Interaction between a language and a dialect in Italian discourse

Reveals and analysis the concept of a language and a dialect, and considers the dialect's essence. Highlights the problem of interaction between a language and a dialect and pays special attention to the role of dialect in language and cultural space.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Дата добавления 06.08.2023
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Interaction between a language and a dialect in Italian discourse

Maksym Stopin

Iulia Khodova


The national language is a fundamental and essential communication tool due to the fact that it is evenly distributed throughout the country, it is understood and spoken by most people who have certain rules of language use, and have a certain vocabulary, which more or less depends on the level of education and culture of a person. This article reveals the concept of a language and a dialect, characterizes the contact between them, and considers the dialect's essence. The study highlights the problem of interaction between a language and a dialect and pays special attention to the role of dialect in language and cultural space. Based on linguistic mapping by isogloss strands, the boundaries of dialects are outlined, and the interpenetration issues of features of neighboring dialects as a result of their long-term interaction are considered. It is also emphasized that the structural features of the dialect change over time due to interdialect interaction and the influence of the literary language, but the dialect as a form of existence of the national language does not disappear, and only transforms into a new quality.

Keywords. Language, dialect, language system, interdialect interaction, dialect differentiation, standard language and standard dialect, language diversity.

М.Г. Стьопін, Ю.О. Ходова


У даній статті розглядається поняття і сутність діалекту як різновиду мови. У статті стверджується, що проблема взаємодії мови і діалекту є одним з фундаментальних питань функціонування літературної мови з точки зору теорії та практики. Відзначається, що на сучасному етапі розвитку мови діалекти сприймаються як рівноправний прояв національної мови, оскільки ми частіше бачимо їх включення в літературну мову. Виходячи з цього, нам потрібно з'ясувати, що саме являє собою діалект і в чому різниця між діалектом і мовою.

У роботі стверджується, що контакт між мовою та діалектом можна розглядати з різних точок зору. Мова, в цілому, має соціокультурний і політичний статус, який охороняється державним законодавством, має чітку і прийняту, як в межах однієї держави, так і за її межами, кодифікацію і декодифікацію, засновану на літературній традиції, яка закріплена історично, і використовується як засіб міжрегіонального спілкування в будь-якій сфері людської діяльності.

Також зазначено, що в даний час діалекти використовуються на географічно обмежених територіях, в певних сферах діяльності та, в основному, в розмовному варіанті. Діалект, як і мова, має свої власні лексичні, фонетичні, морфологічні та синтаксичні системи. Визначено, що і мова, і діалект виконують однаково важливі функції, але вони використовуються для досягнення різних цілей.

Дана стаття розкриває поняття та сутності діалекту як типу мови та визначає місце діалектного різноманіття в мовній системі.

Крім того, визначається поняття діалекту і його статус в порівнянні з мовою, окреслюються межі діалекту; визначається роль діалекту в мовному і культурному просторі.

У роботі підкреслюється необхідність всебічного вивченні ролі діалектів, зокрема на італійському діалектному тлі, з огляду на його різноманітність та багаті мовні традиції. Особлива увага приділяється класифікації діалектів та вивченню історичних умов їх виникнення та сучасного стану їх вживання.

У статті зазначається, що деяким діалектам всередині мови може бути присвоєно особливий статус. У більшості випадків державна мова складається з декількох діалектів, один з яких вважається своєрідним взірцем для вживання. Саме цей діалект є панівним у літературній та побутовій мові і є обов'язковим для вживання у сфері освіти та у ЗМІ. Таким чином, у Німеччині, Австрії та німецькомовній частині Швейцарії, з огляду на те, що мешканці цих регіонів не володіють стандартною німецькою мовою, саме вона викладається в школах і використовується в мас-медіа.

Така ж ситуація спостерігається і в Італії. Сучасна італійська мова насправді походить від діалекту, на якому розмовляють у Флоренції. Оскільки на той час це був культурний центр Італії, його діалект був прийнятий елітами як мова всієї Італії, і він існує і сьогодні на регіональному рівні.

Як висновок у статті стверджується, що ідея відокремлення мови від діалекту не має логічного пояснення. Найчастіше мова дещо відрізняється від одного регіону до іншого, тому процес комунікації між людьми з різних місцевостей буде ефективним, за умови, якщо він відбувається в межах однієї країни. Хоча діалекти однієї мови різняться, вони все ще мають спільні риси. Отже, визнані мовні стандарти, за своєю сутністю, є нічим іншим, як мовними кодами, які сформували складні діалекти.

Ключові слова: мова, діалект, мовна система, діалектна диференціація, стандартна мова і стандартний діалект, мовне розмаїття.


Statement of the problem in a general form and connection with important scientific or practical tasks. In one of his works, A. Yavorskyi noted that one of the fundamental issues of the literary language's theoretical and practical functioning is the interaction between a language and a dialect. He also noted that at the present stage of language development, dialects are perceived as an equal manifestation of the national language, so more and more often we see their inclusions in the literary language (Yavorskyi, 2015, p. 232).

The contact between a language and a dialect can be investigated from different perspectives. Italian researcher M. Curreti suggests: «Language, in general, has a sociocultural and political status, which is protected by state law, has a clear and accepted, both on the territory of the state and abroad, codification and decodification, is based on a literary tradition fixed historically and is used as a means of interregional communication in any sphere of human activity. Dialects are used in geographically limited territories (village, city, district, etc.), in certain areas of activities, and mainly in the colloquial version. A dialect, like a language, has its own lexical, phonetic, morphological and syntactic systems. It can be stated that both a language and a dialect perform equally important functions, but they are used to achieve different goals» (Curreti, 2016, p. 116).

The purpose of the article lies in analysing the interaction between a language and a dialect on the territory of Italy in the modern linguistic context and reconsidering the role of a dialect in the language functioning.

In order to achieve the goal mentioned above the authors stated such tasks as: to investigate the contacts between a language and a dialect; to determine the borders of a dialect based on a method of isoglosses mapping; to pinpoint the role of a dialect in the Italian discourse.

The relevance of the article is in an attempt to show the collaboration of a dialect and a language in the process of national cultural space formation. The authors have chosen an Italian background, because the Italian dialect field is the most abundant and diverse throughout Europe. The emphasis is given to the problems of categorisation of dialects in their historical context and in the present state of their use.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The description of the linguistic situation in Italy has always been difficult in comparison with other countries, where, a priori, it is guaranteed that citizens speak the state language. In Italy, even today, this issue remains controversial. The question of the functioning and role of dialects has always been discussed among scientists who have devoted their research to this aspect, including B. Kobylianskyi, Monaci, F de Saussure (Kobylianskyi, 1960; Saussure, 1998). M. Gasser, P. IviC, and G. Nencioni addressed the problem of the functioning of dialects in the language system (Gasser, 2020; Ivic, 2015; Nencioni, 1993). Such scientists as A. Yavorskyi, M. Vitale, M. Curetti, J. Marian developed various approaches to the role of dialect in the linguistic and cultural space (Yavorskyi, 2015; Curreti, 2016; Marian, 2018; Vitale, 2011).

Presentation of the main material

Many researchers believe that languages are given more prestige than dialects because they have a nation and a canon of literature that gives them the status of «elite». This is where the problem of determining the fundamental difference between a language and a dialect arises. So, Associate Professor of Indiana University M. Gasser claims that the so called «code» is a language system used for communication. So, in his opinion, languages and dialects are codes. Linguists generally define a language as a standardized code used in colloquial and written form, whereas dialects are colloquial folk codes without a standardized writing system (Gasser, 2020). language dialect cultural

According to many scholars, dialects can be defined as varieties of the same language that have evolved over time and in different geographical locations. For example, Italian, French and Spanish were once dialects of Latin, but over the centuries, they evolved into their own languages and gave rise to their own dialects, some of which became languages. Thus, M. Gasser notes one should take into consideration the examples of languages spoken in northern European countries, such as Sweden, Norway and Denmark. All these languages are related to each other, and it is not difficult for residents of these countries to understand each other when they speak standard dialects of their languages, despite the obvious differences, especially in pronunciation. Thus, based on mutual understanding, we can consider some of these languages as dialects of the same language (Gasser, 2020).

To define the notion of «dialect», first it is necessary to define the notion of «language».

The Cambridge Dictionary defines «a language is a communication system consisting of sounds, words and grammar, or a communication system used by people in a particular country or at particular job» (Language. Cambridge Dictionary). In the Oxford English Dictionary, we find the following definition: «a language is a collection of words and systems of their use that are common to people belonging to the same community or nation, the same geographical area, or the same cultural tradition» (, 2016).

Based on this, the question immediately arises: if a language is a collection of sounds and signs that are used for communication by native speakers of a particular geographical area, then what a dialect is?

Researcher J. Marian believes that a dialect is a linguistic system of indicators denoting the origin of a speaker. The concept is usually interpreted geographically (regional dialect), but it also has some application to a person's social background (class dialect) or occupation (professional dialect) (Marian).

The notion of «dialect» comes from the ancient Greek dialektos - «discourse, language, dialect» - a type of national language as opposed to the normalized literary language; also, a local dialect (Zhaivoronok, 2006, p. 185).

The dialect mainly differs from other dialects of the same language in terms of grammatical language structure (in particular morphology and syntax) and vocabulary.

The boundaries of the dialect are based on linguistic mapping by strands of isoglosses, which as a model can be the «Atlas Linguistique de la France» by J. Gilleron. The interpenetration of the features of neighboring dialects and their long-term interaction causes the appearance of transitional dialects in the «vibration zone» of isoglosses; in transitional dialects, the features of interacting dialects are combined with new ones that have emerged in their structure. In addition to the actual linguistic (linguogeographic) delineation of the boundaries of a dialect, it is possible to distinguish them on the basis of a combination of linguistic features and the boundaries of the distribution of typical phenomena of traditional ethnographic and cultural regionalization.

The boundaries of the dialect are historically mobile, their change can be caused by both the movement of isoglosses defining features of the dialect in the process of interdialect interaction (the so-called Language expansion), and by the colonization of new territories by dialect speakers (for example, the spread of the Hutsul dialect in Maramoroshchina and Bukovina in the XVII-XIX centuries) (Khodova, 2020, p. 28).

The structural features of the dialect change over time due to interdialect interaction and the influence of the literary language, but the dialect as a form of existence of the national language does not disappear, but only transforms into a new quality. Changes in different dialects occur unevenly: more intense are observed near major economic and cultural centers; less noticeable changes are observed in marginal dialects that are relatively isolated by natural conditions (mountains, forests, swamps). The direction of changes in migrant dialects in a foreign-language environment is determined by the nature of interlanguage interaction (Nencioni, 1993, p.112).

The literary language has the closest connection with the national language, with the language of the people and the national language based on which it is compiled. On the other hand, the literary language, like the national language, is closely related to territorial dialects. The national language can be contrasted with the specific features of each individual dialect, but it cannot be contrasted with the common features of all local dialects on the territory of one nation. The national language and any territorial dialect are not identified, but the national language is closely related to all territorial dialects.

Serbian Professor P. Ivic believes that the main reason for dialect differentiation is language changes. Every living language is constantly undergoing changes in its various elements. Since language is an extremely complex sign system, we cannot imagine that language evolution can affect the same elements and even transform them in the same way in all localities where the same language is spoken for all native speakers in the same locality. At first glance, the differences caused by language changes seem insignificant, but they inevitably are accumulated over time (for example, it is enough to compare Chaucer's English with modern English or Latin with modern Italian, French, Spanish or Romanian). Related languages are usually considered as dialects of the same language (Ivic, 2015).

Michael Gasser, the researcher from Indiana University, writes: «some dialects within the language can be allocated for a special status. When we are dealing with a political unit, such as a nation in which most people speak the appropriate dialects, one dialect is often interpreted as a standard dialect. The standard dialect is often the only dialect used in writing or oral speech, and it is taught in schools and (with some exceptions) used in the media. Thus, in Germany, Austria, and the German-speaking part of Switzerland, it is standard German that is taught in schools and used in the media, although most people in this region are not native speakers of the standard German dialect» (Gasser, 2020).

We can see the same situation in Italy. In fact, Modern Italian takes stems the Florentine dialect due to the fact Florence was the literal focus of medieval Italy, its language habits and traditions were accepted by the ruling class as the language of a united Italy, which was a bunch of independent city-states with their own dialects until 1861 and still exist today at the regional level.

D. de Saussure described the main aspects of how linguistic diversity is born and formed:

1. Evolution occurs in the form of consistent and well-defined innovations, consisting of a limited number of individual facts that can be listed, described and classified according to their nature (phonetic, lexical, morphological, etc.).

2. Each of these innovations takes place in a specific location and has its own distribution limits. One of two things is possible: the boundaries of innovation cover either the entire territory of the language's functioning, and this makes it impossible for any dialect differences to occur (this is the rarest case), or, as is usually the case, only a part of the language's distribution area, and then each dialect gets its own special location.

The presence of these innovative processes explains the diversity of dialects in the areas of distribution of a particular language, when the course of its life does not go beyond natural evolution (Saussure de F., 1998, p. 250).

It is difficult to say what the difference between a language and a dialect is. There are two very different types of criteria related to differences between a dialect and a language: linguistic criteria and social criteria. M. Gasser claims that one of the criteria is the matching degree of vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar and usage. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to measure these indicators. However, one way to feel the match is through mutual understanding, which is mostly based on the interlocutors' impressions of how much they understand each other when they meet with members of another language group, or how long it takes them to get used to the language of the other group (Gasser, 2020).

Based on this judgment, we understand that the idea is the following: if native speakers of two language groups understand each other and the languages are quite similar, then these two groups should be considered to be dialects of the same language, rather than separate languages. Then we can consider that Mexican Spanish and Argentine Spanish are dialects of the same language (Spanish) because native speakers of these dialects usually have no problem understanding each other.

F. de Saussure writes: «often a dialect is called a language, because it has its own literature, for example, you can take Portuguese and Dutch. The question of mutual understanding also plays a role: people who do not understand each other are usually said to speak different languages. Thus, it can be argued that languages that have developed over a large territory among the settled population allow us to identify the same phenomena as dialects, only on a larger scale; in them, we also find waves of innovations that, however, cover a territory that is already common to several languages" (Saussure, 1998, pp. 252-256).

B. Kobylianskyi identified the following features of the dialect that distinguish it from the national language:

1. dialects as a product of historical development have existed for a long time in the national language and the history of folk dialects is closely connected with the history of the national language, as well as with the history of the literary language;

2. local dialects obey the national language, which always acts as a common feature of the people;

3. local dialects are the lowest forms relative to the national language, which is the highest form;

4. dialect and language (national, literary) are not identical concepts; the presence of dialects does not deny but confirms the existence of a national language;

5. local (territorial) dialects have their own grammatical structure and their own vocabulary, which, in general, do not differ from the grammatical structure and the main vocabulary of the national language;

6. local dialects serve the people in their limited territory;

7. some local dialects at a certain stage of historical development may be the basis of the national language at the time of its formation;

8. local dialects can, under certain historical conditions (in the event of the collapse of a single national language), give rise to the formation of separate independent languages (Kobylianskyi, 1960, p. 15).

Based on the aforementioned facts and ideas, the authors insist on the impossibility of dissociating a language and a dialect. In the majority of cases, there is a slight geographical differentiation of the language, so a person can safely understand and communicate with another person from a different location but on the territory of the same country. In spite of the slight differentiation among the dialects, they have many features in common. Eventually, all linguistic codes are beautifully composed dialects, some of which have been better polished and selected to fulfill a specific role and thus become a standardized and recognized language.

Бібліографічний список

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1. Curreti, M., 2016. L'italianizzazione dei dialetti: una rassegna. Quaderns d'ltalia, 21, p. 115124

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4. Ivic, P., 2015. Dialects. Britannica [online] Available at: <> (Accessed: 10.12.2022)

5. Khodova, Iu. O., 2019. Vidtvorennia sytsyliiskoho dialektu ukrainskoiu movoiu na materiali tvoriv A. Kamilleri [Reproduction of the Sicilian dialect in Ukrainian based on the works of A. Camilleri]. Master's paper. Mariupol State University, Mariupol (in Ukrainian). Kobylianskyi, B. V., 1960. Dialekt i literaturna mova. [Dialect and literary language]. Kyiv (in Ukrainian).

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  • The nature of speaking and oral interaction. Communicative approach and language teaching. Types of communicative exercises and approaches. Games as a way at breaking the routine of classroom drill. Some Practical Techniques for Language Teaching.

    дипломная работа [72,3 K], добавлен 21.07.2009

  • Theoretical problems of linguistic form Language. Progressive development of language. Polysemy as the Source of Ambiguities in a Language. Polysemy and its Connection with the Context. Polysemy in Teaching English on Intermediate and Advanced Level.

    дипломная работа [45,3 K], добавлен 06.06.2011

  • Theories of discourse as theories of gender: discourse analysis in language and gender studies. Belles-letters style as one of the functional styles of literary standard of the English language. Gender discourse in the tales of the three languages.

    дипломная работа [3,6 M], добавлен 05.12.2013

  • The description of languages of Canada — a significant amount of languages of indigenous population, immigrants and dialects arising in Canada and hybrid languages. English and French languages are recognised by the Constitution of Canada as "official".

    презентация [750,5 K], добавлен 27.11.2010

  • Information about the language and culture and their interpretation in the course of a foreign language. Activities that can be used in the lesson, activities and role-playing games. The value of the teaching of culture together with the language.

    курсовая работа [128,2 K], добавлен 15.10.2011

  • Traditional periodization of historical stages of progress of English language. Old and middle English, the modern period. The Vocabulary of the old English language. Old English Manuscripts, Poetry and Alphabets. Borrowings in the Old English language.

    презентация [281,2 K], добавлен 27.03.2014

  • The history of the English language. Three main types of difference in any language: geographical, social and temporal. Comprehensive analysis of the current state of the lexical system. Etymological layers of English: Latin, Scandinavian and French.

    реферат [18,7 K], добавлен 09.02.2014

  • A critical knowledge of the English language is a subject worthy of the attention of all who have the genius and the opportunity to attain it. A settled orthography is of great importance, as a means of preserving the etymology and identity of words.

    курсовая работа [28,1 K], добавлен 14.02.2010

  • Culture in the Foreign language classroom. Cross-cultural communication. The importance of teaching culture in the foreign language classroom. The role of interactive methods in teaching foreign intercultural communication: passive, active, interactive.

    курсовая работа [83,2 K], добавлен 02.07.2014

  • Language as main means of intercourse. Cpornye and important questions of theoretical phonetics of modern English. Study of sounds within the limits of language. Voice system of language, segmental'nye phonemes, syllable structure and intonation.

    курсовая работа [22,8 K], добавлен 15.12.2010

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