The development of global bilingualism on the background of intercultural communication
The study of the problem of global bilingualism, which is developing in the world due to the close intercultural relations. The intercultural communication has influenced not only different fields of the modern society life, but also language.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 06.08.2023 |
Размер файла | 21,6 K |
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Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University
The development of global bilingualism on the background of intercultural communication
Leleka T. O.,
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Translation, Applied and General Linguistics
Лелека Т. О. Розвиток глобального білінгвізму на тлі процесу міжкультурної комунікації
Дослідження присвячено вивченню проблеми глобального білінгвізму, що виникає у світі через тісні міжкультурні зв'язки. Міжкультурна комунікація вплинула не лише на різні сфери життя сучасного суспільства, але й на мову.
Сучасні глобалізаційні процеси, що відбуваються у світі, відображаються у комунікації. У час, коли англійська мова стає мовою міжнаціонального спілкування, постає питання про існування глобального білінгвізму. Однією з основних причин зазначеного явища є діджиталізація суспільства, коли використання цифрових технологій зростає та спричиняє утворення єдиного інформаційного простору. Наслідком і необхідною умовою цього процесу є розширення білінгвізму й інших проявів інтернаціоналізації мови, що, відповідно, мають вплив на суспільне життя.
Носії української мови використовують не лише англійські запозичення, які є адаптованими у системі мови-ре- ципієнта. Існує велика кількість англійських слів, які не пройшли етапи мовної асиміляції, що пов'язано з інтенсивністю міжкультурної взаємодії та глобалізаційними процесами у світі.
У роботі глобальний білінгвізм розуміється як поширення англійської мови не тільки як мови міжнародного спілкування, але і як другої мови для вербальної комунікації.
Мова починає відігравати дедалі важливішу роль у соціально-економічному та політичному житті соціуму, що знаходить своє вираження в появі так званого глобального засобу комунікації.
Розвиток масового транснаціонального спілкування у сучасному суспільстві робить обмін інформацією найважливішим чинником функціонування єдиного соціального простору.
Невід'ємною частиною досліджень, присвячених білінгвальній соціалізації носіїв української мови, є проблеми формування соціальної ідентичності, які наразі є недостатньо розробленими в рамках нових конкретно- історичних умов.
Сучасні глобальні білінгвальні процеси розвиваються досить динамічно, і їх вивчення ще не розгорнуто достатньою мірою. Практично відсутня цілісна соціальна теорія цього феномена.
Білінгвізм є стійким суспільним явищем, і його дискурсивні та комунікативні ресурси дають змогу кожному стати учасником інтеграційних процесів, що відбуваються в соціально-економічній, політичній, науковій та освітній сфері інформаційного суспільства.
Нині саме глобальний білінгвізм очевидний в Україні не тільки як соціальний процес, а й як важливе мовне явище. Зокрема, експансія англійської мови пов'язана з нагальною потребою спілкування в полікультурному просторі, що має стати основою національної політики, яка враховує сучасні вимоги соціального розвитку.
Ключові слова: глобалізація, білінгвізм, глобальний білінгвізм, мова міжнаціонального спілкування, міжкуль- турна комунікація, білінгвальна соціалізація.
global bilingualism language
The research is devoted to the study of the problem of global bilingualism, which is developing in the world due to the close intercultural relations. The intercultural communication has influenced not only different fields of the modern society life, but also language.
Global bilingualism is understood as the worldwide spread of English not only as an accepted language of international cooperation, but also as the second language of verbal communication.
The Ukrainian native speakers use the English loanwords that are adapted in the system of the recipient language. However there is a large number of the English words that have not passed the stages of language assimilation, due to the intensity of the intercultural contacts and globalization processes in the world.
The language plays an increasingly important role in the socio-economic and political life of the society, which finds expression in the emergence of the global language.
The development of mass transnational communication processes in the modern society makes information exchange the most important factor in the functioning of the unified social space.
An integral part of the research on bilingual socialization of the Ukrainian speakers is the problem of the social identity formation which is created in the new specific historical conditions.
The relevance of the study of the global bilingualism is connected with general sociological underdevelopment. Modern bilingual processes are very dynamic. There is practically no holistic social theory of this phenomenon.
Bilingualism is a stable social process where discursive and communicative resources allow everyone to become a participant of the integrative cooperation taking place in social, economic, business, scientific and educational fields of the society.
Nowadays global bilingualism is evident not only as a social process in the Ukrainian society but also as an important language phenomenon. In particular, the expansion of the English language is related to the urgent need to communicate in the multicultural space, and it should be the basis of the national policy that takes into account the current requirements of the social development.
Key words: globalization, bilingualism, global bilingualism, international language, intercultural communication, bilingual socialization.
Formulation of the problem. The globalization of English as a major sociolinguistic factor of our time contributes to a new language situation.
We are interested in considering the impact of this phenomenon in linguistics. This side of globalization is the emergence of the language, such as English, which is beginning to play the role of the global one in the world [1, p. 18].
The term “globalization” has become one of the most frequently used to describe various aspects of the current stage of socio-historical development, including the processes of language globalization, because of the spread of English on a worldwide scale [2, p. 31].
Integration processes contribute to the transformation of the world into the multilingual space in which all the national languages have the equal rights [3, p. 25]. After the opening the borders between the countries, the mobility of people is increasing, the previously maintained contacts both within the country and with foreign partners are being established reaching a new level. These processes significantly improve the motivation of the people from different countries to master foreign languages.
Today the bilingual education is recognized by many scientists as one of the most effective ways to master foreign languages and at the same time as an essential component of multicultural education [4, p. 396]. The development of the bilingual education is significantly influenced by the policy of many countries to establish the priority of one of the languages and to focus on the equal use of the partner languages.
Авд^й of recent research and publications. The problem of bilingualism began to be actively developed in the second half of the XX century within many disciplines, but a holistic understanding of the whole range of issues covered by this problem has not been formed. Basically, the overwhelming volume of the research on bilingualism was aimed at studying the problems of interethnic cooperation within a multi-ethnic state. Socio-philosophical and sociological approaches that allow to reveal more accurately the essence of bilingualism as a social phenomenon remain underdeveloped. Significant researches in this direction are the works devoted to the information society (M. McLuhan, Y Masuda, R. Katz, M. Castells, E. Toffler, A. Turen, F. Webster, K. Colin, A. Ursul and others), which cover a wide range of the problems of the language, society and information communication. The studies by G. Zaliznyak, T. Rudnytska, V Khmelko, M. Shulga expand the ethnosociological direction of studying language development and the changes in the Ukrainian language structure. However, the problems associated with the peculiarities of bilingualism inherent in modern society remain open, and scientific research on social changes related to the phenomenon of bilingualism is almost absent.
The relevance of the problem of bilingualism is also due to its general sociological underdevelopment. Modern bilingual processes are very dynamic, and their study has not been deployed sufficiently [4, p. 27]. There is practically no integral social theory of this phenomenon.
The globalization of English has given rise to the global English national bilingualism and digraphy, such as the mass acquisition of the Latin alphabet associated with global English and its use to represent local languages along with the local writing systems [5, p. 35]. However, despite the large number of the publications on the subject, some scholars question the need for a special theoretical understanding of the globalization processes. They believe that neither economic globalization nor language diffusion is something new in the history of mankind [6, p. 87] and that the concepts and terms, developed within the framework of the long-term study of the language contacts, are quite applicable to the description of the English language globalization.
The opposite point of view is held by the researchers working on the creation of the special sociolinguistic theory of globalization. In their opinion, the term “globalization” reflects new sociolinguistic realities, which entail a paradigmatic shift in the interpretation of the modern state of any language and the need to revise and clarify many established linguistic concepts and develop new ones [7, p. 25].
In the process of solving various problems, the socio- integrative function of the communication is connected with the orientation toward the social partnership and the formation of the communication networks [8, p. 182].
The purpose of the article. The acute social interest in the problems of the Ukrainian society integration into the global world community and related language problems (language competence, language polarization) are currently relevant because of the social and political changes in the country.
The purpose of the proposed article is to characterize the phenomenon of global bilingualism in the Ukrainian society. To solve it the next tasks were set:
to consider the phenomenon of bilingualism as a social process;
to identify the preconditions and social factors of the development of the global bilingualism;
to outline the inclusion of the Ukrainian society in the process of the world bilingualization.
The main material of the study. The global changes, the revolution in the media, the expansion of the international political contacts, the integration of the world economy and finance make communication increasingly important in the world.
The social information space involves the inclusion of the world community in the universal language contour, and this necessitates the development and implementation of the new models and methods of information and communication interaction [4, p. 451].
Some scientists introduce theconcept ofbilingual communicative space, as an integral part of the general socio-information society that contains such basic components as the subjects of communicative activity and the objects of communicative influence, natural and artificial communicative continuums [4, p. 455].
Language globalization is understood as the spread of English beyond the borders of the states to the transnational level considering the concepts of globalization and bilingualism in relation to each other [7, p. 76].
The bilingualism can be studied in the form of some bilingual fields, the paradigms of which are: a) bilingualism and native language, b) bilingualism and interference (degree and typology), c) bilingualism and diglossia [9, p. 8].
These paradigms involve the broad social context, reflecting the structure of the society, as well as the social orientation of micro- or macro-society [10, p. 29]. These statements lead to rethinking of the concept of bilingualism not only in the sociolinguistic but also in the communicative aspect.
The concept of bilingualism is the ability of an individual or a language community to use two languages alternately to meet communicative needs. In our opinion, it is the appearance of two-way interference that indicates the presence of bilingualism - both in the relation to a particular speaker and to the language community. In other words, we can consider a certain speaker to be bilingual if the interference phenomena of any order are present in the recipient language.
The process of bilingualism in modern society is a global social process that includes all the problems of information and communication exchange and covers the whole range of social relations: interpersonal, intergroup, institutional, etc. The globalization creates prerequisites for changing the value orientations of some bilinguals towards more used, and therefore more prestigious world languages, which leads to the formation of the so-called vertical type of bilingualism [4, p. 458].
In contrast to the horizontal type, in which the first and second languages have approximately the same status, complementing each other in certain areas of communication (information, education, science, international contacts), vertical bilingualism is characterized by giving the second language a higher value position according to the first (native) one [3, p. 76].
Communication is becoming more and more complex. It is a powerful tool, an organizing force that affects all the areas of society. Nowadays, the success of solving many problems depends on the possession of information, on the right choice of the communication strategies. One of the important moments in the study of communication problems is the socio-cultural characteristics and the conditions where the certain information constructs are distributed [1, p. 8].
Presumably, due to the globalization of English today we can talk about the emergence of a new type of bilingualism, global bilingualism. Similarly, it manifests itself through mass English bilingualism in different countries and through the speech practices of specific individuals, but it does not mean that the entire population of the planet is necessarily bilingual. Nevertheless, due to the influence of globalization, the number of people who understand English and use it in their speech in one form or another is increasing.
This phenomenon confirms the most important premise of sociolinguistics where language is not subjected to globalization, but the language resources become the part of the language material of the speakers and allow them to communicate according to the truncated multilingualism [2, p. 38].
The global bilingualism is formed not so much through direct contact of the representatives of a certain community with native speakers of English, as through the certain areas of the life of this community, subjected to economic, technical and cultural globalization. Nowadays the novelty is in rethinking bilingualism and multilingualism not in terms of the language competence of individuals, but in terms of how the social environment and social surroundings structurally reflect and condition of language choice [9, p. 9].
In other words, in consideration of global bilingualism the research more often goes not in the traditional direction from singling out a certain group of bilinguals to the subsequent analysis of their speech practice, but in the opposite direction: bilingual speech practice manifested, first of all, through a wide spread of code switching, and it is considered as a diagnostic indicator of the bilingualism of this community.
Another important change of the language contacts is related to the position of the theory of language globalization where the language is not subjected to globalization, but to the certain language forms, genres, styles that are globally spread in certain areas [5, p. 20].
The emerging new approach to the study of multilingualism is defined by the researchers of this direction as post-authoritative and resource-oriented [7, p. 198]. In this approach, the acquisition of an additional language appears as a complex process of forming this foreign language resources in the general language material as the communicative means of the speakers caused by the purposeful learning in educational conditions and as a result of acquisition in various informal areas sometimes even at the level of individual words or mere recognition [4, p. 387].
When describing global bilingualism, it is also necessary to take into account the distinction between communicative and symbolic functions of the language, important for the study of bilingualism [1, p. 13].
Attheinterethniclevel,Englishasthesecondcomponentofthelocal English bilingualism, first of all, performs the function of the means of interethnic communication, lingua franca, and at the interethnic level, unlike the typical contexts of mass bilingualism. It is almost not used by the members of the community for the communication, but develops their communicative purpose as a language resource to perform additional functions. In addition, English has sociopragmatic functions. It acts as a symbol of globalization and internationalization. This language also has specific pragmatic functions, such as social solidarity and social distancing [2, p. 39].
National identity is not lost, but the overall structure of identity becomes more complex, more multilayered, including both local and global, transnational parameters. Ukraine is a part of the expanding circle of English users, and in recent decades the increasing Americanization of Ukrainian-language discourse has become more and more evident.
In the form of the Ukrainian-English code-switching and mixing the attention of the researchers is paid to the areas that are not connected with the purposeful study and professional knowledge of the language and which are intended for the mass public, for the average Ukrainian speakers. Such areas include, for example, advertising, mass communication, popular culture, etc.
In the vast majority of the cases in these areas today we are not dealing with the introduction of English-language units and texts, but with the creative use of English in a mixture with the Ukrainian language units (Barbershop, Beer бар, Zoo шоп, Beauty лавка, Strekoza Club, Anex тур, Vetаптека and others).
Both for creating and perceiving such an interlanguage game it is enough to have a minimal knowledge of English, and sometimes even just the skills of the practical Ukrainian-English transliteration, which are developed, in particular, in the process of using the Latin keyboard in communication situations.
Today we can confidently speak about the mass spread of this type of bilingualism in Ukraine. For example, let us note the globalization-related tendency to restore the lost interlanguage links of long-standing, established loanwords from English, international words and cognates, which includes the so-called reverse transliteration of such vocabulary from Cyrillic to Latin (Roshen, Yatran, Eva, Prostir, Allo, Panorama).
Furthermore, many recent loanwords from English today do not lose their original forms, but they are used in the Ukrainian language discourse as a kind of interlanguage variants in the form of English- language insertions/code-switching, in the form of transcription/ transliteration (often with playful connotations), or as translated versions (пранк - prank, чилитись - to chill out, шерити - to share, stream, хейтер - hater, екс - ex, скролитти - to scroll).
These trends characterize native speakers of Ukrainian as the bilinguals, capable of switching from monolingual language code, depending on the conditions and goals of communication to bilingual language form, thus transmitting and perceiving additional meanings. The main task of the linguists today is a deeper study of the globalization language processes, including the gradual formation of global bilingualism, which appears through the local English bilingualism in different countries around the world, in particular the Ukrainian-English bilingualism in Ukraine.
The spread of English as a truly global language has led to the fact that it began to play an unprecedented role in the world. Such a situation has arisen for the first time in history, and its consequences are unpredictable. No one can foresee what will happen in the future to a language that is spoken by a huge number of people [8, p. 202].
The increase in the number of people speaking languages of the global communication has both positive and negative aspects. The existence of such a language can lead to the formation of a monolingual elite group of people with a prejudice against other languages [5, p. 86]. Individuals whose native language is English gain the ability to think faster and thus gain an advantage in work and life.
Thus, the development of bilingual processes is the natural consequence of society's adaptation to the innovations of the new millennium.Thediscursiveandcommunicativeresourcesofbilingualism in the modern global world allow solving a number of important tasks: to ensure rapid integration into the information environment; to carry out real interlanguage communication in different social conditions; to expand the experience of cognition of reality; to carry out bilingual socialization; to overcome negative stereotypes about other cultures; to form own social identity [7, p. 35].
The consequence and a necessary condition for the development and functioning of a single information space is the expansion of bilingualism and other manifestations of the internationalization of any language and, accordingly, the public life [9, p. 9]. Bilingualism, being an inherently progressive phenomenon, ultimately contributes to the development and improvement of the productive forces of society, intensifying the exchange of the material and spiritual culture.
In the modern world, language plays an equally important role and its differentiation leads to the emergence of a new concept of bilingualism, which has a dual importance for the development of the individual and society.
The development of culture, science, education contributes to the strengthening of the position of English on the world stage. This phenomenon is quite widespread and it has become a necessary concept for better socialization and communication with other people.
Currently, there is a paradigm shift from the structural study of language to its functional comprehension. Therefore, the need to study the functional significance of English in the framework of the speech of the representatives of the Ukrainian society, and the intensive manifestation of the Ukrainian-English codeswitching, is relevant and important to explain the phenomenon of global bilingualism.
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