Expression of negation by grammatical and lexical means
In almost all languages of the world, the constituents of different language levels are gathered together to create a binary encounter of affirmation, which is considered one of the universal categories. Grammatical units in the formation of existence.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 29.09.2023 |
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Expression of negation by grammatical and lexical means
Shirinova A.I.,
Azerbaijan University of Languages
In almost all languages of the world, the constituents of different language levels are gathered together to create a binary encounter of affirmation, that is, to realize negation, which is considered one of the universal categories. in this article the use of lexical units and grammatical units in the formation of existence (affirmation) and non-existence (negation) relations is discussed. Various examples from the Azerbaijani and English languages were also presented in the article.
It is noted in the linguistic literature that constructs of almost all language levels are collected in the field of negation - morphological means, lexical, syntactic means, as well as derivatives of negation. In this article, we will try to study them in a context based on the factual materials of both languages we are comparing, because when a position, a problem is used or not studied in context, this idea remains weather-dependent, but the context reveals its semantics through cognition. At this time, communication takes place, the intention of the one who puts forward this idea is understood, and at the same time it becomes an indicator of the means by which negation, functional and semantic, is expressed
Speaking about affirmation-negation, looking at what is written in the academic edition of the Azerbaijani language, we see that the meaning of the statement is given to verbs only by the semantics of the word. For example, a high-speed train was moving towards the city, leaving villages and towns behind. Verbs use negation suffixes to denote the expression of the meaning of negation.
In both languages, sometimes negation is expressed by an ordinary word - a corrective word, and sometimes the reverse process of grammatical negation, syntactic negation and even phraseological conjugation can be observed in languages where we are attracted to both comparisons.
Key words: negation indicators, negation in verbs, grammatical negation, communication, transitional parts.
Майже у всіх мовах світу складові різних мовних рівнів збираються разом, щоб створити бінарну зустріч твердження, тобто реалізувати заперечення, яке вважається однією з універсальних категорій. У даній статті обговорюється використання лексичних і граматичних одиниць при формуванні відносин існування (твердження) і неісну- вання (заперечення). У статті також були представлені різні приклади з азербайджанської та англійської мов. grammatical negation communication transitional
У лінгвістичній літературі наголошується, що в області заперечення зібрані конструкції практично всіх мовних рівнів - морфологічні засоби, лексичні, синтаксичні засоби, а також похідні від заперечення. У цій роботі ми спробуємо вивчити їх у контексті, заснованому на фактичних матеріалах обох мов, які ми порівнюємо, оскільки коли позиція, проблема використовується або не вивчається в контексті, ця ідея залишається залежною від погоди, але контекст розкриває її семантику через пізнання. У цей час відбувається комунікація, розуміється намір того, хто висуває цю ідею, і в той же час це стає показником засобів, за допомогою яких виражається заперечення, функціональне і семантичне
Говорячи про твердження-заперечення, дивлячись на те, що написано в академічному виданні азербайджанської мови, ми бачимо, що значення твердження надається дієсловам тільки семантикою слова. Наприклад, швидкісний поїзд рухався в бік міста, залишаючи позаду села і селища. Дієслова використовують суфікси заперечення для позначення вираження значення заперечення.
В обох мовах іноді заперечення виражається звичайним словом-коригуючим словом, а іноді в мовах, де нас приваблюють обидва порівняння, можна спостерігати зворотний процес граматичного заперечення, синтаксичного заперечення і навіть фразеологічного відмінювання.
Ключові слова: показники заперечення, заперечення в дієсловах, граматичне заперечення, комунікація, перехідні частини.
The problem statement
Since the Azerbaijani language is a suffix language, the negation of the verb, as already mentioned, is corrected with the help of a suffix, but in comparative English this question is somewhat different. However, in English there are prefixes denoting negation, which, in addition to negating the verb, have the ability to negate adjectives: like-dislike, kind-unkind, happy-unhappy, appcar-disappcar, etc.
S.Abdullayev emphasizes that the features of the functional-semantic field of negation, micro- and macro-fields, transitional parts, as well as interlevel relations of expression are involved, indicators representing syntactic, lexico-syntactic, lexical, morphological, lexico-semantic and word-formation levels are accumulated [1, p. 33].
The main purpose of the article - to show that negative pronouns create negation by performing various functions in context.
The main material
Depending on whether the time suffixes begin after the negation suffixes with a vowel or consonant, the softness and hardness of the preceding vowel, the forms of the negation suffixes -m,- ma/-ma are processed [3, p. 279].
When we talk about verbs, G. Kazimov emphasizes that each verb consists of signs of form and image, that is, an adjective verb, an infinitive verb, a command verb, a predicate, importance, desire, etc. the three positions before the suffixes of the solid are empty. This is the arrangement of the affective type and negative suffixes of the verb. Affectivity type, negation suffixes are processed in the order we specified, and when they are not processed, the positions remain empty... [2, s. 254].
Speaking about this issue, Bondarenko U.N. notes that the assertion and denial of a judgment, as a rule, are measured by semantic criteria, and true and false (not true) judgments differ in the size of the content by the denial of the referent, the presence/absence of a certain feature or subject. At the same time, the objective absence of something is reflected in the content of the judgment expressing negation -through relations (categories or predicate), difference is manifested, otherwise-being, non-existence, deprivation [4, p. 46].
It seems that the terms “negation” and “grammatical negation” were not accepted unambiguously by different linguists in different periods of time. It seems to us that researchers studying this language category, according to their conclusions, can be divided into two groups. The first direction of their research is the ideas and views of O. Espersin, Y. Vakernagel, A.A. Sukhareva, S.S. Machabeli, A.K. Kochetkov, etc., where their ideas are quite broad in terms of concepts and naturally reflect the lexical phenomenon (manifestation). For example, in English: clever, intelligent-dull, stupid, untelligent unskillful; beautiful-ugly, abominable; beauty-voli- ness, deformity: Azdrbaycan dilindd: gozdl- girkin, duz-dyri, agilli-ddli, agilsiz; fdal-qeyri fdal, arrive- depart, leave, gdlmdk-getmdk.
At the same time, you can create a negation syntactically: to look at smb. with interest-to look at smb. without interest - maraqsiz baxmaq, saddcd bax- maq (mdnasiz-maraq olmadan). A similar case can be found in English in ordinary words: to-gaze-to stare - maraqla, mdhdbbdtld baxmaq, digdrindd isd saddcd gozunu zilldyib baxmaq. He will come/He will not come. O gdldCdk/O gdlmdydcdk, etc.
Such cases can be found in both languages not only at the level of word combinations, but also at the level of phraseological combinations. For example: to work oneself to the bone-belini duzdltmdddn ifdmdk, dayanmadan ifdmdk: to loof (obout), to become loofer- veyil-veyil gdlmdk (gdzmdk), veyilldnmdk-heg bir i§ld md^gul olmamaq. It seems to us that such an approach to negation can be called universal, since on the one hand “being” - “non-being” is expressed through root words, and on the other - through word formation (it would be appropriate to highlight one aspect here.
Another aspect is that the category of negation (the other direction) finds its solution in linguistics in the formal-grammatical direction. In this opinion, we can mention Gulga, Shendels among Germanists, A.M. Peshkovsky, L.V. Zhiritsky, V.A. Trofimova, A.N. Gvozdeva and others among Russian linguists.
In comparison with the Azerbaijani language, English has a significant number of means of expressing negation, which are: grammatical way (not with a grammatical predicate), lexico-grammatical way (neither, never, no how, nowher): with adverbs (neither, never, no how, nowher), lexical way (with variants of prefixes -un,-in, dis-, non-, mis-, less-, bir negd feil - fail, lack, etc.) are also implemented constructively and syntactically, or rather, through stabilized expressions (ask me another! I wish I knew and others).
Let's turn to a fragment of the text from English:
Nothing come of this incident at the time, for the truth is it did not seem conclusive enough to warrant any discussion. Only the atmosphere of distrust and ill-feeling was strengthened, precipitating every now and then little sprinklings of irritable conversation, enlivened by flashes of wrath. The matter of waukesha outing was merely a continuation of other things of the same nature [8, p.243].
- Doktor Buel ild sohbdt hdldlik heg bir ndticd ver- mdmi^di, gunki M-S Herstvudun dri ild sohbdtd giri§- mdsi ugun heg bir subut, heg bir sdbdb vox idi. Lakin inamsizliq vd qarqiliqli ddavdt muhiti getdikcd qati- la§ir vd arabir yungul dsdbilik qasirgalari vd qdzdb partlayifari dogururdu. Voku^a kurortuna getmdk mdsdldsi bu cur toqqu^malarin uzun silsildsinin yal- niz bir hdlqdsi idi.
Another aspect is that in the version of this text translated into Azerbaijani, the words “he? bir” were used, meaning negation, and at the same time the predicate itself was used in negation, which is related to the structure of the Azerbaijani language. If the word “he? bir” had not been processed, a denial could have arisen, but this implied information would have been incomplete, the impact would have been insignificant, and if the predicate had not been refuted, it could not be about absolutely no information, and here it would be possible to directly express both “he? bir” and negative suffix -“ma” together performs a function, and the functional semantics becomes clear through cognition.
We believe that it will enrich the content if we give an example of a text fragment from fiction written in Azerbaijani.
- I remember that the first condition for your chosen art is to be confident. If you cannot fulfill your function behind the wheel in time, with precision, then the other parts striving for “freedom” will not keep your word. Suppose that: you are walking face down, it is a road outside the city. If you are nabalad, suddenly a trick appears in front of you. The work does not end by trying to keep it straight, giving the chest to help so that it does not take the steering wheel by holding it tightly. You need to quickly reduce gas and change speed... [7, p. 64]
As you can see, in this fragment of the text, the person who wants to transmit information sets several conditions, and when these actions occur, he directly dictates to the person performing the action in the form of a sentence that, by fulfilling these conditions, the work is not over yet, that is, he denies his work and, indicating that he still needs should be done, ends the text.
In English, negative pronouns containing neither ... nor, no one, compound negative pronouns are пэ ... пэ da as well as their analog in the Azerbaijani language. In the case of “heckim. heckos, hec no. hec sey” in the Azerbaijani language there are negative pronouns, but in English there is simply nobody, nothing.
In the Azerbaijani language, sometimes the word “hec” is used in the singular and the predicate is negative.
- I have no intention of getting married. My dream is to work and dress my mother like a lady. Let me not let it fall over the throne [7, p. 159].
It seems that negative pronouns create negation by performing various functions in context. First of all, we are trying to explore the features of negation in context (at least at the level of a sentence, not necessarily at the level of a paragraph - as we have already given an example), using the means of expressing negation morphologically in both languages, and lexically by means of expression, because there is a fact that out of context we never we can talk neither about function nor about semantics. In fact, by grammatical means we mean both morphological means and syntactic means, and therefore the morphological means of expressing negation in the Azerbaijani language is the suffixs - ma, - mo - siz, - siz, - suz, - suz (these suffixes, as a rule), meaning the absence of an object or feature expressed by a word with which it ends, and the ending is - li, - li, - lu, - lu in the meaning of words ending in, it expresses the opposite meaning.
When we say morphological negation in English, we can first of all indicate that the negation particle “not” is combined with auxiliary verbs, as well as with modal verbs, forming negation, and that prefixes expressing negation are added at the beginning of words.
V.N. Bondarenko emphasizes that quantitatively negation can be one, two or many. Such negation exists in gender and negative languages, for example, in the Baltic-Slavic, including Russian [7, p. 159]. The same can be said about the Azerbaijani language in many cases, but in English such a situation can be found in very few cases.
In the Azerbaijani language, first of all, negation is expressed by the words “yox”, “deyil” and the conjunctions no, no do. Negative conjunctions no, no do are used in verbs to create a negative meaning.
O.Jespersen notes that it is more convenient to repeat the negation in each appropriate case in order to give the whole sentence a negative tone. Because in this case it is easy to understand the idea. Here, both the speaker and the listener do not need mental strain. Stylistically, this is also correct [5, p. 385].
No siyasi, no do dini goki^molor Doli Domrulu du^undurmu^du. Onun ig dunyasi var idi: aran yay- laq, bir do evinin igi. No Ermonistandaki qirgindan xobori var idi, no do iran-Bizans goki^mosindon. Soru^saydilar, heg hansi pad^ahin dovrundo ya^adi- gini deyo bilmozdi [6, s. 162].
It seems that in the passage of the text that we have cited from the original literature, negation is expressed in different ways, both lexico-grammati- cal way (nothing), grammatical way (not grammatical predicate), lexical way (ill-feeling, distrust), and elements expressing negation, that is, these actions express negation differently more than usual: “explosions of anger - whirlwind”, the denial of any action is both a manifestation and a denial of the normal. In each of these sentences, the predicate itself expresses negation, despite the fact that it is used in the statement.
In the fragment of the text that we give as an example from fiction, neither negative conjunctions were used in two sentences, but in the first sentence the predicate was used in negation and was expressed by the word “dusunmurdu”. Then an intermediate sentence is given in the transmitted information, followed by the predicate “var idi” in graphical form, although it is not used either again or again, but if we consider it both from the point of view of functional semantics and from the point of view of cognitive functions, we can see that in fact “var idi”as implicitly given in the semantics of “xobori yoxdur”, which is not a confirmation. And in the last sentence, in addition to using the word “hec”, the predicate is given in negation as “deyo bilmozdi”. We believe that the ideas put forward by O. Jespersen have found their illustrative confirmation in these proposals, since the transmitted information has become fully understandable to the recipient.
Neither John nor Emma is at home.
Leave me a note in case I am not at home.
Only Joseph doesn't seem to care much whether I love him or not.
However, in the sentences of the English language, which we give as an example, we observe a slightly different case. In a sentence in which the conjunction “neither ... nor” is used, the sentence has a shade of negation, although the predicate is in the statement. In the second sentence, negation is expressed by an auxiliary verb (am + not), and in the third sentence, negation is expressed through an auxiliary verb (does + not), since this is a complex sentence, on the one hand, negation is expressed through an auxiliary verb (does + not), and in the second half of the sentence only “not” is used, and in each case, the negative particle and the words perform their functions. We believe that their functional semantics become fully understandable only in the context and situation, and the transmitted information is understood by the recipient. If necessary, this information can be transferred to the third hearing.
Within the framework of the article, of course, it is impossible to cover all words expressing negation by grammatical and lexical means.
1. Abdullayev, S.A. Category of negation in modern German and Azerbaijani languages, Baku, Maarif, 1998. 279 p.
2. Karman Q. Grammar of the Azerbaijani language. Baku : Science and education, 2017. 942 p.
3. Modern Azerbaijani language. Morphology. Baku : Science-1980. Vol. II. 509 p.
4. Bondarenko V. N. Negation logico-grammatical category. M. : Nauka, 1983. 212 p.
5. Espersen O. Philosophy of Grammar. M., 1958.
6. Alibayov J. My maternal world. Baku : Writer, 1988. 703 p.
7. Afgan Bey Inal. Baku : Writer, 1989. 336 p.
8. Dreiser Th. Sister Carrie. Moscow, 1968. 593 p.
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