Pragmatics of dynamic use of multimodal modus in foreign language learning for bilinguals in Bukovyna

The problems of language study and the immanent perception of the multimodality phenomena. This paper examines the problems present in the study of French for local bilingual students. Local bilingual students who worked with this method showed.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 08.10.2023
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Pragmatics of dynamic use of multimodal modus in foreign language learning for bilinguals in Bukovyna

Namestiuk S.V.,

Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages Bukovinian State Medical University

Stefurak O.V.,

Associate Professor at the Department of Roman Philology and Translation

Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

The problem of language study and the immanent perception of the multimodality phenomena is still exposed. This paper examines the problems present in the study of French for local bilingual students (Romanian-Ukrainian languages). The aim is to consider the motivation for the use of multimodal modus in French classes at the Bukovinian State Medical University (hereinafter BSMU). The novelty of the work is the use of multimodal pragmatics in adjusting the work of beginners in learning French in medical school. As a result of studying the effectiveness of this method, it is assumed that the method of dynamic use of multimodal modus was much more effective than the academic approach. Local bilingual students who worked with this method showed better results compared to those who worked with an academic approach. In the process of learning a foreign language in BSMU, students must not only master the general knowledge of the language, but also use it effectively in the professional sphere. Therefore, foreign language teachers should use a variety of effective teaching aids to improve the teaching effect and objectives of foreign language learning. The pragmatics of multimodal contextual learning of French has become one of the distinguishing features of modern teaching, allowing teachers and students to use different education styles and ways of learning. This paper examines the problems present in the study of French for local bilingual students (Romanian-Ukrainian languages), who previously learned English or German in schools. Pragmatics is considered from a multimodal point of view, as such interaction involves a combination of different categories of modalities and modus. It is illustrated how multimodal pragmatics can be applied to the analysis of pedagogical interaction. As a result of studying the effectiveness of this method, it is assumed that the method of dynamic use of multimodal modus was much more effective than the academic approach. Local bilingual students who worked with this method showed better results compared to those who worked with an academic approach. In six months of learning French with the inclusion of multimodality, novice students performed better on the test than those who studied the language at school. One concludes that the use of a multimodal context for a new model of French language teaching in medical school is of great importance.

Key words: multimodality, academic approach, cohesion, coherence, semiotic resource. multimodality academic approach cohesion


Проблема вивчення мови та іманентного сприйняття явищ мультимодальності залишається актуальною. У цій роботі досліджуються проблеми, які існують у вивченні французької мови місцевими білінгвальними студентами (румунсько-українська мова). Мета - розглянути мотивацію використання мультимодального модусу на заняттях з французької мови в Буковинському державному медичному університеті (далі БДМУ). Новизна роботи полягає у використанні мультимодальної прагматики в коригуванні роботи початківців у вивченні іноземної мови в медичному вузі. У результаті дослідження ефективності цього методу припущено, що метод динамічного використання мультимодального модусу виявився набагато ефективнішим, ніж академічний підхід. Студенти, які працювали за цим методом, показали кращі результати порівняно з тими, хто працював за академічним підходом. У процесі вивчення іноземної мови в БДМУ студенти мають не лише оволодіти загальними знаннями мови, а й ефективно використовувати її у професійній сфері. Тому викладачі іноземної мови повинні використовувати різноманітні ефективні засоби навчання, щоб покращити навчальний ефект і цілі вивчення іноземної мови. Прагматика мультимодального контекстного навчання французької мови стала однією з відмінних рис сучасного викладання, що дозволяє викладачам і студентам використовувати різні стилі та способи навчання. У цій роботі досліджуються проблеми, які існують у вивченні іноземної мови місцевими двомовними учнями (румунсько-українська мова), які раніше вивчали англійську або німецьку мови в школах. Прагматика розглядається з мультимодальної точки зору, оскільки така взаємодія передбачає поєднання різних категорій модальностей і модусів. Проілюстровано, як мультимодальну прагматику можна застосувати до аналізу педагогічної взаємодії. За шість місяців вивчення французької з включенням мультимодальності студенти-початківці показали кращі результати у фінальному тесті, ніж ті, хто вивчав мову в школі. Можна зробити висновок, що використання мультимодального контексту для нової моделі викладання іноземної мови в медичній вищій школі має велике значення.

Ключові слова: мультимодальність, академічний підхід, когезія, когерентність, семіотичний ресурс.

Setting of the problem. Multimodality comes from mode / model and is a system of symbols that can be compared or contrasted. Multimodality is a special way of expressing information in a certain environment. Multimodal modus can be broken down into two or more separate modalities that simultaneously express values [1, c. 27]. Every day we read newspapers, magazines, watch television, collections of short stories, encyclopedias, etc., we are inseparable from multimodality; the gestures and expressions we use when we speak also mean the use of multimodality [5, c. 10]. A multimodal discourse analysis emerged in the West in the 1990s. The concept of multimodal learning was first proposed by the New London Group, which promoted the use of multiple learning methods to mobilize students' different feelings so that they can work together and participate in language learning. Compared to foreign countries, regional studies of multimodal discourse are still in their early stages suggested that in addition to the text, multimodality also contains compositional discourses with images, diagrams, etc., or any text whose meaning is realized by character encoding. Some authors note that multimodal discourse refers to the phenomenon of using different senses, such as hearing, sight, touch, etc., to communicate through language, images, sound, action and other means and symbolic resources [6]. Other accept as true that multimodality refers to the channel of communication and means, including language, technology, images, color, music and other symbolic systems. In the context of the described problem, multimodal pragmatics seems to be relevant [7]. Pragmatics as a branch of linguistics is still a relatively young subject but it can help improve the ability to use language correctly in specific situations and achieve the goal of communication.

Analysis of recent research and publications

Pragmatic competence is defined in two dimensions: pragmatic linguistics, which is that speakers can use different linguistic resources to build discourses in a particular language; and sociopragmatics, which are social conditions that limit and regulate the use of language. In the context of mastering the second language L2, in this article, pragmatics is considered as interlingual pragmatics, which focuses on the study of the use and mastery of forms of discourse of the target language by non-native speakers and local bilinguals. Communication in general, and pragmatics in particular, involves the interaction of various semiotic models that shape human interactions. From the point of view of multimodal pragmatics, given that pragmatics deals with the construction and deconstruction of meaning through interaction between speakers and listeners, it can be argued that the approach of MP (multimodal pragmatics) can be obtained empirically by exploring all conversational aspects of multimodal interaction [2]. Multimodality comes from mode / model and is a system of symbols that can be compared or contrasted. Multimodality is a special way of expressing information in a certain environment.

To the theoretical foundations of teaching French in a multimodal context can be added social semiotics in the plurality of Holliday's theory of systematic functional linguistics. Social semiotics, like pragmatics, are used in social communication and can indicate the intentions of the speaker. The theory of systems functional linguistics considers language in the perspective of social semiotics, emphasizes the potential of meaning (semiotic resource), and other symbolic forms, in addition to language that can express meaning [3, c. 45]. In teaching French, teachers can use a variety of semiotic resources for learning. Scientists proposed the concept of multimodal learning and this allowed teachers to make full use of several modalities in a multimodal context to allow students to receive and impart useful information. This theory of teaching supports the use of pictures, the Internet, role-playing games and other teaching methods to mobilize students to actively participate in language learning and the development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills [4, c. 43]. In addition, multimodal learning also favors the use of a variety of teaching methods, such as communicative methods, interactive listening and speaking methods, dialogic speech, and more. The characteristics of the multimodal pragmatic method of teaching meet the requirements of classroom teaching of French at Bukovina Medical University. There are many benefits to using multimodal learning. For example, it emphasizes that students can use several senses when learning French, which can help students memorize words well. The use of multimodal learning in the classroom can attract students' attention and facilitate the learning of French. Teaching French and giving students the opportunity to use French for effective communication in oral and written form in the professional and social spheres is targeted at the regional level as well at the Department of Foreign Languages of Bukovina State Medical University.

The purpose of the article

The objectives of this work are to show the benefits of using multimodal pragmatics in adjusting the work of beginners in learning French in medical school. Tasks:

- evaluate pragmatics from a multimodal point of view;

- show its interactions, which involve a combination of different categories of modalities and modus in the process of learning French at BSMU;

- demonstrate how multimodal pragmatics can be applied to the analysis of pedagogical interaction in the work with local bilingual students.

Presentation of the main research material

This study analyzes the pragmatics of the dynamic multimodal modus use in the study of a foreign language for local bilingual students in BSMU. A method of dynamic inclusion of multimodal modus in the study of French is proposed, which turned out to be much more effective and less pedantic than the academic approach. The experiment was conducted on 26 first-year students majoring in Medicine at the Department of Foreign Languages of Bukovina State Medical University in the period from September to December 2021. Age range 17-18 years. Thirteen of the twenty-six students this year began learning French in courses (previously taught English or German) and were selected for testing. Three of them were real beginners in French, the rest studied French during school. That is, 16 students can be considered beginners in learning French. Six students who are able to complete the task (four other students write very slowly and cannot take the tests during a special session) were selected to take the test as part of this work. Thirteen participants turned out to be bilingual (Romanian-Ukrainian language). Sixteen newcomers and they had unsatisfactory skills in learning and memorizing the material and formed a group of participants with a uniform level of written speech skills. The first group, consisting of 10 students, was taught according to an academic approach. The second group (16 students) used the dynamic inclusion of multimodal modus in the study of French. Among the students conducted tests that included tasks - work on the test. Explanations for the use of each method were described in detail for each test version. Two consecutive tests were performed using the classical approach of memorizing grammatical and lexical material to determine the effectiveness of individual methods and possible combinations of the two methods. Students were informed that they took part in two comparative tests. Three of the unselected students also took the tests. As expected, their result was partial, they were also included in the analysis. The tested texts were unknown to the participants, otherwise it distorted the results, as they were tests for memorizing the material. On the day of the test, they were given lexical materials in French and its phonetic reproduction, each participant tried to reproduce the word in writing. It means they were already acquainted with the vocabulary. This study describes in detail only the actions of students who use the method of dynamic inclusion of multimodal modus in the study of French, as academic methods have already been described in many scientific papers. In the so- called analysis phase, group №2 had to read the text in the target language (L2), analyze each part in detail (words, structures, etc.), and then pass it on to their native language (L1). The key point, especially in the case of French, is to always supply yourself with text that includes more than just vocabulary with transcriptions of alleys and audiovisual material. The main goal is to find better conditions for students to understand the material. In this sense, the advent of the Internet has revolutionized language learning. It is still a «quiet» revolution in which most people have not yet figured out how to use this vast resource. The usefulness of this resource is required for the proposed method of learning French. Virtually any textbook can now be found on the Internet, it is a very useful and effective tool that allows not only to use the text, but also to show the meaning of each word through pop-ups. Texts can be printed out and a glossary completed at the end. If the sound does not play, you can copy and paste the text and place it in the appropriate fields so that the speech synthesizer can read it for you. No less important technical support - Google Translate provides a rough translation of the text. The program works very well with languages with a fairly simple syntax. In the absence of digital text, you can also work with a simple manual that provides translation into the student's native language, the procedure is largely the same: you need to read the text in French (L2) and understand and analyze keeping in mind the global and its unique parts. It is important to emphasize that the ability to translate texts, accompanied by explanations of words and grammatical rules, is revolutionary in the sense that avoids the use of dictionaries. Finding a word in a dictionary can be quite a time-consuming and costly affair. Therefore, the homogeneous use of multimodal modus in learning is productive and facilitates learning. The limitation of this work is the number of students, so the results reflect the reality only in the perspective of this sample. Such a small number of participants is due to the small number of students majoring in «Medicine» in connection with the global pandemic. Therefore, in the long run, it would be interesting to conduct research on a larger number of students to obtain more relevant results.


At the stage of phase synthesis, it was necessary to read the text in the native language L1 and translate it into the target language (L2). The first group worked with dictionaries and used the manual. In the case of the second group for learning French, they were recommended to work on a computer using typing software. For our students, the simplest and most intuitive tool was the Read & Write for Google Chrome software ™. This is one of the best extensions for language learners (not just French). Key features: the ability to translate text into language and vice versa, built-in dictionaries with the meanings of words (including transmitted through images), contextual recommendations, audio and video support. You can also add a French panel in Windows (Control Panel> Language and Regional Standards> Speakers tab> Add-ons> Add). This technology allows you to write directly in French in a Word file, this operation is very useful. By doing so, you will not only continue to learn pronunciation (through numerous reading and listening sessions), but will also help to distinguish and recognize the correct spelling of words. After installing the necessary tools, you need to establish a practical schedule, cyclical and dynamic way that will allow you to approach, session by session, to the text in different ways (Table 1):

the handwritten introduction in French (for testing), the following steps could be added to the above program (Table 2):

After performing the above steps, testing was performed and a percentage evaluation was performed. and other aspects of this teaching method. While teaching French at BSMU, the development of students' skills in multimodal literacy can not only direct them to use multimedia and other technical means in this information age to understand the meaning of French discourse, but also increase their intercultural awareness and help them understand French. However, teachers should also pay attention to the proper use of multimodal teaching methods to avoid some negative consequences in learning. As the analysis of multimodal discourse influences the teaching of French in medical schools, further research is needed to make its application in French teaching more specific and in-depth. The information age brought a multimodal method of learning, which contributed to the development of multimodal discourse analysis. Research on the application of multimodal context in teaching French in the information age and cultivating students' abilities for multimodal reading is not only very positive for teaching French, but also extremely important for the development of French teaching. The problem of language study and the immanent perception of the multimodality phenomena, cohesion and coherence is still exposed. Multimodality pragmatic competence is realized as people's communication through the speech, gestures, expressions and other visual forms or perception and information through various semiotic resources. The results of the study showed that the use of dynamic multimodal use of various modus in learning French for bilingual local students in BSMU in combination with the use of technical support is productive and optimal for students. Cognition of the language environment through multimodality has shown positive dynamics. An important factor at the stage of learning French is the typology with the native language. This proved to be crucial for language acquisition and memorization. At the same time, it is necessary to introduce the student to the national-traditional environment in the process of learning French. The practical and scientific value of the research lies in the evidential potential of building French language learning and, in particular, easy memorization of vocabulary, combining traditional methods with the integration of new ones, which involves the use of multimodal modus and computer technology. Possible areas of application of the research results are French for regional bilingual universities, in the field of pedagogy, linguistics, French culture and civilization.

Group 2 was encouraged to ignore written instruction, focusing exclusively on phonetics, pronunciation, and oral perception. The main goal was to first study the sound of the word (as well as its meaning), and only then its spelling.

Table 1

Stages (steps) of work with the set text

Step 1

Listening and reading (comparison and translation on L1)

Step 2

Analysis (phrase-sentence showing unknown structures and terms)

Step 3

Repetition (listening and reading, only orally)

Step 4

Translation of L1 (thesis proposal, without viewing the available translation)

Step 5

Repetition (listening and reading)

Step 6

Synthesis of L2 (translation, thesis reproduction, final error checking)

Table 2

Learning steps with read & write for google chrome ™

Step 1

Listening and reading (comparison with L1 translation)

Step 2

Analysis (phrase-sentence showing unknown structures and terms)

Step 3

Repetition (listening and reading, handwriting)

Step 4

Translation L1 (handwritten entry with access to translation)

Step 5

Repetition (listening, reading, writing)

Step 6

Synthesis of L2 (written translations, final error checking)

Step 7

Copying text

Step 8

Writing text

Table 3

Results and evaluation of students by tasks in percentage





Writing new


- glossary

Group 1 (academic method)





Group 2 (dynamic multimodal method)





Thus, during the first month students translated only orally. At this stage, you could auto-check and check old texts using Read & Write for Google Chrome ™. When it became necessary to improve

As a result of the study of the effectiveness of methods (table 3), it is assumed that the method of dynamic use of multimodal modus was much more effective than the academic approach. Students who worked with this method showed better results compared to those who worked with an academic approach. In six months of learning French with multimodality included, novice students performed better on the test than those who studied the language at school.


One concludes that multimodal learning is based on systemic functional linguistics, which considers language, sound, images, video, etc. as a form of transmission of meaning, and has a systemic diversity. In the process of teaching French, teachers should use multilevel and multimodal teaching methods to make teaching French smoother and more effective, and students can effectively perform French listening, speaking, reading, writing


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3. Сазоненко Г Педагогічні технології. К.: Шк. світ, 2009. 128 с.

4. Заболотна О. Інноваційні технології викладання іноземних мов в умовах інтернаціоналізації освітнього простору. Порівняльно-педагогічні студії. 2014. № 4(22). С. 39-51.

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