbaijani language has all the potential opportunities in terms of receiving information related to any field at an equal level and spreading it to the international world. As stated in the article dedicated to this field, the knowledge economy is an innovative economy based on ICT. ICT significantly increases the possibilities of creating new knowledge and using it on a global scale. So, currently, the main part of translation services around the world is machine translation based on the achievements of ICT. Also, ICT in foreign language teaching opportunities are used". (4., p. 7) The leading services of the knowledge economy include translation, education, and publishing. Language services also play an important role in the formation and development of the language industry. The language industry stipulates the main strategic importance of the language in the modern information and communication process. The language industry includes various intellectual service areas that are organically connected to each other, where the human factor is the leader. People's service activities are measured by their language proficiency. Here, the capabilities of translators and the quality of translation play an important role. Here, at the same time, issues of machine translation, achievements of computer linguistics, the problem of multilingualism in translation, publishing and editing are considered. "Even vocabulary, which is one of the most important fields of Azerbaijani linguistics, cannot remain at the level of Mahmud Kashgari. In the current era of rapid development of information and computer technologies, the attitude towards lexicography in the information environment, which has new indicators and qualities, should change, and the field of lexicography should be formed according to the requirements of the time " (6., p. 23).

The aim and the problem

The problem of communicative strategy is usually explained in relation to the concept of dialectics. In this sense, the concepts of communication and dialectics complement each other in terms of content. In other words, both communication and dialectic appear as a result of people's acts of communication and information. They summarize the process of communicative behavior as a whole. Communicative strategy occurs mostly between subjects who are participants in relationships. They appear during communication, discussion and exchange of ideas between states and international organizations. The form of communicative strategy is not the same and similar to any speech-information process. Since the communicative strategy is based on socio-political, diplomatic and other interstate relations, ordinary information exchange takes place between individuals, individuals and collectives. International level communications are pre-measured, where the other party's next move is considered, so possible procedures are considered for successful negotiations. It is impossible to predict in advance how the interests of the other parties will be satisfied in such negotiations because everything depends on the course of discussion and exchange of ideas. Against the background of interaction of negotiations, whether its outcome is successful or not depends on the dialectics of the process. In the communicative strategy, the concept of dialectics is defined as follows: "Dialectics is the skill of conducting negotiations. It is really responsible and difficult to take a comprehensive look at the same event within the moment, evaluate it and make the right decision. Dialectics is a set of possibilities, hopes, every next step to be taken. In all cases, dialectics and the logic of speech form a unity. This unity should be understood as a communicative strategy " (2., p. 104-105). Everything in dialectics, the intended victory is not as desired. Here, reality and the desire to achieve the goal must be taken into account. Sometimes the parties will make optimistic forecasts before starting a conversation, but the reality can be the opposite of what was expected. Sometimes such a situation can happen that the possibility of victory can become a reality. Diplomatic logics of any of the parties, the ability to assess a situation flexibly, and the ability to analytically analyze events play an important role here. Being knowledgeable in this field, having extensive and detailed information are the main conditions, but they are not the only means. The information factor should be so logical, so convincing that the other party cannot provide a solid evidence for the refutation of the logical judgments presented in the counterargument. Every information should be supported by supporting facts. Fluency, believability, and effectiveness of speech are important in this way. The greatest skill is to find the weak points in the other party's speech and focus on yourself. In the communicative strategy, it is of particular importance to pay attention to the use of certain forms of interpretation in order for the speech to take place with effective, convincing and irrefutable evidence. In the scientific literature, these interpretations are shown as follows:

1. Stepwise interpretation. The ideas and considerations put forward in the stepwise interpretation complement each other. The speaker refers to previous arguments to confirm the plausibility of his new ideas, conveys his/her position irrefutably to the other party based on the most persuasive evidence in those arguments. Gradual interpretation is considered as the main approach in diplomatic negotiations. As a rule, the step-by-step method is considered to mean creating a new and more convincing idea on the basis of the previous idea.

2. Concentric interpretation. Concentric interpretation is a method of comprehensively approaching the event at all points to solve a problem. Concentric interpretation is a method of understanding in which the speaking parties take into account every detail of an issue and make sure that their speech is persuasive.

3. Spiral interpretation. Spiral interpretation of the propositions put forward in ideas and reasoning more convincing is understood as the use of relevant details that are possible for delivery. Spiral commentary is considered a particularly advantageous tool in diplomatic negotiations. The successful result of such an interpretation occurs due to its approach to the target from different directions.

4. Chronological interpretation. Chronological interpretation consists of referring to the historical sequence in order to successfully solve a problem. By approaching the issue in historical sequence, convincing facts are presented and leave no room for doubt about the essence of the case in the other side as well as in the interested parties. Chronological interpretation makes it possible to come to a favorable conclusion, especially when solving controversial issues.

5. Logical interpretation. Logical interpretation is characterized as the most reliable method of persuasiveness during all negotiations, in the course of all discussions .

6. Reductive interpretation. During the reductive interpretation, considerations about general provisions are specified, condensed and directed to a single channel. At this time, the mistrust of the other party is eliminated and objections are not allowed.

7. Inductive interpretation. All the facts obtained during inductive interpretation are analyzed, generalization is made, the result is directed to a purposeful course.

8. Comparative interpretation. As the name suggests, comparative interpretation is understood as a method of confronting facts, making comparisons and solving an issue with convincing evidence.

9. Problem analysis. (3., p. 104-105). Problem analysis is the last stage. This stage is a kind of conclusion and result. All the facts described here are summarized and brought to the attention of the other side with accurate information developed in Azerbaijan almost especially during the period of independence by the National Leader Heydar Aliyev, and a wide picture of that field was created in the system of styles. Speeches of Heydar Aliyev at international meetings, summits and symposia; interviews and conversations with representatives of diplomatic corps; dialogues with state, government leaders and political figures of foreign countries, as well as the successful activities of President Ilham Aliyev in the socio-political and diplomatic fields are the most obvious examples of communicative strategy. As Professor M. Yusifov said, "... the correct construction, transmission, dissemination and intelligibility of information exchange depends more on the perfect and stable norms of the language. Independent statehood opened wide opportunities in this field" (9., 7).

Approbation of research results

The communicative strategy should be built in such a way that all points are taken into account here, and all the details to be told in front of the interviewer are not left out of the speech subject. It is in this case that it is possible to succeed in the problem of communicative strategy. As it can be seen, the fullness of speech communication, having rich diplomatic, state and socio-political traditions, the fulfillment of speech culture and the enrichment of development perspectives of dialogue-communication technologies is a real practice school for modern youth.

The principles of establishing communication in the field of communicative strategy are at the same time the basis for the formation of creative technologies and are an integral part of it. Familiarity with speech styles is one of the main requirements for the formation of creative technologies. For example, learning and mastering the rules required for the art of public speaking are essential conditions for success in the field of communicative strategy. Having a good speech forms the ability to attract the attention of the other party in any communication process. Therefore, having the parameters for the development of public speaking skills in communicative strategy speech, as well as in socio-political and diplomatic activities, is considered as a win and it wins. The development of creative technologies leads to a successful result in any of the language styles. For example, in business communication, the preparation of protocols, applications, extracts and other business documents in an orderly manner, in accordance with appropriate standards, is considered an example of a person's professional ability. Those who work in the field of public journalism should have the competence to build an appropriate composition in that field. The creative ability of those who have deeply mastered the requirements of the artistic style is measured by the level of the artistic texts they create. Mastering creative technologies is one of the most important requirements that modern youth is facing. These requirements, on the one hand, affect the development of native language resources, and on the other hand, they create the basis for the actualization of the communication-information process.


The information activity of the modern era has reached such a level that inter-country , inter- civilizational , inter-cultural information is quickly delivered to any target, as mass information is spread with intensity. Communication between people can be delivered without any restrictions. The correct, logical, free, clear and comprehensible understanding of information, the perfection of language norms and mass adoption by language users are the main requirements of the time and modernity. At the modern stage, the Azerbaijani language can be compared with the languages of the developed countries of the world due to the perfection of its grammatical rules, the richness of its lexical-semantic potential and the vitality of its expressive possibilities. As the human society develops, as the spheres of human activity in public life increase, as intensive information delivery technologies are renewed, the network of connections and relations continues to expand. In modern times, information transmission, distribution, reception and protection have reached such a high level that communication crosses practically all borders without obstacles. People can receive information quickly, regardless of where they live. In other words, at the modern stage, the distance problem for information exchange is considered to have disappeared. Therefore, information technologies are global in modern times. Information technologies, which have become an integral part of social life, demand that members of society accept, follow and master the innovation. The article examines the issues of communication and language strategy in the Azerbaijani language according to the requirements of the modern era of globalization.


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