Semantic content of concept "help" categorized as property in contemporary English
Analysis of the semantic structure of nominative units. Establishing patterns of interaction between the structures of human consciousness, language forms. Research of the semantic content of the concept "help" in the dimension of the property category.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 14.08.2023 |
Размер файла | 24,7 K |
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Semantic content of concept «help» categorized as property in contemporary English
I.I. Savchuk
The article deals with the analysis of the semantic structure of nominative units contributing to the establishment of deep patterns of interaction between the structures of human consciousness and linguistic forms. A person's interpretation of the surrounding reality is the result of cognitive activity and is represented in mental structures that are mediators between the real or imagined environment and the language that objectifies them. Nominative possibilities of the linguistic picture of the world are realized by lexical units, which undergo the conceptual analysis to achieve the goal of linguistic-cognitive research for the reconstruction of the content of the HELP concept in particular. The object of the study is the language means for marking help as a property and its components in the modern English language. Notional aspect with its cognitive features of the concept and categorical dimension of property are interrelated in the organization of knowledge about characteristics of help. Language has proved to be effective for accessing the structures of data about the surrounding world which is the area of human physical and mental activity, as well as for exchanging knowledge and experience. As a part of cognitive process, the nominative act presupposes indulgence into the semantic content of language units which involves the analysis of meaningful connections between the lexemes. Conceptual analysis of verbalized segments of knowledge about characteristics of help promotes restoring the notional conceptual content related to understanding of the helping process in terms of its properties. The semantic content of the concept HELP is constructed due to the meaning of attributes to denote properties of help which make up the lexical-semantic group with the integral seme "helpful". The lexeme `helpful' comprises two notional segments with differentiating semes "useful" and "beneficial". Lexical units to designate the property of help constitute semantic subgroups in relation to the kind of help differentiated from the definitions of the lexemes.
Keywords categorization, cognitive features, cognitive linguistics, conceptual analysis, nomination, lexico-semantic group, semantic content, semantic structure of the concept, semantic subgroup.
Семантичний зміст концепту «допомога» у вимірі категорії властивості в сучасній англійській мові
Савчук І.І.
Стаття присвячена аналізу семантичної структури номінативних одиниць для встановлення глибинних закономірностей взаємодії між структурами людської свідомості та мовними формами. Інтерпретація людиною навколишньої дійсності - результат пізнавальної активності, представлена в когнітивних структурах, які є посередниками між реальним або уявним наколишнім середовищем та мовою, що їх об'єктивує. Номінативні можливості мовної картини світу реалізуються в значенні лексичних одиниць, які підлягають концептуальному аналізу для досягнення мети лінгвокогнітивного дослідження, зокрема реконструкції семантичного змісту концепту ДОПОМОГА. Об'єктом дослідження є мовні засоби на позначення допомоги як властивості та її складників у сучасній англійській мові. Понятійний аспект із його когнітивними поняттєвими ознаками та категоріальне знання про властивості взаємопов'язані в організації інформації про характеристики допомоги. Мова слугує ефективним інструментом для доступу до структур даних про навколишній світ, який є сферою фізичної та розумової діяльності людини, а також для обміну знаннями та досвідом. Як частина когнітивного процесу номінативний акт передбачає дослідження семантичного змісту мовних одиниць, що включає аналіз значеннєвих зв'язків між лексемами. Концептуальний аналіз вербалізованих сегментів знань про характеристики допомоги сприяє відновленню концептуального змісту, пов'язаного з розумінням процесу допомоги з позиції його властивостей. Семантичне наповнення концепту ДОПОМОГА представлено в семантиці атрибутів на позначення властивостей допомоги та її носія, які становлять лексико-семантичну групу з інтегральною семою "helpful". Лексема helpful складається з двох змістовних сегментів із диференційними семами "useful" і "beneficial"'. Лексичні одиниці на позначення властивості допомоги утворюють семантичні підгрупи залежно від виду допомоги, що виділяються з визначень лексем.
Ключові слова: категоризація, когнітивні ознаки, когнітивна лінгвістика, концептуальний аналіз, номінація, лексико-семантична група, семантичний зміст, семантична структура концепту, семантична підгрупа.
concept help property
The problem of the relationship of the ontology of the world and human consciousness with the language acquires special importance in modern linguistic research within the framework of the cognitive-discursive paradigm. The lexical-semantic dimension of the HELP concept in modern English-speaking consciousness is studied in the aspect of cognitive linguistics. Semantic features of the conceptual representation of the HELP concept were studied with the involvement of semantic and conceptual analysis methods in the study of the meaning of the main lexeme 'help' and its synonyms to denote charcteristics of this phenomenon under the study.
Cognitive linguistics considers functioning of language as a type of cognitive activity and investigates cognitive mechanisms and structures of human consciousness through language phenomenon. The main idea of cognitive linguistics as a scientific direction is that a person's language ability is part of his cognitive ability. The result of the emergence of this approach was the introduction of such notions as concept, conceptual analysis, categorization, conceptualization, conceptual picture of the world, etc [12: 247; 13].
The semantic and conceptual content of the lexemes to designate help point out to the role of nomination, which leads to a deeper understanding of the role of the human factor in language, reveals the functional interaction of all parts of the system and structure of language. The task and scope of application of such a theory is the study and conclusion of the regularities of how reality, reflected in the categories of thinking, is embodied in the meanings of language forms, how thinking and practical human activity of people influence the formation and usage of language signs, their semantic structuring and rules of functioning [14].
The first stage of the nomination process is the formation of the concept of the object as a representative of the whole class as a result of the nominative move, which leads to nominative tactics (verbalization of information) and strategy (use of the selected lexical unit in the statement). The concept as a complex mental category goes beyond a simple generalized image and reveals the most essential features of the subject in all the complexity of their interrelationships and interdependencies. In the concept, they are quantified by the degree of importance - at the upper level, a relatively small group of characteristics necessary for the recognition of each element of a class of objects is recorded, at lower levels, additional, less significant features are placed, which make it possible to form a complete image of the signified [1: 41; 10].
Analysis of recent research and publications. The study is devoted to the identification of semantic and cognitive features of the designation of help as a property by the means of the modern English language. Consideration of these aspects is carried out within the cognitive-discursive paradigm [1; 12; 18]. Its main issue is the verbal representation of interconnected mental and communicative-pragmatic processes in language and speech [16]. The theoretical space of the linguistic- cognitive study of the names of help is outlined by the problems of conceptology [3; 6], cognitive semantics [16], nomination theory [3; 20] and modeling of fragments of the linguistic picture of the world, which verbalize anthropocentrically determined knowledge about a person, their social behavior, help in particular [17; 18]. Therefore, the specified areas of language learning involved in this research contribute to its relevance.
The concept of help was considered mainly within the framework of psychology [9; 11], ethics [4], cultural studies [2], and philosophy [7].
Understanding help is one of the most complex and acute issues in modern society, because it covers the social space of human consciousness and is also closely related to everyday life, which indicates the significant role of the HELP concept in the national picture of the world. Linguistic means of modern English to indicate properties of help have not yet been the focus of individual linguistic developments, which also determines the relevance of the study.
The aim of the article is to investigate the semantic content of concept HELP viewed as property in modern English.
The following tasks are set in the research to achieve the goal:
- to outline the theoretical foundations of cognitive linguistics, conceptual semantics and the theory of nomination on which the conceptual analysis of linguistic means to denote help is based;
- to reconstruct the semantic structure of the HELP concept, implemented in the meaning of attributive units of the modern English language;
The object of the research is the language means for indicating the properties of help and the characteristics of the subject of help in modern English.
The subject of the analysis is the semantic-cognitive aspects of language units that implement the HELP concept in the scope of the property category in the modern English language.
Presentation of the main material of the study with justification of the obtained scientific results
The semantic-cognitive aspect of the use of the names of help in modern English is revealed on the basis of definitions of lexical units of modern English-language lexicographic sources.
The semantic content of the studied concept is distinguished through its structure with its conceptual and peripheral dimensions. The conceptual content is basic and is presented in generic and specific elements of nominative units that name the participants, their characteristics and actions: characteristics of the aid subject, characteristics of actions, actions of the subject, beneficiary, actions of the beneficiary, areas of implementation of aid, means of action, reason for providing assistance, purpose of actions, result of actions etc. Properties of the process of help and characteristics of the subject of helping are among the cognitive features of the concept studied. Help as a social phenomenon can be conceptualized as a property reflecting the attributive category of measuring and evaluating real or virtual reality. Notional and categorical dimensions are interrelated in the organization of knowledge about properties of help.
The categorical structure is characteristic only of the notional component of the macrostructure, which is located in the basic zone of the field structure. The notional level is in the center, organizes the nuclear [3: 141] and the perinuclear section of the meaningful structure of the concept, as it reflects objective, collective knowledge about the signified. Notions are rationally understood concepts and basically coincide in the minds of members of society, regardless of the individual interests of each person and the peculiarities of their thinking. The system of concepts does not reflect all the knowledge possessed by an individual, but only one of the levels of its organization, which is presented in the most generalized and abstract form [1: 39].
Lexical units that objectify the concept of HELP belong to different parts of the speech. The latter are lexical- grammatical classes of words, or lexical- grammatical language categories. They demonstrate the interdependence of ontological and epistemological categories, that is, being and consciousness. This relationship provides a linguistic representation of knowledge about natural objects, categories and conceptual structures that reflect them, as well as about the categorization of natural objects - words. After all, the conceptual space of language is multidimensional: it serves as a means of preserving and transmitting information about the world, as well as knowledge of linguistic meanings and categories [5]. Lexico- grammatical classes are a means of projecting the surrounding world in the minds of speakers, creating a mental model. Parts of speech reflect the main thinking categories of human consciousness [17: 709], ways of conceptualizing the world are revealed. Structural and substantive cognitive characteristics form the basis of the formation of linguistic meanings and categories. Substances, actions and properties are the main concepts presented in the categorical semantics of nominative units [1: 40].
The structure of lexical-grammatical categories that correlate with parts of speech is invariant-variant in the study. It is a logical or epistemological classification that involves movement from a higher level to a lower one. The most general, essential characteristics serve as invariants [16: 125], which organize not only variant features, but also linguistic units denoting the concept.In the role of the most general characteristics of the concept, which are the basis of the formation of lexical- grammatical categories, that is, an invariant, there are categorical features verbalized by implicit categorical semes. As an option, there are classification features that reflect a certain aspect, parameter of categorization of the corresponding object or phenomenon and generalize homogeneous differential features in the structure of the concept. Classification characteristics are common to a number of concepts and are represented in the meaning of lexical units by generic semes. Differential features, actualized by specific semantic components, are perceived by a person and reflected in the structure of the corresponding concept as separate elements of its content. The identified differential characteristics are interpreted as the objectification of certain classification features. Extracting of features makes it possible to establish the peculiarities of the conceptualization of the denotation of the concept [1: 38; 6]
The purpose and tasks of the work lead to the use of the method of conceptual analysis based on the analysis of dictionary definitions - to establish the features of the means of the modern English language for indicating the properties of help; component analysis - to determine and describe the semantic structure of nominative units that verbalize the attributive part of the HELP concept in modern English; the method of cognitive interpretation - to distinguish the cognitive features of the HELP concept based on the analysis of nominative units of the modern English language to indicate the properties of help and its subject.
The conceptual content of the HELP concept is reflected in the meaning of names of the properties of help constituting the lexical-semantic group with the integral seme "helpful'. This lexical-semantic group characterizes the phenomenon of help by listing its main, essential features from the definitions of synonyms of the nuclear lexeme helpful, selected by conducting a continuous sample from lexicographic sources [8; 15; 19].
The lexeme "helpful"embraces two notional segments - "useful" and "beneficial". The first notional subgroup comprises the lexical units with the integrative seme "useful' that is "providing service or assistance": accommodating, advantageous, beneficial, conducive, critical, efficacious, essential, facilitative, obliging, productive.
The second notional subgroup comprises the lexical units with the integrative seme "beneficial' that is "promoting or contributing to personal or social well-being": advantageous advisable amelioratory auspicious benefic beneficial bettering constructive desirable favorable friendly good gratifying healthful healthy kindly lucrative profitable promising, propitious salutiferous.
Lexical units that are synonyms of the adjective "helpful" objectify the core cognitive feature of the studied concept that represents one of the category segments called "attributes". These words under the conceptual analysis are divided into two semantic groups which embrace either the units to denote characteristics of the help subject or characteristics of the phenomenon of help.
I. Characteristics of the help subject or a help giver are reflected in the definitions of the words synonymic to "helpful" with the integral seme "willing to help': big-hearted, caring, considerate, cooperative, good-hearted, kind, kind- hearted, nice, selfless, sweet, thoughtful, unselfish.
II. Characteristics of the phenomenon of help are embodied in the meaning of synonymis to the word `helpful' lexemes with the integral semes "useful" and "benefidaV. Within this semantic group, the lexical units are distributed into semantic subgroups (SS) regarding the type of help figured out from the semantic content of the lexemes. In other words, "a type of help" appears to be a differentiating seme in the semantic group to denote the helping actions as available, cooperative, friendly, important, invaluable, mutual, practical, productive, purposeful, suitable.
551 with the integral seme "available": attainable, available, employable, exposed, getatable, handy, obtainable, operative, possible, practicable, reachable, susceptible, unrestricted, usable.
552 with the integral seme "cooperative": agreeing, coacting, coactive, collaborating, collaborative, collective, collegial, collusive, combined, common, concerted, coordinated, harmonious, interdependent, joining, participating, reciprocal, shared, symbiotic, synergetic, team, united, uniting.
553 with the integral seme "friendly": affable, affectionate, amiable, amicable, attentive, auspicious, beneficial, benevolent, benign, chummy, clubby, comradely, conciliatory, confiding, cordial, familiar, favorable, fond, genial, good, kindly, loving, loyal, neighborly, outgoing, peaceable, peaceful, propitious, receptive, solicitous, sympathetic, welcoming, close, faithful, kind, sociable, tender, thick, well- disposed.
554 with the integral seme "important" is constituted with the lexemes which reflect different features of the significance: extremely important (crucial "extremely important or necessary", important "necessary or of great value", essential "completely necessary and extremely important in a particular situation or for a particular activity"), invaluable "extremely useful", noticeably important (significant "very large or noticeable").
555 with the integral seme "invaluable": beyond price, costly, dear, expensive, inestimable, precious, priceless, serviceable, valuable.
556 with the integral seme "mutual": symbiotic `a close relationship between two different things or people from which both get benefits'.
557 with the integral seme "practical": applied, businesslike, constructive, down- to-earth, efficient, factual, feasible, functional, possible, practicable, pragmatic, rational, realistic, reasonable, sane, sensible, sober, workable.
558 with the integral seme "productive": advantageous, beneficial, constructive, dynamic, effective, energetic, fertile, gratifying, profitable, prolific, rewarding, useful, valuable, vigorous, worthwhile.
559 with the integral seme "purposeful" as serviceable `good enough to be used for a particular purpose but not very attractive or exciting', also calculated, deliberate, determined, intense, persistent, resolute.
The structure of the concept is a necessary condition for existence and entry into the conceptosphere. It is determined by its content, a set of cognitive features that reflect the individual properties of a conceptualized object or phenomenon. The structure of the concept includes components of a different cognitive nature and is described as a list of cognitive features belonging to each of them. Thus, the content and structure of the concept are subject to research at the same time [1: 38; 20], presented in terms of nominative units.
The conceptual analysis allows to distinguish the notional content of the concept HELP and in particular, its category segment "attributes". Thus, the following cognitive features are reflected in the meaning of the major lexeme "help" and its immediate and second rank synonyms: the aim, characteristics of the result, means of the process of giving help, the object and conditions of helpful actions. The aim of giving help is "to do a favor" (accommodating, agreeable, amiable, obliging, willing), "personal or social well-being" (advantageous, beneficial, favorable, kindly, profitable, salutary), "pleasure or contentment" (delightful, enjoyable, gratifying, pleasant, pleasing, pleasurable, satisfying), "the truth or factualness of something" (supportive), "feel good inside" (fulfilling, rewarding, worthwhile), "a profit" (fruitful, lucrative, profitable, remunerative, supportive), "a happy outcome" (auspicious, promising, propitious). "Great", "important', "good"and "desired" (critical, efficacious, essential, productive) are the characteristics of result. The means of the process of giving help are "service or assistance" (conductive, facilitative, useful).
Conclusions and prospects of the study
Language is an effective means of accessing the structures of information about the non-verbal reality in which a person lives and acts, about the thinking system, a means of exchanging knowledge and experience. The final stage of cognitive activity is the nominative act, which involves cognitive aspects. The study of nominative units, taking into account the cognitive perspective, involves the analysis of meaningful connections, the informational level of the language. Language reflects a picture of the world, that is a holistic construct of consciousness, which reflects the ethnocultural perception of the surrounding environment. Conceptual analysis of verbalized fragments of knowledge about characteristics of help makes it possible to penetrate into the notional conceptual sphere and reveal the features of the English-speaking society's ideas about helping. Notional and categorical dimensions are interrelated in the organization of knowledge about properties of help. The conceptual content of the HELP concept is revealed in the meaning of names of the properties of help included into the lexical-semantic group with the integral seme "helpful". The lexeme `helpful' contains two notional segments, they are "useful", that is "providing service or assistance" and "beneficial" or "promoting or contributing to personal or social well-being". The lexical units are divided into semantic subgroups in accordance with the type of help singled out from the semantic content of the lexemes. Eventually, helping actions are conceptualized as available, cooperative, friendly, important, invaluable, mutual, practical, productive, purposeful, and suitable. In the semantic structure, certain cognitive features get reflection in the meaning of the key lexeme "help" and its near and second rank synonyms: the aim, characteristics of the result, means of the process of giving help, the object and conditions of helpful actions. Providing the conceptual analysis of the language means to denote help as a process can be viewed as a prospect of the study.
Список використаних джерел та літератури
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5. Fauconnier G. Mappings in Thought and Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. 205 p.
6. Fauconnier G. The Way We Think. Conceptual blending and the mind's hidden complexities. N.Y.: Basic Books, 2002. 440 p.
7. Gambardella S. Philosophy vs. Self-Help. 2001. URL: https: // (дата звернення: 03.02.2023).
8. Camridge Dictionary. URL:
9. Helping Behavior. Psychology Research and Reference. URL: http: // / social-psychology/prosocial-behavior/helping- behavior/. (дата звернення: 03.02.2023).
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11. Jhangiani R., Tarry H. Principles of Social Psychology. 2022. URL: https: // (дата звернення: 03.02.2023).
12. Johnson M. Why Cognitive Linguistics Requires Embodied Realism. Cognitive Linguistics. 2002. Vol. 13, № 3. P. 245-263.
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17. Rehder B. Categorization as Causal Reasoning. Cognitive Science. 2003. Vol. 27, № 5. P. 709-748.
18. Taylor J. R. Linguistic Categorization. Prototypes in linguistic theory. N.Y.: Oxford University Press, 1995. 312 p.
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20. Ungerer F. An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics. L.; N.Y.: Longman, 1999. 306 p.
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4. Ethics in healthcare - strategies and tips for improving patient-centered care. Dignity Health. Global Education. URL: healthcare-patient-centered-care. (reference date: 03.02.2023). [in English].
5. Fauconnier, G. (1997). Mappings in Thought and Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 205 p. [in English].
6. Fauconnier, G. (2002). The Way We Think. Conceptual blending and the mind's hidden complexities. N.Y.: Basic Books, 440 p. [in English].
7. Gambardella, S. (2001). Philosophy vs. Self-Help. URL: (reference date: 03.02.2023). [in English].
8. Camridge Dictionary. URL: (reference date: 03.02.2023). [in English].
9. Helping Behavior. Psychology Research and Reference. URL: http: // / social-psychology/prosocial-behavior/helping- behavior/. (reference date: 03.02.2023). [in English].
10. Jackendoff, R. (2003). Foundations of Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 477 p. [in English].
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14. Leech, G. N. (1974). Semantics. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, xiii, 388 p.
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20. Ungerer, F. (1999). An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics. L.; N.Y.: Longman, 306 p. [in English].
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курс лекций [95,2 K], добавлен 05.12.2010One of the long-established misconceptions about the lexicon is that it is neatly and rigidly divided into semantically related sets of words. In contrast, we claim that word meanings do not have clear boundaries.
курсовая работа [19,7 K], добавлен 30.11.2002Lexico-semantic features of antonyms in modern English. The concept of polarity of meaning. Morphological and semantic classifications of antonyms. Differences of meaning of antonyms. Using antonyms pair in proverbs and sayings. Lexical meaning of words.
курсовая работа [43,0 K], добавлен 05.10.2011Property and socio-economic relations. The history of the ownership, their classification and forms. Property as an economic category. Change of ownership is an essential condition for the formation of the market. Ownership in transition economies.
курсовая работа [37,9 K], добавлен 27.09.2010Studying the appearance of neologisms during the Renaissance, semantic features of neologisms in modern English, the types of neologisms, their division by their structure. Analysis sociolinguistic aspects of mathematical education based on neologisms.
дипломная работа [60,2 K], добавлен 18.03.2012The history and reasons for the formation of american english, its status as the multinational language. Its grammatical and lexical-semantic features. Differences in American and English options in the grammar parts of speech, pronunciation and spelling.
курсовая работа [34,8 K], добавлен 08.03.2015Different approaches to meaning, functional approach. Types of meaning, grammatical meaning. Semantic structure of polysemantic word. Types of semantic components. Approaches to the study of polysemy. The development of new meanings of polysemantic word.
курсовая работа [145,2 K], добавлен 06.03.2012The Concept of Polarity of Meaning. Textual Presentation of Antonyms in Modern English. Synonym in English language. Changeability and substitution of meanings. Synonymy and collocative meaning. Interchangeable character of words and their synonymy.
курсовая работа [59,5 K], добавлен 08.12.2013The nature of onomastic component phraseological unit and its role in motivating idiomatic meaning; semantic status of proper names, the ratio of national and international groups in the body phraseology. Phraseological units with onomastic component.
курсовая работа [16,5 K], добавлен 08.12.2015The meaning of ambiguity - lexical, structural, semantic ambiguity. Re-evaluation of verb. Aspect meaning. Meaning of category of voice. Polysemy, ambiguity, synonymy often helps achieve a communicational goal. The most controversial category – mood.
реферат [33,2 K], добавлен 06.02.2010Concept as the basic term of the cognitive linguistics. The notion of theatre. Theatre as it is viewed by W.S.Maugham. Theatre as people for W.S.Maugham’s. The place of tropes in W.S.Maugham’s presentation of the theatre concept.
курсовая работа [33,4 K], добавлен 23.04.2011Definition and general characteristics of the word-group. Study of classification and semantic properties of the data units of speech. Characteristics of motivated and unmotivated word-groups; as well as the characteristics of idiomatic phrases.
реферат [49,3 K], добавлен 30.11.2015Kinds of synonyms and their specific features. Distributional features of the English synonyms. Changeability and substitution of meanings. Semantic and functional relationship in synonyms. Interchangeable character of words and their synonymy.
дипломная работа [64,3 K], добавлен 10.07.2009