Sports discourse of modern linguistic culture
Linguistic analysis of sports discourse as the language of sports subjects who, depending on the role reality, verbalize their communicative intentions in different ways. The place of sports in social life, in the communicative and informational space.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 24.09.2023 |
Размер файла | 18,6 K |
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Sports discourse of modern linguistic culture
Iryna Soina,
Candidate of Philological Science, Associate Professor at the Department of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages
Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
A linguistic analysis of sports discourse is presented as the speech of sports subjects, which, depending on the role of reality, verbalize their communicative intentions in different ways. Athletes and their immediate environment: coaches, judges, administrators structure their speech in order to achieve a sports result; fans and spectators emotionally evaluate the actions and results ofpreparedness of the direct participants of the sporting event; sports commentators and sports journalists record and describe the course of the event for virtual fans in the media space. It was revealed that the linguistic culture of a sports commentator as a subject of sports and his communicative behaviour is manifested in such parameters of speech influence as control of semantic redundancy and sufficiency, cognitive accessibility and volume of transmitted information, access to the linguistic and lingua cultural code of reality, localization of the current moment of the event. It is substantiated that sport in social life is multifunctional, characterized by semiotic saturation and is a sign system that codes experience and conveys its meaning to different levels of perception and understanding. Signs in sports have feedback, focusing on a particular type of behaviour and attitude. The same sign in sports can be interpreted in different ways, which is explained by the inconsistency of the very phenomenon of sports. Sport in the communicative and informational space, in which a person is involved as a biosocial being, realizes his needs for physical perfection in it. It is shown that the realization of these basic needs directly depends on the language and speech explications of the needs themselves. Human activity in the socio-cultural reality, aimed at physical self-improvement, is a competitive activity of the individual in the field of sports. It is noted that the genre diversity of sports discourse is possible due to its focus on the implementation of vital human needs in society.
Key words: sports discourse, language and speech explications, signs in sports, genre diversity, linguistic and cultural concepts, communicative and informational space, axiological linguistics.
Ірина СОЇНА,
кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри української та іноземних мов Харківської державної академії фізичної культури (Харків, Україна)
Наведено лінгвістичний аналіз спортивного дискурсу як мови суб'єктів спорту, які залежно від рольової реальності по-різному вербалізують свої комунікативні наміри. Спортсмени та їх безпосереднє оточення: тренери, судді, адміністратори структурують своє мовлення з метою досягнення спортивного результату; вболівальники та глядачі емоційно оцінюють дії та результати підготовленості безпосередніх учасників спортивної події; спортивні коментатори та спортивні журналісти фіксують та описують хід події для віртуальних уболівальників у медійному просторі. Виявлено, що лінгвістична культура спортивного коментатора як суб'єкта спорту та його комунікативна поведінка проявляється у таких параметрах мовного впливу, як контроль смислової надмірності та достатності, когнітивної доступності та обсягу інформації, що передається, забезпечення доступу до мовного та лінгвокультурного коду реальності, локалізації поточного моменту. Обгрунтовано, що спорт у соціальному бутті поліфункціональний, характеризується семіотичною насиченістю і є знаковою системою, що кодує досвід і передає його значення на різні рівні сприйняття та розуміння. Знаки у спорті мають зворотний зв'язок, який орієнтується на той чи інший тип поведінки та стосунків. Один і той самий знак у спорті може бути витлумачений по-різному, що пояснюється суперечливістю феномена спорту. Спорт у комунікативно-інформаційному просторі, у якому залучена людина як біосоціальна істота, реалізує в ньому свої потреби до фізичної досконалості. Показано, що реалізація цих базових потреб безпосередньо залежить від мовних та мовленнєвих експлікацій самих потреб. Діяльність людини в соціокультурній реальності, яка спрямована на фізичне самовдосконалення, є змагальною активністю особистості у сфері спорту. Зазначається, що жанрове різноманіття спортивного дискурсу можливе завдяки його орієнтованості на реалізацію життєво важливих потреб людини у соціумі.
Ключові слова: спортивний дискурс, мовні та мовленнєві експлікації, знаки у спорті, жанрове різноманіття, лінгвокультурні концепти, комунікативно-інформаційний простір, аксіологічна лінгвістика.
Problem statement
sports discourse linguistic
The phenomenon of sport is a complex anthroposociocultural phenomenon that affects various manifestations of social life and is influenced by economics, politics, art, education, and healthcare. The connection between sport, humanity and society is a “deep area of collective sensitivity” (P. Trifonas, 2001: 22), which is the starting point in the process of identifying the typological and profile features of a specialized sports discourse, historical paradigms of its existence, clarifying the structural and functional specifics, forms and methods activities in different socio-political and economic conditions of the social space in the study of linguistic culture.
Research analysis. The works of many philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, historians and linguists are devoted to the study of sports (I. Huizinga, U. Eco, A. Beard, M. Ibragimova, L. Gaznyuk, E. Zavalnyuk, L. Karpets, V. Lukashchuk, I. Oleksina, Yu. Semenova, P. Charchenko and others). In modern linguistic culture, special sports vocabulary has not yet received sufficient systemic coverage. The sports discourse is insufficiently processed, although sport as an integral part of the socio-cultural life has long won universal recognition. Choosing sports discourse as the subject of research, we proceeded from the fact that in the domestic linguistic literature there are still no generalizing works on the language of sports, there is no systematic description of the national lexical and phraseological subsystem “sport”. It should be noted the interest of linguists in the study of the discursive aspects of the language, the understanding of the need for further development of problems related to the identification of the mechanisms for the formation of sports images and their verbal impact on human behaviour and thinking, as well as the need to develop a typology of the global discursive space. Phenomenon sport remains insufficiently studied from linguistic positions, remaining practically out of sight of such linguistic disciplines as linguoculturol- ogy, axiological linguistics and discourse studies.
Aim. The article is aimed to elucidate the features of sports discourse as a lingua semiotic system and its connection with the needs of the individual. To do this, it is necessary to carry out a linguistic description of the constitutive features of sports discourse and show how they manifest themselves in sports communication.
Presentation of the main material
Sports as a social phenomenon are divided into a number of groups according to several criteria: game or team sports, women's and men's competitions, children's and youth sports; Olympic, non-Olympic and Paralympic sports, which are evaluated by judges (football, hockey) and the jury (rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating, etc.). All these types originate in gaming activities and are based on the idea of sports as an important means of developing the will, character and aspirations of a person. Maintaining health fills sports activities with special meaning and value, and also blurs the sharp differences between the main sports (М. Ібрагімов, 2014). Such important categories in the axiological context as will, strength, character, health and many others play a significant role in sports communication and form sports discourse. These categories, being unconditional elements of culture, receive linguistic expression, acquiring the status of linguocultural concepts. Discourse is a space for the realization of concepts. The mental constructs of knowledge (concepts) are grouped into a system, and then they receive a linguistic expression thanks to the structures formed on their basis. These structures, in turn, form a discursive system consisting of a presentational structure and its speech embodiment.
Understanding the concept as a multidimensional semantic formation, which has a figurative, descriptive and value dimension, makes it possible to imagine the foundations on which the lingua semiotic concept sphere of communication is built (УЭко, 1998). Important linguistic and cultural concepts are involved in the communicative space of sports, such as: “physical perfection”, “health”, “will”, “character”, “strength”, “courage”, “feat”, “struggle”, “competition”, “contest”, “hero”, “winner”, “achievement”, “beauty”, which form the semiotic content of the generalizing concept sphere “sport”. Each of these concepts is characterized by its special value component. The concept sphere “sport” appears as a multi-level formation, including intellectual values in the form of knowledge about the methods and means of developing a person's physical potential; sports training and a healthy lifestyle; values of a motor nature as examples of motor activity; personal achievements; physical potential; pedagogical technologies that provide methodological guidance; practical recommendations; training methods; mobilization ability to rational organization of the time budget; discipline; composure; quick assessment of the situation and decision-making; the ability to survive failure; intentional as those that reflect the formed public opinion, the prestige of sports in certain historical periods in a particular society, popularity among different categories of the population. The values of sports include the socio-psychological attitudes of people, which are determined the nature, structure and orientation of the needs, motivations and value orientations for sports (П. Чарченко, 2013). Ethical, aesthetic, educational, as well as economic, political and general cultural values are reflected in sports. The value content of the concept sphere “sport” gets its linguistic expression in the meanings of such an appropriate lexeme as “to distract from work”; “to play”, “to have fun”; “entertain”, “amuse” (Й. Хейзинга, 2001). This makes it possible to clarify the value potential of the “sport” concept sphere as a reflector of general norms of behaviour and moral principles that emphasize strong-willed qualities, cooperation, friendship, and readiness to help one's neighbour. In addition, the concept sphere “sport” in the mind of a person is associated with the achievement of a high sports result. The definition includes a value component: achievement as something that a person has been striving for a long time, which was very important for him, and he had to go through a difficult path in obtaining this benefit. There will be such semantic markers as “hard”, “difficult”, “work”, “training” (every day), “strict regime”, “diet”, “work to the limit”, “achieve”, “resolve”, “ideal”, “striving for excellence, for victory”, “fair play”, “victory, winner”, “gold”, “medal”, “pride”, “glory”, “honour”.
The figurative component of the concept of “sport” gives the possibility of metaphorical reflection in the language and speech of universal existence. Sports vocabulary, due to its imagery, penetrates into various spheres of life (L. Gazniuk, I. Soina, 2019). In politics, as a rivalry between two leaders during the election campaign, in the economy, the images of sports as a successful and effective solution of affairs are intensively exploited. And rewards for victory and work through the image of “gold” is nothing but sports metonymization. The name of the credit card, which gives special benefits to its owner (gold card), is the result of a secondary nomination: victory in sports and achievements in the field of finance.
The proto-concepts in the concept sphere “sport” are the game and competition as a historical basis, on which the whole system of concepts involved in the discursive space of sports activities and human communication was subsequently built. Competition and play coexist in sports, while researchers point to their non-trivial connection with the concept of “freedom”. On the one hand, this connection is manifested in the initial understanding of the game as a voluntary activity, which is carried out in free time and is determined by the human will. These characteristics of the game are inherent in many sports games and some forms of amateur sports. At the same time, in professional sports, “freedom” is opposed to “non-freedom” or “work”, which is characterized as dependent, negative and secondary in relation to the game - independent, positive and primary.
The semiotic parameters of the proto-concept “game” are its dominant characteristics: 1) delimitation, understood as spatial (stadium, ring, swimming pool) and temporal isolation (temporary fixation; the exception is a few sports that do not have rules for limiting the duration of the competition, such as tennis and chess) (L. Gazniuk, I. Soina, 2020); 2) the uncertainty of the result is a characteristic parameter not only of the game in general, but also of all sports games, since it is the uncertainty of the outcome of the game that ensures a tense psychological state and the corresponding communicative behaviour of the participants in a sporting event; 3) the absence of the opposition “productivity - unproductivity” - amateur games that do not bring material results in the form of monetary or other rewards; 4) regulatory or the presence of rules fixed in the form of non-rigid norms; 5) the presence of the opposition “faith / pretence” as integral characteristics of the communicative behaviour of the linguistic personality of the subjects of sports communication, presented depending on the type of game (amateur or commercial game). The proto-concept “competition” is closely related to the concept “game”, however, its basic differences from the latter are, firstly, the indispensable dominance (superiority) of one competitor over another, which has institutional consequences (one institution is stronger than another, the state-winner, the state- loser); secondly, the rigid ritualization of a sporting event as a competition; thirdly, the existence of the opposition “productivity-unproductivity” and the opposition of amateur sports competitions that do not bring material rewards and sports games, the purpose of which is to achieve certain results that bring material benefits (monetary rewards, commercial profits of the organizers); fourthly, strict regulation of competition through officially fixed codes of rules providing for legal sanctions; fifthly, significant, in comparison with the game, the presence of a risk to the health of participants in a sporting event as a competition. Competition in its purest form is increasingly giving way to bribery, doping, psychological intimidation of opponents and striving for victory at all costs. Thus, the value component of the concept of “competition” is increasingly being replaced by the anti-value component, which contradicts the originally intended purpose of sports activities to promote human health and physical perfection. Thus, in the system of concepts that form the cognitive space of sports, a kind of confrontation or opposition of the concepts “competition” and “health”, “strength” and “physical perfection” arises.
A system of concepts is involved in the sports discourse, which are dynamic mental formations verbalized as in positively filled nominations such as “labour”, “health”, “strength”, “diet”, “training”, “victory”, “fame”, “honesty in the game”, etc., as well as in negatively filled ones, such as “aggression”, “anger”, “cruelty”, “pain”, “injury”, “dishonest refereeing”, “doping”, “bribery judges”. The subject component of the concepts involved in the sports discourse is the physical / physiological properties and qualities of a competing personality. The figurative component includes event elements of sports competitions. The value component symbolizes sports achievements and successes, as well as individual ethical and aesthetic characteristics of sports subjects (strength, courage, dexterity, courage, beauty of the human body, etc.).
The process of deployment of sports discourse occurs as the immersion of the system of listed concepts into the speech activity of the subjects of sports communication, is initiated by its participants on a vast lingua-semiotic and social background, forming a sports discourse as a whole (Ф. Соссюр, 2013). The sports discourse deployment mechanism functions through the implementation of a number of its constitutive features. Sports discourse as a type of institutional discourse is a complex multifunctional formation that includes other types of discourse, such as, for example, pedagogical, manifested in the communication of the “sportsman-coach” pair; legal, revealing itself in matters of rules and violations of the conduct, participation, cancellation or postponement of sports competitions; political, which permeates through major international competitions; medical, which is part of the sports discourse as part of the training of athletes, providing them with assistance during the competition and during rehabilitation. At the present stage of development, a significant part of the sports discourse is the discourse of the mass media and advertising discourse, which are used by sports for their own purposes (to attract, hold attention, interest the buyer, advertise the product). The ritualized nature of sport is manifested in the process of conducting sports competitions. At the same time, the connection between sports and ritual discourses is revealed. Such openness of sports discourse to other types of discourse is due, firstly, to the relevance of sports in general; secondly, the goals and values of sports discourse, coinciding with the goals and values of other types of discourse; and thirdly, by the fact that sport as a social phenomenon, originally aimed at maximizing the disclosure of a person's physical abilities and their demonstration, with its competitive and game components attracts universal human institutions and socio-cultural phenomena as a model of social management through which it is possible to influence it.
Sports jargon stands out among modern socio- lects, which can be explained by the mass character and prevalence of various sports and sports activities among the population (Л. Карпець, 2009). The sports discourse unfolds between the participants of a sports process or event, i.e. communicators - sports subjects who manifest themselves as three groups of linguistic personalities verbalizing their communicative intentions in different ways. The first group is athletes and their immediate environment: coaches, judges, administrators. They structure their speech in order to achieve a sports result. The second - fans and spectators - emotionally evaluate the actions and results of preparedness of the direct participants in a sporting event. The third is sports commentators and sports journalists who record and describe the course of the event for virtual fans in the space of media technologies. The chronotope of sports discourse is the limited duration of a sporting event; the time of the athlete's preparation for the competition, determined by the preparation plan and the schedule of the competition, as well as the time of the broadcast of the competition, coinciding with the time of its actual holding. The chronotope should also include video-recorded and broadcast fragments of a sporting event: replays reflecting both the most successful episode of a sporting event (for example, a goal against an opponent) and unsuccessful ones (falling on ice, falling from a sports equipment, etc.). Important chronotopic elements of sports discourse are spatial elements, in particular, the locus of the actual sporting event (sports arena, sports hall, swimming pool, running track, ice stadium, tennis court, bicycle racetrack, shooting range, etc.), as well as the geographical location holding a sporting event (city, country, district), and the locus of holding preparatory events for a sporting event (training and utility rooms: locker room, showers, training courts, etc.). Within the boundaries of the listed chronotopic elements, a sports discourse unfolds in the corresponding semiotic space (І. Соїна, 2022). The goals of sport predetermine the verbal strategies of sports discourse, the content of which consists both in the direct provision of the athlete's cognitive competence in the actions performed by him through the instructions of the coach or mentor, and indirectly in supporting the athlete's actions through the fans' discourse (approving or disapproving slogans, exclamations, nominative vocabulary, etc.) (М. Бейлін, 2018); through the genre of sports commentary, which dominates in sports discourse, detailing and explaining to the witnesses of the sports process the essence of what is happening at the time of the sports event.
Sports discourse, due to its universal quality, as a focus on the implementation of the basic (vital) needs of the entire society, is characterized by genre diversity. Genres are distinguished using a deductive model based on goals, types of participants, type of scenario, ritualization, as well as based on real-life and naturally formed forms of communication in the socio-cultural life of a person (I. Soina,
L. Gazniuk, G. Goncharov, 2020). The number of sports discourse genres is regulated by the spheres of sports deployment in society. The sports discourse of modern linguistic culture includes the following genres: research work in the form of an article based on observation and experimental data (article about research of motor apparatus athlete); medical-therapeutic conversation (conversation of a psychologist-therapist with a sports subject); physical education lesson at school; training or match analysis; coaching the athlete; sports court (discussion of sports functionaries regarding the disqualification of an athlete who has used doping in a competition or violated sports rules); sports interview (conversation between sports subjects and journalists immediately after the competition); sports press conference (conversation between sports subjects and journalists after a certain time after the competition). The genre of sports discourse includes sports memoirs of sports subjects who have stopped their sports career.
Findings. The constitutive features of sports discourse are maximally manifested in the process of reflection of sports events through sports commentary, which is the leading genre of sports discourse, providing it with communicative significance. The genre diversity of this type of discourse includes the discourse of a coach, the discourse of fans, the discourse of judges, the discourse of athletes representing game and cyclic sports. Sports discourse consists in verbal support for achieving sports goals, winning sports competition, achieving a sports form that makes it possible to exercise superiority in a sports event, as well as ensuring the presentation and prestige of a state or a sports institution that prepares its representative to participate in a competition. Sports discourse is actively penetrating the national language, being one of the important sources of its replenishment. There is a process of metaphorical expansion of sports vocabulary. The most important trend in the development of sports vocabulary is the process of its internationalization, which occurs under the influence of extralinguistic factors that determine borrowings from the terminology sphere of that language and that country that is a trendsetter in a particular sport.
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курсовая работа [31,5 K], добавлен 17.01.2014American Culture is a massive, variegated topic. The land, people and language. Regional linguistic and cultural diversity. Social Relationships, the Communicative Style and the Language, Social Relationships. Rules for Behavior in Public Places.
реферат [35,1 K], добавлен 03.04.2011The value of sports in the American life. Сharacteristic of football, basketball, boxing. Acquaintance with the americans, who extol the country of their achievements in sports: Muhammad Ali, Bob Beamon, Mike Tys, Arnold Schwarzenegger and many other.
реферат [16,3 K], добавлен 25.12.2011English songs discourse in the general context of culture, the song as a phenomenon of musical culture. Linguistic features of English song’s texts, implementation of the category of intertextuality in texts of English songs and practical part.
курсовая работа [26,0 K], добавлен 27.06.2011Theories of discourse as theories of gender: discourse analysis in language and gender studies. Belles-letters style as one of the functional styles of literary standard of the English language. Gender discourse in the tales of the three languages.
дипломная работа [3,6 M], добавлен 05.12.2013New Comers. A World Of books. Australia. Collecting Coins and Sports. Collecting Stamps and Sports. English-Speaking Countries. Feeling Good At School. Immigration to Australia. Improving Language Skills. Inviting a Friend.
топик [17,0 K], добавлен 01.09.2002The study of political discourse. Political discourse: representation and transformation. Syntax, translation, and truth. Modern rhetorical studies. Aspects of a communication science, historical building, the social theory and political science.
лекция [35,9 K], добавлен 18.05.2011Sports - passion, helpful and pleasant vacation, the value of sport for health, the establishment of good relations between people. The development of sport in Russia: stadiums, swimming pools, schools, societies and clubs. Popular sports in my family.
презентация [17,0 K], добавлен 26.12.2011Act of gratitude and its peculiarities. Specific features of dialogic discourse. The concept and features of dialogic speech, its rationale and linguistic meaning. The specifics and the role of the study and reflection of gratitude in dialogue speech.
дипломная работа [66,6 K], добавлен 06.12.2015The history of the Olympic Games. Summer Olympic Sports. Olympic Games in Ancient Greece ware a great athletic festival including many different kinds of sports. The motto of the Olympic Games. 5 interlaced rings are a symbol of the Olympic Games.
презентация [1,3 M], добавлен 29.05.2010Syntactic structures in the media. Characteristic features of language media. Construction of expressive syntax. Syntactic structures in the newspaper "Sport Express" and "Izvestia". Review features of sports journalism and thematic range of syntax.
курсовая работа [24,7 K], добавлен 30.09.2011The nature of speaking and oral interaction. Communicative approach and language teaching. Types of communicative exercises and approaches. Games as a way at breaking the routine of classroom drill. Some Practical Techniques for Language Teaching.
дипломная работа [72,3 K], добавлен 21.07.2009The origins of communicative language teaching. Children’s ability to grasp meaning, creative use of limited language resources, capacity for indirect learning, instinct for play and fun. The role of imagination. The instinct for interaction and talk.
реферат [16,9 K], добавлен 29.12.2011Defining communicative competence. The value of communicative language teaching. On the value of audio-lingual approach. Using of humor in teaching foreign language. On the structure of an anecdotes. Using anecdotes for intermediate and advanced learners.
дипломная работа [190,8 K], добавлен 14.01.2013The Communicative Approach. Children’s ability to grasp meaning. Children’s creative use of limited language resources. Children’s instinct for play and fun. Lessons preparation in junior forms. The role of imagination. General steps a lesson preparation.
курсовая работа [8,2 M], добавлен 02.01.2012Theory of the communicative language teaching. Principles and features of the communicative approach. Methodological aspects of teaching communication. Typology of communicative language activities. Approbation of technology teaching communication.
курсовая работа [608,8 K], добавлен 20.10.2014Comparative teaching methodologies. Effective ways and techniques of teaching a foreign language. Role plays as a method of teaching. Comparative characteristics of modern techniques of teaching english. Grammar translation method. Communicative approach.
дипломная работа [71,9 K], добавлен 18.04.2015