Development of the speech environment in younger schoolchildren through the introduction of innovative technologies in modern schools

Analysis of the formation of the abilities and skills of coherent speech as one of the main problems of modern language teaching methods. Innovations that affect the effectiveness of pedagogical influence and the formation of a linguistic personality.

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Дата добавления 10.09.2023
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Development of the speech environment in younger schoolchildren through the introduction of innovative technologies in modern schools

Ostrovska M.


Speech is an important means of communication, exchange of thoughts and feelings between people, transmission and assimilation of information. From the first days of school life, a child has a need for communication - the ability to speak correctly, beautifully, consistently. Coherent speech is monologic speech. That is, a consistent oral or written presentation of thoughts and knowledge. The result of such activity is a text - a set of interrelated independent sentences united by a common theme with the help of language (lexical, grammatical, intonation) means. Therefore, the concepts of "coherent speech" and "text" stand side by side. The term "coherent speech" is also called a branch of methodical science, the task of which is to teach children to understand, to build expressions in compliance with the norms of the literary language. Formation of the skills and abilities of coherent speech is one of the main problems of modern language teaching methods. As stated in the State Standard of Primary Education, "the purpose and task of the Ukrainian language subject in primary school consists not only in mastering literacy (primary reading and writing skills), but also in the speech development of younger schoolchildren - the ability to express themselves in all forms available to them, types and styles of speech. The development of speech should acquire the status of the leading principle of teaching the mother tongue in the general education school, in particular in its elementary level." As you can see, during the four years of primary school education, younger students should master oral and written communication at such a level that would allow them to communicate freely and easily with their peers and with elders on any topic available to their age and understanding. In the field of language and speech education, there are certain innovations that directly or indirectly affect the effectiveness ofpedagogical influence and the formation of linguistic personality. One of the most important tasks of a teacher is to make the process offorming a linguistic personality interesting, full of a large number of creative searches, while using innovative technologies.

Key words: development of coherent speech, younger schoolchildren, innovative technologies, primary education.


Островська М. Я. Розвиток мовленнєвого середовища у молодших школярів шляхом впровадження інноваційних технологій у сучасних школах

Мовлення - важливий засіб спілкування, обміну думками і почуттями між людьми, передачі і засвоєння інформації. З перших днів шкільного життя у дитини виникає потреба у спілкуванні - вміння говорити правильно, красиво, послідовно. Зв'язне мовлення - це монологічне мовлення. Тобто послідовний усний чи письмовий виклад думок, знань. Результатом такої діяльності є текст - сукупність взаємопов'язаних самостійних речень, об'єднаних спільною темою за допомогою мовних (лексичних, граматичних, інтонаційних) засобів. Тому, поняття «зв'язне мовлення» і «текст» стоять поряд. Терміном «зв'язне мовлення» також називають розділ методичної науки, завдання якого навчати дітей розуміти, будувати висловлювання з дотриманням норм літературної мови. Формування умінь і навичок зв'язного мовлення - одна з основних проблем сучасної методики навчання мови. Як зазначено у Державному стандарті початкової освіти, «мета і завдання навчального предмета українська мова у початковій школі полягає не лише в опануванні грамоти (початкових умінь читати і писати), а й у мовленнєвому розвитку молодших школярів - умінь висловлюватися в усіх доступних для них формах, типах і стилях мовлення. Розвиток мовлення має набути статусу провідного принципу навчання рідної мови в загальноосвітній школі, зокрема в її початковій ланці». Як бачимо, молодші школярі за чотири роки навчання у початковій школі повинні оволодіти усним і писемним мовленням на такому рівні, який дозволяв би їм вільно і легко спілкуватися з однолітками та зі старшими на будь-яку тему, доступну для їхнього віку і розуміння. У сфері навчання мови і мовлення існують певні інновації, які прямо чи опосередковано впливають на ефективність педагогічного впливу та становлення мовної особистості.

Одне з найголовніших завдань учителя - зробити процес формування мовної особистості цікавим, сповненим великої кількості творчих пошуків при цьому використовувати інноваційні технології.

Ключові слова: розвиток зв'язного мовлення, молодші школярі, інноваційні технології, початкова освіта.

A generally recognized innovation in the field of speech development of a child is the methodology, methods and methods of teaching. This technique incorporates and takes into account all the latest approaches and technologies offered on the "pedagogical market"[3]. Recently, communicative education of schoolchildren has been given special importance, because success in speech development also determines the effectiveness of mastering other school disciplines, creates prerequisites for active and meaningful participation in social life, provides children with language skills necessary in their personal life, language development culture. The communicative-cognitive orientation of education is the basis of new programs, that is, language learning as a means of communication, learning language activity is put in the first place. Communicative orientation gives a practical idea of language as the most important means of learning, teaches to listen carefully, adequately perceive language, correct one's expression taking into account the situation and goals of communication. A language lesson is primarily a lesson in the development of students' speech and thinking [4]. Such speech is called coherent, which is aimed at satisfying the need for expression, conveys the topic (that is, represents a single whole), is organized according to the laws of logic and grammar, has independence, completeness, and is divided into interconnected parts. Units of coherent speech can be considered a short story, an article, a novel, a report, a report, etc., and in school conditions - a detailed oral response of a student to a question posed by a teacher, a written essay or presentation, etc. [5].

The goal of speech development lessons is the formation of the ability to retell the text in oral and written forms, the formation of the ability to compose the text based on what is seen and heard, and the use of innovative technologies only contributes to the better achievement of the goal. They can include enrichment, activation of the dictionary; work on word combinations, sentence construction [4].

A distinctive feature of the speech development lesson is purposeful work on the main types of language activities - writing, speaking, reading and listening. Speech is the basis of any oral activity, a means of communication. The written form of monologue speech is the most difficult. It is comprehensive and normative [kalachnik]. The main task of the teacher is to develop receptivity in the child as a basic personal quality, to instill the ability to "receive", "transmit", "transform", that is, to be a consumer and creator of culture.

At one time, K. Ushinskyi paid great attention to the problem of developing coherent speech, who rightly claimed that ".. .the poverty of a schoolboy's vocabulary creates monotony of speech and makes it incomprehensible to listeners...". This topic could not remain unnoticed by psychologists. Thanks to the works of psychologists: P Bogon- skyi, D. Elkonin, L. Vygotskyi, L. Voytko, O. Luria, S. Rubinshtein, the psychological basis for the education of younger schoolchildren was formed clear speech [8, p. 26].

The purpose of the article is to investigate the methods and techniques used in Ukrainian language lessons for the development of coherent speech of younger schoolchildren, to investigate the level of development of coherent speech of younger schoolchildren, the formation of skills and abilities of coherent speech - one of the main problems of modern language teaching methods. As stated in the State Standard of Primary Education, "the purpose and task of the Ukrainian language subject in primary school consists not only in mastering literacy (primary reading and writing skills), but also in the speech development of younger schoolchildren - the ability to express themselves in all forms available to them, types and styles of speech. The development of speech should acquire the status of the leading principle of teaching the mother tongue in the general education school, in particular in its elementary level" in combination with innovative technologies.

The problem of developing coherent speech in younger schoolchildren is relevant at any time, because speech is an important means of communication, exchange of thoughts and feelings between people, transmission and assimilation of certain information, etc. The most intensive period of mastering the native language, the word - two or three preschool and two or three first years of schooling. At this time, it is as if a window to the surrounding world opens in front of the child, he sees hundreds of things, objects, phenomena for the first time. In addition, on how strongly what she sees is connected with language, how subtle and multidimensional this connection is, her further language development, academic success, and her spiritual life depend largely. The development of a child's mental abilities depends primarily on how correct, internally rich, emotionally saturated his speech is. The word must enter the child's soul; become his property [7]. When a child enters school, he has practically mastered his native language. At the same time, enormous transformations occur in the child's speech under the influence of learning. These transformations are caused mainly by the fact that when a child comes to school, the native language becomes an educational subject for him for the first time, which means that the child enters into a completely new relationship with the language.

When a child enters school, he has practically mastered his native language. At the same time, enormous transformations occur in the child's speech under the influence of learning. These transformations are caused mainly by the fact that when a child comes to school, the native language becomes an educational subject for him for the first time, which means that the child enters into a completely new relationship with the language. coherent speech language

School works are a bright burst of spiritual insight of an individual [7]. One of the reasons for the weak spiritual development of individual students is unsatisfactory work on the development of oral and written speech. Therefore, the development of speech requires constant pedagogical guidance. And one of the primary tasks of a modern school is the formation of students' abilities and skills of fluency in the language, the development of their own vision of the world, thinking. It is necessary for children to learn to think, to understand what they are talking about, then their answers will not be dry, forced.

The development of a child's oral speech depends on a number of conditions. In order for a child's oral speech to develop, it is necessary for him to practice as much as possible in this regard, so that his language practice is active. For this, it is necessary that the child speak in lessons, at meetings, in groups not only at the request of the teacher, but that he feels the need, the need for language communication. In order for a person to want to talk about something, to share his thoughts, he must have certain information at his disposal, possess certain ideas, knowledge and feel interest in this knowledge. Thus, the development of a child's speech should begin with work on expanding the circle of his ideas, concepts, with work on the education of his cognitive interests. The process of accumulating these ideas and concepts (if it is properly organized) is accompanied by the fact that the child begins to feel the need for words that can be used to mark (name) the objects and phenomena observed by him, the need for language tools that can most adequately describe these phenomena and impressions, understand for yourself and tell others about them [7].

First of all, you should try to make the lessons interesting, using a variety of teaching methods and techniques aimed at the development of coherent speech:

work with deformed text;

composing works according to the given beginning, middle and end;

for questions,

according to supporting words;

according to a drawing, a series of drawings;

according to the submitted plan;

Children write stories, works, works - miniatures, compose fairy tales, songs, etc. It is very important that children aged 6-10 get to know the world in all its diversity, feel the direct and figurative meaning of words, their subtlest shades. Because it is precisely when a child understands and feels the beauty of his native word that he falls in love with the language. And all children are capable of understanding, feeling and loving their native language. That is why, from the first days of a child's studies at school, it is necessary to work on the development of his active vocabulary, which will be very useful in the following years, will help him express his thoughts correctly and confidently, communicate freely with adults and peers [7]. When a child is not looking for words to express his opinion, he is free of many complexes, always active in conversation, using the right words and expressions. And such a result is achieved when the child not only hears and sees the word while studying it, but also feels, understands its meaning, knows when and how this word should be used [7].

In the process of communication and training, I pay considerable attention to the development of speech culture skills: do not interfere in the conversation of adults, do not interrupt a friend, do not lower your head when talking, look into the eyes of the interlocutor, listen calmly to the narrator, do not allow a rude tone, do not gesture with your hands [7].

There are a number of innovative approaches, methods, technologies that to one degree or another relate to the child's speech development (primarily Ukrainian):

socio-gaming approach of Ye. Shuleshka;

teaching literacy according to the technologies of E. Shuleshka and M. Zaitsev;

creative development according to the methods of L. Fesyukova;

communicative development according to the technology of T. Pirozhenko, etc. [3].

A useful technology that contains the methods and techniques necessary for the formation of a child's socially competent behavior is "Socio-game pedagogy, which is presented in the works of modern scientists and teachers E. Shuleshka, O. Yershova and V. Bukatov. Its essence lies in the teacher's refusal to directly control children's activities with the help of specific instructions and giving children more opportunities to freely search for solutions to problems in one or another game situation in interaction with peers, communicating in a microgroup [9].

Educational technologies for teaching literacy according to the technologies of E. Shuleshka and M. Zaitsev of early learning were created by pedagogues-philologists. They are based on fundamentally new approaches to teaching literacy and mathematics and ensure its high effectiveness. The features that led to the popularity and widespread use of these technologies are the accessibility and maximum visibility of the materials [10].

The creative development method itself according to the methods of LB Fesyukova is unique, but it is designed for older preschool age. Therefore, it is advisable to adapt it for use in working with children of primary school age. Thus, in "speech training" it is not always possible to choose a proverb that is understandable in terms of content to children, so you can offer them sound imitations, pure words, jokes, and toys. In the sections "Fairy tale and mathematics", "Fairy tale and ecology" students' first life experience should be activated, lead to new small discoveries. In order to bring children to creative work with a fairy tale (changing one fairy-tale hero for another, inventing another ending or version of a fairy tale), such a method as acting out a fairy tale with the help of substitutes is appropriate [2].

Methodology of communicative development according to the technology of T Pirozhenko.

The essence of technology. The proposed parameters of the schoolchild's speech formation are presented from the standpoint of a communicative approach to the development of means of speech. The principle position of this approach is the statement that interpersonal interaction is the basis of mutual understanding. It is impossible to understand another person outside of personal contact with him. The goal and result of language interaction - understanding - occurs only under the condition that interpersonal relations between people are realized. The communicative approach to the diagnosis of speech development considers the child as an active and proactive participant in social interaction, in which the student must not only learn social experience (language), but also independently apply what he has learned each time, make his own choice of means of communication adequate to the situation, and finally, create his own own means to realize the goal of interaction. That is why, in a comprehensive approach, it is the diagnosis (and timely formation!) of needs, communication motives, interests, desires, value orientations related to a person that is so important. The coordinates "person" and "her attitude towards others" are the most important for the speech development of a preschooler. The material obtained during the diagnosis makes it possible to characterize the forms of relationships between a child and an adult, helps to determine the communicative orientation and readiness of the child for communication [6, p. 95].

In the lessons, you can use innovative learning technologies:

Morning meetings,

Author's chair,


Work in pairs,

"Two - four - all together",

work on a chosen topic (Space. Animals. Birds. etc.),

I use the use of unfinished sentences (I love..., I want..., I wish...),

"Mini openwork saw",


the game "Yes - no" and others [1, p. 36].

The use of these technologies in language development lessons enables students to:

thoroughly analyze educational information, creatively approach the assimilation of educational material;

learn to listen to another person, respect his opinion;

to model and solve cognitive, life and social situations, thus enriching one's own cognitive experience;

learn to build constructive relationships in the group, determine one's place in it, avoid conflicts, resolve them, seek compromises, strive for dialogue, find a joint solution to the problem;

to develop the skills of project activity, independent work, performing creative works [1, p. 22].

This makes lessons interesting, brings children together, gives every child the opportunity to show their abilities, freely express their opinion, logically build reasoning, defend their point of view, and justify their choice.


Therefore, in the lessons, children should be taught to see and feel the beauty of their native language, to be fluent in the Ukrainian language, to develop oral and written communication, to teach them to correctly express their thoughts, feelings, and their attitude to this or that event or phenomenon. To help every child to discover his "I", to believe in his own strength and capabilities. Try to make learning interesting, raise children to be active, self-confident interlocutors. Using the innovative technologies we are familiar with is not opposed to what we have done before. The elements of these experiences should supplement and improve the process of children's learning and contribute to increasing the effectiveness of schoolchildren's learning. We must remember that best practice is not a dogma, but only a hint in which direction we can move in improving the educational process. And it's normal when one teacher is better at using one experience, and another - another experience. And the third teacher - experienced and creative - only gets an impetus to his own creativity and creation of his own experience or technology.

Every child is a potential. It is an important task of a teacher to use her capabilities, to open up her own vital forces, to fill her with a sense of her own potential [3].

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    контрольная работа [24,3 K], добавлен 30.12.2011

  • The existent problems in teaching reading comprehension and finding the ways out of this problem by suggesting the exercises that can be useful in classroom activities. The reading skills and teaching technics, new technologies in teaching reading.

    курсовая работа [23,9 K], добавлен 17.04.2011

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