Future hotel and restaurant business specialists’ professional image development through reading English professional texts
Teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic university and communicative nature. Professionals who acquire skills in reading and translating foreign documents, manuals and websites. Knowledge is necessary for ethical and creative self-determination.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 28.08.2023 |
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Future hotel and restaurant business specialists' professional image development through reading English professional texts
Yakovlieva Maryna Leonidivna -
PhD in Pedagogy,
Associate Professor, Head of the Chair of Ukrainian and Foreign Philology Odesa National University of Technology
Shepel Maryna Yevhenivna - PhD in Pedagogy,
Senior Lecturer, Chair of Ukrainian and Foreign Philology Odesa National University of Technology
Kozhevnikova Viktoriia Olehivna -
PhD in Technology
Associate Professor, Chair of Hotel and Restaurant Business Odesa National University of Technology
Tretiak Viktoriia Valeriivna -
Senior Lecturer,
Chair of Ukrainian and Foreign Philology Odesa National University of Technology
Future hotel and restaurant business specialists' professional image development through reading English professional texts
The problem statement. Nowadays one of the main requirements for modern specialists' vocatinal training is knowing a foreign language as a means of communication. Teaching a foreign language at a non-linguistic university is communicatively and professionally oriented. Growing business and cultural ties with foreign countries require modern professionals who obtain the skills to read and translate foreign documents, instructions, and websites. Thus, student must acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for ethical and creative self-determination in the social and professional fields. Another important issue is future specialists' professional image development while studying at university. In our opinion, in today's conditions it is important to develop future service professionals' image who will work in the field of hotel and restaurant business.
The general training courses play an important role in future hotel and restautant specialist' image development. The course "The Foreign Language of Professional Communications" belongs to the general training courses. The learning outcomes of the course include: free communication orally and in writing in Ukrainian and English when discussing professional issues, research and innovation in the field of hotel and restaurant business; to communicate clearly and unambiguously one's own knowledge, conclusions and arguments to specialists and non-specialists, in particular to students [9]. As we can see, the communicative competence are communication skills formed on the basis of speech knowledge and skills, as well as socio-cultural and sociolinguistic knowledge, abilities.
In the context of forming the required level of communicative competence, all the types of speech activity are necessary for effective mastering the art of communication, further education and personal development. We consider reading as one of the important elements of speech activity. It is a system-forming basis for the information and academic skills development, and in turn affects the future specialists' image. In this regard, working with professional English texts are of great importance. teaching language linguistic
Analysis of researches and publications. Both Ukrainian and foreign scientists dedicated their studies to the foreign language reading skills formation and development, as well as working with foreign texts: R. Bezliudnyi, I. Shpak, T. Kravchyna, M. Bohachyk, A. Morentsova, S. Dyshleva, Ya. Khyzhun, T. Yeremenko, O. Trubitsyna O. Luk'ianchenko, A. Yumrukuz, M.J.B. Baron, N. Hizriani, P. Strevens, W. Grabe,
F. Stoller. The following scientists devoted their works to image in gereral and professional image in particular: N. Barna, S. Conway, L. Dobelli,
L. Danylchuk, O. Gaivoronskaya, J. Hickey,
I. Kolosovska, S. Kolosok, Yu. Padafet,
O. Kapustyuk, I. Krynicky, O. Myttseva,
G. Popova, L. Serheieva,
Insufficient level of problem development of professional texts influence on the future specialists' image development in general, and the hotel and restaurant business specialists' image development in particular has caused the choice of the article topic.
The aim of the article is to highlight the influence of the English professional texts on the future hotel and restaurant specialists' professional image development.
The main part. In the framework of our research it is necessary to consider the concepts of "image", "professional image".
In reference literature the concept of "image" is considered as the impression that a person, an organization, a product, etc. gives to the public [17].
As it is known the term "image" was not used in domestic professional language practice until 1992. It led to its simplified perception and uncertainty of the scientific apparatus. The concept of "image" is a holistic, well-defined, stable and renewed in the mass and / or individual consciousness of the particular object image, which is created with the purpose to transform it into society [4, p. 7]
N. Barna highlights that the word "image" does not have the same meaning as the word "appearance". It is regarded as the expressive, impressive side of the appearance [1, p. 16]. On the one hand image includes not only natural personality's traits, but also it is pecially designed, created, and formed, but on the other hand image is largely determined by a person's objective characteristics, i.e. the person's image is determined by its psychological type and compliance with the time and society demands. Both approaches are certainly correct [1, p. 17].
According to social expectations professional image is a multifaceted and interdisciplinary concept, the essence of which synthesizes the social image of the characteristics for a certain socio-professional group. At the same time it is a holistic, dynamic, and integrative, conditioned way for the person's professional activity. Thus, "An Individuals' Mission" positive "I-Concept" is focused on the "I-Desired, Ideal" that contributes to a modern specialist's continuous professional and personal self-development and selfimprovement. The professional image purpose is to achieve the prototype subject of professional and personal goals in relation to ensuring coordination of participants' actions, mental states in the work process [6, p.196].
Thus, image refers not only to the specialists' appearance, but also to their psychological characteristics and professional competence.
We believe that working with foreign language texts of professional orientation plays an important role in shaping the future hotel and restaurant business specialists' professional image.
Reading is a receptive type of speech activity that includes the technique of reading and understanding what is read. The psychophysiological basis of reading is the operation of visual perception of the printed text and understanding the information encoded in it. Comprehension is achieved through formulated psychophysiological mechanisms of reading, which include operations of visual perception of printed or handwritten text, recognition and correlation of graphic signs with the standards stored in memory, finding guidelines for text comprehension, appropriate speed of perception and decoding perception. Thus, reading as a receptive speech process requires active mental activity from students in order to obtain the necessary information from the text [5, p. 205].
We support A. Morentsova's position, who notes that reading contributes to the literate language formation, makes the language lexically complete and correct. Reading sociocultural texts has a positive effect on improving knowledge of the language, increasing motivation to learn it, leads to a better understanding of what is read, expands awareness of the culture of the studied language, and therefore contributes to the formation of students' sociocultural competence [7, p. 606].
M. J.B. Baron states that in order to prepare the students to read, it is essential to overcome comprehension difficulties and prepare them to be autonomous in the future. The reading process includes a variety of strategies, skills and types of texts that make the reading task multifaceted and a combination of mental processes, knowledge, and abilities [11, p. 141].
N. Hizriani emphasises the following principles of reading comprehension skills development. According to the first principle, it is very important for teachers to know their students' profile, in terms of their cultural background, age, and level of competency in L2/FL reading because the differences among learners can affect learning processes and teaching procedures. According to the second principle, lecturers should determine clear objectives of reading classroom. The third principle states that, the lecturers and students should recognize their roles in the classroom [16].
H. Haerazi, Z. Prayati and R. M. Vikasari consider that using contextual teaching and learning (CTL) is able to improve students' reading comprehension and motivation. This approach has five teaching phases: modeling, questioning and inquiry, learning community and constructivism, authentic assessment, and reflection [15].
In foreign methodology, W. Grabe and F. Stoller distinguish the following purposes for reading: reading to search for simple information, reading to skim quickly, learning reading to learn from texts, reading to integrate information, reading to critique texts and reading to write and reading for general comprehension [14, p. 6].
As we can see, foreign language texts and methods of working with them play an important role in the methodology of reading skills development and improvement.
Reading texts perform a number of educational functions that contribute to the successful mastery of the language. There are four main functions of an English professionally oriented text [5] that are reflected in the table 1.
Table 1 - Functions of an English Professionally Oriented Text
Function |
Description |
Enrichment and expansion of knowledge, mainly lexical |
Students get the task to find certain words or phrases and determine their meaning in the process; to find and write words or structures on some specific basis; to name the words |
that were used in a particular situation, etc.. |
Training |
Mastering lexical and grammatical material, on the one hand, and on the other - providing practice in reading and using certain language material in answering the teacher's questions, in the process of free translation of content or in translation close |
to the text. |
Oral speech development based on the read text |
Retelling a text in one's own words, individual episodes dramatization, inventing a continuation of the text plot or other beginning, conversation on individual issues |
that are revealed in the text, etc. |
The semantic perception development of a text, i.e. its understanding |
checking the comprehension of particular episodes and the whole text, finding various semantic and formal elements that facilitate the process of comprehension, performing exercises that help to overcome difficulties that arise in understanding the text |
M. Bogachyk states that the following criteria should be taken into account when choosing a text for reading skills development: compliance with the students' cognitive interests, psycho- physiological, age and individual characteristics, educational orientation, ideological and aesthetic value, volume, structure, type, nature, scientificity, relevance of the text content by genres in accordance with the programme requirements, thematic affinity of the presented material with the students' life experience, normative language material, correspondence to the level of language proficiency, the possibility of using the text for other types of speech activity development (writing, speaking) [3].
In the methodology of teaching a foreign language there are several levels of understanding the foreign texts: 1. the level of fragmentary understanding (understanding the individual sentences content at the level of individual paragraphs); 2. the level of general understanding
(full deep understanding of the content read); 3. the level of full (detailed) understanding (own critical assessment and understanding of the emotional colour of the content read); 4. the level of critical understanding (analysis and generalization of ideological and thematic content and its connection with the general direction of the work) [8, p. 52].
Choosing authentic materials acquires special significance in the foreign language training of the future hotel and restaurant business specialists.
I. Shpak notes that using authentic materials, in particular authentic texts, is a bulwark of creativity and motivation in conducting classes at the levels from Intermediate. However, at lower levels it is much less popular. This is due to fear, both on the part of the students and lecturers. The students are afraid of not understanding most of the information, and the lecturers are afraid that the students will not understand it, and as a result, the professor does not use authentic materials to satisfy both parts of the educational process [10, p. 422].
Using authentic materials has its advantages and disadvantages [12], [13] which we have shown in the table 2.
Table 2 - The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Authentic Materials
Advantages |
Disadvantages |
- Authentic materials have a positive effect on a student's motivation to learn - Students can get a sense of satisfaction while working with authentic materials; -Authentic materials provide students with information about what is happening in the world, and therefore have a certain internal educational value; - Authentic materials can be found easily and quickly; - Using authentic materials leads to a more creative approach to learning etc. |
- Authentic materials can be too culturally biased. They can be overly difficult to perceive and understand outside the language community. - The vocabulary may not be relevant to the urgent needs of students. - Special training is required, which can take a long time. - The material can quickly become obsolete, etc. |
Professional texts translation acquires a separate consideration. Thus, R. Bezlyudny states that preparation for reading and translation is carried out in the process of working out operations that fall into two groups of receptive language skills. The first group of skills provides the perception and transcoding of information at the language level. The second group of skills is related to obtaining factual information and understanding it [2].
Modern methodology of teaching a foreign language does not accept using translation while learning a foreign language. But, in our opinion, when teaching a foreign language for professional purposes, the texts translation that contain professional terms plays not the least role.
Our own experience of teaching at high school let us to elaborate our own strategy of the students' working with professionally oriented texts. At our practical classes we tell the students that we can't develop only one aspect of the language, i.e. reading comprehension, listening comprehension, writing and speaking. They are all developed in a complex, but one aspect prevails. From our viewpoint reading comprehension development helps to enlarge the students' vocabulary, teaches to listen to their partners, to search the necessary information.
We believe that pre-text, text, and post-text exercises are used to help the students work with the professionally oriented texts. In the methodology of teaching foreign languages they are known as: pre-reading, while-reading and postreading activities.
In the process of pre-reading activities implementation, we set the students different tasks to gradually acquaint them with the specifics of reading professional literature, professional blogs and websites. They will be able to apply these skills in their future professional activity: the ability to highlight the main idea; to choose the necessary details; briefly convey the content of what has been read in their native language, summarize what has been read; quickly review the text and choose the basic facts, find answers to questions; to read the diagram or depict what has been read schematically or in the form of a picture; to find the necessary link.
In order to develop skills for further independent work with professional literature, we offer our students: to identify unknown words by association, by context, by word-forming elements, by internationalisms; to use dictionaries and reference books
Before working with a professionally oriented text, we explain the students the reason for reading. We familiarize them with the text and we set a global task for the reading text. Also, if necessary, we divide the text into parts, and as required, we explain possible lexical and grammatical difficulties and we ask leading questions.
In the process of while-reading activities we use authentic texts, specialist bloggers' posts, texts from the websites of world-famous hotels and restaurants.
During the while-reading activities we use: skimming (reading with full comprehension of the text) and scanning (reading to find the necessary information or information of interest). During skimming the students try to fully and accurately understand the information in the text and critically comprehend it. In the process of scanning, the text is quickly reviewed in order to find the necessary information.
When choosing the texts, we pay special attention to the texts dedicated to the hotel and restaurant specialists' professional image (professional competence, soft skills, appearance.)
Post-reading exercises play an important role for understanding the content of the text and for communication skills development (reading, speaking, listening, writing), which have an impact on the future in hotel and restaurant business specialists' image development.
Post-reading exercises are used to test comprehension of the whole text read or its separate sections. In the process of while-reading activities, the students are given the task to read the text and briefly convey its content; divide the text into logical parts and name them; write questions to the text and ask them in a logical sequence to classmates; make a plan of what they read and after having read the text correct the plan; state the content of the text according to the plan; prepare a presentation based on what they have read. Also, after having worked with the site of the restaurant or hotel, applicants develop their own concept of the restaurant / hotel, paying special attention to the image of the location in general and the location manager in particular.
The COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia Federation's military aggression against Ukraine has drastically changed the scope of education. Online and distance learning have become in priority. Online and distance platforms propose a great variety of opportunities for professors and students to work with educational materials. At Odesa National University of Technology the distance learning platform is used. The lecturers and students are connected to their own courses. Each course is separated into topic-blocks according to the syllabus and lecturers place materials into the topics. The students do their tasks and send the lecturer for checking. This platform permits to place material in many types of format: word, pdf, websites link etc. Module tests can also be created with the help of this platform.
According to academic freedom the lecturers can use additional learning platforms and different tools. In order to develop reading skills we use such platforms as Vseosvita, Quizlet, Google docs, Google presentations and Canva. Let's have a look at each platform.
Vseosvita is a national educational platform for teachers and students, but it can be used by university professors. It has a variety of tabs. We use "Tests" in the tab "Tools for a teacher". When we create a test for reading comprehension we can use different types of a text understanding: multiple-choice, filling-in the gaps, tapping the correct answer, order the parts of the text, matching.
Quizlet is used in checking the students' vocabulary understanding. The students either translate the words from Ukrainian into English and vice versa or name the word according to its definition. The students can word with the vocabulary via flashcards, learning by heart, writing, spelling, test, matching and gravitation.
We apply Google docs for the students' individual, pair and group work with the texts. For the students' individual work we make a copy for each student. In pair and group work the students can work in the same documents.
In order to develop the students' creativity as the part of their professional image we use such presentation tools as Google presentations and Canva. These tools allow the students to create different presentations online. First, we give the students a professional text and then they are given the task to create the presentation on the topic of the text or similar topic. The student read the texts on the following topics: "The Peculiarities of English for Specific Purposes", "Professional Competences and Professional Ethics", "A Leader Competences", "Applying for Job", "Job Interview", "The Importance of the Dress Code", "Customer Service", "Business Trips", "The Means of Communication" We also allow the students to choose an aspect or a problem from the text and find solutions for it. The students not only create the presentations, they also defend them, i.e. we have the group discussion after each presentation.
We consider that proper working with documents can be a part of the specialists' image, as it refers to professional competence. The students are given the texts and templates on writing the Job Application, CV, Cover Letter, Job Interview Tips. Students also read the texts about different types of letters (Letter Requesting Information, Letter Sending Information, Change of Information Letter, Letter of Reference, Letter of Resignation, Lay-off Letter, Letter of Invitation, Request for Payment Letter, Internal Memo) and emails (Welcome Email for New Staff, Email to a New Contact, Email to a Group, Follow-Up Email). After having read the text, the students practice in filling in the documents, writing business letters and emails. Special attention is paid to the proper business letters and emails etiquette, i.e. the students are given texts or presentations with business letters and emails etiquette rules.
Thus, we can say that working with English professionally oriented texts gives a big opportunity for the students' professional competence development as a part of their professional image.
Conclusions and prospects for further research
We can see that working with the English professionally oriented texts plays an important role in the future hotel and restaurant business specialists' professional image development. The students learn about the aspects of the specialists' professional image (appearance, professional competence, soft skills) with the help of the texts. Another positive aspect of professionally oriented texts reading skills development is that the students enlarge their professional vocabulary with new words, word combinations and constructions. The students develop not only their reading skills but also listening, writing and speaking skills. As the future hotel and restaurant business specialists have to work with a great amount of information working with the professional texts develop their ability to work independently.
Due to the recent events in the world and in our country we have shifted to online and distant learning. Different online platforms (Moodle, Vseosvita, Quizlet, Google docs, Google presentations and Canva) can be used for professionally-oriented texts reading skills development.
Working with the professional texts teach the students to work with different types of documents: Job Application, CV, Cover Letter, and other types of business letters and emails. The students not only read the document but they also learn business letters and emails etiquette rules.
Taking into account the abovementioned we can say that working with English professionally oriented texts influences the students' professional competence development as a part of their professional image.
Further research becomes the problem of studying the future hotel and restaurant business specialists' business writing etiquette development.
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