The Old Ukrainian vocabulary in the active language of the 15th century

Analysis of the Old Ukrainian lexicon of the 15th century Ukrainian letters in the format of the lexical-semantic and functional direction of the linguistic algorithm. The content of letters, which can be classified according to the territorial feature.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Дата добавления 27.09.2023
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Department of the Ukrainian Linguistics and Applied Linguistics

Cherkasy National University named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi

The Old Ukrainian vocabulary in the active language of the 15th century

Halyna Kocherha, Candidate of Philological

Sciences, Associate Professor

The article is devoted to the analysis of the Old Ukrainian vocabulary of the 15th century in the format of the lexical- semantic and functional direction of the linguistic algorithm. It was determined that according to the content of the charters of the 15th century they can be classified by territorial feature and by the semantic content of the document. According to the territorial criterion, charters are divided into five types, depending on which country the territory of the Ukrainian lands was under the authority of. Regarding the semantic content of the document and the functions they performed in these documents, charters were divided into external and internal. Charters performed the function of external and internal documentation. The structural and semantic features of the Old Ukrainian lexicon, which functions in the 15th century charters, which absorbed vernacular and foreign language elements, were analyzed, which affected all language levels: phonetic, morphological, lexical, and graphic. The semantic diversity of the administrative-territorial vocabulary specified in the Ukrainian charters of the 15th century proves their significant prevalence in the official language of the studied period. It has been established that the names of lexemes denoting villages are different in structure: one- and two-component, simple, complex and compound. Among the word-forming signs, the active functioning ofplural nouns, both non-derivative and derived formations, should be mentioned. The purpose of the article is to investigate the lexical-semantic and functional features of the administrative-territorial vocabulary in the Ukrainian charters of the 15th century. The analysis of Ukrainian charters proved that in the 14th-15th centuries, the Old Ukrainian language was formed on the Ukrainian territory, which was nourished by folk sources and which was considered official in the administrative and legal documentation of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, in the state administration of Poland and the Principality of Moldavia.

Key words: the Old Ukrainian language, Ukrainian charters of the 15th century, administrative-territorial vocabulary.

Галина Кочерга, кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри українського мовознавства і прикладної лінгвістики Черкаського національного університету імені Богдана Хмельницького

Староукраїнська лексика в актовій мові XV cт.

Статтю присвячено аналізу староукраїнської лексики українських грамот ХУ століття у форматі лексико-семантичного та функційного спрямування лінгвістичного алгоритму. Визначено, що за змістом грамот ХУ ст. їх можна класифікувати за територіальною ознакою та за семантичним наповненням документа. За територіальним критерієм грамоти поділяють на п'ять різновидів, залежно від того, під владою якої країни знаходилась територія українських земель. Щодо семантичного змісту документа і функції, яку вони виконували в цих документах, грамоти поділяли на зовнішні та внутрішні. Грамоти виконували функцію зовнішнього ведення документації та внутрішнього. Проаналізовано структурно-семантичні особливості староукраїнської лексики, що функціонує у грамотах ХУ століття, яка вбирала живомовні та іншомовні елементи, що позначилось на усіх мовних рівнях: фонетичному, морфологічному, лексичному та графічному. Семантична різноманітність адміністративно-територіальної лексики зазначеної в українських грамотах ХУ століття засвідчує їхню значну поширеність в актовій мові досліджуваного періоду. Установлено, що назви лексем на позначення сіл різні за структурою: одно- й двокомпонентні, прості, складні й складені. Серед словотвірних ознак слід назвати активне функціонування множинних іменників як непохідних, так і похідних утворень.

Мета статті - дослідити лексико-семантичні та функційні особливості адміністративно-територіальної лексики в українських грамотах ХУ століття. Аналіз українських грамот засвідчив, що на українській території у ХІУ-ХУ столітті сформувалась староукраїнська мова, яка живилася з народних джерел і яка вважалася офіційною в адміністративно-юридичній документації Великого князівства Литовського, у державному управлінні Польщі та Молдавського князівства.

Ключові слова: староукраїнська мова, українські грамоти XV ст., адміністративно-територіална лексика.

old ukrainian lexicon linguistic


Formulation of the problem. Among the business documents that had the name of the active language, the Ukrainian charters occupy a prominent place. The study of Ukrainian charters of the 15 th century gives an idea of the peculiarities of the Old Ukrainian language, which absorbed native and foreign language elements, which affected all language levels: phonetic, morphological, lexical, and graphic.The functioning of the administrative-territorial vocabulary in Ukrainian charters depended on the administrative- territorial division of Ukraine in the 15th century and convincingly provide an opportunity to understand and appreciate the great role played by the Old Ukrainian language, which was succeeded by the modern Ukrainian language. Therefore, the study of one of the varieties of the act language in the diachronic aspect is relevant and requires careful research today more than ever.

Research analysis. Today, research based on the material of the Old Ukrainian language has been intensified, since historical sources provide the researcher with valuable material for a complete vision of the development of a linguistic phenomenon or some linguistic unit. Mainly attention was paid to the study of the names of persons of this period (the 15th century). Thus, the semantic and word-forming features of personal names in the Ukrainian language tradition of the 14th-18th centuries was investigated by O. Krovytska, who analyzed the functioning of masculine nouns (Krovytska, 2002).

T. Marchenko draws attention to the naming of male persons in Ukrainian texts of the 16th - early 17th century (Marchenko), and the lexical-semantic groups of persons in the monuments of the Ukrainian language of the 14th and a half of the 17th centuries were the object of study by N. L. Ostash (Ostash, 1982).

P. Tymoshenko's research (Tymoshenko, 1963) is devoted to the syntactic units recorded in the monuments of the 14th-15th centuries, in particular, complex subjunctive signifiers and additional ones, and V. Zaskaleta's (Zaskeleta, 2011) study is devoted to complex subjunctive signifiers with the connecting word што.

The adverbial system of the northern Ukrainian area of the Old Ukrainian language was studied by H. Grymashevich based on the material of the Zhytomyr Act Book of 1635, who determined the word-forming features of adjectival and pronominal adverbs, traced their evolution in Polish dialects (Grymashevich, 2012). The word-form of adverbs of the act language of the 14th-15th centuries was studied by L. Humetska (Humetska, 1958; 1988).

Y. Osinchuk investigated the components of phrasemics at the lexical level of Church Slavonicisms of the 16th-17th centuries (Osinchuk, 2020); the vocabulary of Ukrainian business monuments of the Ukrainian language of this period is analyzed through the prism of borrowings by S. Hrytsenko (Hrytsenko, 2011), the Ukrainian abstract vocabulary of the 16th - the first half of the 17th centuries was the object of research by L. Polyuga (Polyuga, 1991).

As we can see, most researchers of Ukrainian business language paid attention to personal names, Church Slavonic idioms, phraseological units, syntax, however, the administrative-territorial vocabulary of the past centuries, starting from the 15th, was almost not studied, except in fragments or from a later period. Thus, T. Zhyla studied the administrative-territorial vocabulary of the period of the Cossack Era in historical novels (Zhyla, 2011). In another work, T. Zhila researches the functioning of administrative- territorial vocabulary in monuments of various genres (16th-17th centuries) (Zhyla, 2008).

Ukrainian-Moldavian letters of the 14th-15th centuries became the object of research by B. Tymochko, who, based on a large amount of actual material that was not included in previously published lexicographic works, selected from Ukrainian-Moldavian letters, clarified the structure, lexical-semantic composition, sources of formation and peculiarities of the functioning of nomens included in the thematic group “Environmental Names” (290 names that formed 285 lexical-semantic structural units) (Tymochko, 2019). The scientist proves the opinion that in the 14th-15th centuries the Old Ukrainian language was actively used as the state language in the offices of the Moldavian principality, this opinion is confirmed by the studied Ukrainian-Moldavian documents of this period, in particular the vocabulary. The researcher found out that words of Proto-Slavic origin occupy a significant place among the analyzed vocabulary (78.7%), the rest are borrowed lexemes (Romani- anisms, Greekisms, Germanisms, single Latinisms, Hungarianisms, Turkisms), which testifies to complex inter-national and inter-linguistic interaction. The scientist calls the linguistic (the influence of the Bulgarian and Serbian literary language on the Old Ukrainian language) and extra-linguistic (the resettlement of Bulgarians in the Ukrainian-Romanian language environment, the presence in the principality of educated spiritual and secular Bulgarian nobility, who held high positions in it, in particular in the offices of the governor) factors. However, the Old Bulgarian language was used in official communication in Wallachia, with which Moldova maintained close ties [Timochko, 2019: 4]. The materials for the dictionary of the written and book Ukrainian language of this period were compiled by E. Tymchenko (Tym- chenko, 2002), which was later prepared for publication in New York by V. Nimchuk and G. Lysa.

The purpose of the article is to investigate the lexical-semantic and functional features of the administrative-territorial lexicon in Ukrainian charters of the 15th century.

Presenting main material

The largest group of vocabulary used to denote administrative-territorial concepts is the names of the administrative-territorial system. In the charters of the studied period, the following names were used to indicate the administrative-territorial division: воєводство, князівство, держава, отчизна, земля, земля (in the sense of the state), волость, повіт, место, город, городище, мисто, селище, село, село, слобода, дєлниця, ділниця.

Nomen воєводство is used to denote the territory ruled by воєвода - the title of the rulers of the Moldavian Principality and their sons. The voivode was appointed by the grand duke for an unlimited term. Modern dictionaries interpret the lexeme воєводство as follows: `1. A large administrative and territorial unit of Poland. 2. hist. The district, which was managed by the voivode' (VTSSUM, 2005: 155). There is an expression in charters сісти на воєводстві, (SUM XIV-XV ст.: 184).

Nomen князівство modern lexicographical works present as: `hist. 1. The territory ruled by the prince. 2. coll. princes' (VTSSUM, 2005: 436). The following names of principalities function in charters: Волинське and Київське (1440), which were restored, and after the death of Svidrigail (1462) and Semyon Olelkovich (1470), these principalities were liquidated and transformed into Lithuanian provinces. Instead there were created Київське, Брац- лавське and Волинське воєводства. In the studied period, the following voivodships functioned in the charters: Руське, Белзьке, Подільське, Брацлавське, Волинське, Київське. Each voivodship included several lands (territories) or poviats. In the charters there is also a nomen Галицько-Волинське князівство, which became the inheritor of the political and cultural tradition of Kyiv Rus, to which a significant part of Ukrainian ethnic territories was annexed.

The lexeme отчизна for the designation of the country, the state was found in the researched documents to compare its property with the state::... будут воны тоє сєло Осєкрово какъ отчизну свою держати и уживати зо всими людми и со вс^ми зєм- лями пашными и бортными... (UH XV ст.: 61). This example testifies to the patriotic feelings of princes, governors of Kyiv (Ukrainian), who called to protect their property as their homeland (state). In one of the borrowed Galician charters a lexeme ютчизна occurs, to denote an inherited estate, inheritance: и(ж) своТмъ братаничо(м) с пано(м) шлехно(м) чжусою по нашо(й) по добро(й) воли бє(з) ка(ж) дого прину(ж)дєния им^ли є(с)мо д^(л) у нашо(й) дєдично(и) ш(т)чизне... [UH XV ст.: 67]. The adjective отчизнии is quite used, derived from a noun. We read in one of the documents: А сама єсми тє(ж) пєча(т) свою ш(т)чизную к сєму моєму листу привісила... (UH XV ст.: 49). This example proves the idea that if there was a seal отчизная, thus a lexeme отчизна functioned and had the same meaning as держава, because the seal is a symbol of the state, power.

Nomen держава in the old Ukrainian language meant “land, possession”: Влад воєвода надає право українським, польським і молдавським купцям вільно купувати і продавати товари в угро-влахійській землі, а також возити товари через територію його держави в інші землі (8 вересня, 1440 р., Торговищі) (UH XV ст.: 135). In the documents of the researched period, the lexeme держава acquires a metonymic meaning and functions with the meaning of “power”: to be under the state means to be under the power of the king: Князь Юрій Михайлович і його брат Андрій присягають польському королеві Владиславу визнати його своїм господарем і бути під його державою після смерті великого князя Вітовта (24 лютого 1401 року, Троки) (UH XV ст.: 32); Князь Юрій Довговд присягає польському королеві Владиславу визнати його своїм господарем і бути під його державою після смерті князя Вітовта (24 лютого 1401 року, Троки) (UH XV ст.: 32). In the modern language держава - 1.`apparatus of political power in society and a country with such apparatus of political power';

1. `subs. estate, possession' and `power, leadership' (SUM, ІІІ, 1970-1980: 248).

The territory of the principalities was divided into землі. Земля, земля - the administrative-territorial unit that was under the authority of the king (in Moldavian-Ukrainian charters), the prince, acquires the meaning of “state” when it is combined with a signifying component: земля Молдавська, литовські землі, наші землі, київська земля, волинська земля або означально-локативним: земля на Поділлі (UH XV ст.: 26): Роман-Олізар Волчкевич, намісник київський, заповідає своє рухоме і нерухоме добро в землях київських, волинських і на Поділлі своїй дружині, синові та іншим родичам (1450 року, Київ) (UH XV ст.: 26). Lexeme земля acquires the meaning of a smaller territorial unit (parish, county) if it is combined with a toponymic adjective to denote a county: Пані Анастасія Чижевая обіцяє Печерському монастиреві за користування його землею над річкою Бобриком у землі Васильківській давати йому данину медову (UH XV ст.: 30). SUM gives the meaning of the lexeme земля as `country, region, state' (SUM, ІІІ, 1970-1980: 557). Lexeme земля comes from nra.*zemja (ESUM, II, 1982-2017: 259), has the original meaning `the place of all living things on earth'; `place of life and activity of people' (SUM, III, 1970-1980: 557). Therefore, it is no coincidence that the inhabitants of the village - the smallest territorial unit - were often called зем'янами (later notion зємляни). Lexeme зємля was often used to denote the state system in Bukovina, which in the 14th century - 15 th century was under the rule of Hungary: Шипинска зємля, Буковинска зємля. During this period, the Hungarian administrative-territorial system was introduced on the territory of Transcarpathia. Ukrainian lands were divided between комітатами (жупанами), headed by жупан, nominated by the king.

There are lexemes in the examined charters повіт, повит. In the Old Ukrainian language, a lexeme повіт was used in the meaning of `an administrative- territorial unit that was part of the voivodeship and consisted of parishes': Князь Вітовт дарує своєму слузі Іллі В 'ячковичу кілька сіл у Володимир- ському і Луцькому повітах (20 травня, 1407 року, Вільно): „.мы порадили с нашєю вірною радою со кнзи и паны даємь и дали єсмо прє(д)рєчону [!] пану ильи в^чковичу за єго вірную службу сєло влодимєрьско(м) [!] повите порыцко и другое порыцко гриковичи трубки в луцкомъ повете... (UH XV ст.: 35). To the components of земель (principalities) included волості, whose centers were cities. Lexeme волость comes from Pol. *volstb (ESUM, I, 1982-2017: 421) in the old Ukrainian language meant `1. administrative-territorial unit (large land); 2. a large estate' (SUM XIV-XVct.: 192). For example, we read in one of the charters of Western Polissia: На годъ а у волости чоловековъ по(л) четве(р)та ста а на месте дворовъ тридъцатъ (UH XV ст.: 42). In the Old Ukrainian language lexeme волость was used in certificates of confirmation given by princes to confirm some fact of donation or payment of compensation in case of return of the object of possession, so, for example, Вітовт, великий князь литовський, дає грамоту в тому, що в разі вимоги з його боку повернути селища Своло- чигачі і Верх Болванця у Смотрицькій волості, панові Бедриху, який тримав ці селища, буде виплачена компенсація в сумі 60 кіп подільських полугрошників (1 лютого 1429 року, Турійськ- Володимирський) (UH XV ст.,1965: 36). In the act documents, the toponymic component of the lexeme is clearly named волость: Узрівши єсми на верную службу Драгу миру и на Некрину, дали єсми имь дв^ сел^„а тая села лежат в галицкой волости (SUM XIV-XV ст., 1977: 192). Today, this word has become a historicism, since the concept of its designation has disappeared.

There was a separate administrative and territorial unit, called місто. To denote місто they use the following lexemes: место, городъ, градъ, городище, мисто, м^сто, тръгъ. This is a type of settlement, usually significant in number and population density. From the first half of the 14th century, individual city- principalities received Magdeburg law and the right to self-government. The lexeme of місто originates from Pol. *mesto (ESUM, III, 1982-2017: 484). Residents of cities with Magdeburg law elected магістрат - administrative and judicial body of self-government, which consisted of two колегій - міської ради і лави. The city council was elected annually радці (радники) in the number of 6 to 24 people, who chose from among themselves бурмістр. The results of the elections to the city council had to be approved by the mayor or the owner of the city. The second body of self-government was лава, which was elected or appointed by the city council. It was a judicial body headed by a voit, who considered judicial criminal cases, the claims of the townspeople against the feudal lords: Воиту м^ста ковє(н)ского и бурмистро(м) и рядца(м) и м^щано(м) што жаловали єсте на(м) на м^ща(н) троцки(х) и(ж) юни в ковнє тргують в локо(т) и въ 0у(н)т продаю(т) и со(л) и тє (ж) воскъ купую(т)...(UH XV ст., 1965: 49).

In charters there is also a lexeme место to indicate a settlement, administrative-territorial unit: in the list of gifts sent from Krakow to the Grand Duke of Tver, we read: З нового места послано князю великому тфе(р)скому шуба соболья, воло- чоная аксамитомъ або Адамашкою, а другая шуба к(н)зя а в поставы сукна Маха(л)ского... (UH XV ст.,1965: 44). The study of documents confirms the use of lexemes мисто: мисто галєт дали од кръници и млина и пасика (UH XV ст.,1965: 89), this nomen is combined with a toponymic component and a locative-object component that clarifies the location. In the researched sources, the lexeme city is used in parallel with the lexeme город. Regarding the origin of the lexeme градъ there is an opinion that the word comes from Bulgarian град `a city' or from the Old Slavic градъ `castle, fortress, city' (ESUM, І, 1982-2017: 49): In the deed of gift Хведки Паш- кової, дочки Духновича, йдеться про те, що вона відписує своєму чоловікові Василеві Хребтовичу маєтність Яблонне і Полжі (16 грудня 1460 року, Луцьк). These estates were located on the outskirts of Lutsk: к полжа(м) даровала єсми мужа своє(г) пана васи(л)я хрє(б)товича по(д)ворьє(м) свои (м) ю(т) чизны(м) што в око(л)нє(м) городе в луцку вічно и непорушно... (UH XVct., 1965: 49). Lexeme город is combined with an adjective that indicates a relationship to a location - око(л)ны(и).

Modern dictionaries equate lexemes місто and город, however, the latter is served with a remark spoken: город - `the same as the city (spoken and rarely used' (SUM,II,1970-1980: 135). In the modern language, sema `castle, fortress' in the semantic structure of the lexeme город is outdated and out of active use. Sema “city” has a lexeme in the Old Ukrainian language тръгъ (SUM 14th-16th cent., 1977: 447), which comes from Pol.* тръгъ <*1ь^ъ (ESUM,V,1982-2017: 603), was formed on the basis of the metonymic transfer of the name of the place where the trade takes place to the type of settlement where such a place was located: а (з)давна дє(и) тни та(м) у ва(с)вставично торгу не м^вали и мо(л) ви(ли) (УГ XVct.,1962: 50). In SUM, the lexeme has acquired a different meaning: торг - 'market, bazaar' (SUM, Х, 1970-1980: 201).

The smallest administrative-territorial unit was село. The following nomens occur in the charters: сєло, село, с^ло, селище. In modern lexicographic works село - `a settlement (usually a large one) of a non-urban type' (SUM, ІХ, 1970-1980: 119), the lexeme comes from Pol. *sedlo, associated with *sedeti (ESUM, І, 1982-2017: 210), селище - `a settlement in a rural area' (SUM, ІХ, 1970-1980: 118), comes from Pol. *sedlisce, associated with *sedeti (ESUM, І, 1982-2017: 210). In the charters of the 15th century these lexemes were used to designate an administrative-territorial unit as an object of donation, sale, or inheritance. As a rule, the lexeme сєло occurs in gift certificates, which confirm the donation of the village. Voivodes donated villages to their subjects, this is evidenced by gift deeds: Дали єсми єму єдно сєло, тоузара, гдє є(с) кнЭД...н]икора, на юбръш1е [4] поток^ [..,]кова, другоє село пониж[є] (UH XV, 1965: 94), here the locative characteristic of the settlement is indicated. Villages were given not only to people, but also to monasteries, which is confirmed by documents: Мл(с)тїя бжїєя, азь алекзандръ воєвода, и г(д)нь в^єи молдовлахїискои зємли... дадо(х) монастиру възн(с)єнїю, га и ба и спса нашого, иже т(т) н^мца, гдє є(ст.) старєцъ Кур Сулуанъ, дв% сєл§: єдно сєло на Молдавfy на имя бузєщи, и другоє на тополици, сєлище ненавичєво, щобы тоє прЩд)РЄ(ч)нному монастирю, оурикъ, съ въс^мь доходомъ непорушно николижє на в^ки (UH XV, 1965: 63). Nomen сєло can acquire a metonymic meaning in documents `people, villagers':.а ростово со вси(м) с ты(м) што к ты(м) Сєло (м) слушає(т)... (UH XV, 1965: 67); сєло не платить хотарю (UH XV, 1965: 104). The locative characteristics of the villages are attested in the deeds: in the Moldavian certificate of gift, Governor Ilya donates to the monastery село Севковці у гирлі р. Кракова. (UH XV, 1965: 92); сєло нар. Ребричі... (UH XV, 1965: 116), for example, дали єсми нашому манастырю Стому възнє(с)нїю т(т) нємца, єдно сєло на оусти кракова, на имя сєвко(в)ци, гдє є(с) т самоилъ ватаманъ (UH XV, 1965: 92). The village in the 15th century performed the function of a boundary, which was marked by a lexeme хотар: in one of the certificates of gift, voivode Oleksandr, donating two villages to the monastery, indicates the border: дві сєлі: єдно сєло на Молдаві...другоє..., а хотарь тому село (UH XV, 1965: 76). To denote a small settlement in documents a lexeme дільниця is used with toponymic component and дєлниця:...мн^ пану ванку досталося на мою дЩл)ницю квасилово (UH XV, 1965: 67); А пану юлє(х)ну на єго дєлницю досталося бачаница... (UH XV, 1965: 68).

Therefore, among the administrative-territorial units, the most used in the researched sources are lexemes for denoting села (various phonetic and graphic variants), which is attested in the Act language of the 15th century. The smallest number are units for the designation of a state (воєводство, князівство, земля в значенні країна, держава). The majority of lexemes are fixed by both dictionaries of the Old Ukrainian and modern Ukrainian languages with the same meaning, although in modern lexicographical sources they are marked as obsolete, colloquial or historicism. Only individual components have gone out of use completely or are used in modern language with a different meaning (lexeme торг today it is not used to designate an administrative-territorial unit, that is, the lexeme has undergone a process of reintegration, when the primary meaning is lost, and the derived, secondary one acquires the main lexical meaning). The lexicon of the official language of the 15th century, in particular, the naming of spatial concepts of natural origin, which is a prospect for further research in the diachronic aspect, has been neglected.


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    реферат [24,1 K], добавлен 19.04.2011

  • The lessons of reading and translation of different texts and word-combinations into Ukrainian. The most frequently used expressions with the verbs to be, to have and sentences with them. Reading and translation the dialogue used in the usual speech.

    учебное пособие [89,2 K], добавлен 25.03.2010

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