Telescopy as a widespread way of world formation in contemporary English and its translation into Ukrainian
The consideration of telescopy as a productive means of word formation of English vocabulary and methods of its translation into Ukrainian. The role of word-formation by analogy in the creation of new derivational means and word-formation models.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 29.09.2023 |
Размер файла | 57,5 K |
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Размещено на
Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology
Anataichuk Inna Mykolaivna Senior Lecturer
Oleshkevich Irina Pavlivna Senior Lecturer
Sazonova Viktoriia Serhiivna Senior Lecturer
telescopy word english translation
The article deals with the consideration of telescopy as a productive means of word formation of English vocabulary and methods of its translation into Ukrainian.
The formation of new words is currently carried out in various ways. An extremely important role in the creation of new derivational means and word-formation models is played by word-formation by analogy, that is, the word is the basis for the appearance of new word-formation elements. The telescopy is among such ways, particularly in the English language.
The relevance of the research lies in the fact that telescopy as a progressive type of English word formation is treated ambiguously in the works of national and English linguists, so a clear demarcation of this method of formation of neologisms from others available in the English language and its advanced study is necessary and prospective.
The purpose of the article is to describe the process of forming new words using such a modern tool as telescoping, and to search for relevant versions of the translation of English telescopisms into Ukrainian.
The compactness and pithiness of telescopic words, which accelerate the pace of speech without harming its logical and effective communicative function, contribute to the further expansion of the scope of the telescopic method of word formation in the modern English language. Telescopic units act as a stylistic means of information transmission, and can be used for strengthening expression, and not only for saving of language means.
In the English language, among telescopisms, nouns and adjectives are most often found, other parts of speech are less common, and this fact indicates that during the formation of new words, the speaker first of all needs to name the phenomenon, give it a characteristics, and only then name the action.
Based on the used translation methods, it can be stated that the most relevant method of translating English telescopisms into Ukrainian is descriptive translation. It conveys the meaning of telescoping in its entirety sense, further explaining it when necessary. In some cases, it is advisable to transfer the English abbreviation to the equivalent Ukrainian abbreviation, by the method of transliteration, tracing, or, if possible, by creating a new Ukrainian telescopism that would be an equivalent of the English one.
Keywords: equivalent, descriptive translation, telescopy, methods of translation, structural and semantic analysis.
Анатайчук Інна Миколаївна старший викладач кафедри філології та перекладу, Український Державний Хіміко-технологічний Університет, м. Дніпро
Олешкевич Ірина Павлівна старший викладач кафедри філології та перекладу, Український Державний Хіміко-технологічний Університет, м. Дніпро,
Сазонова Вікторія Сергіївна старший викладач кафедри філології та перекладу, Український Державний Хіміко-технологічний Університет, м. Дніпро
Анотація. Стаття присвячена дослідженню телескопії як продуктивного засобу словотвору лексики англійської мови та способів її перекладу українською мовою.
Формування нових елементів словотворення здійснюється на сьогоднішній день різними шляхами. Надзвичайно важливу роль у створенні нових дериваційних засобів та словотворчих моделей грає словотворення за аналогією, тобто слово є основою для появи нових словотворчих елементів. Одним з таких способів, зокрема в англійській мові, є телескопія.
Актуальність дослідження полягає в тому, що телескопія як прогресивний тип англійського словотвору у працях вітчизняних та англійських лінгвістів трактується неоднозначно, тож необхідна чітка демаркація цього способу утворення неологізмів від інших наявних в англійській мові та його поглиблене вивчення.
Метою дослідження є опис процесу формування нових словотворчих елементів за допомогою такого сучасного засобу, як телескопія, та пошук релевантних варіантів перекладу англійських телескопізмів українською мовою.
Компактність та лаконічність телескопічних слів, які прискорюють темп мови без шкоди для її логікота ефективнокомунікативної функції, сприяють подальшому розширенню сфери дії телескопічного способу словотворення в сучасній англійській мові. Телескопічні одиниці виступають стилістичним засобом передачі інформації, та можуть бути використані за метою посилення експресії, а не тільки задля економії мовних засобів.
В англійській мові серед телескопізмів частіше за все можна зустріти іменники та прикметники, рідше - інші частини мови, що свідчить про те під час утворення нових слів, в першу чергу мовець потребує назвати явище, дати йому характеристику, а вже потім назвати дію.
Спираючись на використані способи перекладу, можна констатувати, що найрелевантніший метод перекладу англійських телескопізмів українською - описовий переклад. Він передає значення телескопізму в повному обсязі, додатково пояснюючи його в разі потреби. В деяких випадках доцільно передати англійське скорочення еквівалентним українським скороченням, методом транслітерацій, калькування, або, в разі можливості, шляхом створення нового українського телескопізму, який був би відповідником англійскому.
Ключові слова: еквівалент, описовий переклад, телескопія, способи перекладу, структурний та семантичний аналіз.
The relevance of the problem
The lexical diversity of the language reflects the level of social development of the people. The more we learn about the world, the more the language tools expand. The lexical state of the language is changing rapidly and constantly, so the lexical composition has always been given considerable attention by linguists. In addition, this aspect needs constant detailed study at synchronic and diachronic levels.
Word formation is considered as a means of nomination, as a means of replenishing the vocabulary of the language with new words to denote emerging phenomena of culture and civilization or its renewal at the expense of new means of expression [Bezditko, 2020: 16-21]. Word formation refers to the rules for creating language units according to certain models and schemes, a system of methods and means of creating new words.
The formation of new words is currently carried out in various ways. An extremely important role in the creation of new derivational means and word-formation models is played by word-formation by analogy, that is, the word is the basis for the appearance of new word-formation elements. The telescopy is among such ways, particularly in the English language. Words formed by telescopy are called telescoping words or telescopisms. In English, they have the following names: blends, blendings, fusions, portmanteau words.
The relevance of the research lies in the fact that telescopy as a progressive type of English word formation is interpreted ambiguously in the works of national and English linguists, so a clear demarcation of this method of forming neologisms from others available in the English language and its advanced study is necessary and prospective.
The main research methods in the article are descriptive and comparative.
Analysis of last researches and publications
In linguistics, there is no single definition for telescopic units, so different linguists use different concepts: complex-abbreviated words [Bezditko, 2020: 16-21], telescoping, telescoped words [Halyshyn, 2013], blend, blendings [Dmytroshkin, 2012: 97-108], contamination [Omelchenko, Zhykharieva, 2010: 12-16], portmanteau words [Danks, 2003: 217]. Such a variety of terms testifies to the complexity and diversity of this linguistic phenomenon.
The telescopy is defined as the interaction of linguistic units that collide either in an associative or in a syntagmatic series, which leads to their semantic or formal changes or to the formation of a new linguistic unit [Danks, 2003: 217]; as a method and process of formation of secondary denomination units by combining fragments of two creative bases [Omelchenko, 2003: 49-53].
However, modern linguists, both national and foreign ones increasingly agree that telescopy is creative and a productive, modern wordmaking model [Renner, 2013].
The most accurate definition can be the following: “Telescopy is a way of word formation that consists in the fusion of two truncated bases, or in the combination of a full base with a truncated one, as a result of which a new word is formed, which fully or partially combines the meanings of all its structural components” [Danks, 2003: 217].
It should be remembered that earlier telescopisms appeared to indicate words invented by people to describe the current events of that time, initially such words were just fictions that took root among people in society and became widespread even outside the country. A vivid example of such an invention is the word brunch - breakfast - lunch, which is familiar not only to the English language, but also to some other languages, with the meaning “second breakfast”.
At the current stage of development and replenishment of the vocabulary of the English language, telescopisms appear more and more often, especially in the field of terminology, since they are not characterized by polysemy: Stagflation - stagnation - inflation (a situation in which the economic decline is combined with the increasing of prices).
The frequent use of telescopisms in mass media, advertising, and colloquial language is also observed. This can be explained by the ability of contaminants to shorten and succinctly convey information without losing its meaning, for example Carjacking = car - hijacking - car theft.
Today, there is a large number of telescopic words that arose in connection with the appearance and rapid development of computer technology and the Internet, such as pixel = picture - element; modem = modulator - demodulator; even the name Internet is telescopic: Internet = inter - network. A striking example is also the name of the large and popular software company Microsoft = microcomputer - software. Telescopisms related to computer terminology are generally international and worldwide in use.
The characteristic features of telescoping units are that they are not fixed in dictionaries in most cases, depend on the context and have a situational character.
Most often, the following parts of speech are formed by telescopic merging of bases: nouns (alcolock = alcohol - lock; movieoke = movie - karaoke); adjectives (beautifect = beautiful - perfect; ginormous = gigantic - enormous); adverbs (absotively = absolutely - positively); verbs (to scurry = scatter - hurry). As a result of the process of telescopic word formation, we most often have nouns.
There are different versions about the reasons for the emergence of telescopisms as a means of forming new words in the language. Some linguists claim that telescopic word formation occurs according to the phenomenon of haplology, that is, the superimposition of morphemes, on the collision of the same or very similar syllables of two words: Ref ereader = referee - reader; Panglosaxonism = pan - anglosaxonism [Omelchenko, Zhykharieva, 2010: 12-16].
In linguistics, there are successive stages of formation of telescopic units. Telescopic units are formed by the presence of two starting elements, so the successive stages are the reduction of one or both bases and the assembly of the shortened bases with each other.
In the English language, there is a classification of telescopic units according to their structural type, that is, according to their composition. In this regard, a) full telescopic words are highlighted; b) partial telescopic words; and c) so-called "haplologues" or "superimposed" telescopisms [Omelchenko, Zhykharieva, 2010: 12-16]. The most interesting to study are full telescoping words, which are created by merging two or more shortened bases. Danks D. proposes a division of complete telescopisms into subgroups [Danks, 2003: 217]:
1) words that are formed by connecting or merging two abbreviated forms of bases. For example, avionics = aviation - electronics; Chinglish = Chinese - English; Dinglish = Deutch - English;
2) words that are formed by merging the beginning of the first element and the beginning of the second. For example, telecon = teletype - conversation; Alcan = Alaska - Canada;
3) words that are formed by combining the initial parts of the abbreviated bases of the original elements, as well as words-ingots of the abbreviated part of the second element and the initial abbreviation, for example: Benelux = Belgium - Netherlands - Luxembourg; Fritalux = France - Italy - Benelux;
4) words formed by merging the beginning of the first component of one element and the middle of the second component of the next element: confab = confer - confabulation;
5) words that are formed by merging the ending of one element and the ending of another: phonematic = telephone - automatic;
In addition to structural classification, semantic groups of telescopic units also have a place in the English language [Renner, 2013]:
1) the value of the telescopic unit is determined by the general ratio of the elements (happentance = happen - circumstance - case). A characteristic difference of this group is that most of the formed units are a combination of syntactically similar elements, therefore they do not convey essential information, but carry an emotional shade of formed telescopism;
2) telescopisms, the general meaning of which also consists of the values of their elements, but contains additional information about the object or phenomenon, but does not determine the relationship of these elements among themselves (Euratom = Europe - atom - ".European Atomic Commonwealth");
3) the meaning of most of the formed words of this group consists of the values of the elements, namely, two elements have different meanings, one of them is the main one, and the second complements or clarifies the meaning of the first one, or vice versa: airgation = air - navigation; girlsical = girl - musical. This group includes mostly partial or haplological telescopic units.
Thus, telescoping units involve contamination, or the so-called "merger" of lexical items both structurally and semantically, according to which they are divided into three groups, they depend on how the semantics of telescoping is defined, which of the elements is dominant and other indicators.
Telescopy is a rather young means of word formation, but its activation is evidenced by the materials of new dictionaries and numerous periodicals. Telescopisms can be faced with in the everyday life and colloquial language of English people, as well as in the mass media, in particular advertising. Many telescopisms are terms due to the absence of polysemy.
Telescopisms permeate all spheres and styles of the modern English language, which is an unconditional indicator of the productivity of this means of word formation and a good reason for further study of this phenomenon.
The purpose of the research is to describe the process of forming new words using such a modern tool as telescoping, and to search for relevant versions of the translation of English telescopisms into Ukrainian.
Presentation of main material of the research. Telescopy as a linguistic phenomenon occupies an important place in the process of creation of neologisms of the modern English language. The compactness and pithiness of telescopic words, which speed up the pace of speech without harming its logical and effective communicative function, contribute to the further expansion of the scope of the telescopic method of word formation in the modern English language.
Telescopic units act as a stylistic means of information transmission, and can be used for the purpose of strengthening expression, and not only for saving of language means.
In the English language, among telescopisms, nouns and adjectives are most often found, other parts of speech are less common, which indicates that during the formation of new words, the speaker first of all needs to name the phenomenon, give it a characteristic, and only then name the action.
Among the neologisms of recent decades, the tendency to increase the number of telescopic formations is highlighted. As a result of the influence of extralinguistic factors, a tendency to compression and the active use of expressive and evaluative language tools, which include telescopic units, which are one of the most effective ways of expressing stylistic coloring in word formation, appeared and consolidated in the modern English language. The lexical level of the English language is the most dynamic, and such a change occurs at this level.
At present, it is impossible to imagine either a social or linguistic environment without mass media, advertising, as well as the Internet, where the desire for prompt presentation of information is especially important. Since one of the functions of telescopic units is the compression of information during its transmission, it is in these areas that you can find the most telescopisms and follow the process and reasons for their formation.
In addition, the fact of the presence and importance of telescopic units in such popular areas today gives reason to consider telescoping as a productive means of word formation.
Telescopisms perform an important function of marking new concepts that take place in society; they come into use and then are recorded in dictionaries.
Moreover, some telescopisms are interesting and comical, which helps to remember them, especially among young people, and further spread and penetrate into various spheres of life.
In one telescopism, not only one concept can be hidden, but rather a whole situation:
Affluenza = affluence (wealth, abundance, financial well-being, abundance) - influenza (flue).
Critiques of affluenza go deeper than puritanical dismay at the aggressive vulgarity of materialism. The centerpiece of the argument is that we are obsessed privately with more income and better goods, and collectively with "growth" and "progress".
Such telescopism is complete, and at the same time it is the result of the fusion of two shortened forms of the bases.
As a telescoping unit, affluenza is also an idiomatic meaning "disease of consumerism".
The meaning of telescoping affluence consists of the values of its elements, but contains additional information about the phenomenon, and therefore belongs to another semantic group.
An example of a telescoping unit, which has a comic character, can be found in the American daily newspaper "Boston Herald": "Speaker Finneran informed his sheeple, I mean people, of their impending "voluntary" pay cuts at a caucus Wednesday afternoon" (The Boston Herald, March 1, 2002).
Sheeple = sheep - people - people who are easy to convince; submissive people who tend to follow the crowd.
The Multitran dictionary translates sheeple as a herd of sheep or people who blindly follow a crowd or a leader.
According to the structural classification, sheeple belongs to partial blends, which are formed using the whole first word and the ending of the second one.
An interesting lexical innovation mentioned in the popular US newspaper "The Denver Post" is flexitarian telescopism: "And that concern has led to a burst of interest in meatless dishes, and a new breed of 'flexitarians' who eat primarily fruits, grains and vegetables, but who won't say no to steak or salmon" (The Denver Post, April 18, 2001).
Flexitarian = flexible - vegetarian - a person who eats mostly vegetarian food, but sometimes eats meat or fish.
Flexitarian is translated by the method of tracing - flexitarian, or by the method of translation reinterpretation - semi-vegetarian.
The first use of this word was recorded in October 1992 in the Austin American-Statesman. It is interesting that in 2003 the American Dialectic Society recognized the word flexitarian as the most popular word of the year and defined it as a vegetarian who sometimes eats meat. Telescoping is a combination of the initial fragment of the first word with the final fragment of the second word. Telescopism is complete, not partial, and according to semantic characteristics can be described as a telescopic unit, the value of which consists of the values of two of its elements, however, these elements have different meanings, one of them is the main one, and the other one is complementary, explanatory or clarifying value of the first. In this case, the defining element is vegetarian.
The lexical innovation of militainment was first mentioned in an American daily regional newspaper, the News Observer, in 2003: "As they compete to satisfy it we're immersed in what's lately been described as "militainment" - news coverage, particularly on the tube, that seems almost to revel in the suspense and excitement, and inevitably the violence and suffering, of combat".(News Observer (Raleigh, NC), March 23, 2003).
Militainment = military - entertainment - military news, or a television channel that broadcasts programs and news about war or military affairs.
The only logical translation is "war news". This telescopism is not recorded in online translators, but is present in use. This is complete telescoping, it is formed from the beginning of one element and the end of the other. The definition is determined by both elements, but the main element is military.
The appearance of such a telescopic unit as a pubilect is relevant:
Publilect = puberty - dialect - dialect used by teenagers.
"Marcel Danesi, a professor of linguistics and semiotics at the University of Toronto who has studied the language of youth and who coined the term 'pubilect' to describe the dialect of pubescence, said he believes like is in fact altering the structure of the English language, making it more fluid in construction, more like Italian or some other Romance language than good old hard-and-fast Anglo-Saxon." --Kirk Johnson, "Today's Kids Are, Like, Killing The English Language. Yeah, Right," The New York Times
This term appeared in 1994, in fact it means the same thing as slang and can be translated as slang, teenage language, teenage dialect.
A contaminant includes the beginning of one element and the end of another, both elements playing the same role in forming the meaning of the formed word.
An interesting phenomenon is mixed telescopisms, in the formation of which a word or part of a word is moved to the middle of the second word. Such telescopism is not easy to understand without dissecting it into its parts, or the elements from which it is formed. Telescopic autopathography can be presented as an example:
Autopathography = autobiography (autobiography) - pathology (pathology, deviation) - coined to denote such an autobiography that focuses on a disease or disorder that upsets the author.
"Oddest of all, perhaps, is that Newman has chosen to tell her story not in the form of a mawkish movie of the week or an angry "autopathography" displayed at Borders, but as an unsentimental solo show". (Los Angeles Times, February 20, 2003)
If both elements of telescopism exist in the Ukrainian language in the form of borrowed words (autobiography, pathology), then it is possible to compose the same telescopism in Ukrainian, but it can be difficult to understand without an additional description.
Telescopism is complete, and its semantics is determined by the combination of the values of its elements.
As the examples show, newly formed telescopisms are not always easy to understand, especially without context. The obvious reason is that the interpretation of this or that contaminant requires the recipient to know the meanings of its components, basic words.
For example, the telescopic word pre-vivor is very difficult to understand:
Previvor = pre (before, before) - survivor (one who remained alive, survived) - a person with primary signs of cancer or with an identified genetic predisposition to the disease.
Previvor is a term of the English-language medical vocabulary, it refers to a semantic group denoting a person, the executor of an action and is translated only by the above descriptive method, previvor cannot be translated by a single word or expression, because this telescopism, without a doubt, needs an explanation and context for a full understanding of the meaning.
Previvor as a neologism was formed from the prefix preand the truncated stem of the word survivor, or rather, the end of the word, due to which we belong to partial blends structurally, and semantically to the group of telescopisms, the meaning of which consists of the values of their elements, but contains additional information about the subject or phenomenon, but does not determine the relationship between these elements.
It is really difficult and almost impossible to guess the meaning of this newly formed word, because none of the two elements includes the concept of cancer or its symptoms, but only the final meaning and translation allow us to reveal the semantics of the term.
Of course, by adding a telescopic unit with a not entirely clear meaning to the statement, the addressee does not aim to confuse the reader, especially when it comes to periodicals, the press, advertising, etc., because information of this kind must be conveyed to the reader in the most accurate form. It is most obvious that telescopisms are used in order to draw maximum attention to the information that is covered, to add a certain shade, to emphasize something. Consider the issue of the British weekly news magazine “The Economist” for January 2008, namely the title of one of the articles “Son of Frankenfood?”, which uses the 34elescopisms of Frankenfood:
Frankenfood = Frankenstein - food - genetically modified food.
Here can be offered two versions of the translation. The first is slang, translated by the method of tracing "Franken food", the second is the literary translation "genetically modified food", which corresponds to the interpretation of the telescopism of Frankenfood. It can also be translated into Ukrainian as "GMO food".
Frankenfood is a partial telescopism formed from two components - the beginning of the first word and the entire second word. The integrity of the second element in the composition of telescopism gives the reader an idea of the semantics of the word.
During the formation of this contaminant, the so-called amalgamation took place, in simpler words, the joining of fragments in which the bases do not have common sounds. There is also fusion, in which common sound elements take place, for example phonesia:
Phonesia = telephone - amnesia - pathological forgetting of telephone numbers.
As for the translation, no dictionary provides a translation of this neologism in Ukrainian. A possible translation is "telephone amnesia", but it needs additional explanation, or it is possible to form the Ukrainian telescopism "teleamnesia". In any case, when using this word, it is necessary to further explain what exactly it is about, in order to avoid misunderstandings on the part of the recipient.
One more example of the appearance of telescopism is the term smog, which is not new, because it was introduced in 1905 by Dr. Henry Antoine de Vaux in the article "Fog and Smoke" (English "Fog and Smoke"), written by order of the Public Health Congress 'I. The next day, a London newspaper wrote that the doctor had done a great service to the public by introducing a new term to describe the London fog [63]. Later, this term came to be used to denote a dense fog in any city, not only in London, i.e. became worldwide.
Smog = smoke - fog - an aerosol consisting of smoke, fog and dust, one of the types of air pollution in large cities and industrial centers.
A literal translation is possible "smoky fog", or tracing - "смог". Tracing translation in scientific research and mass media is used more and more often and does not require additional interpretation due to the widespread use of the term.
The examples of telescoping, which can be found in the field of sports, and therefore in sports news, articles, etc.:
Three-peat = three - repeat - a term used mainly in American sports to denote victory in three championships or competitions in a row.
Three-peat by its construction is structural telescoping and semantically belongs to the second group of telescopic units, the meaning of which consists of the values of their elements, but contains additional information about the object or phenomenon, but does not determine the relationship between these elements. In fact, without knowing the origin of the term and its industry nature, it is difficult to conclude that it is specifically about three wins in a row, and not about anything that happens three times.
Possible translations: "three-fold victory", "to become a champion three times", that is, with the help of such a translation transformation as replacement.
A kind of "hybrid" of two similar concepts is the magalogue contaminant:
Magalogue = magazine - catalog - a term in journalism and publishing that means a catalog in the form of a magazine.
Telescopism is a fusion of the beginning of the first element and the end of the second one, semantically it is a combination of two words from the same semantic field. This term was introduced more for clarification than to denote a new concept, because it is clear that a catalog can be a magazine, and a magazine can be a catalog. So the term magalogue was created to add concreteness.
During translation, you can use the descriptive method - "magazinetype catalog" or "magazine-catalogue", "magazine catalog", "magazine-type catalog". It is impossible to shorten this term, as it happened in English, in Ukrainian.
Continuing the list of telescopic units of an advertising nature, it is worth analyzing the sphere of television, which, trying to satisfy the tastes of several types of its consumers at once, creates non-uniform TV programs that get their names in the form of telescopic units and successfully merge into the language of both television itself and and its consumers. For example, the well-known and widespread name of telenovela:
Telenovela = television (television) - novella (novella, novel) - mainly melodramatic or dramatic series about love.
This word is international, and in almost all languages it is a telescopism, that is, a combination of the words "television" and "novel" or "novela".
In Ukrainian, we say "telenovela", "teleromance", but we also often call this television product "soap opera" (phraseological translation).
Telenovela is a partial telescoping unit formed by merging the beginning of the first element and the entire second element.
From the word telenovela came many other television programs of this type, for example chinovela = Chinese - novela, koreanovela = Korea - novela, asianovela = Asia - novela. The first part indicates the origin of the telecast. Such names are translated only by separating the elements and translating each of them: Chinese novel, Korean novel, Asian novel.
The formation of sitcom (sitcom) is widespread in both Ukrainian and English, but TV viewers are so used to this formation that few people know that sitcom is a telescopic unit, and its derivative in Ukrainian can also be defined as telescopism.
Sitcom = situation (situation) - comedy (comedy) - a genre of comedy in which the same characters in each episode get into comic situations.
Sitcom is a complete telescoping, formed from the beginnings of both elements. The semantics is determined by the values of both elements, both of which are equal in the composition of the telescopic unit.
The literal translation is a comedic situation, but in the Ukrainian language there is and is widely used in television and advertising a telescoping unit sitcom, the elements of which, respectively, are the beginnings of the words situation and comedy.
Language reacts to all events in the life of a modern person. Since in the modern world it is common to combine two meals into one due to lack of time, such neoplasms as brunch, brinner, brupper appeared.
Brunch = breakfast - lunch - eating after breakfast but before lunch.
The nature of the phenomenon is as follows: since it replaces two meals, it consists of products that under normal circumstances are consumed both for breakfast and for lunch. Such breakfast-lunch - brunch - has become popular in many colleges and dormitories, especially on Sundays and weekends.
The most common and well-known translation is "brunch". In the Ukrainian language, however, "brunch" is considered a borrowed word.
Brinner = breakfast (breakfast) - dinner (dinner) - breakfast, which is eaten at the time when dinner is usually eaten.
Online dictionary Multitran also translates brinner as "brunch", but it should be understood that, unlike "brunch", brinner has a place later in time. Other possible translations are "evening breakfast-night", "breakfast for dinner", "breakfast-dinner"
The blend is modeled after brunch, but is not so popular among the English themselves, just like the new brupper:
Brupper = breakfast - supper (dinner) - breakfast, which is eaten at the time when dinner is usually eaten.
Brupper and brinner are similar concepts, but not the same. Dinner is a more formal and early dinner, and supper is a late and lighter dinner, but when translated, these subtleties are not emphasized in any way, because brupper is also "brupper" or "breakfast for dinner", "late evening breakfast", "late breakfast -dinner".
Based on the used translation methods, it can be stated that the most relevant method of translating English telescopisms into Ukrainian is descriptive translation. It conveys the meaning of telescoping in its entirety, further explaining it when necessary. In some cases, it is appropriate to transfer the English abbreviation to an equivalent Ukrainian abbreviation, by the method of transliterations, tracing, or, if possible, by creating a new Ukrainian telescopism that would correspond to the English one.
Conclusions and prospects of the research
Having analyzed the methods of formation, prevalence in use, stylistic and semantic characteristics of the units, we can conclude that the main goal and reason for the formation of new telescopic units is the desire to present information in a compact form, in other words, to say about a phenomenon or concept briefly, but at the same time in detail and understood. Often telescoping units require additional explanation and interpretation.
The telescopy is gaining more and more popularity in various spheres of social life, in particular in mass media, advertising, television, science and its branches, everyday life, work and recreation of modern English people in connection with the desire to reduce the volume of information, make it compact without losing its semantic features.
Over time, more and more telescopic units are fixed in dictionaries, fixed in society, thereby causing discussions and disagreements in the opinions of linguists who have studied this phenomenon.
On the basis of the telescopic units analyzed in the article, we can conclude that telescopy, as an actual way of word formation, cannot be ignored. Telescopisms need further research in both English and Ukrainian because of the difficulties in transferring units from English to Ukrainian and in finding a counterpart that would preserve meaning, stylistic color and structure at the same time. More often, preserving the structural construction is the translator's most difficult task. The translation of telescopic units, the choice of an appropriate translation method, practically always depends on the context.
It is important that telescopic units perform a difficult task in language - they, being expressive and short, convey a large amount of information. Telescopy should be perceived as a separate widespread way of word formation, because it, due to its non-standard word formation functions and dynamism, satisfies the linguistic needs of society, which cannot be fully satisfied by other ways of word formation.
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